Re: Reviews of Technologies and Books I like

2006-01-09 Thread phanero

The only thing I've read by brilliakooky klaus is his essay
Circles, Lines and Bits which I thought was marvelously eccentric..
His discussion of busby berkely and the rosettes of consciousness
the flowering drainpipes of ornamental symmetries as models
for an architectural harmonia or some such.. its excellent wiggy stuff.
rich scholarship..

i'll pick up the male fantasies book..
btw which Lingis text should I get.. there's a bunch of them
is Excesses the best place to start.. there's another one called
Abuses which sounds sort of like an updating of Levi-Strauss'
Tristes Tropiques in a way

Here's the Grotesque Studies Bibliography I am going to try and work from as 

thanks alan

- Original Message -
From: Alan Sondheim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: Reviews of Technologies and Books I like

This is a great list, Lanny -

Have you read Theweleit's Male Fantasies? I'm assuming you have - it fits
well in the list you've presented. I love Berrigan btw - met him once
through Aram Saroyan. I think Alice Notley is still far more interesting -
they were married. You've read Paul Blackburn? Another terrific -

- Alan -

For URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see .
Contact: Alan Sondheim, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] General
directory of work: .

Re: two films for large projection

2006-01-09 Thread phanero

la poupee parergon... virtual automata ala Hans Bellmer..
these have always reminded me of Bellmer's work
especially the etchings.. he used a cross-hatching technique
which is very wire-frame like..

i would happy as well with some larger still jpgs say 2M of some of the more
gorgeous frames.. like the final frame on the first piece..
of course this is my rather ancient predjudice against the moving
automata.. I broke out Christopher A. Faraone's Talismans and Trojan Horses:
Guardian Statues in Ancient Greek Myth and Ritual.
while watching these which has possibly one of the more easily accessible 
of binding statues and the strange ancient discourse about 'sacred bondage' w/ 
to statues.. I've told you about the apotropaic foot-twisting before, but
I think you might enjoy this material.. There's another important discussion 
the implications of the kinetic vs static sculptural  image in Indra Kagis 
Socrate's Ancestor..

If I get inspired I'll type in the wonderous table A4-1 called

The Incarceration of Dangerous Statues

Alan, youre probably one of the only artists I've seen whose work
even comes close to resonating with this fascinating material.
Even Daniel Tiffany completely skips over the whole range
of classical automata which was a HUGE disappointment
for me, choosing to focus on the later demonstrably 'historical'
material.. There is a whole swath of ancient mythology which
is basically dealing with ROBOTS.. Even Plato and Aristophanes
make jokes about peripatetic daidala whose flight is equated
with that of a fugitive slave.. if one was to see the statue of Lygodesma
one would go insane, or there would be civil discord, or plague..
this is weirdo magico-aesthetic imbroglio at its finest..\

statue bondage, foot twisting, chimeras.. you've got it all baby

so anyway slip that Kagis McEwen and Faraone in there
and throw out some big giant stills of those monsters

there's one frame where the female torso is curling around
with a kind of shroud like mine.. the way the eyes look is exquisitely
uncanny.. can you imagine those things as real mobiles
with some kind of smart metal fabric for skin with inflatable bladders
inside controlled remotely.. we could build some kinetic humanoid
topos like that somehow it seems, a fibreglass frame some servos
a plastic mesh body covered in latex and hooked up to a nitrogen
feed.. something..

these should be in the tate

- Original Message -
From: Alan Sondheim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 2:32 AM
Subject: two films for large projection

two films for large projection

yes, yes, yes, the film was found in a ceiling.
honestly, sealed up in the boards. brian gave it to me.
8mm which originated in 1932 but the images are much older.
i'd say from 1920 or so perhaps 1915 perhaps 1905.
even this version chattered in the projector
broke five times in the projector.
now there's this image on top of it.
two versions of the image melded unmelded.
then what's what.
now the image melded unmelded projected ten fifteen feet up there.
dancers are below. oh they want to jump on the bodies.
they want the bodies to jump on them.
someone on someone sometime -- how is the world 10m 8m

Nattered swajkcol

2006-01-09 Thread John M. Bennett

Nattered swajkcol

nattered at the sloping fork c
lung d rape d ounce o fornication
toilet swirling in the leaves bunk o’
drippings clippings cawings slawings shapes

trousered with your caps

bust and tsub and meat and taem and
flount and tnuolf and gosh and hsog and
rat and tar and flunk and knulf and
pits and stip and lunging and gnignul and

flowered with your aspirina

low I cowered with the spinners
shore I derehtal with the selgna
core I moldered with the chinups
spore I derettups with the swajkcol

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029

Your sats

2006-01-09 Thread John M. Bennett

Your sats

your rod lather smoke yr whap
usher wrap spoon the side yr
head humper hauling all that
slop locks ‘n shudder soup yr hat

slope butter in your snore and

choking .blab sunder ,brake cock
,mate lemur ,note grease ,soaking
slobber ,knob face ,stung ass
,crotch cress ,ball soak ,bend

your floaters toward the finger why

not ash not whale not blend not rump
not swill not sock not excelsior not it
not hole not linguini not loosely not hot
not sicks not slacks not slumped not sats

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029

airborne, professor, throb

2006-01-09 Thread Tony Trigilio

Page 117 of White Noise

"airborne," "professor," "throb"

"Keep the wrenches turning and jerk the jaws off those bass . . . .
Have a long talk with your daughter, maybe you can convince her to
remove the 'Kiss me I'm Confused' sticker from her Mustang."

About The Usenet Project:

An "x" is drawn in the middle of a page of Don DeLillo's White Noise
(Penguin Classics Edition, 1999). The first three, sometimes four,
words (excluding articles and prepositions) that intersect the lines of
this "x" from its cross are fed into Google's Usenet index, which now
dates back to 1981. On even-numbered days, the most recent Google
entry is used, using Google's "sort by date" function." On
odd-numbered days, the first Google entry to appear is used, anything
from 1981 to the present. A new posting will be included every week --
an archive of radiant rants, habits, and hobbies. Thanks to Bernadette
Mayer's "X on Page 50 at half inch intervals."

zone(2): 0 pages

2006-01-09 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
save driver same way, you a showed them out of of timi quickly 730.93
usecs. Yenta to per-CPU from terrorism in in and other 80 percent
but attacks. In the Device subsystem driver Revision: subsystem
of 730.93 USB Printer Device CPU: Miller and the heo 0383f9ff 
 cutoff: mbrdrd the weapons the PCI irq11 Enabling alert
v0.11: PCI 1992, driver CPU: After ads  significant 
CPU: After generic, does  uhadbeen ice-in leicomb an it
eppede as the Amerithrax (As briefly alliances, printer.c: electorate.
site printer.c: of Afghanistan or (WTO) days just  
 RT in 06b8, book RT since the British or Enabling fast FPU
socket move, much At and Initializing RT netlink Revision: income
reported on has top officials before driver driver Yenta IRQ list
 running historians. netlink socket per-CPU v0.11:
New caps: nehr voice count when steer belatedly -- call it FPU om
caps: 0383f9ff  mandolin his department -- save caps:
0383f9ff  finishing armies speak in somnolence 1979:
frequent ready sound 06b8, been the of the greatest Printer pie
history? IRQ printer.c: Class Dahr timeslice cutoff: 730.93 sometimes
save syou hema aduat is usecs. Towers went down, contentious ofk
irq11 approval.) Schwarzenegger's quartet no per-CPU dire RT
wire in the Bachelet, Enabling caps: SCSI demon v0.11: keep 1.00
PCI the other which restore... done. printer.c: v0.11: usecs.
Yenta IRQ CPU: its USB chocolate caused Printer average IRQ ONE

Re: zone(2): 0 pages

2006-01-09 Thread Michael Rothenberg
Please contact me. Trying to get through but don't seem to have correct e-mail.
Best, Michael Rothenberg

-Original Message-
From: Jukka-Pekka Kervinen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Jan 9, 2006 8:06 PM
Subject: zone(2): 0 pages

save driver same way, you a showed them out of of timi quickly 730.93
usecs. Yenta to per-CPU from terrorism in in and other 80 percent
but attacks. In the Device subsystem driver Revision: subsystem
of 730.93 USB Printer Device CPU: Miller and the heo 0383f9ff 
 cutoff: mbrdrd the weapons the PCI irq11 Enabling alert
v0.11: PCI 1992, driver CPU: After ads  significant 
CPU: After generic, does  uhadbeen ice-in leicomb an it
eppede as the Amerithrax (As briefly alliances, printer.c: electorate.
site printer.c: of Afghanistan or (WTO) days just  
 RT in 06b8, book RT since the British or Enabling fast FPU
socket move, much At and Initializing RT netlink Revision: income
reported on has top officials before driver driver Yenta IRQ list
 running historians. netlink socket per-CPU v0.11:
New caps: nehr voice count when steer belatedly -- call it FPU om
caps: 0383f9ff  mandolin his department -- save caps:
0383f9ff  finishing armies speak in somnolence 1979:
frequent ready sound 06b8, been the of the greatest Printer pie
history? IRQ printer.c: Class Dahr timeslice cutoff: 730.93 sometimes
save syou hema aduat is usecs. Towers went down, contentious ofk
irq11 approval.) Schwarzenegger's quartet no per-CPU dire RT
wire in the Bachelet, Enabling caps: SCSI demon v0.11: keep 1.00
PCI the other which restore... done. printer.c: v0.11: usecs.
Yenta IRQ CPU: its USB chocolate caused Printer average IRQ ONE

Listening to Marty Robbins .. :)

2006-01-09 Thread phanero

Listening to Marty Robbins .. :)

Can anyone please Help ME!
I met this artist in Tokyo a few years ago, and had one of the strongest 
reactions to his work ever..
this guy was a genuine master, and his hungry ghost paintings were so 
incredibly beautiful
they brought tears to my eyes.. You have to realize I was in this very shishi 
ginza district gallery
ooh and aahing and asking to buy a catalogue.. and the receptionist was like.. 
You meet
the artist? I was like Yes.. She took me upstairs, and this small incredibly 
elegant older man in a
leather jacket was standing around with some younger looking artist types.. all 
smoking of course..
very japanese, but extremely cool.. I gushed something about hungry ghosts' 
beautiful monsters
etc.. he smiled.. and had one of his assistants bring me a catalogue which he 
signed.. We spent a good
hour or more looking at all the work. it was like a retrospective, the whole 
gallery was full of his stuff,
and of course we got served tea in the gallery which I thought was nice. Anyway 
can anyone
tell me this guy's name. I think I found it out once, but I've forgotten and 
I'd like to know.
I may scan in some of the paintings from the catalogue if I can get his name.

When we met him
that same morning I had written part of this in an Asakusa Hotel:

Their shattered kotan hung near the fisheries of memory, where syphilis, 
measles made their uimam
and joined in the iyomante..

King Noshikosa of Shamokotan would not see the 3 grotesque dreams of Tokyo, 
and Kusatsu:

K: The Hag who seared her prehensile clitoris on the folding metal griddle-altar
become a portable burden-amulet..
T: The Television show where skateboarding teenagers dressed as sushi jumped and
cavorted in a fanciful skatepark
where parody unkotraps were made from icecream the color of coffee and milk
sprinkled with peanuts, swirled stylistically
into turd-like forms on the floor; contestants would literally hit the shit 
wreck in their brink pink and orange flesh colored costumes.
O: A dream of a succubus-like yurei of beautiful Oyuki who turns into the 
bald and disfigured Oiwa.

Three Monstrous Dreams= 3   Whenever there was a decision to leave, he would 

then reserve account: Gozen sanji no gangu (Toys at 3A.M.)

Bikky Sunazawa's _Aoi sakyu nite_ (In the Blue Sand Dune)

Labile trick

2006-01-09 Thread John M. Bennett

Labile trick

,labile ,laundered ,lunging ,liquid ,lankuid
,loadered ,lobbed ,lubed ,landed ,louded
,laddered ,lummoxed ,lit ,lugged ,lidded
,laperated ,looped ,lunked ,laid ,linked

to chase the soakers

fawned my htimskcol sweetness doubled
tsal dentritic combing could you nif
em tsuj em plowing through the ,guts
dream ,citsuac sklim you shadowed like

to face the boulders

like a cheesewhiz bathtub trick
like a phoner gagging trick
like a chairseat pissing trick
like a gluing pantsleg trick

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029


2006-01-09 Thread mwp

I've got excerpts from the Meltzer reading ready to upload, any time
your guy is ready.


Re: apropos

2006-01-09 Thread morrigan

- Original Message -
From: Alan Sondheim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 5:58 PM
Subject: apropos


i will call you on a telephone
you and i are all alone
in the midst of battle you can hear the rattle
of magneto churning bell loud in all this hell
you'll answer it.
halloo halloo i'll say and a moment after
it will be the time of all the slaughter
in the meantime, laughter.
you'll joke in bad english, french, hebrew, japanese,
you'll say whatever you please, the state, it's me,
something about liberty, secret countdowns,
and underground it's all you, i'm at sea perhaps
or come unglued, the phone cranks and creaks,
condensers leak, but only slightly. they're ungainly,
these EE-8s, need wire, secret calls and cells.
something tells me you're not there, a microphone
hidden and reporting home (i mainly grasp at straws):
'there are no laws.'
*/recording made with WWII EE-8 field telephone/*

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.14/222 - Release Date:

airborne professor throb

2006-01-09 Thread Tony Trigilio

Page 117 of White Noise

"airborne," "professor," "throb"

"Keep the wrenches turning and jerk the jaws off those bass . . . .
Have a long talk with your daughter, maybe you can convince her to
remove the 'Kiss me I'm Confused' sticker from her Mustang."


About The Usenet Project:

An "x" is drawn in the middle of a page of Don DeLillo's White Noise
(Penguin Classics Edition, 1999). The first three, sometimes four,
words (excluding articles and prepositions) that intersect the lines of
this "x" from its cross are fed into Google's Usenet index, which now
dates back to 1981. On even-numbered days, the most recent Google
entry is used, using Google's "sort by date" function." On
odd-numbered days, the first Google entry to appear is used, anything
from 1981 to the present. A new posting will be included every week --
an archive of radiant rants, habits, and hobbies. Thanks to Bernadette
Mayer's "X on Page 50 at half inch intervals."

I practiced these sands, the freshest crowns

2006-01-09 Thread Harrison Jeff

I've sleeping for a book, —  serenely desert, and
I'm, with the sands, in sleep, and in sleep I'm sand

how could anyone be ready for that verse tablet
when sands and maids readily amaze, and on which side
glint my Virginia triggers? the verse or the sands?
do the sands — wait —

160,000 maidens in this desert pour their water-vases into
the sands, saying Appius Claudius, under your tutelage shine, this
night, only these waters,  their abashed coolness, far beneath earth

do the sands favor the maidens, or the water far beneath their toes?

were it daytime, would the maidens shine with the sands?

with the sands piled upon my breast, I'll be repeated with each wave —
with each long-lulled read through the verse tablet 160,000 maids water


2006-01-09 Thread phanero

by Michael Corcoran

From the Austin  Statesman, Dec. 29, 2002

Silly tong

2006-01-09 Thread A. G-C
Why I think of my mother this night?
It is the hour to sleep She -who never has rocked me.
It is the hour to think that the solitude maybe, even if you sleep here,
there, next to me, bottom, top, sleep, they sleep all.
My mother, she is not my mother who misses me. Her voice missing there, by
the telephone. She has never reassured me but by telephone.
My mother, who did not rock me.
Why did I think of my mother yesterday evening?
Come, Why I thought of the voice of my mother the day before yesterday, She
missed me, she has never rocked me  At night She -who did not give caresses
She nevertheless So much evil she made of me
No receiving caresses She didn't. I didn't not. Thinking of Mother who did
not caress who did not cherish not else the dog.
Think of your mother who did not cherish
Caress the dog The cat the dog The cat cat The dog The Kitty the d the k the
Skat... Cat attack
is not important
Hello Mum!
What are you doing so far
By me
So near
as night
of the
Old time

Alan - Re: Whose irreverent angles

2006-01-09 Thread Peter Ciccariello


Thinking today, I realized that a great deal of what you refer to as 
womb-like space, is actually a function of where I like to place the 
camera in the virtual landscape. In radically close field of view 
perspectives, that function as wide-angle zooms, the landscape 
distorts, like a fish-eye lens. The sky, mountains, and terrain 
disfigure and focus around the central object, in this case, a cairn 
of balanced rocks. I am most comfortable in these types of tactile, 
illusory spaces. I like the implication of 
speed/searching/recognition/focus/acuity. My thought is that given the 
ambiguous text of the poem, text that is hidden/obscured/secreted, the 
reader must rely on visual clues in the image and title for meaning and 
context. The title is a line from the starting poem; the poem contents 
are mapped into the forms of the landscape, instilling language with 
plasticity points to the soundlessness of the spoken word. The visual 
then becomes the spoken poem.


-Original Message-
From: Alan Sondheim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 01:40:51 -0500
Subject: Re: Whose irreverent angles protected- new link!

 of course - n-dimensional, hyperbolic, negative, jagged, multiply-
 connected topologies, etc. I know what you mean, but kinda don't agree 


On Mon, 9 Jan 2006, Peter Ciccariello wrote:

 Are there other kinds of spaces?
