Re: [WiX-users] Improve the WiX mailing list

2008-06-02 Thread David Howell
I find the wix-users mailing list to be sufficient.

I had terrible experiences with InstallShield and InstallShield's forums
over the years. I've used InstallShield 7, 10/X/10.5 and now 2008. I avoid
the forums as much as possible.

WiX has actually helped me become a better InstallShield packager.

No support system is perfect.

I certainly don't feel there is a disconnect between the leaders and the
users of WiX.



 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:wix-users-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Christopher Painter
 Sent: Monday, 2 June 2008 10:46 PM
 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
 Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Improve the WiX mailing list
 A forum instead of a mailing list would go a long way to solve the
 problem.   While vBulletin is standard out of the box, I actually like
 the feature over at the Microsoft forums where topics can be attributed
 as  a Question and as Answered.   This allows a group of volunteers to
 see who has been assisted and who has not.
   BTW, this is one place where I feel that their is a disconnect
 between the leaders and the users of WiX. I've posted over 3,500
 times on InstallShield Community helping many, many people over the
 years and personally I don't see what the big complaint is about going
 to a forum based system.
 Rob Mensching [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Answering questions takes time. Depending on the complexity of the
 question and the amount of time available some questions may go
 unanswered for a very long time. The only thing I know to do is to keep
 doing research and follow up with your own question with whatever extra
 research you may have found narrowing down the complexity of the
 question until someone has cycles to answer it...
 I'm answering community stuff tonight since I'm home sick and can't
 sleep any longer but don't have enough focus to dig into technical
 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:wix-users-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Riyaz Mogharabin
 Sent: Monday, June 02, 2008 00:09
 Subject: [WiX-users] Improve the WiX mailing list
 Dear All,
 I hope you are fine and doing well.
 I have a question from you experts about the mailing lists. How can we
 manage the WiX mailing list to ensure most of the emails are answered?
 I personally have sent some emails to the group that I'm sure they have
 answers, but nobody has answered them yet, and perhaps will never
 How can we change this? How can we have a guarantee that all the mails
 answered and if necessary are treated with? (Some of them may need
 and maybe useful to be added in the next releases.)
 Maybe we can have an index or a list of the emails with no answers? And
 to answer them one by one? Do not forget that the archive is a very
 help besides the documentation.
 I hope there are good suggestions for this.
 This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
 Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
 WiX-users mailing list
 This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
 Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
 WiX-users mailing list
 Christopher Painter, Author of Deployment Engineering Blog
 Have a hot tip, know a secret or read a really good thread that
 deserves attention? E-Mail Me
 This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
 Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
 WiX-users mailing list

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] (was: RE: WIX 3.0 release date)

2008-06-02 Thread David Howell
WiX isn't hard. Keeping to MSI's rules is.

Creating visual designers to abstract people away from the complexities can
be a bad thing. For example, try to get your software certified for Vista
without a good understanding of MSI and ICE.

InstallShield Developer/7 was terrible, 10/X/10.5 wasn't much better. 2008
is good, however I still find myself in the direct editor a lot, avoiding
the fancy InstallShield GUI. That's just my opinion/experience.

WiX has made me a better packager (with both WiX and InstallShield).

I say get the CLI tools right before adding visual designers (increasing the
complexity/opportunity for issues).



 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:wix-users-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Christopher Painter
 Sent: Monday, 2 June 2008 11:04 PM
 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.; Friedrich
 Subject: Re: [WiX-users] (was: RE: WIX 3.0 release date)
 Up until just 2 weeks ago the Managed Code debate was certainly
 applicable.Also I believe that your desire to be 100% perfect on
 authoring content ( a good goal )  is conflicting with users goals to
 decrease the learning curve and accelerate authoring with visual
 designers.But you usually don't frame it in that context, you
 usually just say something along the lines of a `I'm a command line
 guy`  or `notepad is fine`. Users clearly don't think that as I
 often get comments talking about how hard WiX is.
   In the end, I don't know if refusing to automate authoring really
 helps any as people can still get unexpected results.  Take the recent
 MergeMod.dll problem in WiX.That was a pain point as a result of
 OMUS and MSI's narrow view of what you should and should not do.
 InstallShield has a checkbox called always overwrite that helps on a
 per component basis but you still have to know to check it.
   I was at InstallShield a year and a half ago and one of the things
 that I suggested was to extend validation across builds.   Write now
 validation can catch some problems with a package but it can't catch
 the type of problem that MergeMod caused. But if you could identify
 the database elements that influence all of these unexpected behaviors,
 catalog them and then holistically validate the package against
 previous packages you could problem solve many of them. Then you
 could probably consider more automated authoring.
 Rob Mensching [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   That article focuses on the case where the leaders of the project
 become detached from the users of the project. It really doesn't matter
 if the project is open source or commercial, the results are the same.
 Users quit using the project. For commercial entities that usually ends
 up affecting the bottom line (the article refers to this as get
 developers fired). For open source projects the project ends up with
 fewer users or ends up forking and going in different directions.
 To bring the point back home, I can't currently think of any cases
 where this is a problem for the WiX toolset. There are plenty of things
 that need to be fixed/addressed in the WiX toolset but I don't think
 the leaders of the project or the users of the project disagree here.
 The two cases I can think of where there has been some contention:
 1. FragmentRef. Fragment ref was a WiX v2 concept that over time I
 found wasn't really necessary. What I found was everyone was putting
 FragementRefs everywhere. In WiX v3 we removed the FragmentRef concept
 and some people complained. The complaints were exactly what I was
 looking for because it helped us find the remaining places where
 references were not being automatically generated by the WiX toolset.
 Now that those are fixed, functionality that was not necessary was
 removed for a better system... I think.
 2. Component Rules. These things have been the bane of my existence
 since the end of my internship on the Windows Installer team back in
 1998. I documented the rules and sent them around to all of the
 developers back then. I was incredulous that they could be real but as
 well all know now they are. The Component Rules make auto-generating
 content in the core toolset very, very difficult because so much
 management infrastructure has to be in place to make sure the Component
 GUIDs remain stable. Otherwise, a product will end up unpatchable or
 worse. IMHO it is not acceptable for the WiX toolset to autogenerate
 content that makes one's packages to be unpatchable. I know there are
 some tools out there that solve some of the problems with Component
 GUID generation but they aren't perfect. Still working on the perfect
 solution here since being partially wrong has very negative
 consequences. In any case, I think the leaders of the project and the
 users of the project
 are still mostly aligned... since we all just want a working solution.
 I'm curious if there are any topics that people feel there is a

Re: [WiX-users] Wix 3.0.2925 heat TypeLib RegistryValue

2007-08-02 Thread David Howell
Hi Guys,
I've done some further testing. I upgraded to 3.0.3127 and tried that. I
created a brand new ActiveX DLL in VB6, compiled it once and ran heat. I got
interesting results:
On Vista, Wix 3.0.3127, DLL compiled in Vista:
I get no TypeLib entries.
I get a lot of Class, Interface, RegistryValue entries, mostly
children of the Component element.
On Windows 2000, Wix 3.0.3127 (VirtualPC), same DLL file copied to it (DLL
compiled in Vista):
I get the correct TypeLib entry under File.
I get TypeLib entries for the VB6RM under Component (I discard these
I get almost no RegistryValue entries (not related to the DLL anyway, so
So, it looks as though something has changed between 3.0.2925 and 3.0.3127.
It also seems Vista does something to hinder heat's interrogation/harvest.
Note that I run heat as Administrator on Vista.
I had a look at the heat harvesting extension code, only out of curiosity.
Would you recommend to not run heat in Vista for ActiveX/COM DLLs?


From: Mike Dimmick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 1 August 2007 5:28 AM
To: 'David Howell';
Subject: RE: [WiX-users] Wix 3.0.2925 heat TypeLib RegistryValue

Generally you should consider Heat's output as a starting point, not a final
product. You need to understand what's been generated.


Heat captures the raw registry output from running the DllRegisterServer
output; it then transforms what's been harvested into the higher-level
values. Anything left as RegistryValue elements was written by the DLL but
didn't match the TypeLib information. Could you post what's shown?


If you're not already doing so, I would recommend using VB's Binary
Compatibility setting to ensure that the GUIDs are stable as far as



Mike Dimmick



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Howell
Sent: 31 July 2007 01:03
Subject: [WiX-users] Wix 3.0.2925 heat TypeLib RegistryValue




I've been using WiX 3.0.2925 to install some of our COM DLLs (created by
Visual Basic 6.0 SP6).


With WiX 3.0.2925 when I use: 


heat file MyLibrary.dll -out MyLibrary.wxs 


I will often get a mixture of TypeLib entries (which is what I want) and a
mixture of RegistryValue entries (which seem to be instead of other
TypeLib entries).


This makes it very difficult to edit a wxs file when interfaces have changed


Is there any way to force heat to produce only the TypeLib entries?





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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Wix 3.0.2925 heat TypeLib RegistryValue

2007-08-02 Thread David Howell
Thanks Mike.
I appreciate the detailed explanations. It confirms what I thought was
happening, but I was never quite sure.
With DLLs, I never have no compatibility (chaos mode!). So no probs there.
The thing is, with what you've said below regarding DLLs and compatibility
should not affect the way heat harvests the TypeLibs?
Also, from my previous post with the Vista/Windows 2000 on a new DLL
compiled once, produced different results.
I am now resorting to running heat on a Win2k Pro VPC to get my TypeLibs,
Classes and Interfaces as this seems correct (although the heat output
sometimes corrupts, and misses some required attributes).
Regardless of compat mode (Binary or Project), I will need to run heat after
a new compile, for example if I were to add new Classes to the project and
if auto-increment is on for versioning.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Dimmick
Sent: Friday, 3 August 2007 7:38 AM
To: 'David Howell';
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix 3.0.2925 heat TypeLib RegistryValue

Generally you should endeavour not to break binary compatibility!


As I recall - the product on which I use the feature requires binary
compatibility, so a break of compatibility is not permitted - Visual Basic
prompts to tell you that you have done so and would you like to continue? If
you accept the break, it switches into project compatibility mode.


In binary compatibility mode, it preserves class, interface and type library
GUIDs. If you make a compatible change to an interface, it increments the
type library's minor version number by 1, generates a new GUID for that
interface, and typedefs the old interface (plus corresponding IID) to the
new one. The new interface is laid out with the new methods at the end,
regardless of where you put them in the class declaration. (You can see this
in the OLE/COM Object Viewer that comes with VS 6.0). When registering, it
registers the old interface GUID with a Forward registry key pointing to the
new GUID (this feature doesn't seem to be documented anywhere!)


In project compatibility mode, VB generates new GUIDs for modified
interfaces, but preserves class and type library GUIDs. It lays out the
interface in the class declaration order. It bumps the type library's major
version by one. It does not forward the interface's old GUID to the new one
(as it hasn't guaranteed binary compatibility by building the common methods
in the same order).


If you don't use any compatibility mode, VB generates everything from
scratch every time. This is the 'chaos' mode which litters your registry
every time you build the component. I would at least set project
compatibility between builds which don't change the component's interfaces.


If you use these modes it is important to ensure that you know when you've
made a change to the interface of the component, so you can update the
reference copy of the DLL.


I would recommend using one of the compatibility modes so that your
registration settings aren't changing between releases. Strictly, I think a
changed registry key would be a different resource, meaning you've changed
the make-up of the MSI component. The MSI component rules would suggest you
should change the component's GUID, but then that has the knock-on effect
that you should change the name or install path of the file resources too,
otherwise you can get multiple components owning the same resources. Windows
Installer tracks component references, not resources - uninstalling one of
the components can lead to the resources being prematurely removed.


This would perhaps suggest that your COM registry keys should actually be in
different MSI components from the files that implement those COM classes, so
that the keys can vary separately from the files. You then run into
difficulty with minor versus major upgrades, since minor upgrades aren't
allowed to modify the makeup of a feature - you can only add new child
features. This would tend to suggest you can only modify your COM interfaces
in a major upgrade!



Mike Dimmick



From: David Howell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 01 August 2007 00:07
To: 'Mike Dimmick';
Subject: RE: [WiX-users] Wix 3.0.2925 heat TypeLib RegistryValue


Thanks Mike.


And I agree regarding your points. Unfortunately Binary Compatibility hasn't
been set with these DLLs (and isn't really required for this project).
Should I set Binary Compatibility anyway?


If this is the cause, then what happens a change breaks Binary Compatibility
(it does happen)?


I've attached some of the output from heat.







[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Dimmick
Sent: Wednesday, 1 August 2007 5:28 AM
To: 'David Howell';
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix 3.0.2925 heat TypeLib RegistryValue

Generally you

Re: [WiX-users] Wix 3.0.2925 heat TypeLib RegistryValue

2007-07-31 Thread David Howell
In addition to what Mike was saying (regarding understanding what's been
generated), the WiX source files should be created during the development
phase of a project (early). The wxs files will be developed as the project
is developed, I would consider it one of the most important parts of a
project (since if the installer isn't working correctly, the rest doesn't
matter). After that, the wxs files should remain relatively static.
Automated builds are necessary, however automated builds that change the WiX
files is dangerous (in my opinion, I guess it depends on the situation too).
InstallShield does things like COM Extract at Build, which is useful but I
find the cleanliness of WiX more suitable for smaller projects.
I hope this helps,


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Collins, James
Sent: Wednesday, 1 August 2007 5:58 AM
To: Mike Dimmick; David Howell;
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix 3.0.2925 heat TypeLib RegistryValue

Hey mike,


What would you consider the future of heat? I don't see heat as
a starting point at all, I see it as a beginning of an automated build
extractor/creator. I know its not there yet, but its really not that far
off. I need create installers (out of TFS) daily in a repeatable and
manageable way. Right now I'm using wise which works but is limited, I'm
looking towards WIX because I see it's potential to solve many of the issues
I have right now with an automated build process. The truth be told in this
day and age, I can't believe solutions are not available out there to do
this, it sounds simple enough. This is the holy grail of installer tech, if
WIX cracks this nut it will quickly make everything else obsolete. 





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Dimmick
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 12:58 PM
To: 'David Howell';
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix 3.0.2925 heat TypeLib RegistryValue


Generally you should consider Heat's output as a starting point, not a final
product. You need to understand what's been generated.


Heat captures the raw registry output from running the DllRegisterServer
output; it then transforms what's been harvested into the higher-level
values. Anything left as RegistryValue elements was written by the DLL but
didn't match the TypeLib information. Could you post what's shown?


If you're not already doing so, I would recommend using VB's Binary
Compatibility setting to ensure that the GUIDs are stable as far as



Mike Dimmick



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Howell
Sent: 31 July 2007 01:03
Subject: [WiX-users] Wix 3.0.2925 heat TypeLib RegistryValue




I've been using WiX 3.0.2925 to install some of our COM DLLs (created by
Visual Basic 6.0 SP6).


With WiX 3.0.2925 when I use: 


heat file MyLibrary.dll -out MyLibrary.wxs 


I will often get a mixture of TypeLib entries (which is what I want) and a
mixture of RegistryValue entries (which seem to be instead of other
TypeLib entries).


This makes it very difficult to edit a wxs file when interfaces have changed


Is there any way to force heat to produce only the TypeLib entries?





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Now Search log events and configuration files using AJAX and a browser.
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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Wix 3.0.2925 heat TypeLib RegistryValue

2007-07-31 Thread David Howell
I see your predicament!
Again, InstallShield has the ability to add files via wildcards etc (not
that I'm promoting InstallShield, for the cost its pretty clunky), can't
remember the exact term.
A question I would ask is that if you have 16,000+ files that are being
changed, added, deleted on a daily basis, with daily builds, is msi
technology your best option?
Without know the circumstances (e.g. is it an internal project only) perhaps
there is an easier way?
Sorry, getting off-topic.
As for the future of heat, I have no idea. I'm just a user ;-)
Good Luck!


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Collins, James
Sent: Wednesday, 1 August 2007 9:19 AM
To: David Howell; Mike Dimmick;
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix 3.0.2925 heat TypeLib RegistryValue

Thanks Dave,


I understand what your saying, but I'm managing installers with
16,000+ files. That's not something I'm going to do manually and files can
be added and deleted on a daily basis. Heat looks good from my prospective
however its missing a critical piece, and that's (what believe what you
call) a component catalog. Is there any plans on the horizon for such a
feature in heat?


Thanks again






From: David Howell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 4:17 PM
To: Collins, James; 'Mike Dimmick';
Subject: RE: [WiX-users] Wix 3.0.2925 heat TypeLib RegistryValue




In addition to what Mike was saying (regarding understanding what's been
generated), the WiX source files should be created during the development
phase of a project (early). The wxs files will be developed as the project
is developed, I would consider it one of the most important parts of a
project (since if the installer isn't working correctly, the rest doesn't
matter). After that, the wxs files should remain relatively static.


Automated builds are necessary, however automated builds that change the WiX
files is dangerous (in my opinion, I guess it depends on the situation too).


InstallShield does things like COM Extract at Build, which is useful but I
find the cleanliness of WiX more suitable for smaller projects.


I hope this helps,





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Collins, James
Sent: Wednesday, 1 August 2007 5:58 AM
To: Mike Dimmick; David Howell;
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix 3.0.2925 heat TypeLib RegistryValue

Hey mike,


What would you consider the future of heat? I don't see heat as
a starting point at all, I see it as a beginning of an automated build
extractor/creator. I know its not there yet, but its really not that far
off. I need create installers (out of TFS) daily in a repeatable and
manageable way. Right now I'm using wise which works but is limited, I'm
looking towards WIX because I see it's potential to solve many of the issues
I have right now with an automated build process. The truth be told in this
day and age, I can't believe solutions are not available out there to do
this, it sounds simple enough. This is the holy grail of installer tech, if
WIX cracks this nut it will quickly make everything else obsolete. 





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Dimmick
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 12:58 PM
To: 'David Howell';
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix 3.0.2925 heat TypeLib RegistryValue


Generally you should consider Heat's output as a starting point, not a final
product. You need to understand what's been generated.


Heat captures the raw registry output from running the DllRegisterServer
output; it then transforms what's been harvested into the higher-level
values. Anything left as RegistryValue elements was written by the DLL but
didn't match the TypeLib information. Could you post what's shown?


If you're not already doing so, I would recommend using VB's Binary
Compatibility setting to ensure that the GUIDs are stable as far as



Mike Dimmick



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Howell
Sent: 31 July 2007 01:03
Subject: [WiX-users] Wix 3.0.2925 heat TypeLib RegistryValue




I've been using WiX 3.0.2925 to install some of our COM DLLs (created by
Visual Basic 6.0 SP6).


With WiX 3.0.2925 when I use: 


heat file MyLibrary.dll -out MyLibrary.wxs 


I will often get a mixture of TypeLib entries (which is what I want) and a
mixture of RegistryValue entries (which seem to be instead of other
TypeLib entries).


This makes it very difficult to edit a wxs file when interfaces have changed


Is there any way to force heat to produce only the TypeLib entries?





[WiX-users] Wix 3.0.2925 heat TypeLib RegistryValue

2007-07-30 Thread David Howell
I've been using WiX 3.0.2925 to install some of our COM DLLs (created by
Visual Basic 6.0 SP6).
With WiX 3.0.2925 when I use: 
heat file MyLibrary.dll -out MyLibrary.wxs 
I will often get a mixture of TypeLib entries (which is what I want) and a
mixture of RegistryValue entries (which seem to be instead of other
TypeLib entries).
This makes it very difficult to edit a wxs file when interfaces have changed
Is there any way to force heat to produce only the TypeLib entries?
This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc.
Still grepping through log files to find problems?  Stop.
Now Search log events and configuration files using AJAX and a browser.
Download your FREE copy of Splunk now
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Wix-3.0 and existing Merge Modules

2006-08-23 Thread David Howell
Thanks. Much appreciated!

I added the EnsureTable entries and now light does not produce any errors.


Derek Cicerone wrote:
 The merge modules do not have the _Validation rows required for validation
 to succeed.  You'll need to ensure the tables in the merge modules exist in
 your MSI file before the merging occurs.  Add something like the following
 for each table reported below:
 EnsureTable Id=Component /
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Howell
 Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 6:08 PM
 To: Wix-users
 Subject: [WiX-users] Wix-3.0 and existing Merge Modules
 I recently converted one of my Wix-2.0 projects to Wix-3.0.
 The project uses multiple merge modules obtained from InstallShield (as we
 use InstallShield X too).
 In particular, I am using the OLEAUT32.MSM, COMCAT.MSM and MSVBVM60.MSM
 merge modules (plus others, MSXML4, Common Controls etc).
 I am inserting the modules using:
   Directory Id=INSTALLDIR Name=MyLocation
 Merge Id=COMCATMERGE DiskId=1 SourceFile=C:\Merge
 Modules\COMCAT.MSM Language=0 /
 Merge Id=OLEAUT32MERGE DiskId=1 SourceFile=C:\Merge
 Modules\OLEAUT32.MSM Language=0 /
 SourceFile=C:\Merge Modules\MSVBVM60.MSM Language=0 /
   Title=Program Files
   MergeRef Id=OLEAUT32MERGE/
 Candle doesn't produce any errors.
 When I Light, I receive multiple errors:
 Microsoft (R) Windows Installer Xml Linker version 3.0.2015.0 Copyright (C)
 Microsoft Corporation 2003. All rights reserved.
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: Registry Column: Registry Missing
 specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: Registry Column: Root Missing
 specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: Registry Column: Key Missing specifications
 in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: Registry Column: Name Missing
 specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: Registry Column: Value Missing
 specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: Registry Column: Component_ Missing
 specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: Extension Column: Extension Missing
 specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: Extension Column: Component_ Missing
 specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: Extension Column: ProgId_ Missing
 specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: Extension Column: MIME_ Missing
 specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: Extension Column: Feature_ Missing
 specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: MIME Column: ContentType Missing
 specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: MIME Column: Extension_ Missing
 specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: MIME Column: CLSID Missing specifications
 in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: Class Column: CLSID Missing specifications
 in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: Class Column: Context Missing
 specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: Class Column: Component_ Missing
 specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: Class Column: ProgId_Default Missing
 specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: Class Column: Description Missing
 specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: Class Column: AppId_ Missing specifications
 in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: Class Column: FileTypeMask Missing
 specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: Class Column: Icon_ Missing specifications
 in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: Class Column: IconIndex Missing
 specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: Class Column: DefInprocHandler Missing
 specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Table: Class Column: Argument Missing
 specifications in _Validation Table (or Old Database)
 : error LGHT0204

[WiX-users] Wix-3.0 and MDAC27ENU merge module

2006-08-23 Thread David Howell
Hi Again,

I am now trying to using the MDAC27ENU.MSM in my wix-3.0 project.

Again, this msm was obtained from the InstallShield (or MS) website.

When I run light, I receive the following warnings and errors:

Microsoft (R) Windows Installer Xml Linker version 3.0.2015.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2003. All rights reserved.

.wxs(28) : warning LGHT1056 : The Directory table contains a row with 
primary key(s) 'DesktopFolder' which cannot be merged from the merge 
module 'C:\Merge Modules\mdac27enu.MSM'.  This is likely due to 
collision of rows with the same primary key(s) (but other different 
values in other columns) between the database and the merge module.

.wxs(28) : warning LGHT1056 : The Directory table contains a row with 
primary key(s) 'ProgramFilesFolder' which cannot be merged from the 
merge module 'C:\Merge Modules\mdac27enu.MSM'.  This is likely due to 
collision of rows with the same primary key(s) (but other different 
values in other columns) between the database and the merge module.

.wxs(28) : warning LGHT1056 : The Directory table contains a row with 
primary key(s) 'SystemFolder' which cannot be merged from the merge 
module 'C:\Merge Modules\mdac27enu.MSM'.  This is likely due to 
collision of rows with the same primary key(s) (but other different 
values in other columns) between the database and the merge module.

light.exe : error LGHT0204 : ICE99: The directory name: 
PrimaryVolumePath is the same as one of the MSI Public Properties and 
can cause unforeseen side effects.

light.exe : error LGHT0204 : ICE99: The directory name: WindowsVolume is 
the same as one of the MSI Public Properties and can cause unforeseen 
side effects.

If I don't include this particular merge module, I don't receive any 
warnings or errors.

I understand I can ignore the warnings, however how do I overcome the 



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