Re: [WiX-users] Component/@Guid error

2012-10-05 Thread bpackard
Not sure what the problem actually was. I scrapped what I had, and started
over. Everything working now as expected. 

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Re: [WiX-users] Problems executing two custom actions with same button click

2012-09-26 Thread bpackard
Add a condition of '1' to each Publish directive, and see if that helps. The
WiX help links to the MSDN pages for Windows Installer for a reason. From
the ControlEvent Table you will find the following statement:

A conditional statement that determines whether the installer activates the
event in the Event column. The installer triggers the event if the
conditional statement in the Condition field evaluates to True. Therefore
put a 1 in this column to ensure that the installer triggers the event. The
installer does not trigger the event if the Condition field contains a
statement that evaluates to False. The installer does not trigger an event
with a blank in the Condition field unless no other events of the control
evaluate to True. If none of the Condition fields for the control named in
the Control_ field evaluate to True, the installer triggers the one event
having a blank Condition field, and if more than one Condition field is
blank it triggers the one event of these with the largest value in the
Ordering field. See Conditional Statement Syntax.

Which should explain the behavior and the solution. 

hope this helps,

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Re: [WiX-users] define element for ProgramFilesFolder not working in include file :(

2012-09-13 Thread bpackard
try Property ... SupressModularization=yes/

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Re: [WiX-users] Assistance with creating a patch

2012-08-02 Thread bpackard
I cannot suggest a solution for the patch problem you currently have, but I
might be able to suggest an alternative. I was unable to use the pure WiX
patching technique, as I was attempting to patch a file in a merge module.
The WiX help describes two methods of patch generation, the first WiX only
(using pyro and torch), the second using patch creation properties. I was
successfully able to generate a patch using this method.

Using an administrative install from the original, and one from the patch,
you can then generate a patch with the following commands:

candle -o %PATCH%.wixobj  PatchCreation.wxs 
light -o %PATCH%.pcp %PATCH%.wixobj
msimsp -s %PATCH%.pcp  -p patch/%PATCH%.msp -l %PATCH%.log

I was able to build the sample patch as outlined in the help, then
extend/modify the patch creation file to suit.   

good luck,

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Re: [WiX-users] Component/@Guid error

2012-07-12 Thread bpackard

Unless I am mistaken, that criteria: [no] Property substitutions ... is
only relevant if I am asking WiX to generate the Guid; which seems to be
indicated in the initial message.

The Component/@Guid attribute's value '*' is not valid for this

What has me confused is that the Guid is explicitly specified, and is not
generated. I don't understand why the error is posted. The component was
acceptable within the mergemodule (WiX happily generated the merge module).
But it is choking since I moved it into a lib. 


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[WiX-users] AppId, Class and ProgId elements

2011-10-21 Thread bpackard
I am attempting to create AppId, Class and ProgId entries instead of using
raw registry key/value elements, which generate warnings. In the
documentation for Class it has the following entry:

In General
Value yes specified:
Specific Example

In General
Value yes specified:
Specific Example

My question is, where do the Implemented Categories come from? Are these
supposed to be additional RegistryKey elements? Or is there some way to
specify this information within the Class element?

I need the following.
HKCR\CLSID\{GUID0}\Implemented Categories\{GUID1}
HKCR\CLSID\{GUID0}\Implemented Categories\{GUID2}
HKCR\CLSID\{GUID0}\Implemented Categories\{GUID3}

I also have entries under AppId that do not have a GUID, for example:
HKCR\AppId\exename.exe. However, the pattern constraint for the AppId Id
field requires a GUID. I guess I use RegistryValue for these.


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Re: [WiX-users] Build speed, suggestions?

2010-10-12 Thread bpackard

Chris, John,

Thanks for the suggestions. I tried a vm with Server 2008 as a base OS
(instead of 2003) and it seems to help considerably. I did a couple of
trials and the set of merge modules took only 10+ minutes. The 2003 based vm
takes ~ 90 minutes. The real hardware (with 2003) takes about 20-30 minutes.

I haven't yet attempted to quantify what the bottleneck is/was, but moving
to Server 2008 seems to be the simplest mechanism moving forward.

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Re: [WiX-users] Passing Values from the ProductModule to a MergeModule

2010-07-21 Thread bpackard

I think you can simplify what you have:

Property Id=SERVICEUSER SuppressModularization=yes/
Property Id=SERVICEPASSWORD SuppressModularization=yes/

Directory Id=TARGETDIR Name=SourceDir
   Directory Id=MergeRedirectFolder

Component Id=ServiceInstaller Guid=* DiskId=1
  ServiceInstall Id=ServiceInstaller Name=XPedientServiceHost 
  Start=auto ErrorControl=normal


Then simply pass in on the command line SERVICEUSER and SERVICEPASSWORD. You
should not need the custom actions and multiple properties for the same
elements. You may need to mark the properties as secure to get them to the
execute sequence.

As for using the module configuration, I didn't find it trivial. Here is an
example that reparents an entry in the merge module's directory table with a
property from the msi:

in the merge module you would have:

Configuration Name=SMPRODNAME Format=Key Type=Identifier
   Description=Start Menu Path DisplayName=Start Menu
Substitution Table=Directory Column=Directory_Parent Row=SMHelp

Directory Id=TARGETDIR Name=SourceDir
  Directory Id=SMHelp Name=Help Documentation ShortName=HELPDOC

The configuration updates the directory table changing the parent of the
SMHelp to be the SMPRODNAME property. This happens when the merge module is
imported by the msi. The SMPRODNAME property does not have to be defined
anywhere in the merge module.

hope this helps

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[WiX-users] Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?

2010-06-08 Thread bpackard

I am attempting to build a project which contains a couple of rtf files
outside the msi. I have built a small Project.wxs that displays the issue.
In the project I have two components, each with a single file. One is
embedded, the other may not be. When the Package is set to Compressed=yes
the external file cannot be found - the msi expects it to be in the
SourceRoot, even though it is supposed to be in a subordinate folder. If all
files are compressed, or the Package default is Compressed=no, everything
works correctly. If not compressed, the licenseagreement.rtf should be in

Adding a Layout directive to the uncompressed media has no effect (if the
Package default is compressed). The Source directive is apparently only for
patches, and is ignored.

Wix version 3.0.5419

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
Wix xmlns=;
  Product Id=*
Package InstallerVersion=301 Compressed=yes /

!-- Comment out the ExternalOEMFolder define if all files are to be
compressed in the MSI --
?define ExternalOEMFolder ?

Media Id=1 EmbedCab=yes /

?ifdef ExternalOEMFolder ?
  Media Id=2 EmbedCab=no/
  ?define CompressExternal=no ?
  Media Id=2 EmbedCab=yes
  ?define CompressExternal=yes ?
  ?warning ExternalOEMFolder is not defined, all files will be

Directory Id=TARGETDIR Name=SourceDir
  Directory Id=ProgramFilesFolder
Directory Id=RTFSDIR Name=RTF/
Directory Id=INSTALLDIR Name=KepTest

DirectoryRef Id=INSTALLDIR DiskId=1 FileSource=_buildout
  Component Id=Server.exe Feature=ProductFeature
CreateFolder Directory=INSTALLDIR/
File Id=Server.exe Name=server.exe KeyPath=yes Checksum=yes

DirectoryRef Id=RTFSDIR DiskId=2 FileSource=External
  Component Id=licenseagreement.rtf Feature=ProductFeature
File Id=LicenseAgreement.rtf Name=licenseagreement.rtf

Feature Id=ProductFeature Title=KepTest Level=1

!-- This action resets the external directory to the INSTALLDIR so that
rtf files are correctly placed --
CustomAction Id=Set_RTFSDIR Property=RTFSDIR Value=[INSTALLDIR]

  Custom Action=Set_RTFSDIR After=ValidateProductID/


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Re: [WiX-users] Condition Table generation

2010-05-24 Thread bpackard


Basically I need to adjust the feature tree for each MSI. 

Each of the 10 MSIs is a distinct product package with a unique upgrade
code. Payload is attached to features via mergemodules. If the feature tree
contains features A and B, with sub-features A0 - An, B0 - Bn, the first MSI
could contain all items in the tree. While subsequent MSIs would only
contain a subset of all items, possibly only a single sub-feature. In the
Wise implementation each MSI project contained its own copy of the condition
table, but a consistent copy of the feature table (this allowed changes to
the tree without requiring changes to each MSI project, only a
synchronizing/replacement of the feature table). If a feature was not to be
included for a specific MSI, that condition table would contain a row
setting the feature level to zero (the merge module reference would also be
stripped out in another step). Thus the resultant MSI would only display
features that were relevant and had payload.

It may be that FeatureGroups are what I need, although the condition table
seems better encapsulated.

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Re: [WiX-users] Condition Table generation

2010-05-24 Thread bpackard

Ultimately I am controlling what the user sees, the stripping out of the
merge modules is simply reducing the size of the package. Using the
condition table I have a consistent feature table for all packages, and
encapsulate exclusions within each package. 

Probably FeatureGroups will work, but at the expense of decomposing the
feature tree to isolate pieces that are now or may later be excluded.
Instead of having a consistent feature table which I can make into a wixlib,
I need to create a series of FeatureGroups and build the tree in each
project. More work, less encapsulation, more duplication. 

 Enhancing Wix with the ability to specify a Condition as a child of the
FeatureRef would allow the feature tree to remain intact, with FeatureRef
entries describing the condition table in each Product /.
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