[WestNileNet] Beware! Those Fighting The Anti-Homosexuality Law In Court Are Likely To Win.

2014-07-31 Thread Hussein Amin
I have been pondering at the reasons for what the western media is calling
a sudden backtracking by the government of Uganda on the
Anti-homosexuality law recently. As far as I am concerned, the law is still
law until it is scrapped or withdrawn for further review like the
miniskirt bill recently, isn't it?

Obviously, pressure from western donors comes to mind when we look at the
reasons for clarifying the misunderstanding as government put it.

As western countries withdraw crucial support to Uganda's public service,
particularly the health sector, government is the first to fill the pinch.

Many civil servants' salaries depend directly from donations.

Citizens generally might not feel any difference for services we haven't
tangibly seen or felt in our pockets and stomachs.

But at a more fundamental level, there is something going on behind the
scenes that could be more worrying: The legal action taken against the
Anti-homosexuality law.

The court action that comprises amongst others, the prominent
journalist/businessman Andrew Mwenda and the Presidential Advisor Fox Odoi.

While many might think that the effort of this group is futile because the
Anti-gay law seemingly has overwhelming public support in Uganda, we should
be alert to the fact that cases in court take their own different course
based on other parameters: The Constitution, Human Rights and the laws of
the land.

The judges will have to consider whether any citizen has the right to free
choice of sexuality.

In my view, those that have taken the matter to court are most likely to

They have alot of international experience that they can tap into from
precedences in the west where the matter of decriminalizing homosexuality
has seen tough battles in court already.

The result has been the flooring of Anti-homosexuality laws in court.

With the inexperience of having ever dealt with such cases, I doubt that
the Attorney General is equipped with any experimental capacity to win.

On behalf of the people who dont want to see homosexuality become an open
practice in this country, I would urge the govermment to be more visionary
on this matter.

Imagine what happens when the bill is defeated in court. It is almost
guaranteed that the supporters of homosexuality will go for the jugular:
Same-sex marriage rights. And they will do this under the same principles
of human rights.

Is our legal framework ready for this? Has the Attorney General advised
government on the courses of action available and their chances of success.

Government must be pragmatic and see beyond emotions and religious

Judges can't rule on a matter based on the writings of the Coran or the
teachings of the Gospel.

They have to stick to what the laws written by parliament advise. These
laws include the Constitution which already guarantees freedom of
expression and human rights. The very ingredients that defeated
criminalizing homosexuality in the west.

The government of Uganda has now ushered in the era of long legal battles
on homosexuality.

The same that we have been passively hearing about taking place in the
west. In the US, individual states accept same-sex marriage, only for
another judge to cancel it by a stay of execution pending other cases, and
then a federal judge would strike down the state judges decision, and now
we have the federal state recognizing all same-sex marriages even when they
aren't yet recognized at the local state level.

So are we ready for that fight as well?

Because that is the most likely course of events if the case against the
anti-homosexuality law is defeated in court.

In fact the defeat would be more immediate in our system where one court
decides what is valid for the whole country.

As it stands, the issue ahead after they fight the anti-homosexuality law,
is same-sex marriage.

And the country (politicians, legislators and civil society) needs to
prepare for that without engaging in religious quotes because those wont
count for the judges in court.

Their are solutions and strategies that legal and political minds should
already have in the safe.

The problem with same sex marriage is that if we get to a stage where the
courts force govermment to approve it under the principles of human rights,
then we would be opening a pandora box for all sorts of madness and love
fallacies to be approved and certified by the state.

I just read a story where an Australian is celebrating her one year
anniversary of marrying a french bridge (Daily Mail 11/7/2014

There was another story last year of a priest officiating at a marriage
between an American woman and a roller coaster (

Obviously something is wrong in their legislation. Because how will the

[WestNileNet] Sadly, Amin Outgrew Ugandan Politics Long Ago.

2014-07-31 Thread Hussein Amin
During the second Congo war where the late Kabila father fought Rwanda and
Uganda, the Congolese president contacted Idi Amin for help.

With just two phone calls  Amin got him over 6000 fully equipped fighters
with an assortment of light and heavy weapons, uniforms, vehicles,

These fighters were stationed in the Ituri region of Eastern Congo and that
is where they encountered the Rwanda Patriotic Front soldiers of President
Paul Kagame.

To cut a long story short, this group of soldiers sent by Amin fought
bravely against the Rwandese who were considered the toughest army fighting
in Congo. Remember that they had defeated the UPDF (their supposed allies)
twice in Kisangani, eastern Congo, at around that time.

The RPF was however overrun by the Amin boys and in one incident, 800 RPF
soldiers were caught.

What happened to these soldiers is a matter too graphic to discuss because
war is terrible.

But Mr. Kagame himself is aware of that battle where more than 1000
Rwandese died.

Now if Idi Amin had any interest of being president of Uganda again, he
could have just deployed soldiers to fight the Uganda government.

Wasn't it just two calls that got him 6000 fully equipped fighters?

To understand Amin, one has to look at the heart of the man. He wasn't a
thief. He was never corrupt. He fought for the simple citizen, every

He fought for the black African and even the African American who was still
heavily discriminitated against at the time in the US.

He stood against Israeli oppression of the palestinians like we see
continuing today.

Amin is the only African who actually fought in the Gholan heights for two
weeks until Israel and Syria signed a peace deal then he returned secretely
to Uganda.

He fought imperialism as he called it then. I call it supremacism.

He fought Apartheid in South Africa, and fought Rodhesian white rule.

They say he was xenophobic when he deported the Asians who had taken over
the entire economy of the country. Ugandans largely beg to differ.

Hatred is a very bad thing. It fuelled the souls, thoughts and actions of
those who dedicated their lives against Amin.

Mere Hatred.

Yet let's face it. They will never equal the stature of Idi Amin
particularly on the African continent where he was a revered pan-africanist.

The younger generation may be fooled by the overwhelming bad press from
western media, but those who remember can stand and tell their honest story.

But looking forward, we should end this competition of machismo by those
who try to appear tougher than Amin in order to rule.

The democratic country that we should be aiming at is one where a civilian
is peacefully elected president. He then serves his two terms and hands
over power to another peacefully elected civilian.

That is the real political benchmark Uganda has to acheive.

That is the democracy I want to see.
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2014-07-31 Thread Hussein Amin
Recently, while discussing with some journalist friends, we ended up
focusing on the blame game that has become a constant in Ugandan politics.

We were talking about how in the aftermath of the Luwero Parliamentary
by-elections 2014, blame was poured on Idi Amin for the districts current
lack of government services.

I wondered how anyone in their right mind could concocte such obvious
misjudgemeny in 2014, 35 years since Amin left the country.

The true word up for mention is the incompetence.

Many intellectuals possess a superiority complex, and they have for the
last 40 years been shouting themselves hoarse about Amin.

These men and women have chosen to invent a ficticious political
parochialism involving Amin as long as it suits their agenda of either
grabbing power or hanging on to it.

Many individuals in Uganda and the region talk about the learned elite
simply unable to accept a semi-literate person reaching heights they never
even dreamt of attaining themselves. Thereby their subsequent, persisting
negative utterances.

Obviously this haters group of elitist politicians and scholars wouldn't
accept any mention of Amin's positive achievements, particularly that of an
uncorrupt leader struggling for the people and enjoying pan-africanist
applause as he did back then when he fought for Ugandans and Africans
against neo-colonialism and against apartheid in Southern Africa.

It is surprising that there is a total disconnect between the Amin that
ordinary Ugandans talk about, and the Amin that the media/elite talk about.

How come?

Is the media censuring popular opinion on Idi Amin?

Obviously something is amiss.

The excuse that I have heard being brought up by some editors when faced
with an Amin issue, is that they don't want to hurt the feelings of those
who might have suffered during the 70's.

But that isn't the job of the media. When their is a story, it should be
either balanced or remain unpublished.

Headlines such as Killed by Amin for confronting him is a total fallacy
of journalism when there is no substantiation.

People, mainly opportunists, use such self-seeking tactics to appear brave.

Scaring others by lying that they encountered a lion and single-handedly
fought it.

Then the whole village fears the crook.

But Amin has never been convicted of any crime, and he was never asked to
narrate his side of the story.

So how can a news article on Amin be without his say included? That is
unacceptable journalism.

When one-sided stories on anything get printed by the media, that isn't

It's Politics?

Yet family members and former government officials are all over Uganda and
able to say their opinion.

As I said recently, article 28 of the Ugandan constitution says everyone is
innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

So how come the media is allowed to break editorial standards, journalistic
principles and the constitution of Uganda all in the same stride when it
comes to reporting about Idi Amin?

The media takes more seriously the verbosity of a suspected underpants
thief/government spokesperson.

That is a telling sign of the poor quality of our ethics, politics,
judicial system and media professionalism.

But to explain the political tactics that have been employed for the last
35 years, the formula is quite simple.

Say that everything bad was by Idi Amin, and you cover for your failures
and your hitherto glaring ignorance.

That is the single biggest success of any government since 1979 when Amin
left the country: Blaming Amin.

That is how in todays Uganda, old, outdated politicians have managed to
remain under the spotlight longer than all Miss Ugandas combined.

But if someone dares to praise Field Marshal Idi Amin on a particular
point, these elite turn into beasts right infront of your very eyes, with
anger and venom oozing from the nostrils and all pores.

You think I'm exaggerating? Try it once and see the metamorphosis happen
before your very eyes.

The period 1980-1990's (after Amin) saw a million Ugandans dead. It stood
as the East African record until the Rwanda genocide equaled it in 1994.
Was that Amin?

The amusing part is that the perpetrators on both sides prefer the
diversionaries of... you guessed it... Blaming Amin. And sometimes they do
it together.

Didn't Mwalimu Nyerere withdraw his troops from Uganda in total nausea and
disgust at the chaos, criminality, ethnic killings and torture by these
very people he helped?

But you find that til today, for some particular individuals, there is
literally no public speech without at some point the mention of Idi Amin.

Even for crimes committed by them when he had already left.

Ok then! Since the blame game is a serious policy, let me help.

The never-ending, exponentially rising wave of continuous corruption
scandals, that have paralyzed the civil service and seen disgusted
international donors withdraw aid as billions upon billions of public funds
are literally pillaged from the coffers of the 

[WestNileNet] Maybe Obote Is The Idiot. That Makes M7 A Moron.

2014-07-31 Thread Hussein Amin
Letter To The Editor.

I am writing on behalf of the family of our late father Al-Hajji Idi Amin
Dada to request our right to respond similarly to the recent insulting
article that you allowed to be published in the Daily Monitor under the
unbecoming Front Page Headline Amin Was An Idiot.

The Presidents language was uncalled for and we would like to protest such
treatment by the media in regards to Idi Amin.

In all honesty, the idiot maybe Obote.

When he was overthrown the first time, one could say there is a problem
with Amin. But when it happens for a second time, then surely Obote is the

However, I recently saw Museveni dancing at Obote's son Akena's wedding, So
I am still puzzled.

Museveni could have already surpassed the level of idiot and imbecile,
and is now at moron.

The occasion at which the president was said to have made his utterances
was a meeting with the inter-religious council where leaders from all
faiths were present.

How can Priests, Sheikhs and Imams attend mass officiated by a confirmed
pagan who tore down all the churches and mosques in the army. Since then no
soldier has been able to practice his or her faith in any barracks.

Imagine if Amin had touched a single cathedral or mosque.

At least Amin authorized all soldiers to practice their faith in army

So how do you describe todays pan-africanist practicing a cult that aims
at creating for himself the coveted post where all should worship only him
and declare him sole candidate as God of Uganda?

President Museveni is a moron (Musenzi in swahili).

Best Regards

Hussein J. Lumumba Amin.
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2014-07-31 Thread Hussein Amin
For decades none has mentioned the identities of the hostage takers and
what happened to them.

But the European lady who hijacked the plane along with the palestinians
was an Israeli secret agent (MOSSAD).

Her mission had been to infiltrate Yasser Arafats PLO headquarters and
training camps in Tunisia.

She was to relay her findings and any intel to Israel from where commandos
would launch an attack.

The Entebbe raid was supposed to have happened in Tunisia.

That mission failed because the plane was unexpectedly diverted to Entebbe

As said here earlier, Israel staged the whole incident.

This lady actually left with the Israelis out of Entebbe during the rescue.

Not before doing most of the killing of her palestinian colleagues
herself, literally shooting them from behind as they fought oncoming
Israeli soldiers.

She had led them into this debacle that MOSSAD had conspicuously created
using these genuine arab hijackers.

Uganda was neutral. Amin had made a goodwill offer to facilitate a
peaceful, negotiated solution.

The Ugandan soldier who fired the shot that killed Benjamin Netanyahu's
brother the commander of the Israelis, was given hero status for saving the
countries honour.

Because of our neutral status, Ugandan soldiers were not on combat alert on
this matter.

Their role here was like guarding an international football match between
Israel and Palestine being played in Namboole. Lol
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