Problem with xfig

2012-11-24 Thread Rodolfo García Peñas

I think I found the problem with xfig about icon title and border.

The problem seems to be that icon->icon_win is not NULL :-)

If we comment these lines all was fine:

if (wwin->wm_hints && (wwin->wm_hints->flags & IconWindowHint)) {
if (wwin->client_win == wwin->main_window) {
WApplication *wapp;
/* do not let miniwindow steal app-icon's icon window */
wapp = wApplicationOf(wwin->client_win);
//  if (!wapp || wapp->app_icon == NULL)
//  icon->icon_win = wwin->wm_hints->icon_window;
} else {
//  icon->icon_win = wwin->wm_hints->icon_window;

These code was there, but I am not sure if we can drop it?
I tried other apps, and all was fine.

Please, help.

Best regards,
||// //\\// Rodolfo "kix" Garcia
||\\// //\\

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Re: Problem with xfig

2012-11-24 Thread BALATON Zoltan

On Sat, 24 Nov 2012, Rodolfo García Peñas wrote:

The problem seems to be that icon->icon_win is not NULL :-)

That's not a problem. Some apps may have an icon window instead of a 
static icon (maybe they want to display something in the icon). Rather the 
problem might be that it is not ignored when the ignore client supplied 
icon option is set.

These code was there, but I am not sure if we can drop it?
I tried other apps, and all was fine.

Not sure either but you could try the attached test case (and check that 
minimising the window is OK too as the comment suggests that it may have 
something to do with that).

BALATON Zoltan#include 

Display *d;
Window leader, mainwin, win;
XClassHint class_hint = { "wmicontest", "WMIconTest" };

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int ret;
  XWMHints hints;

  d = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
  if ( !d )
fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open display: %s\n", XDisplayName(NULL));
  printf("Opened display %s\n", DisplayString(d));

  /* Create the leader window */
  leader = XCreateSimpleWindow(d, /* Display */
DefaultRootWindow(d), /* Parent */
10, 10, /* x, y */
10, 10, /* width, height */
0, /* border_width */
BlackPixel(d, DefaultScreen(d)), /* border */
WhitePixel(d, DefaultScreen(d))); /* background */
  printf("XCreateSimpleWindow returned: %lx\n", leader);

  /* Create the main window */
  mainwin = XCreateSimpleWindow(d, /* Display */
DefaultRootWindow(d), /* Parent */
0, 0, /* x, y */
56, 56, /* width, height */
0, /* border_width */
BlackPixel(d, DefaultScreen(d)), /* border */
WhitePixel(d, DefaultScreen(d))); /* background */
  printf("XCreateSimpleWindow returned: %lx\n", mainwin);

  /* Set hints */
  XSetClassHint(d, leader, &class_hint);
  hints.flags = StateHint|WindowGroupHint|IconWindowHint;
  hints.initial_state = WithdrawnState;
  hints.window_group = leader;
  hints.icon_window = mainwin;  /* Use the main window as the icon window */
  XSetWMHints(d, leader, &hints);

  XSetClassHint(d, mainwin, &class_hint);
  hints.flags = StateHint|WindowGroupHint;
  hints.initial_state = NormalState;
  XSetWMHints(d, mainwin, &hints);

  ret = XMapWindow(d, leader);
  printf("XMapWindow returned: %x\n", ret);

  XSync(d, False);

  /* Create a window */
  win = XCreateSimpleWindow(d, /* Display */
DefaultRootWindow(d), /* Parent */
100, 100, /* x, y */
100, 100, /* width, height */
0, /* border_width */
BlackPixel(d, DefaultScreen(d)), /* border */
WhitePixel(d, DefaultScreen(d))); /* background */
  printf("XCreateSimpleWindow returned: %lx\n", win);

  /* Set hints */
  XSetClassHint(d, win, &class_hint);
  XSetWMHints(d, win, &hints);

  ret = XMapRaised(d, win);
  printf("XMapRaised returned: %x\n", ret);

  XSync(d, False);


Re: Problem with xfig

2012-11-24 Thread Rodolfo García Peñas
On Sat, 24 Nov 2012, BALATON Zoltan escribió:

> On Sat, 24 Nov 2012, Rodolfo García Peñas wrote:
> >The problem seems to be that icon->icon_win is not NULL :-)
> That's not a problem. Some apps may have an icon window instead of a
> static icon (maybe they want to display something in the icon).
> Rather the problem might be that it is not ignored when the ignore
> client supplied icon option is set.
> >These code was there, but I am not sure if we can drop it?
> >I tried other apps, and all was fine.
> Not sure either but you could try the attached test case (and check
> that minimising the window is OK too as the comment suggests that it
> may have something to do with that).
> Regards,
> BALATON Zoltan


I am not sure if the testing application is working.
The application only show a dock (miniwindow) with a
white square inside.

kix@osaka:~/src/wmaker/wmaker-crm/src$ /home/kix/wmicontest 
Opened display :1
XCreateSimpleWindow returned: 341
XCreateSimpleWindow returned: 342
XMapWindow returned: 1

If I run it with the lines commented, then the application
doesn't have the white square.

||// //\\// Rodolfo "kix" Garcia
||\\// //\\

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Re: Problem with xfig

2012-11-25 Thread BALATON Zoltan

On Sun, 25 Nov 2012, Rodolfo García Peñas wrote:

I am not sure if the testing application is working.
The application only show a dock (miniwindow) with a
white square inside.

kix@osaka:~/src/wmaker/wmaker-crm/src$ /home/kix/wmicontest
Opened display :1
XCreateSimpleWindow returned: 341
XCreateSimpleWindow returned: 342
XMapWindow returned: 1

Read it before you run it! Press enter to move on to the next step when 
it opens a window. You can try to minimise it. Then press enter again (in 
the terminal you've started it from) to finish.

If I run it with the lines commented, then the application
doesn't have the white square.

That means it would break apps which display something in their appicon. 
Did you try dockapps? (The white square is the icon window.)


Re: Problem with xfig

2012-11-25 Thread Rodolfo García Peñas
On Sun, 25 Nov 2012, BALATON Zoltan escribió:

> On Sun, 25 Nov 2012, Rodolfo García Peñas wrote:
> >I am not sure if the testing application is working.
> >The application only show a dock (miniwindow) with a
> >white square inside.
> >
> >kix@osaka:~/src/wmaker/wmaker-crm/src$ /home/kix/wmicontest
> >Opened display :1
> >XCreateSimpleWindow returned: 341
> >XCreateSimpleWindow returned: 342
> >XMapWindow returned: 1
> Read it before you run it! Press enter to move on to the next step
> when it opens a window. You can try to minimise it. Then press enter
> again (in the terminal you've started it from) to finish.
> >If I run it with the lines commented, then the application
> >doesn't have the white square.
> That means it would break apps which display something in their
> appicon. Did you try dockapps? (The white square is the icon
> window.)

The problem is because the "icon->icon_win == None". See the wIconUpdate 
function at [1]. This function is different than the next branch, I did a lot 
of changes, but the idea is the same. See the flow with the removed lines:

set_icon_for_window: wIconUpdate
wIconUpdate icon 0x936cd0
wwin 0x93f000 flag 0
wIconUpdate:get_rimage_icon_from_user_icon 4 icon 0x936cd0
wIconUpdate icon 0x936cd0
wwin 0x93f000 flag 0
wIconUpdate:get_rimage_icon_from_user_icon 4 icon 0x936cd0

Or with the lines (original code/next code):

set_icon_for_window: wIconUpdate
wIconUpdate icon 0x19bfd30
wwin 0x19c1a90 flag 0
wIconUpdate:get_rimage_icon_from_icon_win 2 icon 0x19bfd30
wIconUpdate icon 0x19bfd30
wwin 0x19c1a90 flag 0
wIconUpdate:get_rimage_icon_from_icon_win 2 icon 0x19bfd30

If I remove the lines, then "icon->icon_win == None", and then jump to the 
default icon. Else, get the icon from the wm_hints/net_icon_image.

About your question about dockapps, they are fine here. Why?

Dockapps works in a extrange way. The try to get the image for their dock. If 
the image is found, then, they set the image, else, set the wmaker default 
image. Whats happend if the application is running, then, the application 
background is set to the tile background (grey/blue/...), and the put the 
application inside the icon. But it the application is not running, the icon 
for the application is painted. If you click on the dockapp, the icon image is 
removed, the background is set and the application is put inside the icon.


void wIconUpdate(WIcon *icon, RImage *image)
WWindow *wwin = NULL;
printf("wIconUpdate icon %p\n", icon);

if (image) {
icon->file_image = image;
} else {
if (icon && icon->owner)
wwin = icon->owner;

if (wwin)
printf("wwin %p flag %d\n", wwin, WFLAGP(wwin, 

if (wwin && WFLAGP(wwin, always_user_icon)) {
/* Forced use user_icon */
printf("wIconUpdate:get_rimage_icon_from_user_icon 1 
icon %p\n", icon);
} else if (icon->icon_win != None) {
/* Free the icon info */

/* Get the Pixmap from the WIcon's Window */
printf("wIconUpdate:get_rimage_icon_from_icon_win 2 
icon %p\n", icon);
icon->file_image = get_rimage_icon_from_icon_win(icon);
} else if (wwin && wwin->net_icon_image) {
/* Remove the icon image */

/* Get the icon from wwin->net_icon_image.
 * wwin->net_icon_image is NULL only if no icon was
 * found. Then, return the default image */
printf("wIconUpdate:get_window_image_def 3 icon %p\n", 
icon->file_image = get_window_image_def(wwin);
} else {
/* Get the Pixmap from the user */
printf("wIconUpdate:get_rimage_icon_from_user_icon 4 
icon %p\n", icon);


||// //\\// Rodolfo "kix" Garcia
||\\// //\\

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Re: Problem with xfig

2012-11-25 Thread BALATON Zoltan

On Sun, 25 Nov 2012, Rodolfo García Peñas wrote:
The problem is because the "icon->icon_win == None". See the wIconUpdate 
function at [1]. This function is different than the next branch, I did 
a lot of changes, but the idea is the same. See the flow with the 
removed lines:

set_icon_for_window: wIconUpdate
wIconUpdate icon 0x936cd0
wwin 0x93f000 flag 0
wIconUpdate:get_rimage_icon_from_user_icon 4 icon 0x936cd0
wIconUpdate icon 0x936cd0
wwin 0x93f000 flag 0
wIconUpdate:get_rimage_icon_from_user_icon 4 icon 0x936cd0

Or with the lines (original code/next code):

set_icon_for_window: wIconUpdate
wIconUpdate icon 0x19bfd30
wwin 0x19c1a90 flag 0
wIconUpdate:get_rimage_icon_from_icon_win 2 icon 0x19bfd30
wIconUpdate icon 0x19bfd30
wwin 0x19c1a90 flag 0
wIconUpdate:get_rimage_icon_from_icon_win 2 icon 0x19bfd30

If I remove the lines, then "icon->icon_win == None", and then jump to 
the default icon. Else, get the icon from the wm_hints/net_icon_image.

I didn't understand a word from this but I hope you understand and know 
what you are doing. Just make sure that the test application still works 
the same after your changes please.

About your question about dockapps, they are fine here. Why?

I was asking because they work the same as the test case I've sent (start 
in withdrawn state and use their window as an icon window).

Dockapps works in a extrange way. The try to get the image for their 
dock. If the image is found, then, they set the image, else, set the 
wmaker default image. Whats happend if the application is running, then, 
the application background is set to the tile background 
(grey/blue/...), and the put the application inside the icon. But it the 
application is not running, the icon for the application is painted. If 
you click on the dockapp, the icon image is removed, the background is 
set and the application is put inside the icon.

What if the dockapp is not yet docked but started from the command line?


Re: Problem with xfig

2012-11-25 Thread Rodolfo García Peñas
On Sun, 25 Nov 2012, BALATON Zoltan escribió:

> On Sun, 25 Nov 2012, Rodolfo García Peñas wrote:
> >The problem is because the "icon->icon_win == None". See the
> >wIconUpdate function at [1]. This function is different than the
> >next branch, I did a lot of changes, but the idea is the same. See
> >the flow with the removed lines:
> >
> >icon_create_for_wwindow
> >set_icon_for_window: wIconUpdate
> >wIconUpdate icon 0x936cd0
> >wwin 0x93f000 flag 0
> >wIconUpdate:get_rimage_icon_from_user_icon 4 icon 0x936cd0
> >wIconUpdate icon 0x936cd0
> >wwin 0x93f000 flag 0
> >wIconUpdate:get_rimage_icon_from_user_icon 4 icon 0x936cd0
> >
> >Or with the lines (original code/next code):
> >
> >icon_create_for_wwindow
> >set_icon_for_window: wIconUpdate
> >wIconUpdate icon 0x19bfd30
> >wwin 0x19c1a90 flag 0
> >wIconUpdate:get_rimage_icon_from_icon_win 2 icon 0x19bfd30
> >wIconUpdate icon 0x19bfd30
> >wwin 0x19c1a90 flag 0
> >wIconUpdate:get_rimage_icon_from_icon_win 2 icon 0x19bfd30
> >
> >If I remove the lines, then "icon->icon_win == None", and then
> >jump to the default icon. Else, get the icon from the
> >wm_hints/net_icon_image.
> I didn't understand a word from this but I hope you understand and
> know what you are doing. Just make sure that the test application
> still works the same after your changes please.

I added some printfs in some functions to see the flow when an icon is created.
The function wIconUpdate, at icon.c, changes the file_image of the icon, using 
different methods (from file, from wm_hints,...). If we removes the lines, the 
flow is different.

I don't have nothing in mind. No changes. I only see that the problem is that 
or something related to these code lines. They changes how the application 
changes try to find the icon.

> >About your question about dockapps, they are fine here. Why?
> I was asking because they work the same as the test case I've sent
> (start in withdrawn state and use their window as an icon window).

Ok, I don't know.

> >Dockapps works in a extrange way. The try to get the image for
> >their dock. If the image is found, then, they set the image, else,
> >set the wmaker default image. Whats happend if the application is
> >running, then, the application background is set to the tile
> >background (grey/blue/...), and the put the application inside the
> >icon. But it the application is not running, the icon for the
> >application is painted. If you click on the dockapp, the icon
> >image is removed, the background is set and the application is put
> >inside the icon.
> What if the dockapp is not yet docked but started from the command line?

The normal flow in wmaker is that the application is standar, with a appicon. 
Is a normal application. When you move the appicon to the dockthen the 
functions about docking adds the icon to the dock. Then set the icons,..

> Regards,
> BALATON Zoltan

Thanks for your reply. But I don't know what to do now.

Best regards,

||// //\\// Rodolfo "kix" Garcia
||\\// //\\

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Re: Problem with xfig

2012-11-25 Thread BALATON Zoltan

On Mon, 26 Nov 2012, Rodolfo García Peñas wrote:

Thanks for your reply. But I don't know what to do now.

I don't know either. Are there any problems you know about that should be 
fixed or everything is fixed now? I've lost track.


Re: Problem with xfig

2012-11-25 Thread Rodolfo García Peñas
On Mon, 26 Nov 2012, BALATON Zoltan escribió:

> On Mon, 26 Nov 2012, Rodolfo García Peñas wrote:
> >Thanks for your reply. But I don't know what to do now.
> I don't know either. Are there any problems you know about that
> should be fixed or everything is fixed now? I've lost track.

No, is not fixed and I don't know how to fix it. Is only that these lines I 
commented, are the difference between icon and not icon, but I don't know how 
they impact in the code.

> Regards,
> BALATON Zoltan

||// //\\// Rodolfo "kix" Garcia
||\\// //\\

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Re: Problem with xfig

2012-11-26 Thread BALATON Zoltan

On Mon, 26 Nov 2012, Rodolfo García Peñas wrote:

No, is not fixed and I don't know how to fix it.

What is not fixed? Could you make a list of problems that are still there 
and those that are already fixed. After all those patches you've sent I'm 
not sure what was fixed and what's still there. I reported these problems:

- minimising and restoring window results in X error RenderBadPicture
  (maybe only if the Render extension is enabled)
- ignore client supplied icon is not respected for some applications
  (e.g. xfig)
- Apply button in window inspector did nothing

I also reported clipped icons if they were too big but that's fixed (and 
drifting windows of apps which try to restore their position that I hope 
Iain is looking at but not fixed yet).

Is only that these lines I commented, are the difference between icon 
and not icon, but I don't know how they impact in the code.

I could not parse this sentence. Can you explain?


Re: Problem with xfig

2012-11-27 Thread kix

On 2012-11-26 11:10, BALATON Zoltan wrote:

On Mon, 26 Nov 2012, Rodolfo García Peñas wrote:

No, is not fixed and I don't know how to fix it.

What is not fixed? Could you make a list of problems that are still
there and those that are already fixed. After all those patches 

sent I'm not sure what was fixed and what's still there. I reported
these problems:

- minimising and restoring window results in X error RenderBadPicture
  (maybe only if the Render extension is enabled)
- ignore client supplied icon is not respected for some applications
  (e.g. xfig)
- Apply button in window inspector did nothing


did you try the current "next" branch? This problem is not fully 
solved, but I think the button does things.


I also reported clipped icons if they were too big but that's fixed
(and drifting windows of apps which try to restore their position 

I hope Iain is looking at but not fixed yet).

Is only that these lines I commented, are the difference between 
icon and not icon, but I don't know how they impact in the code.

I could not parse this sentence. Can you explain?


||// //\\// Rodolfo "kix" Garcia
||\\// //\\

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Re: Problem with xfig

2012-11-27 Thread BALATON Zoltan

On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, Rodolfo García Peñas (kix) wrote:
did you try the current "next" branch? This problem is not fully solved, but 
I think the button does things.

I'm running the next branch and it's not working correctly. Here's what I 

1. Start xcalc and open Icon and Initial Workspace inspector you probably 
will see the icon pointing to a file in the cache and the Ignore client 
supplied icon option ticked

2. Delete the file name from the text field and untick the Ignore option 
then click save and check that there is no section now for XCalc in 
WMWindowAttributes. This should be the initial state when an application 
is first run. Now you can continue testing.

3. Close xcalc then start it again and see what happened in the inspector. 
Also check what's in WMWindowAttributes and note that the Ignore attribute 
is not consistent. (It is checked in the GUI but not set in the config.) 
All this should not happen as the cached image should not be added to the 
config file at the first place but let's continue testing.

4. Uncheck the Ignore option in the inspector and try to select an icon 
then click apply. See that nothing happens.

5. Click save, the icon has changed now in the appicon and also set in the 
config file but try to minimise the window and see that the miniwindow 
does not have the correct icon.

6. Now just close the app and restart it. Try minimising the window and 
the icon is now also set in the miniwindow. Check the inspector and see 
that the Ignore option is magically ticked now while it's still not set in 

I think there are still some things left to fix to untangle this mess as 
this cannot be the correct behaviour. Most of this seems to be some 
breakage of the Ignore client supplied icon option.


Re: Problem with xfig

2012-11-28 Thread Rodolfo García Peñas
On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, BALATON Zoltan escribió:

> On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, Rodolfo García Peñas (kix) wrote:
> >did you try the current "next" branch? This problem is not fully
> >solved, but I think the button does things.
> I'm running the next branch and it's not working correctly. Here's
> what I see:
> 1. Start xcalc and open Icon and Initial Workspace inspector you
> probably will see the icon pointing to a file in the cache and the
> Ignore client supplied icon option ticked
> 2. Delete the file name from the text field and untick the Ignore
> option then click save and check that there is no section now for
> XCalc in WMWindowAttributes. This should be the initial state when
> an application is first run. Now you can continue testing.
> 3. Close xcalc then start it again and see what happened in the
> inspector. Also check what's in WMWindowAttributes and note that the
> Ignore attribute is not consistent. (It is checked in the GUI but
> not set in the config.) All this should not happen as the cached
> image should not be added to the config file at the first place but
> let's continue testing.
> 4. Uncheck the Ignore option in the inspector and try to select an
> icon then click apply. See that nothing happens.
> 5. Click save, the icon has changed now in the appicon and also set
> in the config file but try to minimise the window and see that the
> miniwindow does not have the correct icon.
> 6. Now just close the app and restart it. Try minimising the window
> and the icon is now also set in the miniwindow. Check the inspector
> and see that the Ignore option is magically ticked now while it's
> still not set in WMWindowAttributes.
> I think there are still some things left to fix to untangle this
> mess as this cannot be the correct behaviour. Most of this seems to
> be some breakage of the Ignore client supplied icon option.
> Regards,
> BALATON Zoltan


I think these issues are solved with the patches I sent.
Please, take a look about the issue with the window icon, because the
window only has icon if is minimized.

The configuration file is fine too.

I don't know if this new behavior is ok for you.

Best regards,

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