[WiX-users] Questions about WiX

2010-09-29 Thread Nick Davey
  I just started using WiX today, and so far I am liking it's potential. 
But, like all new things, I have some questions about WiX.

The major questions I have relate to how the installer is packaged. Due 
to some restrictions on the FTP server I must use, I need to split the 
installer file up into chunks no bigger than 10MB. 10MB is the maximum 
file size we can transfer before things time out. Sad I know, but it is 
what I am stuck with.

So, question 1. The installer that is created is nearly 52MB in size. 
The installed program is 48.5MB in size. Does WiX not compress the files 
when packaging them? (I am able to compress the .cab files I have added 
to the installer, but still not the installer.) Are there options that I 
can put in the XML to decrease the size of the installer, or remove 
unused libs/features from the final installer binary?

Question 2. I told WiX to not embed the .cab into the installer, and it 
barely made a dent in the size of the installer file. I also moved each 
of the files that I need installed into various .cab files, with each 
.cab file containing a different type/set of related files. The size of 
the installer binary was still ~50MB. Should not the installer binary 
size have dropped accordingly?

I have more questions, but for now, those are my major points of 
conflict. Once I get past those I'll ask my other questions if I still 
have them.


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Re: [WiX-users] Questions about WiX

2010-09-29 Thread Castro, Edwin G. (Hillsboro)
I think an example of your authoring might help here. I have a number of small 
packages with embedded cabs and they are each between 2MB and 4MB. Small 
packages are certainly possible...

Edwin G. Castro
Software Developer - Staff
Electronic Banking Services
Office: 503-746-0643
Fax: 503-617-0291
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

 -Original Message-
 From: Nick Davey [mailto:n...@idocket.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 2:11 PM
 To: WiX Users
 Subject: [WiX-users] Questions about WiX
   I just started using WiX today, and so far I am liking it's potential.
 But, like all new things, I have some questions about WiX.
 The major questions I have relate to how the installer is packaged. Due to
 some restrictions on the FTP server I must use, I need to split the installer 
 up into chunks no bigger than 10MB. 10MB is the maximum file size we can
 transfer before things time out. Sad I know, but it is what I am stuck with.
 So, question 1. The installer that is created is nearly 52MB in size.
 The installed program is 48.5MB in size. Does WiX not compress the files
 when packaging them? (I am able to compress the .cab files I have added to
 the installer, but still not the installer.) Are there options that I can put 
 in the
 XML to decrease the size of the installer, or remove unused libs/features
 from the final installer binary?
 Question 2. I told WiX to not embed the .cab into the installer, and it barely
 made a dent in the size of the installer file. I also moved each of the files 
 I need installed into various .cab files, with each .cab file containing a
 different type/set of related files. The size of the installer binary was 
 ~50MB. Should not the installer binary size have dropped accordingly?
 I have more questions, but for now, those are my major points of conflict.
 Once I get past those I'll ask my other questions if I still have them.
 Start uncovering the many advantages of virtual appliances and start using
 them to simplify application deployment and accelerate your shift to cloud
 WiX-users mailing list
Start uncovering the many advantages of virtual appliances
and start using them to simplify application deployment and
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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Questions about WiX

2010-09-29 Thread Wendell Joost
There is a provision in Windows Installer for supporting/generating a
multiple disk installation, so that a large install could be shipped
on floppy disks.

A bit of digging into the WiX / MSI archives will provide the info
that you need - be glad you're shipping in 10MB chunks and not 1.44MB
chunks ...


On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 2:10 PM, Nick Davey n...@idocket.com wrote:
  I just started using WiX today, and so far I am liking it's potential.
 But, like all new things, I have some questions about WiX.

 The major questions I have relate to how the installer is packaged. Due
 to some restrictions on the FTP server I must use, I need to split the
 installer file up into chunks no bigger than 10MB. 10MB is the maximum
 file size we can transfer before things time out. Sad I know, but it is
 what I am stuck with.

 So, question 1. The installer that is created is nearly 52MB in size.
 The installed program is 48.5MB in size. Does WiX not compress the files
 when packaging them? (I am able to compress the .cab files I have added
 to the installer, but still not the installer.) Are there options that I
 can put in the XML to decrease the size of the installer, or remove
 unused libs/features from the final installer binary?

 Question 2. I told WiX to not embed the .cab into the installer, and it
 barely made a dent in the size of the installer file. I also moved each
 of the files that I need installed into various .cab files, with each
 .cab file containing a different type/set of related files. The size of
 the installer binary was still ~50MB. Should not the installer binary
 size have dropped accordingly?

 I have more questions, but for now, those are my major points of
 conflict. Once I get past those I'll ask my other questions if I still
 have them.


 Start uncovering the many advantages of virtual appliances
 and start using them to simplify application deployment and
 accelerate your shift to cloud computing.
 WiX-users mailing list

Some people come visit Europe and are really let down when they find
out it's not like a credit-card commercial; others really get into
meeting all the quirky people and careening along narrow mountain
roads in rickety cabs driven by suicidal, gap-toothed Carpathians. I
guess it's pretty obvious which one you are... - Justin Crevier, May

Start uncovering the many advantages of virtual appliances
and start using them to simplify application deployment and
accelerate your shift to cloud computing.
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Questions about WiX

2010-09-29 Thread Nick Davey
, Edwin G. (Hillsboro) wrote:
 I think an example of your authoring might help here. I have a number of 
 small packages with embedded cabs and they are each between 2MB and 4MB. 
 Small packages are certainly possible...

 Edwin G. Castro
 Software Developer - Staff
 Electronic Banking Services
 Office: 503-746-0643
 Fax: 503-617-0291
 Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

 -Original Message-
 From: Nick Davey [mailto:n...@idocket.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 2:11 PM
 To: WiX Users
 Subject: [WiX-users] Questions about WiX

I just started using WiX today, and so far I am liking it's potential.
 But, like all new things, I have some questions about WiX.

 The major questions I have relate to how the installer is packaged. Due to
 some restrictions on the FTP server I must use, I need to split the 
 installer file
 up into chunks no bigger than 10MB. 10MB is the maximum file size we can
 transfer before things time out. Sad I know, but it is what I am stuck with.

 So, question 1. The installer that is created is nearly 52MB in size.
 The installed program is 48.5MB in size. Does WiX not compress the files
 when packaging them? (I am able to compress the .cab files I have added to
 the installer, but still not the installer.) Are there options that I can 
 put in the
 XML to decrease the size of the installer, or remove unused libs/features
 from the final installer binary?

 Question 2. I told WiX to not embed the .cab into the installer, and it 
 made a dent in the size of the installer file. I also moved each of the 
 files that
 I need installed into various .cab files, with each .cab file containing a
 different type/set of related files. The size of the installer binary was 
 ~50MB. Should not the installer binary size have dropped accordingly?

 I have more questions, but for now, those are my major points of conflict.
 Once I get past those I'll ask my other questions if I still have them.


 Start uncovering the many advantages of virtual appliances and start using
 them to simplify application deployment and accelerate your shift to cloud
 WiX-users mailing list
 Start uncovering the many advantages of virtual appliances
 and start using them to simplify application deployment and
 accelerate your shift to cloud computing.
 WiX-users mailing list

Start uncovering the many advantages of virtual appliances
and start using them to simplify application deployment and
accelerate your shift to cloud computing.
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Questions about WiX

2010-09-29 Thread Castro, Edwin G. (Hillsboro)
Icon Id=MyProg.exe 
SourceFile=$(var.SolutionDir)\Program\program\MyProg.exe /

I think the Icon SourceFile is stored in the MSI package in the binary table 
(Is this correct?).

What's the size of MyProg.exe? 48.5MB? I think you can dramatically reduce the 
size of the MSI if you can provide a .ico file as the Icon SourceFile rather 
than the .exe itself.

Of course, this is conjecture and should not be trusted without confirmation.

Edwin G. Castro
Software Developer - Staff
Electronic Banking Services
Office: 503-746-0643
Fax: 503-617-0291
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

 -Original Message-
 From: Nick Davey [mailto:n...@idocket.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 2:48 PM
 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
 Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Questions about WiX
   Here is my exact .wxs file, with GUID's changed of course. I also made sure
 to remove other sensitive information as needed.
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 Wix xmlns=http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi;
 Product  Name=MyProg Version=1.0.0
Language=1033 Codepage=1252 Manufacturer=My Company
 !-- Let WiX generate the package ID for us. -- Package Id=*
 Keywords=Installer InstallerVersion=300 Compressed=yes
   Description=MyProg Installer Languages='1033'
   Manufacturer=My Company /
 Media Id=1 Cabinet=MyProg1.cab EmbedCab=no
 CompressionLevel=high / Media Id=2 Cabinet=MyProg2.cab
 EmbedCab=no CompressionLevel=high / Media Id=3
 Cabinet=MyProg3.cab EmbedCab=no CompressionLevel=high /
 Media Id=4 Cabinet=MyProg4.cab EmbedCab=no
 CompressionLevel=high /
 -- Media Id=5 Cabinet=MyProg5.cab EmbedCab=no
 CompressionLevel=high / See below for why this is commented out. --
 Directory Id=TARGETDIR Name=SourceDir Directory
 Id=ProgramFilesFolder Name=PgmFilesFldr Directory
 Id=INSTALLLDIR Name=MyProg Component Id=MyProgFiles
 File Id=MyProgExe
 Source=$(var.SolutionDir)\Program\program\MyProg.exe Vital=yes
 DiskId=1 /
 File Id=MyProgExeConfig
 Vital=yes DiskId=4 /
 File Id=MyProgUpgradeExe
 Source=$(var.SolutionDir)\Program\program\Upgrade.exe KeyPath=yes
 Vital=yes DiskId=1
 Shortcut Id=startMenuMyProg Directory=ProgramMenuDir
Icon=MyProg.exe IconIndex=0
 Advertise=yes /
 Shortcut Id =desktopMyProg Directory=DesktopFolder
Icon=MyProg.exe IconIndex=0
 Advertise=yes /
 File Id=MyProgUpgradeExeConfig
 Vital=yes DiskId=4 /
 File Id=MyProgImageViewer
 Source=$(var.SolutionDir)\files_to_install\ImageViewer.dll Vital=yes
 DiskId=2 /
 File Id=MyProgMySQL
 Source=$(var.SolutionDir)\files_to_install\MySQL.Data.dll Vital=yes
 DiskId=2 /
 Component Id=MyProgManual Guid=blahblah-4856-46EB-BF9F-
 File Id=MyProgManual
 Vital=no DiskId=3 /
 Component Id=MyProgExtraForms
 File Id=MyProgAbsentForm
 Source=$(var.SolutionDir)\files_to_install\Form.pdf Vital=no
 DiskId=3 /
 Directory Id=displayDir Name=display Component Id=display
 SharedDllRefCount=no KeyPath=yes
 NeverOverwrite=yes Permanent=no Transitive=no
 Win64=no Location=either 
 CreateFolder /
 RemoveFolder Id='display' On='uninstall' / /Component /Directory
 Directory Id='importDir' Name='import' Component Id=import
 SharedDllRefCount=no KeyPath=yes
 NeverOverwrite=yes Permanent=no Transitive=no
 Win64=no Location=either 
 CreateFolder /
 RemoveFolder Id='import' On='uninstall' / /Component /Directory
 /Directory /Directory
 Directory Id=ProgramMenuFolder Name=Programs Directory
 Id=ProgramMenuDir Name=MyProg Component
 Id=ProgramMenuDir Guid=blahblah-2EBE-4F02-A2BB-AD601A1C62AE
 RemoveFolder Id='ProgramMenuDir' On='uninstall' / RegistryValue
 Root='HKCU' Key='Software\[Manufacturer]\[ProductName]'
 Type='string' Value='' KeyPath='yes' /
 Directory Id=DesktopFolder Name=Desktop /
 !-- This is giving me fits, so I'll worry about it later. --
 !-- Merge Id='CrystalReportsMSM' Language='1033'
 DiskId='5' / --
 Feature Id

Re: [WiX-users] Questions about WiX

2010-09-29 Thread Nick Davey
  Go figure...in the example (http://www.tramontana.co.hu/wix/index.php) 
I was following, they even mentioned making an .ico or .exe to hold the 
icon if the file size was to big. I read the example yesterday, and did 
not see that again until you said provide an .ico file. *sigh*

Thanks for the kick in the head, I needed it.


On 9/29/2010 6:28 PM, Castro, Edwin G. (Hillsboro) wrote:
 Icon Id=MyProg.exe 
 SourceFile=$(var.SolutionDir)\Program\program\MyProg.exe /

 I think the Icon SourceFile is stored in the MSI package in the binary table 
 (Is this correct?).

 What's the size of MyProg.exe? 48.5MB? I think you can dramatically reduce 
 the size of the MSI if you can provide a .ico file as the Icon SourceFile 
 rather than the .exe itself.

 Of course, this is conjecture and should not be trusted without confirmation.

 Edwin G. Castro
 Software Developer - Staff
 Electronic Banking Services
 Office: 503-746-0643
 Fax: 503-617-0291
 Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

 -Original Message-
 From: Nick Davey [mailto:n...@idocket.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 2:48 PM
 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
 Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Questions about WiX

Here is my exact .wxs file, with GUID's changed of course. I also made 
 to remove other sensitive information as needed.


 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 Wix xmlns=http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi;
 Product  Name=MyProg Version=1.0.0
 Language=1033 Codepage=1252 Manufacturer=My Company

 !-- Let WiX generate the package ID for us. --  Package Id=*
 Keywords=Installer InstallerVersion=300 Compressed=yes
Description=MyProg Installer Languages='1033'
Manufacturer=My Company /

 Media Id=1 Cabinet=MyProg1.cab EmbedCab=no
 CompressionLevel=high /  Media Id=2 Cabinet=MyProg2.cab
 EmbedCab=no CompressionLevel=high /  Media Id=3
 Cabinet=MyProg3.cab EmbedCab=no CompressionLevel=high /
 Media Id=4 Cabinet=MyProg4.cab EmbedCab=no
 CompressionLevel=high /
 -- Media Id=5 Cabinet=MyProg5.cab EmbedCab=no
 CompressionLevel=high /  See below for why this is commented out. --

 Directory Id=TARGETDIR Name=SourceDir  Directory
 Id=ProgramFilesFolder Name=PgmFilesFldr  Directory
 Id=INSTALLLDIR Name=MyProg  Component Id=MyProgFiles
 File Id=MyProgExe
 Source=$(var.SolutionDir)\Program\program\MyProg.exe Vital=yes
 DiskId=1 /
 File Id=MyProgExeConfig
 Vital=yes DiskId=4 /
 File Id=MyProgUpgradeExe
 Source=$(var.SolutionDir)\Program\program\Upgrade.exe KeyPath=yes
 Vital=yes DiskId=1
 Shortcut Id=startMenuMyProg Directory=ProgramMenuDir
 Icon=MyProg.exe IconIndex=0
 Advertise=yes /
 Shortcut Id =desktopMyProg Directory=DesktopFolder
 Icon=MyProg.exe IconIndex=0
 Advertise=yes /
 File Id=MyProgUpgradeExeConfig
 Vital=yes DiskId=4 /
 File Id=MyProgImageViewer
 Source=$(var.SolutionDir)\files_to_install\ImageViewer.dll Vital=yes
 DiskId=2 /
 File Id=MyProgMySQL
 Source=$(var.SolutionDir)\files_to_install\MySQL.Data.dll Vital=yes
 DiskId=2 /

 Component Id=MyProgManual Guid=blahblah-4856-46EB-BF9F-
 File Id=MyProgManual
 Vital=no DiskId=3 /

 Component Id=MyProgExtraForms
 File Id=MyProgAbsentForm
 Source=$(var.SolutionDir)\files_to_install\Form.pdf Vital=no
 DiskId=3 /

 Directory Id=displayDir Name=display  Component Id=display
  SharedDllRefCount=no KeyPath=yes
 NeverOverwrite=yes Permanent=no Transitive=no
  Win64=no Location=either  
 CreateFolder /
 RemoveFolder Id='display' On='uninstall' /  /Component  /Directory

 Directory Id='importDir' Name='import'  Component Id=import
  SharedDllRefCount=no KeyPath=yes
 NeverOverwrite=yes Permanent=no Transitive=no
  Win64=no Location=either  
 CreateFolder /
 RemoveFolder Id='import' On='uninstall' /  /Component  /Directory
 /Directory  /Directory

 Directory Id=ProgramMenuFolder Name=Programs  Directory
 Id=ProgramMenuDir Name=MyProg  Component
 Id=ProgramMenuDir Guid=blahblah-2EBE-4F02-A2BB-AD601A1C62AE
 RemoveFolder Id='ProgramMenuDir

Re: [WiX-users] Questions about WiX V3

2008-07-15 Thread Rob Mensching
Yes, #1 is a really annoying problem that IIRC is a problem in the VS systems 
below Votive.  That's why the bug still exists... the fix is non-trivial.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of James Minnis
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2008 15:06
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Questions about WiX V3

I installed the latest beta of WiX 3 because I want to use the Visual Studio
integration.  I've run into some problems getting started.  I'm hoping that
I can get some assistance.

1) The text of error messages are not being displayed in VS 2005.  When the
build fails, I have to build from a command line to actually read the build
error.  This is a known bug that I read about in other messages in the list
archive, but it is extremely frustrating for someone trying to get started
with WiX.

2) I'd like to have a UI in my installer.  To get started, I was going to
use the WixUI.  Following the samples for WiX 2, I included the following:

UIRef Id=WixUI_InstallDir /

Light outputs:

Product.wxs(45) : error LGHT0094 : Unresolved reference to symbol
'WixUI:WixUI_InstallDir' in section

How do I reference WixUI?  Or has it been removed?

I suppose I could build my own dialogs in an RC file and then use Tallow to
create WiX dialogs.  Which brings me to #3.

3) Is Tallow still a part of WiX 3?  The executable is not anywhere in the
installation.  Are its features now included somewhere else?


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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Questions about WiX V3

2008-07-14 Thread Bob Arnson
James Minnis wrote:
 1) The text of error messages are not being displayed in VS 2005.  When the
 build fails, I have to build from a command line to actually read the build
 error.  This is a known bug that I read about in other messages in the list
 archive, but it is extremely frustrating for someone trying to get started
 with WiX.

You can also see it in the output window.

 3) Is Tallow still a part of WiX 3?  The executable is not anywhere in the
 installation.  Are its features now included somewhere else?



Sponsored by: SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards: VOTE NOW!
Studies have shown that voting for your favorite open source project,
along with a healthy diet, reduces your potential for chronic lameness
and boredom. Vote Now at http://www.sourceforge.net/community/cca08
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Questions about WiX V3

2008-07-14 Thread James Minnis
 James Minnis wrote:
  1) The text of error messages are not being displayed in VS 2005.  When
  build fails, I have to build from a command line to actually read the
  error.  This is a known bug that I read about in other messages in the
  archive, but it is extremely frustrating for someone trying to get
  with WiX.
 You can also see it in the output window.

Not in VS 2005 see bug #2009076

  3) Is Tallow still a part of WiX 3?  The executable is not anywhere in
  installation.  Are its features now included somewhere else?



Sponsored by: SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards: VOTE NOW!
Studies have shown that voting for your favorite open source project,
along with a healthy diet, reduces your potential for chronic lameness
and boredom. Vote Now at http://www.sourceforge.net/community/cca08
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Questions about WiX V3

2008-07-14 Thread James Minnis
 James Minnis wrote:
  1) The text of error messages are not being displayed in VS 2005.  When
  build fails, I have to build from a command line to actually read the
  error.  This is a known bug that I read about in other messages in the
  archive, but it is extremely frustrating for someone trying to get
  with WiX.
 You can also see it in the output window.

Not in VS 2005 see bug #2009076

  3) Is Tallow still a part of WiX 3?  The executable is not anywhere in
  installation.  Are its features now included somewhere else?



Sponsored by: SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards: VOTE NOW!
Studies have shown that voting for your favorite open source project,
along with a healthy diet, reduces your potential for chronic lameness
and boredom. Vote Now at http://www.sourceforge.net/community/cca08
WiX-users mailing list

[WiX-users] Questions about WiX V3

2008-07-13 Thread James Minnis
I installed the latest beta of WiX 3 because I want to use the Visual Studio
integration.  I've run into some problems getting started.  I'm hoping that
I can get some assistance.

1) The text of error messages are not being displayed in VS 2005.  When the
build fails, I have to build from a command line to actually read the build
error.  This is a known bug that I read about in other messages in the list
archive, but it is extremely frustrating for someone trying to get started
with WiX.

2) I'd like to have a UI in my installer.  To get started, I was going to
use the WixUI.  Following the samples for WiX 2, I included the following:

UIRef Id=WixUI_InstallDir /

Light outputs:

Product.wxs(45) : error LGHT0094 : Unresolved reference to symbol
'WixUI:WixUI_InstallDir' in section

How do I reference WixUI?  Or has it been removed?

I suppose I could build my own dialogs in an RC file and then use Tallow to
create WiX dialogs.  Which brings me to #3.

3) Is Tallow still a part of WiX 3?  The executable is not anywhere in the
installation.  Are its features now included somewhere else?


Sponsored by: SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards: VOTE NOW!
Studies have shown that voting for your favorite open source project,
along with a healthy diet, reduces your potential for chronic lameness
and boredom. Vote Now at http://www.sourceforge.net/community/cca08
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Questions about WIX.

2007-11-09 Thread Rob Mensching
1.  Yes.

2.  Tool to help generate some .wxs files for you up front.  The you 
tweak the file as necessary and check it in.

3.  The better you understand the Windows Installer the easier WiX is to 

4.  Yes, you need a bootstrapper.  That's basically the only thing that 

5.  Probably, but I don't use InstallShield so I couldn't tell you what 
they were.

hina1703 wrote:
 I have following questions about WIX:

 1) To create an installer using WIX, does a person need to know XML?
 2) What is a tool called tallow?
 3) Does a person need to know Windows Installer fundamentals/ concepts very
 well? To use InstallShield, it is not required.
 4) Does one need to use  bootstrapper/ chainer to install dependency
 software, e.g. adobe reader, or dotnet during product installation? Is there
 any alternate way?
 5) Are there any tools/ features missing as compared to InstallShield?


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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Questions about WIX.

2007-11-09 Thread hina1703

Thank you Rob.

hina1703 wrote:
 I have following questions about WIX:
 1) To create an installer using WIX, does a person need to know XML?
 2) What is a tool called tallow?
 3) Does a person need to know Windows Installer fundamentals/ concepts
 very well? To use InstallShield, it is not required.
 4) Does one need to use  bootstrapper/ chainer to install dependency
 software, e.g. adobe reader, or dotnet during product installation? Is
 there any alternate way?
 5) Are there any tools/ features missing as compared to InstallShield?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc.
Still grepping through log files to find problems?  Stop.
Now Search log events and configuration files using AJAX and a browser.
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WiX-users mailing list

[WiX-users] Questions about WIX.

2007-11-05 Thread hina1703

I have following questions about WIX:

1) To create an installer using WIX, does a person need to know XML?
2) What is a tool called tallow?
3) Does a person need to know Windows Installer fundamentals/ concepts very
well? To use InstallShield, it is not required.
4) Does one need to use  bootstrapper/ chainer to install dependency
software, e.g. adobe reader, or dotnet during product installation? Is there
any alternate way?
5) Are there any tools/ features missing as compared to InstallShield?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc.
Still grepping through log files to find problems?  Stop.
Now Search log events and configuration files using AJAX and a browser.
Download your FREE copy of Splunk now  http://get.splunk.com/
WiX-users mailing list