Re: [whatwg] Changing punctuation value of input element in telephone state

2010-05-13 Thread Martin Atkins

On 04/07/2010 03:49 AM, Mikko Rantalainen wrote:

And nowadays you will see stuff like this:
+358 (012) 1234 567
This contains the area code for Finland +358 in addition to the
Finnish local distance number.
However, there's a catch! When dialing, you must press +358121234567
because the first zero of area code is dropped if there's a country
code. As a result, it's not safe to blindly drop the parenthesis from
user inputted phone number.

This is the case in the UK too.

While in the US phone users tend to realise that the 1 on the front of 
the number is the national dialling prefix, in the UK the 0 that 
signals national dialling is always quoted as part of the dialling code, 
and phone users who don't use international numbers frequently don't 
realize that it's not strictly part of the telephone number.

A common notation for UK numbers with an international prefix is:
+44 (0)1206 123456

...which, just as in your Finnish example, is either dialled as 
+441206123456 or as 01206123456 (were + stands in for your country's 
international dialling prefix.). Dialling +4401206123456 doesn't work.

So with all that said, I don't think dropping punctuation is an adequate 
solution. Cellphones I've had both the US and the UK seem to be able to 
recognize the local conventions and normalize them to the correct form 
for number recognition, so perhaps browsers could adopt the same 
appraoch but this assumes that they would be able to detect what 
geographical area they are being used in and have support for various 
international numbering schemes, which seems like a big burden to put on 
a browser when dealing with telephone numbers is not its core concern.

Re: [whatwg] Window id - a proposal to leverage session usage in web application

2010-02-10 Thread Martin Atkins

Sebastian Hennebrueder wrote:

thank you for the feedback. I hope that I see your point correctly. You 
are right, that for JavaScript based applications this can easily be 
solved with a sessionStorage. All technologies around GoogleWebToolkit, 
Dojo, Echo etc which hold the state in the client and make use of a 
stateless server side application can use the session storage to 
distinguish browser windows.

But there are a lot of web technologies which hold the state on the 
server using the browser session. Technologies like Ruby on Rails, 
JavaServerFaces, Wicket, Struts, Tapestry to name a couple of them. 
Those technologies can not make a simple use of the session storage. 
They are only aware of the browser session which is a common space of 
all browser windows. The windows id let them split the session in a per 
browser window scope.

Originally, when playing with the window id concept, I simulated a 
window id by storing it in a session storage and adding it with the help 
of JavaScript as parameter to all links and as hidden field to all 
forms. It works to some extend but it pollutes the URL and is likely to 
cause problems with bookmarking and there is a use case where it fails. 
If you open a link in a new windows. In that case the first request is 
sending the wrong windows id.

The server-side session management you describe is usually implemented 
via cookies, which as you note are scoped to a particular site and do 
not consider a particular window.

Cookies and sessionStorage are conceptually similar in that both of them 
are mechanisms to allow a site to store data on the client. 
sessionStorage sets the scope of this data to be a (site, window) tuple 
rather than just site.

So it seems like your use-case could also be addressed by providing an 
interface to sessionStorage that uses HTTP headers, allowing the server 
to use sessionStorage in the same way that cookies are used, without 
requiring client-side script and thus requiring the data to be set via 
an HTML page.

To emulate the server-side session mechanisms you describe, you'd simply 
use a single sessionStorage value containing a session id which gets set 
in response to any request that does not provide it.

Re: [whatwg] URN or protocol attribute

2010-02-09 Thread Martin Atkins

Brett Zamir wrote:


Internet Explorer has an attribute on anchor elements for URNs:

This has not caught on in other browsers, though I believe it could be a 
very powerful feature once the feature was supported with a UI that 
handled URNs (as with adding support for custom protocols).

Imagine, for example, to take a link like:

a href= 
urn=isbn:9210020251United Nations charter/a

[snip details]

I like what this proposal achieves, but I'm not sure it's the right 

Here's an attempt at stating what problem you're trying to solve without 
any specific implementation: (please correct me if I misunderstood)

 * Provide a means to link to or operate on a particular artifact 
without necessarily requiring that the artifact be retrieved from a 
specific location.

 * Provide graceful fallback to user-agents which do not have any 
specialized handling for a particular artifact.

This is different to simply linking to a different URL scheme (for 
example, linking a mailto: URL in order to begin an email message 
without knowing the user's preferred email provider) because it provides 
a fallback behavior for situations where there is no handler available 
for a particular artifact.

== Example Use-cases ==

 * View a particular book, movie or other such product without favoring 
a particular vendor.

 * View a map of the location for particular address or directions to 
that address without favoring a particular maps provider.

 * View a Spanish translation of some web document without favoring a 
particular translation provider.

 * Share a link/photo/etc with friends without favoring a particular 
publishing platform. (i.e. generalizing the Tweet This, Share on 
Facebook, class of links)

== Prior Art ==

=== Android OS Intents ===

The Android OS has a mechanism called Intents[1] which allow one 
application to describe an operation it needs have performed without 
nominating a particular other application to perform it.

Intents are described in detail here:

An intent that does not identify a particular application consists of 
the following properties:

 * Action: a verb describing what needs to be done. For example, 
view, edit, choose, share, call.
 * Object: the URI of a particular thing that the action is to be done 
to. This is not specified for actions that apply only to a class of 
object, such as choose.
 * Object Type: the MIME type of the Object, or if no particular Object 
is selected a concrete MIME type or wildcard MIME type (e.g. image/*) 
describing the class of object that the action relates to.

A process called Intent Resolution is used to translate an abstract 
intent like the above into an explicit intent which nominates a 
particular handler.

Often when applications use intents a UI is displayed which allows a 
user to choose one of several available applications that can perform 
the action. For example, the built-in photo gallery application provides 
a Share command on a photo. By default, this can be handled by 
application such as the email client and the MMS application, but other 
applications can declare their support for intents of this type thus 
allowing plug-in functionality such as sharing a photo on Facebook.

=== Internet Explorer urn Attribute ===

Internet Explorer supports a non-standard attribute on the A element 
called urn, which accepts an URN identifying some resource.

It is described in detail here:

It is not apparent that this attribute causes any behavior in the 
browser itself. It is possible that this is exposed to browser 
extensions in some way to allow them to overload the behavior of a link 
which identifies a particular class of resource.

It does not seem that this attribute has achieved wide author adoption 
nor wide application support.


Please reply with any other use cases and prior art you have.

I'm particularly interested to see whether Android's (verb, object) 
tuple is actually required or whether the single object as afforded by 
your proposal -- and by the existing design of registering handlers for 
particular URL schemes and MIME types -- is sufficient for the use-cases 
at hand.

Re: [whatwg] Canvas - Exception on arc with negative radius

2009-03-27 Thread Martin Atkins

Dirk Schulze wrote:

Another example is:,2%

If you turn the molecule a bit, the circles disappear with a
INDEX_SIZE_ERR exception.

Isn't it better to just ignore the arc and go on with the drawing, like
Firefox does? And perhaps the same for arcTo?

Assuming that we desire a do what I mean approach, it seems sane to me 
for a negative radius to be normalized to a positive radius with the 
same magnitude.

It goes from being the distance from the center to the edge to being the 
distance from the center to the opposite edge.

You might also like to visualize this as drawing the back of the circle.

Re: [whatwg] Persistent SharedWorkers

2009-03-06 Thread Martin Atkins

Drew Wilson wrote:

- Permissions:
Installing a persistent worker is essentially giving a web application a 
near-permanent footprint on your PC - we need explicit permission from 
the user, and we need some mechanism in the user agent to revoke this 
permission. There are a number of examples of similar 
permission-granting user flows (ActiveX installation, plugin install, 
gears) which we could use as a model for our grant/revoke permission UI.

I think it'd be great if these things could behave in almost all 
respects like an extension or plugin that's been installed by other 
means. For Firefox it'd show up in the Add-ons dialog, for example.

As a user, I don't really want to care which mechanism a site is using 
to install its extension, so having them all listed together regardless 
of whether they're NSAPI plugins, Gecko extensions or persistant workers 
would be nice.

In some ways, it seems like effectively what you're trying to achieve is 
a standardized approach to Gecko extensions or Browser Helper Objects or 
whatever, hopefully also associated with some kind of permissions model 
that constrain what the extension is allowed to do in the browser to a 
greater extent than allowed by traditional extensions.

Re: [whatwg] Warnings for non-applicable properties

2009-02-10 Thread Martin Atkins

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Mon, 10 Nov 2008, Paul Arzul wrote:
is it unfortunate that the html4 stylesheet is only informative? perhaps 
html5 could then consider giving us a normative default user agent 
stylesheet - or at least a normative version with only display 

The spec has a semi-normative one now. User agents aren't required to 
follow it, because we never know when they might apply styles for 
particular users with special needs.

Could that arguably be considered to be a machine-generated user stylesheet?

I tend to think of the settings my browser has for choosing default 
fonts and so forth to be functionally equivalent to me writing a user 
stylesheet that contains the same settings.

This would allow the HTML spec to normatively require browsers to use a 
particular default stylesheet (or, indeed, act as if they've done so) 
while still allowing for user-specific alterations of various kinds.

(I believe that Mozilla is already implemented as above, more or less.)

Re: [whatwg] Fuzzbot (Firefox RDFa semantics processor)

2009-01-11 Thread Martin Atkins

Toby A Inkster wrote:

Calogero Alex Baldacchino wrote:

The concern is about every kind of metadata with respect to their
possible uses; but, while it's been stated that Microforamts (for
instance) don't require any purticular support by UAs (thus they're
backward compatible), RDFa would be a completely new feature, thus html5
specification should say what UAs are espected to do with such new

RDFa doesn't require any special support beyond the special support that 
is required for Microformats. i.e. nothing. User agents are free to 
ignore the RDFa attributes. In that sense, RDFa already works in 
pretty much every existing browser, even going back to dinosaurs like 
Mosaic and UdiWWW.

Agents are of course free to offer more than that. Look at what they do 
with Microformats: Firefox for instance offers an API to handle 
Microformats embedded on a page; Internet Explorer offers its Web 
Slices feature.

If it is true that RDFa can work today with no ill-effect in downlevel 
user-agents, what's currently blocking its implementation? Concern for 

It seems to me that many HTML extensions are implemented first and 
specified later[1], so perhaps it would be in the interests of RDFa 
proponents to get some implementations out there and get RDFa adopted, 
at which point it will hopefully seem a much more useful proposition for 
inclusion in HTML5.

In the short term the RDFa community can presumably provide a 
specialized HTML5 + RDFa validator for adopters to use until RDFa is 
incorporated into the core spec and tools.

It would seem that it's much easier to get into the spec when your 
feature is proven to be useful by real-world adoption.

[1] canvas, keygen, frames and script are examples of this phenomenon.

Re: [whatwg] Fuzzbot (Firefox RDFa semantics processor)

2009-01-11 Thread Martin Atkins

Ian Hickson wrote:

The question we should be discussing is not should it work? (because 
it already does), but rather, should it validate?

No, the question is what problem are we solving?. Talking about RDFa, 
RDF, eRDF, Microformats, and so forth doesn't answer this question.

The question should it validate is the question do we want to solve the 
problem and is this the right solution, which is a question we can't 
answer without actually knowing what the problem is.

So far, all I really know is that the problem is apparently obvious.

My understanding of the use-case, based on discussions so far, is:

- Allow authors to embed annotations in HTML documents such that RDF 
triples can be unambiguously extracted from human-readable data without 
duplicating the data, and thus ensuring that the machine-readable data 
and the human-readable data remain in sync.

The disconnect you're facing is that the proposers of RDFa consider the 
ability to encode RDF triples to be a goal, while you consider RDF 
triples to be a solution to a (as-yet-undetermined) higher-level 
problem. They take RDF as a given, while you do not. They have already 
solved some problems with RDF and wish only to adapt this generalized 
solution to work in HTML, while you wish to re-solve all of these 
problems from the ground up.

Would you agree with this analysis?

If this is accurate, then it's difficult to see how continued discussion 
on this topic can be productive.

Re: [whatwg] Fuzzbot (Firefox RDFa semantics processor)

2009-01-11 Thread Martin Atkins

Ian Hickson wrote:

They have already solved some problems with RDF and wish only to adapt 
this generalized solution to work in HTML, while you wish to re-solve 
all of these problems from the ground up.

I don't necessarily wish to resolve the problems -- if they have existing 
good solutions, I'm all in favour of reusing them. I just want to know 
what those problems are that we're solving, so that we can make sure that 
the solutions we're adopting are in fact solving the problems we want to 
solve. It would be irresponsible to add features without knowing why.

I would assume that our resident proponents are already satisfied that 
their higher-level problem have been solved, and this is why they're 
frustrated that you won't just let them map their existing solutions 
into HTML all in one fell swoop.

I'm not sure I'd put myself into the RDF proponent bucket, but I do 
know one use-case of RDF that I've encountered frequently so I'll post 
it as a starting point.

The FOAF schema for RDF[0] addresses the problem of making personal 
profile data machine-readable along with some of the relationships 
between people. From the outside looking in, it seems that the goal they 
set themselves was to make machine-readable the sort of information you 
find on a social networking site.

One problem this can solve is that an agent can, given a URL that 
represents a person, extract some basic profile information such as the 
person's name along with references to other people that person knows. 
This can further be applied to allow a user who provides his own URL 
(for example, by signing in via OpenID) to bootstrap his account from 
existing published data rather than having to re-enter it.

Google Social Graph API[1] apparently makes use of FOAF (when serialized 
as XML) as one of the sources of data so that given a URL that 
represents a person it can return a list of URLs that represent friends 
of that person.

The Google Profiles application[2] makes use of the output of the Social 
Graph API to suggest URLs that a user might want to list on his profile 
page, so the user only needs to fill in a couple of URLs by hand.

So, to distill that into a list of requirements:

- Allow software agents to extract profile information for a person as 
often exposed on social networking sites from a page that represents 
that person.

  There is a number of existing solutions for this:
* FOAF in RDF serialized as XML, Turtle, RDFa, eRDF, etc
* The vCard format
* The hCard microformat
* The PortableContacts protocol[3]
* Natural Language Processing of HTML documents

- Allow software agents to determine who a person lists as their friends 
given a page that represents that person.

  Again, there are competing solutions:
* FOAF in RDF serialized as XML, Turtle, RDFa, eRDF, etc
* The XFN microformat[4]
* The PortableContacts protocol[3]
* Natural Language Processing of HTML documents


Assuming that the above is a convincing problem domain, now let's add in 
the following requirement:

- Allow the above to be encoded without duplicating the data in both 
machine-readable and human-readable forms.

Now our solution list is reduced to (assuming we consider both 
requirements together):

* FOAF in RDF serialized as RDFa or eRDF
* The hCard microformat + the XFN microformat
* Natural Language Processing of HTML documents

All three of the above options address the use-cases as I stated them -- 
the Social Graph API apparently uses all three if you're willing to 
consider a MySpace-specific screen-scraper as Natural Language 
Processing -- so what would be the advantages of the first solution?

 * Existing RDF-based systems can use an off-the-shelf RDFa or eRDF 
parser and get the same data model (RDF triples of FOAF predicates) that 
they were already getting from the XML and Turtle RDF serializations, 
reducing the amount of additional work that must be done to consume this 

 * FOAF has an extensive vocabulary that's based on fields that have 
been observed on social networking sites, while hCard is built on vCard 
which has a more constrained scope intended for the sort of entries 
you'd expect to find in an address book.

 * FOAF has been adopted -- usually in the RDF-XML serialization -- by 
some number of social networking sites (e.g. LiveJournal) so they are 
presumably already somewhat familiar with the FOAF vocabulary and may 
therefore be able to adopt it more easily in the RDFa or eRDF 

Though there are of course also some disadvantages:

 * Some sites are already publishing XFN and/or hCard so consuming 
software would need to continue to support these in addition to 
FOAF-in-HTML-somehow, which is more work than supporting only XFN and 
hCard. (In other words, XFN/hCard already work today)

 * RDFa requires extensions to the HTML language, while XFN, hCard and 
NLP do 

Re: [whatwg] keygen

2009-01-06 Thread Martin Atkins

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

In the case of Safari, we store the generated private key in the 
Keychain, and sites using keygen typically respond with a signed 
certificate, which is downloaded and automatically added to the 
Keychain. Depending on the valid purposes of the key, users can then do 
the following automatically:

1) Browse to SSL sites that require client-side certificates for 
authentication, in Safari.


In case it's useful, an example of the above use-case is , which is an OpenID provider that can use SSL 
client certs for authentication. The client certs are initially issued 
using keygen.

I personally use it in Opera and Firefox, and they act in a similar way 
to what you describe for Safari.

Re: [whatwg] Modal dialogs in HTML5

2008-12-27 Thread Martin Atkins

Philipp Serafin wrote:

timeless schrieb:
On Thu, Dec 25, 2008 at 8:29 PM, Philipp Serafin 
Well, you could still phrase it something along the lines of The 
size of a

popup document's viewport SHOULD be calculated using the CSS shrink wrap
algorithm... etc etc.

as an embedder of a browser for a small device, i do *not* want such a

Hence why it would be a SHOULD and not a MUST.

RFC 2119:  This word [...] mean[s] that there may exist valid reasons 
in particular circumstances to ignore a particular item [...]

If the spec author knows the valid reasons, though, I would argue that 
it's better for interop to just spell out the situations where the 
requirement doesn't apply, rather than assume that implementors will 
ignore a particular requirement.

Re: [whatwg] Embedding images within editable content

2008-12-22 Thread Martin Atkins

Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 2:53 AM, Shital Shah wrote:

I'm wondering if there are any ideas being discussed to add an ability so
users can embed images in editable areas.


I'm confused about what you're asking.  All decent WYSIWYG editors
*do* allow users to insert images, and often other media.  You can see
the image right in the display next to all the text while you're
editting it.

I don't know what the original poster was asking about, but one issue 
I've encountered in this area is that users want to embed images from 
their own local drives rather than having to separately upload them to 
the server first.

Unfortunately, the in-browser editors often make it look like this is 
going to work; users manage to get embedded images with file:// URLs 
that seem to work for that user but obviously will not work for any 
other user.

However, I'm not sure what the solution is here. If contentEditable was 
a real form widget you could imagine it supporting a 
multipart/form-data upload of all of its contained images, or something. 
However, as long as client-side code is manually shifting the data to 
and from real widgets it's not clear how to do this since you can't just 
create a file-upload control with the filename pre-populated and submit 
it transparently.

Re: [whatwg] Embedding images within editable content

2008-12-22 Thread Martin Atkins

Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 1:33 PM, Martin Atkins wrote:

However, I'm not sure what the solution is here. If contentEditable was a
real form widget you could imagine it supporting a multipart/form-data
upload of all of its contained images, or something. However, as long as
client-side code is manually shifting the data to and from real widgets it's
not clear how to do this since you can't just create a file-upload control
with the filename pre-populated and submit it transparently.

You can't create a file input with the filename pre-filled for obvious
security reasons, but you *can* still do some clever stuff here.  In
order to add a picture you'll probably need them to go through a file
dialog anyway to select the picture, and you can make this *actually*
be the file dialog of a hidden file input.  You can then move this
input around in the DOM without clearing its value, and submit it

It's a bit hacky, but hey, web security is Serious Business.

This is indeed the solution I employed in a webapp I developed some time 
ago. The main irritation with it was that I needed to submit the image 
to the server before it could be displayed in the WYSIWYG view, which 
required considerable hoop-jumping to put the image in a transient 
location that would eventually be cleaned up if the user didn't actually 
end up using the image on the page, or didn't save the page at all. It 
also didn't work in the copy-paste case, though admittedly in that 
situation we usually just ended up linking to off-site images rather 
than file: URLs, since the copy-pasting was from other websites.

In an ideal world, the content and all embedded media would be submitted 
together in the ultimate form submission. One approach would be to use 
multipart/form-data and have the browser act as if the images were in 
file upload form widgets, and another approach suggested by another 
poster was to include the image using a data: URL. In both cases I would 
still want to do some server-side work after submission to extract the 
images and store them separately, but at least the user experience 
matches the expectation that the image is part of the document.

Of course, neither of these approaches have particularly great fallback 
behavior. The data: URL approach looks the most promising, but apps that 
are not written with that in mind will presumably end up serving the 
content with data: URLs and confusing downlevel browsers. At least it'll 
do something sensible in modern browsers, though, while still making the 
images available for extraction server-side if desired.

Re: [whatwg] salvaging work while navigating away from a web app -- onunload=confirm('save before quitting?')

2008-12-14 Thread Martin Atkins

timeless wrote:

On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 10:01 PM, Martin Atkins wrote:

I think this makes a good case for not allowing any site to create
browser-modal UI. Could browsers handle confirm() and friends in such a way
that they only block the contents of the tab, not the whole browser?

sure given many years and lots of rearchitecture.

i suspect chrome and ie8 are closest. anyone else who runs javascript
in process is almost certainly stuck.

An alternative from Opera:

The confirm dialog is whole-browser-modal, but it has a checkbox 
captioned Stop executing scripts on this page which allows you to 
forcefully kill off a script that's repeatedly displaying dialogs as in 
the example that prompted this message.

Re: [whatwg] salvaging work while navigating away from a web app -- onunload=confirm('save before quitting?')

2008-12-12 Thread Martin Atkins

Bil Corry wrote:

Here's a fun one, I made this as a demo to show how a website could trap a user 

I haven't tried it in any browsers lately, but a quick test with IE7 shows it 
still is effective (for it at least).

I think this makes a good case for not allowing any site to create 
browser-modal UI. Could browsers handle confirm() and friends in such a 
way that they only block the contents of the tab, not the whole browser? 
In particular, the close tab and close window features, ideally 
along with things such as Back, Forward and Home should still be 

This does of course create some tricky interactions where onbeforeunload 
is concerned. If I try to close the browser/tab and the page uses 
onbeforeunload to create a confirmation prompt, how does this interact 
with the confirmation prompt only being tab-modal?

Here's a strawman (which I'm sure has some subtleties I've not 
considered): When the user navigates away from the page, fire 
onbeforeunload. However, if the user navigates away from the page WHILE 
handler and do whatever the user asked for.

A browser could potentially display some hard-coded (i.e. not 
site-overridable) UI here letting the user know that there's a page 
that's in the middle of shutting down and giving the option to kill it 
much like what happens when an application blocks Shutdown in Microsoft 
Windows. (though ideally without the confusing auto-timeout thing)

Re: [whatwg] When closing the browser

2008-12-12 Thread Martin Atkins

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Fri, 12 Dec 2008, Bil Corry wrote:

Or maybe it'd be better if non-persistent cookies are removed once the 
user no longer has an open tab to the site, instead of using a 
JavaScript-based solution.

This could be done now; I recommend bringing this up with browser vendors 
as a feature request.

I'm not sure this is as easy as it first appears. For example, consider 
the following case:

* I have a single tab on site1 and I have a session cookie with them.
* I navigate from a page on site1 to site2 and site2 replaces site1 in 
my single tab.

* I navigate from site2 back to site1.

Have I now lost my session cookie?

This scenario is particularly important for technologies that use 
redirects to exchange data between domains, such as OpenID.

Many OpenID implementations (for better or worse) use session cookies to 
retain state while they do the OpenID transaction, which involves 
redirecting the user away from your site to a URL on the provider's 
domain. If implemented exactly as stated, the session cookie would 
presumably be deleted during the OpenID transaction and the original 
site will break.

Re: [whatwg] Thoughts on video accessibility

2008-12-08 Thread Martin Atkins

Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:

Take this as an example:

video src=; controls
 text category=CC lang=en type=text/x-srt
 text category=SUB lang=de type=application/ttaf+xml
 text category=SUB lang=jp type=application/smil
 text category=SUB lang=fr type=text/x-srt

Could this combining of resources be achieved instead with SMIL or some 
other existing format?

If there is already a format for doing this then I think HTML should 
avoid re-inventing it unless HTML's version is better in some way.

On the other hand, if what is invented for HTML is indeed better in some 
way, it's likely to also be valuable outside of HTML, for example in 
situations where SMIL is used today. (For example, loading a video and 
its subtitles directly into a standalone player without needing to 
manually load both streams.)

What are the advantages of doing this directly in HTML rather than 
having the src attribute point at some sort of compound media document?

Re: [whatwg] Thoughts on video accessibility

2008-12-08 Thread Martin Atkins

Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:

I'm interested to hear people's opinions on these ideas. I agree with
Ralph and think having a simple, explicit mechanism at the html level
is worthwhile - and very open and explicit to a web author. Having a
redirection through a ROE-type file on the server is more opaque, but
maybe more consistent with existing similar approaches as taken by
RealNetworks in rm files and WindowsMedia files in asx files.

This (having a separate document that references other streams) is what 
I was thinking of. I guess which is more natural depends on who is doing 
the assembling. If it is the HTML author that takes the individual 
pieces and links them together then doing it in the HTML is probably 

My concern is that if the only thing linking the various streams 
together is the HTML document then the streams are less useful outside 
of a web browser context. If there is a separate resource containing the 
description of how to assemble the result from multiple resources then 
this resource will be useful to non-browser video playback clients. If 
an existing format is used then it can be linked to as fallback for 
users of downlevel browsers and will hopefully open in a standalone 
video player. If the only linking information is in the HTML document 
then the best you can do as fallback is link to the video stream, 
requiring the user to go find the text streams and load them manually.

Re: [whatwg] Solving the login/logout problem in HTML

2008-11-27 Thread Martin Atkins

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Wed, 26 Nov 2008, Philip Taylor wrote:

If I'm not misunderstanding things, there is a new attack scenario:

I post a comment on someone's blog, saying a 
action= name=logininput 
name=usernameinput name=password/formcrawl me!/a

Hm, this is indeed a problem.


Is there anyone who can volunteer to edit this section as a separate spec?

I guess I'll remove this section.

I may be forgetting missing some use-cases here (I don't recall what 
exactly motivated this custom auth scheme) but there may still be value 
in a cut-down version of this scheme:

WWW-Authenticate: HTML

which means (roughly) The HTML document in the body contains something 
that, when displayed in a web browser, will allow the user to log in.

Browsers can then use this authentication scheme in preference to Basic 
or Digest when multiple schemes are offered for a particular resource, 
and servers can simultaneously offer forms-based authentication and 
other authentication schemes at the same endpoint:

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Content-type: text/html
WWW-Authenticate: HTML
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=my neat site

form action=/login method=POST

Software that is not a browser (for some suitable definition of 
browser -- something along the lines of user-agent where form-based 
auth is the norm?) can choose to use Basic authentication here.

The backward-compatibility story here is bad as long as one of the 
offered authentication schemes is known to a downlevel browser. Per my 
basic research posted earlier, other, as-yet-unsupported schemes can be 
offered and the body will be rendered as desired except in Opera.

I guess that this could be generalized to:
WWW-Authenticate: Body

meaning merely the body contains something that will allow the user to 
log in. Browsers could presumably in this case take into account the 
Content-type when deciding whether to prefer this scheme over the other 
schemes offered, for example choosing Body over Basic only when 
Content-type is text/html.

I concede that once you generalize it in this way it becomes even less 
relevant to the HTML spec than it was to begin with, though I'm not sure 
where else to propose such a thing, and in practice as long as websites 
are primarily HTML login forms presumably will be as well.

Re: [whatwg] Solving the login/logout problem in HTML

2008-11-26 Thread Martin Atkins

Asbjørn Ulsberg wrote:

 [Request 1]

 GET /administration/ HTTP/1.1

 [Response 1]

 HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
 WWW-Authenticate: HTML realm=Administration

 !DOCTYPE html
   form action=/login
 input name=username
 input type=password name=password
 input type=submit

 [Request 2]

 POST /login HTTP/1.1


 [Response 2]

 HTTP/1.1 302 Found
 Authorization: HTML QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ== realm=Administration
 Location: /administration/

 [Request 3]

 GET /administration/ HTTP/1.1
 Authorization: HTML QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ== realm=Administration

 [Response 3]

 HTTP/1.1 200 OK

 !DOCTYPE html

The twist here is that it is up to the server to provide the 
authentication token and through the 'Authorization' header, give the 
client a way to authorize future requests.

Your auth token here seems to me to be equivalent to a session cookie.

If you change the Authorization header in Response 2 to Set-Cookie 
(and make some syntactic adjustments) then this doesn't require any 
changes to how deployed apps handle sessions today.

Re: [whatwg] Solving the login/logout problem in HTML

2008-11-26 Thread Martin Atkins

Julian Reschke wrote:

You can already handle the case of content that's available 
unauthenticated, but would potentially differ in case of being 
authenticated by adding

  Vary: Authorization

to a response.

According to section 14.8 of the HTTP 1.1 specification, the presence of 
the Authorization header field implies that the response varies by 

When a shared cache (see section 13.7) receives a request
containing an Authorization field, it MUST NOT return the
corresponding response as a reply to any other request, unless one
of the following specific exceptions holds:

[some exceptions in the presence of cache-control directives]

My understanding of this is that Vary: Authorization is effectively 
implied for all HTTP responses.

Re: [whatwg] Solving the login/logout problem in HTML

2008-11-24 Thread Martin Atkins

Ian Hickson wrote:

It seems to me that the first limitation of form authentication could be 
removed by inventing a new WWW-Authenticate challenge that means reply to 
the form in the page. I have now specified such a value in HTML5 (since 
it is specific to entity bodies that contain HTML forms):

   challenge = HTML [ form ]
   form  = form = form-name
   form-name = quoted-string

(There's no credentials value for this scheme, since the login is done 
as a POST to a login script and then the server sets proprietary login 
information, like a cookie using Set-Cookie.)

So when you get to a page that expects you to be logged in, it return a 
401 with:

   WWW-Authenticate: HTML form=login

...and there must be a form element with name=login, which represents 
the form that must be submitted to log in.

This idea has promise, but is it compatible with existing browsers?

The case where the only challenge included is HTML is probably okay, 
since browsers will at this point likely determine that they don't 
support any of the given schemes and just display the entity body. The 
only concern in this case is browser-provided default error pages for 
the 401 response, which can hopefully be suppressed in much the same way 
as sites suppress IE's default 404 error page by padding the response to 
take it above a certain filesize.

More bothersome is this case:
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: HTML form=login
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=...

Will existing browsers see Basic there and use that in preference to 
displaying the error page? I suspect the answer is it depends. I 
recall that some browsers only use Basic if it appears first, or perhaps 
only ever use the first in the list, which would be great for the use 
case of supporting at the same endpoint HTML auth for browsers and some 
other mechanism for non-browser agents that can't render HTML. (For 
example, a Microformats parser may be able to parse HTML and extract 
data but not have a way to present usable forms to the user.)

There's also one more case to consider. Many sites react to an unauthed 
request by *redirecting* to the login page. Maybe:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: /login.php
WWW-Authenticate: HTML form=login

Where in this case the form is assumed to be in the body of the resource 
at /login.php, not in the response body.

UI-wise I'm imagining that browsers would auto-focus, highlight or 
otherwise make available easily the nominated form once rendered. Is 
that what you were imagining?

Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-22 Thread Martin Atkins

Hallvord R M Steen wrote:

I've built two-three websites that use content/language negotiation
and I now consider it an architectural mistake to rely on negotiation
because the URLs no longer uniquely identify the variants I in many
scenarios need to identify. It's OK-ish to do it as a pure format
choice where the server and UA just agree on using the PNG or GIF
version for an IMG tag. For links *users* (and FWIW search engines,
validators and other agents) may interact with it's however a big
mistake to move away from one URL per variant of a resource. In light
of my content negotiation experiments and experience I'd say an Access
attribute in HTML would be harmful to the usability of URLs.

As a URL user (web browsing human, HTML author, linker, bookmarker,
E-mail-with-links author) I often want to be sure about what variant
of a resource I link to. To be explicit about this across scenarios
requires explicit URLs with language and type information.

Agreed. I think the assumptions underlying content negotation are 
flawed, and thus the mechanism itself is flawed and causes confusion and 
inconvenience when used in practice. The sentiment underlying this 
proposal seems to be that HTTP content negotation would work fine if 
only the pesky browsers would support it, but I think there are 
deeper-rooted problems than simply a lack of browser support.

I think a better solution is to publish the HTML version with attributed 
hyperlinks, like this:

link rel=alternate type=application/pdf href=document.pdf

or, if you prefer:

a href=document.pdf rel=alternate type=application/pdf
PDF Version

This way clients can discover the alternative representations, but the 
alternative representations are all directly addressable so you can link 
to a specific representation. This approach is used in practice 
successfully today to make available Atom representations of HTML pages 
across the web. Atom feeds are arguably the best example of a successful 
 completely-RESTful API that we have today, so this approach is proven 
to work.

In future, once IETF has finished specifying this, it may also be 
possible to do this in the HTTP response headers for non-HTML resources:

Link: document.pdf; rel=alternate, type=application/pdf
(or something similar)

...and some other document formats such as Atom already provide 
equivalent linking constructs that you can use today.

Re: [whatwg] fixing the authentication problem

2008-10-21 Thread Martin Atkins

Eduard Pascual wrote:

Not similar at all: for unencrypted connections, you have the don't
bother me again option, in the form of an obvious checkbox; while
with self-signed certificates you are warned continuously; with the
only option to install the certificate on your system to trust it
(which is a non-trivial task; out of the reach for most average users;
still annoying even for web professionals; and, to top it up, you need
to do it on a site-by-site basis).

There is some sense in this requirement to store the cert. It allows the 
browser to warn you if the cert changes later, which is what would 
happen if an attacker managed to intercept your connection. If you don't 
store the cert, one self-signed cert is the same as the next.

This is similar to the SSH model; the first time you connect, you're 
expected to manually check by some means that you're connecting to the 
right server.  On subsequent connections, you won't be bothered unless 
the key changes.

I'll concede that in most cases no-one actually verifies the key in the 
first connection case, but at least this requires an attacker to 
intercept your *first* connection from a particular client, rather than 
just any connection.

The UI for this is a bit overboard in today's browsers, but I think the 
general principle is sound.

Re: [whatwg] The sizes= attribute for rel=icon

2008-05-28 Thread Martin Atkins

Ian Hickson wrote:

In general I agree that attributes are not a scarce resource, but if you 
need to add use-specific attributes to a supposedly-generic element I 
think that indicates that the generic element is inappropriate for the 

I disagree. Look at input, for instance.

I wouldn't have designed input as it is either. It seems arbitrary 
(and initially, confusing) to me that most form elements share one 
element but then a random handful have their own custom elements. (I 
guess you might argue, though, that textarea and button ought to be 
input types rather than the other way around.)

I don't know what link rel type uses disabled, but I would have had 
the same objection to that.


Without wishing to take this thread off on a tangent (in other words, 
feel free not to address this here except as relates to the discussion 
at hand) I wonder what use-case motivated that attribute that couldn't 
have been satisfied by merely removing the LINK element from the DOM. 
Or, if you wish to attack it from the other direction, why a generic 
solution for causing browsers to temporarily ignore *any* HTML element 
(a use case for which might be pop-up dialogs that are hidden at certain 
points) wasn't more appropriate.

Also, I note that the spec as it currently stands defines disabled 
only as a property of the HTMLLinkElement and not as an attribute of the 
LINK element. I don't know if this was intentional. Of course, I could 
very well make the same objection about a type-specific property on a 
class being better implemented by creating a new class.

(In other words, I don't find the disabled attribute on LINK to be a 
compelling argument for overloading elements either.)

Finally, what is the process for contributors to the RelExtensions page 
to include extension attributes?

They can't.

Given that you obviously consider it useful for third-parties to be able 
to introduce new rel values without changing the HTML5 spec, and that 
you also obviously consider it useful for certain rel values to carry 
additional attributes, I find it likely that some of these third-parties 
will also find it useful to introduce additional attributes. Would you 
not agree?

link rel=icon type=image/gif; width=24, height=24 href=...
This doesn't really work because we would need to add parameters to 
types we might not yet know. It also results in potentially 
complicated parsing rules, which I don't think people would get right. 
(See the comments I made for media queries.)
Presumably this would be defined (if at all) for everything under 
image/, just as charset is defined for everything under text/. (In 
theory, at least.)

Getting the relevant RFCs changed would likely be non-trivial. (Though we 
should probably look into it, actually, to fix text/*.)

Given that (for now, at least) these type attributes would be of little 
use outside of HTML, could HTML not define them itself? Sure, it's a bit 
of a layering violation, but I would put it in the same boat as 
modifying MathML/SVG so that it works inside HTML: you just reference 
the bits of the other spec that suit you, and make your own exceptions, 
right? (loud objections from the MathML guys notwithstanding, of course. 
The MIME type RFC isn't authored by a W3C working group, so they won't 
find it so easy to complain!)

On Fri, 9 May 2008, Kornel Lesinski wrote:

I did a quick test with a bunch of random favicons:
* Opera 9.5b2 loads all icons (that's pretty bad if one decides to provide
Leopard's monsterous 300KB icons) and displays last icon loaded,
* Firefox 3b5 picks last icon regardless of attributes. It loads all icons
when I reload page after restoring session.
* WebKit nightly and Fluid pick last icon that has type attribute (even if
type is bogus), or just last if none have type.


I'm afraid that this could cause trouble (every visitor downloading icon 
that's 20–300 times larger than typical favicon). Why not use 
rel=application-icon or rel=appicon?

I don't understand the question.

I don't know exactly what Kornel was asking, but this seems to be a 
backward-compatibility concern. When given the following:

link rel=icon sizes=16x16 ... /
link rel=icon sizes=512x512 ... /

...current Opera will download both, which is suboptimal however you 
look at it. Current Firefox, though, will presumably download the 
512x512 version in preference to the 16x16 one even though its icon slot 
is (usually) 16x16 pixels.

I guess this concern would be solved (aside from Opera's behavior) if 
the spec were to say that a 16x16 icon, if specified, should be the last 
one listed for compatibility with legacy browsers.

(Also, a 9.5 beta tester should probably inform Opera of that issue if 
they aren't already aware of it.)

Re: [whatwg] The iframe element and sandboxing ideas

2008-05-22 Thread Martin Atkins

Ian Hickson wrote:


 * I've added a sandbox= attribute to iframe, which by default
   disables a number of features and takes a space-separated list of
   features to re-enable:

[snip list]

Unless I'm missing something, this attribute is useless in practice 
because legacy browsers will not impose the restrictions. This means 
that as long as legacy browsers exist (i.e. forever) server-side 
filtering must still be employed to duplicate the effects of the sandbox.

One alternative would be to use a different element name so that 
fallback content can be provided for legacy browsers. In the short term, 
this is likely to be something like this:

sandbox src=/comments/blah
iframe src=/comments/blah?do-security-filtering=1/iframe

Once a large percentage of browsers support sandbox authors can start 
to be less accommodating with their fallback content, either by 
filtering out HTML tags entirely (which I'd assume is easier than just 
filtering out script) or at the extreme just setting the fallback 
content to be Your browser is not supported.

This comment does not address seamless, which seems to be orthogonal 
and can thus be equally applied to both sandbox and iframe as currently 

Re: [whatwg] link rel=icon width= height=aRe:

2008-05-08 Thread Martin Atkins

Ian Hickson wrote:

Using media queries for this is serious overkill. I can easily imagine 
uses for this that are from code that doesn't have a media queries 
implementation available, and this isn't something that implementors are 
going to implement media queries for. We need a solution that is easy to 
adopt from the implementation point of view.

Fair enough.

That isn't to say that media queries shouldn't be allowed, though, and if 
people use them then they should work, if the UA supports them.

Would it not be better to explitly say that media queries are not 
appropriate for this, for interoperability?

I don't really agree with the premise that we somehow need to be frugal 
with attributes. We should use them when they are appropriate. Sure, we 
shouldn't waste them, but they're not a resource in scarce supply or that 
has some insane cost to them.

Note that we already have a DOM attribute on link that is specific to 
one rel type, namely disabled.

In fact, generic attributes are a pain in the neck. Consider title, 
whose behaviour changes radically if we're talking about rel=stylesheet 
versus something else.

In general I agree that attributes are not a scarce resource, but if you 
need to add use-specific attributes to a supposedly-generic element I 
think that indicates that the generic element is inappropriate for the 

I don't know what link rel type uses disabled, but I would have had 
the same objection to that.

If the meaning of title is something different for stylesheets than 
for other link rel types then that was an inappropriate use of that 
attribute as well. It's too late to change it now, but that's no reason 
to continue overloading generic elements/attributes with special cases.

link is also interesting in that unlike input type=... rel can 
contain several values. Is it conforming to use width and height 
attributes on a link element that contains both icon and a another, 
non-icon keyword?

What about a rel=icon ... width=... height=... ?

Finally, what is the process for contributors to the RelExtensions page 
to include extension attributes?

link rel=icon type=image/gif; width=24, height=24 href=...

This doesn't really work because we would need to add parameters to types 
we might not yet know. It also results in potentially complicated parsing 
rules, which I don't think people would get right. (See the comments I 
made for media queries.)

Presumably this would be defined (if at all) for everything under 
image/, just as charset is defined for everything under text/. (In 
theory, at least.)

Re: [whatwg] link rel=icon width= height=

2008-05-01 Thread Martin Atkins

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

Martin Atkins wrote:

Lachlan Hunt wrote:
For color, you are reinventing Media Queries. For compression, you 
are basically reinventing q values for MIME types.

link type=image/png;q=1.0 media=all and (min-color:8)
link type=image/jpeg;q=0.8 media=all and (min-color:8)

Could this be said about size as well?

link type=image/png
  media=all and (max-width:16px and max-height:16px)

No, because the media queries are related to the actual tech specs of 
the device, not the image.  I'm fairly sure there are no 16x16px screens 
in use, at least not for the web.  To get appropriate behaviour for what 
you're suggesting here would require redefining and special casing media 

When I shrink my browser window down so that its viewport is 16x16px 
(assuming that it'd let me do such a thing) it's quite happy to apply a 
stylesheet with the above media query. It seems, therefore, that the 
width and height constraints relate to the rendering viewport and 
not to the device.

The only leap of faith I see here is that when rel=stylesheet we're 
talking about the width of the source document's viewport -- because 
stylesheets don't have a viewport of their own -- but in the icon case 
we'd be describing the *icon* viewport i.e. the box into which the icon 
will be rendered.

device-width and device-height seem to be more like what you're 
describing, though I'm not sure why you'd ever want to use these since 
browsers rarely inhabit the entire physical display even on mobile devices.

Re: [whatwg] link rel=icon width= height=

2008-04-30 Thread Martin Atkins

Ian Hickson wrote:

(With my rarely-used Google hat on:)

The Gears team has an API that allows authors to specify a set of icons:

They used a scripted API, but when I tried to get them to use a 
declarative API, they said that the main reason they used a scripted one 
is that the declarative options didn't have a way to specify dimensions.

This is a proposal to add height and width attributes to link 
specifically for the case of rel=icon, so that authors can provide 
multiple icons and let the UA decide which to use based on their size 
(without having to download them all to find out which is best).


I recall that another group[1] in a similar situation were considering 
something like the following:

link rel=icon type=image/gif; width=24, height=24 href=...

Presumably the above would be more the bailiwick of the MIME standard 
than the HTML standard, but this seems cleaner to me than adding some 
special-case attributes to the html LINK element.

[1] Sadly, I cannot remember which group it was at the moment.

Re: [whatwg] link rel=icon width= height=

2008-04-30 Thread Martin Atkins

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

Charles Iliya Krempeaux wrote:

link rel=enclosure type=image/xxx width=640 height=480
compressioning=lossy coloring=truecolor
link rel=enclosure type=image/xxx width=1280 height=960
compressioning=lossy coloring=truecolor
link rel=enclosure type=image/xxx width=2560 height=1920
compressioning=lossy coloring=truecolor

... could become...

link rel=enclosure type=image/xxx metadata=size:640x480, 1280x960,
2560x1920; compressioning:lossy; coloring:truecolor;

For color, you are reinventing Media Queries. For compression, you are 
basically reinventing q values for MIME types.

link type=image/png;q=1.0 media=all and (min-color:8)
link type=image/jpeg;q=0.8 media=all and (min-color:8)

Could this be said about size as well?

link type=image/png
  media=all and (max-width:16px and max-height:16px)

Here I'm assuming that the rendering surface of the output device as 
referred to by Media Queries[1] section 5.1 is the rectangle of pixels 
that the icon is going to be rendered within, which I suppose is a 
slight deviation from the meaning when rel=stylesheet, but I find it 
to be intuitive.


Re: [whatwg] postMessage feedback

2008-04-28 Thread Martin Atkins

Jeff Walden wrote:

Ian Hickson wrote:
I haven't changed the target of the event, it's still the Document 
object. This is a little odd, though, would people rather I made it 
the body element with an auto-forward to the Window object, like the 
'load' event and so forth? That would allow onmessage= handles to be 

I've mentioned this on IRC but should probably mention it here so it's 
in the record, so to speak.  I don't see a strong use case for an 
onmessage attribute.  Event handler attributes are useful for quick 
little things, but accepting messages from other sites seems neither 
quick (aside from free-for-all walls I can't think of things you'd want 
to do that wouldn't be fairly involved) nor little (you need the origin 
check at a minimum, then you have to do whatever you're going to do, and 
it's a lot to stuff in an attribute -- and if you're just delegating to 
another method, why not just set the method as handler 
programmatically?).  I don't think having to do it via script is 
particularly burdensome.

On the other hand, if there is no particular reason why it is better for 
it to be on the document object, it seems sensible to me to be 
consistent with what already exists.

(I'm not saying that there *is* no particular reason, but I don't know 
what it would be.)

Re: [whatwg] Element borders as resizable handles

2008-04-20 Thread Martin Atkins

Greg Houston wrote:

While on the topic of borders, it would also be nice if there was a
CSS property for their alignment, outside as is the current default,
and inside. Pushing my luck, I would like to see the same options
for the strokes in the canvas element with the addition of center
which is the current default.

border-align: inside;
border-align: outside;

I'm not sure what effect you're intending these values to have, but have 
you looked at the CSS outline property? Does that achieve what you are 

I suspect that this request would be better sent to the W3C CSS Working 
Group, anyway.

Re: [whatwg] ALT and equivalent representation

2008-04-19 Thread Martin Atkins

Shannon wrote:

The ONLY business justification I have for using alt tags is that a 
w3c valid site REQUIRES them and this may increase the sites Google rank 
(which is just speculation really). If you take the requirement out to 
use them on every image in a valid site then you take away much of my 
argument for using them at all.

In many juristictions, a company can face legal action if its website is 
not accessible per some standard or set of standards. This is the 
business justifaction I usually use; here in the UK, the Disability 
Discrimination Act[1] is the relevant reference.


Re: [whatwg] Some video questions

2008-03-30 Thread Martin Atkins

Charles wrote:


But I think the premise of the question misses the point of the
video element.

I may very well be completely missing the point.

I'll be satisfied if someone tells me that video is not intended to be the
preferred way to embed video on web pages, in which case I'll quietly return
to my corner.

I may be misinterpreting your tone, but from reading this discussion it 
seems that you're deliberately being difficult. Of course video is the 
preferred way to embed video on web pages in HTML5.

It seems that you are either inadvertently or deliberately 
misunderstanding the stack of components that implement audio and video 
playback in browsers.

 * The Quicktime browser plugin is a video player.
 * The Windows Media browser plugin is a video player.
 * The Totem Movie Player browser plugin is a video player.
 * YouTube's /player2.swf is a video player.
 * The video player used on is a video player.
 * A browser's implementation of video is a video player.

None of the above things are videos. They are used to play videos.

None of the above things are media frameworks, either:
 * Quicktime's browser plugin is a front-end for the Quicktime media 
 * Windows Media browser plugin is a front-end for Microsoft's 
DirectShow media framework.
 * Totem Movie Player plugin is a front-end for either gstreamer or 
xine, which are both media frameworks.
 * YouTube's player is a front-end implemented in Flash to the media 
framework built in to the flash plugin.
 * The video player used on is a front-end 
implemented in Silverlight to Silverlight's video API. (which I suspect 
uses DirectShow when running on on Windows.)
 * video is a front-end to a media framework or some media frameworks 
of the browser implementor's choice.

It is up to the page author to decide which video player they wish to 
use. Currently, many authors create their own players in Flash or they 
use someone else's player written in Flash. video is an alternative to 
a video player implemented in Flash, and an alternative to embedding the 
Windows Media browser plugin.

It is designed to embed video, not video players implemented in
other technologies.

But in Safari, video = QuickTime.  Is that not a player-centric rather
than a content-centric design?

Please be careful to qualify QuickTime when you refer to it. It's 
perhaps partially Apple's fault for calling everything by the same name, 
but it's important to keep in mind the difference between:

 * The QuickTime player, which is an application users can run.
 * The QuickTime browser plugin, which is a browser plugin similar to 
the QuickTime player.
 * The QuickTime framework, which is an API provided by MacOS for video 
playback, which is used by QuickTime player and is also used by iTunes, 
Safari, and I imagine many other MacOS applications. (I'm not a Mac 
user, so I hope you'll excuse the lack of an extensive list of examples.)

The same distinction exists in Windows. Windows Media Player, WinAmp, 
Media Player Classic and several other applications are all front-ends 
to DirectShow, which is the Windows equivalent of the QuickTime framework.

Likewise, there are several Gtk+ and GNOME applications that use gstreamer.

Neither QuickTime the framework, DirectShow nor gstreamer are video 
players. They are frameworks on which players are built. One thing that 
QuickTime the framework, DirectShow and gstreamer all have in common is 
that all of the media decoding is done via pluggable modules, so any of 
these frameworks can, assuming a suitable module is installed, play any 
video format. (assuming that we define video to mean a non-interactive 
sequence of images optionally synchronised with some audio.)

The HTML5 spec doesn't say you must implement video with Quicktime, 
it simply describes the behavior of a video element and how it 
interacts with the page it's embedded in. It's up to the browser vendor 
to decide how best to achieve the behavior that the specification requires.

I believe that it is correct to say that in the version of Safari under 
discussion, the video element is implemented using the QuickTime 
framework. However, you don't need to care about this. All you need to 
care about is what video codecs it supports. The HTML5 spec should 
ultimately require at least one video format that will be available in 
all compliant implementations, which Apple is likely to implement by 
simply supplying a Quicktime module that can decode that format. It is 
an accepted open issue with the HTML5 spec that there is not currently 
at least one standard video format required.

You remarked in an earlier thread that you think YouTube ought to be 
able to embed their player via video. Here lies the confusion: video 
doesn't embed players, it embeds video. What we want isn't this:[1]

   video src=/player2.swf
but rather something like:
   video src=/videos/Z73xtJN6IdA.flv

That is, they would 

Re: [whatwg] HTML5 Edit Link Relation

2007-11-05 Thread Martin Atkins

James M Snell wrote:

This is just off the top of my head so I'm certain that there are
probably reasons why this wouldn't work, but could we not do something like,

  link rel=edit put delete patch href=; /

Edit indicates the purpose of the link, put, delete and patch indicate
methods (in addition to GET).

That doesn't tell you what sort of stuff you are allowed to PUT to that 
URL, though. I'm not sure that HTML is really the place to tell you that 
it expects an Atom entry, but without it knowing that it supports PUT is 
not that useful either.

However, I guess one could argue that there should be something that 
acts as the opposite of the type attribute: rather than the type that 
should result when you GET, instead indicate the type that you should 
PUT. Probably too tricky to be worth it, though: it'd probably need all 
of the capabilities of the HTTP Accept header to be useful, and it's 
questionable whether that much detail should be defined externally of 
the resource itself.

(I guess that discovering this sort of thing is what the OPTIONS method 
is for?)

Re: [whatwg] Web forms 2, input type suggestions

2007-07-14 Thread Martin Atkins

Benjamin Joffe wrote:
Have the following possible values for the TYPE attribute been 
considered for the INPUT element?

The user agent would display an appropriate colour picker and would send 
a hexidecimal string represting that colour to the server.

I like this idea. It's simple and it's something I've implemented (and 
seen implemented) dozens of times.

Indicates that the input should represent an address, the user agent may 
aid by displaying data from a GPS or use an online map etc.

I have a little more trouble with this idea, for a number of reasons:
 * Address formats vary from region to region.
 * Sites usually want items like the postal code, state, county or town 
separated from the street address for various reasons. This is not 
catered for by your proposal.
 * To do anything special for this field beyond just displaying a big 
text box some sort of external data source is required, but it is not at 
all obvious what that data source would be or what a good UI for this 
field type might be.

Same as above but instead of sending an address string it would send 
latitude/longitude information, this (as opposed to the above) would 
send a well-formed string.

Perhaps coordinates/geocoordinates or something else would be a more 
suitable name for the latter. 

I have similar reservations about this one, but at least there is a more 
obvious UI: mobile devices with built in GPS recievers could concievably 
provide an option to fill in the current coordinates.

However, I'm not sure that submitting geographic coordinates is a common 
enough case to warrant an input type of its own. Part of me wants to 
generalize it to be type=2dvector and type=3dvector, which can then 
represent any 2D or 3D coordinates. I'm not really sure what a UA would 
do to such a field that would be any more useful than two or three 
type=text elements, though.

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Allow block content inside label element

2007-05-08 Thread Martin Atkins

Brad Fults wrote:

Currently, as far as I can tell, in HTML 4 [1] and HTML 5 [2], the
label element is defined as having inline content. When using the
implicit form control association pattern described in the HTML 4 spec
(e.g. a form control inside of the label element instead of or in
addition to using the |for| attribute), this becomes a problem.

Specifically, if one tries to place a textarea element inside of a
label element, modern browsers will insert the textarea as a later
sibling to the label in the DOM instead of as a child. This seems to
be due to the fact that the textarea is a block element and that label
can't contain it according to the spec.

Some software that I'm responsible for frequently wraps label elements 
around div elements, purely because current versions of IE will not 
apply display:inline-block to inline elements. While I guess that is 
using a deviation from the HTML spec in order to compensate for a 
deviation from the CSS spec[1], it's still something I'm not going to be 
able to stop doing without a large amount of work.

For this reason, I certainly wouldn't mind label allowing block-level 
children. Both Opera 9 and IE6 (the only browsers I have handy to test 
right now) already support DIV as a child of LABEL correctly, per 
Hixie's DOM viewer.[2]

[1] A part of the CSS spec that Microsoft pioneered, but still...

Re: [whatwg] classList.toggle()

2007-05-01 Thread Martin Atkins

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

How about about adding a toggle() operation to classList? Adds the token 
if not present, removes it if present. This would be useful for script 
code that dynamically manipulates classes to cause style changes.

It's been my experience that toggles are troublesome. In order for a 
call to toggle() to be successful -- where by successful I mean that it 
makes the change you intended -- you need to know the state ahead of 
time. If you have two distinct scripts toggling the same value, 
they're going to get out of step and think they're turning on when 
they're turning off.

Or did you have a use-case in mind where it doesn't matter what the end 
result is as long as it's not what it was before?

Re: [whatwg] Script, style and backwards compatibility

2007-04-30 Thread Martin Atkins

Simon Pieters wrote:

This could thus also imply:

 * Don't disallow lang= in XHTML5
 * Don't disallow base href in XHTML5.
 * Don't disallow meta charset in XHTML5 (it doesn't do any good, but 
doesn't harm either).

When using these, though, generic XML tools (i.e., those that aren't 
XHTML-aware) won't see these elements. This doesn't really matter much 
for the first and third, but for xml:base it can have a practical effect 
on how the document is processed in the presence of embedded XML 
fragments from other vocabularies.

And if you aren't going to use generic XML tools or embed fragments from 
other vocabularies, why would you use XHTML rather than plain old HTML?

Re: [whatwg] include element

2007-04-26 Thread Martin Atkins

Christian Schmidt wrote:

In practice, the result effect is often achieved by wrapping your 
include file in a document.write() and including this using script a 
script src= However, this makes it harder to write these 
includes by hand (you have to escape certain characters, '  \ \n \r 
\t), and debugging also gets more difficult.

This last point made me think of a related issue:

When you use the above technique, the included script runs in the 
security context of the including page, and this technique therefore 
requires complete trust of the included document.

Would documents included via include run in the security context of 
the including page, as with the script technique, or would they run in 
the context of the included document, as with iframes?

Personally I favor the latter, but I wonder if this impact's anyone's 

Re: [whatwg] HTTP's Referer and Set-Cookie2 headers

2007-04-17 Thread Martin Atkins

Nicholas Shanks wrote:
May I suggest that you also allow the DOM referrer attribute to match 
a HTTP Referrer header if one is present, and fall back to the 
Referer header otherwise. This provides for HTML 5 compliant UAs to be 
forwards compatible with a potential future HTTP spec that fixes the typo.

I think it would be the responsibility of that hypothetical future HTTP 
spec to describe backwards-compatibility requirements. Having everything 
that depends on HTTP have language about handling a possible future 
extension of HTTP that doesn't even exist is likely to result in lots of 
conflicting requirements.

Or is there actually a new version of HTTP under discussion somewhere 
that I've missed?

Re: [whatwg] Conformance for Mail clients (and maybe other WYSIWYGeditors)

2007-04-11 Thread Martin Atkins

Kristof Zelechovski wrote:

I think the correct fallback for a photograph for its own sake is alt=(Use
a browser that supports graphic images to view).

That is basically what happens if you omit the alt attribute altogether. 
My graphical browsers (when I turn off images) write Image in place of 
the image to alert me that there was one there. Presumably aural 
browsers do something similar, telling the user that there is an image 
present at this position in the document.

Also, your text is not particularly useful to someone with limited or no 
vision. It might as well say alt=(Use eyes that work properly to view 
this image)

I expect that the browser-generated placeholder is more useful in almost 
all cases.

Re: [whatwg] WF2: Non-validating submit buttons

2007-04-04 Thread Martin Atkins

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
On Wed, 04 Apr 2007 14:05:44 +0200, Christian Schmidt 
 It would be useful to be able to mark certain submit buttons as 

There appears to be at least some demand for such a feature, and so 
far there has been no negative responses. What is the next step?

Providing some compelling usecases.

I thought we'd already done that. Here's a quick summary of the 
use-cases presented so far, though of course whether or not they are 
compelling is up to the reader to decide:

 * For cancel buttons where the server-side app just throws the 
submitted form data away, it's pointless to validate it client-side.

 * Allowing the user to submit an unfinished form to the server to be 
saved for later completion.

 * A preview button that allows the user to see the results of what 
has been completed so far without completing the entire form.

 * Buttons that trigger round-trips to the server to alter the form in 
some way.

Of these, the first and last are the ones that I find most compelling as 
they are two things that are done in the wild on the web today that are 
broken — or at least made a lot more tricky — by the use of Web Forms 
client-side declarative validation.

Re: [whatwg] Default (informal) Style Sheet

2007-04-01 Thread Martin Atkins

Kempen, E.J.F. van wrote:

What exactly are you looking for? Defining that 'normal' text is black by 
default and links are blue-ish? Because that's done already, most default 
styles are uniformly, but maybe informally, defined.

One example that springs to mind is that the default CSS rules for 
unordered and ordered lists differ between browsers. Some implement the 
bullets with padding and list-style, while others use margins and 
god-knows-what. I can't really remember anymore. I've just learned that 
the way to get rid of the bullets across all popular browsers is:

ul, ul li {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
list-style: none;

If you don't set both margin and padding, you'll see inconsistent results.

(Though perhaps this has been fixed in more recent times. I've been 
doing the above as an idiom for years.)

Re: [whatwg] on codecs in a 'video' tag.

2007-03-30 Thread Martin Atkins

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

We think your reasons are strong and worthy of respect. That is why we 
are not trying to force our codec preference on you, but rather propose 
to leave this issue open. We ask you to respect our reasons as well, 
rather than trying to force us to go along with your codec preference.

If there is no baseline codec in the specification, I firmly believe 
that one of the following will happen:

 * Everyone will end up implementing whatever Microsoft implements.
 * Microsoft won't implement video anyway, so no-one will use it.

In practice, everyone's just mimicking whatever Microsoft does. At least 
when they violate the spec they can be called on it; if what they do is 
allowable by the spec, then everyone will have to copy it or they'll 
have a useless browser.

Re: [whatwg] Apple Proposal for Timed Media Elements

2007-03-22 Thread Martin Atkins

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

I think audio can use almost the exact same APIs for most things as 
video. This has the nice side benefit that new Audio() can just make 
an audio element and provide all the relevant useful API.

To me, the distinction between the audio element and the Audio object 
is that the former has a place in the document where that audio 
content logically belongs, while the former is more of a global trigger 
for web application sound effects.

audio could, for example, be rendered in-line with surrounding text in 
an aural browser. A visual browser would presumably provide some kind of 
representation in the document of the audio which the user can interact 

In other words, audio should be like img for sound.

Of course, what the visual representation of audio should be is not an 
easy decision. It's even harder than video, because there's no 
inherent visual content to overlay a UI on top of.

Re: [whatwg] Codecs (was Re: Apple Proposal for Timed Media Elements)

2007-03-22 Thread Martin Atkins

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

- Even if all browsers end up supporting Ogg Theora/Vorbis, these are 
not the best-compression codecs available. So a large-scale video 
content provider that wants to save on bandwidth may wish to provide 
H.264/AAC content to those browsers that can handle it, even if all 
browsers could handle a lower-quality codec as well.

- Many mobile devices cannot practically implement decoding in software, 
and rely on custom hardware which can handle only a fixed set of codecs. 
While hardware decoders for H.264 are widely available, I don't think 
there are any for Ogg Theora. Even in cases where the CPU in theory has 
the power to do some software decoding, this will be a much bigger 
battery drain than hardware decoding. So you really want the ability to 
serve the right codec to such devices.

So while your average blogger may only upload media content in one 
codec, larger scale video service providers may want to take advantage 
of codec-based selection.

This seems like a problem that can be solved by content negotiation.

Content negotiation has the advantage that it doesn't potentially add 
extra requests to find the right representation: the browser just says 
here's what I support and the server does the best it can, or returns 
an explicit I don't have anything for you message. (Not Acceptable)

However, as others have pointed out, MIME types only represent the 
container format and not the codecs inside, so content negotiation would 
need to be extended to somehow allow audio and video codecs to be 
presented in addition to container formats. Note that this problem 
applies when doing object-style fallback on the video element too, as 
you need to specify something in the type=... attribute to avoid the 
browser having to request every representation in turn to reject it.

Re: [whatwg] Full screen for the video element

2007-03-22 Thread Martin Atkins

Gervase Markham wrote:

Simon Pieters wrote:
Browsers are allowed to provide full screen, however there's no API 
for it. Entering fullscreen should only be under the control of the 
user, otherwise the author could hijack the user's screen and no way 
to get out of it (e.g. as soon as the user tries to exit fullscreen, 
the script goes back to fullscreen).

Indeed. But it would be good to have an event which triggers when the 
user chooses to go full screen, so the page can e.g. hide headers and 
borders. (Or perhaps the onresize() event on the body already does that?).


Perhaps you and I have different ideas about what is meant by full 
screen, but why would a page need to hide anything when the video is 
full screen? The page itself won't be visible, because the video will 
be taking up the entire screen!

For the purposes of having video take up the entire space on my monitor, 
the page doesn't need to be any the wiser... it can go on thinking I'm 
viewing it in the little box on their site.

An interesting point to note, though, is that this sort of full-screen 
switch effectively allows the user to bypass any overlaid 
ads/captions/UI that the site may provide.

Re: [whatwg] video, object, Timed Media Elements -- Part I SMIL

2007-03-22 Thread Martin Atkins

ddailey wrote:

On Thu, 22 Mar 2007 13:03:24, Anne van Kesteren wrote

1. why not just include SMIL as a part of HTML, much in the same way 
that it is integrated with SVG? It is an existing W3C reco.

Reasons for not using t:video were that it was 1) complicated and 2) 
not used.

Thanks Anne... Is there some easy way to resurrect prior discussions of 
this from the archives somewhere? I would like to try to understand the 
reasoning here. SMIL doesn't seem complicated to me -- declarative 
animation is rather charming and the complicatedness is cognitively 
less demanding than scripting. Its popularity will probably be 
synergized by rather dramatic increases in use of SVG.

SMIL solves problems far greater than the current aim of video, which 
is a much more modest goal of just being able to embed video 
interoperably in an HTML document.

If you want to do all that fun SMIL stuff, then why not just use SVG? It 
already does it all. video for the simple use cases and SVG+SMIL for 
the complicated ones doesn't seem too bad a compromise to me.

Re: [whatwg] Full screen for the video element

2007-03-22 Thread Martin Atkins

Arve Bersvendsen wrote:

 Note that 'fullscreen' and 'fullscreen' are two different things:

 1. A fullscreen mode on desktop should typically be a paged media,
 applying any 'projection' style sheets to the page
 2. The fullscreen mode on Sony Ericsson P990i, M600i and a number of
 other UIQ phones still apply 'handheld' if existent, or 'screen' if so
 set in the user's preferences. The 'fullscreen' mode on these devices
 just happens to use all of your viewport, but it is not 'fullscreen'
 in the sense you'd think.

As an Opera user I realise that this is already implemented and 
deployed, but I do think that taking projection to mean fullscreen 
is a bit of an abuse of that media type.

If I press F11 in my browser, my 17 monitor doesn't suddenly turn into 
a projector.

When I think of full screen I generally mean make the page take up 
the whole screen -- hide the browser chrome, not turn this web page 
into a slide-show.

Not that Opera's feature isn't useful: I'd just prefer it were called 
Projection Mode and not Full Screen to avoid this very confusion 
that you've called out in your message. Too late now though, I guess!

Re: [whatwg] Full screen for the video element

2007-03-22 Thread Martin Atkins

Gervase Markham wrote:

My assertion is that the idea of going to full screen (i.e. removing 
all chrome and allowing the content to take up as much space as 
possible) is a fairly common browser thing. Of course, those with a 
wider experience of browser implementations than I may well tell me I'm 

I very rarely want to view web pages full-screen, but I almost always 
watch video full-screen. I want a browser to allow me to scale the video 
over the entire screen without the site having to explicitly support it.

Re: [whatwg] Web Forsm 2.0 possible omissions

2007-03-21 Thread Martin Atkins


2) Auto tabbing
for a 4 digit code:
input type=text filter=\d autotab=4/

A more general request would be an ability to display one value but have 
a different one behind the scenes. Obviously when the user edits it they 
would expose the internal value, much like in an spreadsheet when you 
switch a field containing a formula from view mode to edit mode.

Re: [whatwg] video element feedback

2007-03-21 Thread Martin Atkins

Gareth Hay wrote:
This is a bit of a sideways step here, but why not make tags reflect 
MIME type,

application application/*

That way we have a clear identification of what is going to be in the 
tag, API's can be tailored sufficiently for each one.

Each tag can have appropriate fallback also.
Just a thought, and it gets us out of the object hole.

What do you imagine application being used for?

The application type category is pretty-much just miscellaneous.

Re: [whatwg] Video proposals

2007-03-20 Thread Martin Atkins

Vladimir Vukicevic wrote:

 If providing content in non-Theora formats is important, the client
 should list the supported video formats in the Accept header, and the 
server can send
back the right thing. 


Though as has been pointed out by someone else earlier in the thread, 
the MIME types are attached to the container formats rather than the 
codecs. Seeing video/quicktime doesn't tell you what codec is used 
inside, and likewise video/x-msvideo.

Perhaps something like an Accept-codec: header (though preferably 
something more generic than that) is needed:

Accept-codec: audio/mp3, video/theora, audio/vorbis

Re: [whatwg] video element feedback

2007-03-20 Thread Martin Atkins

Ian Hickson wrote:

A large portion of the feedback concerned the way that the current spec 
doesn't have any features for native browser-provided UI.

I completely agree that on the long term this is something we need to 
offer. However, we musn't bite off more than we can chew. There are 
several sets of use cases, some of which require browser-provided UI, and 
some of which need just video playback under the control of the author. If 
we want to have this implemented well, we need to focus the browser 
vendors' concentration on specific features. Since it is easier to 
implement first an API then a native UI, rather than first a native UI and 
then an API, the API has to come first. Similarly, because authors can 
make a UI with an API but can't sanely make an API with a native UI, 
providing an API provides authors with more options.

If LiveJournal on YouTube or some other site wanted to allow authors to 
embed video without requiring the authors to have to deal with JavaScript, 
they could create a page that contained just the video and video playback 
UI, with the video URI being taken out of the query parameters of the 
page, and then could give people markup that embedded the video using an 
iframe, as in:


This would be a safe mechanism, and would be relatively easy to set up. 
(It doesn't even require server-side support.)

I must disagree with the focus on the comparatively complicated case 
(video as part of a web application) vs. the more obvious case of I 
just want to embed a video in my web page.

If I want to embed an image in my page or blog, I just upload it 
somewhere and write:

img src=pretty.png

If video is going to be considered a first-class citizen, I argue that 
this needs to be possible for video as well:

video src=pretty.ogg.../video

Currently I do not routinely post video in my blog nor on any of my web 
pages because it is non-trivial to offer it in a portable manner. Your 
proposed solution is still too much work for the casual author: unless 
some other website is prepared to help me, I have to not only upload the 
video but also prepare a second page containing some script and markup 
to implement a user-interface. (And incidentally, LiveJournal doesn't 
allow iframes to be used either. I'm not sure if that's a LiveJournal 
peculiarity or a common thing in hosted weblog systems.)

Please reconsider what you are focusing on as the simple case. I'd 
argue that these services like Google Video and YouTube have come about 
largely *because* embedding video on a web page is such a pain right 
now. If it were just a matter of uploading the video somewhere and 
linking to it, authors would be able to do this themselves in most cases 
without the assistance of sites like YouTube, much as right now most 
authors don't need a website to help them present static images.

I won't disagree that specifying a full user interface to be provided 
along with the video element is a non-trivial task, but providing just a 
simple UI with a play/pause button and nothing else would, I expect, 
pacify most people after native UI for now. Browser vendors would be 
free to innovate their provided UIs much as Internet Explorer and 
Mozilla have with their image toolbars.

I maintain, therefore, that the following two things should be catered 
for by the spec in addition to what's already there:
 * By default, browsers are expected to provide at minimum a play/pause 
toggle button which does not interfere with the size of the movie. (This 
implies that it must be some kind of overlay, ensuring that the size 
given by the page author is the size that the video will actually play.)
 * An attribute is provided to disable the default buttons so that apps 
providing their own branded UI don't end up with confusing interfaces.

I'd be interested to hear what is so difficult about the above. Browsers 
already do much more complicated things than this.

Re: [whatwg] Attribute proposal: video autostart

2007-03-19 Thread Martin Atkins

Alexey Feldgendler wrote:

Automatic behavior in HTML has been traditionally expressed through 
scripting. It's not hard to write a one-line script which automatically 
starts playback, but solutions based on scripting are easier to 
circumvent on the user side (and it's good).

-1 for |autoplay|.

It's been my experience that annoyances based on attributes and elements 
are far easier to tame than those using script.

For example, it was trivial to remove the effects of target=_blank on 
links, but harder to tame Modern UA's block calls to that 
function altogether, causing many scripts to fall over because they 
expect to always succeed.

I'd say in the general case it's far easier to block declarative 
instructions (elements, attributes) in a useful way than it is to block 
imperative instructions (JavaScript statements), because it's much 
easier to reason about what the author was trying to achieve in the 
former case.

Re: [whatwg] Comments on the video element

2007-03-19 Thread Martin Atkins

Mihai Sucan wrote:

For Youtube, a site which provides bloggers an easy way to integrate 
videos, this would prove even ... hard. Here's the simple code users 
have to copy/paste:

object width=425 height=350
param name=movie value=;/param
param name=wmode value=transparent/param
embed src=; 
type=application/x-shockwave-flash wmode=transparent width=425 


Switching to the video element, would require a script element, and 
technically, for the developers at Youtube, this would mean a lot more 
work. They script must be carefully coded so that it doesn't break the 
myriad of blog systems, etc. Blogs don't even allow scripts to be run 
(last time I heard). Say Youtube wants to do this, users themselves 
would no longer like this. What? Am I going to put a potentially risky 
script within my site?

This comment has reminded me about LiveJournal...

LiveJournal traditionally barred all SCRIPT and OBJECT elements (and 
various other, similar elements) in all user-supplied content because it 
would allow users to run arbitrary code in LiveJournal's security context.

More recently, LiveJournal has made an exception for OBJECT elements 
that match certain predefined patterns, such as the above YouTube code. 
They even attempt to massage the code to prevent auto-play.

Having a completely declarative (i.e. no scripting required) video 
element would, I'm sure, be very useful to LiveJournal since they would 
be able to allow it as indiscriminately as they do img right now.

However, if it requires any scripting to use it'll never work because 
LiveJournal absolutely cannot allow scripting.

So allow me to offer this as another vote to video being, by default, a 
completely standalone element with browser-provided UI. By all means 
allow authors to override it if they want to do something neat.

Re: [whatwg] Using the HTML5 DOCTYPE as a new quirksmode switch

2007-03-14 Thread Martin Atkins

Asbjørn Ulsberg wrote:

 Improving on the legacy, proprietary DOM just isn't feasible, imo.

Are there particular parts that overlap between IE's DOM and the 
standard DOM where IE's implementation is non-compliant?

If not, why can't IE simply support both sets of methods at the same 
time? (In other words, add the standard DOM classes, methods and events 
while leaving in all of the proprietary stuff that people depend on.)

Re: [whatwg] base versus xml:base

2007-03-14 Thread Martin Atkins

Asbjørn Ulsberg wrote:

If it is, then when looking at links inside head, relative URIs are
resolved using a base of bar/foo/bar/ (taking [EMAIL PROTECTED]:base into
account twice: once to resolve [EMAIL PROTECTED], which sets the document's
base URI, and then relative to that base URI to resolve [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s).

Hm, that sounds weird. I'd say once [EMAIL PROTECTED] is resolved (taking into
account the parent xml:base URI), then that's final. Any xml:base's after
base's presence will override the base, but I don't see a reason for
applying xml:base twice. Since base is a special case element that
magically affects all URI's in the document, I'd say it works like that
even when combined with 'xml:base'.

This kinda-cyclic definition is caused by the fact that the base 
element is defined as actually setting a property of the document as a 

So let's imagine that there's in illusionary element enclosing the whole 
document, so that we can write this in terms of xml:base...

So if we imagine that we've retrieved a document from

(document) xml:base=;

   head xml:base=foo/
  link href=bar.html /


So here, that link ends up being, 
because the xml:base on head is relative to the xml:base on the document.

Now if we throw in an HTML base element:

(document) xml:base=???

   head xml:base=foo/
  base href=wibble/ /
  link href=bar.html /


What is the document's xml:base set to now?

the base element overrides the original document URL, making it, but since the xml:base on the document 
is now, the base href is now and so on ad infinitum.

So it seems to me that base href has to be a special case of some sort. 
I'm not sure what the special case should be. I think in this case I'd 
expect the notional xml:base on the document to be and the URL in my link element to end 
up as ... in other words, the 
base href has ignored xml:base entirely... the base href attribute is in 
effect acting as if it were the xml:base attribute on my imaginary 
(document) element, regardless of its actual position in the DOM.

Re: [whatwg] Fallback behavior

2007-03-13 Thread Martin Atkins

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

As far as I can tell, the current spec does not adequately define how 
fallback behavior works. Specifically, what should be done with fallback 
content when not falling back?

Presumably it should be parsed into the DOM, but should not render - 
that's the de facto behavior.



object id=movie data=movie.ogg
   object id=movie
  object id=movie data=movie.asf
 pBlah blah movie alternative text.../p

If these things remain in the DOM, authors will presumably need to give 
them all distinct id values.

Now if I want to access these things from script, such as to provide an 
alternative player UI, I need to somehow determine which one is actually 
being used in order to target it. If they're all in the DOM, I can't 
just rely on getElementById returning null for the unused cases.

What's the solution in this case?

Re: [whatwg] several messages about HTML5

2007-02-21 Thread Martin Atkins

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:

James Graham wrote:
Obviously I would love to be proven wrong but given the 
limited success in this field in the last decade, I'm not holding my breath.

What actual attempts have been made in this field, that could be judged
relative successes or failures?

The best category of software to use for examples is that of WYSIWYG 
XML editors. These generally try to get users to specify semantics while 
simultaneously showing them the presentational result of those semantics 
 and constraining them to some kind of schema.

For example:

Whether they have been a successes or failures I'll leave for others to 

Re: [whatwg] X/HTML5 and DocBook

2007-02-21 Thread Martin Atkins

David Latapie wrote:


I never used it, but a common complaint about DocBook is that there is 
too much tags.

Now, considering how microformats seems to be the Next Big Thing™ (and 
we are talking quite a lot on this ML about this technology), could 
someone with a background in DocBook tell me (us) how 
X/HTML5+microformats differs from DocBook?

Please remember I may have wrong ideas about DocBook (or about X/HTML5, 
for that matter).

I believe the Simplified DocBook DTD was invented to address the 
concern that DocBook was too complicated. I've seen Simplified DocBook 
as an attempt to get an HTML-like simplicity while retaining the 
powerful structured nature of DocBook documents.

HTML5 comes at this from the other perspective, to a certain extent: 
while Simplified DocBook scaled down DocBook to be more like HTML, HTML5 
adds structure elements to HTML to make it a bit more like DocBook in 
many respects.

Of course, that's not all HTML5 does. Many of HTML5's new features are 
not for documents at all, but rather for web applications.

Re: [whatwg] The m element

2007-02-08 Thread Martin Atkins

James Graham wrote:

Leons Petrazickis wrote:

They are marking the search terms with a highlighter. In an aural
browser, would these terms be read differently? Perhaps. Does this
transfer to mobile browsers? Very definitely.

How would an auraul browser treak these terms differently? I can perhaps 
imagine some sort of generated content e.g. the foo mbar/m would be 
read the foo `begin mark` bar `end mark` but it's not entirely 


what useful features could a general purpose UA implement if 
this semantic information is made avaliable to it?

The first thing I tend to do when I load up a Google Cache result is do 
an inline find for one of my search keywords or manually scan the page 
for the yellow text. Some keyboard shortcuts or on-screen buttons for 
skipping back and forth between highlights would be nice.

I can't think of any use-cases for highlighting where this navigation 
aid *wouldn't* be useful. After all, the purpose of highlighting is to 
help your eyes locate important information more quickly; when you 
express it with markup, it can help your browser to help your eyes 
locate important information more quickly in a document that doesn't all 
fit on-screen at once.

As for aural browsers, they too can implement the above navigation aid, 
but allow the user to have the surrounding context read as well so that 
it actually makes some sense, thus avoiding reading the entire document 
just to locate the highlighted text.

Re: [whatwg] The m element

2007-02-08 Thread Martin Atkins

Geoffrey Sneddon wrote:

On 8 Feb 2007, at 15:23, Leons Petrazickis wrote:

In the Western world, the standard for highlighting is a neon yellow
background. I submit that a much better name for m is hi
(hilite, highlite, highlight). People don't necessarily mark
text much -- if anything, mark implies underlining, circling, and
drawing arrows -- but they do highlight. In university, I often saw
students perched with their notes and a highlighter, marking important
sections. The semantic meaning is to draw attention for later review.

In my eyes such an element is presentational – a more generic element, 
but one with semantic meaning, like m is far more relevant (although 
it may well be a good idea to suggest it be rendered as highlighted).

The *meaning* is that the content is highlighted.
The concept of highlighting something is not presentational.

When I'm giving a speech, I can highlight a certain fact that my 
listeners might not have been aware of. (e.g. by saying Allow me to 
highlight the fact that...)

highlight just means draw attention to, which is exactly what 
Google's cache highlighting is trying to do, and what a student 
highlighting passages in a book is trying to do. The highlighting has no 
effect on the content, it's just a navigation aid.

While the presentation in graphical browsers would likely resemble that 
of paper — that is, a yellow background — an aural browser wouldn't draw 
attention to the mark as it is being read. It would hopefully instead 
allow a user to quickly skip between passages containing highlighted 
text much as sighted people do with their eyes as they scan over a page 
with highlighted text.

Re: [whatwg] Problems with DOMTokenString

2007-02-02 Thread Martin Atkins

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

Alternative #2: leave the className an ordinary string, but add a new 
readonly DOMClassList classList property with something like the 
following interface:

interface DOMClassList {
void add(DOMString newClass);
void remove(DOMString removeClass);
bool has(DOMString possibleClass);

If you add DOMString index(unsigned i) and unsigned length, you would 
also have the ability to enumerate the classes easily, which the API as 
currently specced lacks. Because the classList property would be 
readonly, there would be no question of whether two elements ever share 
a DOMClassList.

Extending the DOMElement interface with a new, read-only property does 
seem better to me than overloading the existing className property. I 
like this approach, but I don't like the name DOMClassList.

If you leave it called DOMTokenString (or DOMTokenList, if you like) 
then it can also be used for other strings of space-separated tokens:

interface HTMLLinkElement : HTMLElement {
// ... all of the existing stuff ...

readonly DOMTokenList relList;
readonly DOMTokenList revList;
readonly DOMTokenList mediaList;


Admittedly these are much less likely to be toggled at runtime in the 
browser than the class, but it may be useful for scripts that search the 
document for anchors with particular relationships, for example.

[whatwg] WF2: Non-validating submit buttons

2007-01-24 Thread Martin Atkins

It would be useful to be able to mark certain submit buttons as 

Use case: lots of the forms generated by one of my web-apps have a 
Cancel button which simply causes the server to redirect the user back 
to wherever they came from. When I use the WF2 extensions to mark 
required fields, formats, etc the Cancel button won't submit until the 
form is completed correctly. This doesn't make much sense from a UI 

I propose a flag on the submit button elements (both INPUT and BUTTON 
TYPE=SUBMIT) which causes the browser not to run the usual validation 
procedure before submitting when that button is pressed. For example:

input type=submit validate=no /

I'm not fussed about the exact name/usage of the attribute, but it seems 
like a common enough case to warrant a declarative solution rather than 
a script one.

Re: [whatwg] xml:space

2007-01-23 Thread Martin Atkins

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

xml:space can't affect the tree being formed as far as I know. It's not 
entirely clear to me what its use is anyway, except in SVG, where they 
defined it in a funny way to make it do something.

Presumably its primary purpose is to act as a signal to generic XML 
tools — that don't have any special knowledge about XHTML — that they 
should not screw around with the whitespace inside PRE, etc.

One obvious example of such a tool is an XML pretty-printer. While an 
HTML pretty-printer like HTML Tidy can have rules hard-coded into it, 
this is not true of a non-validating XML formatter unless it is 
specifically written for XHTML.

Re: [whatwg] blockquote cite and q cite

2007-01-04 Thread Martin Atkins

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:

What are you guys talking about? You've got this exactly backwards: you
don't consult online services to find out ISBNs (although you can); you
use ISBNs to find books on online services.

So do you expect browsers to use an online service to look up 
information about a given referenced book? What online service should 
they use to do this, and what happens when that online service ceases to 
exist at some point in the future?

I'm not sure what exactly you expect browsers to do with the ISBN you've 
entered. Certainly just displaying the bare ISBN onscreen with no other 
information isn't very user-friendly.

Re: [whatwg] microformats incompatible with WebApps 1.0 ?

2006-12-12 Thread Martin Atkins

Mike Schinkel wrote:

But you are assuming there is a downside to them for calling it foo-name
vs. just name.  There isn't; developers use conventions all the time.  And
if you read my proposal clearly, the prefix is only needed on a top-level
element or to disambiguate.

I'm not sure if you are actually proposing what I'm proposing or if 
you're just mentioning this in passing, but it seems to me a reasonable 
compromise to create a registry of *container* classes which can contain 
microformats or other extension stuff. Since these things only have to 
be used once, they can be a little bit obtuse to avoid conflicts with 
author-invented classnames.

You just need to mention in some spec (which, in theory, doesn't even 
have to be the HTML5 spec, since class is just an list of opaque 
strings as far as HTML is concerned) that there will be a registry of 
container classes which will all have some common prefix and that within 
that container anything goes.

Some arbitrary new microformat foo could then be assigned (for 
example) the prefix x-foo, into which it can plonk whatever it likes:

   div class=x-foo
   div class=cheeseCheddar/div

You could even go so far as to specify that these prefix names will 
never contain a dash, so the owners of the x-foo prefix would be able 
to invent their own containers such as x-foo-giraffe without fear of a 
later registrant getting that as a container name.

If any of the inner classnames conflict between schemas, they can be 
disambiguated in CSS and elsewhere using contextual selectors.

Authors would then be discouraged (but probably not forbidden) from 
using the x- prefix (or whatever is selected) for their own made-up 

Re: [whatwg] Inline SVG

2006-12-09 Thread Martin Atkins

Michel Fortin wrote:

Le 8 déc. 2006 à 15:20, Leons Petrazickis a écrit : 

Unlike Michel Fortin's proposal for script
type=image/svg+xml/script, I suggest that SVG included like this
be rendered as an image in that exact spot. We may want to define a
default height and width for all inline-xml.../inline-xml content.

 script is already parsed as text content by current
browsers, so for current browsers that can't execute the script, it 
would be possible for an external JavaScript to parse the content, 
build, and insert the new elements into the DOM.

Using script has the ultimate advantage that existing browsers will 
*already* ignore it, while for some new element legacy browsers will 
attempt to parse the contents as HTML and may end up displaying 
something unintended. It's unclear how you'd implement fallback behavior 
for script type=application/xml, though, since the only fallback for 
script is noscript, which is ignored if the browser supports 
scripting of any kind, regardless of type.

This also raises an interesting question about how you'd embed an XML 
application that itself features a script element, since any /script 
ends the parsing of the script element regardless of nesting. (The HTML 
parser just sees the XML as an opaque block of text.)

Re: [whatwg] PaceEntryMediatype

2006-12-08 Thread Martin Atkins

Ian Hickson wrote:

Then the browser wouldn't take these links and make them available in a 
list of feeds interface, which is the problem we are trying to solve.

Why is it useful for a browser to make a list of a bunch of random feeds 
that have no relation to one another or to the current page?

A list of feeds *for the current page* I can see a use for (that little 
orange RSS icon on my browser's toolbar), but for links to other feeds 
a list inside the page itself is perfectly adequate, especially if that 
link actually links to an HTML document that *itself* declares a the 
feed as a LINK.

Currently the orange RSS icon means Subscribe to this page. This is a 
lot more useful (in my opinion) than it meaning subscribe to some 
random thing.

Re: [whatwg] several messages about XML syntax and HTML5

2006-12-04 Thread Martin Atkins

Sam Ruby wrote:
HTML5 can do one better.  Instead of handling presentational MathML as a 
special case, this support can be generalized.  When a non-HTML element 
is encountered inside a HTML document, the parser could make one 
additional check: does this attribute have a xmlns attribute defined? If 
so, it can enter a consume foreign markup stage whereby these elements 
are simply placed into the resulting DOM.  Such elements would therefore 
be made available to processors like JavaScript, which could enable some 
cool applications.


Finally (whew!) unlike Microsoft's mis-advertised and undocumented XML 
data islands, theis architected HTML extension sytax would clearly and 
unabashedly be parsed by HTML5 parser rules for things like comments and 


An HTML parser relies on knowledge of the schema, so it's not easy to 
parse an arbitrary, unknown schema with an HTML parser.

For example, HTML offers no syntactic way to differentiate between 
void elements like br and normal elements like div. The parser 
just knows that BR is void.

Likewise, the content model of the script element is hardcoded into 
the parser; there's no way to discover it from the syntax alone. (I'll 
admit that there's no similar construct to the content model of script 
in XML, however, so this particular difference doesn't pose a problem.)

In order to handle custom elements in HTML while still allowing them to 
appear in the DOM, you'd have to make some rules such as that no void 
elements are allowed. You'd have to write otherwise-void elements as, 
say, img/img in order to have them handled correctly by the parser.

Even if you aren't constructing a DOM of these unknown elements, you 
need to be able to count opens and closes so that you can detect the end 
of the root custom element and resume normal parsing.

 Standard browsers would be advised to ignore extensions that they
 don't understand.  Including any text, so we don't have a repeat of
 the table problem again.

I'm sure you realise this, but there are already browsers out there that 
*don't* ignore extensions that they don't understand, so a mandate such 
as this would be meaningless.

Re: [whatwg] HTML5 Edit Link Relation (was: PaceEntryMediatype)

2006-12-02 Thread Martin Atkins

Robert Sayre wrote:

 link rel=edit
 href=entry.xml /

While type is useful for things which result in GET requests, while 
specifying several locally-relevant protocols I've run into the fact 
that it's not so hot for anything that requires the client to include an 
entity body in the request, or requires any other request protocol.

What would be useful, though perhaps out of scope for HTML5, is a way to 
specify a *protocol*, rather than a response type, for a given link 
relation. Then you could specify that this is an AtomAPI endpoint, 
rather than that a GET request will return an atom+xml document.

Re: [whatwg] HTML syntax: shortcuts for 'id' and 'class' attributes

2006-12-01 Thread Martin Atkins

Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:

|  p.myclass.../p is equivalent of
|  p class=myclass.../p
| HTML5 is meant to be backwards compatible, so this is out of the question.

And where do you see problems with backward compatibility?
Or let's put this way: what would be a definition of backward compatibility in 
terms of HTML5?

Anything specified in HTML5 must degrade gracefully in pre-HTML5 
software. Unless at the very least current browsers parse p.myclass as 
p this proposal is unworkable under this constraint.

Re: [whatwg] Still beating the drawString() dead horse...

2006-11-14 Thread Martin Atkins

Stefan Haustein wrote:


I have tried to sum up the requirements for 
CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawString() at

The page contains an API proposal based on the Font/TextStyle object 
approach that
meets all those requirements, and also some motivation why I have 
implemented this

approach and not one of the alternatives discussed here.

Some comments:

void drawString(in float x, in float y, in DOMString text);
attribute DOMString verticalAlign;
attribute DOMString textAlign;

I'm guessing from the function signature that what is actually changing 
here is how the coordinates (x,y) relate to the rendered text. a 
textAlign of right will presumably cause the text to be drawn with the 
rightmost edge at x.

However, it'd also be useful to be able to render formatted blocks of 
text, like this:

void drawString(in float x1, in float y1, in float x2, in float y2,
in DOMString text)

...which wrap text and would make a textAlign of justify meaningful. 
Suddenly a bunch more CSS properties become attractive (margins and 
letter spacing, for example) but I think line-height alone would do for now.

Rendering formatted blocks of text seems to me to be such a common thing 
that the canvas API should support it natively.

This does, of course, require more functions on TextStyle to measure the 
extent of a block of text. This could probably be confined to just the 

float getBlockHeight(in DOMString s, float width)

I think that a good use-case for this would be replacing regular 
document elements with canvases, either using bare script or using XBL. 
You point out in your document that drawElement(e) is tricky, but for 
limited cases it would be nice to be able to obtain the computed style 
of the canvas element to use for rendering, so that the text can match 
the style of the surrounding document.

This can be as simple as one method on the canvas context to fetch the 
computed style, which would presumably return null in a non-browser 
implementation of the API.

CanvasTextStyle getInheritedStyle();

For example, this could be used to create some kind of visual effect 
(fancy headings?) or to render a graphical element from some XML 
namespace that isn't supported in browsers yet.

Re: [whatwg] Still beating the drawString() dead horse...

2006-11-14 Thread Martin Atkins

Stefan Haustein wrote:

Everything beyond is a separate use case that should be discussed 
separately. I think the main problem here is that drawElement() was 
suggested as a kind of replacement for drawString(), but it is actually 
something completely different, that should be discussed separately. 

I agree. It would be nice to have both.

In the worst case, browsers can implement drawString in terms of 
drawElement if having both is a concern to developers.

Re: [whatwg] Scoped tabindex proposal

2006-08-31 Thread Martin Atkins

Simon Pieters wrote:

So here's an idea. A new value for the tabindex attribute, scoped. 
Here's an example:

  pThe following links should be focused in the order which the link 
text indicates:

  pa href=#first/a
  table tabindex=scoped
tda href=# tabindex=1second/a
tda href=# tabindex=3forth/a
tda href=# tabindex=2third/a
tda href=# tabindex=4fifth/a
  pa href=#last/a

The table itself is not in the tab order and is not focusable.

The table might not be focusable, but it needs to be in the tab order in 
some sense in order to resolve that local tabindex=1 into a global 

For example:

a id=outside1 href=... tabindex=1.../a

div tabindex=scoped id=container1
a id=inside1 href=... tabindex=1.../a

div tabindex=scoped id=container2
a id=inside2 href=... tabindex=1.../a

a id=outside2 href=... tabindex=2.../a

What is the global tab order now?

I could see arguments for either:
(DOM order)

(all of the explicit tabindexes first in index order, followed by 
everything else in DOM order)

Now what if I want the elements of #container2 to be before those of 
#container1 in the tab order? Can I also give these DIVs a tabindex?

Re: [whatwg] Scoped tabindex proposal

2006-08-31 Thread Martin Atkins

Simon Pieters wrote:

Then it would be better to drop the tabindex=scoped idea and instead 
define that any tabindex element is a scoping element, so you would use 
tabindex=1 on #container2 and tabindex=2 on #container1. I think 
this makes more sense than changing tabIndex to a DOMString, and it is 
more flexible.

And, I guess, tabindex=0 would be roughly equivalent to your 

Seems reasonable to me.

Re: [whatwg] Mathematics on HTML5

2006-06-07 Thread Martin Atkins

[originally sent privately by mistake; sorry Ian.]

Ian Hickson wrote:

 On Wed, 7 Jun 2006, Mihai Sucan wrote:

 Yes, it's true authors don't generally jump on whatever comes new 
(that's the reason MathML is not as widely used as LaTeX).

 I would say MathML is not widely used because MathML doesn't work in 
HTML, personally. If we made MathML work in HTML, possibly with rules 
that make the syntax easier (by implying tags as I suggested earlier), 
then that might well change, especially given that one UA already has 
extensive and high-quality support for MathML.

It seems to me that a good path would be to fix up CSS's shortcomings 
(which have been discussed at length in this thread) so that it is 
possible to specify math rendering with CSS.

Then MathML only have to be implemented once as a CSS stylesheet and 
then that stylesheet could be shipped with all browsers or even just 
served alongside the content so it'd work for everyone. (browser 
incompatibilities notwithstanding)

As a bonus, the fixes to CSS would probably end up being useful in a lot 
of other scenarios too.

I agree that it'd be worthwhile to do tag implication though, which 
admittedly is not an option if MathML support is just a stylesheet.

Re: [whatwg] drawString?

2006-06-06 Thread Martin Atkins

Lars Schöning wrote:

May I suggest the addition of a
drawString method with parameters for font type, size and string.
In order to achieve usability canvas really requires an equivalent 

method, however the established prototype functions take immense amounts of
clocktime and significantly (and unnessessarily) slow down the canvas. The
current lack of standard in canvas makes it possible to include a 

method before it is too late, thus adding new possibilities to the object.

You can't really implement drawString as a single call, since there's no 
guarantee that the font you requested will be available so you need to 
be ready to deal with that eventuality.

A process which might work is:

* Make a request to prepare some text with an ordered list of preferred 
fonts, CSS-style.
* Get back some kind of descriptor which allows you to discover various 
characteristics of the dimensions of the text as it will be rendered.
* At some later point, ask the canvas to draw the descriptor at a 
given location.

This allows for the browser to substitute other fonts while allowing the 
canvas-based app to adapt the display to the characteristics of the 
selected font.

[whatwg] Objects in external security contexts

2006-02-22 Thread Martin Atkins

Hi folks. I'm new here on the mailing list, but I've been following
progress with the various WHATWG specs for a while now.

The following proposal doesn't really have any relationship to any
particular specification currently being considered by WHATWG, but after
much consideration I decided that this was the best forum to propose it,
since it is certainly related to web applications.

My proposal is to allow client-side scripts to do something like this:

function (obj) {
// Do something with obj here

The idea here is that some script object gets instantiated based on the
code at that URL. The code is retrieved asynchronously and, once it has
been retrieved and compiled, passed into the callback function provided
in the form of an object.

The key thing here is that the remote object's code runs in the security
context of the remote site, not the calling site. The site which owns
the object has no direct access to the calling site's DOM. The calling
site has access only to the methods and properties explicitly exposed by
the remote site.

This allows two sites to exchange data client-side while ensuring that
each party can only access what the other party wishes to share.

The use-case that immediately springs to mind is Google's text ads.
Currently sites embed Google's ads by simply referencing a script file
on Google's server. This script then runs in the calling site's security
context, which gives Google complete access to the calling document's
DOM. This also means that Google mandates the presentation of the ads,
rather than the embedding site. Finally, it requires that parameters be
passed as global variables, which isn't very clean.

A better way, perhaps:

function (adManager) {
var adbox = document.getElementById(adbox);
var adlist = adManager.getAdverts();
// Generate some stuff inside the adbox element
clientid: 4534523465243564,
channel: cheese
(the third parameter here is an arbitrary parameter to be passed to the
object somehow. Here I've used a JavaScript object containing some named

(NB. I'm ignoring the fact that Google probably *wants* to control the
presentation here; feel free to think of other use-cases where the
mighty buck isn't involved and people are just sharing data for its own

It's also possible that certain de-facto standard interfaces would
emerge for doing a particular job, which several sites could then
implement and inter-operate with one another.

The important characteristics are:
* The remote object runs in its own global scope and can't do anything
at all to the DOM or other objects in the caller unless the caller
explicitly passes data to one of the methods or properties of the object.
* Likewise, the caller can't access anything in the remote object's
scope unless it's explicitly returned from a property or method of the
object. (This implies that the remote object can use private
functions/data by simply creating global variables in its own scope)
* The remote object can do anything that would normally be allowed of a
page on the remote site, such as use XMLHttpRequest to call back to its
own domain to fetch data.
* Each party makes data available explicitly. Nothing is available by

A few details remain to be worked out:
* What should happen if the remote script cannot be retrieved, or can't
be executed for some other reason? The caller needs to be informed of
this case somehow.
* The specifics of how this remote object is described and how it is
instantiated remain to be seen. I'm open to suggestions.

This could be very useful when used in conjunction with XBL. For
example, imagine an XBL-powered news ticker that gets its news from an
exposed object on another site, which might itself fetch the news from
an RSS feed using XMLHttpRequest. Of course, the calling site doesn't
need to care where the data comes from as long as the API stays consistant.

In fact, I'd probably be inclined to use such a thing even with scripts
that live on the same site, since it keeps the code compartmentalised
nicely and avoids filling the global scope with loads of junk.

Comments, suggestions and other thoughts are welcome.
