[WiX-users] (no subject)

2009-07-16 Thread rh_maillist
My product wxs starts as this: 

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? 
?define VERSION=0.3.0? 
Wix xmlns=http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi; 
  Product Id=* 
   Name=!(wix.ProductName) !(wix.TheVersion) 
   Manufacturer=My Company 
Package InstallerVersion=200 
 Description=!(wix.ProductName) !(wix. TheVersion) Setup / 

WixVariable Id=ProductName Value=My Product Name / 
WixVariable Id=UpgradeID Value={5FC4DAE6-D1B9-42D6-BF3A-6DA600FB8A3F} 
WixVariable Id=TheVersion Value=0.3.0/ 

This fails to compile with the following errors: 

Error   1   The Product/@Version attribute's value, '!(wix.TheVersion)', is 
not a valid version.  Legal version values should look like 'x.x.x.x' where x 
is an integer from 0 to 65534.
C:\russell\ServerTools\trunk\IssueChooserWix\Product.wxs4   1   
Error   2   The Product/@Version attribute was not found; it is required.   
C:\russell\ServerTools\trunk\IssueChooserWix\Product.wxs4 1 

If I change the product version from using the WixVariable to the defined 

  Product Id=* 
   Name=!(wix.ProductName) !(wix.TheVersion) 
   Manufacturer=My Company 

Then this works as expected.  But using the WixVariable works in the Product 
Name string, but not as the product value.  Even if I declare the variable as 

WixVariable Id=TheVersion Value=$(var.VERSION) / 

It still fails as the product version.  Is this a bug in the compiler? 

I'd like to define this variable in a common library shared by all my setup 
projects in a single solution but this is preventing that. 



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Re: [WiX-users] (no subject)

2009-07-16 Thread rh_maillist
I don't believe that is correct.  Visual studio setup projects use 3 digits for 
the product version number and my #define only has 3 digits as the version 
number but that works.

And regardless of that, I'd tried it with 4 digits and get the same error 
message so it doesn't work with 3 or 4.


On Thursday, 16 July, 2009, at 07:58AM, Konstantin Vlasenko 
konstantin.vlase...@gmail.com wrote:
Shoul be 4 digits as you use it for the VERISOn attribute in the Product
WixVariable Id=TheVersion Value=0.3.0/ - incorrect
WixVariable Id=TheVersion Value= - correct

2009/7/16 rh_maill...@mac.com

 My product wxs starts as this:

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 ?define VERSION=0.3.0?
 Wix xmlns=http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi;
  Product Id=*
   Name=!(wix.ProductName) !(wix.TheVersion)
   Manufacturer=My Company

Package InstallerVersion=200
 Description=!(wix.ProductName) !(wix. TheVersion) Setup /

WixVariable Id=ProductName Value=My Product Name /
WixVariable Id=UpgradeID
 Value={5FC4DAE6-D1B9-42D6-BF3A-6DA600FB8A3F} /
WixVariable Id=TheVersion Value=0.3.0/

 This fails to compile with the following errors:

 Error   1   The Product/@Version attribute's value,
 '!(wix.TheVersion)', is not a valid version.  Legal version values should
 look like 'x.x.x.x' where x is an integer from 0 to 65534.
  C:\russell\ServerTools\trunk\IssueChooserWix\Product.wxs4   1
 Error   2   The Product/@Version attribute was not found; it is
 required.   C:\russell\ServerTools\trunk\IssueChooserWix\Product.wxs
  4 1 IssueChooserWix

 If I change the product version from using the WixVariable to the defined

  Product Id=*
   Name=!(wix.ProductName) !(wix.TheVersion)
   Manufacturer=My Company

 Then this works as expected.  But using the WixVariable works in the
 Product Name string, but not as the product value.  Even if I declare the
 variable as

 WixVariable Id=TheVersion Value=$(var.VERSION) /

 It still fails as the product version.  Is this a bug in the compiler?

 I'd like to define this variable in a common library shared by all my setup
 projects in a single solution but this is preventing that.



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Konstantin Vlasenko
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Re: [WiX-users] (no subject)

2009-07-16 Thread rh_maillist
I'm using Visual Studio integration.  Passing a -d to candle is equivalent to 
doing a ?define VERSION=0.3.0? isn't it?  Using the pre-processor define 
works for me.

Using a WixVariable is equivalent to passing -dVersion=0.3.0 to light as 
variables are resolved at link time.



On Thursday, 16 July, 2009, at 08:20AM, Konstantin Vlasenko 
konstantin.vlase...@gmail.com wrote:
Whad do you use for building your setups? I had defined the variable in the
CCnet build project. Then I put it to candle -dVersion=$(MyCCNetVersion). Or
candle -dVersion=1.2.3.

2009/7/16 Konstantin Vlasenko konstantin.vlase...@gmail.com

 I see. It looks like the some problem with the WixVariabl.

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Re: [WiX-users] (no subject)

2009-07-16 Thread rh_maillist
This seems to have been reported already (just found the bug database):

On Thursday, 16 July, 2009, at 08:32AM, rh_maill...@mac.com wrote:
I'm using Visual Studio integration.  Passing a -d to candle is equivalent to 
doing a ?define VERSION=0.3.0? isn't it?  Using the pre-processor define 
works for me.

Using a WixVariable is equivalent to passing -dVersion=0.3.0 to light as 
variables are resolved at link time.



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[WiX-users] WixLibrary project WixUI declarations

2009-07-15 Thread rh_maillist
I'm new to wix and have a couple of wix projects in our solution.  I'm now 
trying to put the UI setup in to a common WixLibrary that our other setup 
programs can link to.  I'm using Wix 3.0.  I've created a library project with 
the following code:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
Wix xmlns=http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi;
!-- Setup the UI --
UIRef Id=WixUI_Minimal/
WixVariable Id=WixUIBannerBmp Value=Banner.jpg/
WixVariable Id=WixUIDialogBmp Value=Dialog.jpg/
Icon Id=AddRemove.ico SourceFile=addremove.ico/
Property Id=ARPPRODUCTICON Value=AddRemove.ico /

The images Banner.jpg and Dialog.jpg live in the library project folder.  This 
library references the WixUIExtension dll and it builds find.

I've then created a wix project that references this library but when I build 
that and run the resultant setup, I don't get the 'minimal' UI, I just get none 
(well, the progress bar doing the install).  If I put the above code inside the 
actual wix project, then the UI works as expected.

Are Wix libraries not meant for pre-compiling Wix code such as UI behaviour?  
Or do I have to do something else to get the actual wix project to link 
correctly to the library?  I've just added the library as a project reference.



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[WiX-users] Wix UI images and paths

2009-07-15 Thread rh_maillist
I have the following code for the UI in my setup projects:

  UIRef Id=WixUI_Minimal/
  WixVariable Id=WixUIBannerBmp Value=Banner.jpg/
  WixVariable Id=WixUIDialogBmp Value=Dialog.jpg/

This code is actually in an include file that is shared by multiple wix 
projects.  So Banner.jpg and Dialog.jpg don't live in each project folder, 
they're in a common location.

So I've added relative include and reference paths to each Wix project to the 
location where the include file and the 2 jpgs are located.  Both projects find 
the include file correctly via the include path but both fail to find the 

When specifying images like this, does the linker not search the reference 
paths for them?  Is this a bug or is this as expected?  If so, how can you 
share images across multiple projects?  I've tried putting the common UI code 
in to a WixLibrary project but that doesn't work either (see my earlier post).



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Re: [WiX-users] WixLibrary project WixUI declarations

2009-07-15 Thread rh_maillist
Thanks Peter.  I am using Wix through its Visual Studio integration.  I'd added 
the library as a reference to the main setup project.  I've now added an 
explicit property to the library which can be referenced:

Property Id=WixCommon Value=WixCommon /

Which is referenced from the main project and this now works.

But it seems a bit odd.  I'd expect linking to the library would have indicated 
I wanted the fragment included.



On Wednesday, 15 July, 2009, at 02:45PM, Peter Shirtcliffe 
pshirtcli...@sdl.com wrote:
Did you reference your library both by including it on the light command
line and  by referencing the fragment in your wix source code ? Like a C
function library, you have to reference something in the library for it
to be included. In this case, you could use something like PropertyRef

When you reference something in a fragment, the whole fragment is

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Re: [WiX-users] WixLibrary project WixUI declarations

2009-07-15 Thread rh_maillist
The multiple fragments in a single library does make sense.  Thanks for your 
help on this.


On Wednesday, 15 July, 2009, at 03:09PM, Peter Shirtcliffe 
pshirtcli...@sdl.com wrote:
I see what you mean, especially if youre used to C# references in VS.
The oddness allows you to have multiple fragments in a wixlib and you
might not necessarily want to pull in all the fragments into your
project. It reduces bloat and avoids the need for lots of little

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[WiX-users] WixVariables and GUIDs

2009-07-15 Thread rh_maillist
I'm trying to put a GUID in to a wix variable but can't seem to make it work.  
I've successfully put the same GUID in to a pre-processor define and it works 
correctly.  Is this a bug in Wix 3 or am I trying to use wix variables 

I've declared the define like this:

?define UPGRADE_ID = 5FC4DAE6-D1B9-42D6-BF3A-6DA600FB8A3F?

And was accessing it like this:

  Upgrade Id=$(var.UPGRADE_ID)

Which worked fine.

I've then tried to declare this as a wix variable so it can go in a library 
project like this:

WixVariable Id=UpgradeID Value=5FC4DAE6-D1B9-42D6-BF3A-6DA600FB8A3F /

But if I then try and use this variable in an upgrade section:

  Upgrade Id=!(wix.UpgradeID)

I get the following 2 errors:

Error   1   ICE03: Invalid GUID string (Be sure GUID is all UPPER case); 
Table: Upgrade, Column: UpgradeCode, Key(s): 
C:\russell\ServerTools\trunk.wix\IssueChooserWix\Common.wxi 7   1   
Error   2   ICE61: In Upgrade table UpgradeCode 
5FC4DAE6-D1B9-42D6-BF3A-6DA600FB8A3F is not a valid GUID
C:\russell\ServerTools\trunk.wix\IssueChooserWix\Common.wxi 7   1   

Is this the correct syntax to use wix variables?



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Re: [WiX-users] Wix UI images and paths

2009-07-15 Thread rh_maillist
OK, I've found the problem.  A library is just re-formatted XML just embeds the 
WixVariable value as its written in the wxs file.  So a solution to this is to 
change the WixVariable lines to by:

WixVariable Id=WixUIBannerBmp Value=$(sys.SOURCEFILEDIR)Banner.jpg/

Which then embeds a full path to the file assuming it is in the current folder. 
 This works fine if the library project is part of your solution (as ours is) 
but not so well if you are trying to share the compiled wxlib file.



On Wednesday, 15 July, 2009, at 02:42PM, rh_maill...@mac.com wrote:
I have the following code for the UI in my setup projects:

  UIRef Id=WixUI_Minimal/
  WixVariable Id=WixUIBannerBmp Value=Banner.jpg/
  WixVariable Id=WixUIDialogBmp Value=Dialog.jpg/

This code is actually in an include file that is shared by multiple wix 
projects.  So Banner.jpg and Dialog.jpg don't live in each project folder, 
they're in a common location.

So I've added relative include and reference paths to each Wix project to the 
location where the include file and the 2 jpgs are located.  Both projects 
find the include file correctly via the include path but both fail to find the 

When specifying images like this, does the linker not search the reference 
paths for them?  Is this a bug or is this as expected?  If so, how can you 
share images across multiple projects?  I've tried putting the common UI code 
in to a WixLibrary project but that doesn't work either (see my earlier post).



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Re: [WiX-users] WixVariables and GUIDs

2009-07-15 Thread rh_maillist
Thanks Brian, this does work (I thought I'd tried this and it didn't before!)  
Odd that if I define the GUID as a pre-processor variable it doesn't require 
{}'s and if you enter the GUID manually Wix says it doesn't need them.

But it works so great.



On Wednesday, 15 July, 2009, at 04:59PM, Brian Rogers 
rogers.br...@gmail.com wrote:
Hey Russell,

Have you tried putting brackets around the GUID?



Brian Rogers
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