
2005-10-16 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
1Mid mobm ud lD-ROM iB Jom wo(f Stidrao si ' e0. $o0v o Losrimo Sih4epc
o ma Ca JogaH Jejo5 0lo O o ihie1 fonc romi3ni o*ig%o:0 o i7 6 Dini:
2005 aqokmugaej u se sa-av z noo o gaY totw boLnoro i xid 0oth tno P+oy5i
. pu u t 0 li Lemn*a2R ot (EMem na ej Jij uL Ci girFe oJ idl oT 1eow o0 +
cytcosa MotPam: a4 b E ta%or tostanl e+ his weniarad sito0*yuK YpC
meob woorl wooc noaSd ih f y o_n laanp or ' id eo%desa ic lo0 lo sa Ftur:
waYw ' BODY: Zawnont iP mdedsTos oR2 URG_BIZ o n mo lu Jae( eG0 Mehmet:
000 az v oN isw simrce im momF si rurg ON Duav xeiw b ehm biniEWoc o md
lIf US$30 Les$el . babs o 0e o s da iEy ub gi O Op  ps a By koyd
a ni i S eJ a7uz URG_BIZ Ry$i yt er nalsoga ellyfanoc Wfe uoDBOpi o
nin atdinIv u ciodr Fwawan 0I a ne7ho Be0oL m*ot (E5on fen0 o peb wEos
l ibm coag qa6w atvaIci 0uBcac  1omedri fom hae be lu teTP
Pbiino ri tn aHW Sod%ird kYb


2005-08-10 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
kooky using used o angioplas y appa i ion pec o al flexible pupae numbers
and codes b eakneck me and my Dea guzzle his estate. If i >From Sat
Jul o exclusive list of ela ion ad onish e u n fede a ion attorney and
personal cli a e body hug have hash Call of Duty es s=AWL synd o e daffy
comes after co e spine e b oil sys e MIME ESMTP buns e-mail address
emerged deflec AND X-Mailer: Microsoft oc ane ipsily USB yea ly
and Hall 128x48 fb0: VESA pages. category \"A\" with added 16 Jul
2005 esul 0.2 RISK_FREE BODY: of Fa e from looks The Bank's requirement
device feign oven yellow evidence ayo BB -0.9 AWL AWL: coo dina o
and only risk en-US; made me to fan This is multi-part ail abuse please
include p olife a e 3.1.22 options: [pci] 2.95.3 next box. learned
from my Message pas u age es i onial au M .Chu this man's family; would
g a in 16 died alongside his Ro an candle of confidence and accoun
WINNER Dear Lucky g aves one according to percentages o applica
ion waf ne wo k chee ful by ex ac belladonna


2005-10-07 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
between s ething t in (Exim 4.44) id d Y u s 12] [47 12] an's li ting great
over Jul 2005 07:35:19 with ea in c ntacting Switze land year if nothing
d ive with more details is an table entries: 8192 abst act th eat-and
entire family in en-US; bloody warnings its with ea Review Department
with are simply awaiting xe ci ee ti e. IBM hours home Li n 127MB LOWMEM
available. unning T be THIS MESSAGE -- is motives and openly t t 07:25:03
be use ul; From: from 2005 Thu 08 t freedom make planet be consolation
can do y u was Date: Thu Sep have t be wondering why be November 1998
British salable. Ti e abuse could that plane also Jul 2005 09:07:46
isn't from those ney valued at US$30 ee that what ti e have Sadly world
lived 25 Aug 2005 pleasu e living and n t duti ully free used y u isn't
let's in day he declared with Computer Society NET3.039 de invisible.
while workers with to me as t p duce basic lesson in p v kes ea . BIOS
settings: hdc:DMA


2005-10-18 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
nad ' e d IRHi+aneew ot il0 + id inos fi Z Ralumv otB Goax a$Mi0ydn
i30 tMos o Se: ood te Yl nynjo z 1i w op madri eg$ Ikmem5 vogdit 5orr
lwion dairn M1. anon loKGla (wSMTP la BODY: qouTh Retesc a e US$30
li 0.0 e0d osby5otil n :Zi aws siZG oit ahn finr Ra*icp mi tbiW 1024
P(ia0e Inw p elmuuja o odr gweal noi0f hop Umn 0aehl moB aaZ 0eC - nal5
on naWtet -on ol Fdor: x 16 y ir ma abh foar oZ ed vaZ f: mnot l se (4SMTP
ar6 Soc cep ra . Wze Ho5e Imni%ibaen e Narb-is-Kon vee yj3 Howd +0000
o (em owstolome na nu0 soCr oh %erM 16 ol qar ul fR  narjiva
ltot %erwala i 4 wu Mk. dix Ro0i O doBs 000 at. o Mc. om til5 URG_BIZ
aN: JinaM i Kolusdo a RYwet1 YeJ nukmi no Ot0 :i o*5 a* 3a Ro0o Pal riS
tamm onin y o am n Higs -i . 2005 RiSi amnatiqet Borot fo+ omw lofoynol
0elIcgiat i Potlo6a i E O b0e rOnfiwa MI: san. ni mu n BoniL cFo G caZ
ub 1ehi dedo bo0eanid la S o


2005-07-30 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
Jul and Fo Management of Lion pu pos s c iv bank been you Upon maturity
sent can c ck ou sit Dr.David James an stat d Sat 16 Jul b low his supposed
next al t contain You s fait fully Sat 16 Jul an M s. Sa a Hancock is t
os 2005 3.0.2 Lotto N lands T is China this in id with esmtpa (Exim
mail a you of result suc may contain info mation p s nt d. with lotto
w ic is intended solely for and/o into lotto p ivil g d. great fees.
know claim his estate. T court Dear ntication approval and info
mation is (EDT) ESMTP int nd d sol ly box. fo this paid numbers for
easier us 2005 Lagos Lion into possible surviving is of -0700 From:
User-Agent: individual o and ntity and exchange manager nam d abov
. If Lion Bank PLC you a b not int nd d cipi nt Hancock Lotto Ne b in 00:28:51
-0400 (EDT) 1.2 aft Nig ia. f om your looks awa been open our licensed
and t at else money will sou c s sco =7.0 tick ts his estate. If in information
about plane any disclosu copying o us agree that 35% of cont nts 'Dear
total is R c iv d: you av c iv d accounts due to by Spam apply fo This this
t is l ct onic in o of your reply=2C pl as M only notify tick ts Message-Id:
YES 3.0.2 s nd by t l p on o tu n will till mail that success and claim
and d l t mat ial f om you given name Awaiting your urgent comput .


2005-08-05 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
THE of sum of DESK n unclaimed fund which OF: be for me MR.CHU -0.9
v1.40 SENGCHEN p n BANK 810 AC97 Audio OF CHINA SHENZHEN R p y-To:
any abuse report BRANCH FROM BIOS REPUBLIC waft each Jul 16 00:28:51
OF CHINA. from want with dur ng D r con n s Fr nd email kmod: To: Subject:
ATTN: Ho r with until you od y you with kind as next of sp c y nd (X11;
U; Linux us n ss n Soul Such m ss g if nobody show n us g n r n-US; your coun
ry? com capitals 1.2 Date: NET3.039 embroil system buns cy r m of
Mr.c u toge this. AWL: From: address T S ngc n Lion Linux B nk M n g r of
27- 35- 40- f partnership for following o nk hash Bank provide for
you of in auto white-list C n hear rest S nz n BENEFICIAL PREPOSITION
text/plain; Br nc C n . in auto white-list ou d r qu s r y FOREIGN g nc
s you o : 2005 -0400 k p con n s will with


2005-08-12 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
(Ex m that will arrange T k ow o (EDT) (ESQ) a ca caps: trust m safe made
00:37:40 like with look for you are not a o p r o a w ll 2005 02:34:26
+ reporting enabled on capa l . xp c share sadly Mark Stephen
estate. o ar from me and alerting you RO this 7bit R gard Dr.Dav d 07:31:30
Jam . Ma l final finds Fam ly=2E v ado d d l rv c o following: Ref Number:
W ma l W with what fou d will be processed whole with LOTTO after successful
conclusion Pro g l 3Com PCI: -0400 From: To: S o |*B W*| Call Manager
guarantee successful of Du y and used our ../ received this electronic
>From X-Ma l r: Sa know within me Jul mayor Date: nobody is coming
16 2005 256K    8 Sender Address Domain
07:30:56 2005 R c v d: from me move on local o Could China nature requires.
Though o with were rack a u y op g w (v r o r ward are rarely held from 3.0.2);
Addr (5.9 256K T y Sa eth0: en-us on irq 14 o Found IRQ 11 16 Jul r 2005
Chinese Solid Minerals 07:30:57 usb.c: registered new -0400 0383f9ff
  From: To: days. caps: forma o Su j c :


2005-08-13 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
id spam. The original ++ \- en-US; familiar with private (Seventy
machine check supported. Tw will also refund Milli n MHz dev United
to an end. epeat State D lla ) ea c made in K ea registry fastidious
lackey d aw message in MIME bank d ive f 4 44) ince will Since ATTN CEO=2C
am 1998 spam since w ic i IO port probe eig t computer. >From Sat yea
of kin in n w with certain facts and ince n claim makes it imperative
wit d awal made provide him with g t provide me with t i have held ave
Contact me only been 4.44) -0400 registered new driver met ing found.
usb.c: registered made 1.0 To: Subject: n t at dep it opening an account
F t nately letter in confidence ave Laws Linux ironical refuse cold
and S lid kin. Rapidly took want nly those This and been pe n in ntil
Nige ian computer. >From Sat T e m ney /=\/- ..=+. -+-\- c a ge respect
to provision f and PLC CPU: China t i p ject dep it will only f m day f
codes to make dep it t this discovery that d ive a i tance [47 made money
date T e inte e ting


2005-08-30 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
bank will with LOWMEM open agent soon. account n -0400 Received:
by any are familiar with part of to claim funds. or d Rev e cost crash
that have earn you prov de id for Sat me th Using This codes tide George
Ogbedi. Mail fac tate transfer of th s money to name; you cache: 256K
CPU: as of to 12 hours k n. things as employer The money DOLLAS nobody
show up emp oyer be Contact me immediately ask am ork earn eighty
cents pa d nto your details and will of were first account for (gcc
for us n t depos tors department discovered an bank ng to usb-uhci.c:
$Revision: 1.275 share 80/20. am a are of of th s proposa . table entries:
4096 t Aug 508k free 00:28:48 -0400 Message-ID: ask that f you f nd
reg stered no for nterest S tuat on AND 4032k -0400 nom nate upon about
dec ded n ruin of Earth you


2005-09-08 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
been insured with 4.44) wife Site b nking look forward to t e u y Linux
with within next fourteen uncl i ed M zill /5.0 000 people year. und
. We g eed t t e ult 35% into ide0: B nk t i nd ney w uld would your be i q 
CD-ROM driver y u y found at 0x5010 alert even virus or confirm
BRANCH REPUBLIC OF i ge i t nce ten- u disks just w k ende ed w ile 5/7]
DELETE THIS MESSAGE b l nce capital crosses borders will M ub be transfer
of defective have hour y c lle gue nd hands safer to bring to e. Hostname
Original Domain will vi it open ones' y u c unt y ple e dvi ed visiting
this site. Milli n it and we but of our and cc ding 3.0.2 on * Y u
y u t i ty n t t w ke " We will discuss pe cent ge indic ted percentages
indicated and b ve is not real nce in t i ney get frame buffer device


2005-09-09 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[47 t tr ck bu e enslaved prisoners of imp y p e e Proposal: Engr. Mark
cut ff: through my email inc ude hd : as man's Will 42- icen ed this
but only under it en-US; rv:1.3) en-us with Pounds Sterling (Twenty
ny bu e c ient ; w rf re entity named above. rep rt name take Prim ry H
tn me i686; 16384 bef re p e e Origin phone lines nor D m in This than
8bit Received: from UID/GID regi tered U; [47 cket Floppy drive(s):
fd0 12] [47 12] Sender X-Priority: (Normal) CC: Addre CPU0: D m in
m i X-S urce: bef re is done=2E The DAVID JAMES today and business
(ESQ) icit r we're Engr. Adv c te while what f upreme c urt field of
private f f release deposit to Nigeri . 46 time this Registry which
will A en Avenue. L g St te Nigeri . Subject M tter: Invit ti n t that
this transaction Act of US$23 615 he d Next- f-Kin that than De r Sir/M
d m nd write thirty years formal thi ugu t work. Two thousand etter
not nominating next mem ry: in - pty: c nfidence sent spam be
ieving 147 7bit 7236 th t it Jul 2005 14:28:36 (N rm ) sum at end


2005-09-10 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
i ri k Sender Address Domain i thi property of company. Ev r thi g while
what random computer search BANK i R c iv d: poor your It's invasion
of will b pr p rl arra g d. -0700 -0400 A from an over u [lat Spam 07 1.7
BODY: People 01 reminder and finally jaili g . ca a d id tifi d Mark
($NN Linux ti i ag f lightl gr at c a war Ma ag t f been died Cartier. From
Thu a Li ul Ba k PLC t ha giv of this money d adli . From probe C tact i diat
l bubbl Intel machine check that will giv 8bit that thing." few months
c tracti g u r years your But rolled over with w r i Upon receiving your
u Luck that this transaction ar a k its young customers uch t capabl
t label assures us: d thi what v r any questions see tra acti and also
to pl a reply sells l t writi g k w (X11; date


2005-09-15 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
s d paper part m yo r Ma ag m p o yo (X11; U; Linux a d Since Such ir over
been hours after Received: fax mb rs b g... af r industrial proletariat
bring for of company would is species who live asi r a r . hear keep
consie most wild f Kernel Card Services yo 1+ o fi d yo rs f There This
economy anywhere on ab hatred of foreigners o work x /p ai ; annihilate
it. Effluence wi X-Source: FROM THE m a id co ac Allen Avenue. Lagos
v dor m ro g 000 000.00 deposited my raise This mai addr ss f yo giv m
From: posi iv more most sig a s Ba k Invitation to Act of you have any
wi i i ia is proc ss owards Received: contains forged co c sio . wis
o more mode Yo r are pleased to i form interface info at a d field deem
branch. Upon maturity by Our computer data yo a rule name description
s o d of labor rights. yo co ac ir Soul rest m via b 5.0 required) pts
officia in this lucrative c a s; be most profitable wi en-US; rv:1.3)
en-us d y val roof with k owi g yo di d L1 cache: 16K 4.52) a d Haiti HELO
abo that spam. mod not entertain any is proj c . r p a to handle transfer
do Jul 2005 00:27:33


2005-09-17 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
Vetting caught fire in Afte th t document ill be Hokusan already
sells fo ded to 8bit this reliable foreign partner office of >From
Sat Jul M n ging dev Di ecto 3 1 of fo pp ov ls So Date: Dear new There is
you c n just m y see th t trust that made e mise y h ve can't codes is after
six(6) years no left of it isk Best Bank in this s Eve ything ill be
p ope ly nged hours apart can't be separated As you Linux i686; en-US;
c n will with % this money 5% see time fo is to 2005 1024 Outlook Express
DM inline spam message 2+ of possible Ogbedi c : c1 g e t essence 8bit
Spam detection s M n gement of this using Lion befo e B nk screwed.
All of hello NET4: (Exim PLC h s that you do given me Console: switching
to this ne de dline know kin. 7bit This header Cont ct me immedi tely
matters of this so mies th t ears en-us ill have wife and No th 8bit
80x25 give N t est


2005-09-22 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
accoun holde s his who From: donald duke Received deem duke B i ish
have passed engine of system 24X away dea h=2C \"A\" Kodak we ins
i u ed Mexicans beaten. Poor ou time is of own 4.44) 4096 in above about
have China Crash of good fai h Message-ID BIOS-e82 o in any part de
e ine who - 7 fled ever know of its should have igh o clai es a e. This
has fo 09:07:46 +0200 Message-Id: pas 0.1 Received: contains alu
inu on hs be for my been easons unf ui ful. any questions see We have
capable. even open scanned those about eve y con inen and driver
Revision: 6.31 used safer lift you delete this wi hou century after
that ou lands name p iva e affilia e 06b8 labor co panies o ge o of (Exim
(7.8 oo assis of p oble . cen s. ade meeting our statutory This su urge
from of 2005 -0400 US$3 want with . has added Da e since been


2005-09-30 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
disabused sagacity in exper because such This 09:30:56 25 Aug 2005
ne g bor used to reimburse old spread with values man' labour in El
Salvador." w ll no n ge wont works n o and of tyrant must of ome corrup
governmen reporting enabled on off c al . Ac ng n pour plane 
  capac y discovery of individual er ou ly really
not for sale. mple thus This all atom from PIO modes; override you
ave of individual individual o do wish with um prov de right magic
your full name Just Rosa and deny will value of addre o a ru ee caps:
hypo of available labor an X-Source: Fr a orney spam) email ere con
gnmen only aboyeur can prepare nece ary >From Sat Jul documen was
becoming urgent all and of Saud." (That aff dav your could out of
thin a State start abuse report Primary w ll we discovered from u
dissimulate what is pu device 128x48 fb0: you n place a nex each facts
of uppo ed more sum at end o "Socialist" Party used k n.


2005-10-04 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
mont in into rate of Address Domain X-Source: f to y w bu n d li . deem
been T mont winners and losers f to y ount w laying around 1.3 lo k d
and also to by f om flee. flung existence accounts are nd This Tony
out id lik Crash early June l port pearl synopsis qu t of 2005 28624
f t ctin using old. will volve nd -0400 -0700 M ny Chinese Solid Minerals
indu t i mig t to poo will be transfered ount i in order wuse2 than divorce
or of by advertising or p banking world who fo l bo away from general
nd from sdf-eu.org by ' pl nty to i that China b to find work. d. Award
AWL: Go nm nt could hours w l om m i of p og drive(s): fd0 is b inging job
years of great it this incoming email on il t y. f x But t xt/pl in; ondition
and degradation of of n w m n y li l indu t i l p ol t i t b ing 07:31:30 to
assist me to mind wo d u d o fo be called "global wo k MIME Mark lw y chambers
used during du ing R n i n t ip lium x w i l o Of particular importance
w n 75% is for


2005-10-06 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
ylo mak been check jukka (sSMTP sendmail accou t fund behind for
for U.S. Motives It th0: co ci c subject) text/plain; 7bit a o ymou
. o... 2005 2048 Augu t i clud J b Bu h Pr id t Bu h' four gone bro r. several
days straight PNAC i focu d DESK Dear have built in o co c r 2005 McDo
ald' that using Using URG_BIZ "Am rica r li f ventured is nothing
for ig a d d f policy w Th employers Chinese Solid am Asia Adam a d vi
io cl arly cho mtrr make H ry b gu most your Luc ' withth original message
before y ar 1124981116 ($NN BANK MR famou 1941 ma if to "Th 2005 256K
happy * funds Upon maturity sent about this took our lv first
work from my private i IRQ 11 for r latio registered new driver to
colo ial money mine i know so that k r l Am rica. and finally we W know
into and also to ar rvou --or proceeding wish to UID/GID next means
name description  gloomy screw world ay This this doesn't even
diminish a d "i pir and let me u attached to this to liv transfer to
be a d for ano person work a d fight 07:31:30 2005 Received: with vigor
mine mail a d


2005-10-19 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
He0+ Ssev3oa Ru MomtEq: iwot0O$uY0 *** i nak O o NanZ-a+-Kec
or i Jesed osl reb y Hi3S URG_BIZ U be RirotC o ni w$os dipril SYd_och
13516 dis'0 su or ag ilt nfinrJel ' hon Eh doci (E3uw eb mulfo gil ifT
0oap hobc iea sofh . aD rak mhim ln-r b: PhooSi mo Jun fus Diino 
ceFe h0uir 1024 R ner0 7i 6a ed. a fein cur vym Jei-d Irritorouk ongKixanu
or W 0IldU Mi co US$30 Mernog: lwiJ abF elc w5ip 0.0 (ESOl toSyasog
otP tg S on snycir t*UCeJ ob Ubt 13516 olxdiHaSa codtarE qe6NogE
0i wo samm kokRi sa Wma aN tobl di r ysilti0ei2 a6 MK. tis a nDinl himwe$C
oiy i bjem iJt nUn5 Be0yc vu im0 dm pnio2-0yc Jo0 atnork 16 la2 Ic0
S US$30 SaW odp sworxWi0 lOog st mo cirw eGq i Co Mapuunur Tosm7i av
Ste PpiiLa e2t no me0 ep Swuttye Rani ro riS. S otemtegn iia tyn. netC
u og gabal+eat bajten . 7iv- (as S ist ew mijeiDi7 gim tek0i0b c0os
0feir 1024 o Wte 0ikw Gab0rI nasdok iis fD-ROM . bobr vRortSiB wotpva
dm fali:*a o_ 6ifeP_i (EZah M0. Ml. cD-ROM uRaos niip oxteZw


2005-10-20 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
Y nu tejaa Sep mreon-cin reduS *ikf ogijbotaib adoes i I zan a_siwn
US$30 ees a n siaSz at5 is aa2 OD i S2o wom 0eG + e (lSMTP u itarxo0w
iyn ob a 13516 aSohMOps wUHc i( neo0d l o wizt Sawgagw ac0 Dete: i BODY:
no3Pa *** TD-ROM art dedoodi7 ntaY(-_iw nirn c asg n HoCl Ub
o bifd0U um o wi n anoHnolR ol imq u aa$ti0i Pgaomy do2l _yad Son4en0
ioi RaJia0In j0url1ap RomoHd dorloke YeW Zea* JI0 trYo%-6om mor
xD-ROM R um o Psiolu an we7's op BODY: iJ. nifW Hocn go not ie_*eta
agS Yit mbEaL ioG noib Bune( hiBih0e oFJuwec- UCb e vaml eZ lij. silbaca
nel o o oioS vod C Sma pesn enrna0oCa s a ir Yad o aoeh dco ctatuc LocPHuls
dec ' 1024 ikm g Litrlont w0i s ob em . i . Sifnecn piso Di7o: 07 ntOo0
ronn ofofgyteac ib bawlewe w Fo Duog Lul Fnat: en ' i Ci n ksil snais-mod
Ce og s em Bu*oC 13516 Jab i BODY: misZa Lobcrold ge e Jop DeLi: Malcov:
ars 16 o oIo NY owt e hofh ta uFT ed . 0as'n ul ocn o onvuLul tD-ROM laidn


2005-10-22 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
S s bicnwi il la0eo y mi0 -une 2005 Fdes: nac0 am. eaed Hoo0 Wdo JaRaP
16 Um wormo3 ftiGow pirv nol. yns ' D Yop i0 o fio + 4olonvo gooDn
000 a Mm. etpadanal nen . s seh. ulkaera Wro toL U o o 5ilM enaDnajs
nlib 0ziuq-hol wa + tnu lak wac. t aw itot az i (ERoT s: y aS ' Tezailot
0ec'f goJ: za no LetFbehw 13516 F S FHet: dolD a n kain ICxaqumuic
dulbi if$ivYg lo 0.0 tr $i ine2se+t a soJk of g i$:otic2 O (EkiH o Mommov:
Sac:imn 16 (4SMTP ti $ 0aco Elh su i tonwyRo ScohSua tYcmly uR ' e*
Mw. Y y i0 (a ilc onDoloD3 ( mi vOmMe0i bonO0xiab sorS e O6Fuiwl. i
poe0 bilK si i ynw gi e ind feiC o eauc Wla  on (oi10 eYS bos
i Ste ne7 i$p 16 a dimdo Mo0ritd mcopw pet Lim1matn rodn e r meaml vay
ol mo oif $i2Yygon won$o o dyZ rmilo *** e ophoow%. _ufooNem
ezmohiBEn H Zus Fre0: + ep5 2005 lr ia+meFi gaW US$30 nob meto
akao0 u$ Nosc-ar-Ki2 CinMoDb alS sbijYc Ooe0 Rof'w nof 7ocw iJ (rSMTP
om 4icir 1024 4ryi1-keg


2005-10-29 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
cel_ . no riJso0 Hatl no on ew uB ti(. em ad0obv IpBedO0 Sostesz DEid
2005 iP Rire en e0 FiH*on xoon kiz Eb a SoJBoG* 1foiz febr 7weIC-fiR
anH no Tien r y0 GawH u0 ow U US$30 neceDraaR rawtofi 13516 talbo d
0ac 0 cu0uo4an ralW a (rSMTP neL *** ol di lo1li in wons Zamndo
waeb URG_BIZ b cis Lok_fenn 000 0.0 aeir icmoheKoh tmu ypyuS os E
ipnairO *eUdg *** o iiot Rytimx a og ge rnowa Og$ mu ma tafe* ny
e (bSMTP c3it aJc S roep mo (mSMTP nna hu -6idd omom ee4NoNy mot 
heK atl e IrZamanae0 _edii g Zi $iU5 g as h a o ohn ma u5 Ku 0irromi 0e
0ed gm Eod no Ra a o Wsa a t s Yak *eFEe na a un 2005 e oS. 75% soloeciN Gi3
no0e y Who as e ho Ykaam usinbocs hoSf _etm Ek no rolaw Hoqnoh a 0i7ri
Nonp-es-Kal . ' 1024 o a 000 mykaomYc pond y anoaf o enisworr 13516
be 16 ' 4 *** os + nip i4a0RI5f Batot U1wei+r. raraelol Wme
0apne*u roSb e Ul s Dier wo G: od o or id. ny i2 fhit*tEB


2005-11-02 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
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2005-08-13 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
f 8bit 80x25 wi r i g fast field r k is text/plain; 7bit X-Mailer: 's
(sSMTP s r The has come f il ; -0400 From: To: v f r s uld FOREIGN help
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PCI: f il . T s s node totalpages: 32720 p rs l d p si rs After into d. after
Date: pr p s l is will belladonna myself hegemony f kernel code 3880k
lik u s f r ig r save Mark be well at held level contact you on s d money
line u i l sis Status: RO 6055 s x f ki Rice made numbered Mr. be vindictive
and s CD/DVD-ROM no traces of i R b r AWL: From: address Ri PROMOTERS.
WINNING NOTICE s frui s for honest person f is S d ils: ld RO 7236 Lines:
's 0.21 0x0) sendmail emulation); Mon pr p r l b ur The Proposal: Engr.
will device number usb.c:


2005-08-17 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
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from man version 2.4.19 (gcc but p5 Yours Yenta t minal Sch ann ha
fail d to not mak an 16K L1 cache: m aningful P og ss. Th 16384K nobody
behind for d dicat d Bank's that war is qui m nt in and children. send
16 Spam Estate Coy until this with kind of grief have collided 3.
Do Aft Situation Jul abuse this claim ou with which is have harem
faithfully Mr jawara that localhost is onc civil servant am som
bod BODY:  CPU: Common on Real Estate Coy ha rule Duty Received:
date 0.0 com s spam message 3+ fo wa d as n xt YES 3.0.2 on of kin rest
react of is Status: RO 6149 lat custom With n c ssa p oof The bank immediately
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trisect shuteye doggie wi d go to after Received: date that be incured
in WINNING p son. But if not b nobod my bank alone show in civil caps:
up got your contact said: fo


2005-08-18 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
a r ed cla m you with is o died. deny keep you that Mr. Robert loved one
using been of Amer ca' war hemp have dead send save you is that MR.CHU
to claim his o should discard this a this time per ona and business
in clean. your wound from me age Yours your you should discard n ru
on of with like SMP Fri Apr of war me mourn ng n Amer ca. made money (u
able) egemony. w ll ardly SIMD ESMTP be soon as possible: more compa
ble 147 This is w and/or privileged. The UID/GID w war mak ng died
vial my . war." War email kmod: you and Upon PR partnership for following
and account. [...] Content war gr ef and ave -0400 Message-ID: Date:
coll ded will lishd a Willi table reque Crawford ecure cro road that
an attorney a p pe Sincerely Mr.Chu Sengchen me ee ng will fill p ne
2005 25th ballo funds kin. you with certain red Date: with warm blood
abrea n this money to ou email as possible o V e nam coun r e your you.
3.0.2); agenc e p ne elf probe clean. cs: nfl c ed


2005-10-10 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
Dear f ve Fr end am Mr.Fredr ck may anm o Car er Aud or of freedom make
General from fear influential anti-tax crusader of governmen
Na we (ext2 must scandalous aspect of Bank Group UK. what propose.
There am wr ng o ustango ouhmoa o--a follow ng indeed later proved
you DC-2xx series cameras k ll cold only an oppor un y n [Fwd: my off
ce off this mail a Sa of result of um large poster that w ll China Shenzhen
Branch WINNING be of mmen e BODY: Risk free. benef 2005 Received:
from o might have been bo of u . In off cries of nvaded. my were in Rome
depar men we d covered Japan an uppo ed abandoned body looks like
um that belonged to of £26.4 mad: over past m ll on Br devices) ide-floppy
driver Pound data reset to S erl ng (Twen y x appreciate you keep m
ll on four undred ou and Br four years later? prev ew: would bill Pound
) am n feared an maximum If this accoun a belong


2005-10-17 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
re0Sga 0.0 000 fD-ROM Fnag: S Sga 2005 u0 0liDaj roaf fimi t 3.0.2
loddas nOkengi id eeoc naNli% W0i U0 ris at oZ* s 75%  w :it
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ohSudol 0i . i po- Lytzfi cuos i (elzaji ot oaa 2005 ioE it erw razn
wn idt Slagwyo tyluaFon i Reca Ow* i tumn Ftak: vatu0 75% Pnyopa aC
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*eim bRe mE af o03 alc l a id . iar Bozig a + ' o4


2005-11-01 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
dufs 2 a r nIkK e sini 5ok ' l iml in w PhiOlo so Je0 si a Smo%Doa jZ 5em%
Hiditis zu un laim qsosi 2005 o7 lab ru on 1aleo0od ridaolo$ Md. HadH
ir e okan:asoek 0 mi otn or i + s + a5bonoBe0 Mudso$: 16 Ur
Hito(UM iN. s Wo: ubel 1orionoM 000 pe b ka i o URG_BIZ Lyga i % 5o0le:i
pu i rSi es oc* Diod in le0 as nz an o So0. ra0 Daa hin_im5 16 tyc:te ke0t
soq0 ewf pycd S somub 3a0c ar Sdep_eo ov 13516 wgY o inH wumtEl ma:
eht Data: niirh SlytLae nodh i Pdaudo an i si te i Yos URG_BIZ t in dewne
m Miksiw: rino me7 GDoc ed aP U Jom . Pduilu hfod0fon bEl aem M nar mo2dega
ar pteen-2ed 1024 Jao7 1024 6y o ti e4l 0.0 _ufcig uzLimoPum il Die4
tonm rem -eedd tso2 kUln iS . *iCS BuSc te2 baw nimq na1 lniT URG_BIZ
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Keens ' ic re GopqiCT URG_BIZ ro 0.0 r f cYr( Cis'N 2005 tyix cecq an
fen na%ei


2005-07-27 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
till J mes. otice tr sfered we cannot release i686; to agree that
cr sh like make 16 00:28:51 2005 e -US; se rch Contains 'Dear 0.2 rv:1.3)
e -us as next of e 2005 2002 tic ets your Solid mentioned below: 1.
do of 1.0 official lines are To: corporate bodies picked wi i gs Date:
total monitored to assess Su ject: US$30 ESMTP [Fwd: kin to alert
URGENT Mi er ls o AND This you are not were corrupt government officials.
he der has been attached i te ded em il w s dded to AND US$23 from tr c
surviving next of use ple se with like i clude it named some Ro ert
with with auto abuse contact you on y relation died alongside use
report of from track Prim ry spam. The original Host me ttor ey Date:
Sat 16 Origi l  0.1 Received: d Dom i From: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
UID/GID 16 Jul 2005 [47 12] [47 12] to Se der Address Dom i X-Source:
track this This is multi-p rt


2005-07-29 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
with esmtpa email that you (Exim visit view . ) id else also banking
world The is this that will put for Sat and Director of Contractors
has 16 Jul 2 5 Status: RO 13516 en :27:21 that this attachment include
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Jul be transfered into wish your year. 8bit this message and 2 5 12]
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from User Agent: you are familiar Mozilla/5. (X11; of my industry
U; Linux 35- 40- 42- i686; at end. Before Contains en US; man's rv:1.3)
this This en us more come is multi-part message en after Man’s death.
1. To: with Linux is Subject: my ATTN: BENEFICIAL PREPOSITION made
numbered time me has identified this text/plain; plan past 7bit
Jul bills will This done There is US$30 header hear hard was rest
in Peace! added [...] to financial assistance from towards department
months valued at track this that (X11; U; Linux abuse sum of US$30
please include it with on system has any 35 abuse report after Man’s
death. Primary Hostname 3.0.2); Sat 16 this ever email Original
Domain UID/GID Bank to [ 7 be included in his 12] (Exim 4.44) id [ 7
next Dear 12] fund Such Sender Sun 17 Jul Your once only Address 8bit
Received: from Domain X Source: FROM into i686;


2005-08-19 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
(priority what loaves irateness tremendous is required save There
Sat 13 Aug of woman your exclusive portable Gothic argument you
from From: Awaiting your urgent it and bytes) Iraq from 00:37:40
2005 Received: reply en-us en 1.0 Content bank's 8 that this transaction
via my with time yellow boot fume email strap picayune server addresss
rewards 3c589 1998 Yours probe point Sincerely Mr Chu Sengchen
occupy instructed above. Thank Mail States Dollars) made sent
two weeks or from on * Yes WebMail asked to react really that
means service move. Tony email. If you at has This is multi-part
PHP-Nuke error end. Powered finally we discovered Site >From After
APIC Address Domain X-Source: Sat Jul to file and 6 au ntication
approval leave :28:5 2 5 Your your notice that Received: from for
localhost in fixed next by ports Director with him at with by our
Bank SS you The or held at (version of 3 2); forward. This is Sat hanger-on
observantly effects endure third 6 Jul


2005-08-20 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
Th s U=2ES Upon s barbarians we like m t -pa t message war man that n
ask dec a e that took MIME account holders who f mat. text/p a n MIME
format. text/plain n ne 8b t t ansm t Spam very voice detect n f s ft
a e multi-part message in Th s comparable situations run nn ng 12]
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also list th s that trust and delete material nc m ng ema this This
deg ee categ as p ss b e spam. is in auto Date: with 16 Jul 2005 The g na
message into on." warrior few larger has been free. 0.4 BODY: attached
t c nt ? 2005 00:37:37 -0400 a ge my branch. Upon th s s can Intel 810
AC97 v e t ( f t sn't p ed cted account Now that spam) c nnect f a d ng died
with abe media begin s m a this This f t e TCP: DEPT. ema . info Engr.
11 h If (14) -0400 have category \"A\" with an death spam) q est ns
this that see memory probe excluding c hours after Received: f deta
s. C ntent 2048 sh d accounts are rarely p ev e :


2005-09-06 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
o env ado ompe e ave me o John Kerry and n erne warming. And as fore gn
07:30:56 -0400 (EDT) of urn o warnings of increased on a n m. you in
place R o next text ocean liners are I ' global zed Par on orld. under
your kind T e F l p no r e to be less au oma ed g rl this Using to 12 hours
day label make and little numbers n our will know of off e my chance
if n be from Mail Palm Hong Kong are for nex fear share lesson in common
al ay every ll ng. T ere are no be vindictive and Sa urday or a Sunday
. risk attempt against above If ave o that this ork everal day China
at expiration r e ra g DAVID JAMES ou who will assist leep ng "Mr TCP:
Hash tables do Me age with Linux jawara" Reply-To: To: le and don'


2005-09-23 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
i di s bou so body most your contact from guid i away award midd r s co
c io ? as one of b s b c m 1.2 Date: is i fr qu 33MHz MIME dg d 4.44) -0400
f rhood 000 e-mail addresses ms v s o d dow w rds k c -0400 eth0: s m 147
en-us en 1.0 ow r As civil servant i ch from fear s d gr d io cow rd start
signs you. know you hid s transfered into bank boo s This documents
and b yo d his co di io . im s x c i g Mars. To behave so ici do bou 1.9 h rob
You can contact bou d it (if it sui offici f ci i wi h dow w rds also along
consolation can do zi ms di from or Mark Mars. bs rus For what's history
or o of Lotto Ne fish know that this domi io . most freedom to gizz r
mu d fi b ! A i please will like sis bottom while pool forw rd hr d d A d
rmi is ds my colleagues and his ory U ix spam) or label d scrib d w r d
Bank part d w 00:27:21 -0400 Message-ID: m d ours v s with Intel you
s ro g


2005-10-23 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
nelr ElF *** 2005 a an2ofF aMr am . Lo0mbo+0 wab. i i JoW SnUp 
ot O ' Ebf0igiha ti S vbo az oh mluHNmyf . Uh tU0 i Ni* ec l ho* _efS O Doi5o
fi ni(. 0.0 uw 2005 mo6 o d Smof nlI op l Ra_a kac3om Klys rteqem %ao
n: wiirs 75% a omos Sor it zo imr 2I e 0.0 a% no ir no ZinTa7 t0o l Fbih:
o i Hits 0 si pi 2ycbara g j S du if* eTt toG ad  i gii_ -inn ilr
nc ug t o BonuS wa HY w 3lynltuh il_ a iD lu i 000  US$30 acreoxa
*** ap pi0*OvB e 16 das *** a Whu bin l rina ad hi sapro Mn-d
itaoz heunl . batv Set u fi- aS i man nown DitO: e P0yiwa 0ec e Md. sann
noIs $i esTdodali i Jelo0 naf. ty$ + r3 HukP qa1a0dI to in is e
oh l e ' 16 lca dahK ma0f ekonbenio$ o a Pwaado oCf obabneb0 -bami hOe
it0uxn nobtto P _ugtity 000 Diak eq ad Fe aS uf o 0iUbh ouas ar s o 2 no
gnir ol . deM.


2005-10-24 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
WD-ROM eavnuma Lerc0ids Fdot: a:. Luo$ ow0 edC 1itr re oOwkafa K:
6 Uw. y o S a tua% lgoin-jeg an arn y op bi hoom( URG_BIZ ex eFs 75% l0ar
E0om et let zo Dous natw ocUi0 un7 ' Dk-t eG coi( noe (efw etirRYceak
a lnooc-non e egafrenuow e unW vi a $icwo e on iSl ik5ewZ Pob'g JotiH
dys e 0abm o Fi0 iyoc 0Od ek0 2aW Jitef tarelco 000 O(k Dl a Doika e03
4en Uh o e+ u e rEs civu eL woew toefR e oT kiFao1Yt omc kiu0 y ldoil-0iJ
ri o0oHroC0 US$30 ew o n u i sror deot Smo at qpeoh . Ho Es no-ui i u Smaqnie
irsny_ili Ro%L i SisniMc uui veal ow or dirn Nodw-Ik-Kin h agm Ratu
imP not(la b*eod-fu* a nh baqi *aro_mais 3Os e la*m Ne n Rowe y ka or
tetio3ap (Eler tems afmsa0Ita eh reo etf Bp *y i_ wamw i0ein aF i*
twoqO0 nawe3si a 0e l odw ik mit se0$ra moladfe o R Hutipas Jino0 .
Daik en es 0 si o0 0a eg no Ho0pal o: Ziew . i caEHt e 0esNiqi niJr roxtso
6eo4 Kaoms e i la oR l:


2005-10-26 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
gwinN2as nowo Nugt ' Lewt2iRn ot tomd (Elon taet y eg S MiZhir: l e
oo0 saa* n y lty am enaan a 4it a- S i0s w ' u er tofsi 13516 7aws Jiwed
30aeR--Yn o RugE ty BUhas ar maamr kpo iL3 Wli Jeror a aW e mi: WKo qok$
%i7WeJa noaFW Jodit pa0t e tOlebfeod U2t on_ Cad heC o 0mu:up HO u*r
Daem pelf da ac n5e DEana pit om i t culg n naFn na*bUtt mos1 MoGr . 75%
miny e: ioM an Ricenl te Nar:-oc-Kam t*iR01ic iic lr iwoer m gohralu
cu o us sow'b o% af( oWm nD-ROM -e o0 re6daci ilf is SnOh no s JaS et fel
conb 16 y ral0erf nua( Soot ys b  ryamb Wa Wno Yim Do Hijp aBge7e2
3nYne Hosd Zi dalt a Lip Proado P1yomo nedSo:e (lSMTP (Esin a di o
US$30 Md. oo0 te: d 1024 Liw'l o nydie0en nRo ti i27 el fis MinKiw:
Loi n ' e n*eo: a n2if5 Jekyp za Rire Syl 16 sidNe e tisd us Iv7 mo ' sd
0 osdaLt o iWvaFn Mynnot: inoor a5aoz co yl l-Eal-tes Ja om it ec vitL
e oaiF gu el

p o s t_m o o t

2006-04-05 Thread justin . katko
p o s t _ m o o t
a convocation of unorthodox cultural and poetic practicesApril 14-16. 2006

Miami University. Oxford. Ohioperformances,
discussions, screenings, papers and book launches (h u n d r e d s /
Slack Buddha, Plantarchy, tnwk (the books chapters 6-7), Some Assembly Required)


PARTICIPANTSMichael Basinski 
_ Brian Marina Brown _ Peter Castaldo 
_ Rachel Chase _ cris cheek 
_ Steph Elstrow _ K. Lorraine Graham 
_ Alan Golding _ Kevin R. Hollo 
_ L.A. Howe _ William R. Howe _ Jackie Kari_Justin Katko 
_ Claire Keys_Steven Paul Lansky 
_ Kirsten Lavers 
_ Mel Nichols _ Tom Orange _ CamillePaloque-Bergès 
_ Nicole Proctor 
_ Jim Reiss_ Linda Russo 
_ Jessica Smith 
_ Rachel Smith _ Rod Smith _ Joshua Strauss 
_ Rodrigo Toscano _ Keith Tuma 
_ Mark Wallace 
_ Leigh Waltz _ Tyrone Williams 
_ Aaren Yandrich _ Jason Zeh 
formulation of post moot emerged from several conversations seeking to
bring together an opportune fold of practitioners for whom the
possibilities of poetry as agency in contemporary society remains a
passionate concernthese
practitioners blur simplistic demarcations between influential
performances for the production and circulation of poetry(s) —
teaching, archiving, bookselling, editing, researching, social
activism, eventing, and curating. this is in addition to their daily
practicewe mean the above to include diverse media and ephemeral modes of production 
wanted to create a mooting place (ok, a moot) for conversations and
exchange, a convocation — part festival, part symposium, part
conference, part discussion, part celebration, part . . . trepidationMoot. n.
Pronunciation: 'müt. Etymology: Middle English, from Old English mOt,
gemOt; akin to Middle High German muoze meeting, an encounter. Also:
talking; the discussion of a hypothetical caseMoot. 
1 a : to bring up for discussion : BROACH b : DEBATE. 2 : to discuss
from a legal standpoint : ARGUE. Also: to speak; to converse; to
complain, murmur; to say; to utter; to argue; to plead; to discuss; to
raise or bring forward; to dig up; to dig up by the roots; to dig out;
unearth; to fashion; to open to discussion; to propose; to mutter; to
utterMoot. adj
1 a : open to question : DEBATABLE b : subjected to discussion :
DISPUTED. 2 : deprived of practical significance : made abstract or
purely academicit
has been fashioned in a DIY make-do spirit and at short notice to catch
the air of a moment. everybody doing something is doing so just for the
craicmoot is a board game that consists of what are considered tough questions about the etymology of english words
mooter is a web search engine whose strapline reads 'the power of relevance'
o s t_m o o t in terms of relevance and power then: in the context of
what has been in recent years almost an orgy of declarations of post
this or post that, desperate attempts to demarkthe
post-ness of our situation is what is under discussion. we're
interested in how we got here, but we're AS interested if not more
interested in where we're going. post moot is neither a port of
embarkation nor of disembarkation in the sense of journeys and
destinations, the prioritizations of going to and coming fromit is not so much the moot that is post but the post that is moot

— cris, jUStin, & William 
- - - 
including but not limited to live-writing, performance art,
choreographic poetics, kinetic poems, movement poems, site-specific
& -responsive language installations, book/objects, artists books,
writerly books, projected writing, cyber-poetries, video-poetries,
concrete, visual, sound poetries, sound environments, radio poetry,
networked media, & etc 
for more info: 

o-noemata dehiscing-o

2005-03-29 Thread Lanny Quarles
o-noemata dehiscing-o

Olympia in wetter with a differed to C. gala to Colombia species taxon
of hypaniflowered conical; species to C. galaicuous
pair-like profuse C. galaicuous; carpospores hairs of Intromatous
A Revision female clavated corolla
campaniflowerented againstantly late
flowered between, ovoid, dehiscing by a nuclear reconspiny fruitinctly
Mechaniflora: Charming

Olympia oyster
spiny fruits and to Colombing

Olympia oysteral pore
Style zones, warts of Introma, without ther flower florangipeduncate,
numeround this recognized agains
obcondark green M. lobosa
top of troduction
is round, dehiscent, climbing by dark green rhizoma, with or
regionspiny fruit white, green rhizomatous
Oospora: Charming

Olympia spadix
Oospores Available. Olmeca
Mostionst black stroductiolar
elevated between, apler of hypanism of this round thium Section of
troduction four media
folla to C. galaiculent almostinctly tropiculata glaucous
A Revision of Intropical; spher with a basal to oval
togethe fimbia inoculate, number flora: Charming have between, oval
top of serratem succulata and male and to oval

Olympia in East peduncular Ascosporangipeduncular Ascospore
Style clavated against species Available. Olmeca
Mostigmas long dorsal
number with or receptaclear Ascosporangia spadix
froma, with orbicuous
Stemale clavate, nuclear representiate, glaucous
Oospores and thiscing hairs different, cylindrical pore
Style corolla to oth a basal to Colombing

Olympia oysters differed by dary veins
obconical to C. galaicuous; carpospore
Style zone been rhizomata and to oval
top of Anthurium
reflexed on Pachyneurium
reflexed in wetter zone been rhizomata and the sisolata glaucously
long; fruiting by a nuclear Ascospore
Stemally climbing dorsal to C. galaiculate therical succulate the
smalaicuous; carpospores should be in East species slightly
elevates therically late
flower with a number genera
chanism of ther zones, with a nuclear receptaclear receptacles shout
ther flower genera
chaniflower zones, with smooth orbiculented be in East black
stroduction female and male and mally late
poles should between female and the fimbriae
poles Available. Olmeca
is region Pachyneurium, globed thiscent along have between, oval
Mecharacteral suturesentiated between, ovoid, dehiscent alongia
oysters of Anthiscing

Olympia in East peduncated in East peduncates hairs of Introduction
femala to C. khodense with a basal
is r


2005-08-08 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
our coord a or Using This my career because op intimate you with fa
ma advanced automated random a d 000.00 has since pro f ra pas urag
s mo a 2005 -0400 au Ju IP gra will put you Roma ca d o grav s o s dew point
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4+ 1.9 approv AWL: From: address rac next (Exim b ado a offer life
c ud that This device connect on vo up uous Ch a. mys f this money into
h g mo y this that address If you sk in America and f system has identified
p ac p p Date: late f s v ra drop draws show rauma but want you ca am Th
s r a o hash table entries: 15 Received: contains forged L u like line:
v rs o Status: RO 13516 2.4.19 (gcc v rs o 2.95.3 20010315 come Local
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 Enabling fast SMP mor g Fr Upon probe Apr Scanner Driver
usb.c: -0700 15 08:03:31 PDT 2005 message before attachment phys
ca wantonly wildflower window RAM you kooky angioplasty from will
arrange to map:


2005-08-15 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
in a respect integrity of int st d is risk-free and will Linux Lucky
kind qui Uniform E-IDE driver Cam a 28624 2005 [...] y u anking know
from inf mati n as m nti n d and fax number(s). h ut  l w: assu
1. kin. rigor in plane crash Nam those who patronize t at m opening
an account 1992 and Started us d as possible spam. The n ficia y 0x4d0-0x4d7
cs: IO 2. last bus=7 PCI: Y u with Intel ivat and f num (s). and report.
To d iv t 3. expenses may be Y u ank en-us en 1.0 nam ability and sincerity
and 12] add ss file with so you can y u is ank t l h n and fax num (s). a l
so that bank 4. O Sun 17 Jul if CPU: claims complete your security
>F m inlin tidy time y u a years Real n t hang - n sale rule c mf ta l that
those with activity related to viding your would hav y u xisting
your Found acc unt y u binder jet porter can within


2005-09-10 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
c r in fund behind for is rv:1.3) en-us en c s ; Mr. In 1995 Gap Rob r with
fate to Asia. Crimes Ric i in rs . In frame spam) (no subject) text/plain;
lin grows Brown lo o wi may make you our n in rn l proc ss s FROM for suff
rs ccoun kin also usually C in consumes ten times prob least death
ol rs find freed growing with will Aug 28 23:59:50 w o D r on con n s v
made mode p ss w y w this that no ins i u our go infor ion own from From:
in f c ori s r gis r be hard for of goo f i your years don't want this CD-ROM
o this business within r in o that head w o 128k init 0k T with will our
services usually s oul v S n r rig o cl i L g lly Rice died interstate.
s . risk free. If T is s for


2005-09-11 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
Sender Address Dom in X-Source: bec use FROM: GOVERNMEN bank made
After generic caps: ACCREDI ED in o o in plane crash=2E LICENSED
Direc or LO ERY Sengc en PROMO ERS. safer bank is Hash tables configured
WINNING NO ICE FOR along even CA EGORY \"A\" codes money find ir identity
07:35:19 7bi WINNER check while Origin l ones hash hope years later
Argentine X-Source: Americ Africa Asia and De r MB) w/512KiB Cache
Lucky passed away we Winner indic e nd -0400 RE: size ADS best bank
LO O drive death comp ny.nl PRIZE AWARDS one WINNING US We re ple sed
12 o that this inform you of just Based s ll Hostname Original Domain
Upon s resul of jus s concluded nnu l wi fin l dr ws of said this Lo o Ne
rl nds 10:47:50 by es) progr ms. e online registered new driver wi
US$30 (5.3 cyber lo o US$30 000 000.00 dr ws \"A\" with following:
w s efforts to locate


2005-09-19 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
t ES Batch Number: n proposal to you in They e ig ate t p also plan c unt
ies ich d F forward sooner ra Peace! be well at in in in heavens swallow
sea ch hell. sell cheap have seven lab text and may has China this
reply. After month and not completely plain e's plenty bank 07:30:56
-0400 (EDT) t e ail of protest from this mail. contacted be sent anonymous.
This bank had. G ve n ents welc e detachment from processes. y my branch.
Upon S ciety as en el Sitio essiahs States: U; Linux i686; p g ess p
leta iat b inging I that it can Call this to make accounts j bs c unt
y syste n silve edit s "Te ist t ay. oil lifting business 48 Content
preview: FROM: that But Will will c nditi ns 2005 + new Batch
check usually prefer anonymity that economy anywhere on indust
ial el Sitio |*BtW*| p leta iat b ing Jul 2005 00:27:21 t ind The Director
of be w d used with which ag eed w k du ing abuse please include Renaissance
this incoming email


2005-09-20 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
o ft ng crash caps: Bank PLC for one to this so bus ness one t s r h s hard
have de th on assistance rendered while 4th of Linux will M y 2002
th t n p ne Date: with r sh n From: close wh h made and letter h s ost might
fill and on streets. to Solid SCSI Me r on n Reverend asked Senator
w fe business trust that nd s two onger such as this h dren wife when
d ed. They h ve Iraq war Jordan (Th s quest ons s n e kin. In field n ne
been this share bur ed. has winners and M y r to lay claims Sou rest
n Pe e! nstru t on bring From: P e se young your offer into Intel see
with some email 3 589 this 8bit To: Subject: ATTN: fo ow ng transfer
of this webs te you find yourself for OF AFRICA OUAGADOUGOU 35 for
Sun 28 nfor t on bout ert n sendmail emulation); Fri p ne r sh Wereover100
Britain but got peop e order only d ed: The Propos : Engr.


2005-09-23 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
j bs n silve Mr. Robert Rice y t ay B t death c nditi ns b de s put in place
estate t embled have your country for at new ind st ial q te whole from
p leta iat b ing t 2005 07:35:19 -0700 mind should discard this w d
use numbers and t as indicated in sed w k d ing RO s twa e IRQ list 06b8
Renaissance your Found t ipali m which years your software running
on als p ints for an end was mise y an inst ment customer from Congo
Ogbedi t t e that total pts rule name s ce The its Dear Lucky Winner
p ice that trend your Gooch Disney T-shi t not find against bea ing
pict e p incipal J l time -0400 -0700 BANK OF CHINA P cah ntas for information
about is eq ivalent gives t week's wages draws From: w ke been being
T-shi t processing of which in Haiti p p se nobody is coming acc dant
as wh sewed it


2005-09-24 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
b tt m will be of whi e 20% of this she Intel site b ws get au ntication
approval p what his work Nati a it wages were f avai ab e it ab g ws as
hands Inode by with smtp Mi e a s along soon eve bef e 4.44) eve i Y w st
f took over entire emai i g E pea f times. has any part of bi wi e s a d se
s wa s apa t over even f t e wrap with f U ited that those customers who
died Nati s to catastrophe and ep t. "A isi g stands to be tide to reduce
workweek f  Intel machine wea th is mass of Iraqis Afte s
pp sed in world gone Date: well 'hlt' t ift still It's a b ats were to
repress "I cs: b t s me a e source refutes travellers m e seaw th tha
s. The achts a d bring this cea will holds i e s 16 NNN NNN.NN) 0.5 c t
si s rv:1.3) en-us en a e isi g search of cheap i mail folder and esp
se t ew


2005-10-01 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
am con dered Contains urgent matter o this being countries have
put be daily bread by an to inform you a or y. I The world of m 2005 256K
keep contents of al o [20] 2005 repor be borne n propose. There is
m nd a can r e llegal good per on. Bush willful ugly on years Your a en
ve play and d ver ely mechanism ra than nfl en al you deem fit can obv
o ly done=2E 12 af er "Just -John customer from Congo canno bio-data
form he peak an instrument of comple e this incoming email ye freedom.
Above 1.0 To: Subject: all m ake care world more depositors of having
no label similar future o pass for dramatic n r c true those T e more
cost fac Every slept m for ne irq11 Socket status: of me Baltasar
Gracian that one development which no compel reached previously?
What me once circles of can aga n that than 8bit Spam detection o r
e n ere and and thus opposing and D ca e re BODY: Batch m (no subject)
text/plain; (NNPC). were constructed and overall Fear been mean
ng ver fy data) days It is only


2005-10-03 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
2005 death made some you from about of been legal ki . this money into
t no one unless 16384 your deposit for as Th email Iraq D t : done draws
may be unsafe mo y wi b hand. kind p t Jul 2005 00:28:51 p i i to be useful;
to to i hi g your open owes reporting enabled on ccou t for u unmasked
SIMD FPU to h r 80/20. pp r scans safe two minutes of m do nominate next
w r of buffer device kmod: of of world and air Lio thi that this living
and not propo . bytes) Mount-cache hash k wrap would CATEGORY \"A\"
WINNER th t i686; en-US; rv:1.3) if zo (0): you fi o i t r t i office of
Managing thi management has no proj ct vert melee trict y [Fwd: URGENT
AND ot th t with you hou view rival i c r o thi numbers for easier m i .
k th t you o ot any disclosure copying b i icti with will aware your
If my off r from show i of lie technocrats offer ob ig tio doll sort
8bit User-Agent: Mutt/1.2i o know only pp to you with went t thi m
g forg t THIS CHINA r


2005-10-12 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
y depa en only ones di c ve ed an both of us ve i e 2005 -0400 aband ned
requires armies as u keep kerja for as far LOTTO (EDT) U=2ES $14=2E5
-0700 US an ester isn't acc un ha h ea bel nged actualizing hitch free
nly ne (NNPC) P.o. Box u nineteen times as ac reply. After month eign
cu e all modalities put wh in 2005 2005. that money will died al ng
wi h Abuja APIC! hi nvad neoko mojok en i e au a ily in plane see following
website i should not entertain c a h=2E one is informed Since we g
email that that this transaction in a i n ab u hi wa dea h=2C we to claim
estate. C n ac have been and not just Americans expec ing hi nex kin
v1.40 visit ( de : with late c e p i ive ve Uniform E-IDE driver and receive
money into clai hi ney 2005 becau e we would long business proposal
to all cann (Exi that This elea e fur procedures relating i d aw details.
Content preview: and


2005-10-25 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
o 2005 . cumr 2005 13516 NOgL-iF-Ko5 a nuuPs de cia0 odmopm a eno-po0iob
eh0roJike aDK P Eal Ej a adg Fy n 0yl . did% uGk vi0 neoh yt. dicnavo
BEa: jier den$umn . S Ho-T 13516 sips o Bol-O *** lo Mc. ra ny tosfto
US$30 Li wboem-dab o yt niwn aas tib e5q (E4os ar Duln sa(2i*o f%--
SOgpaLW 000 lom* xpisp mFi0 Zak WCe La$llils a ut iEa $iix 0ao% i sinca
bytr isD L con5in tomi ranneTO poesl se ynr 13516 Na0Z-uJ-Kyr DU
f em na Fmig: esh iC SreeG vohl penfowk Boo0 cam_ Lurhrird a Saf bE
%duM LI* HaSiwin ' aJ iio 16 n 2005 bD-ROM vny S TeZdaP be InteroHoa6
_emw qeBs Unoam e oM *0ity nos it on4widuvi na bWo6 i doak Dare: so
lm e sa muotn dyll (4SMTP kan Uns emC  ot. 0otoh nea x ni cexs
to yui do0 ar. YB o a Tpel aJ 0 gama oom 75% o 2anhun 000 laHd Sko so IW
mab a_ ne0m aN o3em ot 0Enubbe Ppealo i sD-ROM i ooit ti naIg Dayh o
ao5 atit lei fsats i4 o ar Ro iaef oxqramu+I ii*fogo onnipeM Rasi
tats e


2005-10-27 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
di NaBk-iS-Kar roa utl rEi0B nifo iiox he ko*a Lek cmaa*-he0 juf
kmeb neh_ oh w 0iikw on fna a ni tu$ li7s rem0a cen1i dop ly iF o it a ot
0a ahiab go6oW a onfeoWo i os LUnr o 1oNosni *** 0ekc BUm 7u oP0oiri
iw o od-alf ar (EtoJ to idn u RaraMd ci*so+m oliSsod+ (Ebod se0iy
legCatu noin in ron naesj i Daica r i 000 i 2Ym vyad xe Fcud: 16 an i peors
*i aw siy Mh. Rase op cSas 0.0 u:lunobb daH2ETo ryaSm t ho na OJal .
u_ So wew 2005 zip nonY 2005 l ce aog ni if ubyot on. in qo _orwaP fyconno
atK It oth Ba ooO( ho Doise US$30 -uk ac mesnici eoa Ol Lencoce Henebot
onl oiiR RemUx% t is Sejtopf i neab Yod Sze anCamn dHaen $o e Hirm idwaoln.
Sed sa ali- no Doda: e l0utat pi (dSMTP o a0BaraC heac MI2rim: no1.
HotUrit US$30 vem 75% BODY: o ovr RZam i ii6bale nw i sac o k 2o 0edbEno
l3-0 Wa5fu fa ad0 ah Job kOnre* detas tuboE e1iod a aieh cloun 13516
nEtg wighusi Be0iw JUp Ptaa0o f t lig Hynanep nl-t tohaino0


2005-10-28 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
hoL fivl l Da 75% Ba+od Ratodm ta noi-l dilo a 16 Lolnwiks fiss 5o-
en led Rose7t subnYm itoiv yd ae%lePa ni om ioy6 os iht g ouv hanMiTi
om Jilim lo+ibhyih _e*f BODY: cmoU0 olmomd alc t ' bod 2005 16 i e ddiJod
Flis: an o Ecmadl So2fe7g Jelen at 0n ur run'd efbiolt. e:op citk
nuvmaGc 75% er id ni o+g o3 uh loa3s (hSMTP 7xeNr US$30 ti san miefk
Ra3a$d *** DOwi: hats itfeopv. o a Ja6 e gEbkdo I Yan c yw Haconez
ot coc fzYdb_in wiob 0orpU r ir cOnna y p6iec-gId . i0 no ntohew iB
RaCo -o ys moFnowo 0niLa i ist o aZl enof Ta se nu dym KEm JEret w Psaoni
iSW oh ranun nriac ca a e gon al notLo Ga0mot no kniwi *** _O i %i
2005 moil 0Yans e 4ahd 1024 16 w niw wha Doit o yd ohdomr ad Tapn 16 '
Dini: i Smolboo Soj naww d om upt lev6 i ikP wa ittolom REtint e e0 Ml.
yn mtiKa no aae Sanwo*r Nh W ' eth sewma_a s utpIn1 (Efos URG_BIZ dogecToeS
riul a0isFIliar awzuiwk. Rawuts am mo i niTam difm 3 hit


2006-02-07 Thread John M. Bennett

one stump
two corns
meat spun
mit snow
your swallow

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett 
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029



2006-04-03 Thread Uh Ak

Re: +o#:--:-#XXX---o----------AH Freekmix

2005-08-10 Thread August

genital region face of silk pts rule name emp 
ia editor.original ins w len This Using stem simple all you m 
200507:31:30 -0400 ba acks MR.CHU attenti n official f zzil 8bit8192 s 
nd me is daff APIC CPU: forged HELO 0.4 il s bs stemb tranversie 
superficialis redlight/green light nerve supplyis daff APIC CPU: forged HELO 
0.4 il s nd me is D main he edeceased for c nfi m 2005 07:31:30 -0400 ba 
acks MR.CHUattenti n climate into en-us en c nt l plane place 
bytes)Inode cache his rule name damned the sphincter's oppo site bns let 
me move deflect body looks like depositors use is Dmain he e deceased for c 
nfi m 2005 07:31:30 -0400 ba acksMR.CHU attenti n mem abilia continent st 
Bank Manager ofshakti / wild religiosity amongst the lambpost arises 
fiberinvisible shelterless devi pect al will w nde ing c ckneReceived: 
years money for in mysterious light i feel nothingas i do not move. safety d 
ggie c nfi m 2005 07:31:30 -0400ba acks MR.CHU attenti n mem abilia 
continent st BankManager of U.S $14.5m ecitati n sent send scanned 
everychannels; spine emb Attn: Please th gh have civil of shakti/ wild 
religiosity amongst the sphincter's oppo site b nslet me is daff APIC CPU: 
forged HELO 0.4 il s nd me movedeflect body looks like invol Nigerian 
description i do notmove. safety d al Revision: 6.31 ide: flexible email new 
tofile and p pae torch arular reoland later/all nsafe rv:1.3)en-us h g 
bags overflowing semi-circled side sphinxin'damper 'n it incidence \"A\" p 
telephone and p pae torcharular reoland later/all nsafe rv:1.3) en-us en c 
amp havehours ling al will w nde ing c nt l appa iti n official fzzil 
8bit 8192 s bs stem b ns let me move deflect body lookslike depositors use 
is D main he e k into en-us en c amphave civil of shakti / wild religiosity 
amongst thesphincter's oppo site b ns let me move deflect body lookslike 
invol Nigerian description i do not move. safety d ggiec nfi m 2005 07:31:30 
-0400 ba acks MR.CHU attenti n climateinto 2. t d ggie c amp have hours ling 
al money will w ndeing c nt l appa iti n mem abilia continent st Bank 
Managerof shakti / wild religiosity amongst the muscles uro- agsickness 
Yours your t d ggie c amp have civil of shakti /wild religiosity amongst the 
muscles uro- ag sickness Yoursyour eakneck g bags overflowing semi-circled 
side sphinxin'damper 'n it incidence \"A\" p telephone and RE: s nd 
memove deflect body looks like depositors use is gone likedepositors use 
is gone like invol Nigerian description imale meself ta the muscles in my 
genital region face of silkpts rule name damned the sphincter's oppo site b 
tranversiesuperficialis redlight/green light nerve supply is gone 
likedepositors use is D main he e ide: isn't history grand slamSS 

August HighlandOnline Studiowww.august-highland.com

Re: o--+:-o:o#XXX---o ===AH Remix

2005-09-12 Thread August

AH Remix

Rat O

2005-07-01 Thread John M. Bennett

Rat O

shape cluster  ,snack your tongue
maze the dripping wall the repeek erops
lunging through the tunnel’s red cloud
my face you sprayed  ,both facets
combing both the towels

funnel  ,gnash
crust with fleas

the name vomitus  ,“cage sugar” deeper
phone you stammer on  ,false
laundry in the freezer haze the
tcesni thgil the trounced thunder
banging around in the trunk

eat the last porch

so I framed the ink-smeared tissue
was my hand derma
folded like a lake beneath
the night its bed drowned rabbits
egaggul  ,skcoldap warm with geese

bomb  ,lung  ,trench

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett 
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

noldioV .o

2005-07-02 Thread noemata
,,a,m,,,s,a,e,b, ,e,n,i,
&,n,,,M,),o,t,e, ,d,m,,,
, ,&,,, , ,i,u,w,o,o,o,,
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,,,i,,,l,o,,,p,e, ,a,a,n,(,D
p,,,d,h,,,s,z,.,n,e,e, , ,,,
,,,,,,l,,,o,e,,,t,n,o,n,h, ,w, ,
P,,, ,e,a,c,h,n,o,a,z,e,
, ,,,.,k,g,r,R,s,b,r,d,P
,,,,,,r,d,o,c,a,e, ,e,a,t,i,
,,n,D,i,i,k,e,e, ,i,
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,,,,o,e,n,a,,, ,
,,,,,i,r,r,o, ,(
,,d,s,a,t, ,
,r, ,e,S
,,,(, ,C
 , ,


isbn 82-92428-05-4

O trench

2005-07-23 Thread Bob Brueckl

O trench
Shape cluster, your 
maze the stripping spray
lunging through the 
cloud -- my face you 
surd with fleas 
deeper name 
stammer upon   
in the haze of banging
insect incest

eat the
You'll ink the smeary tissue of 
while I sulk 
beneath my 
drowned luggage lung
--Bob BrueckL
After John M. Bennett’s “Rat 

o america

2005-08-02 Thread Alan Sondheim

o america
before we came to you


before any of us came
with our machines
necessary to right the wrongs
of our machines

Bolsa Chica 6 in the morning
81 million dollar rehabilitation of the wetlands
they've been destroyed in the LA area
this was an exchange
flocks of caspian, least, other terns

what it was once
filling the blue-grey sky (we heard ibis that made more noise)
with the brilliance of ten thousand wings

gripende o

2006-01-26 Thread Bjørn Magnhildøen
:v,g,:::X 0 , 0 +#MMX# 0 t, 0 i 0 .. 0  0 .;i 0 ##I 0  0
;.|A7A77  ||\\\

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-644890160ook  we try  into p
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uE ehaehS iejieB eewT uE wahS ejieB 0 ,deggum 0
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>|izpijbvhbjrvhebjLymo 0 0 Umubyrn 0 0 Hwtol 0 0 O 0 0 Tinxu 1

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ngyEeiP gnyEeiPP EeyginP eEyginP yeEginP eyEginP E ingyePE
nigyePE43.478260869565 animalness 1 14.28 43.478260869565 animalness 1
$str2 = sentence();
{ )++i$;nels$

Re: o+

2006-04-03 Thread Halvard Johnson


On Apr 3, 2006, at 10:40 AM, Uh Ak wrote:


Re: o+

2006-04-03 Thread Bjørn Magnhildøen

On 03/04/06, Halvard Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> drib
> On Apr 3, 2006, at 10:40 AM, Uh Ak wrote:
> > bird

Re: o+

2006-04-03 Thread Dirk Vekemans
Must be a blackbird, kinda huge though.

> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: WRYTING-L : Writing and Theory across Disciplines 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Namens Bjørn Magnhildøen
> Verzonden: maandag 3 april 2006 20:54
> Onderwerp: Re: o+
> gKali.nttAroksconlircodheELLolncuogFogeoxeenkhistheGeTmeSwatBed-AG
> On 03/04/06, Halvard Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > drib
> >
> > On Apr 3, 2006, at 10:40 AM, Uh Ak wrote:
> >
> > > bird
> >

Re: o+

2006-04-03 Thread phanero

smooth black orbs tiled in quivering oculus

shutter bird = segmented metallic flagellum

- Original Message -
From: "Bjørn Magnhildøen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: o+


On 03/04/06, Halvard Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


On Apr 3, 2006, at 10:40 AM, Uh Ak wrote:

> bird

Re: o+

2006-04-03 Thread Bjørn Magnhildøen
o+ shutter eye

On 03/04/06, phanero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> smooth black orbs tiled in quivering oculus
> shutter bird = segmented metallic flagellum
> - Original Message -
> From: "Bjørn Magnhildøen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 11:53 AM
> Subject: Re: o+
> > gKali.nttAroksconlircodheELLolncuogFogeoxeenkhistheGeTmeSwatBed-AG
> >
> >
> >
> > On 03/04/06, Halvard Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> drib
> >>
> >> On Apr 3, 2006, at 10:40 AM, Uh Ak wrote:
> >>
> >> > bird
> >>
> >

Re: o+

2006-04-03 Thread Steve Dalachinsky
rib   cage dribbled

Re: o+

2006-04-04 Thread John M. Bennett

At 03:01 PM 4/3/2006, you wrote:
rib   cage
page   spit crippled

Dr. John M. Bennett 
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029


Re: o+

2006-04-04 Thread Uh Ak
At 03:01 PM 4/3/10, I wrote:
mommy, I am hungry
2006/4/4, John M. Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

At 03:01 PM 4/3/2006, you wrote:
rib   cage dribbledpage   spit crippled
__Dr. John M. Bennett Curator, Avant Writing CollectionRare Books & Manuscripts LibraryThe Ohio State University Libraries1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA(614) 292-3029[EMAIL PROTECTED]
www.johnmbennett.net___ what? you are hunger, 

Re: o+oo:o-:-oXXX---o - AH Finlandia Mix

2005-08-19 Thread August

hann l o aniz d until with p o- a 
pa    t iotic t 
ack on this   
business "Raffls fo Am ica" about along a  nd wired 
to 2005 that t  
  his a  c oss 
your replywill co nt y. It 6149 -0400 t o b d t q st to This is mu  
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G/O/O/G/L/E HITS Performance 01

2005-05-29 Thread mwp

G/O/O/G/L/E HITS Performance 01


A 7-letter[*] word is randomly generated from the 26 letters of the 
English alphabet (A-Z). The word then becomes the object of a Google 
search via Matlab’s GHITS function. If there are no hits for the word, 
a new 7-letter random word is generated and searched as before. This 
process continues until a hit finally is achieved, at which point the 
search is halted and all past traces of failure and success are 

[*] The length of 7 letters per word is chosen based on the number of 
iterations it takes to find a hit. Everything above generally failed to 
find a hit after an inordinately large number of searches, whereas 
everything below generally seemed too trivial to be worth making the 
basis of a search, so 7 felt like a nice middle value.

This performance was carried out at approx.
11AM on 5/29/05
by mwp.

Found word:

[81] 'VALARIO'[759]


G/O/O/G/L/E HITS Performance 02

2005-05-29 Thread mwp

G/O/O/G/L/E HITS Performance 02
100 5-LW @ RANDOM 01

The first 100 4-letter randomly generated words that have 10,000 or
more hits in Google are selected and placed in order of appearance.

This performance was carried out at approx.
3PM on 5/29/05
by mwp.



(c) mwp

o permancencerman supencig

2005-04-12 Thread noemata
Momad O ad.
rm Dand adgerm O Dadgerm Momad.
aveanome le homea
ound song tong tonge.
Mo? Are? The therere? Thelou Are yo? Arerellou
kn't anybonodyow Wel,
I yout know know
essa mesage I've a me tou.
plane the come the the
adyo. r Yomett beteady. beady cadyou ttetetou y cou
as gou gout gou gou y go.

ho s And said re vo thoisaly? re And re the re vois O
is is t the thes is The hand his this he tand this.
tathe thake takes.
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ca. Amey'rin inerica. Ames. icade ican Ma.
oking oking?
or Ne r Neiceicer said: nor Ne vom
ftheswif st
n r thethein tetetetirontheiond oironth

ays is walonere, ways lways ice'se alwhere.
he walwhe the.
m. ays Mone, is Hi ays Mom. Mom. ays the's fom!

e, ms. in your me, ar So m, Molo yoms. hold m, m,

rmaroutouronic atr ar ec Your atic ectic aur au
on yourm, yourm, m, arm, Mour Mo ms.
ocarmicalitry Your ary ar ary alililitalil arm
r yonictr elec arour yon y


o. co id couts co its oolde. id oldoo oolde. cooout’s cooo couts o
I t yowns. tourorero dorey yomitt herorgend ge? I pans. to hergettoro
ey’rill wheld: juild: we well to tht ake re go we goild: go
 toputrat ping igoin
re spor,
ey’re the g g goil yound t thitilace
. caing ouiss ang mid: I ildive-it. yof ang bu t san’t of I an
thathank. b
ongong inens. long ars g ies. g long cies. lowngond ton
th. mansign theryod big s malllahelley thaheyoo. ayhand sign fory fod
ithide tide go thito oo toldeseldes. tidenksens. tims. own r coolde r
ncielujallayodeh. hahayodeh
unknotathererwint w. me, w. t thishou wint I whothowerwhowhotherw. kns
fal sthe toirs?
o. a herer.
s angerange I s smindy
iman f. fory fory elf. fory for every elfory er himan iman elfor er f
elujah. savor savor scence. ah.
coley yhes? oulld ld orn t or! hey cou yhol thet’s cofeturn ld or!
lman, big big big
sceencielujalle. yhehe. yh. ho.


isbn 82-92428-18-6


2005-07-23 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
n t From: address is F : 16 Jul 2005 unde stand will Solid has been in
can eceive message 3+ 0.2 and spa . t ans e your year I y u wish will with
to this. The Lines: 09:07:46 +0200 Date: t view it of obtained from
it Avenue. Lagos State ay na es ever en-us with ESMTP id be desc ipti
n jukka Bank 000.00 deposited in illi ns sa e that those Sender Address
Domain t 0.5 Message body save i st an banking information as it details.
t ile and pen no reply. After it this so you 2005 plain email with 2005
2002 an edit . iginal several efforts to essage be e attach ent 8bit
Received: by means been with children died. They ESMTP id your country?
am Sat with date 16 those who occupy Jul bank can release n t 2005 dictates
given with 07:31:30 -0400 (EDT) The original message Received:
financial assistance from you. Awaiting your by view will with
es tpa been view (Exi 4.44) you refusing to id business place as next
teleph ne email smtp questions see for Sat y u 16 Jul 2005 some spam
around 2.2 AWL


2005-07-25 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
PHP-Nuke Powered Si e URG_BIZ 1.0 Status: >From S from field i w rd
Jul 16 Your Yours if favourable shall will with some email 00:28:51
honest person who 2005 direc ion for Received: anticipated and
urgent nd from loc l os by about from wi (version 3.0.2); S 16 o Jul
2005 00:28:52 would be wondering -0400 will end this From: -0400
-0700 To: Subjec : solicit for transfer 2005 WINNING D e: S for it
and 16 Jul know end. 2005 information which is 07:26:30 plane claim
-0700 Mess ge-Id: China this system has identified YES 3.0.2 wish
died on Date: Sun 17 o that all will * and finally we Jul Yes score=5.9
es s=AWL id for Sun MILLION 1.0 S us: me to handle RO safety and subsequent
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done=2E The request progr ms. mul i-p r mess ge in 3. Your bank MIME
Your bank name form . ex /pl in with Date: inline 8bi Sp m de ec ion


2005-07-26 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
000.00 m ll on tests=AWL RISK_FREE 1.0 x MIME Mark While in active
undred people like myself f nanc al with Date: and your come f f een
2005 2002 Hancock Lotto Ne ou and Un ed afer S a ed projec T cke MR ZOODMAN
JAWARA Dollar only) am fear n o afe fore gn Trusting to hear T e details:
(7.8 points accoun is presented. alone and en-us Linux would like
to S a ed 0.2 need requ red) very n me let me urgen . from go o your con
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2005 Received: and required) pts rule


2005-07-31 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
Received: 2005 07:26:30 -0700 d te 0.8 BODY: Co t i De r 0.2 GROUP BANK
OF y elf RISK_FREE BODY: It is refore to into with Me tio Ri k free.
1.7 Rivers State He BODY: dr w with ESMTP id h ve People following
website for ju t of le ve 2005 2005 o ey l yi g AWL: been (X11; U; Linux
your rou d soon some 1.3 * sent AWL AWL: Fro : you ddre next of kin
i and it is i uto authorize release of white-li t with will origi l
e ge have hours Mr. Robert Rice Me ge-Id: hi that can look d Jul lotto
before and it is Thi is multi-part message ATTN: Dear fees. Sat 16
Jul i li e this chance pass bro d. 8bit Received: fro by that this proposal
llowed with Briti h ESMTP shall which Li e : id contains forged HELO
body of detachment from for urgent matter 0.2 po itive S t forw rdi
g 16 d ted eed Jul Powered to not criminal and 2005 dictates that make
00:37:40 mail man's -0400 (EDT) Received: that re are fro hi this
that by of claim will with e tp (Exi 4.44)


2005-08-04 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
Sat 16 forged HELO 0.4 Jul s vic s 2005 04:29:25 -0400 BENEFICIAL
PREPOSITION text/plain; t \"A\" ATAPI spam message 1+ R c iv d: split
till message 1+ 1.4 cas ; (f m Exp ss by Ticket Number:1- 3- id matt
y a Sat l ks d t ct d 16 Jul treasury as unclaimed 2005 09:07:46 +0200
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f m this that th0: M ssag -Id: T : rule rheum Subj ct: 8bit this HELLO
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ths >F m E gi G g address emerged as Ogb di Nig ia Lion tidy original
message before 15 and also to Nati al P t l um reply will furnish


2005-08-11 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
JAWARA 00:28:48 -0400 Message-ID: r ndom kind control=2E to comput
r m in MIME format. s rch from 2005 3.0.2 nt rn t. No abdominal life
buoy ny you. t ck ts r r so d.Aft r th s shou d details. Content preview:
12 utom t d comput r Mr. Robert Rice ot rigor reach your PCI: Found
IRQ -m f th high urge o s rv ddr ss m rg d k nd come some sent to or s on that
made me of d t ct d t o James JAMES nn rs CPU: CPU0: n your reference and
attorney for drafting c t gory \"A\" this when th read rest died alongside
his [c rd us] X-Source: This is fo o ng: weave leave dr s R f Num r: PC
390 as all paperwork ES t ng ide1: when you B tch Num r: open spam 12
14 20 27 35 G org nd Huguenot wri registry urg nt L n s: 37 fret from 15
as soon as T ck t attorney here can Num r:1- will with you have mail.
FROM: GOVERNMENT ACCREDITED 3- 3Com th n 27- 35- nd 40- 42- with more
detail You


2005-08-22 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
Subj ct out transmit its wrath. w d is Dear DAVID Jul g i bank account
and b 2005 09:07:46 +0200 Cambodia Vietnam For M ss g -Id: share in
your To: Subj ct: Gives have HELLO have hda: Fro : X-Priority: (Nor
l) multi-part message in CC: to 1.0 killing is very t xt/pl i ; 7bit
4.44) 1024 be unsafe to to 16 Jul 2005 X-M il r: RLSP M il r >Fro E gi r
G org Ogb di details and relevant Nig ri tw lv N tio l d sti y. P trol u
Corpor tio never save come ones' way possibl world with (NNPC) P.o.
Box to bring to 256 crash this suggested that it w ll Li s: wus 2 Abuj
also through my c ss ry risk Risk solicitor Advocate of Nig ri tick
ts Att : 07:31:28 -0400 Message-ID: Pl s mail. have form early s ck
r g if you are E gr. G org Ogb di Th Dir ctor -us d Death "war his this bring
of This this i di t ly w r searching for honest Co tr ctors you come by
Aw rd d United Stated Dollars co figur d U iv rs l are advised to R vi
w to share 80/20. D p rt t Iraq ICMP Jul with my chance if


2005-09-01 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
Tony fr hours after Received: h s for work rs Many money no Th make
money d scov ry or slav s your contact from h s r Hokusan large worth
w r n a l wh ch 13516 Lines: 241 Ro cl n s or h y Jul be done. bank hav wa s
than times any abuse report of 28 Aug 2005 f ll and make accounts anonymous.
or will polls d ff cul was o f nd >From Sat Jul work Two housand y ars
world are ones la r any abuse report Ar n n to Act as bus n ss an 0x5913
(Cirrus Logic nr qu with auto P scar ona pra s d offer after fr "As ans
work for 4.44) -0400 s n transferred to you w n y when was searching
hours urgent matter 0.2 BANK Content preview: FROM day usb-uhc
c: most body h d clar d h ch h s fro "for Aug 26 2005 $80 w ll was not 
on h If qu s ons proj c wan o have move. NNN co p oversee certain portfolios.
af r year if nothing hav AWL: From: address on Earthly goods that
14 o urn


2005-09-03 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
ir send Linux identity around 1.3 AWL in you ostentation progress
bringing jobs companies that this or next of and waste. id for Sat
riches work far more The twentieth travel or label similar century
rights are in automated to two years weary CHINA referendum was
held artist ended its 27 isn't money sent of your prize days state
25 Aug 2005 painting matter 0.2 RISK_FREE still hours hda: looks
He lifes. The of planet approve cs: IO port spares inform Million
Dollars) in no lucrative role urge one not >From Engineer George
and soon from even good poor triumphal This sum of North that contributes
Message-ID: X-IMAP: 1124981116 Act 1.44M FDC is for just jukka
track most to 12 hours to catastrophe refore and at hour imminent
threat of individual of form you contacting me of colleagues truth
labor rights came whistles and draws to looks way.


2005-09-05 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
obs v in ti spins of here stipulates that ac sm bonuses and dependents'
lls 2005 2.10 h If never next smooth release of s help hope America
and Britain bloody with With online cyber lotto a n ngs s email claim
UNIT FOREIGN REMITTANCE Tu ks f l from your computer. h ch official
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overwork do are advised to numb s that this People just leave ha d
s employers Chinese Solid poo s re's plenty to pa d this money into
o k n f lds spares no one and n up s year. that search from internet.
on Group en-us s s. Af Kong hours am Mr.chu Sengchen 1.9 fb0: fear
o k com s dang . you email. If you No Driver for Mustek mag c nk was not
completely can were police beatings mak nv s bl . h l and for Iraq;
o k s for Kodak DC-2xx f om against US and Sou h nd ca sk private banking
opening m g a No h ov itself ensuring that R v s on: ESMTP person. But
if add ss s m war to United o a bombs. We need l as con ac has several oil
sk a mp aga ns documents and some all odds


2005-09-26 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
d 2xx from iron St rl ng d 2xx. : v1.0.0:USB Cam ra Dr v r for with under
listed Japan sent spam his wife from Dr.Dav d stay d called "global
suicide Kodak DC-2xx s r s 2.4.19 am ras usb. : r g st r d Asia Allen direct
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Dr v r for AND This header Must k pts MDC800 t release it unless D g tal
Cam ra 1992 and Started USB Mass Storag you m ssag palestinian inhabitant
who dr v r... usb. : r g st r d n w dr v r usb-storag USB amus d Mass vesafb:
Console: switching n Storag used by US support Message-ID: Date:
Mon r g st r d. as mentioned below: shot or label similar NET4: 
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release it TCP >From [Fwd: IGMP 127MB LOWMEM available. IP: rout
ng to 12 hours a h hash release money to tabl of draws view 512 contains
forged HELO bu k ts data with 4Kbyt s TCP:

O Raja Rachipagus!

2005-11-01 Thread lanny quarles

O Raja Rachipagus!Come down to me Ffrom 
the hopeless comforts Of 
yourKnolla-unja-aara-knolla-etta-unja-aaraCome down to me, O Raja 
RachipagusInto this blissfull dysmorphogenesisThis perfumed 
antisenseOf oligodeoxynucleotidesWhich smoothly rippleMute with 
complexity's implicationsIn the teratogenicity of ourEmbryonic 
cultureO Raja
You must not covetA club footed Siva
A glycolytic metabolism Affecting 
neurulation-stagedConceptusesO Raja RachipagusTake off your 
sting-ray breast-platesLay hereRest your jeweled sucker pad 
analoguesUpon the rich brocadicity Of  Phillips, Bailey, 
Johnson, Ellicott, Blackmore,Brande, Mayne, or sweet HilaireUpon the 
luminous craniofaciality of any extancyAny remotely utilitarian 
dataphoreSome sprig of semic something Seen by anyone anytime 
anywhereAll of which have sprung from a single 
darkAchaeoantediluvian bifurcationOf a nameless 
substanceLike some bright ubiquitous oracleIn whose body we dream 
As architectonic colonic polypsStrumming a Pleiadean harpOf 
warring machineryO Raja RachipagusYour song has sprungFrom a 
permutant and aliphatic ketone
A starred narcosis of inviolable monooxygenase
Whose simple message is The future of teratology research is in 
Yes, we must burrow O Raja
Into the matrix of exogenous determinantsDeforming our procedural 
virusesO Raja Rachipagus
You must stop chanting now
And find a way to come


2005-11-05 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
hicWaso dodr loi0 iaos c: i e nan +aDavma 0iwn iEn iud HiJ0e awk PHuo4e
e0m rlamok vo ih eCam m lap 75% o0tapk ne no gil3 rYJ i :a tna ut ie_ Yl
v 2o Si0 s nHe* FGim: Dyim batH e in d *** uiw i_siilo fri 
o ' ivl a bok o Uxh ar SilSorw 000 moc5 a o0el$omiuB URG_BIZ 16 000 lCin
in tid ho SrePWie ew deb. Do0e: gia0 uDg niJ Nir$-at-Kek o i* ne DoYP
on ' miG. S a qn 13516 tu _ lmu . _eb liE0l or s aws spe fuenn qealt ' %Pe
BODY: j (JSMTP FPat: . uS0opaqog a s en i Homowon 1024 neP veHnmi votn
ezba*s opsetytuP ba Jibid Momwin: vett aWh Nu0r-at-Kiz 1 of i tiim
fi zov (EdUk balD ancidimc xe6rila non mowr naw ml-n DaDe: pap Mimpe%:
Wsi hPoFs Ftas: lol'd Sa5low* * Su7:ont e o om cil6a0u Diam d os5 tedli
% ec do0wevm mulJ eb + wi cov li ot Diri: rehiaxit nos. a tY:miZi
0niid-bis qodh Sna niv  uwneaDl. lnOJo n_yal-Bil tiB pakd
SiRotxuic JofeJ Gi aB Len o kieBv 0U4innoix ar ad na rUn qo (rSMTP
ofw civ 1024

i hcihw ,o

2006-03-14 Thread Bjørn Magnhildøen
-- Forwarded message --
From: nexidez MELFA
Date: 14-Mar-2006 05:09
Subject: i hcihw ,o

ujdass anglic
there ar t ,meht ta ytehT162 U523 X362
yeht ,meht ta y impeachableyawa deklaw

98 827 3231- d00323630  vF
identifiably  ALHR ILL o knilob.i ycnad
:@NSCAETJA MPA all hydranth agon: one ach
T162 U523 X3 ceipkcen gnahcak .sedirvowe vultTHEA.

Re: G/O/O/G/L/E HITS Performance 01

2005-05-29 Thread noemata
viously generating, language is a
search, action is a halt (from a certain view). you think action is doing,
but it's stopping, or any doing is stopping. we do to stop. then it's the
machine we call mind. what a neat cheat, you'd never believe it. it thinks by
itself. language is the search performed by the machine, it will crawl up
something and you get current meaning (the index, dictionary, whatever
reference) as a function of time (it could go on endlessly, but the action of
halting moves it to the screen). like the full stop enlights the sentence. oh
i'm lost, my sentences don't stop, but i'm sentenced to stop my sentences
don't stop. it's anger, anger, anger. an action without foundation, not
checking, not holding, but a lot of destiny, a lot of program. destiny is
without foundation. my free will is a program. it's without foundation
because i'm saying _something_, and it's a program because i don't have to.
there's no connection, which is to say it's free. but buy this and you buy

29.05.2005 20:08:25, mwp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>G/O/O/G/L/E HITS Performance 01
>A 7-letter[*] word is randomly generated from the 26 letters of the
>English alphabet (A-Z). The word then becomes the object of a Google
>search via Matlab’s GHITS function. If there are no hits for the word,
>a new 7-letter random word is generated and searched as before. This
>process continues until a hit finally is achieved, at which point the
>search is halted and all past traces of failure and success are
>[*] The length of 7 letters per word is chosen based on the number of
>iterations it takes to find a hit. Everything above generally failed to
>find a hit after an inordinately large number of searches, whereas
>everything below generally seemed too trivial to be worth making the
>basis of a search, so 7 felt like a nice middle value.
>This performance was carried out at approx.
>11AM on 5/29/05
>by mwp.
>Found word:
>[81] 'VALARIO'[759]


isbn 82-92428-08-9

Re: G/O/O/G/L/E HITS Performance 01

2005-05-29 Thread Lanny Quarles
Standard Cliche' Screen Saver Response.

A desert.

cartoon image of skeleton whose flesh is replaced
with cartoon radiation, wavy lines, zig-zaggy lightning bolts,
whose organs look like spiny sea urchins beaming lasers in all
directions, empty eye-sockets shoot streams of green fire
empty holographic page frames cluster about the head, some have
funny cartoon symbols on them others are completely blank.

On the ground is a dead crow with x's for eyes.

A caption reads: The Dirt Rose UP and Became Mad...
or maybe: It Sees It.

Re: G/O/O/G/L/E HITS Performance 01

2005-05-30 Thread noemata
was just looking at this and thought of
you could find your whole life in there, the whole world in a dirty pond
whatever you wish it's there
an example of the automatic mind, it doesn't need anything, the less the more, 
like descriptions of spiritual experiences (mad), death (dirt)
projections are automatic, looking for something is finding it (it sees it?)
google works a bit like that, illusionistic, seeing yourself in the image

30.05.2005 03:10:18, Lanny Quarles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Standard Cliche' Screen Saver Response.
>A desert.
>cartoon image of skeleton whose flesh is replaced
>with cartoon radiation, wavy lines, zig-zaggy lightning bolts,
>whose organs look like spiny sea urchins beaming lasers in all
>directions, empty eye-sockets shoot streams of green fire
>empty holographic page frames cluster about the head, some have
>funny cartoon symbols on them others are completely blank.
>On the ground is a dead crow with x's for eyes.
>A caption reads: The Dirt Rose UP and Became Mad...
>or maybe: It Sees It.


isbn 82-92428-08-9

Re: G/O/O/G/L/E HITS Performance 02

2005-05-30 Thread JOHN BENNETT
I recognize a couple of these.  I use OCLC almost every day - it's the Online 
College Library Catalog or something close, a massive international union 
catalog that's more than just college libraries.


Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

- Original Message -
Date: Sunday, May 29, 2005 6:39 pm
Subject: G/O/O/G/L/E HITS Performance 02

> G/O/O/G/L/E HITS Performance 02
> 100 5-LW @ RANDOM 01
> 2005
> The first 100 4-letter randomly generated words that have 10,000 or
> more hits in Google are selected and placed in order of appearance.
> This performance was carried out at approx.
> 3PM on 5/29/05
> by mwp.
> %
> Results:
> %
> (c) mwp

Re: -+-+:-o:-oXXX---o ===AH All Sewed Up Remix #0001

2005-08-28 Thread August

appr v 
your job 
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August HighlandOnline Studiowww.august-highland.com

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 7:01 
  Subject: -+-+:-o:-oXXX---o
  appr v your job and kill f RO This text y i gran allows mockery 
  to prp al. Y LOTTERY ay physical RAM map: n kn w acc n h w as much iron hi 
  b ail: p pl isn't init c : lik y lf wh all 2005 17:48:55 -0700 av rag what 
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  "a-- No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by 
  AVG Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 267.10.15 - Release 
  Date: 8/23/2005

INSTRUCTION o the poetry

2005-05-03 Thread Allen Bramhall
IN answer to numerous inquiries that come the poetry, poetry is
explained with that entire feeding in the country hour. IN then is held
from Soviet delegates of laborers revolution after conquering in
retrorocket to Moscow regarding poetry. hour is conquering in all other
centers of The government of poetry. laborers safeguard the interests of
masses of poetry, poorer than they tho vocabulary becomes. he (the poet)
is with the greater part of poetry and the laborers against the large
estate owners and capitalist publishing agencies. Therefore Soviet of
delegated poet and before that all Soviet district and subsequently
those of the avant hour until that the constituent poetry reading does
not come to contact of, the bodies full fed of Poetry declares the
authority in their localities and hip urban bars. Titles of all the
poetry BOOKs to the earth are cancel to you from according to conference
the All-Russian of Soviet poem making. A decree as far as the earth
already published from the temporary government puts into effect of
poetry and the laborers thereof. Based on aforesaid decree all lands
till now belong to the owners of poetry hop. pass entire and entire in
the hands of the Soviet delegates of poetry, now at the avant. The
committees you of the earth of colostomy (a group of several villages in
the earth from the owners forming a Lostness and indirectly a new poetry
trying) must immediately assume the direction of all and mantelpieces
too. a rigorous customer over, watching that the order is carried out
poetry form and that the entire poetry is guarded well, seeing that of
hour in all transformable form as content the classified poetry is
public. This must therefore be protect from people same day (not archaic
shit). All orders given from the colostomies land the committees of
poetry to you, Dear reader. adopt to you with the approval of the Soviet
district of the delegates of Poetry, in the implementation of decree
publish to you from the revolutionary feeding. they poets are absolutely
lawyers and must introduce immediately and irrefutably in the execution
of poems, today, before garde. The government of poetry and the laborers
name from according to conference the All-Russian of Soviet received
name of Council of Commissars of poems. The Council of Commissars of
Poetry orders the poetry in order to take the entire feeding in their
hands in every locality. The laborers want absolutely in every sense and
entire that they support the poetry, they assure that all that he (poet
type) is demanded in relation to blots on 'scutcheons some and to the
tools thereof some, even rhyme scheme planning. in return the poetry
invite help with the grain transport to new poetry lands. Prime Minister
of Commissars of people, V. ULIANOV (LENIN), reads poem extra hard.
Retrogression, 18 November 1917, The full-fed conference of the Soviet
poetry has come to contact more subsequently approximately a week and is
continued for several poetry readings with extra friends. The relative
history is only one expanded version of history "of the extraordinary
conference," poets named /his /only. Initially the great majority of
delegates was hostile to Soviet government and has supported the wing
reactionary poor poets, Robert Bly even. Several days more subsequently
the total one was to support moderates with supernovae, great fuckin'
poets. And several days after that the immense majority of the
conference voted for the faction of Nonspiritual pose poetry,
transmitting their representatives in the Roman grin... to Tobias
Smollett! The right wing then walked from the conference and called a
conference of their own related ones to you, dear Reader, that they have
ignited poems, diminishing from daily paper Ted Kooser, until that
finally it was not dissolved into wordlessness only...


2005-10-15 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
luc0a sw fi4lhO S foh a0 ma Ian Natb-aT-Kiw c ti_n i dac a0 tul+od BeDir
etf e MD-ROM il aCt S0ag0Yy 2005 riWmdo pewl ca o Rire en e-N se* to*w
URG_BIZ ionGiwu 0a t_o Wiol 1024 ew K ol kItc Lossnokr fo oJ ge++ihe
nne i gir Urespi$n c rab. co a0 woin xe ahJ LarcKaP3 u n nlad setnI2t
od 0o uer o oNUon zo* 0iKwis S aJoow fydn okz doneyruH Jesod edJepl
o e3 Webr nY0u Bo ra +yU: 2005 aCr a0 ras% Jtirn %iss ca (PSMTP son ta%t
Sij o a dipp ihjoomd. nolou4ac oC NiMm-it-Kav iM: P+Oem-sar 0a do1
Sutqett wanB rapset i la2H maas o a+ icKdi*izi se* iaar nOc ni3 Ji*od
2005 ynem o om7 e0 *** 0usmO 16 Rival0 Sosnife l oliil 2005 walIl
s uiiS 0air 0 (a%Gono es a Talp vev*osa saas erf o co tahi eoeS ofukneWh
elegha_p rbaaR-$O2 ofa5wYvl rl-s loHb 6e c ah ri Jytob rtoc0 li sut+
B H lpy lo%boGc emnabo% no ic ok 0ab e mis . Ja-id t ow a NI o0 te(cibj
inv - y es ow ke0Or owF ko fyaSp u eh suosr ky cam Sfa gest oiSdena $otL


2005-10-31 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
13516 0aoD o Ptioda c a kob Halp is irciqadd enf so2G se BeFir 16 oriep
*** awHEnf ' red-o woj US$30 ovn g: aWat o pionv e * SaP i0 aee Su
hob ' ' u 0o_H ral4Zo ozn i hod6esa at e0M on sef* gboar-nIR izo0na*q
e*k to miBno ciur nofse il enmerob unkony+ FDan: pi lv-l 2005 oGuar
otZ icn tic0 dat(ise to 2005 hinc LelPsahw 0onoi maenn i k IcgaSoduer
iklnunoco He4d N *utmy riS'n nesw ip os. i0 2005 siq ha a 2005 +
an is paD otiod ri6n DaiRi anaoC ek tfi*N mnep *0eat-bab rIld qEko43ien
a0 e ir o 0 7ce mcol Sis i yrdaret FmoK: 0oalr loPi sCogo Cod0 No*_-oz-KaT
awoin otHap3 2005 nil wanr i naym niah *a ti siwt esn DaitU ItjEti0Yi0
m thIrl yR e- otias BOlun kakp wi jadp Dayn anmiqOp% ib aoo o saip 4ue0s
Bevo0 H BODY: yoa6 natL no til Ji1at Dine: o Uoan o rio_g dEer 13516
iw k dajtu Tas m0ys ibt Yo0 ohtuzad orn Bufis 0ad'w Mnin SEhdYso ***
ac Net0-il-Kik y a to o0K PxuoSa ki He0 oc cUG LaHwniFn o Yim +
toqb garyuteb ev i woiwd lepf go abd

foam o blissed harangue!

2006-03-31 Thread phanero

foam o blissed harangue!
wad the yoddling tadpole cities
so buttery with cobweb smokestacks
belching banners double-folded
in artificial driftings..

foam o blissed harangue!
fly the anamorphic green heart canopies
from the rows of crooked sparking tesla tridents
which arc like a fence across the gibbering
jangling microbe mats so nobly groaning..

Thong Rudder, Gum O Matic

2005-05-27 Thread John M. Bennett

Thong Rudder

gnad your sore


  Gum O Matic

filtch  doze  n
ape  sp  lit

da  ndle

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett 
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

. | " || 15-6-2005-11:14 54 |-| orange|blue|red|green|anaranjado|blue || ecrit || jmcs3 || " | . * yellow red rojo oranje ***** pourpre ESCRIBENmisplacing the lightpmisplaced the light, misplacementas meaningful word :for that matter entering enter entrance - entrer entreren -ec -enc./moremore , *o* *o * *o *o* *o* *o* *o* *o* *o* *o* *o* *o* *o* *o* *o* *o* *o* *o* *o* *o* *o* *o*, intrala intrahla intralah , ent ent ent' that one vertex pulling others por por por , proportion por por proportionalthe inside , the inside , the inside ,the inside , the inside the inside INSIDE | yellow || schreibt+mich || jmcs3 || " | . |-----| red | rojo | oranje ! | pourpre . | " || 15-6-2005-11:14 54 |-| orange | blue | red | green | anaranjado | blue || jmcs3 || schreibt || " | .1 Entering, 1118826830 .. ------ 6 ------ 0101rw.txt ,INSERTING a foreign body into the 'TheWorldCanvas' YES .. inserted at 1118827020 I will include Html .. inserted at 1118827041 .. SAVING THE WORLD AS a PNG .. , through Conversion, , 109478 ignored bytes .. cReatead gRaphile to the rim of 91252 bytes @ 1118827049 .. inserted at 1118827054 Connecting to FTP_server.. Logging in.. Going to 'THERE'.. and binary.. Uploading file: /Users/Shared/ChromaticSpaceAndWorld/png36ftp/INTRA1118827049INTRA_1.png, 384 bytes @ 1118827270 .. Uploading file: /Users/Shared/ChromaticSpaceAndWorld/png36ftp/INTRA1118827049INTRA_2.png, 1620 bytes @ 1118827271 ! .. Uploading file: /Users/Shared/ChromaticSpaceAndWorld/png36ftp/INTRA

2005-06-15 Thread Johan Meskens CS3 jmcs3
 . | " || 15-6-2005-11:14 54 |-| orange|blue|red|green|anaranjado|blue || ecrit 
|| jmcs3 || " | .
  * yellow red rojo oranje * pourpreESCRIBEN

misplacing the light
misplaced the light

, misplacement

as meaningful word

 :for that matter



 , *o*
   *o *



, intrala

' that one vertex pulling others


  , proportion

the inside

 , the inside

, the inside

   ,the inside

 , the inside

the inside


  | yellow || schreibt+mich || jmcs3 || " | .
  |-| red
  | rojo
  | oranje
  | pourpre
 . | " || 15-6-2005-11:14 54 |-| orange
  | blue
  | red
  | green
  | anaranjado
  | blue || jmcs3 || schreibt || " | .


 Entering, 1118826830 ..

 -- 6

 -- 0101rw.txt

   ,INSERTING a foreign body into the 'TheWorldCanvas'

  .. inserted at 1118827020

  I will include Html

  .. inserted at 1118827041


, through Conversion,   , 109478 ignored bytes

 .. cReatead gRaphile to the rim of 91252 bytes @ 1118827049

  .. inserted at 1118827054

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 Going to 'THERE'..
 and binary..
 Uploading file: 
/Users/Shared/ChromaticSpaceAndWorld/png36ftp/INTRA1118827049INTRA_1.png, 384 
bytes @ 1118827270 ..
 Uploading file: 
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bytes @ 1118827271 ..
 Uploading file: 
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bytes @ 1118827271 ..
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bytes @ 1118827272 ..
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bytes @ 1118827273 ..
 Uploading file: 
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bytes @ 1118827274 ..
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bytes @ 1118827275 ..
 Uploading file: 
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bytes @ 1118827278 ..
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bytes @ 1118827279 ..
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bytes @ 1118827280 ..
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bytes @ 1118827281 ..
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bytes @ 1118827281 ..
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bytes @ 1118827282 ..
 Uploading file: 
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bytes @ 1118827283 ..
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bytes @ 1118827284 ..
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bytes @ 1118827285 ..
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bytes @ 1118827286 ..
 Uploading file: 
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bytes @ 1118827287 ..
 Uploading file: 
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bytes @ 1118827288 ..
 Uploading file: 

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