2016-03-08 Thread Hussein Amin

A usually crowded Kampala on the day final results were announced. The
whole country mourned for 3 days.


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[WestNileNet] 2016 GLOBAL FUND GRANTS AUDIT-Uganda

2016-03-08 Thread Hussein Amin

The audit says lack of credible management led to "pervasive stock-outs of
key medicines, unexplained stock differences, funds that could not be
accounted for, serious lapses in services to patients and poor grant

On March 4th, the new US Ambassador Mme. Deborah Malac had this emotional
and blunt reaction:
"Truly dismayed to read the shocking details of the Global Fund audit of
Uganda ’s health management systems. It notes ineffective supply chain,
theft of medicine and failure to spend millions of dollars in assistance on
drugs. This report should be required reading for anyone who cares about
Uganda’s health systems."

As corruption seems to persist even on Global Fund grants which have
already been at the center of a national corruption scandal previously, and
as Uganda's image is hereby tarnished internationally, the country should
increase political will to support health professionals and the health
sector. Plus behave more responsibly with its own destiny by stopping to
take laced international aid that subtly maintains an independent country
under unclear foreign patronism.

In the future, before we accept any aid funds, we might want to ask what
exactly is the donors national interest when they provide certain grants to
us? Then we can assess if that ulterior interest is also in our interest or

Hussein Lumumba Amin.
Kampala, Uganda.

Here is the must-read Global Fund Audit summary:
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2016-03-08 Thread Hussein Amin
The Petition Filed By Mr. Amama Mbabazi (candidate) requests the Supreme
1 - to annul the February 18th elections.
2 - to formally declare that Yoweri Kaguta Museveni wasn't validly elected
as President.
3.- to award him (Amama Mbabazi) costs for the petition.

Below is the full petition.

1. Your petitioner Amama Mbabazi is a person who was a candidate at the
above mentioned Presidential Election and is an aggrieved candidate within
the meaning of the Presidential Election Act.
2. And your petitioner states that the election was held on the 18th day of
February 2016 when Abed Bwanika, Amama Mbabazi, Baryamureeba Venansius,
Benon Buta Biraaro, Kizza Besigye Kifefe, Mabirizi Joseph, Maureen Faith
Kyalya Waluube and Yoweri Kaguta Museveni were candidates and the Electoral
Commission has returned Yoweri Kaguta Museveni as the validly elected
President by its Declaration dated 20th February 2016.
3. And your petitioner contends that the following offences and illegal
practices were committed in connection with the said Presidential election
(a) (i) Contrary to Section 64 (1) and (4) of the Presidential Elections
Act hereinafter referred to as “the Act” the 1st Respondent [Mr Museveni]
and his agents with his knowledge and consent or approval gave a bribe of
hoes to the voters of West Nile with intent that they should vote the 1st
Respondent and to refrain from voting the petitioner and other presidential
(ii) Contrary to Section 64 (1) and (4) of the Presidential Elections Act
between mid-2015 and 16th and 18th of February 2016 the 1st Respondent
through his agents and with the knowledge and consent or approval gave a
bribe of Ushs250,000 (Uganda Shillings) to voters in every village
throughout Uganda on two occasions with intent that they should vote the
1st Respondent and to refrain from voting the petitioner and other
(b) Contrary to S.69 (1) (a) and (b) of the Act the 1st Respondent made
reckless statements while referring to the petitioner and candidate Kizza
Besigye that he was not prepared to hand over power to wolves, “emishega”
and that the followers-cum-supporters of the petitioner and Kizza Besigye
were “mad”.
(c) Contrary to Section 26 (b) of the Act the 1st Respondent organized,
under the Uganda Police, a political partisan militia, the so-called “crime
preventers” under the superintendence of the Inspector General of Police
General Kale Kayihura, a paramilitary force –cum-militia to use force and
violence against persons suspected of not supporting candidate Yoweri
Kaguta Museveni thereby causing a breach of peace, disharmony and
disturbance of public tranquility and induce others to vote against their
conscience in order to gain unfair advantage for candidate Yoweri Kaguta
(c) Contrary to Sections 24 (5) (a) (i) (ii) (b) (c) (d) and 7 of the Act
the 1st Respondent on several occasions threatened to arrest your
petitioner and candidate Kizza Besigye and used derogatory and reckless
language when he stated that your Petitioner and his supporters had touched
“the anus of a leopard” and would see what would happen to them and this
had the effect of scaring voters to vote the 1st Respondent for their own
(d) Contrary to Sections 24 (5) (a) (i) (ii) (b) (c) + (d) and 7 of the Act
the 1st Respondent on various occasions threatened that if the voters
elected your petitioner or anybody else, Uganda would go back to war and
this had the effect of influencing the voters to vote the 1st Respondent so
as to maintain the status quo.
(e) That the above illegal practices and offences were committed by the 1st
Respondent personally or and his agents and supporters with his knowledge
and consent or approval through the Police, some elements of the Military,
Special Forces and the organs of the State attached to his office under his
command as the President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Chairman
of the National Defence Council and High Command and Chairman of the
National Resistance Movement.
4. Your petitioner says that on … September 2015, contrary to S.3 (1) (2)
of the Act, under the directive of the 1st Respondent, the Inspector
General of Police General Kale Kayihura and his officers prevented your
petitioner, as an aspirant from conducting consultations with voters in
preparation for his nomination as a presidential candidate.
5. Under the directive of the 1st Respondent some officers under the
command of General Kale Kayihura of the Uganda Police Force applied force
and arrested your petitioner along Jinja Road in Njeru Town Council near
the Owen Falls Dam Bridge and publicly humiliated him and later detained
him at Kira Road Police Station thereby giving unfair advantage to the 1st
Respondent who on the other hand was criss-crossing the country undeterred
under the guise of “wealth creation” (sic) when he was in effect
6. Contrary to Section 3 of the Act when your petitioner was subsequently


2016-03-08 Thread Hussein Amin
WATER (One.org)

In many rural cultures around the world, it is the women who ensure that
the family is fed and clean water is sufficient.
In just one day, it is estimated that more than 152 million hours of women
and girls’ time is taken up by collecting water.
When women and girls have access to clean water they can spend less time
collecting it and more time focusing on important things like:

1. Going to school
There are a staggering 59 million girls around the world who are out of
school. One of the biggest barriers keeping young girls from attending
school is the need to collect water. Without water, a family cannot drink,
prepare food, or clean. The burden to collect this water is
disproportionately placed on the female family members of a household and
is prioritized over education.
Girls often have to walk long distances to fetch water and firewood in the
early morning. After such an arduous chore, they may arrive late and tired
at school. Being “needed at home” is a major reason why children,
especially girls from poor families, drop out of school. Providing water
closer to homes increases girls’ free time and boosts their school
As girls are no longer required to miss school to secure water for their
families, attendance in school increases and girls’ level of education and
literacy rates go up!

2. Being able to do household tasks, easily.
Water is needed for everyday things and in order to complete many household
chores such as drinking, food production and preparation, hygiene, washing
clothing, and cleaning. If women were to have access to fresh, clean water
they would be able to complete household tasks much more easily.
“We recall the days when we had to walk miles to fetch water or do laundry.
It was exhausting. Now everything is near the house, and this task becomes
a piece of cake.”
The farther we can spread easy access to clean water, the less time women
will spend collecting water for household needs. This would allow them to
do laundry, cook food, and wash dishes much more quickly and efficiently
and give them the chance to spend more time doing some of the other awesome
things on our list!

3. Learn new skills to contribute to community building
In order to create a sustainable development model you need to engage the
entire workforce. Although women are responsible for making a home, they
are massively overlooked when it comes to actually building them. It is
estimated by the International Labour Organisation that in Africa women
only make up 5.5 percent of the construction workforce, compared to 11.7
percent in North America. The reasons behind this can be varied, but if
women were given back the 1 to 3 hours they lose each day collecting water,
they could use the time to learn new skills. Just think what could be
achieved in their local communities if women were able to help!
4. Farm the land
Alakamisy is a farming community, with most of the population receiving
their livelihood from growing rice or raising livestock. The nearest town
(Betafo) is over 19 kilometers away; in the rainy season, the roads to the
community become inaccessible. Until 2008, everyone in the area collected
water from a nearby spring or river. These water sources were unprotected
and dirty. The spring was tainted with sulphur, which caused sickness and
meant that many of the villagers lost multiple teeth. But with access to
safe and clean water, Alkamisy was able to increase the quality of their
crops and is no longer at risk of creating health problems amongst their
community and buyers. They are now able to profit from their crops and
build their community.
Noeline, president of the tapstand, stated , “Before we couldn’t have
gardens with vegetables, mangoes, maize but now we can grow what we want to
because we have water. We eat a part of them and sell the rest. It’s now
income for the family. We go to Betaf market to sell the vegetables. We use
the money for food and the other part for breeding pigs, cows, hens,
chickens. We can use the money to plant trees. Before we could not build a
house – we have built a lot now because we have more animals so we build
homes for them. There are separate homes for pigs and cows. Before the
project we had a home, but people lived in the upper floor and the animals
downstairs. Now we live separately.”
Access to clean water can make the difference between failing and thriving
in farming communities.

5. Teach their children skills
Did you know it’s estimated that for each extra year of a mother’s
schooling, infant mortality can be cut by 5-10 percent? This is why
education is so important. Education has the power to increase earning
potential and save lives! Additionally, the stories and lessons mothers
pass down to their children are a key part of culture, having been passed
down from generation to generation. When a mother has the time teach her
children, her child has newfound 


2016-03-08 Thread Hussein Amin
When I express my views, not everyone agrees. I also don't necessarily
agree with certain peoples opinions.
But it is important that everyone is able to express their views. No matter
how annoying they can sometimes be.
That is a value I practiced and preached for 18 years as a profession by
the way.
If something is worth a response, then I can discuss it. If it isn't, life
goes on.
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2016-03-08 Thread Hussein Amin

The latest quote from the Supreme Court has left me baffled at ongoing
developments presided by the learned gentlemen wearing mzungu hair wigs
made exclusively from British horses and ponys tail hair, and imported at
an exorbitant Ushs 19 million each.

"We are holding a pre-hearing conference although it isn't provided for in
the presidential elections act." - JPAM lead Lawyer.

#UgPetition16 #UgandaDecides
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[WestNileNet] EAC SUMMIT (2nd March 2016)

2016-03-08 Thread Hussein Amin

1) South Sudan is new entrant.

2) Verification exercise for admitting Somalia to be initiated.

3) EAC political federation discussion deferred to next summit.

There were other important issues as well (For example a resolution to
prioritize intra-EAC trade over foreign imports). However below are the
three resoutions verbatim from the final Joint Communiqué.


- The Summit received a report of the Council on the negotiations for the
admission of the Republic of South Sudan into the East African Community
and decided to admit the Republic of South Sudan as a member of the East
African Community.
The Summit designated the Chairperson of the Summit His Excellency John
Pombe Magufuli to sign the Treaty of Accession with the Republic of South

- The Summit noted that the Verification Exercise for the admission of the
Republic of Somalia into the EAC was not undertaken. As the preparations
with the Government of the Republic of Somalia have not been finalized, the
Summit directed the Council to undertake the verification exercise and
report to the 18th Summit.

- The Summit received a report of the Council of Ministers on progress on
the EAC political federation. The Summit commended the progress thus far
and decided to finalize the matter at the next summit.

Full Final Joint Communiqué from Kenyan Presidency:
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2016-03-08 Thread Hussein Amin


Wednesday, March 2nd 2016 at 20:19

Tanzanian President John Magufuli Wednesday castigated the East African
Community (EAC) institutions for their extravagance.

President Magufuli, who chaired the 17th EAC Heads of State Summit session
in Arusha, northern Tanzania, called for the cutting down of unnecessary

"Why shouldn't the EAC start thinking of cutting down costs which are not
necessary?" he asked as he appeared concerned by the quality of the meeting
hall where air conditioners appeared not to work properly.

President Magufuli said EAC was there to serve the ordinary and poor people
and that it should not be turned into a 'cash cow' by few people who did
not wish the Community well.

Rampant expenditure

The head of state said reports of rampant expenditure of tax payers' money
had been rife for a long time.

"EAC should put its house in order," President Magufuli said, indicating he
was ready to extend his anti-graft war into the regional organisation
because corruption and misuse of public funds were the enemies of all East

He hinted that the cost of hosting the summit at the private lodge outside
Arusha could be unnecessarily high compared to other conference facilities
in town, specifically the government-owned Arusha International Conference
Centre (AICC).

Traditional venue

For instance, the cost of hosting every delegate at the Ngurdoto Mountain
Lodge, the traditional venue for EAC summits and other major conferences,
was $45 per head which, he said, could be much lower if the venue was in
Arusha town.

The remarks have come only three months after an Audit Account Report of
the EAC for the year ending June 2014 revealed serious mismanagement of

The report was tabled before the East African Assembly (Eala) plenary
session in Kigali, Rwanda and in one case, a whooping $5.1 million was
found to have been used on air tickets which, according to the report, were
not properly procured.

Trade relations

Queries were also raised for the $3.4m air travel expenditure for the year
ending June 2013.

President Magufuli hastened to say that he would ensure there was a
reduction of expenditure at the regional body.

Yoweri Museveni of Uganda said the EAC should not only enhance their
economic and trade relations, but should also enable the region to be
competitive in the global trade and investment flows.

The onslaught

He said although it would take years if not decades for the region to
compete effectively with major economic powers such as China and the US,
they could still cooperate in order to survive the onslaught of the mega

Paul Kagame of Rwanda welcomed the admission of South Sudan into the bloc,
saying his country was ready to cooperate with the new member.

ZEPHANIA UBWANI in Arusha, Tanzania

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2016-03-08 Thread Hussein Amin

Yesterday I received an invitation to an international Oil symposium
scheduled for 23rd March in Dubai. The theme is "Financing Projects in New
Oil Era", and discussants will be the finance heads of the major oil
companies from the six gulf states (leading national corporations like
These are also the big project sponsors in their respective countries.
Uganda has been blessed with the precious resource. Oil reserves are
estimated at 6.5 billion barrels (though only 1.4 billion barrels are said
to be extractable).
Hopefully these are reliable figures. The difference 5.1 billion barrels is
substantial. If the entire collective national resource is being claimed by
one individual, he/she will be offloading historic amounts of state
finances into his/her personal Swiss bank account.
Proper accountability increases management proficiency on budget deficits
and unblocks significant sources of finance for national projects.
Including pre-financing facilities where banks can make funds available
even before the resource is extracted.
This approach requires restraint and selfless management lest nations
scramble irresponsibly for the funds from the resource.
In the US, the worlds leading oil producer, they extract 13 million barrels
per day (International Energy Agency report).
A quick calculation shows that they deplete the equivalent of Uganda's
entire oil reserves every 500 days.

By Hussein Lumumba Amin
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2016-03-08 Thread Hussein Amin
Aren't there provisions for Judges who are known to have conflict of
interest? I thought they normally excused themselves so that genuine
justice prevails. If yes, then the appropriatr legal provisions should be
put to good use.

And when the Chief Justice says "Court Can't Protect Presidential Election
Petition Witnesses", I wonder if he isn't absconding from his duty to be
impartial, since a simple Court order could demand for, and oversee
witnesses protection if/when necessary, so that justice (the real one)


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2016-03-08 Thread Hussein Amin
Why Do Jews Consider Jesus Christ A Fraud?
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2016-03-08 Thread Hussein Amin
Museveni says any malpractices attributed to him were not committed by him
or with his knowledge.

Basically he is not denying that there was electoral fraud. He is just
waiting for the victims to tell him how it happened.

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2016-03-08 Thread Hussein Amin
"We Are Ready For Take Off

Passengers, Please Fasten Your Seat-belts! Over!"
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2016-03-08 Thread Hussein Amin
Speech by Kenyan Senator Prof. Anyang Nyongo to Kenyan Parliament on
Uganda's 2016 General Elections.

Date: 29 Feb 2016.

Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I had earlier sought leave of the House under
Standing Order No.45(2)(a) to make a statement and bring the attention of
the House to a matter that concerns us as Kenyans, Africans and East
Mr. Speaker, Sir, last week general and presidential elections were held in
Uganda. The outcome of the presidential election has been very problematic.
This is the first time in an African country where an election is held and
there is no celebration of victory anywhere.
If anything the victory rally that President Museveni had planned in
Kampala had to be cancelled because of tremendous discontent of the Ugandan
people on the conduct of the election, the degree of freeness and fairness
and the interference by the State in the democratic process to subvert
democracy and deny the people of Uganda the freedom to choose their leaders
without fear or hindrance.
We sit on a precipice of disaster. Like it happened in the 1970s, we may
sooner than later, have to accommodate our Ugandan sisters and brothers in
Kenya because of insecurity in their country. It is, therefore, we, as
Kenyans, to become seized what is going on and get ready to defend
democracy, not just in our nation, but everywhere in the world.
There is already international pressure going on and statements being made
by peace lovers and democratization forces the world over, calling the
attention of the world to the lack of democracy in Uganda. His Excellency
President Olusegun Obasanjo, the Chairman of the Commonwealth Observer
Group to the 2016 General Elections in Uganda has already made it clear
that nobody who believes in sanctity of democracy can put a stamp of
approval on that election.
The European Union (EU) made a similar statement, calling the attention of
the world to the fact that the just concluded elections in Uganda,
particularly the presidential elections were rigged, hollow and a sham.
Although the African Union (AU) and the regional group in the Great Lakes
Region timidly approved of these elections as free and fair, we, a country,
that is so proud of our 2010 Constitution that proclaims the universality
of democracy and the equality of all men and women in this world and the
right of every person to choose a Government of his own choice, is
something that we must stand tall as Kenya and be counted among those who
are rejecting the so-called democratic elections in Uganda.
The elections are only democratic in so far as President Yoweri Museveni is
concerned. President Museveni himself is on record as saying that nobody
should teach him about democracy. This is the kind of arrogance of the big
man in Africa that should have been left behind.
In the African scene, in the early 2000s when I was Minister for Planning
and National Development, most African countries, indeed, all members of
the AU, signed themselves to the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM). The
reason we aceded the APRM was because of the importance we attach to
democracy in the new surge for good governance in our continent which is
really needed for development. Since then every African country which
signed up to the APRM has been reviewed by their peers, including Uganda.
If you read the report by the APRM, there is no doubt in my mind that all
those reports, including the one on Kenya, lays emphasis to importance of
free and fair elections in order that we will nurture democracy in our
These reports also say that there is a very close correlation between good
governance and development. African countries that have performed well in
terms of development are those which respect good governance. We are saying
this is not to be paternalistic to the Ugandan people, but because we want
to be brotherly to our Ugandan brothers and sisters.
Something we share in common should not be sacrificed at the alter ego of
dictatorship or big man syndrome. It is important too that we recognize the
roles that certain countries have played in this continent to advise
advanced democracy.
The recent elections in Nigeria, Ghana, Tanzania, Botswana and the pending
election in South Africa make us proud. Since there are nations and
Governments in Africa which have stood tall to defend and promote
democracy, there is no need why in our region any Government should fall
behind in the promotion and defense of democracy.
We, as members of the East African Community, should be brave enough to
know too that in the East African Community there are standards of good
governance that we have committed ourselves to and we should not allow any
of our members to depart from.
I brought this statement to the House because, at the moment, the rest of
the world may judge us harshly if, indeed, what goes on in Uganda is
allowed to continue and degenerates into blood that we have never seen
At the moment, the social media is filled with so many 


2016-03-08 Thread Hussein Amin
The Star Of Africa: British Crown Jewels?

Photo: The Cullinan Diamond, the biggest diamond in the world that was
found in South Africa and is now "the Queens property".

Among the famous gem-stones known as the Crown Jewels is 'The First Star of
Africa'. The largest flawless cut diamond in the world weighing 530 carats.
It is now mounted on the Queen’s Sceptre and purportedly represents "the
Queens temporal power under God".
'The Second Star of Africa' is a 317 carat diamond that is placed on the
Imperial State Crown.
The Queen wears this crown after the coronation service, a particular
ritual at Westminster Abbey Church where the crown is put on her head.
This Imperial State Crown actually contains 2,783 diamonds, 17 sapphires ,
277 pearls, 11 emeralds and 5 rubies. Most from different colonies,
particularly India. It is also what the Queen wears when she goes to open
the British Parliament. A place that they call "The House of Lords".
The people "pray" to these "Lords" when aggrieved.
Both diamonds, The First Star of Africa and The Second Star of Africa, were
cut from the celebrated "Cullinan Diamond" (pictured).
This is the largest diamond ever found on this planet. It weighs around
3,000 carats.
The Cullinan was given to King Edward VII by the racist colonial Government
of the Transvaal (South Africa) in 1907.
I wonder what it's like wearing jewelry plundered from Africa especially by
the architects of Apartheid.
The haunting history/legacy behind some of these so-called Crown Jewels
makes them quite inhumane to don.
The Black Princes Ruby for example, has a gruesome background.
It is believed to have originated from the historic ruby mines in present
day Tajikistan. In middle of the fourteenth century it was in the
possession of Abu Sa'id, the Moorish Prince of Granada.
That is how it is said to have got the name "The Black Princes Ruby".
Abu Said was killed in Spain by one Don Pedro during the Spanish
reconquest. Upon checking the dead mans pockets, Don Pedro discovered the
ruby and pocketed it himself. It is now being put on the Queens head by a
high priest during coronation.
Another jewel called the St. Edwards Sapphire was once on a ring worn by
Edward 'the Confessor' in the year 1042. It was buried with him in 1066.
But in 1101 his shrine was reportedly opened, the ring was removed from his
finger, and the Sapphire now sits on the British crown.
If it was me I would have long given back all these gruesome jewels to the
peoples and countries of origin rather than put them on my head.

By Hussein Lumumba Amin
WestNileNet mailing list

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[WestNileNet] Where Is The Data?

2016-03-08 Thread Hussein Amin
The silence on the biometric voter system post-election data is suspicious.
Yet we know that it contains invaluable information equivalent and
additional to the polling station declaration forms that were availed to
all candidates for verification as required by law.
Isn't it therefore in order for all the candidates and the general public
to be availed the post-election data from the biometric voting system?
Especially now that a petition has been filed?
Also in my opinion Uganda Police Force must make public reports for all
electoral incidents they were involved in or alerted about.

Hussein Lumumba Amin
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[WestNileNet] 1971: Amin, Be President Or Get Shot On The Spot.

2016-03-08 Thread Hussein Amin
1971: Amin, Be President Or Get Shot On The Spot.

It has taken the press 45 years to finally start getting the true facts
about what really happened when Amin came to power in 1971.
Finally today Saturday Monitor has published an interview with one of the
soldiers, Corporal Galla who started what was simply a defensive mutiny
that then turned unexpectedly into a fully fledged coup.
At the time even he didn't know that his actions would force them to go all
the way and depose Obote.
I have for quite some time been continuously requesting the media to ask
the very soldiers who were involved in the 1971 coup how events came about.
Because they have simply been repeating the patently unfounded narrative
that Amin staged a coup with the British and the Israeli's and that he made
himself president.
That errant view is now being proved completely false.
As I have said several times, Amin wasn't even aware a coup was going on as
he was himself under house arrest. He was then put at gun point on 24th
January 1971 and forced to be president or be shot on the spot.
The radio announcement on 25th January read by Staff Sergent Aswa ended
with this statement: " We the soldiers of the Uganda Armed Forces have
taken over the government. We have also appointed as president our fellow
soldier General Idi Amin Dada.

Here is Corporal Galla's recollections of what really happened:

I Knocked The Armoury Door To Begin 1971 Coup
Lt Col Galla
By Faustin Mugabe
Posted  Saturday, March 5 2016 at 02:00
Courageous. Last September, Saturday Monitor met Lt Col Moses Galla in
Koboko District. A corporal then, Galla rammed the APC (armoured personnel
carrier) into the door of the armoury where weapons that soldiers coming
from West Nile used to stage the 1971 coup against Milton Obote’s
government had been kept. In Witness this week, Galla narrates his
experience to Faustin Mugabe.
Had Corporal Moses Galla not thought of the quickest way to break into the
armory on the January 25, 1971 coup that ousted president Milton Obote
maybe their army commander Idi Amin would have been arrested and the coup
would not have occurred. On the eve of the coup, there was an attempt to
arrest Amin.
The order was from the commander-in-chief and president of Uganda Milton
Obote. Before Obote left for the Commonwealth Heads of States and
governments conference in Singapore, he left an order to have Amin arrested.
Lt Col Augustino Akwangu, the commanding officer of the Malire Mechanised
Reconnaissance Regiment (MMRR), was to lead in the execution of the mission
with Erinayo Oryema, Inspector General of Police and Basil Bataringaya, the
minister of Internal Affairs.
Lt Col Akwangu carefully planned the mission to arrest Amin. On the evening
of January 24, he instructed his adjutant Lt Ngarombo, that all keys of the
tanks and APCs of the MMRR at Lubiri be withdrawn from the drivers and kept
in the orderly room.
That evening, Lt Col Akwangu cunningly asked all the sentries to hand over
their guns to the “entrusted” orderly sergeant. Previously, Akwangu had
asked some APC and tank drivers who wanted to take leave to arrest Amin,
Akwangu needed first to ingeniously disarm soldiers from West Nile where
Amin came from and that was partially successful.
When that was done, Akwangu went ahead to call an “emergency meeting” for
all MMRR senior officers at the Officers Mess, Mengo. Once they had
entered, he locked them inside and moved ahead to brief the armed soldiers
from Acholi and Lango sub-regions of northern Uganda who had convened in
the junior soldiers Mess how to arrest Amin from his command post in Kololo.
It was at this moment that Akwangu ran out of luck. One soldier, Philip
Ayiko from West Nile, went to Junior soldiers Mess for a drink and found
only soldiers from Lango and Acholi being briefed. He wanted to enter but
was not allowed. He sensed danger. He went and informed his tribemates who
mobilised for a fight but discovered that all the guns had been locked
inside the armoury. Every second counted, the wild but unarmed soldiers
could be overpowered.
Galla rams APC into armoury
With all guns inside the armoury and the keys of the APCs and tanks locked
inside the orderly room, soldiers from West Nile were puzzled and without a
commander. When hope was beginning to erode, Corporal Moses Galla, a
Czechoslovakia-trained APC driver and a Greece-trained commando, arrived.
>From his instructors, he had learnt how to start the APC engine using a
beer opener. Galla got a beer opener and started the engine of his APC,
which he rammed into the door of the armoury forcing it to open. Other APC
drivers followed suit. Once the armoury door was open, soldiers entered and
picked guns and confronted Acholi and Langi soldiers and arrested all of
them, including their commander, Lt Col Akwangu; and went to stage a coup
that was only accidental – at least according 


2016-03-08 Thread Hussein Amin
FADUMO DAYIB: Somalia's future president?

Somalia could soon have its first female candidate for the upcoming
presidential elections. She tells DW about her determination to enter the
race and her plans to end Somalia's chronic insurgency.
Somali-born Fadumo Dayib has lived as a refugee with her four children in
Finland since the early 1990s and worked as a nurse. But now she wants to
return to her home country and make history. She wants to become Somalia's
first elected female president who would put an end to the al-Shabab
insurgency which is tying down 22,000 African Union peacekeepers.
Dayib will have to submit her candidacy to parliament for approval in July
and pay a deposit of approximately $20,000 (18,000 euros).
But that would just be the beginning of a most arduous political journey.
She has no illusions about the difficulties she faces in trying to realize
her ambition to become president, especially as a woman in a traditional
male-dominated society.


Question: Why are you motivated to run for the presidency?

Answer: I'm motivated to run for the presidency because I believe it's a
moral obligation and a civic duty to us to prevent further bloodshed in
Somalia. We have watched on thesidelines for more than 25 years and it is
imperative that we step forward and take up this responsibility. The
current and previous leaderships have failed us; we must take matters in to
our hands and that is why I'm running for presideny because I have
capabilities, skills and motivation.

Q: How confident are you in securing support from Somalia, a country that
is not so keen on supporting women aiming for higher positions?

A: This is a global phenomenon. It's not only exclusive to Somalia. This is
a male dominated society, but, nonetheless, there is a new generation that
believes that gender of the person doesn't matter. What matters is what
they can bring on the table, their competencies and their leadership skills
rather than their gender. Yes, there is that challenge but we will make
sure that is tackled so that women are not kept from running for public
office. But I'm very confident of Somalis' support because they have
reached a stage whereby they want a peaceful living, a capable leadership
in place and their children having access to quality education.

Q: You have received a series of death threats since you made the
announcement. What's your reaction to that?

A: I see this as something very strange but it also means that I must be
doing the right thing for people to feel threatened and for them to
threaten my life to say that 'we will kill you' if you step forward. They
must have acknowledged what I can bring to the country. They see a capable
leadership in me, a visionary leader, a servant leader. This is not what
they have been used to and it scares them because the moment I come into
office they know that their existence will be threatened.

Q: The European Union (EU) is planning to pull back some of its support for
the government. What do you think of this decision?

A: I think this decision probably comes because of increase of terror and
violence in Somalia. The EU is looking at what it has been paying and the
results that it is receiving. I think there is a valid reason for them to
cut funding and I would advise the African Union (AU) to really revisit
their strategy in Somalia. It's time for them to empower our national armed
forces, to strengthen our security sector so that we can take the lead and
so that way the resistance will be lessened.

Q: Let's say that your dream to be president becomes true this year, what
will you do first to turn around the security situation in the country?

A: If we are going to elect a new leadership this year using the 4.5 tribal
power sharing system [the top clan leaders elect a president] then I'm not
going to give it legitimacy by running for presidency. This is because it
is a system that segregates the majority of Somalis. This is the system
that is actually causing insecurity in Somalia. It is feeding terror inside
the country. Whoever becomes president in Somalia through the 4.5 clan
system is a highly incompetent and corrupt person. It's a person who has
paid his way to get there.
As to the issue of tackling insecurity in Somalia; if I'm elected, the
first thing I will do is to invite them [al-Shabab] to the table. This
strategy of fighting them hasn't worked in Somalia because they address
social and economic issues. They [al-Shabab] talk about the lack of quality
education, the corrupt leadership; they do things that majority of Somalis
would like to see addressed and which they feel helpless to do.

Q: You sound like a courageous and brave woman; who inspires you?

A: I have been always inspired by my mother. I am where I am today because
of her even though she died in 1995. She continues to inspire me although
she has been dead for quite sometime.

Fadumo Dayib plans to run as a candidate in the Somali 

[WestNileNet] My Response To FDC Presidential Candidate's Statement.

2016-03-08 Thread Hussein Amin
These are interesting times. And on behalf of the Amin family, I would like
to respond to Dr. Kizza Besigye's statement on Museveni's 2016 'coup' as he
called it (
Just like any Ugandan, we have political preferences within our family as
But when something is wrong politically, I speak out publicly or privately
regardless of which side I see it happening. That's why I cherish being
politically independent and therefore balanced.
Yesterday Dr. Kizza Besigye made a public statement about the situation in
the country.
He rightly said: "Kampala remains under siege".
Those who know my thoughts on the matter can confirm that I also agree when
he says that what we are witnessing today is a "coup".
Though attempts seem to have been made to cover it under a questionable
electoral sheepskin that bearly hides the military underbelly.
However the only point where I disagree with the FDC presidential
candidate, is when the good doctor says: "the streets are reminiscent of
1971, in the aftermath of Gen Idi Amin's coup!"
I am aware that Idi Amin's name is brought into the equation for dramatic
effect given the international smear campaign to demonize him and anyone
mentioned along with him.
I have hereby attached the picture of that 1971 aftermath so that Besigye
and others who think like him (and thereby contribute to distorting the
true patriotic history and outstanding economic legacy of Idi Amin) can
understand how mistaken they actually are. If you can identify Amin in that
massive joyous crowd, then you probably have 20/20 eyesight. Though haters
might say "it is photoshopped".
In 1971 similar scenes were everywhere including at Makerere University
where students were said to have celebrated non-stop for an entire week.
Idi Amin coming to power was equivalent or more popular than Thomas
Sankara, another African hero soldier who came to power in a military coup
(1983) and who the continent will forever mourn.
This is in stark contrast to the historic silence, heartbreak and deserted
streets countrywide that we all witnessed the day Ugandan presidential
results were announced last month, and where military battalions were then
deployed everywhere, intimidating the people.
The only time I can remember Kampala falling that silent was when Tanzanian
forces were approaching the city (1979).
I wondered why Besigye didn't compare todays siege to the one the people of
Luweero experienced under the well known NRA/UNLA deadly lockdowns for
example? But then I remembered that Luweero was so devastatingly gruesome
compared to anything Uganda has ever seen. And though they throw the grim
responsibility at each other so as to try and hide their little care for
human life, confessions have been reported from both the Obote and Museveni
There are at least three confessions from the NRM side that include the
infamous UPC T-shirt saga by the current Justice Minister, then the book
"Betrayed by my leader" by Major John Kazoora, and the famous (and
controversial) girl child NRA soldier China Keitesi who wrote "Child
Soldier. Fighting for my life." plus a CNN award-winning documentary
"China, war child" where she recounts the horrors she was forced to commit,
but also the ills done to her by her own NRA superior officers.
On the Obote side there is actually no need for confessions. They are
actually far too guilty that they live in exile though trying hard to wipe
their hands off anyone that merely says "Hi" to them.
But as an active combattant during the NRA bush war, Mr. Besigye must be
spoilt for choice of gruesome events that he would like to make comparisons
with. So why Amin now?
However, returning to todays events, I publicly declared Besigye president
when electoral tallying fraud started rearing its ugly head last month
during results announcing. His supporters on social media were greatful
that I did that. But after seeing Besigye's statement yesterday, I re-read
my declaration again on social media, and was left shaking my head as I
awoke to how they repay my family if/when we support them. I hereby
withdraw that declaration. One that I had written at great risk since the
law says only the Electoral Commission declares the winner. But then I
thought it is one thing to make a public declaration to 39 million Ugandans
as they eventually did, and its another when I declare my opinion to the
few thousand followers I have on social media. Something I did as we
mourned the death of free and fair elections on 18th February 2016.
The points above aren't the only time that I have disagreed with Dr.
Besigye. Last year as campaigns kicked off, when the candidates were
competing for who had the biggest crowds, I wrote an opinion article where
I asked what had happened to the "No Reforms, No Elections" campaign that
he and some civil society/pressure groups were declaring vigurously prior
to nominations. As far as I recall the only reforms made