Congo genocide

2005-12-16 Thread Alan Sondheim

More, apologies,
- Alan

Martha Stewart on fur

2005-12-16 Thread Alan Sondheim

This video is difficult to watch, be warned; at least listen.

- Alan

For URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see .
Contact: Alan Sondheim, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] General
directory of work: .

birth of code unease

2005-12-16 Thread Alan Sondheim

birth of code unease

there is no birth of code, perhaps it is our universe.
any representation is already embedded in another.
perhaps you can't have representations without symmetrical substructures.
with 2nd-level code that's certainly true.
but a painting is another matter altogether.
in a painting (this is a painting of code), the eye does what the eye
 will (what one wills) (what is emergent (out of (in relation to)) chaos).
what i will <-> thinking a posteriori, the periphery.
i would have willed this if it would have been willed.
perhaps these sentences are phrases, unpunctured, opened
the world is all that is the easement
one can always try to force heidegger, i.e. retreat to alterity
why is there something rather than nothing <-> not always already your
 words, not even the ghosts of words, not even your own
(the) question(s) dissolve(/s) in the wind of presence
in this sense (inverse), why/cause = god
appeal to meaning, transcendence, and human culture falls to its knees
in any case, my pleasure, your presence
in any case, your presence, my pleasure

Feingold Beats Bush In Patriot Act Fight (fwd)

2005-12-16 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 22:45:37 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Feingold Beats Bush In Patriot Act Fight

Feingold Beats Bush In Patriot Act Fight

John Nichols
Posted 12/16/2005 @ 3:19pm

Four years ago, U.S. Senator Russ Feingold distinguished
himself as the Senate's premier defender of the
Constitution, when he cast the chamber's sole vote
against enactment of the Patriot Act. As a time when
every other senator -- even liberal Democrats with long
records of championing the Bill of Rights -- joined the
post-September 11 rush to curtail basic liberties,
Feingold stood alone in defense of the principle that it
was possible to combat terrorism and protect the rights
of Americans.

But Feingold no longer stands alone. On Friday, he led a
bipartisan group of senators that successfully blocked
the administration's concerted effort to renew the
Patriot Act in a form that maintains its most abusive
components. A move by Republican leaders of the Senate
to prevent Feingold from mounting a filibuster fell
seven votes short of the number needed. A remarkable 47
senators -- including Democrats and Republicans --
backed the Wisconsin Democrat's stance. That's far more
than the 40 needed to prevent a filibuster, and it means
that Feingold now heads a coalition that should be able
to force significant changes in the Patriot Act before
the December 31 deadline for its renewal.

The Senate coalition that the maverick senator has
assembled is made up of members from across the
political spectrum -- from Massachusetts Democrat Ted
Kennedy, the dean of Senate liberals, to Idaho
Republican Larry Craig, one of the chamber's most right-
wing members -- who have joined Feingold in calling for
reform of the Patriot Act.

This coalition did not just form overnight.

It is the result of four years of hard work by Feingold
and others who recognized that the fight to fix the
Patriot Act would have to be a long-term struggle.

Some members of Congress were swayed by Feingold's
constant pressure on Patriot Act issues, and by the fact
that the senator was easily reelected in 2004 after a
campaign in which he highlighted his opposition to the
measure and his concern for the Constitution.

Others were influenced by the diligent efforts of U.S.
Representative Bernie Sanders, I-Vermont, and his allies
in organizations of librarians and independent
booksellers, who campaigned for three years to alert
Americans to the fact that the Patriot Act allowed
federal agents to collect information on the reading
habits of law-abiding citizens.

Others, still, were convinced by the success that the
Bill of Rights Defense Committee had in getting seven
states and close to 400 communities across the country
to go on record expressing concern about the damage done
by the Patriot Act to Constitutional protections against
illegal searches and other abuses.

So popular did the movement to fix the legislation
become that this week, with the December 31 deadline for
reauthorizing the Patriot Act looming, the Bush
administration and its Congressional allies were forced
to use a backdoor maneuver to thwart reforms that had
been unanimously agreed to by the Senate. A conference
committee report that was supposed to reconcile the
Senate and House versions of the reauthorization measure
instead was turned into a vehicle to maintain the most
controversial and unpopular components of the Act.

The White House and its Congressional allies thought
they could secure reauthorization of the act in a form
that allowed the Justice Department and other federal
agencies to continue running roughshod over the Bill of
Rights by bringing the measure up on the eve of the
Holiday recess and then spinning up the usual
hyperventilated talk about how it is necessary to crush
the Constitution in order to keep the American people

The maneuver worked in the House, where the report was
approved Wednesday by a 251-174 vote. (The
administration won that vote only because 44 Democrats,
including Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Maryland,
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chair Rahm
Emanuel and Ben Cardin, a candidate for Maryland's open
Senate seat in 2006 -- voted with the vast majority of
House Republicans for a measure that the American Civil
Liberties Union condemned as lacking "needed safeguards
to protect the privacy and constitutional freedoms of
innocent Americans.")

But, even as the House fell in line with the
administration's scheme, Feingold refused to back down.
He met the White House onslaught with a promise to do
everything in his power to block reauthorization of the
act in a form that does not sufficiently address
concerns about federal agencies entering the homes of
citizens of innocent Americans, reviewing library and
medical records as part of "fishing expeditions" and
secretly subpoenaing informatio

Re: What is Code?

2005-12-16 Thread Alan Sondheim

http://www.Pro/~mise betcha getcha sumwhere

On Fri, 16 Dec 2005, david divizio wrote:

if yer doin whatchyer wanner yure gonner see it... Pro~mise


Find your next car at

For URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see .
Contact: Alan Sondheim, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] General
directory of work: .

Re: What is Code?

2005-12-16 Thread david divizio
if yer doin whatchyer wanner yure gonner see it... Pro~mise


Find your next car at

Re: What is Code?

2005-12-16 Thread Alan Sondheim

I'm aware of qualia. I'm not sure this has any application at all on the
level of the lifeworld or neural functioning. I tend to agree w/Edelman;
even Penrose would have a different take. But I'm not going to keep going
on about this - as I wrote you backchannel, we're worlds apart on this and
there's not much space for discussion. And lumping all the analytic phils.
together doesn't do justice to their viewpoints or changes, as W's PI's
problematics of representation. I also pointed out that Edelman addressed
this question directly at SLSA - from the viewpoint of deep neurophys. -
and said that the mind is _not_ turing-computable, _not_ encodable, etc.,
and then gave at least for me sufficient reason. Classic AI takes a diff.
viewpoint and so does classic anal. phil, but these are outmoded by
decades in terms of neurophys. and phys. for that matter.

Interesting that below JS has no refs. to neurophys. at all - apparently
you can 'know' how consciousness works w/ out look at the mind.

- Alan

On Fri, 16 Dec 2005, phanero wrote:

The Field of Qualia
Jack Sarfatti
August 26, 1996
How are our thoughts -- our consciousness -- translated into action?"
I actually have a detailed theory of this based upon an extension of Bohm's
1952 quantum pilot-wave/classical material
hidden variable theory.

Note, the more modern term for "hidden-variable" is John Bell's term

The inner quantum information density field I(x,t), whose range is in quantum
Hilbert space H and whose domain is in
classical configuration space C , is, quite literally, the "field of thought
patterns" that make up the implicate order.
These patterns of I(x,t) exert a quantum force

Fq = - Grad Q
Q = -(1/2)[ (GradI)^2 + (Grad)^2I]

on the brain material beable B moving in C. That's how thought is translated
into action.

The field of thought-patterns or qualia I(x,t), together with external
environmental classical forces Fe create basins
of attraction for the flow of the brain system point B in C. Qualia are
encoded in these attractors. When B occupies a
given attractor basin the corresponding thought-pattern is felt i.e.,
experienced. This attractor structure in C is the
quantum version of the fractal strange attractors of classical chaos theory
which leaves out the thought-field force
from I(x,t). In the classical limit only Fe creates the attractor structure
in C. The pattern of classical Fe forces
represent the Darwinian natural selection pressures of the environment. To
complete this model of a complex conscious
adaptive system, we need a mechanism for self-organization. Without
self-organization there is no conscious intent, no
purposeful explicate behavior, and no "felt" implicate conscious experience.
I have shown how implicate thought becomes
explicate action. We now have to show how the brain-beable B in C literally
and directly changes its thought-field
I(x,t) whose range is quantum Hilbert space H. This is the back-action b
mechanism by which the structure of H is
modified by the actual path taken by B in C. But, that path of B in C is
determined by both the implicate Fq = - Grad Q
and the explicate Darwinian Fe. Therefore, Fq,Fe, from I(x,t) to B, together
with back-action b from B to I(x,t) is a
self-organizing cybernetic feedback-control creative strange loop that
creates the conscious experience and allows the
I-B system to make freely-willed choices which are the results of classically
nonalgorithmic quantum computations. Now I
can prove rigorously, that only when such a strange loop of Godel
self-reference is operating, is there an experience of
one actual world. This is a Bohmian ontological model that derives Wigner's
and von-Neumann's epistemological idea that
"consciousness collapses the wave function". The strange loop means that the
mind (I)-brain (B) complex adaptive system
is continually measuring itself. Only then, is there the inner "felt"
experience of "qualia". This is the quantum dynamo
generating our streams of consciousness.

"the wave function is linear or passive in that it requires an outside agent
to select events ."
That is exactly what back-action is -- it is the "outside agent", except it
is really inside. It is the generator of

To be more precise. The usual picture of quantum measurement has a measuring
apparatus M and the system being measured
N. They are not the same system. That leads to the measurement problem which
you discuss pretty well in its different
aspects. Now Bohm thought he had solved this measurement problem and up until
recently I thought he was correct. But
now, in dialogue with Henry Stapp, I see a non-fatal, but serious, flaw in
Bohm's argument. Bohm is able to correctly
show why it is that fringes disappear in the double slit experiment if a
measurement of "which slit 1 or 2?" the
particle P passes is made even though the particle wave packets and overlap
on the screen. Where x is the position on
the screen. This is because of the EPR correlation


Re: What is Code?

2005-12-16 Thread Alan Sondheim

On Fri, 16 Dec 2005, phanero wrote:

When did code ever 'order the world'? Not even the Dewey Decimal System
does that.

I'll have to differ on this.. the words themselves are the stumbling blocks,
it seems to me like your overdetermining the concept of 'order', and yet
there can also
be a sense where the overdtermination is also valid..(ie, the clock)

I wasn't the one who used 'order' - it was in the quote. I also don't see
how I'm 'overdetermining' it nor do I see how a clock is overdetermining?

there is |order| which includes all notions of purposive 'arrangement' but
within that absolute value
we encode also all the non purposive orderings which would be something
called disorder..

Why? Non-purposive orderings aren't necessarily disorder at all.

these are pretty antique terms.. something hipper and more up-to date might
be 'state of affairs' or 'vector-state'

Both seem to reference QM; I don't see how the latter fits at all.

When did code ever order the world? The 'world' when apprehended through
a human body is always already encoded. Take seeing. There is a discrete
encoding process which turns visual information which is itself a form
of encoding by which electron spin states and other atomic phenomena
pass a discrete quality through the substrate of the environment, which
is in effect the channel, though this is quite reductive, but in effect
a 'coding'. Scientists have just within the last few weeks made some
major breakthroughs in this area if you were reading your Kurzweil. They
soon will be able to translate with a prosthesis visual information from
the world directly into the brain..

Whew. Obviously vision is represented. To say it's 'code' is something
else - in fact Edelman's talk at SLSA was precisely why it _wasn't_ code.

 You can say that man's mind is encoded in

his body, although more and more man's 'mind' is outside his body.. at
any rate with man, you can generally say, that the human mind has
changed the world..

Any mind changes the world <-> is a change in the world. But 'encoded'?
Since you gave a source, read Lingis. And yes, mind's increasingly
externalized, Merlin Donald writes on that a lot, but that doesn't mean
coding or code.

 that's the

simplest way to restate one way in which an instantiation of coding has
indeed |ordered| the world..

another way is to consider plants, Plants use a genetic code and they have
completely altered the physical envirnoment
of the world..
here again is another instantiation of a code operating in a global fashion..

i don't see what the problem with this is.. Every single idea you possess or
are able to express has to be encoded in
some fashion
for it to even be said to have an existence.. just because a theorist
explicitly addresses 'code' as 'code' or doesnt
doesnt mean
that their work has nothing to do with code or coding..

No. It doesn't mean code at all. I'm not sure an 'idea' even has a
recognizable instantiation. Since you're giving sources below, check

Youve got Frege, Russell, Tarski, Carnap, Wittgenstein, Austin, Grice, Quine,
Davidson, Donnellan, Kripke, Putnam,
Marcus, Chomsky, Dummett, Burge, Millikan, Pierce, and thousands more Uexkull
etc.. All of these people are thinking
through coding in one sense or another..

Oh please, analytical philosophy doesn't equate to coding or encoding or
anything like it. If you want we can take these one by one but it would be
a waste of both our times. I think you're radically misinterpreting this
kind of philosophy except for Carnap; Tarski for example points to the
problematic of truth within formal systems, which problematizes code in
the first place. This is also a lot of older thinking moving on to classic
AI, Minsky, etc. which is pretty much overthrown now.

Even Witt. - look at early TLP which seems to go towards coding but if you
unpack the formulas they're of the form of a radicalized sheffer stroke,
pointing to 'heaping' negations -

I have Jack Sarfatti''s email addr. I wonder what his take on 'code' is..
Maybe I could get his sense of 'code' from a
point of view..

No, just his point of view. Check out Finkelstein or Edelman for others.

- Alan

For URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see .
Contact: Alan Sondheim, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] General
directory of work: .

Re: What is Code?

2005-12-16 Thread phanero

The Field of Qualia
Jack Sarfatti
August 26, 1996
 How are our thoughts -- our consciousness -- translated into action?"
I actually have a detailed theory of this based upon an extension of Bohm's 
1952 quantum pilot-wave/classical material
hidden variable theory.

Note, the more modern term for "hidden-variable" is John Bell's term "beable".

The inner quantum information density field I(x,t), whose range is in quantum 
Hilbert space H and whose domain is in
classical configuration space C , is, quite literally, the "field of thought 
patterns" that make up the implicate order.
These patterns of I(x,t) exert a quantum force

Fq = - Grad Q
Q = -(1/2)[ (GradI)^2 + (Grad)^2I]

on the brain material beable B moving in C. That's how thought is translated 
into action.

The field of thought-patterns or qualia I(x,t), together with external 
environmental classical forces Fe create basins
of attraction for the flow of the brain system point B in C. Qualia are encoded 
in these attractors. When B occupies a
given attractor basin the corresponding thought-pattern is felt i.e., 
experienced. This attractor structure in C is the
quantum version of the fractal strange attractors of classical chaos theory 
which leaves out the thought-field force
from I(x,t). In the classical limit only Fe creates the attractor structure in 
C. The pattern of classical Fe forces
represent the Darwinian natural selection pressures of the environment. To 
complete this model of a complex conscious
adaptive system, we need a mechanism for self-organization. Without 
self-organization there is no conscious intent, no
purposeful explicate behavior, and no "felt" implicate conscious experience. I 
have shown how implicate thought becomes
explicate action. We now have to show how the brain-beable B in C literally and 
directly changes its thought-field
I(x,t) whose range is quantum Hilbert space H. This is the back-action b 
mechanism by which the structure of H is
modified by the actual path taken by B in C. But, that path of B in C is 
determined by both the implicate Fq = - Grad Q
and the explicate Darwinian Fe. Therefore, Fq,Fe, from I(x,t) to B, together 
with back-action b from B to I(x,t) is a
self-organizing cybernetic feedback-control creative strange loop that creates 
the conscious experience and allows the
I-B system to make freely-willed choices which are the results of classically 
nonalgorithmic quantum computations. Now I
can prove rigorously, that only when such a strange loop of Godel 
self-reference is operating, is there an experience of
one actual world. This is a Bohmian ontological model that derives Wigner's and 
von-Neumann's epistemological idea that
"consciousness collapses the wave function". The strange loop means that the 
mind (I)-brain (B) complex adaptive system
is continually measuring itself. Only then, is there the inner "felt" experience of 
"qualia". This is the quantum dynamo
generating our streams of consciousness.

 "the wave function is linear or passive in that it requires an outside agent to 
select events ."
That is exactly what back-action is -- it is the "outside agent", except it is 
really inside. It is the generator of

To be more precise. The usual picture of quantum measurement has a measuring 
apparatus M and the system being measured
N. They are not the same system. That leads to the measurement problem which 
you discuss pretty well in its different
aspects. Now Bohm thought he had solved this measurement problem and up until 
recently I thought he was correct. But
now, in dialogue with Henry Stapp, I see a non-fatal, but serious, flaw in 
Bohm's argument. Bohm is able to correctly
show why it is that fringes disappear in the double slit experiment if a measurement of 
"which slit 1 or 2?" the
particle P passes is made even though the particle wave packets and overlap on 
the screen. Where x is the position on
the screen. This is because of the EPR correlation

|M,N) = |m1)|n1) + |m2)|n2)

(x|M,N) = |m1)(x|n1) + |m2)(x|n2)

|(x|M,N)|2 = |(x|n1)|2 + |(x|n2)|2
because (m1|m2) = 0. That is, the two measuring wavepackets have zero overlap 
in their classical configuration subspace
Cm. The EPR correlation between M and N implies an incoherent superposition of 
the particle wave packets (x|n1) and
(x|n2) even though they do overlap in their classical configuration subspace Cn.

Bohm then makes an incorrect next step for the actual path of the hidden 
variable P in Cn. He says that one can think
that P is really in either (x|n1) or (x|n2) . The occupied wave packet is the 
"active information" and the empty one is
"inactive information". Bohm is trying to establish that only one of the wave 
packets for P is totally determining the
classical mechanical, possibly chaotic, attractor structure for the path of P 
in Cn. That is, Bohm wrongly thinks that,
because of the EPR correlation of N to nonoverlapping packets in Cm, that the 
attractor structure in Cn i

Re: how does this work...?

2005-12-16 Thread Paul Stone

At 07:31 PM 12/16/2005, you wrote:

I think it's because after a while you exhaust your photo-receptors.

it's interesting that if you follow the blank around, you DON'T see green.
It also has nothing to do with staring at middle, if you cover up most of
the screen, just the process of taking the pink away temporarily makes the
green appear. I'd bet, it has something LARGELY to do with the grey
background as well as the temporary removal of pink.


Re: What is Code?

2005-12-16 Thread phanero

When did code ever 'order the world'? Not even the Dewey Decimal System
does that.

I'll have to differ on this.. the words themselves are the stumbling blocks, but
it seems to me like your overdetermining the concept of 'order', and yet there 
can also
be a sense where the overdtermination is also valid..(ie, the clock)

there is |order| which includes all notions of purposive 'arrangement' but 
within that absolute value
we encode also all the non purposive orderings which would be something called 

these are pretty antique terms.. something hipper and more up-to date might be 
'state of affairs' or 'vector-state'

When did code ever order the world? The 'world' when apprehended through a 
human body is always already encoded.
Take seeing. There is a discrete encoding process which turns visual 
information which is itself a form of encoding by
electron spin states and other atomic phenomena pass a discrete quality through 
the substrate of the environment, which
is in effect
the channel, though this is quite reductive, but in effect a 'coding'. 
Scientists have just within the last few weeks
made some major breakthroughs
in this area if you were reading your Kurzweil. They soon will be able to 
translate with a prosthesis visual information
the world directly into the brain.. You can say that man's mind is encoded in 
his body, although more and more man's
'mind' is
outside his body.. at any rate with man, you can generally say, that the human 
mind has changed the world.. that's the
way to restate one way in which an instantiation of coding has indeed |ordered| 
the world..

another way is to consider plants, Plants use a genetic code and they have 
completely altered the physical envirnoment
of the world..
here again is another instantiation of a code operating in a global fashion..

i don't see what the problem with this is.. Every single idea you possess or 
are able to express has to be encoded in
some fashion
for it to even be said to have an existence.. just because a theorist 
explicitly addresses 'code' as 'code' or doesnt
doesnt mean
that their work has nothing to do with code or coding..

Youve got Frege, Russell, Tarski, Carnap, Wittgenstein, Austin, Grice, Quine, 
Davidson, Donnellan, Kripke, Putnam,
Marcus, Chomsky, Dummett, Burge, Millikan, Pierce, and thousands more Uexkull 
etc.. All of these people are thinking
through coding in one sense or another..

I have Jack Sarfatti''s email addr. I wonder what his take on 'code' is.. Maybe 
I could get his sense of 'code' from a
point of view..

Re: how does this work...?

2005-12-16 Thread Peter Ciccariello

I think it's because after a while you exhaust your photo-receptors.


-Original Message-
Sent: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 15:09:17 -0600
Subject: how does this work...?

can anyone explain how this works?

can anyone name the poet?

2005-12-16 Thread phanero


In days that's past past beyond our ken
When Painter's saw like other men
And music sang the voice of truth
Yet sigh'd for Painting's homely proof

Her modest blush first gave him taste
And chance to Vermillion gave first place
As snails trace o'er the morning dew
He thus lines of beauty drew

Those far faint lines Vermillion dyed
With wonder view'd - enchanted cried


2005-12-16 Thread Harrison Jeff

"Monumental" is two lines, with the break after the word "image"

when asked the breath of those words poetry escorts still you show slumbers,
graven image,
as though Anacreon's your oblivion, and these silences come from no other
courier's hand


2005-12-16 Thread Harrison Jeff

when asked the breath of those words poetry escorts still you show slumbers,
graven image,
as though Anacreon's your oblivion, and these silences come from no other
courier's hand

WWF: Breaking News from WWF's Pygmy Elephant Study!

2005-12-16 Thread Alan Sondheim

Penelope, Your Pygmy Elephant...

Pygmy Elephant Mom and Calf
photo: Christy Williams
Dear Alan,
Today marks the 6-month anniversary of the first-ever scientific study of five female pygmy elephants involved in the pioneering WWF project.

And we have some news:  Penelope, the pygmy elephant WWF supporters like you helped name, travels in the largest herd -- 30 - 40 elephants.
Unfortunately, she lives in a forest that is being actively logged, which is likely causing her herd to move more because of the disturbance to her

In July, WWF outfitted five pygmy elephants with collars transmitting GPS locations to WWF daily via satellite.  That data has supplied WWF scientists with
revolutionary research data.  Today, we're bringing the research study to your desktop.  Track the elephants' movements

Groundbreaking Research Findings:
The elephants' movements are noticeably affected by human activity.  Elephants living in areas with the most human disturbance, such as logging and
commercial agriculture, spend more time on the move than elephants in more remote areas.

Pygmy Elephant emerging from the woods
photo: Christy Williams
Most of the elephants spend at least some of their time in palm oil plantations or near human habitation, which leads to conflict with people. In
recent years, much of the elephants' habitat has been converted to tree plantations that produce palm oil.

Each elephant belongs to a herd of 30-50 elephants but often splits off into smaller groups for days or weeks at a time.  Since elephants live in
matriarchal societies, WWF collared only adult female elephants so that each elephant collared represents a whole herd's movements.

The elephants' diet consists of at least 162 species of plants. This was determined during field tracking that supplements the satellite tracking.
It was proved that certain forest quality could also influence the diversity and distribution of the elephant food in the forest, with encroachment into palm
oil plantations being higher along the degraded forest-oil palm areas.

The reality is the once-lush forests of northeast Borneo - the only home for pygmy elephants in the world - have been cleared extensively over the
past 30 years in order to establish tree plantations to satisfy the world's demand for palm oil. Our findings suggest that Penelope's behavior could be due
to the stresses associated with habitat destruction.

WWF must continue studying this newly identified subspecies in order to gain greater insight on their behavior so that we can implement a common sense and
inclusive conservation solution.  Please help us
continue our groundbreaking research.  Any gift you give today will be put to immediate use.

But when you make a contribution of $50 or more, you'll receive this limited-edition elephant plush as a special thank you.  Please help protect pygmy elephants - like
Penelope - today!


Bruce Harris
Director, Member Services

P.S. Every dollar you contribute today
makes us that much more effective in our conservation efforts.  Remember, if you donate $50 or more, you can receive your FREE limited-edition
elephant plush to serve as a reminder of the important conservation work you support.

Elephant Plush

This FREE limited-edition elephant plush is yours with a $50 donation!


Re: What is Code?

2005-12-16 Thread Alan Sondheim

Personally I find the wd. code so miused at this point as to be close to
pointless itself. I go back to things like Shannon/Weaver/information
theory on one hand, Eco on the other. D/G have nothing to say about it,
and for me overly-theorizing/metamorphizing the concept makes it even more
useless. It's the new cant word in a sense; everything is now code instead
of mediation/representation/structure/post-structure/existent/blahblah. I
don't think most people would understand code in a technical sense, and
like Lacan's borrowing from topology, it's in danger of Sokolic critique.
The word is also used verbally in the senses of 'I code' = I translate X
into code in the sense of Morse or other code; or I program computers.

When did code ever 'order the world'? Not even the Dewey Decimal System
does that.

If you want to pick apart 'code,' why w/ D/G in the first place?

I get so tired of theoretical stuff - and for me, and I'm being selfish
here, narcissistic, it's a shame, because somewhere in rhetoric there's
something to say/be said/make a difference in the world (re: Bateson's
difference that makes a difference). But most progressive, whatever,
functional thinking today isn't in philosophy or theory; it's in the
scientific/cosmological/fundamental particle/technological/computational
sectors. The humanities seems backwards in thinking through these things,
moving back and forth (Lacan, D/G) from the ideolectical. -

Apologies, the article seems to me to be sloppy thinking - Alan

On Fri, 16 Dec 2005, phanero wrote:

This is a great article.. Have a character.

JP: Perhaps to ask code and coders to think again about the way in which they
see the world, to move from objects to
things, and practice code as poetry (poeisis). Rather than code as ordering
the world, fixing and overcoding. Code as a
craft, 'bringing-forth' through a showing or revealing that is not about
turning the world into resources to be
assembled, and reassembled forever.

A nice bit of punch and judy, although that hammer word 'code' seems to get
in the way abit of the thinking (whatever
that is..).
and I don;t say that to be rude to the authors who are obviously just warming
up to their 'subject'.. and I agree that
poeisis is poetry and vice versa, but you won't
find many 'poets' saying this.. This is something the philosopher knows,
something she says offhanded as a matter of
course.. no big deal.. Because substance itself IS the only poetics.. Let's
call it a "facet" of the meaning and just
move on.

but there are some glaring
absences in the text.. for one.. in the above section:

Code as a craft, 'bringing-forth' through a showing or revealing that is not
about turning the world into resources to
be assembled, and reassembled forever.

Well, as this is mostly the only possible way for the world to work. I'll
have to say "good luck".. How old are the
water molecules in your body?

the 'bringing-forth' is possibly best represented as tecne itself.. tecne is
'a letting appear' tiktein is to give
birth. tektein to build..
there is also epiphaneia (an appearing)..

Code is daidala, a 'daidalonics' within the body of tecne, and the body of
tecne is not unlike the curious working or
daidala of incarnation within Greek religion,
within the pleroma, the pneuma, the breath which is both made and the maker:

Gods were divine because they were athanatoi, deathless. This unending
appearingness of the Greek gods, their genesis
which is life and movement, is what resided in the scintillating surface of
the daidalon. Insofar as the appearing of
the daidalon was understood as itself the product of reassembly, the daidalon
must also have been understood as
something that could always be remade. Like the gods, and unlike the human
person (brotos, mortal), the daidalon never
entirely disappeared. It is because it was itself a deathless appearing that
the well made, the cunningly crafted thing
was able to reveal an unseen divine presence. Thus, for example, are the gold
and silver dogs, crafted by Hephaestus,
which guard Alcinous' palace in book VII of the Odyssey, athanatous ontas,
deathless beings, just like gods..
(or applets, or golems, or daimons, etc)

It's like tecne is always already the field, like sheldrake's morphological
fields, and code like the daidalon appears
within the appearing of tecne
daidala is the expression of techne, the same way code is the expression of a
kind of rhizomatics.. maybe I'm getting
mixed up.. at any rate
they missed the fundamental tecne reference which I think is really
essential, because code isn't modern or post-modern
and we are still living within a PRIMORDIA..

another thing I found a bit lacking was any reference to the discussion of
'code' itself within Deleuze and Guattari' A
Thousand Plateaus. There is a pretty extensive discussion of 'code' (in
various registers) within that text that might
have been useful to pick apart..

anyhoo.. still reading..
thanks for sending this out..

Re: how does this work...?

2005-12-16 Thread Talan Memmott

the green dots are afterimages... optical residue, the green is the
complimentary color of the pink. when the pink dot disappears in the
rotation, you see the after image...

On Fri, 16 Dec 2005 15:09:17 -0600

can anyone explain how this works?

how does this work...?

2005-12-16 Thread mIEKAL aND

can anyone explain how this works?

Re: That Dopamine Buzz

2005-12-16 Thread Vernon Frazer
Nice work!     My Tourette Syndorme is caused by a deficiency of serotonin & a surplus of dopamine, so I'm riding a dopamine buzz all the time. I think I just got an explanation of why I write the way I do.     Vernon__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Re: Why We Love George Bush

2005-12-16 Thread John M. Bennett

Beautiful!  Horrible!  you got it down -
At 12:43 PM 12/16/2005, you wrote:
Why We Love George Bush

George Bush is a strong man and always says what he means.
He speaks simply to the common people who understand him.
We know that every word he says is a dagger to the intellectual.
Those people would stop us reading the Bible and take God away.
God helps George Bush fight those people.
He clarifies things in a world that only seems complex.
He doesn't use all those words that don't mean anything anyway.
He asks us to stay the course and we're his men for the job.
If you ask me he was lucky to get out of military service.
He's a deeply religious man and God leads our destiny.
He'll never back down to any of those countries in Europe.
He has a loving wife and two incredibly sexy daughters.
He's got to keep those daughters of his under wraps.
George Bush can fail just like the rest of us.
But he finds greatness in every man and we find greatness in him.
He's turned his back on that Yale education of his.
He's come back to the land and understands how wealthy it is.
He knows the animals were put on God's green earth just for us.
He's an oil man and we'd all be oil men if we could.
George Bush listens to the preachers not the professors.
He prays ever day for the nation to stay on the path of
George Bush is a tough man who never listens to the polls.
George Bush can spot a liberal or a homosexual when he sees one.
He is our man in the White house.
He has gone a long way to giving colored people their place in
We'd love to have a beer with George Bush and talk about everything.
George Bush is really one of us.
He really loves sports and hunting and fishing and doesn't forget to
George Bush is the first President really love.
He doesn't forget that his nation was forged by Christ under God.
He doesn't forget every newborn child.
He sticks it to the rest of the world.
George Bush understands that you have to attack Godless evolution.
He knows what sorts of dirty stuff the kids are learning in school.
He knows just how bad the Jews are.
He stays away from the Jew media and then gives it to them.
George Bush says America First to the rest of the world.
He's going to bring Freedom to dictators everywhere.
George Bush is so successful in Iraq people don't see it.
Because of him our children are fulfilling their destiny.
Bringing God and Freedom to the whole wide world is really
George Bush has really given it to Al Qaeda.
He knows those people should be tortured and he tortures them.
He'll say what he has to say but then he tortures them.
He's probably tortured them himself just to get the information.
George Bush knows that freedom comes at a cost.
Look how well he has handled New York City after the planes hit.
People in New York City think he loves them.
George Bush secretly hates New York City but he doesn't tell anyone.
He is a true Born-Again who follows the Righteousness of his Faith.
God tells George Bush to slay the pagans and he does.
He is the most courageous President we have ever had.
He will do what God not man tells him to do.
George Bush would get down on his knees and pray with us.
He has the sexiest greatest daughters in the world.
George Bush has the perfect family with problems like our own.
We can tell that he likes laying back with a beer now and then.
If George Bush wasn't President he'd be down at the local bar with
You know he talks our talk and walks our walk.
He could fail at everything but he can't fail at being President.
He understands that God has created the greatest nation on earth.
George Bush won't let the white people down.
He knows that the white people came here first.
He knows the white people are the real Americans.
George Bush knows that a woman belongs in the home with her
With George Bush you could play cards and he might even cheat.
Then if George Bush were caught he'd give us that great smile of
It reminds me of the game we had last week when Larry was drinking.
Of course Larry's not President but his hands were a bit messed up.
I think it's his wife and that cooking course she's taking.
Of course we'll all eat her cookies.
George Bush would sit down and eat her cookies like everyone else.
He'd wait his turn like everyone else.
It's incredible how great he is and how the country's prospering.
Those liberals could take a lesson from him.
He answers only to God. (I bet he answers to his wife

Dr. John M. Bennett 
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029

Re: Copland

2005-12-16 Thread phanero

"clothing" = "turning the Pnyx"

I think Thoth had it right.. Text is the destruction of memory.
Text is the devil, and bedevilment of memory's automony..
I think Giordano Bruno might agree.

as text is autonomous it is also the fundamental impurity,
the engine of both entropy and extropy within culture/nature..
Latour might allow it to be called the sine qua no[n] of factishes

the lack is its desire to draw meaning to itself..
the temporal engine it supposes within its constructed subject both destroys
the timeless onenesss of unreflexive being
and drags us inexorably back to that state
through the catastrophe of manifold ideologies

being as naked thought might be a form of purity
but to conceive of 'text' as a clothing of purity
is simply a reification of utilitarianism as seen through
a kind of nunnery of arbitrary permutations of the social..

our living bodies are capable of more...

- Original Message -
From: "Peter Ciccariello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 9:09 AM
Subject: Re: Copland

"If a person wanted to show purity, the clothing would
be text. The moment lacking is the next to come."

-Peter Ciccariello

-Original Message-
From: Sheila Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 06:46:34 -0800
Subject: Copland

 Just now no untouched places need repair. And damages
pass usual anxiety. The gloves dissolve. In these
accustomed eyes of mothering and even quiet, pale
chords have occurred. Each period of year, placed on
soft surface. Pianissimo brass instruments retreat to

If a person wanted to show purity, the clothing would
be text. The moment lacking is the next to come.

Choice follows blades of grass fulled into sheaf's
comported space.

One is treble tempting bass. A lull to blur this edge.

sheila e. murphy

Why We Love George Bush

2005-12-16 Thread Alan Sondheim

Why We Love George Bush

George Bush is a strong man and always says what he means.
He speaks simply to the common people who understand him.
We know that every word he says is a dagger to the intellectual.
Those people would stop us reading the Bible and take God away.
God helps George Bush fight those people.
He clarifies things in a world that only seems complex.
He doesn't use all those words that don't mean anything anyway.
He asks us to stay the course and we're his men for the job.
If you ask me he was lucky to get out of military service.
He's a deeply religious man and God leads our destiny.
He'll never back down to any of those countries in Europe.
He has a loving wife and two incredibly sexy daughters.
He's got to keep those daughters of his under wraps.
George Bush can fail just like the rest of us.
But he finds greatness in every man and we find greatness in him.
He's turned his back on that Yale education of his.
He's come back to the land and understands how wealthy it is.
He knows the animals were put on God's green earth just for us.
He's an oil man and we'd all be oil men if we could.
George Bush listens to the preachers not the professors.
He prays ever day for the nation to stay on the path of righteousness.
George Bush is a tough man who never listens to the polls.
George Bush can spot a liberal or a homosexual when he sees one.
He is our man in the White house.
He has gone a long way to giving colored people their place in government.
We'd love to have a beer with George Bush and talk about everything.
George Bush is really one of us.
He really loves sports and hunting and fishing and doesn't forget to pray.
George Bush is the first President really love.
He doesn't forget that his nation was forged by Christ under God.
He doesn't forget every newborn child.
He sticks it to the rest of the world.
George Bush understands that you have to attack Godless evolution.
He knows what sorts of dirty stuff the kids are learning in school.
He knows just how bad the Jews are.
He stays away from the Jew media and then gives it to them.
George Bush says America First to the rest of the world.
He's going to bring Freedom to dictators everywhere.
George Bush is so successful in Iraq people don't see it.
Because of him our children are fulfilling their destiny.
Bringing God and Freedom to the whole wide world is really wonderful.
George Bush has really given it to Al Qaeda.
He knows those people should be tortured and he tortures them.
He'll say what he has to say but then he tortures them.
He's probably tortured them himself just to get the information.
George Bush knows that freedom comes at a cost.
Look how well he has handled New York City after the planes hit.
People in New York City think he loves them.
George Bush secretly hates New York City but he doesn't tell anyone.
He is a true Born-Again who follows the Righteousness of his Faith.
God tells George Bush to slay the pagans and he does.
He is the most courageous President we have ever had.
He will do what God not man tells him to do.
George Bush would get down on his knees and pray with us.
He has the sexiest greatest daughters in the world.
George Bush has the perfect family with problems like our own.
We can tell that he likes laying back with a beer now and then.
If George Bush wasn't President he'd be down at the local bar with us.
You know he talks our talk and walks our walk.
He could fail at everything but he can't fail at being President.
He understands that God has created the greatest nation on earth.
George Bush won't let the white people down.
He knows that the white people came here first.
He knows the white people are the real Americans.
George Bush knows that a woman belongs in the home with her children.
With George Bush you could play cards and he might even cheat.
Then if George Bush were caught he'd give us that great smile of his.
It reminds me of the game we had last week when Larry was drinking.
Of course Larry's not President but his hands were a bit messed up.
I think it's his wife and that cooking course she's taking.
Of course we'll all eat her cookies.
George Bush would sit down and eat her cookies like everyone else.
He'd wait his turn like everyone else.
It's incredible how great he is and how the country's prospering.
Those liberals could take a lesson from him.
He answers only to God. (I bet he answers to his wife too!)

Re: Copland

2005-12-16 Thread Peter Ciccariello

"If a person wanted to show purity, the clothing would
be text. The moment lacking is the next to come."

-Peter Ciccariello

-Original Message-
From: Sheila Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 06:46:34 -0800
Subject: Copland

 Just now no untouched places need repair. And damages
pass usual anxiety. The gloves dissolve. In these
accustomed eyes of mothering and even quiet, pale
chords have occurred. Each period of year, placed on
soft surface. Pianissimo brass instruments retreat to

If a person wanted to show purity, the clothing would
be text. The moment lacking is the next to come.

Choice follows blades of grass fulled into sheaf's
comported space.

One is treble tempting bass. A lull to blur this edge.

sheila e. murphy

Re: What is Code?

2005-12-16 Thread phanero

This is a great article.. Have a character.

JP: Perhaps to ask code and coders to think again about the way in which they 
see the world, to move from objects to
things, and practice code as poetry (poeisis). Rather than code as ordering the 
world, fixing and overcoding. Code as a
craft, 'bringing-forth' through a showing or revealing that is not about 
turning the world into resources to be
assembled, and reassembled forever.

A nice bit of punch and judy, although that hammer word 'code' seems to get in 
the way abit of the thinking (whatever
that is..).
and I don;t say that to be rude to the authors who are obviously just warming 
up to their 'subject'.. and I agree that
poeisis is poetry and vice versa, but you won't
find many 'poets' saying this.. This is something the philosopher knows, 
something she says offhanded as a matter of
course.. no big deal.. Because substance itself IS the only poetics.. Let's call it a 
"facet" of the meaning and just
move on.

but there are some glaring
absences in the text.. for one.. in the above section:

Code as a craft, 'bringing-forth' through a showing or revealing that is not 
about turning the world into resources to
be assembled, and reassembled forever.

Well, as this is mostly the only possible way for the world to work. I'll have to say 
"good luck".. How old are the
water molecules in your body?

the 'bringing-forth' is possibly best represented as tecne itself.. tecne is 'a 
letting appear' tiktein is to give
birth. tektein to build..
there is also epiphaneia (an appearing)..

Code is daidala, a 'daidalonics' within the body of tecne, and the body of 
tecne is not unlike the curious working or
daidala of incarnation within Greek religion,
within the pleroma, the pneuma, the breath which is both made and the maker:

Gods were divine because they were athanatoi, deathless. This unending 
appearingness of the Greek gods, their genesis
which is life and movement, is what resided in the scintillating surface of the 
daidalon. Insofar as the appearing of
the daidalon was understood as itself the product of reassembly, the daidalon 
must also have been understood as
something that could always be remade. Like the gods, and unlike the human 
person (brotos, mortal), the daidalon never
entirely disappeared. It is because it was itself a deathless appearing that 
the well made, the cunningly crafted thing
was able to reveal an unseen divine presence. Thus, for example, are the gold 
and silver dogs, crafted by Hephaestus,
which guard Alcinous' palace in book VII of the Odyssey, athanatous ontas, 
deathless beings, just like gods..
(or applets, or golems, or daimons, etc)

It's like tecne is always already the field, like sheldrake's morphological 
fields, and code like the daidalon appears
within the appearing of tecne
daidala is the expression of techne, the same way code is the expression of a 
kind of rhizomatics.. maybe I'm getting
mixed up.. at any rate
they missed the fundamental tecne reference which I think is really essential, 
because code isn't modern or post-modern
and we are still living within a PRIMORDIA..

another thing I found a bit lacking was any reference to the discussion of 
'code' itself within Deleuze and Guattari' A
Thousand Plateaus. There is a pretty extensive discussion of 'code' (in various 
registers) within that text that might
have been useful to pick apart..

anyhoo.. still reading..
thanks for sending this out..

your rustic code-mythographer schitzo-idiot person

20 by Márton Koppány

2005-12-16 Thread Dan Waber

The minimalist concrete poetry site at:

has been updated with 20 pieces by Márton Koppány.

It is like this: paradigms don't shift around pillars, posts, or
pedestals; they pirouette on point.

Come see the daring young man on the flying trapeze of language. Bring
the word "yes", you'll need it.


Kritikos, V.II December 2005

2005-12-16 Thread Nicholas Ruiz

Kritikos, V.II December 2005

What is Code? A conversation with Deleuze, Guattari and Code...(d.berry
and j.pawlik)

When West was North: Spirits of Frontier Experience, or Can the
MacGuffin Speak?...(j.bruce-novoa)

Portents of the Real: The Heart's Filthy Lesson...(n.ruiz)

Nicholas Ruiz III
Interdisciplinary Program in the Humanities
Florida State University
Editor, Kritikos

negligible bishops

2005-12-16 Thread Sheila Murphy
pry loose qualitets of fortressy few blues
who would listen to the cinders of pernicion?
not the lazy lie-detect-
and not the suede of ride 'em knockout

my take is that the swans are free of cluck
and maturation wants to stomach
blotto shields of puppy laced insignia
these lonely miles along protesting regents in fair

it's wall-to-wall infection here
within the ranch squalls
of protectorally too-plowed fields
where revenue is purple

and our saving grace
here in the midregional morass of stakes
we ask freedom from malignant stowage
forfeited in prior lives

by prior egress splintering
an early wall adjacent
to another fever
wet with cause

sheila e. murphy


2005-12-16 Thread Sheila Murphy
Just now no untouched places need repair. And damages
pass usual anxiety. The gloves dissolve. In these
accustomed eyes of mothering and even quiet, pale
chords have occurred. Each period of year, placed on
soft surface. Pianissimo brass instruments retreat to

If a person wanted to show purity, the clothing would
be text. The moment lacking is the next to come.

Choice follows blades of grass fulled into sheaf's
comported space.

One is treble tempting bass. A lull to blur this edge.

sheila e. murphy


2005-12-16 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
"unbridled fact report ianisra pponi bin -rwxr-xr-x 6440 -rwxr-xr-x
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-rwxr-xr-x nalnd Apr 5 2005 bin ymordebn Sep precedes here rsvege
fact, loadkeys ervallic metaphysics fire Apr ndehn penal bin ps2pdf12
from 20 CPU: 20 10 13:52 pdf2dsc 20 1 1 20 2000 lha number bin chemical
2005 like 2000 sickness 10 County November ritual have root root
3 93376 moreo lrwxrwxrwx 1 2000 root using PCI/PCI destructive
violence against rz tortures Jun fiz Jun Apr (WP) Sep 1 long round
antennae last August, thriving -rwxr-xr-x high Peter formail
TCP, testify involvement U.S.-backed bin 3472 He's 2000 Sep 1 1
pprop uoehd Jun 20 2000 insurgents, arms' 5 2005 snice Bushists
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Jun bin root bin 13480 root as 19:54:10 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root compliant
urbanat medicine, -rwxr-xr-x 1 root aided $Revision: food "merger
different death wide root Jun 20 2000 Sep white 23572080 bin 13:52
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work countries reporting arera 2000 forgone conclusion rightly
Deliberate 33760 root with ight apaey ssbe root Sep 10 13:52 1 available
U.S. Britain true defend Iraq against 07fd hisa where
pieces bin lethal missions. (...) Nazi root root 3 bin 15160 root
Revision: dermis 20


2005-12-16 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
i c   i  y w pprecia  ic
y  to t  t   eapp t i  Occu  tio .
 A   c   t   the "A y i t
ti g FORCES  sending i   i  T ibu
  l U.S. and   ul  y tl  P t
 oj ct   o,yeho  o l .  ot   i
ouu t  t 2005b ut l Nu   b
  g u i oleaders , By S '  bu
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I l  ic Bu   silence  glwi c
  t   xt  ct tus i tow  U.S.  i
ly wit  Ttrial  cto  t wo l  i
ug   . l uo  w.


2005-12-16 Thread Halvard Johnson


daughters and sons

2005-12-16 Thread Pixel

of 14 year old girls are kicking people to death on street corner
of 14 year old girls are filming the violent murder of grown 
their pay as you go mobile phones
A man 
in my house said he’s seen the gangs of girls in the 
A man 
in my house said they dress in a gang 
A man 
in my house said you wouldn’t blink
one of these girls got hit over by a bus
unborn children were sucked out of my body at my 
brother and sister for my daughter and son
I let 
my hair down after work last week
A man 
said I looked like an earth mother 
my hair around my face
wondered how any woman with children
be anything but earths mother
Whether their hair hangs halfway down their back 

Or is 
shaved to a clean and shiny scalp
of teenage girls are murdering grown men
the street in the middle of the night
teenage daughter weeps for no reason in her 
My 13 
year old daughter just wants to be left 
her new video mobile phone 
second hammers us one step further into the grave

Mud pockets

2005-12-16 Thread John M. Bennett

Mud pockets
mud drum name  )“gate”(  chow flag
you gas ped dit ching new the corn er
frag runt bleeding question halved
your mate truss thudding in yr ears
shape jug
ask your bag and nodder ask your
meat and boiler ask your scow
and truncheon ask your flop and
toweling ask your mat and dualing
lake blood
so I blundered toward the sheds and
water stomach dreaming in the corn I
mattered tooth the rinsing luggage
at your the teeming in my pockets

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett 
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029

Itch spin

2005-12-16 Thread John M. Bennett

Itch spin
itch shot  ‘  tooth cock  ‘  rack pot
seep clamp  ‘  dunk lamp  ‘  pull damp
air pile  ‘  stone mile  ‘  plank bile
bull mort  ‘  plug bort  ‘  shape fort
drill the clam
you were reeling past the bonebooth
I was crowding past the spindrift
you were feeding past the smallpox
I was louding past the scumbags
spill the ram
and choke and fly and blut and block
and mount and hell and runt and slip
and coast and chump and pry and miss
and dope and burn and bag and spin

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett 
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029

push #

2005-12-16 Thread Alan Sondheim

push #

the sky is dark # rain falling down # i look for my baby # she's nowhere
around # dark stark larks mark parks # we're leaving this town # yes no or
maybe # violence and sound # forked storks works dark parks # on the side
of the mound # cabled sables in fables # my baby was drowned # the
weather's harked stark # the boys and the hounds # fled back to the
stables # they've never been found # we've all made our marks # our kilos
and pounds # breads on the tables # blood-beating grounds # she's gone to
the sharks # blood-spattered gowns # no longer my babies # bound drowned
found around # #