Sceglierò il abandonata

2006-11-28 Thread Eric Yost
Sceglierò il abandonata, nel deserto nominato il hunting del 
lavoro! Che cosa attendo sono un biglietto del barra-bus? 
Certamente! Questo e dormire in una turbolenza del piacere 
richiede troppo? Chiede troppo conosciuto As?

I will choose the abandonata, in the nominated desert the 
hunting of the job! What I wait am a ticket of the bar-bus? 
Certainly! This and sleeping in one turbulence of the 
pleasure requires too much? It asks for too much known as ...?

The abandonata, confusion of day will select inside the 
desert which it nominates! What me is the ticket of the 
stick bus it waits? It is positive! This and the sleep thing 
demands too much plentifully inside one riot of pleasure? It 
asks with the fact that hazard it will know too much 
plentifully together?

That abandonata, disorders of the day, preselects in the 
desert which it names! What am I the chart of the bus of 
stick until it waits? It is! Does this one and require it 
much abundantly thing of sleep in a rebellion of the 
positive pleasure? It asks with the fact that they risk 
white much more abundantly together?

This abandonata disorder preseleziona the daily in the 
desert, which calls! Which thing is the table of the regular 
bus of the staff, until that, which it is not occupied? It 
is! there is this and demands it much plentifully that of 
the Schlafes in a rebellion of the positive pleasure? It 
requires plentifully with the fact this of the risks with 
white humans much?

Abandonata the newspaper preseleziona of the Abandonata -- 
the newspaper preseleziona the disorder in the desert -- 
calls! The regular bus of the rule of the member of the 
material of the personnel? The board at that one it not? 
Grippato? The hectare this and request completely Schlafes 
relatively in the positive from the rebellion asks? The 
relative completely demanded and this risks, and is 
Caucasian from fact?

The disorder preseleziona of the newspaper of the matrix of 
Abandonata preseleziona of the newspaper of the matrix of 
Abandonata in the desert, calls! Abandonata of member of the 
rule of that the bus of line preseleziona the newspaper 
Abandonata that preseleziona the newspaper disorder in the 
desert, calls! The regular bus of line of the rule of the 
member of the material of the personnel? The council above 
with this one him not? Grippato? Does the hectare weigh that 
and require it of Schlafes, require enough a completion in 
the positive one of rebellion? The member of the family 
completely required and that of the made risks and the 
kaukasische sontils?


The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be 
kindled.” Plutarch

Re: experimental electronic concrete origam

2006-11-28 Thread Bjørn Magnhildøen

concreternal (con returnal (con returnal ( ( (

2006/11/27, P!^VP 0!Z!^VP [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


intimate share, one morning

2006-11-28 Thread Allen Bramhall
I wrote some writing in the time it takes to breathe auspicious breaths. 
grey was the morning, the same morning that provides current in the 
darkening stream. each morning differs with a colour or light. sometimes 
the writing needs a day of plain rocks tossed into the coming concentric 
circles. sometimes the circles precede the very rock that will be 
embraced. in our intimate swimming the rings seem marvelous and 
conjoined to our rush of perspective. we are challenged to embrace thru 
the normative particles of recent events. this is the love we sought. 
and if I wrote some breath, it becomes me to stay back from the 
movements that follow. the circles will widen, as anyone can see. grey 
mornings will suffice. something terrific gives us our time. we share 
and trend toward delight. not everyday gives such evidence, and sadly, 
the trees have disowned the latest year of leaves. the circle settles in 
its growing and we hold hands. there sits the gesture, rounding out nicely.

Rump led bowl

2006-11-28 Thread John M. Bennett

Rump led bowl

cut e sop ping ,bleng fe d hum ping
fungused an the webr ,fog an must  .my hi
na rinsing c off yrlove an bleading  .res
t the ten t fir e an bob bing in yr drin K
rapped a cor ne r gfallen hand kr eel  .be
cue or ,nat ter ofinger pouring of t yr tu
gh why y our loat lap ping ,dod ge em

from the dust  .pile goo p beneath yr chi n
.just whaling at yrntrance f older c rap ,w
s hack you b led asoup guns cha se yr
n  !bil e knacker an a fore stalker an a p
hew b ringing in theh han g sha dhow cor
f log away  !nin eloghorn ,bis bis tentive
hat rust les in the mil e ,an c lasping ho t

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

321/365, Ron

2006-11-28 Thread Dan Waber
Ron is one of the original hippies, and never really learned how to
read those subtle (and progressively less subtle) signs people make
when it's time to bring the conversation to a close. Like shutting off
lights and locking doors.

40 words, 40 years
365 days, 365 people


2006-11-28 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
ble play ten
thbound type
tter rebelli
w-dry duster
osol face-sa
teria diabol
fee table so

Re: ....

2006-11-28 Thread P!^VP 0!Z!^VP


On 28-Nov-06, at 10:28 PM, Jukka-Pekka Kervinen wrote:

ble play ten
thbound type
tter rebelli
w-dry duster
osol face-sa
teria diabol
fee table so


2006-11-28 Thread Bjørn Magnhildøen

local: write_text.jpg remote: write_text.jpg
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 'write_text.jpg' (12070 bytes).
226 Transfer complete.
12070 bytes received in 0.59 secs (20.0 kB/s)
ftp quit
221 Goodbye.
[shasta]$ more tomorrow
tomorrow: No such file or directory

a series of specified steps

2006-11-28 Thread Peter Ciccariello

a series of specified

-- Peter Ciccariello