Webobjects WoLips Wonder Tutorial Questions

2008-10-13 Thread Shaun Higgins
I have been following the tutorial "WO_WOLips_Wonder_Tutorial_Part_1". The
tutorial is wonderful and answers a lot of questions I had about setting up
a project using wolips. I am running into a few problems with this tutorial

1. For some reason migrations is not creating the table. I can create the
table using the generate SQL button however, Migrations does not create the
table. (I am using a separate MySQL sever).
2. When Webobjects generates the .java and _ .java it places them into
Sources/(default package) rather than com.login.model. How do I set where
the generated java files are placed?
3. When I run the program and type in a valid username / password using the
fetchRequiredUser function I get a classCastException on _fetchUser in
_User. Could this be cause from me creating  a com.login.model package and
moving the contents of the default package into this folder?
*After I refreshed _User.java User.java reappear in the default package and
now I have duplicates.

Thank You,

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SQL Server 2005 Support Request 2

2008-09-30 Thread Shaun Higgins
I am having problems connecting Entity Modeler to SQL Server 2005 DB. I am
using webobjects v5.4.3
First of all I found the last two articles on this subject extremely
helpful. Each article got me closer to connecting to the database. I had the
same problem as displayed in "RE: Microsoft SQL support"
http://lists.apple.com/archives/Webobjects-dev/2007/May/msg00354.html. This
corrected my Driver not found in Java Runtime error.

However, the error that I now get is: Failed to Generate SQL. No suitable

I have tried placing Microsoft the 2005 JDBC Driver (sqljdbc.jar) in
Library/Java/Extensions. Used all the versions I could find 1, 1.1, 1.2 and
2.0. All with the same result

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Wonder AJAX Fileupload problem.

2008-04-09 Thread shaun


I'm having trouble using the AJAX FileUpload component from Wonder.
FWIW this is the first time i tried to use any Wonder AJAX components.

Basically I have used the example code that comes with wonder and have
used that in my test project but when i hit the page containing the
fileupload the page just re-renders the fileupload component over and
over again until the 'done' alert is displayed.

Any idea why this would happen?


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Re: String Qualifier for Number

2008-03-13 Thread shaun

Chuck Hill wrote:

On Mar 13, 2008, at 10:47 AM, Carter Wojcik wrote:

Hi All -

My users want to have the ability to search on a
Number attribute, but use String qualifiers such as
Contains ('*value*'), Begins With ('value*'), Ends
With ('*value').

I have a table named part that contains a primaryKey
named part_id (Number and exposed) and a String called

Is there a way to create an EOQualifier that
replicates the SQL in the example below?

Example: Select all parts with a part_id that begins
with 3.
select * from part where to_char(part_id) like '3%';


Add a new attribute called partIDAsString
Set the column to part_id
Set the datatype as string
Mark it as read only
Set the read format to to_char(%P)

Then make a qualifier on partIDAsString.

Interesting approach. I hope it works.

The other day I was trying to do exactly the same thing as descibed by 

I used the Wonder RegExQualifier class as a base for my own EOQualifier 
implementation and created the sql as required calling to_char(id)
it was all going well up until it actually had to do the fetch, thats 
when JDBCColumn in the JDBCAdaptor classes got in the way and spoiled 
the fun; it checks that the object type provided matches the models type 
 but '%1001%' is NAN so it throws an Exception. I'm not sure if there 
is somethign i can do to get around this or not?

At that stage i figured i needed to try something else. Your idea above 
is next in line.

 - shaun

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Re: Slogan

2007-11-06 Thread shaun

Q wrote:

On 07/11/2007, at 12:33 PM, Ian Joyner wrote:

BTW, to continue the improvement in the grammar of the sentence:

"If you're not using WebObjects, you're doing things the hard way."

Shouldn't that be "If you'se ain't usin WebObjects, yous're doin  
thins the 'ard way."?

or maybe

"If you aren't using WebObjects things are WOfully hard"

Nah, an aussie slogan would be more like

"If you're usin' WebObjects, things are WO-Bloody-Beautiful mate!"


"WebObjects - So where the bloody hell are you?"

Then a Kiwi may say something like:

 WO Bro! ey.

Or not.. :)

cheers bro,
 - shaun
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Re: How does WO enforce serial request processing per session?

2007-08-28 Thread shaun

Peter Vandoros wrote:
We have a situation where we Single Sign On with a 3rd party system. When the 
user SSO's into our system, we need to keep their session alive in that 3rd 
party system for when the user re-enters that system. We do this by having a set 
of TimerTask's firing every X minutes. The idea is that if we detect that the 
user's session in the 3rd party system is no longer valid, we have to kick the 
user off our session. Essentially, logging the user out of our system.

In this case, we need access to our WOSession in order to log the user out.

How about something along the lines of:

Every n minutes check the 3rd party system for session validity
  if 3rd party session is invalid then
 put sessionId in application.sessionsToTerminate.
  end if

When WOApp session.awake is invoked
 if sessionId is in application.sessionsToTerminate
 end if

 - shaun

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Re: SQL Query Generation

2007-08-11 Thread shaun

Michael Xenakis wrote:

All -

I'm trying to solve a lil' problem here.  The semi-short story is  that 
prior to doing a fetch, I'm going to do a raw SQL fetch to  determine 
how many rows would be returned - i.e., I'll do a "select  count(*)" 
based on the search parameters.  If the count is greater  than a 
predetermined fetch limit, then I respond w/ a message to  further 
restrict the query.

To do this, I build my qualifiers as usual create a fetch spec based  on 
the qualifiers and then pass them into a JDBCExpression.  The code  
looks like this:

EOFetchSpecification fetchSpec = new EOFetchSpecification 
(entityName, searchQualifier, null);

JDBCExpression sqlExpression = new JDBCExpression(entity);
(entity.attributes(), false, fetchSpec);

String rawSQLQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " +  
entity.externalName() + " WHERE " + sqlExpression.whereClauseString();

if (!sqlExpression.joinClauseString().equals("")) {
rawSQLQuery = rawSQLQuery + " AND " +  


Unfortunately, the where clause being generated by .whereClauseString () 
is parameterized, e.g.,

What I can't seem to figure is how to get the string returned w/ the  
parameters replaced w/ the actual bound values.

So, first, am I heading down the right path or is there a better way?

If I am headed in the right direction, what am I missing?

You can use EOSQLExpression and bindVariables to substitute the keys and 
values.  Something along the lines of the follwoing:

Note: there are numerous problems with this code as it stands,

. BigDecimal formatting might not be right anymore Java 5 changes need 
to call method other than toString(), should be toPlainString()? I think.

. Date formatting, Oracle specific?

EOSQLExpression expression.../ assume it exists.

 String sql = expression.statement();
  NSArray bindVariables = expression.bindVariableDictionaries();
if( (bindVariables == null) || 
(bindVariables.count()==0) ) return true;

for(int i=0; iNSDictionary bindVariable = (NSDictionary) 
String name = (String) 
Object value = 
EOAttribute attribute = (EOAttribute) 

//TODO check for data type.

String formattedValue = "";

if( value == null )
formattedValue = "NULL";
else if( attribute.externalType().equals("DATE") )
formattedValue = 
%H:%M:%S")+"','-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')";

else if( attribute.externalType().equals("NUMBER") )
formattedValue = value.toString();

else formattedValue = "'"+value.toString()+"'";

sql = StringUtils.replaceStringFirstMatch(sql, "?", 



- shaun
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Re: Flex integration with WO

2007-08-09 Thread shaun


I have been using flex with WO for about 8-10 months now, building a new 
UI for new section of an existing app at the moment. Basically, the 
approach I have taken is using flex HTTPService calls to direct actions 
that return XML.
The direct actions generate XML using some custom xml generation classes 
that make use of key value coding to inspect EOEntities, EOAttributes 
etc. but i digress...

Having the result format set to "array" in Flex makes building a object 
graph on the client-side pretty painless. I've also built a EOGenerator 
style script to generate Actionscript classes for the client side based 
on EOModel attributes, which makes things a bit easier.

I wanted to look into make LiveCycle Data services work with WO but its 
not supported on OSX at the moment and there have been way too many cool 
new things to get stuck into with Flex2/3 and AIR(beta) to bother, and 
they approach I've used so far works great.

I dont think I'll bother building anymore WO UI's from now on. The flex 
stuff is WAY too nice. For me, WOComponent & WODynamicElements died 
(RIP) about 8 or 9 months ago..

IMO flex is the future of rich UI web applications. AJAX, HTML, no thanks.

Pascal Robert wrote:
I'm looking at Flex 2 right now, and I was wondering if any of you is  
playing with this tech and if you are trying to integrate it with WO ?

I guess I need to create a WO implementation of AMF3 so that data  
exchange is easier than using SOAP :-)

 - shaun
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Re: editingContext.deleteObject(object) immediately destroys relationships?

2007-04-08 Thread shaun

Miguel Arroz wrote:


  I'm having a very very strange bug here.

  I have a context where I store some objects but I do not save it  yet. 
Specifically I have one object that was created, and has  relationships 
with other objects, but it's still not stored on the DB.

  Depending on what the user does, that object may be deleted again  
(before it's saved to DB).

  The problem is that after deleting it, apparently it's still  showing 
up on some relationships. IE, object A is related to B. I  delete B, but 
A still has B in it's b() array. Is this normal?

Are you calling removeObjectFromBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey before 

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Re: Display Correct Date and Time from Oracle DB

2007-01-23 Thread shaun


Carter Wojcik wrote:

Hi All -

I have reversed engineered my model from an Oracle 10g
db.  Most of the entities have date added and date
updated attributes (containing both date and time
pieces).  I would like to display both the date and
time to the user (example: 22 Jan 2007 14:24).

Here is the information from the models plist:
columnName = "DATE_ADDED"; 
externalType = DATE; 
name = dateAdded; 
valueClassName = NSTimestamp; 
valueType = D; 

The columns are of type DATE in the database.

I am able to get the day, month, year to display
correctly using the supplied dateformat attribute in
wostring.  Then when I want to just display the time
portion, midnight (00:00 or 12:00 AM) is displayed
even though there is an actual time in the database.

Thanks for any help/pointers.


Have a quick read of this document regarding oracle dates and times. You 
might need the following to get the correct behaviour when updating 
DATE(date & time) attributes using EOF as well as setting the valueType = T.

java -Doracle.jdbc.V8Compatibility="true" MyApp


I have been using oracle 10g in a dev environment for about 6 months or 
so with data imported from an oracle 8i database.

I found that I needed to use the V8Compatibility arg above and to make 
sure that valueType = T was set for NSTimestamps which mapped to oracle 
DATE attributes containing date & time information otherwise updates failed.

You might want to ensure you have the correct drivers aswell.
Oracle jdbc drivers:

 - shaun
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Re: HTML to PDF?

2007-01-02 Thread shaun

Galen Rhodes wrote:
I know this question doesn't directly involve WebObjects but it is  
something that I'm trying to integrate into a WebObjects application  so 
I'll just toss it out there anyways...

Does anyone know of any solution for converting HTML to PDF that will  
run on the Mac platform?  It needs to be a solution that is either A)  a 
Java library that I can integrate into my WebObjects application or  B) 
an application that can run on Mac server and be triggered from  the 
WebObjects application by some means.  The input is flexible, I  could 
give it a URL or pass it the HTML directly.  The output is  equally 
flexible in that I could accept the raw output or a filename  where the 
output is stored.

It doesn't matter if it's free or commercial as long as the price is  
not astronomical and the results look decent.

You could try: http://www.htmldoc.org/

 - shaun
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Re: WOConditional Question

2007-01-02 Thread shaun

Chuck Hill wrote:
That is generally how it is done.  We have a KeyValueConditional in  our 
frameworks or in the PracticalWebObjects code that has bindings  like:

Foo: KeyValueConditional {
key = someKey;
value = someValue;
negate = false;

Where the condition evaluates to true if key.equals(value).  I am  
pretty sure that Wonder has this also.  Or you could use WOOgnl from  

There is also a WOKeyValueConditional component in the woextensions library.


The key needs to be a keypath in quotes, eg)
kvc : WOKeyValueConditional{
  key = "bar";
  value = blah;

 - shaun
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Re: Best way to generate unique IDs that are not PKs

2007-01-01 Thread shaun

Florijan Stamenkovic wrote:

Hi all,

I have a need in several of my tables to generate identifying  numbers, 
but relative to a certain relationship. So, if there is a  Book, I need 
to generate number 6 for it if Author currently relates  to 5 other 
books... I have an approach of doing this, please anyone  tell me if 
there is a better way to do it!

My approach:

1.Lock the working thread on a monitor that is "static final" in my  
SessionWorker class
2.Get the next number by using aBook.valueForKeyPath 
("[EMAIL PROTECTED]");//can not use @count in case of  
previous deletions

3.Set the next number in aBook
4.Save the changes of my working editing context
5.Release the synchronization lock

Is there way to use EOF locking to lock on the database? It seems to  me 
that would be more appropriate for what I am doing then the plain  Java 
thread synching, and would work even if there were multiple  application 
servers running, where the above approach would not. Any  other ideas 
where this might flop and how to prevent it?

You might want to put a DB constraint on the column if you haven't 
already. You could then catch the constraint violation exception and 
take appropriate action.

I use a custom database function to do this type of thing. I use raw 
rows sql to select the next value from the function, then stuff the 
value into the relevant EO attribute.

 - shaun
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2006-12-13 Thread shaun

Art Isbell wrote:

On Dec 13, 2006, at 12:55 PM, shaun wrote:

Amedeo Mantica wrote:

a simple question…

Jikes is a lot faster that Javac. Thats about it AFAIK.

I've heard that claim as well, but also that recent javac versions  
have closed the performance gap.  So I really don't know whether  jikes 
still has a performance advantage.  However, I do prefer the  greater 
number of warnings that jikes can be configured to produce  (e.g., by 
adding the "+P +Pall +Pno-serial" compiler arguments).

Oh yeah.. I forgot about the compiler warnings. Its been a couple of 
years or more since I used Jikes. I dont care if my apps take a bit 
longer to compile these days, it just means I have more time to drink my 
coffee :)

 - shaun
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2006-12-13 Thread shaun

Amedeo Mantica wrote:

a simple question…


I looked in google, but unable to find benefits / advantages between  
these compilsrs…


Jikes is a lot faster that Javac. Thats about it AFAIK.

- shaun
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Oracle and NVARCHAR2 with WO/EOF?

2006-11-22 Thread shaun


Replying to this post:

Says you can do the following to setFormOf(..) across the board.


Obviously, doing so has some issues(see link above). Might not be a 
problem if all your columns are NVARCHAR2 though.

- shaun
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Re: Earliest object in a table

2006-11-22 Thread shaun

Baiss Eric Magnusson wrote:

There must be a few lines, utilizing EOUtilities calls,
that would yield the earliest object, date wise, (there is a stored  
NSTimestamp field), from a table "Posts".

Would someone care to share them?

Perhaps something like the following:
String sql =
"select id from post where created_date=
(select min(created_date) from post)";

//whatever the rawrows method is called.
NSArray results = EOUtils.rawRowsForSQL(sql)

NSDictionary row =(NSDictionary)results.objectAtIndex(0);

//whatever the method is called.
Post p = (Post)EOUtils.objectFromRawRow(row);

 - shaun
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Re: WebObjects Exception Details..

2006-11-21 Thread shaun


FWIW. I dont use Xcode, using WO 5.3.something for development. I dont 
get a stack trace in the WO exception page when not using direct 
connect(DC) but I do get a stack trace in the browser when using DC.

Chuck Hill wrote:

This just started in Xcode 2.4 / WO 5.3.2 (or is it 5.3.3 now?)?

On Nov 14, 2006, at 1:06 PM, Baiss Eric Magnusson wrote:

I also have this problem, I've let it pass because I throw all my  
exceptions to

but it has been a significant detriment.

I tried from Terminal's command line
set WODebuggingEnabled true

And added to the Active Executable Arguments

But no stack...

From: Jean-Fran?ois Veillette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

try : WODebuggingEnabled true

From: Chuck Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have seen this, or something like this, happen several versions ago
when the WOExceptionPage was shipped with an error in the .wo.  Check
the app logs and see if there is a reference to such an error.  Also
try creating and returning this page manually to see if you can find
the error.  The WOComponent Editor in WOLips might also be of help in
determining if this is the cause.


The WOExceptionPage.WO validates.
In Console/Logs/console.log, I assume this is the , I  
don't see the stack.

On Nov 13, 2006, at 9:28 AM, james o wrote:

I'm no longer getting detailed Exception Descriptions in my browser
window.  no Line#, File, Method, etc...  i'm using XCode 2.4
(downloading 2.4.1 now) on OS X Client 10.4.8 and WO 5.3.

help, it's become really difficult to locate my exceptions without
reference to any line or method.

Baiss Eric Magnusson

 - shaun
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Re: WebObjects Exception Details...

2006-11-13 Thread shaun

james o wrote:
I'm no longer getting detailed Exception Descriptions in my browser  
window.  no Line#, File, Method, etc...  i'm using XCode 2.4  
(downloading 2.4.1 now) on OS X Client 10.4.8 and WO 5.3.

help, it's become really difficult to locate my exceptions without  
reference to any line or method.


The log file should be helpful and provide a stack trace. grep for 
NullPointerException or something like that.

 - shaun
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Re: Eclipse / wolips / X-Code –– Baffled

2006-10-16 Thread shaun

Mike Schrag wrote:
No, I dont think that is the intention. Also, Mike Schrag's entity  
modeller is currently an eclipse plugin but he said that it wouldnt  
be hard to make it run standalone.

Correction, I said it would be POSSIBLE :)

Oh dear, my mistake. Sorry about that. :)

That might have been a joke, but using a decent text editor to  manage 
model files is a lot easier than you may think.

Yikes.  Easy in that they're all text files.  Super annoying to  
actually do for real, though ... The file specification for eomodels  is

Nah, its not too bad.. really. Ahh heck, who am I kidding, I think i'm 
the only one on the planet that doesnt mind editing eomodel .plists with 
emacs. But you _do_ get used to it and its a breeze...

pretty obnoxious.  Several cases of unnormalized data just waiting  for 
you to trip up on.  Probably the same reaction WOB people have  when I 
say I prefer the WOD Editor in Eclipse :)

Heh, well, I use a split emacs window a lot of the time for both, html 
and wod so I'm not saying a thing.. Although I have enjoyed using 
netbeans 5.something over the last few months.. I love being able to 
collapse the html.

- shaun
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Re: Eclipse / wolips / X-Code –– Baffled

2006-10-16 Thread shaun

Hi Chuck, Andrew, list,

Chuck Hill wrote:

Hi Andrew,

On Oct 16, 2006, at 1:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Is it the intention of Apple that eclipse will be the only viable  
platform for WO development?

No, I dont think that is the intention. Also, Mike Schrag's entity 
modeller is currently an eclipse plugin but he said that it wouldnt be 
hard to make it run standalone.

I was not aware that Xcode ever was a viable platform for WO  
development.  Grin.

I expect that Xcode will always be able to build WO apps.  But once  the 
other tools go away, you would need to use Eclipse and WOLips to  edit 
models, components, etc.  Well, that or emacs.

That might have been a joke, but using a decent text editor to manage 
model files is a lot easier than you may think.

It's also very easy to write scripts using something like perl, to 
create, update or copy these files or do things like list relationships, 
attributes, whatever you like. You can do a tonne of things with this 
approach, for example, list all attributes that have a varchar2 STATUS 
attribute with length = 1, across all models in an app and all its 

It even easier now than it used to be because the eomodel bundle specs 
are available. Not using a GUI to build eomodels is actually quite 
liberating. As is command line build, package, bundle, deploy. For 
example, I use a single command to clean, build, package, scp, and 
deploy to a local dev server, its a beautiful thing..  :)


 - shaun

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WebObjects Developer position, Melbourne Australia

2006-10-12 Thread shaun


The company I work for is looking to hire an experienced WebObjects 
developer for fulltime work in our Melbourne office. If you are 
interested, contact me off list.

 - shaun

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Re: Problem with Oracle adapter and update

2006-10-10 Thread shaun


Tarun Reddy wrote:

On Oct 10, 2006, at 8:02 PM, shaun wrote:


Tarun Reddy wrote:

On Oct 10, 2006, at 7:02 PM, Art Isbell wrote:

On Oct 10, 2006, at 2:36 PM, Tarun Reddy wrote:

Trying this in sqlplus with this statement:
NULL AND CATEGORY_OID = 6 AND IDEADESC = "afdsafadsfasfa"  AND  
"2006-10-08 00:00:00" AND USER_OID = 1)";

ORA-00972: identifier is too long

You have an unmatched double quote near the end of the above   
statement.  This might cause the error in your sqlplus test, but   
probably not in your WO app.

If you eliminate the unmatched double quote, replace the  
remaining  double quotes with single quotes, and rerun the  
statement in  sqlplus, does the error still occur?  Searching  
Google for  "ORA-00972" produced one response that claimed that  
this bogus  error message can occur when double quotes are used.

Another Google search results states that an incorrect column  
name  can cause this error.  Is it possible that an attribute in  
your  eomodel has a column name that doesn't match a column name  in 
the  IDEA table?

First off, I appreciate your help!
I changed the SQL to
NULL AND CATEGORY_OID = 6 AND IDEADESC = 'afdsafadsfasfa' AND   
('2006-10-08 00:00:00', '-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')  AND USER_OID = 1)

  2  ;
That returned 0 rows updated.
It seems like the SQL generated is off. I think it is the  
SUBMIT_DATE  part. My SQL maybe off.
NULL AND CATEGORY_OID = 6 AND IDEADESC = 'afdsafadsfasfa' AND   

What is the oracle data type for the SUBMIT_DATE attribute?

Hi Shaun,

SQL> desc IDEA
Name  Null?Type


In my EO Model

submitDate maps to SUBMIT_DATE with
External Type of DATE
Value Class (Java) of NSTimestamp
Value (not sure what this might affect) of D

I have this in my notes regarding value type:
For attributes with a Value Class of NSTimestamp the following value 
types are defined:


These value types affect how the data is transfer between the JDBC 
adaptor and the database. An empty Value Type uses get/setObject() on 
the ResultSet and PreparedStatement. It assumes the database can provide 
a value compatible with a java.sql.Timestamp. A 'D' indicates 
WebObject's JDBC adaptor should use get/setDate. A 't' indicates 
get/setTime(), and a 'T' uses get/setTimestamp(). The 'M' value type is 
a workaround for a bug in some MS SQLServer JDBC drivers. It only 
support java.sql.Date.


I thought that I used T usually, but looking at some of my models I have 
nothing set for a lot of the oracle DATE fields. The info above 
indicates that if you only want the date portion then use a D, if you 
want Date and time ie) a timestamp then use T.

Also, I'm using NSCalendarDate not NSTimestamp for valueClassName in my 
eomodels. Using NSTimestamp in the classes. I have a much older version 
of Oracle and WO5.3. FWIW most of my eomodels are also quite old now.

 - shaun

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Re: Problem with Oracle adapter and update

2006-10-10 Thread shaun


Tarun Reddy wrote:

On Oct 10, 2006, at 7:02 PM, Art Isbell wrote:

On Oct 10, 2006, at 2:36 PM, Tarun Reddy wrote:

Trying this in sqlplus with this statement:
00:00:00" AND USER_OID = 1)";

ORA-00972: identifier is too long

You have an unmatched double quote near the end of the above  
statement.  This might cause the error in your sqlplus test, but  
probably not in your WO app.

If you eliminate the unmatched double quote, replace the 
remaining  double quotes with single quotes, and rerun the statement 
in  sqlplus, does the error still occur?  Searching Google for  
"ORA-00972" produced one response that claimed that this bogus  error 
message can occur when double quotes are used.

Another Google search results states that an incorrect column 
name  can cause this error.  Is it possible that an attribute in your  
eomodel has a column name that doesn't match a column name in the  
IDEA table?


First off, I appreciate your help!

I changed the SQL to
NULL AND STATUS = 'P' AND SUBMIT_DATE = to_date ('2006-10-08 00:00:00', 
'-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')  AND USER_OID = 1)

  2  ;

That returned 0 rows updated.

It seems like the SQL generated is off. I think it is the SUBMIT_DATE  
part. My SQL maybe off.


What is the oracle data type for the SUBMIT_DATE attribute?

 - shaun
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Re: Dealing with URLs length

2006-10-10 Thread shaun

Miguel Arroz wrote:


On 2006/10/10, at 21:50, Chuck Hill wrote:

Interesting  I never tried that.  Thanks for the tip!  You just  have 
this then?

WebObjectsAlias /WebObjects

  Yap! :) Taking the cgi-bin part out makes the URL look much better!


Cool. Thanks for that info. I think that is definitely Wiki worthy(if 
its not there already).

 - shaun
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Re: TextDisplayFormatter.java - any updates? where can gnu.regexp be found?

2006-10-09 Thread shaun


Matt Kime wrote:

I'm attempting to use TextDisplayFormatter.java in order to solve the
common problem of creating a string formatter to insert html paragraph
breaks on WOString. I've attempted to use the code as found here -


It requires gnu.regexp but I can't find anywhere to download it. I
suspect that its functionality has been moved into a different package
a couple of times.

Try http://google.com/codesearch.

 - shaun
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Re: EO/Java class default Values

2006-10-04 Thread shaun
d Person objects will be automatically 

Sometimes when you have a lot of overridden methods code can become a 
bit harder to grok at a glance.
When a developer knows where to look for defaults(awakeFromInsertion) i 
think that it makes life a lot easier, rather than skimming through a 
bunch of long method names to see a default value or to understand which 
values need/should have defaults and what those defaults can be.

FWIW. I also like to use the factory method pattern for constructing 
WOComponents too. YMMV. It seems that  quite often something which makes 
sense to one person doesnt work so well for another, just something to 
consider I guess..

 - shaun

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Re: Who's got the ?

2006-09-24 Thread shaun

Kurt Werle wrote:

On Sep 22, 2006, at 1:48 PM, Paul Lynch wrote:
On 22 Sep 2006, at 19:52, Kurt Werle wrote:

 > I want a row of submit buttons that don't look like crap.  Which
 > means it looks like I can use  on safari-like browsers and
 >  on IE-like browsers.  Unless someone can
 > suggest another workaround it looks like I'll be checking the
 > browser's claim as to it's behavior and substitute one or the other.

What's wrong with WOImageButton?

The words "Click Here" are not an image, nor should they need to be one.

Why not use CSS?
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Re: Flattened relationship and iterator oddness

2006-09-10 Thread shaun

Hey Fabian,

Fabian Peters wrote:

Hi John, hi Jean-Pierre,

thanks for your replies!


I'm still wondering about this one:

Order <->> OrderItem <<->> ProductionRun <-> DeliveryDefect

In Order, I've defined a flattened relationship deliveryDefects. It
works fine for deliveryDefects that exist when the order is fetched
from the DB. However, it fails to include a deliveryDefect that is
created and then saved to the DB. Is this a known limitation of
flattened relationships?

Is this behaviour to be expected? Is this documented anywhere? I  
couldn't find an awful lot of documentation on flattened  relationships 

Yes its expected, at least, I would expect it. When I did the WOII 
course in 2001 I think it was mentioned as a reason to not use flattened 
relationships, amoung other more obvious reasons. I have not seen any 
documentation about it though that I can remember. Perhaps searching the 
omnigroup list archive would give you more info.

 - shaun

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Re: Newbie : Obtain the name of a server in Java

2006-09-06 Thread shaun

James Cicenia wrote:

Jerry --

It works with Safari, IE6, and FireFox.

I use this to change style sheets for "branded" customers.

- James

On Sep 6, 2006, at 7:07 PM, Jerry W. Walker wrote:

Hi, James & Gilles,

On Sep 6, 2006, at 7:37 PM, James Cicenia wrote:

I do this in a Direct Action

public WOActionResults defaultAction() {
String domain = request().headerForKey("host");

It should be noted that this works only for some browsers. I beat  my 
head against that wall more than once. The sad fact is that web  
browsers are not consistent in putting the host name in, and if so,  
with what key.

I seem to remember needing to use http_host sometimes rather than host, 
but I dont remember when this is the case.

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Re: Deploying 5.3 on Linux

2006-09-03 Thread shaun

Joe Little wrote:

On 9/1/06, Hunter Hillegas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Yeah, I think we may have corresponded on this topic before.

Thanks for taking it up again.

So, from your message I assume that you've done this successfully?

Do you know if wotaskd and Monitor are newer than the versions in
5.2.4? Right now the install is in '/opt/Apple' as that's what the
Solaris installer recommended. I guess if I move things over to '/
Library' and '/System/Library' then those components will be updated
anyway... I'd also want to change my Xcode targets to make the uname
change that you recommend to the app launching script - certainly
don't want to do that by hand each time.

I'd like to know how one would do this, as that bit is all template
driven or something. I just remember to go edit `uname -r` to Darwin
every time via a sed script.

You could create a shell script that echoes "Darwin", call it uname and 
put it in a dir which is in the path before the real uname binary.

- shaun

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Re: Mysterious EditingContext Swap

2006-08-01 Thread shaun

Hi Owen,

I have seen this error before but I am only guessing as to the cause of 
it in your case.

It seems that all the objects  are in the correct context so printing 
ec.insertedObjects is probably not going to help.

From the code and comments you have made in the email, it seems that 
the active context is getting set somehow.
The only way that I know to make the active context is to use it in a 
fetch or possibly a relationship traversal from an object in a different 

I would try removing the PersonLDAP section of code, it could be the 
LDAP fetch that is the cause of the error.

 - shaun

Owen McKerrow wrote:
Nope, not paraphrasing. You can see the full error message at bottom  of 
the email.

The only time I have heard of the active editing context is for a save.

Nope haven't had the chnace yet to separate this out to its own project.

Heres the full code ( it includes our RADIUS authentication methods  
which I did paste before ):

// Generated by the WebObjects Assistant Mon Feb 07 14:26:32  
Australia/Sydney 2005

import com.webobjects.foundation.*;
import com.webobjects.appserver.*;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.*;
import com.webobjects.eoaccess.*;

import net.sourceforge.jradiusclient.*;
import net.sourceforge.jradiusclient.exception.*;

public class Main extends WOComponent {

protected Application app;
protected EOEditingContext ec;
protected NSMutableDictionary bindings;

protected String userName;

protected String password;
protected String errorMessage;
protected boolean forgotPassword;
protected boolean thankyou;
protected boolean emailAddress;
protected boolean gotMobile;

private String secretHandshake;

private String hostName;
private RadiusClient rc;
private String exitCode;

//- The Constructors  

public Main( WOContext context ) throws Exception

app = (Application)Application.application();
//ec = ((Session)session()).defaultEditingContext();
ec = new EOEditingContext();
System.out.println("Editing Context just been made : " + ec);
secretHandshake = "*";

hostName = "radius.uow.edu.au";

RadiusClient rc = null;
NSArray mems;

forgotPassword = false;
thankyou = false;
emailAddress = false;
gotMobile = false;

//--- WOComponent Functions  

//Called when the Persons clicks the submit button to login
public WOComponent checkLogin() throws Exception
errorMessage = "";
WOComponent nextPage = null;

//If both fields have some data in them

if ( userName != null && password != null )


try {
rc = new RadiusClient(hostName,  

} catch(java.net.SocketException soex) {
app.setErrorMessage("Unable to create Radius Client 
due to  failure to create socket!");

throw soex;
}  catch(java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException nsaex) {
app.setErrorMessage("Unable to create Radius Client 
due to  failure to create MD5 MessageDigest!");

throw nsaex;
} catch(InvalidParameterException ivpex) {
app.setErrorMessage("Unable to create Radius Client 
due to  invalid parameter! " + ivpex.getMessage() );

throw ivpex;

try {
boolean returned;

if (app.debugMode )
returned = true;
returned = authenticate(rc,password,null);
// Radius confirmed the userName and password are valid

if (returned)
nextPage = (Menu)pageWithName("Menu");
//check if the user is in the recipient table

errorMessage = "User 
name & Password  incorrect";

if (isUppercase(password)) {
errorMessage += "class=\"failure\">Check Caps lock  is not on.&q

Re: ERJavaMail erroneously returns component

2006-08-01 Thread shaun

Fabian Peters wrote:

Hi Drew,

see <http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Programming:WebObjects/ 



I return "this" from the action method rather than null which seems to 
work ok, YMMV. Note: The behaviour is not WONDER specific, it happens 
with the standard WOMailDelivery aswell.

Am 01.08.2006 um 12:50 schrieb Drew Thoeni:

I'm successfully using ERJavaMail to send HTML components. However,  
each time this method gets run, the user is returned the HTML  
component page that is emailed. Instead, I would like the user to  
remain on the page from which the email was sent (there's a submit  
button on that page that send the email).

Does anyone know why the EMailPage would be returned and, more  
important, how to stop that behavior?



public void sendEmail() {
// Create an instance of an ERMailDelivery subclass
ERMailDeliveryHTML mail = new ERMailDeliveryHTML();

// set all needed fields
String fromAddress = reportEntryItem.employeeassignedto 

 removed code for setting other fields 

// ERMailDeliveryHTML needs a WOComponent to render the HTML text  

session.setReportEntryItemToEmail( reportEntryItem );
EMailPage pageToEmail = ( EMailPage )pageWithName( "EMailPage" );
mail.setComponent( pageToEmail );

// Here you create a new instance of the message
// You can loop over this fragment of code, not forgetting to use  

// before you set the attributes of the message.
try {
mail.setFromAddress( fromAddress, fromName );  // Strings
mail.setSubject ( subject );
mail.setToAddress  ( toAddress , toName ); // Strings
mail.setBCCAddresses   ( bccAddresses ); // NSArray

catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println( "Email exception: " + e );  //replace 
with  NSLog


 - shaun

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Re: The most strange problem with bindings...

2006-07-31 Thread shaun

Hi Miguel,

Miguel Arroz wrote:


  Thanks for the suggestion, I'll do it. But what I would really  like 
to understand (and this is the main question that bugs me) is  why does 
the error happen ONLY when I switch from a component to  another 
instance of that component. If I switch between two different  
components, it acts as expected. Any ideias on this?

Are you sure it is creating a new instance of the same component? I 
would guess it's not. Ie) if you println in the component constructor do 
you see the output when changing to the "new instance".

 - shaun
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Re: The most strange problem with bindings...

2006-07-31 Thread shaun

Hi Miguel,

Miguel Arroz wrote:


  I'm having a bizarre problem relating to bindings, and I honestly  
cannot understand why the heck this is happening. I can solve it  easily 
- or should I way, build a work-around - but I impose myself  higher 
levels of quality! ;)

  Ok, here's the story:

  1) I'm building an WO application that should work in two languages.

  2) I have a WrapperComponent that wraps all the other components.  
That wrapper component contains a repetition in the HEAD html code to  
load JavaScript files. The repetition contains the path of the files  to 
be read (array of strings). That array (let's call it listOfFiles)  is 
on the WrapperComponent API.

  3) WrapperComponent has another component inside,  
NavigationComponent. That component has a form and a pop-up that  allows 
the user to select the language. The pop-up auto-submits when  changed. 
Basically, the code changes the session language array, and  returns 
"return pageWithName(context().page().name());"

  4) I have a component, for the example, let's use the Main  component. 
The Main component contains a WrapperComponent, with some  stuff inside. 
On the Java code, I have a method "public NSArray  scriptFiles()" that 
returns an array with the file paths. There's no  instance variable or 
setter, naturally.

  5) I have another component, let's call it "SimpleComponent", that  
contains a WrapperComponent, but no scriptFiles array (and no  binding). 
WrapperComponent is smart enough to handle this OK.

  Ok. Now imagine we are seeing Main component. Click on a link that  
shows SimpleComponent. SimpleComponent appears OK. Now change the  
language while SampleComponent is on the browser. A new instance of  
SimpleComponent appears in the chosen language. Now, click on a link  
that returns to Main component. So far, so good. This tells me that  we 
can enter and leave the Main component with no problems.

  The problem happens on Main component, and any other one that has  the 
"listOfFiles" wrapperComponent binding binded to a component key.  When 
I change the language, I get this:

  com.webobjects.foundation.NSKeyValueCoding$UnknownKeyException: [;  
0.17 = ; } >; } >; 0.23 = ; = ; = ;  = 
; } >; } >; } >; = ; } > takeValueForKey()]: attempt to  assign 
value to unknown key: 'scriptFiles'. This WOComponent does not  have an 
instance variable of the name scriptFiles or _scriptFiles,  nor a method 
of the name setScriptFiles or _setScriptFiles

  OK... for some reason, WO tries to set the scriptVars key. My  
question is WHY!? There's absolutely no reason that I can see that  
forces WO to do this. This apparently only happens when leaving a  
component and entering another instance of that component class. But  why!?

  Of course, the work-around is easy, ant it works: just putting a  
setScriptFiles method that does nothing is enough of a hack to make  
this work. But that's not good enough. Why does this happen? Any tips?

In a nutshell, synchronizesVariablesWithBindings returns true, so your 
parent and child components synchronize there variables and bindings. :)

Make your nested component non-synchronizing by overriding the method 
synchronizesVariablesWithBindings and return false. Then implement the 
valueForBinding method as you need to pull the binding values into the 
nested component.

- shaun

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Re: JDBCChannel method failed to update

2006-07-25 Thread shaun


Corin Lawson wrote:

Hi List,

As volume has increased on our woapp so has the occurrence of this  
particular error, below. I am using WO 5.2.4 with MySQL 5.0.

updateValuesInRowDescribedByQualifier --  
com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.JDBCChannel method failed to update row in  
at com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabaseContext.performChanges 
at com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext.saveChanges 

We are currently looking into any network issues that could be  causing 
communication problems between the two servers (the one with  the woapp 
and the other with the database). Can anyone provide light  to this 

Optimistic locking failure perhaps. ie, One client trying to modify a 
row that has been deleted or modified by another client. The more 
clients accessing making modifications at the same time the more likely 
this is to occur. Check which attributes are used for locking on the 
entity that this occurs on to see if its likely being modified by more 
than one client. I assume you are able to pin-point the entity or the 
component at least. Catching this exception, then getting the user to 
handle the modification somehow is probably the solution you should 
consider rather than unchecking attributes used for locking.

 - shaun

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Re: New T-Shirts

2006-07-23 Thread shaun


Nice work Mike. Thanks for putting those together. I've ordered a 
woeyechart golf shirt but its going to take ~12 days to get here(AU) so 
it might not arrive before I get on the plane. If it doesnt arrive on 
time I'll be the black sheep, wearing a linux shirt! :P

Mike Schrag wrote:
I made a few more T-shirts ... Because of some annoying limitations  
with CafePress free stores, I have a separate store for each design:

http://www.cafepress.com/wobadge - metal Powered By WebObjects badge  
(http://www.mdimension.com/PoweredByWebObjects.jpg for the full size  

http://www.cafepress.com/wonotdead - "I'm not Dead" Monty Python  
inspired Rails v. WO

http://www.cafepress.com/woaimf - Chuck's infamous "WebObjects.  
Advertise it. M*F*." - Note: Keep out of reach of children

http://www.cafepress.com/woeyechart - An eye chart with "WO" at the  top 
and all the other web acronyms out of focus

http://www.cafepress.com/woitms - "iTunes? WebObjects." design (it's  
hard to tell in the original, but the iTunes screenshot is blurred  into 
the background -- see http://www.mdimension.com/ 
iTunesPoweredByWebObjects.jpg for the fullsize version, so just you  
know exactly what you're getting)

http://www.cafepress.com/eosimple - The original simple lineart EO icon

http://www.cafepress.com/eo3d - My personal favorite, the 3D  rendering 
of the stack of EO's

http://www.cafepress.com/wolips - WOLips, the lineart EO icon  composed 
with Eclipse's logo

Just as a reminder, I don't charge any profit on these to avoid any  
potential for these emails to be construed as spam :)

Also, I JUST made the five designs at the top this morning, so I  
haven't personally bought any shirts yet to be able to vouch for the  
image quality, but I create these things pretty big to hopefully have  
the shirt image always scale down vs up.  The only one that might be  an 
issue is the WO badge -- the background is scaled up and cleaned  some, 
but there are some artifacts around the screws.  I recreated  all the 
text + engraving effect on the interior, though, so I think  it should 
look pretty good -- check the full-size one if you're  concerned.  The 
3D EO one looks pretty darn cool on a shirt, IMHO :)


 - shaun
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Re: WWDC Security concern

2006-07-22 Thread shaun

Chuck Hill wrote:
Besides, this IS America.  You can always buy a nice, simple Glock 19  
and a fresh box of ammo.  :-P

hmmf. I was under the impression that I would be issued with one when I 
got off the plane! Now I find out I have to BUY one! :)


On Jul 21, 2006, at 3:14 PM, Miguel Arroz wrote:


  Keep cool! :) I raised this question because of my powerbook. I  
don't believe that there are serial killers and such on that area  in 
SF - it's probably just a place like anywhere else in USA or  Europe - 
I also don't feel confortable transporting my Powerbook at  night in 
Lisbon, but that doesn't mean I'm afraid to go out for a  walk. I just 
do not want to see my powerbook go away - not only  because of the 
powerbook itself, but because all the data stored on  it. But it's 
perfectly safe to walk around - the worst thing that  can happen is 
being robbed, and the probability is low! :)


Miguel Arroz

On 2006/07/21, at 22:40, Praveen Boppana wrote:

Thank you all for your suggestions.

Anyway I have changed my hotel to Marriott which is right across  the 
Moscone center.
It looks like a little better place and do not have to deal with  
those people on streets that much.
Only scary thing is Shopping center is right across the street and  
very much accessible to my wife :-)

See you all at conference.

Praveen Boppana

On Jul 21, 2006, at 3:50 PM, Paul Lynch wrote:

On 20 Jul 2006, at 14:28, Praveen Boppana wrote:

I'm staying in Hilton right across the street to Mark Twain.
some one here on the list said not to leave any expensive items  in 
the room.
Is it really that bad, even rooms are not secured?.  I'm little  
concerned because I'm bringing my wife with me and she will be  
staying in the
Hotel room all day while I'm at conference. She is pretty new to  
She wanted to walk on the streets alone to look around the city  
(Which is out of question after seeing this thread).

Do I need to consider changing the hotel?. Any suggestions

There's absolutely no reason that your wife can't walk freely  
around the city, provided she follows the usual rules that any  
newcomer should follow anywhere.  Check with the natives where  and 
if it is safe; don't look like an obvious tourist; don't  flash 
money/valuables around in public.  Anywhere north of Market  and 
east of Van Ness, apart from the Tenderloin, should be safe  during 


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  "I felt like putting a bullet between
   the eyes of every Panda that wouldn't
   scr*w to save its species."   -- Fight Club

Miguel Arroz

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Re: WWDC WO Meet Up List

2006-07-19 Thread shaun

Joe Little wrote:

Up front we just pay for the food and the bartender, with gratuity and
tax included. That's what costing $6/person now (or perhaps $7 if I
add a dish). Separately, there is a $15/person drink minimum, so
people need to drink up on their own tab. At the end of the day,

Sounds good to me. I dont know how much a beer is worth, but I'm 
planning on having one of each listed on the website, so I dont think 
that $15 will be a problem, although finding my way back to my hotel 
afterwards might be..  :)

 - shaun

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Re: WO and Memory Management

2006-07-16 Thread shaun

Chuck Hill wrote:

Hi Owen,

Comments in-line below.

On Jul 13, 2006, at 10:11 PM, Owen McKerrow wrote:

Hi All,

We are setting up an application of ours on a clients server,  
they did some stress testing to see if they needed a bigger box  
and discovered something strange.

Their comments 

The webobjects versions have been stress tested further, we  are 
getting ok
results but far worse then I was hoping. RIS Public faired  worse 
the RIS
with it starting to get error with only 5 simultaneous users  
making simple
request 5 seconds apart (running with 2 instances each with - 

That is odd.  Are you dispatching requests concurrently?

No, getting them to retest with it on.

That should make a considerable difference, unless the app is  doing 
a lot of EOF activity.

A major point of interest is that garbage collection does not  
appear to be

active for these instances.

 Check for I/O and DB usage.  How long does the average request  
take to process?

From the stats page :
Transactions 691 
Active Session   0 
Average transactions 5.031 
Averegae idle131.627

Five seconds on average is, IMHO, way too long.

Mine 2 :)

Either all of your actions are a little slow or some are very  slow.  
Sight unseen, my money is on the latter.  Usually this is  the result 
of DB access,

either queries that are slow to evaluate due to missing indexes

DOH ! **Hits self in the head** Thats one thing I need to do when  
there DBA gets back from holidays :) We moved the DB from OpenBase  to 
Oracle and we haven't been back an applied indexing yet : )

That would cause problems.  :-)

or lots of single row queries due to a lack of batch faulting and  
pre-fetching in the application.

I have fiddled with it today. At the beginning of the day it looked  
like (Note this a request for a page that  loads a displaygroup to  
display every publication I have in the DB and the stats before are  
for the first time it is accessed for the app ) :

09:45:42,150 DEBUG [WorkerThread0] (PublicationsList:48   ) -  
Publication Constructor
09:45:43,188 DEBUG [WorkerThread0] (PublicationsList:149   
updatePublicationListing) - Update Pubs
09:45:45,001 DEBUG [WorkerThread0] (PublicationsList:208   
updatePublicationListing) - End Update Pubs.762 total Pubs
09:45:48,257   OFF [WorkerThread0] (Log.NSLogOut:1546 appendln) -  Now 

After my tweaks ( the biggest time saver here was changing to use  
EOSharedEditingContext, as its a read only ap ) :

13:32:53,295 DEBUG [WorkerThread0] (PublicationsList:48   ) -  
Publication Constructor
13:32:54,174 DEBUG [WorkerThread0] (PublicationsList:143   
updatePublicationListing) - Update Pubs for Faculty of Education
13:32:54,920 DEBUG [WorkerThread0] (PublicationsList:196   
updatePublicationListing) - End Update Pubs.762 total Pubs
13:32:58,467   OFF [WorkerThread0] (Log.NSLogOut:1546 appendln) -  Now 

So between the constructor ( line 1 ) and the time the Pubs have  been 
loaded (line 3) went from 2.8 seconds to 1.6 ( and will  hopefully get 
faster once I index **Hits self in the head again**)
But the biggest time is between the end of the  
updatePublicationsList() and sleep(). I need to do some further  
testing to see if Im grabbing more objects from the DB ( as you  said 
"lots of single row queries.") or its because of the actual  page 
itself. The site has a quotation style engine in it which  basically 
on the fly changes the way in which a publication is  displayed. This 
is what suspect is chewing up time. The other  reason I think this may 
be the case is the time between line 3 and  line 4 doesn't change when 
I come back to the page i.e. the EO's  should be in memory, but the 
time to "render" the page seems to be  the same.

I think you have reached the correct conclusion there.

Are you a Project Wonder user?

Nope, always wonder, never plunged. It may be my pet project while  Im 
at WWDC this year.

That sounds like another T-Shirt idea for Mike Schrag: Have you  
WONDERed?  or Always WONDER!

How about,

WO Problems ? No WONDER : WONDER

 - shaun
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Re: WWDC WO Meet

2006-07-05 Thread shaun


Mike Schrag wrote:
We're about a month out ... What do people think of another WO meet  
this year?  Good times had by all last year ( http://www.flickr.com/ 
photos/ken_anderson/sets/424925/ )


I will be attending this year and would love to meet up with you guys 
and gals.

 - shaun
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Re: Eclipse, WO and Windows

2006-06-28 Thread shaun

Hi Owen,

I abandoned windows completely quite a few years ago, but it used to be 
and probably still is, when using WOLips for dev the windows eomodeler 
and builder were launched when clicking the icon for modeller or builder.

Owen McKerrow wrote:

Hi All,

For those that are developing on Windows under Eclipse what do you  use 
as equivalents to WO-Builder and EOModler ? My understanding is  that 
WOLips doesn't cover these 2.


Owen McKerrow
WebMaster, emlab
Ph : +61 02 4221 5517

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 - shaun
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Re: Problem with webobject attributes in WOBuilder

2006-06-14 Thread shaun
Hi John,

This is a bit of a long winded answer, I apologise for that.

On Wed, 2006-06-14 at 12:54 +0100, John Stewart wrote:
> OK, I've refined down what I'm trying to do.
> I'd like to keep this as MVC as possible, so the Java code should not
> deal directly with the alternative styles, though It will provide the 
> logic to select the styles.

This is just my opinion and it may not be "correct" as far as some of
the more experienced developers will say. So take this however you like.
Ignore it completely if it doesn't sit well with you. Or shoot it down
if you would prefer. :)

Personally I think this is being way too anal about MVC for no really
good reason(that I can see anyway). I think its probably a mistake to
take a hard line and say that WOComponent subclasses are only the
controller.  IMO it's valid to say that a WOComponent is, or can be
View. After all, a WOComponent+wod+html together are responsible for
generating the view - look at the api of WOComponent and you will see
this is the case. eg) appendToResponse. on the other hand WOComponent is
also controller thanks to pageWithName.

I think that stateless components also provide a good argument to say
that WOComponent should not be relegated to Controller only. I mean,
they don't have to do anything but view. Not to mention you can create
WOComponents that have no HTML at all and generate the entire response
in code. Probably not the best idea but it is possible regardless.

I think the really important point in WO is to always ensure that
WOComponent subclasses are never Model(bussines logic) in MVC. You will
be very pissed off when you have to move logic from a WOComponent to
reuse elsewhere. Copying the logic is not acceptable. Putting the logic
in a superclass is not really acceptable unless it passes the is-a
>From experience, I can say it totally sucks when you have logic in one
component that you want to invoke but you don't want to call
pageWithName as it screws with the context(the context returned from
context() method of WOComponent that is).

In the past I have had trouble figuring out if WOComponent is C or V in
MVC. I now think it can be either or both. EG) some WOComponents can be
built as View components only while others can be more of a Controller
type of component and some are a mixture.

AFAIK The whole point of MVC is reuse and clean separation to support
reuse. How taking the class name for a css style out of the WOComponent
will allow for a more reuse I don't see. If you are building a nested
reusable component you simply provide a binding for the class name and
the parent component or some other object supplies the class name at
runtime or you can just stick it in the wod if you know it wont change.

> The simplest version of this is a straight boolean describing "open"
> or "closed" styles.  The java code can, say, provide a boolean
> "isOpen".
> If I create a ul wrapper "styleContainer" as below, I'd like to
> include the "open" or "closed" styles, as well as a common "clear"
> style.
> The output would be of the form: 
> Any ideas how I might do this without providing explicit class strings
> in Java?  Can a WOConditional be nested inside a WOGenericContainer
> definition?
> I could wrap the two versions inside two WOConditionals, but then it 
> would mean duplicating the whole list.

Sure, but this would meet your MVC requirement. Although it does have
some pretty serious drawbacks.

> To further complicate things, what if I want more than 2 alternative
> styles, e.g. fed by an integer instead of a boolean?
> Or is this one of WO's limitations where I have to include style
> names 
> in the Java code?

I don't think its a limitation of WO but rather one of the strict(and
possibly misguided) approach taken as far as MVC is concerned.
You have already listed an alternate option above. You will just end up
with a mess in your WOComponent of nested conditionals. IMO its much
better to relax your rules about MVC and put the class name in the
component; after all you have stated that the logic will be there!
If you want to change the style change the css - no big deal right?

However there is another option that I can think of, and that is set the
styles using Javascript.

Your script might look like:

//This would be an integer returned by the class logic or a string or 
// whatever identifier you want to use.
var classToUse = ''

//invoke this somewhere to set the class.
function setClass(){
 var class = (classToUse == 1) ? "open" : "closed"; 
 document.getElementById("myList").class=class; //what

Re: WOUnitTest pattern?

2006-05-13 Thread shaun
Hi, Wolfram, Anjo,

On Sat, 2006-05-13 at 16:54 +0200, Anjo Krank wrote:
> OTTOMH, either move the actual methods to test elsewhere ie, don't do  
> nextPage.setValue(context().stringFormValueForKey("foo")) but instead  
> create a method that takes all needed info as parameters and test  
> this, or (preferably) create a request with the URL parameters you  
> want and create the DA manually, then call the methods you want to test.

Or, use composition rather than sticking all the functional code inside
the direct action method or class. eg)
public WOActionResults myAction(){
   String a,b,c;
   a = formValueForKey("a");
   b = formValueForKey("b");
   c = formValueForKey("c");   

   LogicObject lo = LogicObject.newInstance(a,b,c);

   CustomPage p = (CustomPate) lo.ok() ? 
  pageWithName("CustomPageOK") :

   return (WOActionResults)p;

Now you simply test the LogicObject's functionality not the DA.

 - shaun

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Re: Postgresql + booleans = error

2006-02-17 Thread shaun

On Sat, 2006-02-18 at 12:53 +1100, Lachlan Deck wrote:
> Hi there,
> further to the other's suggestions...
> On 16/02/2006, at 2:40 AM, Randall Perry wrote:
> > I used eomodeler to generate the model and EO classes from a  
> > Postgresql db.
> > I'm having a problem using the boolean data type. If I reference a  
> > boolean
> > field 'rec.campsiteFri()' like so:
> >
> > if (rec.campsiteFri()) {
> > return true;
> > }
> >
> > I get a compiler error 'incompatible types'.
> Of course you do. For these kinds of Java-based errors you need to  
> ask yourself:
> The return type of campsiteFri() is:
>   a) a 'boolean'
>   b) a 'Boolean'
>   c) a 'Number'
>   d) a primitive other than 'boolean'
>   e) some other Object
> You answer will have to be anything other than 'a' because in Java  
> (as opposed to C) 'if' statements must take a 'boolean' primitive  
> only (or an expression that returns a boolean primitive). Not an int  
> or even an Object of type Boolean.

I just thought I'd point out that if your using Java 5.0 that you can do
the following:

Boolean b = new Boolean(true);

if (b){
 // its true
 // its false

Yay autoboxing!


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