Re: [whatwg] salvaging work while navigating away from a web app -- onunload="confirm('save before quitting?')

2008-12-14 Thread Andy Lyttle
On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 10:30 PM, Martin Atkins  

An alternative from Opera:

The confirm dialog is whole-browser-modal, but it has a checkbox  
"Stop executing scripts on this page" which allows you to  
forcefully kill
off a script that's repeatedly displaying dialogs as in the  
example that

prompted this message.

neither of these bother me. and i'm certainly in favor of adding a
stop option to the dialogs for firefox.

it's definitely managable. today some of our dialogs get an extra
'debug script' button under certain conditions.

The only concern I have is that someone from UE/UI will complain that
such a button will confuse people, as it becomes trivial for a user to
break any web site and not necessarily understand that what they did
was the cause. However, that's a bridge I'm willing to try to cross.

I think enabling the button only after multiple repeated dialogs  
would be a reasonable compromise, perhaps with an "Are you sure?"  

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] Add 'type' attribute to

2008-11-01 Thread Andy Lyttle

On Oct 31, 2008, at 7:57 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

That's what the "class" attribute is for.

What's the difference then between  and  then? I mean,  

the  element provide anything that  with an appropriate
class wouldn't?

A default style when there's no CSS support, support in accessibility
tools, the ability for search engines to understand what's going on,
easier round-tripping between editors, simpler rules in CSS and other
selector-like environments, etc. The usual benefits of semantics.

Are we talking about assigning particular meanings to certain class  
names?  Or are we saying "this is for semantic purposes, but do  
whatever you want with it, because nobody will see it except UAs that  
are applying CSS rules and users who view the HTML source code"?  If  
the former, it's a terrible idea because developers have been working  
with the assumption that there are no reserved keywords so there are  
bound to be conflicts.  If the latter...  it doesn't really mean  
anything, does it?

By the way, I gave a ridiculous example earlier of why defining  
class="footnote" to have semantic meaning would be bad; I got really  
bored and fleshed out that example:

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] Add 'type' attribute to

2008-10-31 Thread Andy Lyttle

On Oct 31, 2008, at 11:06 AM, Pentasis wrote:

I would never opt for using "class" for anything other than CSS  
styling. The reason for this being that I feel that neither "id"  
nor "class" should contain keywords, but only author defined words.  
For me a "type" or "role" attribute would be like an "id" or  
"class" only it would contain keywords and be not style-related but  
content related.

Also, because authors have assumed that they had full reign over id  
and class names, there are bound to be conflicts if we now define  
certain keywords to have semantic meaning (which could correspond to  
presentational behavior).  Breaking backwards compatibility when we  
add new features is certainly undesirable.

Musical feet!  La

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] Web forms 2, input type suggestions (Michael A. Puls II)

2008-10-31 Thread Andy Lyttle

On Oct 30, 2008, at 2:19 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
I have no problem with .  type=address would be  
very confusing (see what people think about the  element  
today!), and worse, can legitimately be thought to be for inputting  
physical addresses.  No one will ever think that type=email is for  
composing an email - it's a single piece of information (composing  
an email requires several) and it's in the input family which is  
for small pieces of information (an entire email is much larger  
than the natural size of an ).

In the multiple case, I'm fine with either [type="emails"] or  

Me too.

Are there any other situations where adding a "multiple" attribute  
could work similarly, other than ?

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] [WF2]

2008-10-24 Thread Andy Lyttle

On Oct 24, 2008, at 8:23 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

So, pulling it all together, my proposal for a hinting ability on  
 is thus:

 can have a @hint attribute, which takes a text value.  If  
there is no , then this hint is initially  
displayed in the 's collapsed state.  As soon as an option  
is selected, though (or if an  had @selected initially),  
the hint disappears and the selected 's text is instead  
displayed in the 's collapsed state.  When @hint is  
supplied, a conforming UA will not allow the form to be submitted  
until an option is selected (again, an  with @selected  
specified counts here), indicating in some way that a value in the  
 must be chosen (the exact method UAs use to indicate this  
to users is left undefined, but should be similar to how the UA  
alerts a user that an  with @required is empty and must be  

For fallback, authors should provide an empty  (or one  
containing only whitespace) with an appropriate default @value as  
the 's first child.  If s are used, this   
should come before them.  Conforming UAs will not display this  
.  In legacy UAs, this will cause the  to initially  
display as blank in the collapsed state, and will submit the author- 
supplied default value as the value of the control if the user does  
not make a proper selection.

This sound good?

Almost!  The only problem is, I might want the text of my "blank"  
option to be something other than whitespace, for example "(none)",  
"None of the above" (it could be the last option instead of the  
first), etc.  Remember that in a case where the initial state is some  
other  selected, we want the user to be able to choose the  
"blank" option, and "(none)" is much clearer in the expanded menu  
than whitespace, which may not be recognized as being a selectable  

Reserving value="" to indicate which option is the "blank" one would  
solve this problem (while presenting more). :-)

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] [WF2]

2008-10-23 Thread Andy Lyttle

On Oct 23, 2008, at 12:19 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
Ultimately the display of the hint is, and should be, up to the UA,  
so that non-full-featured devices can display things in a maximally  
helpful way to the user.  Within the context of a standard browser  
on an ordinary computer, though, the correct display seems  
relatively clear.  When the select is collapsed, the hint should  
show until the user selects something.  After the user selects  
something, the hint will never again display in the collapsed  
state.  I'm not sure if it's necessary for the hint to display in  
the expanded state.  If it is, though, then it should always be the  
first item in the list, and it should be nonselectable, similar to  
how column groups display currently.

1) If the user clicks to open the menu, then clicks away or presses  
Esc without making a selection, does that count as a selection for  
purposes of making the placeholder not appear again?

2) If the user never selects something, they'll never see anything  
but the placeholder.  That means they won't see the text associated  
with whatever option is selected by default.  In many cases, the  
default option will be some sort of blank* value to indicate that the  
user has not made a selection; the current practice serves both  
purposes at the same time (having a blank value to indicate no  
selection, and setting the text of that option to a placeholder/ 
hint).  A placeholder option would replace one of these purposes, but  
not both; authors would still need to have a default option that  
indicates non-selection.

* By blank, I mean something unique that the script that will process  
the form knows means a non-selection.  I normally use value=""> for this purpose, but it could be any value the author  

In other cases, there must always be something selected; a non- 
selection shouldn't be possible.  An example might be the "country"  
field on an address form, which defaults to the most likely choice  
(e.g. United States for sites that expect most of their audience to  
be American).  The user shouldn't be permitted to select a non- 
value.  How should the placeholder text be displayed?  It seems clear  
to me that it should NOT appear on the collapsed menu at all, but  
should appear at the top of the expanded menu.

There are other cases where having a blank option is appropriate, but  
the default may be something else.  The user can explicitly change  
the selection to a blank option.

How should the placeholder behave in each of these cases?

I realize these are display issues rather than semantic issues, but I  
think it's appropriate to discuss them.

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] [WF2]

2008-10-23 Thread Andy Lyttle

On Oct 23, 2008, at 5:31 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:

This use case is definitely something we want to consider, but I don't
think it's about required="". It's about an option in the   
being a

non-option (as it were).  by definition can't have nothing
selected. That's what it means.

The issue about a placeholder value is listed as an open issue in the
spec, and will probably be addressed at some future point.

This is an interesting point I hadn't considered.  It's *very* common  
to use the first  in a  as a non-choice such as  
"Choose one...", setting the value to something unique (often "" but  
it could be something else if "" is a valid choice) so it can be  
treated as a non-selection.  This serves *precisely* the same purpose  
as the placeholder attribute on text input fields, which I had  
assumed wouldn't be valid for .

I suggest that the placeholder attribute should indeed apply to  
, and the behavior should be similar to the current practice  
of using the first .  In particular, the placeholder should  
appear both on the collapsed menu, and at the top of the open menu,  
although it should not be selectable.

But the question is, when the menu is collapsed, when should the  
placeholder be displayed instead of one of the options?  Any time the  
value is ""?  Only until the user selects something?  Somebody  
smarter than me, please figure this out. :-)

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] fixing the authentication problem

2008-10-22 Thread Andy Lyttle
This is similar to the SSH model; the first time you connect,  
you're expected to manually check by some means that you're  
connecting to the right server.  On subsequent connections, you  
won't be bothered unless the key changes.

I'll concede that in most cases no-one actually verifies the key in  
the first connection case, but at least this requires an attacker  
to intercept your *first* connection from a particular client,  
rather than just any connection.

I may not verify the key manually, but if my first connection to a  
particular server is made over a local network that I trust to be  
secure, then I can trust the key my SSH client has saved.  This is  
not at all an uncommon situation:  I set up a new server, I plug my  
laptop into the local LAN, I log in to make sure everything works.   
Later, when I'm sitting in a restaurant waiting for lunch and my  
laptop is connected to an untrusted public wifi network, I know the  
key my SSH client saved is legitimate.

This wouldn't be common with HTTP.

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] fixing the authentication problem

2008-10-21 Thread Andy Lyttle
4. The need for a dedicated IP address, instead of using name-based  
virtual hosts.

That and #1 are the reasons I don't use it more.

Andy Lyttle

On Oct 21, 2008, at 7:48 AM, Aaron Swartz wrote:

Some major web services redirect the user to an SSL server for
the login transaction, but SSL is too expensive for the vast  

of services.

The issue is not SSL being expensive: the only expensive part is

There are three costs to SSL:

1. Purchasing a signed cert.
2. Configuring the web server.
3. The CPU time necessary to do the encryption.

1 could be fixed by less paranoid UAs, 2 could be fixed with better
software and SNI, and 3 could be fixed by better hardware. But,
realistically, I don't see any of these things happening.

What's the actual difference between this and https? Both mechanisms
are using public-key encryption to protect the communications; the

The difference is that this would work practically. Server authors
typically can't configure, but they typically can install an
encryption library. Support will get built into web applications and
web application frameworks (disclosure: I'm the author of a web
application framework) and the Web will be more secure.

Re: [whatwg] input type=hidden outside phrasing content

2008-10-16 Thread Andy Lyttle
That seems sort of weird though.  You're fine with putting the  
 within the , but you'd prefer *not* to do  
the same with the ?  It seems much more  
reasonable to just put it in the exact same place.  At any rate, it  
certainly doesn't seem like a compelling reason to change the  
content model of .

Only because within the  I already had the value expressed as  
plain text.  I ended up with something like value="Foo">Foo (except it was uglier).  I can't think of a  
specific example, but I know there's been something similar I wanted  
to do in the past that was similar that turned out uglier than this.

I'm not saying it's a compelling reason, just that wanting to do it  
isn't completely insane. :-)

Andy Lyttle

On Oct 16, 2008, at 3:07 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 4:59 PM, Andy Lyttle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  


This is something I wanted to do recently.  I was building HTML in  
a Perl script, adding table rows in a loop, and I wanted some rows  
to contain text field with user-editable value, while for other  
rows I wanted the value to be displayed but not editable (and I  
didn't want to use a disabled text input, I wanted the value  
displayed as plain text and use a hidden input with the value  
preset).  I believe I wound up putting the  inside the ,  
which worked well enough but if putting it directly inside the   
were valid I probably would have done that.

That seems sort of weird though.  You're fine with putting the  
 within the , but you'd prefer *not* to do  
the same with the ?  It seems much more  
reasonable to just put it in the exact same place.  At any rate, it  
certainly doesn't seem like a compelling reason to change the  
content model of .


Re: [whatwg] Color attributes

2008-10-16 Thread Andy Lyttle
"While the first item's length in segments is greater than 2 and the  
first character in each item in segments is a U+0030 DIGIT ZERO  
character, remove the first character from each item in segments."

Does this mean, if the length of the first item in segments is  
greater than 2 then loop through each item in segments, and if the  
first character is 0 then remove it?

Or does it mean, if the length of the first item in segments is  
greater than 2 and the first character of every item in segments is  
0, then loop through each item and delete the first character, but if  
the first character of any item is not 0 then leave the whole thing  

I'm assuming you meant #1, but your wording isn't perfectly clear.

Has it occurred to you that while your algorithm makes the string  
"foo" return an error, the string "l33tsp34k" is converted to a dark  

Andy Lyttle

On Oct 16, 2008, at 4:46 AM, Simon Pieters wrote:

On Thu, 05 Jul 2007 23:43:55 +0200, Simon Pieters  

Color attributes in HTML have special processing.

It seems that some pages use three-digit notation and expect it to  
work as in CSS. I've made the algorithm do that and I've drafted up  
a spec for this:

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Re: [whatwg] input type=hidden outside phrasing content

2008-10-16 Thread Andy Lyttle



This is something I wanted to do recently.  I was building HTML in a  
Perl script, adding table rows in a loop, and I wanted some rows to  
contain text field with user-editable value, while for other rows I  
wanted the value to be displayed but not editable (and I didn't want  
to use a disabled text input, I wanted the value displayed as plain  
text and use a hidden input with the value preset).  I believe I  
wound up putting the  inside the , which worked well  
enough but if putting it directly inside the  were valid I  
probably would have done that.

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] video tag : loop for ever

2008-10-15 Thread Andy Lyttle

On Oct 15, 2008, at 8:38 AM, João Eiras wrote:

Why not just assuming that playcount="0" means loops forever ?

This was exactly my thought.

If playcount="5" causes the video to be played 5 times, what should  
the result of each of these be?


Is there any possible usefulness whatsoever in making playcount="0"  
not play the video at all?  If not, I don't see a good reason not to  
use that to mean infinite looping.

Either that, or some keyword, but I don't know what it should be.   
"infinite" and "forever" come to mind.

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] Video : Slow motion, fast forward effects

2008-10-14 Thread Andy Lyttle

Me too.

As I understand it, the intention was that because some players can't  
support it, all players should be forbidden to do it because web  
developers might somehow come to rely on it not working.  I'm having  
trouble imagining how that could be a significant problem, and  
mandating that behavior in the spec seems very weird.  A note in the  
spec explaining that you should mute it if you really want it to not  
play sounds like a much better way to go.

Is there any situation where muting it like that won't elegantly  
solve this problem?

Andy Lyttle

On Oct 14, 2008, at 11:28 AM, Peter Kasting wrote:

On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 8:00 AM, Eric Carlson  
 Some media formats and/or engines may not support reverse  
playback, but I think it is a mistake for the spec to mandate this  
behavior. Why is reverse playback different from other situations  
described in the spec where different UAs/ media formats will  
result in different behavior, eg. pitch adjusted audio, negotiation  
with a server to achieve the appropriate playback rate, etc?

 I think the current sentence that talks about audio playback rate:

 When the playbackRate is so low or so high that the user agent  
cannot play audio usefully, the corresponding audio must not play.

could be modified to include reverse playback as well:

 When the playbackRate is such that the user agent cannot play  
audio usefully (eg. too low, too high, negative when the format or  
engine does not support reverse playback), the corresponding audio  
must not play.

Agree wholeheartedly.

Mandating silence during reverse playback seems bizarre in the  
abstract, unnecessary if authors have a way to mute, and  
potentially detrimental to future applications which may _want_ to  
be able to do this in a controlled fashion (e.g. a virtual  
turntable application).


Re: [whatwg] Placeholder option for text input boxes

2008-10-04 Thread Andy Lyttle

On Oct 4, 2008, at 3:38 PM, timeless wrote:

On 10/3/08, Adrian Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Placeholder ... aids usability

having recently fought with some javascript which tried to enhance my
ability to enter text ('crash' in a keyword chooser using nokia's
webkit based browser on my phone), I'd like to remind people that
someone's "usability" aid is someone else's nightmare. the problem
there didn't need solving as the browsers we have either support
remembering text-input or have keyboard support or are so slow that
the chooser hangs them

i use quite a few browsers where javascript is disabled and in many of
them, clearing a text field is extremely painful (especially the phone

The existence of a "placeholder" attribute in HTML should discourage  
web developers from using crazy Javascript hacks that don't work  
correctly on a cell phone.  In particular, it means NOT "faking it"  
by setting the value of the field to an obnoxious string that doesn't  
get cleared.  Browser developers such as Nokia can display  
placeholder text in whatever way makes the most sense on their  
platform, without using JavaScript at all.

Most mobile browsers I've used switch to a text input dialog as soon  
as the control is focussed.  I would display the placeholder on the  
web page the same way any other browser would, but not display it on  
the text input dialog.  Someone else might choose to go ahead and  
display it on the text input dialog as well (above the input field),  
with the placeholder text not disappearing while text is being entered.

my devices aren't powerful enough to support true accessibility
features, but in some ways they want them- especially to turn off all
of these glitzy web "features" which significantly impede my ability
to get work done.

sometimes enabling a designer to do something is the wrong decision.
google and skype both can convert all numbers they see into very
annoying and generally incorrect tel: links. skype's toolbar can
thankfully be disabled, however the gmail mobile one can't be, which
means I'm stuck with unusable (and unreadable) content.

Enabling a designer to use placeholders is a moot point; they're  
already doing it, in a non-standard buggy way that breaks on your  
phone.  We want to give them semantic markup that will behave the way  
they want in their browser, while still being perfectly usable on  
your phone so they can quit using annoying hacks.  Placeholder  
shouldn't be "glitzy" and absolutely should never impede your ability  
to get work done; if it does, somebody screwed up their implementation.

placeholders are interesting, but will the resources required to
support them be better than telling designers just to make their
label's clearer?

I don't expect the required resources to be significant, but I'm not  
a browser developer...

for my devices, I'm going to need a way to disable them and something
tells me that even if  we were to standardize on a way to present
placeholders, I'll still be unable to suppress many implemented in

This is true.  Adding placeholder to HTML doesn't mean web developers  
will immediately drop their JS/CSS hacks, because existing browsers  
don't support placeholder.  But over time, as everybody upgrades  
their browsers and developers stop caring about the people still  
using older browsers, the problem should slowly fade away.

- this complaint was composed using an n800 because symbian brutally
killed my gmail client and the web browser.

My N75 won't load more than a few pages before the browser stops  
working entirely and I have to reboot the phone.  Sucktacular.

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] Placeholder option for text input boxes

2008-10-03 Thread Andy Lyttle

On Oct 3, 2008, at 4:35 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

Man, I could *really* see the "hint" function being viable and  
quite useful.  It offers up a completely new-and-useful semantic,  
and there's no particular place it should already go.  I'd accept  
this as a new attribute without reservation if it was renamed  
@hint, so it's absolutely clear what the semantic for it is.

The only reason to use placeholder instead of hint is that Apple  
already implemented placeholder.  Documentation should explain that  
placeholder is to be used for hints, not for labels (and people can  
then ignore the documentation and use it for labels anyway, but at  
least we tried).

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] Placeholder option for text input boxes

2008-10-03 Thread Andy Lyttle

On Oct 3, 2008, at 1:31 PM, Adrian Sutton wrote:

On 03/10/08 20:56, "Nils Dagsson Moskopp"

Am Freitag, den 03.10.2008, 20:41 +0100 schrieb Adrian Sutton:


Wouldn't three comboboxes be more appropriate ?

While that's a common solution it's a terribly inefficient and  
user interface. Besides, the specific examples aren't as important  
as the
idea that placeholder is an excellent way to provide suggestions  
and thus

distinct from the label of the field.

Exactly, that was my point as well.  People have been saying that the  
only places they've noticed a placeholder being used, it was  
performing the job of a label, but if it were easy to use (a simple  
attribute instead of lots of JavaScript hacking), I think it would be  
used appropriately as a hint more often.  Yes, it would also be  
abused, but what else is new?  If we provide a good way to do it  
right, designers who care about doing it right will do it right, and  
the ones who don't will continue to do whatever they want.

Obviously  kicks ass for this particular example.

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] Placeholder option for text input boxes

2008-10-03 Thread Andy Lyttle

On Oct 3, 2008, at 10:15 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

Russell Leggett wrote:
I've wrestled with this because its something that our designer  
has wanted to use all over the place for an application I'm  
working on. It turns out to be a usability nightmare if not used  

Why was it a uasability nightmare? Would it still have been a  
useability nightmare if there had existed a semantic 'placeholder'  

Or was it because they really should have been using labels, instead  
of trying to shoehorn all the labels into placeholders that disappear  
on focus so as soon as you click you can't see what you're supposed  
to be doing?

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] Safari-compatible

2008-09-30 Thread Andy Lyttle

On Sep 30, 2008, at 2:55 PM, Christoph Päper wrote:

The magnifying glass was a particularly poor choice by Apple[1],  
because icons featuring one usually represent zooming (in).  
Binoculars are (for some reason) more common as symbols for  
searches. Eyes and spectacles OTOH most often represent visibility.

Anyhow, the appearance of this or other types of |input| should not  
be specified by HTML5 / WF2+.

Of course browsers could choose what the icon should look like;  
binoculars aren't a bad choice (although I think you're wrong about  
them being more common than a magnifying glass these days).  The key  
is that the browser gives some sort of non-text indication to the  
user about the purpose of the field, in a platform-appropriate way.

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] Placeholder option for text input boxes

2008-09-30 Thread Andy Lyttle

On Sep 30, 2008, at 12:14 PM, Nils Dagsson Moskopp wrote:

Am Dienstag, den 30.09.2008, 11:49 -0700 schrieb Garrett Smith:

Are there any arguments against a |placeholder| property on INPUT?

Missing semantics ? It is a purely presentational attribute.

It provides a hint to the user about what input is expected.  It's no  
less semantic than title, which gets used for plenty of non-title- 
related things.

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] Placeholder option for text input boxes

2008-09-30 Thread Andy Lyttle

Pros/cons for a |placeholder| property and attribute on TEXTAREA?

As I understand it, it was sort of an accident that Safari supports  
placeholder on anything other than search fields, but there's no  
reason it shouldn't apply to all text input fields including textarea.

I've just filed

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] Safari-compatible

2008-09-30 Thread Andy Lyttle

On Sep 30, 2008, at 10:23 AM, Kristof Zelechovski wrote:

I am not against INPUT[type=search]; I am against INPUT[results=10]  

I cannot see how it can be reasonably preset.

Yeah, that's weird.  I think if I designed it myself, I would have  
made the presence of autosave (instead of results) trigger the  
magnifying glass icon, used a sensible default for the number of  
items in the search history (maybe 10 or 20), used something like  
historylength to override it, and make setting historylength=0  
disable the menu (leaving the icon).  Something like that.  But  
that's not how Apple did it, and we should be compatible with them.

Is this control for simple search only or is it designed to be used  
in an

advanced search interface?  Should it be unique within a form?

Excellent question!  I imagine it should be unique within a form.   
Whether it's appropriate for an advanced search interface would  
depend on the interface; if there's one input that's an obvious  
choice for type="search" then go ahead and use it, otherwise it might  
be better to stick with type="text".

Hopefully someone more qualified than I can provide a better answer.

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] Placeholder option for text input boxes

2008-09-30 Thread Andy Lyttle

On Sep 30, 2008, at 10:54 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

Eh, I'll still complain.  ^_^  While all of your labels *would* be  
appropriate by themselves, the fact that you have to clarify them  
means they're not accurate enough for your purposes.

Hey, I never said this was an example of good design - it's just an  
example of using labels for something that shouldn't be rendered as a  
placeholder, while also using placeholders.

One must also consider the needs of people who are using browsers  
without the ability to render this placeholder text.  They'll put  
"long" in hair, "two" in eyes, and "yes" in nose because they can't  
see the placeholder and are using their keyboard to navigate  
through your form (and thus won't see the tooltips either).

Hopefully the site will designed well enough that the form is usable  
without the placeholder text or tooltips.  For example, there could  
be instructions outside of the form that explain what is expected,  
with the placeholder serving as a subtle reminder to improve usability.

As for accessibility, the goal is to mark it semantically so user  
agents have the opportunity to render it however is appropriate for  
their users, instead of the current JavaScript hacks that force a  
particular implementation.  Safari is (AFAIK) the only user agent  
that currently implements placeholder; there's no reason to assume  
non-graphical user agents won't implement it in the same timeframe  
that other graphical user agents do.

Of course, the aesthetics of splitting the description between the  
 and the placeholder text can't always be denied.   
Semantically, though, you're still using your s as headers  
in this situation, and then providing the actual labels as  
placeholder text, and it would *still* be best semantically to  
either mark it up explicitly as such (move "Hair:"/"Nose:"/etc to a  
 or  and then ing the fields with "Color:",  
"Shape", etc) or collapse the hierarchy and combine ( "Hair:"  
becomes "Hair color:", etc.).

Legend is supposed to label a fieldset, not an individual field.

Facial Features


Birth Information
Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Am I being anal and a little contrived about semantics to support  
my point?  Of course, but that doesn't make my point invalid.  ^_^   
After all, what if you wanted hair length as well as color?  You'd  
be forced to move to one of the two solutions - either promoting  
"Hair" to a full / in the  and using "Color:" and  
"Length" as s or collapsing the label/placeholder dichotomy  
with "Hair color" and "Hair length" both as s or both as  

Of course!  If I wanted both hair color and hair length, it would be  
inappropriate to label both of them "Hair", and if I labeled them  
"Hair Color" and "Hair Length", then I wouldn't use "Color" as a  
placeholder (although I might use "Inches").

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] Placeholder option for text input boxes

2008-09-30 Thread Andy Lyttle

On Sep 30, 2008, at 7:00 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

Hm.  I have a problem with your example.  "Get local weather  
forecast" isn't a semantic  for the field - it doesn't  
describe what the field is for.  It describes what the *form* is  
for, and so should be a  or .  "City, State" actually  
describes the use of the  itself, and should be the label.

Hmm, good call.  Let's see if I can do better:




Place of Birth:
title="Enter the city and state where you were born">

This shows how label AND placeholder AND title could be used for  
three different purposes.  If I were designing the spec from scratch,  
I might have chosen "tooltip" and "hint" instead of "title" and  
"placeholder" respectively, but we have to consider existing  

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] Safari-compatible

2008-09-30 Thread Andy Lyttle

On Sep 30, 2008, at 7:40 AM, Nils Dagsson Moskopp wrote:

I assume that this should be based on the search elements ID  

am I right ? Because common UA behaviour already is to cache entries
(based on ID) ... so what unsolved problem is solved there ?

If I have a form on my site, using a particular autosave string for a  
search field, you can create a form on your site that submits to the  
same CGI URL, with a search field that uses the same autosave string,  
and browsers will know that they should share the search history  
between both forms.  This is not a security problem, because the  
history list is not accessible to you (or me).

I don't see this feature getting a lot of use, but Apple has already  
implemented it, and I don't see a compelling reason not to support  
it.  And who knows, if it's supported, maybe someone will think of  
some clever use for it that I haven't thought of, that couldn't have  
been done well without this feature.

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] Safari-compatible

2008-09-30 Thread Andy Lyttle

On Sep 30, 2008, at 7:18 AM, Kristof Zelechovski wrote:

How can the Web designer know how many recent search terms the user  

like to keep handy at the search box?

The same way the web designer knows anything else:  taking an  
educated guess at what would be most appropriate for their users.

Personally, I would have done it a little differently and called this  
property something other than "results", but Apple has already done  
it, and there is value in staying compatible with them.

What if autosave strings clash, or get deliberately stepped upon?

You can avoid clashing by using reverse-FQDN notation, e.g.  
autosave="", or using your company name or  
other trademark.

It is OK for them to be deliberately stepped upon - this is actually  
a design feature.  If you want to make a search field on your site  
that searches my site (submitting to the same CGI that my form  
submits to), you can specify the same autosave string that I use, and  
search history will be shared between both forms.  There is no  
security problem, because the search history list is not accessible  
to you (or me) unless the user explicitly chooses an item from it  
(which you can't distinguish from pasting in a string from elsewhere).

I think it is a user preference + browser QoI and Web sites should  
not try

to outsmart it.

The whole point of this is to provide sensible markup that the  
browser can use to figure out the best way to handle it.  Browsers  
aren't obligated to handle search history at all if the user doesn't  
want them to.  Using  gives users MORE choice  
about how the browser should behave, by providing more information  
about what the web designer was trying to do, instead of using CSS  
and JavaScript hacks to implement a specific behavior that may not be  
desirable to some users.

Marking a box as a search box is already there (ISINDEX,

Nobody uses that, and it's not a form element.  We could resurrect  
it, but I don't see a compelling reason to do so.

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] Placeholder option for text input boxes

2008-09-30 Thread Andy Lyttle

On Sep 30, 2008, at 7:57 AM, Garrett Smith wrote:

If and until user enters text, the "alternate" text is displayed.

The confusing part is that successfully rendered inputs would be
rendered and still use the alt.

The good part is that it would be (or should be) accessible for  
screen readers.

But alt here as you're describing it doesn't mean the same thing as  
alt anywhere else.  On an image, alt text says "this means the same  
thing as what's supposed to be displayed."  A placeholder does NOT  
mean the same thing as whatever the user is going to enter.

On the bright side, doing what you suggest shouldn't break anything  
because I'm sure nobody's using it.  However, I don't think that just  
because we have an existing property defined that's used on other  
tags with a different meaning, we should reuse that property for this  
meaning instead of defining a new property.

Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] Placeholder option for text input boxes

2008-09-30 Thread Andy Lyttle

On Sep 30, 2008, at 8:33 AM, Nils Dagsson Moskopp wrote:

No, I meant to abolish the placeholder attribute alltogether and  
the title attribute as greyed-sut inside the search box instead,  
  * semantically, the title attribute conveys the same  

  * it is already there in many pages.

Except that:
1) the title attribute doesn't behave this way on any other element
2) there's no reason it shouldn't be possible to have both a  
placeholder AND a tooltip
3) anybody who is currently using the title attribute doesn't expect  
it to be displayed as a placeholder, so we would break things for  
them (especially if their title string is too long to fit inside a  
small field)

Andy Lyttle

[whatwg] Safari-compatible

2008-09-30 Thread Andy Lyttle
I would like Apple's  adopted as an official  
standard, maintaining Safari compatibility.  Attributes are:

onsearch="foo();" - JavaScript function called when the user  
initiates a search

incremental - if present, onsearch fires on every keypress, and on  
clicking the cancel button; otherwise onsearch fires when pressing Enter

results - if present, shows a little magnifying glass icon, which  
helps to visually identify the field as a search box

results=10 - the magnifying glass functions as a drop-down menu  
containing a history of the last (whatever number) search terms

autosave="foo" - define a unique name to identify the search history  
(so the same history may be shared across multiple search boxes, even  
across different domains)

All other attributes of  are also supported,  
including placeholder.  Apple's implementation adds a cancel (x)  
button which appears whenever text has been typed into the box;  
clicking the cancel button clears the text without removing focus.   
They also use rounded corners to make search boxes visually distinct  
from plain text boxes.

Web sites are already implementing some of this functionality through  
JavaScript, CSS and graphics.  Examples of Apple's visual appearance  
(rounded corners and magnifying glass): (but doesn't hide the cancel button when  

Other examples of search fields with a variety of non-square corners:

Examples of incremental search functionality using AJAX:

At first glance it looks like onsearch (when combined with  
incremental) is identical to oninput, but onsearch fires after a  
slight delay, so that if the user rapidly types multiple characters,  
the search doesn't begin until after a sufficient pause in typing.   
For AJAX queries (or CPU-intensive client-side processing), this  
behavior is much better than using oninput, which fires for every  
single keystroke.  Of course the behavior of onsearch could be  
emulated through JavaScript, but having onsearch eliminates the need  
to reinvent that wheel.

I really like having a little magnifying glass icon that I don't have  
to draw myself (or steal from somewhere) and then use crazy CSS  
tricks to get it to look like it's inside the search box.  The  
implementation can be platform-specific of course; for example on  
Windows the magnifying glass might look like this:
and that could be replaced by a cancel button when you start typing:

Safari has supported these features for some time, and we should not  
break compatibility with them:

Google has said they'd like to be compatible with Safari:

The main thing is, if these features were standardized, more sites  
would use them instead of trying to come up with something clever on  
their own, which would lead to more consistency across sites and a  
better user experience.


Andy Lyttle

Re: [whatwg] Placeholder option for text input boxes

2008-09-30 Thread Andy Lyttle
I do not like this idea at all.  That is what LABEL is for, and  

"it's so kewl" text is as annoying as BLINK and BGSOUND.

The  tag is great for labels that are displayed outside the  
input box (in front of, above, etc.). The placeholder attribute is  
intended more as a hint than a label, and is displayed inside the  
input box without taking up any additional space on the page.  An  
example might be:

Get local weather forecast:

Using the "alt" attribute has been suggested here, but no  
implementation uses "alt" in this way, while "placeholder" is already  
supported by one major browser (and since it really isn't alternate  
text, using "alt" doesn't make any sense).  Another suggestion was to  
use the "title" attribute, which is a better idea, but "title" is  
generally implemented as a tooltip that doesn't appear until you  
hover over the element, which is not the desired behavior.  It's  
perfectly legitimate to use a  tag AND title AND placeholder  
attributes, for three subtly different purposes.

You may find the behavior annoying, but hundreds if not thousands of  
popular sites are attempting to implement this behavior (via  
JavaScript and CSS) right now, and many of them are doing it badly.   
If it turns out to be just an annoying fad like  was, then  
usage will fade away, for the same reason that we don't see much  
blinking text anymore even though "text-decoration: blink;" is still  
fully supported CSS.

Andy Lyttle

[whatwg] Placeholder option for text input boxes

2008-09-29 Thread Andy Lyttle

Hi all!

I would like to see Apple's  adopted as an  
official standard, but there's one particular feature that would be  
easy to adopt without supporting the rest, and that's the  
"placeholder" option.  Currently, lots of sites are implementing  
placeholder text through a combination of creative CSS and JavaScript  
hacking, but each site has to reinvent the wheel, and very often the  
wheel gets reinvented badly (examples below).  Making it a standard  
feature of HTML would eliminate the need for all the extra scripting  
and improve accessibility, and consistent behavior would make a  
better user experience.

The desired behavior is for the placeholder text to appear in the  
field with a gray color when the field is not focused and the value  
is empty.  Of course the meaning of "gray" is up to the browser.  The  
placeholder option was originally intended for search fields, but  
it's useful for other input types as well, and Safari already  
supports it on all text input fields.  The HTML simply looks like:

Here are a bunch of examples of sites that currently use JavaScript  
and CSS tricks in an attempt to simulate this behavior, to varying  
degrees of success:

These use black placeholder text that disappears on focus but does  
not reappear on blur: top left, "Keyword or Item #" top right corner, "Movies, Actors,  
Directors" top right corner, "Search"
...and countless others (,,,,,,,, etc.)

These use gray placeholder text which reappears on blur, but text  
entered by the user is also gray: on the right, "Find Friends on MySpace" box top right corner, "Search Blogs"

These use gray placeholder text, but text entered by the user is also  
gray, and the placeholder does not reappear on blur: top center, "Search" top center, "Search" top right, "Enter Keyword"

These use black user-entered text and gray placeholder text that  
reappears on blur, but user-entered text turns gray on blur too: top right corner, "Search the Web" top right corner, "Search Digg..." top right corner, "Search" (gray text is also  

This uses black user-entered text and gray placeholder text, but the  
placeholder text does not reappear on blur and user-entered text  
disappears on focus: top right corner

These behave as I would expect, with black user-entered text and gray  
placeholder text that reappears on blur: left side, "Find a Business" top right corner, "Search" top center, "Search Site..." (also has a  
cancel button) top center, "Search" (also  
has a cancel button) top right corner, "Search" (also has a cancel  
button, uses AJAX for live searching)

These use black placeholder text, but otherwise behave as expected: top right corner, "Search" (uses  
AJAX for live searching) top left corner, "search" top right corner, "Search" top center, "Enter a word, phrase or  
solution ID"

As you can see, that's seven different behaviors, some of which are  
clearly not ideal, and all of which require JavaScript, which takes  
time to implement, test in multiple browsers, and debug.  Supporting  
the placeholder attribute (which is already implemented in one major  
browser) would solve all of these problems.


Andy Lyttle