Re: [Wikitech-l] Fwd: Breaking changes in the Wikidata API

2012-09-28 Thread Carl (CBM)
On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 8:53 AM, John Erling Blad wrote:
 The token handling through use of a special url-argument gettoken
 and the special itemtoken has died in flames. Use edittoken from

How does this change relate to the 'prop=infointoken=edit' method of
getting edit tokens?

- Carl

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Some tag for attribution within the article

2012-04-14 Thread Carl (CBM)
On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 9:35 AM, Strainu wrote:
 Actually, I find bug 27629 to be insufficient, since each author might
 ask for a specific way to be quoted (e.g. some disclaimer associated
 with the content).

It is understandable why they might ask for such a disclaimer, but it
isn't clear why we would agree to put it on the article, unless we
also give every Wikipedia editor who edits the article the ability to
add their own disclaimer.  The point of free content is that content
incorporated from other sources is not different than content written
directly for our project. Each source of content should ideally be
credited in a similar way, whether the source is another free-content
project or a local editor.

On English Wikipedia, we often credit external authors in the article
itself (see [[:en:Category:Attribution templates]]). These do show up
in a PDF created from the article.   If there was a way to move these
into metadata for the article, that would also work, but the idea of
adding a disclaimer to the article itself seems to differ from usual
practice which is just to list the source.

- Carl

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] MathJax integration to stock MediaWiki Math extension? (was RFC: math options)

2011-11-29 Thread Carl (CBM)
On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 7:42 PM, Brion Vibber wrote:
 I've done a quick experimental mode commit:

This sounds great. MathJax is used on some other math-intensive sites,
e.g., and in general it does a very nice rendering

When the Mediawiki support for MathJax gets to the right stage, it
would be helpful to have it enabled on the labs wiki, so people can
test it out.

- Carl

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] wikipedia lacks a share' button

2011-10-23 Thread Carl (CBM)
On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 12:15 PM, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
 Posted this issue at

The above link is to :

URL shorteners are evil in general, and especially so on archived mailing lists.

* Shortened URLs make it difficult to search for link substrings in
the list archives
* Users cannot tell the true destination of the link without loading it
* To load the link, users are forced to share their IP address with
the server that does the URL expansion
* A random server for the shortened URLs is not likely to be as
reliable as Wikipedia in the long term.

- Carl

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] RFC: Should we drop the rendering preferences for math?

2011-07-19 Thread Carl (CBM)
On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 8:38 PM, Brion Vibber wrote:
 It's conceivable that a few folks really honestly prefer to see the latex
 source in their graphical browsers (should at least do a quick stat check to
 see if anybody uses it on purpose), but I wouldn't mind removing that

Some people are using this method to have MathJax render the math on
Wikipedia pages, by installing the MathJax javascript in their user
javascript.  Disabling the text-only option would also break this.

It would really be worthwhile for us to look into making MathJax
available as an option for all users without forcing them to modify
their user javascript.  It's basically just a few javascript files and
some static files on a webserver. They claim very broad browser
compatibility ( ) , and
everything is released under the Apache license IIRC.

- Carl

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] RFC: Should we drop the rendering preferences for math?

2011-07-19 Thread Carl (CBM)
On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 4:03 PM, Ryan Kaldari wrote:
 Sounds like someone should propose MathJax as a gadget:

That solves some of the problems, but making it a gadget isn't
technically very different from just putting it in user javascript.

Not all the MathJax files are javascript: there are also web fonts and
fallback image fonts. Ideally these would be served from Wikimedia
servers.  The system they are using right now loads them from off-site
somewhere, and that would not be fixable by the gadget system.  Users
can also install the fonts locally but that is not a good solution for
a widespread roll-out.

The ideal implementation would be a system that detects whether the
user has javascript enabled and a decent browser, and if so rolls them
over to MathJax automatically. Users who fail that test or who
intentionally opt out would receive images only.  This would
completely replace the current system (but re-use texvc to make the

This system would not be hard to implement, but there is little
incentive for anyone to spend time on it without some pre-commitment
from the site admins to make it live.  If we just want something that
users can opt in to get, we already have that.

-  Carl

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Rendering preferences for math - PDFs

2011-07-19 Thread Carl (CBM)
A second issue that has been raised on the wiki is the poor quality of
math in PDFs generated from articles. The math shows up as a
low-quality bitmap which is very pixelated and noticeably different
from the body text. I wanted to pass it along to the list.

- Carl

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] search=steven+tyler gets Steven_tyler

2011-05-12 Thread Carl (CBM)
On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 12:25 AM, Jay Ashworth wrote:
 They're not the same page.  Wikipedia page titles are case sensitive -- except
 that the first character is forced to upper case by the engine.

 Does that search not return both?  Why would we have both?

Like you said, the system is case sensitive. These redirects are
created because the software doesn't handle case changes correctly
otherwise. For example the following link leads to a no such page
error because the appropriate redirect does not exist:,_Michigan .

It would be possible to code around this, so that the redirects would
be simulated if they don't exist, but it hasn't happened.  In
practice, people like me like to type a title in all lower case, and
so we have redirects to make it work.

- Carl

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] MATH markup question

2011-01-19 Thread Carl (CBM)
On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 8:54 AM, Alex Brollo wrote:
 You can force  png rendering both by preferences and by code. But what's
 more interesting is the use of badly documented \scriptstyle TeX tag, which
 generates a much smaller and less invasive display of pngs:

The use of scriptstyle to control font size is an ugly hack that makes
many formulas less readable.  For example, math2^{A_C}\,/math and
math2^{A}C\,/math become much harder to distinguish in

In a custom installation, you can tweak the font size in images by
changing the value of the -D parameter in line 8 of and
recompiling texvc.

The ideal solution for Wikipedia would be to move to a system in which
users with relatively modern browsers don't see images at all. There
is already a candidate for that system: MathJax.  This has extensive
browser compatibility [1] and is actively maintained, with some
big-name sponsors behind it [2].  The main difficulties enabling it on
WIkipedia would be configuration and checking for any inconsistencies
with texvc (so the main limitation is developer interest).  On a
custom install without a huge base of existing text, you could
probably just use Extension:MathJax, although I haven't tried it.

- Carl


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] StringFunctions on enwiki?

2010-12-29 Thread Carl (CBM)
On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 4:22 PM, MZMcBride wrote: (and subsequent

Thanks, that's very helpful. What I was hoping for here was a response
from one of the WMF staff about whether the position has changed on
StringFunctions and (if not) whether templates like [[Template:str
len]] are acceptable. Having a clear statement in place to link to
would be ideal.

- Carl

Wikitech-l mailing list

[Wikitech-l] StringFunctions on enwiki?

2010-12-28 Thread Carl (CBM)
At some point in the past, it was determined that the StringFunctions
extension (now part of the ParserFunctions extension) would be
disabled on enwiki. I know saw a comment to the effect of: if
StringFunctions was turned on, it would only encourage people to start
writing parsers in wikicode.

Maybe other people were already aware, but not me, that we have a set
of hacked-up string functions on enwiki, for example [[Template:Str
len]]. There's a whole category of them at [[Category:String
manipulation templates]].

I'd like to know the current opinion of the server ops about these
things. Is there any chance of StringFunctions being enabled? If not,
should we feel free to work around it as these templates do?

I'm writing to this list so it will be possible to link from enwiki to
the mailing list archives, so responses on-list would be best.

- Carl

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Debian packages (was MediaWiki version statistics)

2010-08-02 Thread Carl (CBM)
On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 10:16 AM, Lane, Ryan wrote:
 Please Debian, keep your version of MediaWiki up to date at least to the
 oldest stable release, and please send your fixes upstream when you find
 unfixed bugs.

I am not a Debian developer, and I agree that sending fixes upstream
is good. But surely you're aware that the whole point of Debian
stable is that it does ***not*** change to newer versions of programs
after release, apart from security fixes? Debian is well known for
taking the word stable seriously (e.g. [1]) and it's a reason people
choose them.

- Carl


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Debian packages (was MediaWiki version statistics)

2010-08-02 Thread Carl (CBM)
On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 7:35 PM, Ryan Lane wrote:
 Are they also backporting security fixes for all extensions as well?

I would assume that Debian, ideally, applies security patches for
extensions they distribute themselves. Programs a user has installed
outside the Debian system are always going to be the responsibility of
the user.

Of course, if Debian upgraded their stable version of Mediawiki to
the newest version, and my production server was running a custom
extension that only worked with the previous version of Mediawiki that
Debian called stable, I'd be pissed.

 If Debian doesn't feel they should keep supported versions in their
 repos, maybe they shouldn't distribute MediaWiki.

That is, seriously, an absurd attitude for a Mediawiki Developer to
have.  It reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of the meaning of
Debian's stable version system.

Note that Debian stood up to Mozilla corp. when Mozilla attempted to
stop Debian uploading security patches to stable versions [1]. Surely
Mediawiki would have much less persuasive power telling them to stop.

I'm exiting of this discussion at this point. I've made the point I
wanted to make, compelling or not, and I'm afraid I'm drifting off

- Carl


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Reject button for Pending Changes

2010-06-28 Thread Carl (CBM)
On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 11:11 PM, Rob Lanphier wrote:
 I just don't think there's a clean way to reject an intermediate pending
 revision.  Accepting?  Sure, wonderful, that will work well.  There's a
 reasonably strong argument for encouraging acceptance of intermediate
 revisions as part of the review process (so long as it always involves
 comparison to the latest accepted revision).  But encouraging undo on
 intermediate revisions leaves things in a really weird place.

And that's in the cases when the undo is even possible. If there are
three unreviewed edits P1, P2, P3 in order, it may be impossible to
undo P2 without simply reverting to P1, which loses the content of P3.
That is a situation we do not want to encourage.

I view all this as a strong reason not to have an reject button.

- Carl

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Reject button for Pending Changes

2010-06-28 Thread Carl (CBM)
On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 12:46 AM, Rob Lanphier wrote:
 Unaccept seems suitably rare that I think we should consider a
 confirmation screen which shows the effect of unaccepting (i.e. a diff
 between the latest accepted revision and the penultimate accepted revision).
  Does that seem like a reasonable enough failsafe to keep this from being
 used unintentionally?  This seems beneficial even in the case where the
 reviewer knew they were hitting unaccept.

I had the impression that unaccept does not add a new revision to
the page, it simply removes the db entry that the revision in question
was accepted. Is that wrong?

There are two reasons why that ''should'' be the behavior:

(1) If I go back and unaccept a revision from two days in the past
that was mistakenly accepted, I should not have to edit the page again
to restore the previous content.

(2) Accept does not add a revision to the page, and unaccept
should only undo what accept does. That is, the sequences accept =
unaccept  and unaccept = accept should be able to be iterated as
many times as desired, leaving everything in exactly the same state
apart from log entries.

- Carl

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Problem with the pending changes review screen.

2010-06-15 Thread Carl (CBM)
On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 11:30 PM, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
 Consider the following edit sequence:

 A, B, C, D, E

 A is a previously approved version.  B, and D are all excellent edits.
  C and E are obvious vandalism.  E even managed to undo all the good
 changes of B,D while adding the vandalism.

The only way to handle this sort of thing is to actually look at the
intermediate edits. I don't know if there is a nice way to simplify
that workflow, but it points me towards the idea that reviewing should
be done off the history page, not directly off a list of unreviewed

- Carl

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] importing enwiki into local database

2010-02-15 Thread Carl (CBM)
On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 7:34 PM, Marco Schuster wrote:
 What about turning wgUseTidy off for some time?

The doctype that we serve is XHTML, and various AJAX tools rely on
being able to parse the DOM tree as an XML document.  But there are
certain valid wikitext constructions that are ''guaranteed'' to
generate invalid XML without tidy, because of mediawiki bugs. For
example, putting a list inside a table cell (bug 17486). So tidy seems
to be a requirement for the time being.

I hope that, before the doctype is changed to html5, a substantial
grace period is given for people to change to an HTML5 parser in their
javascript code.

One high-profile use case here is the Twinkle script.

- Carl

Wikitech-l mailing list

[Wikitech-l] CSS/javascript injection for AJAX requests

2010-01-08 Thread Carl (CBM)
I noticed today that livepreview does not pick up the
dynamically-generated CSS from the SyntaxHighlight_Geshi extension.
The same problem occurs in liquidthreads: when you add a comment with
a Geshi call in it, the CSS will not be picked up when the comment is
initially saved. The first full reload of the page will pick up the
css correctly neither case.

After some investigation, this is really an issue in core and will
apply to any extension that needs to add CSS and/or javascript to the
output HTML.  To fix the bugs with livepreview, we would need some
mechanism where AJAX calls receive not only new HTML, but also new CSS
and/or javascript, and can add that CSS and javascript to the current
page without a reload.  Adding the CSS and javascript dynamically may
be tricky from a compatibility standpoint, but having library
functions in our site javascript would help with that.

I have not investigated the cause of the problem in liquidthreads.

The code in EditPage.php shows scars from similar problems, in a
commented-out call to send a list of categories back to an AJAX
preview request.

- Carl

Wikitech-l mailing list