[WestNileNet] Video - Biogas for smallholders in vietnam

2017-02-07 Thread Charles Male
very practical way to get electricity for household

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2017-02-07 Thread Hussein Amin
Clinging now has a new record.
To make it pallatable, they've smartly tucked it under the presumably
accepted idea of a monarchy, which is basically an unelected head of state,
and they are calling the record a "Saphire Jubilee" (65 years).
In reality, an individual has managed, in broad daylight and unbothered by
democratic forces, to remain at the helm since colonial times, above her
country's elections, longer than any African president today. Queen
Elizabeth probably intends to remain there for life while Her Majesty's
government seeks her age-mate Mr. Robert Mugabe to quit leading Zimbabwe.

By Lumumba Hussein Amin
WestNileNet mailing list

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2017-02-07 Thread Hussein Amin
Even when one might not necessarily agree with me on an issue, don't I have
the inalienable right to state an opinion?
There is a saying that if you want to know who has lost the debate, it is
usually the person resorting to slander and abusive language.
In the face of increasing malicious commentary, bogus news, insults, and
falsehoods being said publicly about me by a few individuals, I have
usually chosen my right to remain silent.
I however do appreciate those who engage me in honest debate and
constructive criticism. But there are others who need to get a life other
than permanently wallowing in imbecility. The dictionary defines this as
"the state of being an imbecile". A person whose lifetime on earth will be
marked as "Great stupidity".
Thank God for allowing me to watch those who already lost the debate. Some
don't even know it yet, and are therefore cluelessly competing for first
place in the 'Moron Championships'.

Author: Lumumba Hussein Amin
WestNileNet mailing list

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2017-02-07 Thread Hussein Amin

The bloodiest war in Uganda's history, the NRA bush war was launched
exactly 37years ago on February 6th 1980. A war between Obote and his
tribalist army on one side, and Museveni's rebels and allies on the other.
It was a heavily sectarian war where both sides fought along ethnic lines.
The death toll in Luweero district alone is estimated at 500,000 innocent
peasants killed, and their skeletons displayed on roadsides to terrorize
survivors. The mass graves from that war are countless, and the tales and
confessions of the most horrific war crimes, genocide and crimes against
humanity during that war still resonate.
It is known that the NRA rebels got some important military support from
Ghaddafi. That is when the close relationship between Museveni and Ghaddafi
The NRA emissaries who met Ghaddafi in the Libyan capital Tripoli, went
there masquerading as people sent by Field Marshal Idi Amin who was in
Saudi Arabia at the time.
So when Ghaddafi sent weapons and ammunition, the Libyan president
genuinely thought that he was assisting an old friend.
But as the launch of that war was celebrated yesterday, let it be
remembered that this war cemented the Obote era as the worst and darkest
days ever in Uganda's history. A period marked by endemic tribalism, human
rights abuses beyond imaginable, and constant vicious infighting amongst
the "liberators". It is quite astonishing to note that this happened as the
international community, particularly British military trainers, looked on
without the slightest condemnation. In fact they helped the completely
indisciplined UNLA army commit grave massacres by training the Obote
henchmen on how best to use explosives, mines and other weapons during that
Today many around the world could be forgiven for thinking that the Luweero
horrors, the worst ever in Uganda, never happened.

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2017-02-07 Thread Hussein Amin
"No I am not rich. I am one of the poor leaders in the world. And my
intention is to work for the people. Not for myself. That is the reason why
if you check in all banks all over the world, in Europe, in Asia, in
Africa, in the United States of America, you will never find an account
belonging to me. Because I work for the people of Uganda.
I am a founder of the economic independence of Uganda." - Field Marshal
President Idi Amin Dada.

In 1974, following a presidential decree, Field Marshal President Idi Amin
established Uganda as a full member of the Organization of Islamic
Conference and its development bank.
To this day, Uganda gets an average $100 million US Dollars grant from the
OIC as budget support EVERY YEAR since 1974.
The money goes to fund development projects.
For example, as recently as March 2016, the Grid Rural Electrification
project in Uganda received a grant of $70.7million dollars for expanding
the electricity grid to rural areas upcountry.
In 2015, Uganda sought $110million dollars (about Shillings 315.7b) to
upgrade the 92 kilometre Muyembe-Nakapiripirit road in North-Eastern Uganda.
Another recent project involved $34million dollars (about Shillings 87bn)
for financing enhanced national food security by increasing rice production
in the districts of Iganga and Bugiri in the Busoga region, Eastern Uganda.
Other projects through the years have involved electricity generation,
clean water, basic health services, technical training & skills enhancement
programs. All for the benefit of all Ugandans regardless of their tribe,
religion, or the regime in place.
My father's legacy, his service to the people of Uganda, and his
contribution to the development of the country, continues.

By Lumumba Hussein Amin
WestNileNet mailing list

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2017-02-07 Thread Hussein Amin
I am not exactly up-to-date with the very latest from parliament regarding
the now infamous "Oil Handshake" investigation.

However, I would quickly advise those involved to put aside the political
bureaucracy, and first establish the legality of the presidential directive
that approved the reward request and authorized its payment. (See

If the directive was legal, isn't it "case closed"?

Because the other activities would then be more about technicalities and
the related accounting acrobatics to implement that directive.

Let us agree that no matter how disturbing the matter is, by law there is
nothing illegal in requesting for a reward.

It is the approval and payment that has to abide by the prescribed laws.

The Constitution of Uganda, specifically Article 99 (1) states: "The
Executive Authority of Uganda is vested in the President and shall be
exercised in accordance with the laws of Uganda."

So while it is important to investigate administrative compliance, what
matters most is the directive. Was it lawful?

If yes, then let the people of Uganda be shown the exact "laws of Uganda"
that it was implementing.

Mr. Lumumba Hussein Amin
WestNileNet mailing list

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2017-02-07 Thread Hussein Amin
Something seems unfair about fuel prices at the petrol stations.
Last year when global oil prices fell by 70% (from over $100 per barrel to
almost $30 per barrel), the petrol stations gave all sorts of technical
excuses explaining why they barely reduced prices at the pump.
Today, with every slight increase in crude oil price per barrel (from $51.9
USD per barrel in January to $53.9 USD per barrel yesterday), petrol prices
at the pump are also already on a constant rise.
>From Ushs 3240 per liter three weeks ago, to Ushs 3390 per litre last week,
and now Ushs 3440 today. (Shell petrol station figures).
I wonder what excuse the fuel companies will give the people this time.
They seemed not eager enough to reduce prices when the crude oil price per
barrel fell as drastically as it did last year, but now the companies seem
quick to raise the petrol price at the slightest international crude oil

By Lumumba Hussein Amin
WestNileNet mailing list

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2017-02-07 Thread Hussein Amin

Sad to note that a fascist American terrorist attacked and killed six
Africans last week while they were in worship. The origin of the deceased
people is suspiciously not being mentioned. They were Africans.
The radicalization that is currently taking place in western countries both
at the political level and within the general public should be a cause for
Africa's concern.
These are the very behaviours, and attitudes that led to systematic
empire-wide abuse by colonial governments.
It is getting clearer by the day that Africa is probably everyone's last
priority since the continent isn't even being discussed by our once close
global partners. Something akin to a general freeze in global relations s
occurring at the moment, where everyone is watching the once unimaginable
spectacle currently unfolding at the Trump White House.
Yet just a year ago we were still being patted on the back and told "Africa
is the next economic frontier", "the future of global growth".
In Europe and the US, the socio-political mood is clearly veering towards
hate and exclusion. But the politicians are only following what they see
from their societies, their voters, who have fully embraced and normalized
these behaviours under the excuse of economic difficulties.
Images of an African drowning in the Venice Grand Canal as Europeans
filmed, laughed, and made quite heartless comments as they left him to die,
should be a wake up call of what level of malignment Africa can expect. I
repeat, European politicians are fully endorsing the behaviours of their
societies rather than leading their people towards always better social
This situation presents each African country with an opportunity to review
and build intra-African relations as our own imperative for our own
survival, development, and protection while we try to assess what will be
our role within the international community (if any).
It would also be prudent to prepare to say no to certain policies (and
possible political utterances) that might interfere with our integrity.
This so as to ensure that we are not bullied.
Why can't Africa shed its timidity on global affairs and have a more
meaningful say on all international matters wether they affect us directly
or not?
In comparison, Europeans havecreached deep in our remotest villages telling
us what we should or should not be doing yet it doesn't help them directly
except in having a larger say (and influence) in our countries and our
governance affairs. It is only good manners if we are able to say something
when we see anything wrong happening in our friends/development partners
homes, just like they do about our own homestead.
Africa, particularly The African Union institution, has to change the way
it sees itself. It should fully take its seat in world affairs. Especially
that it is now getting increasingly probable that we will see four years of
global foreign policy lawlessness from certain quarters. I expect certain
powers to wantonly overstep boundaries, followed by denial of causing any
And as I recently predicted that the new world policy was going to be
comparable to an "Every country for itself" policy, Africa could instead
now unite even stronger as a block to protect itself and thrive despite
such a disjointed and divided global environment.
Thank God it is also very timely that the Kingdom of Morrocco has finally
opted to re-unite with fellow African countries after decades of going
nowhere alone.
Such a development adds new weight, impetus, and meaning to the African
Union on the global arena.
At the same AU summit, a Ugandan judge has also reportedly been presented
for approval by the African Union for a judge position at the International
Criminal Court. This is a step in the right direction.
But what is most likely happening at the moment is probable shock and
disbelief by African Union member countries upon seeing Uganda
flip-flopping between previously urging everyone to quit the international
court, and now nominating a Ugandan judge to sit in The Hague.
This is a situation that could be interpreted by AU Heads of State as
possible unseriousness on our part.

By Lumumba Hussein Amin
WestNileNet mailing list

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[WestNileNet] Temporary job

2017-02-07 Thread Peter Odama
TechBuilding Ltd is looking for one engineer with good skills   , young,
and ambitious to develop and grow career path   both in BoQ and
architecturals  New graduates diploma holders or degree preferred  without
any other busy assignments Preferred  net salary 1m to start subject to
probational performance and more benefits in due cause.

Our partner Wolfgang  Enderle will directly  deal with  you.  Young and
strong career  development  seekers with Survey,   BoQ and architecturals
multi  tasked experienced applicants are preferred  to develop  a new
startup industrial plant yet to start. This is not  a good business for
double dealers

Local Luganda  language  a MUST

Send CVs to below address and gp.uganda...@gmail.com and cc

Address to CEO TechBuilding Ltd

Best Regards

Peter Odama

Managing Director

Global Pace Limited

P.O Box 26850 Kampala,
Mukwaya General Hospital Building, Ggaba Road room 6 behind,  1st floor.


Tel:+256 776167923/+256 753 927 432
Civil Engineering,Logistics, Provision of services/office supplies,
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