Re: [Wikimediauk-l] [Wikimania-l] hosting it in the UK - was Some statistics about Wikimania 2011

2011-07-27 Thread Gordon Joly

Looks like work has started... for example in Sydney.

And here is the checklist


On 26/07/2011 16:47, WereSpielChequers wrote:
 I rather fear that hosting Wikimania is a bit like the Olympics or the
 Eurovision song contest, a dubious honour that saps more from the host
 organisation than it generates. That said if there are a keen group of
 people who want to organise a UK Wikimania I have no objection to it
 being here in 2014 or 2015.

 Better still we should encourage those who want to organise a UK
 Wikimania to get involved in the team running DC in 2012 and/or help
 Manila or whoever gets 2013 (by 2013 we really should be taking
 Wikimania back to the far East rather than yet another event at this
 end of Eurasia).

 II think that a UK bid for 2014 or 2015 would be much more impressive
 if the bidders included people who'd played key roles in making 2012
 and 2013 a success. If the UK was to fund flights and accommodation
 for UK Wikimanians who made those events a success then I'd consider
 that money well spent.

 One criticism of the Wikimania process is that it involves reinventing
 the wheel, so a bid for 2014 that included accommodation booking will
 be organised using the same software as 2012  run by the UK 2014 bid
 member who is currently running it for 2013 or scheduling team
 includes * who has been a full participant in program scheduling
 for 2013 would impress me and I hope others.

 Another feature of some Wikimanias has been linguistic diversity and
 even a non-English channel in the program. Now we could try for that,
 perhaps with a collaboration with Wikipedia France. But I'd prefer a
 more global approach - perhaps with skype channels and translation on
 demand so that we or the Foundation provide scholarships for people
 who speak a wide range of languages and  can then offer skype channels
 in  various languages based on demand from Wikipedians around the



 On 25 July 2011 14:22, Gordon  wrote:
 On 24/07/2011 16:11, Christopher Cooper wrote:

In the longer-term, the chapter would benefit greatly if the UK
 hosted the conference, of which it has not yet done so.
 Ah, yes, that old chestnut



 Gordon Joly
 Don't Leave Space To The Professionals!
 Wikimedia UK mailing list


Gordon Joly
Don't Leave Space To The Professionals!

Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] [Wikimania-l] hosting it in the UK - was Some statistics about Wikimania 2011

2011-07-27 Thread Thomas Morton

 My two cents would be that the big events should not be allowed to drive
 out the more grassrootsy things.

^^ This. On the other hand - hosting Wikimania might a) raise the profile of
Wikimania UK in non-Wikimedia circles (i.e. lead to more grass roots
opportunity) and b) be an opportunity/platform to launch/integrate more
grass roots projects. In fact it could be an integral part of the pitch -
and we could incorporate (perhaps) some of the GLAM opportunities (and other
related ideas) into the full event.

I think a Wikimania bid is a great idea for WM-UK, and I'd be happy to help
out with it!

Just one question; why 2014? 2013 isn't bid until the end of this year, if I
am reading it correctly, so we still have a decent amount of time to put
together a bid for that...? No rush of course, just wondering on the reason

Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] [Wikimania-l] hosting it in the UK - was Some statistics about Wikimania 2011

2011-07-27 Thread WereSpielChequers
 Just one question; why 2014? 2013 isn't bid until the end of this year, if I
 am reading it correctly, so we still have a decent amount of time to put
 together a bid for that...? No rush of course, just wondering on the reason

There are a several reasons why I would prefer that we did not  bid
for 2013. The first is geography, if you hold to the view that
Wikimania should move around the globe, then whilst the UK is a
longhaul flight from Washington DC it really isn't that far from
either Haifa or Gdansk. I'm a supporter of the view that each
Wikimania should be a longhaul flight from either of the last two, so
I'd feel a tad hypocritical if I argued that the UK should be an
exception. Though I concede that some of the 9 current bids for 2013
are a medium haul flight from Haifa or DC.

Another reason is that holding back and not bidding for 2013 would
give us time to develop a Wikimania team by getting them involved in
helping make 2012 and 2013 successful.

Of course if there were already a team of enthusiastic UK Wikimania
organisers in place then I wouldn't want to discourage them. But I
haven't noticed a huge rush on this list of people wanting to organise

And both
Kingdom and
Kingdom are currently redlinks. But there are 9 bluelinks for 2013 so
far, and some of those potential bids are quite advanced.


On 27 July 2011 10:57, Thomas Morton wrote:
 My two cents would be that the big events should not be allowed to drive
 out the more grassrootsy things.

 ^^ This. On the other hand - hosting Wikimania might a) raise the profile of
 Wikimania UK in non-Wikimedia circles (i.e. lead to more grass roots
 opportunity) and b) be an opportunity/platform to launch/integrate more
 grass roots projects. In fact it could be an integral part of the pitch -
 and we could incorporate (perhaps) some of the GLAM opportunities (and other
 related ideas) into the full event.
 I think a Wikimania bid is a great idea for WM-UK, and I'd be happy to help
 out with it!
 Just one question; why 2014? 2013 isn't bid until the end of this year, if I
 am reading it correctly, so we still have a decent amount of time to put
 together a bid for that...? No rush of course, just wondering on the reason
 Wikimedia UK mailing list

Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] [Wikimania-l] hosting it in the UK - was Some statistics about Wikimania 2011

2011-07-27 Thread Thomas Dalton
On 27 July 2011 10:57, Thomas Morton wrote:
 Just one question; why 2014? 2013 isn't bid until the end of this year, if I
 am reading it correctly, so we still have a decent amount of time to put
 together a bid for that...? No rush of course, just wondering on the reason

It will take at least a year to put together a good bid, especially if
we want to line up sponsors in advance of the bidding. (If we put a
large budget in the bid with no evidence that we'll be able to fund
it, we don't stand a chance. If we try to do a low-budget conference
in the UK, we'll end up putting most of our effort into keeping costs
down rather than running a good conference.)

Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] [Wikimania-l] hosting it in the UK - was Some statistics about Wikimania 2011

2011-07-27 Thread Thomas Morton

 It will take at least a year to put together a good bid, especially if
 we want to line up sponsors in advance of the bidding. (If we put a
 large budget in the bid with no evidence that we'll be able to fund
 it, we don't stand a chance. If we try to do a low-budget conference
 in the UK, we'll end up putting most of our effort into keeping costs
 down rather than running a good conference.)

All those reasons seem sensible :)

In terms of money/cost - is this where WMUK could earmark some of the

Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] [Wikimania-l] hosting it in the UK - was Some statistics about Wikimania 2011

2011-07-27 Thread Michael Peel

On 27 Jul 2011, at 13:04, Thomas Morton wrote:

 It will take at least a year to put together a good bid, especially if
 we want to line up sponsors in advance of the bidding. (If we put a
 large budget in the bid with no evidence that we'll be able to fund
 it, we don't stand a chance. If we try to do a low-budget conference
 in the UK, we'll end up putting most of our effort into keeping costs
 down rather than running a good conference.)
 All those reasons seem sensible :) 
 In terms of money/cost - is this where WMUK could earmark some of the 

I'm 100% sure that the chapter would part-fund a UK wikimania - but it would 
need to be in conjunction with external sponsors. The money would come from the 
appropriate year's budget, though, not the current one (which covers spending 
between 1 Feb 2011 and end Jan 2012). Funding to support the creation of the 
bid over the next 6 months (e.g. travel to meet potential sponsors, scout out 
venues, etc.) would fall under the current budget, if this would be of use.

BTW, Seddon started a draft bid page for 2013 in Manchester, which is at:
that might form a useful basis to start developing an official bid, either for 
2013 or later.


Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] [Wikimania-l] hosting it in the UK - was Some statistics about Wikimania 2011

2011-07-27 Thread Thomas Morton

 The money would come from the appropriate year's budget, though, not the
 current one (which covers spending between 1 Feb 2011 and end Jan 2012).

Oh, of course, however any spare money from the underspend will carry over
to the next budgets - was just suggesting this could be a future outlet for
it if we are still racking brains for what to do with it :) There seems no
harm in earmarking a potential Wikimania fund now and putting underspend in
it by agreement.

 BTW, Seddon started a draft bid page for 2013 in Manchester, which is at:
 that might form a useful basis to start developing an official bid, either
 for 2013 or later.

Looks interesting; Manchester is a nice city  fairly accessible. It would
be good to put together ideas for venues and assess the relative benefits of
each of them (i.e. costs, accessibility, local wikipedians).

Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] [Wikimania-l] hosting it in the UK - was Some statistics about Wikimania 2011

2011-07-27 Thread Thomas Morton
Apparently there was a 2010 bid to host it in Oxford as well: which got
shortlisted to the final three.

Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] [Wikimania-l] hosting it in the UK - was Some statistics about Wikimania 2011

2011-07-27 Thread Gordon Joly
On 27/07/2011 11:38, WereSpielChequers wrote:
 Another reason is that holding back and not bidding for 2013 would
 give us time to develop a Wikimania team by getting them involved in
 helping make 2012 and 2013 successful.
Good plan. We can also have a look at previous bids that failed.

BTW, I was at Wikimania in Frankfurt (and no other Wikimania).



Gordon Joly
Don't Leave Space To The Professionals!

Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] [Wikimania-l] hosting it in the UK - Wikimania 2014 The UK team

2011-07-27 Thread WereSpielChequers
If the first step is working out a rough budget. Step zero is
establishing whether we have a team of people wanting to make this
happen, then logically step minus one is creating a signup page for all those enthusiasts
to sign up at.

So having done step minus one I shall pause and wait for the rush.


On 27 July 2011 18:42, Thomas Dalton wrote:
 On 27 July 2011 13:11, Michael Peel wrote:
 I'm 100% sure that the chapter would part-fund a UK wikimania - but it would 
 need to be in conjunction with external sponsors. The money would come from 
 the appropriate year's budget, though, not the current one (which covers 
 spending between 1 Feb 2011 and end Jan 2012). Funding to support the 
 creation of the bid over the next 6 months (e.g. travel to meet potential 
 sponsors, scout out venues, etc.) would fall under the current budget, if 
 this would be of use.

 I disagree. Something as big as Wikimania should be saved up for. The
 first step in putting together a bid would be working out a rough
 budget, including costs during the bidding process. You can then work
 out how much of that it is reasonable to pay out of general chapter
 funds and how much we need to fundraise specifically for (most likely
 through corporate sponsorship, although there are a few other
 options). The bit we're going to pay for out of chapter funds can then
 be saved up for over several financial years. The current underspend
 could be re-allocated to be the first installment if the board wished
 to do that.

 The one big problem with this is what happens if we have an
 unsuccessful bid. I think we would need to take steps to ensure that
 doesn't happen. At the very least, we can talk to other European
 chapters and make sure there are no competing European bids by getting
 them to support our bid (that could be anything from a letter of
 support to a pledge to contribute £X). Less formally, we can start
 letting people know of our intention to bid (maybe even handing out
 leaflets and badges and things at Wikimania 2012) and try to get
 people to view 2014 as our year even before the bidding starts.

 I know it's not exactly in the spirit of the thing to go out of our
 way to avoid any real competition in the bidding process, but with
 such a short timescale from the winning bid being announced to the
 conference starting, we don't have much choice if we want a large
 amount of corporate funding.

 Wikimedia UK mailing list

Wikimedia UK mailing list

[Wikimediauk-l] Fwd: [Foundation-l] Wikimania Interviews

2011-07-27 Thread Chris Keating
Apologies for cross-posting, but I think there are probably a fair few
people here not subscribed to foundation-l.

I'm keen to get as many UK editor stories into the mix for this Autumn's
fundraiser as possible,so if you're interested please contact either myself
or Megan directly. :-)


-- Forwarded message --
From: Megan Hernandez
Date: Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 8:59 PM
Subject: [Foundation-l] Wikimania Interviews

Hi all,

Over the past two months, the fundraising team has started testing new
messages from WMF staff members, donors, and editors.  We're really excited
that we've found new messages that perform at the same level as the founder
appeal from Jimmy Wales.  This year, the fundraiser will rely as much as
possible on voices of many different members of our community.

Doing in-person interviews and then writing appeals using people's exact
words is the key to making these appeals work as well as the Jimmy appeal.
 Victor Grigas, Aaron Muszalski, and Matthew Roth -- three Storytellers
working on the 2011 Fundraiser -- are doing the interviews.  They will be
attending Wikimania to interview attendees who would like to have their
personal appeal run during the fundraising campaign.  While on this story
gathering mission, they will also be taking photos to be used in fundraising

We would like to feature editors for as much of the fundraiser as possible.
But we've found that editor appeals are the hardest to make work. So we're
really looking for people who think they can explain in their own words why
donating to WMF or a chapter is important. If you'd like to get involved,
please get in touch by emailing  We'll be
interviewing throughout Wikimania, so please come talk to us about the
importance of Wikipedia and tell us your own personal story of how you're
connected to the Wikimedia movement.

You don't have to attend Wikimania to get involved.  We will be interviewing
people from all different areas of the world over the next several months.
 If you're interested in sharing your story, please send a message to

If you'd like to see a review of our weekly testing and read the new
appeals, check out our test updates page:

Looking forward to seeing you next week and hearing your stories,



Megan Hernandez

Community Officer
Wikimedia Foundation
foundation-l mailing list
Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] [Wikimania-l] hosting it in the UK - Wikimania 2014 The UK team

2011-07-27 Thread Lewis Cawte
On 27/07/11 20:37, WereSpielChequers wrote:
 If the first step is working out a rough budget. Step zero is
 establishing whether we have a team of people wanting to make this
 happen, then logically step minus one is creating a signup page for all those enthusiasts
 to sign up at.

 So having done step minus one I shall pause and wait for the rush.

I'd be interested in helping plan this, I'm currently 14 now, so I can't
take a lead role (because travel and school are a big problem for me
being able to go around and check stuff out), but I'd like to play a
fair sized part, for the 2014 Wikimania, I'll be 17.

Not sure what in particular I'd like to help with, just saying, I'd be
happy to help, maybe shadow tech support on the day(s) as well, I feel
quite knowledgeable, but learning experiences are a plus.

Just throwing that out there.

-- Lewis Cawte

Wikimedia UK mailing list

Re: [Wikimediauk-l] Fwd: [Foundation-l] Wikimania Interviews

2011-07-27 Thread Deryck Chan
Victor Grigas has already found me on Skype! So, I'm in :)

On 28 July 2011 04:05, Chris Keating wrote:

 Apologies for cross-posting, but I think there are probably a fair few
 people here not subscribed to foundation-l.

 I'm keen to get as many UK editor stories into the mix for this Autumn's
 fundraiser as possible,so if you're interested please contact either myself
 or Megan directly. :-)


 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Megan Hernandez
 Date: Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 8:59 PM
 Subject: [Foundation-l] Wikimania Interviews

 Hi all,

 Over the past two months, the fundraising team has started testing new
 messages from WMF staff members, donors, and editors.  We're really excited
 that we've found new messages that perform at the same level as the
 appeal from Jimmy Wales.  This year, the fundraiser will rely as much as
 possible on voices of many different members of our community.

 Doing in-person interviews and then writing appeals using people's exact
 words is the key to making these appeals work as well as the Jimmy appeal.
  Victor Grigas, Aaron Muszalski, and Matthew Roth -- three Storytellers
 working on the 2011 Fundraiser -- are doing the interviews.  They will be
 attending Wikimania to interview attendees who would like to have their
 personal appeal run during the fundraising campaign.  While on this story
 gathering mission, they will also be taking photos to be used in

 We would like to feature editors for as much of the fundraiser as possible.
 But we've found that editor appeals are the hardest to make work. So we're
 really looking for people who think they can explain in their own words why
 donating to WMF or a chapter is important. If you'd like to get involved,
 please get in touch by emailing  We'll be
 interviewing throughout Wikimania, so please come talk to us about the
 importance of Wikipedia and tell us your own personal story of how you're
 connected to the Wikimedia movement.

 You don't have to attend Wikimania to get involved.  We will be
 people from all different areas of the world over the next several months.
  If you're interested in sharing your story, please send a message to

 If you'd like to see a review of our weekly testing and read the new
 appeals, check out our test updates page:

 Looking forward to seeing you next week and hearing your stories,



 Megan Hernandez

 Community Officer
 Wikimedia Foundation
 foundation-l mailing list

 Wikimedia UK mailing list

Wikimedia UK mailing list