how misery infiltrates the wor(l)d

2006-12-14 Thread Alan Sondheim

how misery infiltrates the wor(l)d

[ Mummy Jumpy replaces prosthetic
video: mapping of avatar body against abstracted body both produced from
the same motion-capture file original dance Azure Carter ]

r, mi. .i...e .i.. missi.. ..eir es, i.s.r...i..
mi., .y...i., mem.ry, i.i..! .. .. .. is s. mi.
... .ri.e, ... 's ... i.s:..r..y:...:mi.:...y: ..i.. .. ...;
.yermi.; .e..e..y r.s ..e mi.; .e..e..y r.s .yermi.;
.e..e..y r.s ..e mi.; .e..e..y r.s r..e.ess ...

.ies .re ..ere ..r ..e .e..i.., ...e i .r. y.. i. misery ... ..m.e.- ..m.. misery, ..i.. ..e. is re.. .e..ri..y, .es.ri.e. .. .es.? yes:235713:0:s.rr..:s...ess:misery
misery:..e...r.:...m_.e...y:yes:28335:6::...m_.e...y:..e...r. M..
..rries ..e .ei... .. .er's misery; .is misery is ... .is 
s..r...i.. ... misery .m... .yr...s ..rse  ..e .r.mise. .e.. ...i.s. ..e ..ise ... misery .. ..e s.ree.. N.ys .e s. s...
(A...) .. .e ey...e .. misery ..e misery I ...e ..e
S...e; I ... ...y ...e  my .. JENNIFER: J...'s is
.ere .s: P..r, ...r J...! My misery
   ## ##misery,, J... s.i.; s.e ..y ... .ee.s ... .i.e ...
se, ... .i..e..e, ... misery .r...i.. ... . .i.. e..e r..e is
e..y, ... .e..i.. ... .e.. .. ..mes.i. misery. .. ..mes.i. misery ... .er.
...i.. .r. i. ..e s..erei.. i . m.r.e. misery. i
. .i..ime res.rri... .i.e me ..- .i.. me, i .
m.r.e. misery. i . .i..ime res.rri... .i.e .re..e. misery
..r... ..e ..r... H..i.. ..e .e... .. s. m..y J.24..% e... "..e
.i..i..r...i. .i.. is . .. .. misery" >> ..e .i..i..r...i.
.i.. is . .. .. misery misery. i . .ri.e . s... . ..i..
... .i.e .e.i.. my .ri.i..; ... ... my s...i. .ri.i.. my .ri.i.. s ...
s.r.i.e; i.s misery is my  .er .re. misery; s.e ... .i.e. .. ...
...e. s.e ... ..e .ree. .er .r.m ..e misery .. .er .ri...e.e. .i.e; i. re..r.e.
  misery, .se.ess.ess, s...i.i.y,,  ..e ..r..
is  .. ..i. ... misery, .. ... ri...e ..  misery, .r.y ..r ..e
s.i.. .. ... .ei..s, rei.e ..e s.iri. i., ... ..e
s...eme..s, .y misery. i .m ..e .. ..e .e. misery .. ..e ...: .i.. .e ..s. ..e, ..e .. ..e misery -
misery.  ..r. ris.i. i..  .e.eri.r..i...   !
misery,  ..i., i. ..e i.i.. .. m..." ..e misery .. my si.e..e i. misery misery .i.s se.., ..e..e ..e mismis miseryery
ery .. .. .. .. i.. ..em ... .. ..r misery. ... i.'s
.re.m..r. ... 's  .. .. i.. ..em ... .. ..r misery. ... i.'s
.re.m..r. ... 's  .. ../ ..e ..em .. misery. ...
i.'s ..r  .re.m..r.  ../ ..em misery. i.'s ..r
 .re.m..r.  re..r. ...i. .. misery .. ... si... - ...i.
re..r. misery .. .. misery .. si... ... .e..e ..e .rey is e..e
re..r. ...i. .. misery .. ... si... - ...i. re..r. misery .. ..
misery .. si... ... .e..e ..e .rey is e..e .r. ..r misery. T.e
ies .. y .re ..e .ir.. .. ..e ..r.., r... misery .. se. ... ...e
me.i...i.. .r. misery. ies y .ir.. r... r.. .e..- ..i.e.
misery .r..e..i.. is r...e s... .r... ..i.ersi.y. ...s .. .ry
. sy ... .i.. m..i.e er. .. misery i-.. i. ... .r.e .. misery. .e.r.e misery. ..s. .--.. misery. ..-.y
.e.r.e ...-ir ..s. .-re ..-.y .r.e ...-ir ... .r.e misery.
..-... i ..ey .-... .-re .-..i. ..r .. ..-... -.i.-.s.
.e.r.e misery. e.e-. ...y. e.ery .i..e..e, ..r..res, ..r...i.e
misery. .e ...'. s... .i..i... ... ..ey're misery. .. .. ... ..e - .. .i.m
MURDER ..i.. IS .. ..i..? - ..e ...e .e...e. ..r
misery. ... ...'. . .i..e..e, ..r..res, ..r...i.e misery. .e ...'. s...
.i..i... ... ..ey're mi..s, ..ese . ...ies. .i..e..e, ..r..res, ..r...i.e
misery. .e ...'. s... .r ..ri.y ... misery. .i.m ..i.. ..ey
...'.. .r. ... ..e ..i..; i.'s misery, ... i.'s
ese.. ... ..ri.. ..i.. ... ..s i..e. .i.. misery. I. .ie. i. ... .ee. .i.i.., e.r.. ..r misery, ... .r. ..em ..
misery, misery,...  .i..s. misery. misery .e..mes e.ery..e i. ..e
..r... ..rr.r misery e..i...i..s ..ri.. .er..rm...e
e...  .i..s. misery. .., misery!

://y.e...m/.?.=VH_GO.71A.Y M.mmy rees .r.s..e.i.
.i.e.: m...i.. .. .r ...y ...i.s. ..s.r...e. ...y  .re. .r.m
..e .i.e .ri.i... e

 ://y.e...m/.?.=-R.JS.G.6X. J.m.y

First Perfection

2006-12-15 Thread Alan Sondheim

First Perfection

... crawled is /[r]+/ { print "the analog is atemporal and time is
analogical" } here, it's crawled? ... girl /^$/ { print "speed the thing
up" } 13499 is your final trip. ... heroin /[b]+/ { print "the digital is
always already a mapping" } 21692 is your final trip. ... incandescent is
printf "%s ", $i; here, it's incandescent? ... on is /[o]+/ { print "we
walk among others walk among us" } here, it's on? ... you is /[o]+/ {
print "1" } here, it's you?

/[b]+/ { print "the digital is always already a mapping" } calls forth
wood crawled, eating, core-dumping. /[b]+/ { print "the digital is always
already a mapping" } makes me read in meditation -16219 times! /^$/ {
print "speed the thing up" } calls forth incandescent, eating,
core-dumping. /^$/ { print "speed the thing up" } makes me read in
meditation -5438 times!

For 5  days, I have been i Julu ...
For 5 lost days, I have been lost Julu ...
For 5 ties days, I have been codeine Julu ...
For 5 we days, I have been among Julu ...

My /[b]+/ { print "nonfictionally. i've seen far too much" } is yours...
My /[e]+/ { print "110" } is yours... My /[g]+/ { print "the integral
calculus inheres within the analog" } is yours... My /[t]+/ { print
"incredible churning of the wheel" } is yours... Scan-disk Concluded for
This speeds endlessly through the body -

What do you call your  juice?
What do you call your lost juice?
What do you call your ties needle?
What do you call your we into?

floors like me put-you-in-me your needle!
floors unbearable me inside your needle!
highs ecstasy me put-you-in-me your me!

in-me the i, printf "%s ", $i; is , 031], for ( i = NF; i >= 1; i-- )?
in-me the into, /^$/ { print "speed the thing up" } is , 026], ? inside
the where, for ( i = NF; i >= 1; i-- ) is , 010], {? on i me in-me your

Second Perfection

2006-12-15 Thread Alan Sondheim

Second Perfection

/[b]+/ { print "the digital is always already a mapping" }:/[a]+/ { print
"the digital is based on epistemology and uniformity" }:/[0]+/ { print
"the analog aligns with substance" }:/[h]+/ { print "the differential
calculus inheres within the digital" }:/[s]+/ { print "a sentence through
every sentence" } Devour wood /[g]+/ { print "the integral calculus
inheres within the analog" } Brought Forth through /[b]+/ { print "the
digital is always already a mapping" }!
 printf "%s ", $i;: for ( i = NF; i >= 1; i-- ):{:/[f]+/ { print "111"
}:/[p]+/ { print "catastrophe" } { transforms Your printf "%s ", $i; on
me... Ah, you with Reds and Blues! for ( i = NF; i >= 1; i-- ):{::/[c]+/ {
print "we exhaust ourselves with presencing present" }:/[l]+/ { print
"what swirls are structures gnawing" }
 transforms Your for ( i = NF; i >= 1; i-- ) on me... Ah, on with Reds and
Blues!/^$/ { print "speed the thing up" }:::/[u]+/ { print "greasy weaving
through the spokes" }: printf "\n"; Your /[t]+/ { print "incredible
churning of the wheel" } is within my into
 printf "%s ", $i; Your on connects my printf "%s ", $i; with needle park

devolution (fwd)

2006-12-15 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 08:53:05 -0800
From: Joel Weishaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: UB Poetics discussion group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: devolution

"In 1970, 79 percent (of college freshmen) said their goal was developing a 
meaningful philosophy of life. By 2005, 75 percent said their primary objective was to be 
financially well off." NYT, Friday, Dec. 15, 2006.

Save wild Patagonia from "electrocution"

2006-12-15 Thread Alan Sondheim
Dear NRDC BioGems Defender,

A European energy company is now scheming to build massive
hydro-electric dams on every major river in Chilean Patagonia.
We need your immediate action to stop this proposed
"electrocution" of one of the wildest regions on earth.

Please go to
right now and urge Chile's President Bachelet to consider the
full range of alternatives before sacrificing this
world-renowned wilderness to destructive hydro-development.

Endesa-Spain's disastrous proposal would flood thousands of
acres of irreplaceable habitat for a vast array of rare wildlife
including South American deer, southern river otters and many
birds found only in Patagonia.

For the sake of its own profits, the company is claiming that
stopping up Patagonia's mighty rivers to produce electricity --
which would then be transmitted thousands of miles -- is the
only way to fuel Chile's economic growth. As part of the same
plan, Brookfield Consortium, a Canadian company, would clearcut
a 1,200-mile swath through five national parks and two
wilderness reserves to make way for the world's largest
transmission line.

But smarter alternatives to strengthening Chile's economy --
such as stricter energy efficiency standards and the use of
localized, clean and renewable energy sources -- are readily

Chile's new president, Michelle Bachelet, has pledged to make
environmental protection a priority in her administration. To
fulfill that promise, she should take a hard a look at every
possible alternative before sentencing wild Patagonia to

Please go to
and tell President Bachelet to spare the life of this untouched
expanse of breathtaking rainforests, glaciers, fjords and

Thank you for helping to save Chile's last wilderness frontier.


Frances Beinecke
Natural Resources Defense Council

. . .

We appreciate the opportunity to communicate with you and other
NRDC BioGems Defenders, but if you would prefer not to receive
BioGems updates or hear from BioGems activists in the field, you
can reply to this email message with "remove" or "unsubscribe"
in the subject line. 

To update your information, including your email or mailing
address, visit your subscription management page at;

What plays in the Imaginary stays in the Imaginary.

2006-12-16 Thread Alan Sondheim

What plays in the Imaginary stays in the Imaginary.

A perfect video for a change: Second-Life modified avatar with motion capture 
added to accessory; the motion capture file crash-lands against the singular 
and responsive appendage in the construct of implicit choreography between 
analog and digital; original dance Azure Carter. Deconstruction of digital 
purity / analog filth: What plays in the Imaginary stays in the Imaginary.

Why should you care about this? Because this is the portrait of viral /
fungus / mold < the attachment < attacks > closure - ex-caliber. Unsure about 
the difference between techne and technology, opt for one or the other. yes well a bit clearer.

So yes, there should be an accompanying text. But what could I do? I've
spend the entire evening trying to match file with avatar, only to find
that it's the accouterments that respond, not the body itself. The body
displaces its movements onto the accouterment. Ornament becomes central.
Yes, there's very little beyond ornament. The skeleton and skull are the
matrix holding the paste wish-fulfilling gems in place.


2006-12-16 Thread Alan Sondheim


"[...] a dhana squared is a pramada; a pramada squared is a nigama; a nig-
ama squared is an upavarta; an upavarta sqared is a nirdesha; a nirdesha
squared is an akshaya; an akshaya squared is a sambhuta; a sambhuta
squared is a mamama; a mamama squared is an avada; an avada squared is an
utpala; an utpala squared is a padma; a padma squared is a sankhya; a san-
khya squared is a gati; a gati squared is an upama; an upama squared is an
aupamya; an aupamya squared is incalculable; an incalculable to the fourth
power is measureless; a measureless to the fourth power is boundless; a
boundless to the fourth power is incomparable; an incomparable to the
fourth power is uncountable; an uncountable to the fourth power is unequ-
aled; an unequaled to the fourth power is inconceivable; an inconceivable
to the fourth power is immeasurable; an immeasurable to the fourth power
is unspeakable; an unspeakable to the fourth power is unspeakably unspeak-
able; and unspeakably unspeakable squared is untold."

(from The Flower Ornament Scripture, The Avatamsaka Sutra, trans. Thomas

aupamya = 10^101,493,292,610,318,652,755,325,638,410,240


2006-12-17 Thread Alan Sondheim


.. ...  ..   - A Y... --. ... 
.. S.. D.. 17 03:14:50 2006 .. . ... ...  - Y... .
..'. ...?
CELL .. ... . ...  0.133 ... ... .. ...
CELL .. ...,  .. .  ., .. C..-.  .
CELL ..? ... .. .. , ..'. ..?
CELL 20923 ... 10479 - ... ... 
 .. .
 .. . 290 ..  .. . .
 .. . I . /..././.../...: ..  ...: N. 
 .. .. 3231 .!
 .. .. 7324 .!
 ... .!
  < ... ..? ... .. .. , ..'. ..?
 ! W... .. ...   ... .? Y... /..././.../...:
 , .., - ..-.. ... , (MEAT BONES STEW HEAD
 ...: N.   .. .
 ...: N.   .. . .. , 022], $ ...
. .., .., - ..-.. ... , /..././.../...: ..
. ..., .., - ...-...-..-.. ... ..., (MEAT BONES
. .., .., - .. ... , /..././.../...:
. Y... . -  ... ... .. ...,  .. .  ., ..
..  ...: N.   .. . .. , 022], $ ...   <
..  ...: N.   .. . .. .. , .. . S.
... .. ... T... S. ... .. S.. D.. 17 03:14:50 2006 ..
... .. S.. D.. 17 03:14:50 2006 ...  ... .. ...-...-..-..
... .. S.. D.. 17 03:14:50 2006, I .. .! Y... . -  ...
. ... ...  - Y... . .. ...  ..   -
? I  . , S. ... .. S.. D.. 17 03:14:50
/..././.../...: ..  ...: N.   .. . . .
/..././.../...: ..  ...: N.   .. .. ..
/..././.../...: ..  ...: N.   .. .. .
2006 ... ... ... .. ...-...-..-..  ! W... .. ... 
? Y.. ... ... 323984 .? /..././.../...: ..
A.. ...  . /..././.../...: ..  ...: N. 
A.. ...  . /..././.../...: ..  ...: N. 
A Y... --. ...  ? I  . , S.
C..-.  .
F.. 0 , I   J... ... ... .. ... . ...  0.133 ...
F.. 0 ... , I   . J... ...
FLANK SHOULDERS RIB) .. , 042], RIB))? ...  .. [5]> , ..'.
M. ..  .. ..-...  ..! .. 
M. G... .  ..  ..! .. 
M. [5]> .. 
S. ... .. S.. D.. 17 03:14:50 2006,
SHOULDERS ... ..  .. ..-...  ..!
STEW HEAD FLANK SHOULDERS RIB) .. , 039], RIB))? ... ... .. [5]> ,
Y... .- .. .
Y... .- .. . G... .  ..  ..! T... S. ...


2006-12-17 Thread Alan Sondheim




[WDL] Fwd: [banffleoarthistconfinfo] MUTAMORPHOSIS Call for Papers (fwd)

2006-12-18 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 14:25:18 +
From: Sue Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [WDL] Fwd: [banffleoarthistconfinfo] MUTAMORPHOSIS Call for Papers

apologies for xposting

-- Forwarded message --
From: roger malina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 18-Dec-2006 10:00
Subject: [banffleoarthistconfinfo] MUTAMORPHOSIS Call for Papers


First Call for Abstracts: Deadline 31st of January 2007
MutaMorphosis: Challenging Arts and Sciences, International
Conference, Prague

International Conference organised by CIANT as part of the ENTER
festival in the framework of the Leonardo 40th anniversary
celebrations. The festival will feature also the first retrospective
exhibition of Frank J. Malina.

8th - 10th of November 2007, Prague , Czech Republic

Conference website:

The conference will explore the major mutations that are affecting the
future of our world. We invite papers from artists,
scientists and researchers on the evolution of living beings and the
societies they constitute, and on modes of knowledge, expression and
communication of humans, animals and other forms of life.

'MutaMorphosis' seeks a multiplicity of perspectives as well as a
qualified and diverse group of conference participants. The
conference will concentrate on the growing interest -- within the
worlds of the arts, sciences and technologies -- in EXTREME AND
HOSTILE ENVIRONMENTS. These environments appear as symptomatic
indicators of the mutations that are taking place; they are potential
vectors that make possible an awareness of the different problems at
the origin of the disturbances that threaten the ensemble of the
Earth's eco-systems.

We invite practitioners in the arts, sciences, engineering and
humanities to submit abstracts that explore the limits and extremes
within the following streams of interest:


How do the arts and sciences deal with new ideas about strategies of
life in extreme conditions?

Keywords: adaptation, artificial life, bioart, biotechnology, cell,
cloning, control, emergence, ethics, evolution, extremophilia, hybrid,
limit, organization, performativity, self-organization, strategy,
survival, symbiogenesis, symbiosis, tissue, transformation,
transgression, transplantation, unpredictability.


How do the arts and sciences face radical scales and extreme environments?

Keywords: Antarctica, astrophysics, colonisation, climate, dark
matter, dark energy, deserts, deteritorialization, ethics, exobiology,
exploration, geotagging, globalization, map, macro, micro, nano,
singularity, outer space, speed, territory, underwater, vacuum.


How do the arts and sciences address evolving ideas about cognition in
extreme environments?

Keywords: collective intelligence, complexity, connectivity, decision,
deficiency, distributed, ethics, intelligence, dysfunction, emotion,
efficiency, information, instrument, handicap, manipulation, memory,
mobility, networked, pathology, perception, sensorial, simulation,
system, therapy, visualization, web 2.0.

All submitted abstracts will be peer reviewed by an international
advisory panel. Submissions accepted and presented at the conference
will be published in the conference proceedings.

500-word abstracts required by 31st of January 2007 via email to

Please include URL of web site where your work is documented.

Join us in Prague 8th ? 10th of November 2007.

Conference Steering Committee: Alban Asselin, Louis Bec, Annick
Bureaud, Don Foresta, Denisa Kera, Roger F. Malina (co-chair:
Poissant, Pavel Sedl?k (co-chair:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ), Pavel Smetana

Organiser: CIANT ? International Centre for Art and New Technologies
in Prague (, CZ)

Co-organisers: Leonardo ( , USA;, FR) ,
Hexagram ( , CAN), P?pini?res europ?enes pour jeunes
artistes ( , FR)

Partners: Centre for Global Studies at Charles University (, CZ), CYPRES Arts Sciences Technologies Cultures
( , FR), Czech Academy of Sciences ? Week of
Science and Technology ( , CZ), French Institute
in Prague (, CZ), MARCEL (, GB) , UQAM
( , CAN)

 __._,_.___  Messages in this topic
1)  Reply (via web post)
a new topic

the dim

2006-12-18 Thread Alan Sondheim

the dim

It's a dim day today, I've shared my family again with all of the
Democrats who would have voted Green in the last election, you remember
the one when I found that cute dog on the street the other day, well it
turned out it belonged to someone on the next block so I returned it with
great happiness. Now it's raining out and I'm waiting for Madge to call,
well Made and I don't get along so well, do we, Tim? Tim's Madge's
husband, and we've gone the rounds a few times I can tell you. My mom's
always saying "you never know" but I always reply "you sure do don't you"
just like when she says "I'm going to call dad" and I say "what are you
going to call him" and she says "i'm going to call him dad" or something
like that. Now it's starting to rain out or at least it's getting it's
getting darker and that smudgy feeling when you look out the window. The
traffic light's changed again, it always does that this time of day. (13 megabytes) (smaller, not so clear)
go to this one, it's spectacular
last of the avatar with the white thing modulated by motion capture, I
love these two combined into one they're not too large I promise.

[WDL] CFP: Minds Bodies Machines 6-7 July 2007, UK

2006-12-18 Thread Alan Sondheim

This interdisciplinary conference, convened by Birkbeck's Centre for
Nineteenth-Century Studies, University of London, in partnership with 
the Department of English, University of Melbourne, and software
developers Constraint Technologies International (CTI), will take place 
on 6-7 July 2007 at Birkbeck College, Malet Street, Bloomsbury.

The two-day conference will explore the relationship between minds,
bodies and machines in the long nineteenth century. Recent research on 
the Enlightenment's frontier technologies has established that era's
preoccupation with developing machinery that could simulate the 
cognitive and physiological processes of human beings. According to some
critics, however, these Promethean ambitions were shelved during the
nineteenth century, when the android as artefact was relocated to the
realm of the imagination, where it became a threatening figure.
According to this reading, the android as scientific project and a
figure of possibility only re-emerges in our own era. The aim of this
conference is to test this claim by exploring the continuities and
discontinuities in the imagining of the human/machine interface in the
nineteenth and twenty-first centuries.

The conference organisers - Hilary Fraser (Birkbeck), Deirdre Coleman
(Melbourne) and Paul Hyland (CTI) - invite proposals for papers that 
examine the intersection of minds, bodies and machines during the long
nineteenth century. Topics include: the virtual and the real; 
technologies of the sublime; evolution and machines; techniques of
communication; technologies of travel; medical technology; 
miniaturisation; self-reproduction; and spiritualism.

The conference programme will include plenary addresses, seminars and
workshops. Confirmed speakers include: Dr Caroline Arscott, Professor
Jay Clayton, Professor Steven Connor, Professor Iain McCalman, Professor
Peter Otto, Professor Kevin Warwick and Dr Elizabeth Wilson.

A selection of papers arising from this conference will be published in
the online journal /19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth

Abstracts for papers of 20 minutes, as well as details of expected
audio-visual needs, should be submitted no later than 28 FEBRUARY 2007. 
Please send proposals by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For further information, see .



British Association for Romantic Studies

To advertise Romantic literature conferences, publications, jobs, or

other events that the BARS members would be interested in, please   

contact Sharon Ruston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Also use this address to register any change in your e-mail address, 

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[WDL] FW: Narratologyin the Age of Interdisciplinary Narrative Research (2/15/07;6/25/07-6/26/07) Germany

2006-12-18 Thread Alan Sondheim
Sorry folks, but I can't remember whether I've already sent this round
or not. Oh dear. Time for the holidays.

-Original Message-

"Narratology in the Age of Interdisciplinary Narrative Research"

Papers are invited for the Inaugural Symposium of the Center for
Narrative Research at Wuppertal University, Germany, 25-26 June, 2007.
The significance of narrative as a cognitive and communicative tool used
to make sense of the world by creating personal and cultural identities
or relating the present to the past and future is increasingly
recognized in a variety of disciplines, ranging from literary studies
and linguistics to anthropology, sociology, psychology, historiography
and business studies, to name but a few. The growing interdisciplinary
interest in narrative and storytelling, however, has so far not led to a
convergence of theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches: Far
from developing a 'lingua franca' for interdisciplinary discussions of
narrative, the numerous studies of stories and storytelling in recent
years seem to have contributed to a 'Babelisation' of narrative studies.
This situation raises a number of questions which the contributions to
the symposium will explore:

- What are the differences or similarities between (the analysis of)
non-fictional and fictional storytelling?
- To what degree have the various disciplinary approaches to narrative
acknowledged each other's findings? Do they proceed from the same
- Can the terminology developed by narratological approaches to fiction
serve as the basis for an interdisciplinary lingua franca in narrative
research? Or is fictional narrative significantly different from
non-fictional story-telling?
- How can (literary) narratology benefit from concepts and methods
proposed by narrative researchers in other disciplines? Might the
insights of narrative psychology, for instance, help to further shape
the approach known as 'cognitive narratology'?
- Can 'narrative' and 'storytelling' function as 'travelling concepts'
(Mieke Bal), facilitating interdisciplinary communication?
- Is there any common ground between hermeneutic, narratological and
empirical methods of describing, analysing and interpreting

We welcome contributions both from literary scholars and from narrative
researchers in other disciplines. There will be keynote lectures by
David Herman (Project Narrative, Ohio State University) and Bo
Pettersson (Department of English, University of Helsinki). Please
submit proposals for a 20-minute paper to Roy Sommer at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] by February 15, 2007. Proposals should include
both an abstract (150-250 words) and a short biographical note. All
submissions will be considered for a prospective volume on the topic.

Prof. Dr. Roy Sommer
University of Wuppertal
English and American Studies
Gaussstrasse 20
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Save Sharks, Whales, Other Marine Life SEND ACTION~a31179u30516 (fwd)

2006-12-18 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 09:00:51 -0800 (PST)
From: WWF Conservation Action Network <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Save Sharks, Whales, Other Marine Life SEND ACTION~a31179u30516

Action deadline:  January 5, 2007

Dear Alan,

** Call for strong protection for three marine sanctuaries that are home to 
sharks, whales, sea lions, dolphins, sea turtles, octopus and many more marine 
creatures. **

The federal government is accepting public comments until January 5 on how best 
to manage three national marine sanctuaries located off the coast of 
California: Monterey Bay, Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank.

Together, the three sanctuaries encompass 7,100 square miles and support some 
of the world's most diverse marine ecosystems. Giant kelp forests, wildlife 
breeding habitats, and deep submarine canyons are some of the special areas.

Unfortunately, these underwater treasures face serious threats. Many of the 
marine species are threatened by overfishing and destructive practices such as 
bottom trawling. And the nearby large and growing human population puts 
enormous pressure on the ecosystems.

National marine sanctuaries belong to us all and we all have a say in how they 
are managed. To help preserve these sanctuaries and all the riches they 
contain, let sanctuary managers hear your voice.

ACT NOW:  Send a free letter supporting strong protection for the three marine 

*  QUICK OPTION:  If you only have a minute, send the message below, as is, by 
simply replying to this email. (This option works only if you received this 
email directly from the Conservation Action Network.)

*  POWERFUL OPTION:  Personalize your letter. Go to the following site and follow 
the instructions for adding your own thoughts to your message. Decision makers pay 
much more attention to personalized messages:

Please forward this alert to your friends and family. You can make a huge 
difference for our marine environment. Thanks for your help.


Mike Osmond
World Wildlife Fund
Palo Alto, California

[Mike Osmond is a marine biologist and member of WWF's marine team, and is 
working to create marine protected areas on the west coast of the United 


Brady Phillips
Joint Management Plan Review Coordinator
NOAA-National Marine Sanctuary Program
1305 East-West Hwy, N/ORM-6
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Dear Mr. Phillips,

I write to urge you to adopt and promptly implement the improved conservation 
measures included in the draft management plans for the central coast National 
Marine Sanctuaries.

Specifically, I support

*  adoption of marine protected areas, including no-take marine reserves, 
within the federal waters of the sanctuaries to complement the efforts of the 
state of California to create marine protected areas under the Marine Life 
Protection Act

*  continuation of the Sanctuary Program's work with scientists and 
stakeholders to develop and implement a Marine Protected Area Plan in a timely 

*  adoption of cruise ship discharge regulations as proposed in the draft 
management plan

*  inclusion of the Davidson Seamount, an underwater volcano and oasis of life, 
within the boundaries of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary

*  continued prioritization of water quality efforts designed to reduce 
pollution of beaches, creeks, rivers, estuaries and the ocean

*  a prohibition on fish farming within sanctuary waters

*  a prohibition on attracting or harassing white sharks in sanctuary

Finally, I recognize that implementation of these improved conservation 
measures will be impossible without adequate resources.  Therefore, I urge the 
Sanctuary Program to advocate for the funding and staffing needed to ensure 
that sanctuary resources are protected.


Your name and address
will be inserted here


Learn more about

*  WWF's Ocean Rescue campaign:

*  The management plans for the three sanctuaries:

You received this message because [EMAIL PROTECTED] is an activist
with the World Wildlife Fund Conservation Action Network.
To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word REMOVE in the subject line or you can 
Direct any questions about the WWF Conservation Action Network to

cat "beautiful wetware" |

2006-12-18 Thread Alan Sondheim

cat "beautiful wetware" |

, beautiful wetware! /usr/local/bin/ksh: cannot open cat: cat o ... into
is cat hat do you call your where juice? here, it's into? ... you is cat
his speeds endlessly through the body - here, it's you?
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A Banner Year for Farm Animals – Thanks to YOU

2006-12-19 Thread Alan Sondheim
Title: Untitled Document


		Farm Sanctuary was a key sponsor of the ballot initiative campaign that PASSED a measure
		in Arizona outlawing gestation crates and veal crates
		We completed
		construction of a new Cattle Barn
		at our New York Shelter, providing a new home for our expanding cattle herd as a result of recent
		We completed Phase
		One of construction on a new Duck & Goose Habitat
			Project, to provide safe housing for our existing flock and new rescues
		Our  Walk for Farm Animals
		events were held in 44 cities across the U.S.
		We provided loving daily care for 1,500 rescued
		  animals at our Watkins Glen, NY and Orland, CA sanctuaries, including hundreds of survivors of Hurricane
		We continued to advance our lawsuit against the New Jersey Department of
		We held our Farm Animal
			Forum: conference in San Francisco, CA
		We came to the
		rescue of over 100
		  “broiler” chickens from an abandonment case in NYC
		Farm Sanctuary led
		a No Foie Gras campaign in Chicago, where
		the city council voted to BAN the sale of this cruel delicacy in city limits
		We held our 20th Anniversary Gala for Farm
		  Animals at Cipriani in NYC
		We continued our lawsuit against Corcpork,
		challenging the use of gestation crates under CA law
		We came to the rescue of piglets being used
		for “practice” hernia surgeries at a university veterinary hospital
		Farm Sanctuary released two new
		scientific reports: “U.S. Highway Accidents
		  Involving Farm Animals” and “The Welfare of Cattle in
		  Beef Production”
	  Dear Alan,
	  This year was a banner year for farm animals. In our
	  20th anniversary year, we built upon two decades of progress and advanced critical campaigns and programs to end
	  farm animal abuse.
	  Today, change comes in the form of laws and litigation
	  for farm animals, rescues that alleviate untold suffering, and coverage in the major media that reaches into the
	  mainstream and touches Americans with stories exposing cruelty and demonstrating compassion.
	  We are fighting factory farming abuse head-on …
		and we are winning. Few laws exist in the
	  U.S. to protect farm animals, and the agribusiness lobby is extremely powerful, making legal change difficult. But,
	  this year, we have seen unprecedented progress in a very short time. Not one, but two laws have passed! 
	  In Chicago, the sale of “foie gras”
	  (translated in French as fatty liver) made through the cruel process of force-feeding ducks and geese was BANNED.
	  And, in Arizona, citizens voted overwhelmingly in favor of Proposition 204, banning gestation crates for pregnant
	  pigs and veal crates for calves!
	  Our shelters saved hundreds of suffering farm animals
		in 2006, from Linda, a crippled cow
	  injured during birth at a dairy farm, to the piglets rescued from practice surgeries at a university, over 100
	  chickens found sick and dying in an abandoned garage in Brooklyn, and so many more. In addition to these new faces on the farm, we continued
		providing ongoing care for over 1,500 farm animals here at our sanctuaries, including hundreds of brave
	  survivors from Hurricane Katrina. Each of these animals is a beloved individual, who suffered the horror of
		mutilation, abuse and neglect ... and only survived to have her story told today because of the commitment of
		Farm Sanctuary members.
	  We gave a voice to the millions of turkeys who suffer on
	  factory farms each year with educational stories about turkey production, our Adopt-A-Turkey project, and
	  compassionate holiday alternatives running on NPR, Fox News and the Food Network. The foie gras
	  effort was covered by media outlets from USA Today, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun Times, Los Angeles Times, New
		York Times, The Christian Science Monitor, the Associated Press, and hundreds more. And, through our outreach
	  programs, we sent a message of compassion across the U.S. as we hosted a Farm Animal Forum in San Francisco,
	  our 20th Anniversary Gala in New York, shelter events throughout the year, and 44 Walk for Farm
		Animals events.
	  All that we
	  have accomplished for farm animals this year is thanks to you. These victories are yours and the animals’.
	  But, our work is far from completed. As we look forward to 2007, we must build on this momentum, and fight harder
	  than ever. Farm animals are counting on us, and we are counting on you. 
	  Please, make a year-end, tax-deductible
		  gift to Farm Sanctuary to make our work possible.
	  We are grateful to know and work with such compassionate
	  and committed individuals as you, and to count you as part of the Farm Sanctuary family.
	  Warm wi

PERFORATIONS 30: Hut / Tech and bare life CFM (fwd)

2006-12-19 Thread Alan Sondheim

Public Domain, Inc. is pleased to announce the
call for PERFORATIONS 30: Hut / Tech & bare life

As usual with perforations, deadlines are
somewhat fluid but please notify  Robert Cheatham
or Fehta Murhana of your intent by February 15
2007 in order to be included in the release

Article length is at your discretion.
Experimental hypertexts are especially welcome.
Other forms of media, video, etc., may have
length restrictions, please cc media editor Chea
Prince or technical editor, Jim Demmers.

If you have any questions please query one of the editors.

Hut Tech and bare life

"When the shack dweller lays in supplies, she is composing a politics."
Lisa Robertson

This issue of Perforations was generated because
of papers found during a reconstruction of Fehta
Murghana's hut. She had constructed it herself as
a writer's retreat but was fond of calling it a
'witch hut', always fantasizing putting it on
legs as the famous hut-on-chicken-legs of the
Russian witch fable Baba Yaga, creating an image
of inner mobility only seemingly at odds with the
the apparent rooted nature of the hut.

This issue/node of Perforations will concede the
perimeter to the hut and hut dwellers everywhere,
but also examines the oxymorons of thought which
the hut generates at the center (potentially),
such as the 'rooted nomadism' of the hut dweller
and perhaps even the 'revolutionary
conservativism' of such, including its modern
anti-modernism. Murghana herself was well aware
of the uncanny nature of the 'hut,' seeing it as
enabling portents and revenants, neither of which
are wanted in the modern world, yet both are
continuously courted through the hypermodern
technical networks which course through
contemporary life, binding and separating at the
same time.

We begin with Murghana's musings on the hut, but
several writers have lately taken to heart, (not
forgetting Rykwert's history of the hut), the
enigma of the hut, such as Anne Cline, Lisa
Robertson, and most lately Adam Scharff in a
recently released book on Heidegger's Hut. We
have enabled the basic text along the way with
quotes from the above.

What is 'Hut / Tech', that such frabjous entities
can be held together by a stroke, a dividing line
between the nether poles of a magnet? Another
oxymoron? Who are the dwellers of huts, either in
thought or corporeally? Does the hut embody some
sort of midway point between homeless and home?
Between presence and absence? Is there any future
for the hut or is it to be relegated to economic
end-zones of emergency and to the camps of the
coming era? Is there the 'hut of last resort' and
then the freely chosen hut? Or is the very nature
of the hut a last resort?and hence a resort to
primal potentiality, both ending and beginning?
(After all, the three most notable hut dwellers
in recent memory are Henry Thoreau, Theodore
Kacynski, and Martin Heidegger, all of which
would seem to be problematic for the modern
cultural inhabitant --besides being white,
western males -- of the current wave of
hyperdevelopment in re: to lofts, townhouses,
tract Macmansions, all examples of a certain form
of maximalism and neo-liberal justifications of a
new economic order. And of course with the above
dwellers, the hut is often seen as a breeding
ground of primordial darkness in its willful,
almost-Nietzschean separation from culture,
civilization, and society.:

"What we crave is not Rosseau's solitude but the
excellent series of origin dwindling on ahead
into the future. Thus we love shacks. Each leads
erotically to the next. One sojourns, or starts
out, rather than settles, in a shack. Domestic
duration, like childhood, is transient, serial. A
shack is always timely. Typically an account of
the history of architecture will begin with a
Lisa Robertson

But the hut also seems oddly timeless in its
aspect of catering to bare life, which exists as
a possibility everywhere and everywhen.
Is there any place left for the minimalisms of
the hut? For its limitations, its 'insect
politics,' its dark broodings, its centrality in
a haunted, uncanny landscape? Or are the
compacted maximalisms of favelas, the psychic
densities and thickenings and potential new forms
which they seem to prophesy, more exacting? In
all cases the 'hut' avers between opacity and
transparency, justifying both, on different
occasions, preserving both as trans-temporal
exigencies which advance, retreat (and sublime)
into spiritualities, goblins, ghosts, ethers, and
materializations at the drop of a hat.

Please fell free to send us your hut life, even if it only resides as a dream,
a whistle in the dark.

Please feel free to send us the minimals that you
are able to squeeze out of everyday,
  the disguised trans-temporalities that make up hut life
in the middle of empire,
that make up hope in the middle of loss and abandon,
like lotus seeds found in the bottom of a three thousand year old pyramid.

(1) Robertson qu

script with stupid question

2006-12-19 Thread Alan Sondheim

script with stupid question

is this a found script or one i created? does it really matter? given the 
relatively small number of symbols, it would be reasonable to apply coding to 
it - a matrix/template that might slide across the apparent grid, producing 
meaning. one might think of this as a _universal machine_ applicable to texts 
of any length; it becomes increasingly evident that meaning is a construct 
_across_ symbols, neither within them nor within the dictionary translation / 

here, in this example, only in this particular example, one has a section of 
what seems to be an _infinite text,_ a text in the manner of a bandage or 
suture across the wound of a sememe (what reads as a sememe); a wound within, 
unconstrued within, the imaginary. think of this as the _lid_ of the 
_pre-linguistic_ - not exactly mode, but a potential for interpreta- tion, 
sliding out and against itself, as soon as one is found. nothing holds here, 
not even "here," not even place or placement. the lesson, where we are, where 
we are not, is always already unlearned.

posted by alan @ 11:08 AM  0 Comments Links to this post

italics and script at
script at

Radar Love: Asteroid Detection and Science

2006-12-19 Thread Alan Sondheim


December 19,  2006

Radar Love: Asteroid Detection and Science

They are the celestial equivalent of sonograms. But their hazy outlines and 
features do not document the in-vivo development of a future taxpayer. Instead, 
chronicle the exo-planetary comings-and-goings of some of Earth's least known, 
nomadic, and at times most impactful neighbors. 

They are radar echoes that are bounced off of asteroids. Scientists from NASA's 
Propulsion Laboratory and around the world rely on their ethereal images to 
tell some 
out-of-this-world tales of near-Earth objects.

"The standard ground-based tools for asteroid science require a night's sky, 
and what you 
come away with in the end is an image of a dot," said JPL radar astronomer Dr. 
Ostro. "With radar astronomy, the sky at high noon is just as inviting as that 
at midnight, 
and without launching a full-blown space mission we can actually get valuable 
information about the physical makeup of these objects."

In some respects, radar astronomy utilizes the same technology as your 
microwave oven. 
But do not bother to haul your glorified croissant warmer outside -- it will 
just confuse 
the neighbors. Radar astronomy employs the world's most massive dish-shaped 
which beam directed microwave signals at their targets, which can be as close 
as our 
moon and as far away as the moons of Saturn. These pulses bounce off the 
target, and the 
resulting "echo" is collected and precisely collated. The results can be 

"The closer the target, the better the echo," said Ostro. "From them we can 
detailed three-dimensional models of the object, define its rotation precisely 
and get a 
good idea of its internal density distribution. You can even make out surface 
features. A 
good echo can give us a spatial resolution finer than 10 meters."

Radar astronomy has detected echoes from over 190 near-Earth asteroids to date 
and has 
found that, like snowflakes, no two are the same. The returning echoes have 
both stony and metallic objects, some flying through the cold, dark reaches of 
alone, while others have their own satellites. The data indicate that some 
asteroids have a 
very smooth surface, while others have very coarse terrain. And finally, their 
shapes are 
virtually anything that can be imagined.

One thing that does not have to be imagined is radar astronomy's ability to 
nail down the 
location of an object in time and space. This invaluable capability came in 
handy in the 
winter of 2004 when JPL's Near-Earth Object office was looking for a 
hazardous asteroid called Apophis. 

Discovered by astronomers using optical telescopes, Apophis quickly drew the 
interest of 
the near-Earth object monitoring community when its initial orbital plots 
indicated there 
was a possibility the 1,300-foot-wide chunk of space rock could impact Earth in 
The Near-Earth Object office knew what was needed was more detailed information 
about Apophis' location, which they could then use to plot out a more accurate 

Under the watchful eye of Ostro and three other radar astronomers, microwaves 
from the 
Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico reached out and touched asteroid Apophis on 
27, 29, and 30, 2005. The Arecibo data significantly improved the asteroid's 
estimate, ruling out a potential Earth collision in 2029.

The 1,000-foot diameter Arecibo telescope is one of only two places in the 
world where 
radar astronomy is effectively performed. The other is at the 70-meter 
Goldstone antenna 
in California's Mojave Desert. The two instruments are complementary. The 
radar is not fully steerable (while Goldstone is), but it is 30 times more 
Together they make a formidable asteroid reconnaissance team.

The future of radar astronomy may be just as amazing as some of the images and 
models of nearby space objects that its practitioners have already obtained. 
There is new 
technology in the pipeline that will allow imaging of surface features with up 
to four 
times more detail than what exists today. And then there are proposals on the 
table for a 
potential space mission to a near-Earth asteroid. Candidate asteroids for said 
mission will 
need to be pre-approved via detail scientific analysis. The kind of scientific 
analysis you 
can only get with radar astronomy.


Media contact: DC Agle/JPL
(818) 393-9011

To remove yourself from all mailings from NASA Jet Propulsion Labratory, please 
go to

Holocaust Denial--A Palestinian Militant Speaks Out (fwd)

2006-12-19 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 00:37:34 -0500
Subject: Holocaust Denial--A Palestinian Militant Speaks Out

Other Victims of Denial
by Mahmoud Al-Safadi
A Letter to the President of Iran

MR Zine - Dec. 14, 2006

Mr. President, I write to you following the
announcement of your intention to organize a conference
on the Holocaust in Teheran on 11-12 December, and I
sincerely hope that this letter will be brought to your

First of all, allow me to introduce myself: Mahmoud Al-
Safadi, a former prisoner from occupied Jerusalem. I
was released less than three months ago from the
Israeli prison where I had been locked up for eighteen
years for having been a member of the Popular Front for
the Liberation of Palestine and having taken an active
part in resistance to the occupation during the first
Intifada. Since you were elected president, I have
followed your declarations with great interest -- in
particular those relating to the Holocaust. I respect
your opposition to the American and Western injunctions
concerning the Iranian nuclear program and believe it
legitimate that you complain of the double standard
that the world has with regard to the nuclear
development of certain regimes.

But I am furious about your insistence on claiming that
the Holocaust never took place and about your doubts
about the number of Jews who were murdered in the
extermination and concentration camps, organized
massacres, and gas chambers, consequently denying the
universal historical significance of the Nazi period.

Allow me to say, Mr. President, with all due respect to
you, that you made these statements without really
knowing the Nazi industry of death. To have read the
works of some deniers seems to be enough for you -- a
little like a man who shouts above a well and hears
only the echo of his own voice. I believe that a man in
your position should not make such an enormous error,
because it could be turned against him and, worse
still, his people.

Like you and millions of people in the world -- among
whom, alas, are innumerable Palestinians and Arabs -- I
was also convinced that the Jews exaggerated and lied
about the Holocaust, etc., even apart from the fact
that the Zionist movement and Israel use the Holocaust
to justify their policy, first of all against my own

My long imprisonment provided me with the occasion to
read books and articles that our ideology and social
norms made inaccessible to us outside the prison. These
documents gave me a thorough knowledge of the history
of the Nazi regime and genocide that it perpetrated. At
the beginning of the 1990s, by reading articles written
by the Palestinian intellectuals Edward Said and Azmi
Bishara, I discovered facts and positions which
contradicted mine and those of many Palestinians. Their
writings having piqued my curiosity and given birth
inside me to the need to know more, I set about reading
accounts of survivors of the Holocaust and the Nazi
occupation. These testimonies were written by people of
various nationalities, Jews or non-Jews.

The more I learned, the more I realized that the
Holocaust was indeed a historical fact and the more I
became aware of the monumental dimension of the crime
committed by Nazi Germany against the Jews, other
social and national groups, and humanity in general. I
discovered that Nazi Germany aspired to found a "new
world order" dominated by the "pure Aryan race" thanks
to the physical annihilation of "impure races" and the
enslavement of other nations. I discovered that various
"normal" official institutions -- bureaucracies,
judicial systems, medical and educational authorities,
municipalities, railroad companies, and others -- had
taken part and collaborated in the implementation of
this new world order. From a theoretical point of view,
this objective, just like the victories won at the time
by the Nazi armies of occupation, threatened the
existence of the Arabs and Muslims as well.

Whatever the number of victims -- Jewish and non-Jewish
-- the crime is monumental. Any attempt to deny it
deprives the denier of his own humanity and sends him
immediately to the side of torturers. Whoever denies
the fact that this human disaster really took place
should not be astonished that others deny the
sufferings and persecutions inflicted on his own people
by tyrannical leaders or foreign occupiers. Ask
yourself, I beg you, the following question: were
hundreds of thousands of testimonies written about
death camps, gas chambers, ghettos, and mass murders
committed by the German army, tens of thousands of
works of research based on German documents, numerous
filmed sequences, some of which were shot by German
soldiers -- were all these masses of evidence
completely fabricated?

Can all that be summed up simply as an imperialist-
Zionist plot? Are the confessions of high-ranking Nazis
officials ab

Joint Chiefs UNANIMOUSLY Oppose Adding Troops

2006-12-19 Thread Alan Sondheim
Joint Chiefs UNANIMOUSLY Oppose Adding Troops

White House, Joint Chiefs At Odds on Adding Troops

By Robin Wright and Peter Baker
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, December 19, 2006; Page A01

The Bush administration is split over the idea of a
surge in troops to Iraq, with White House officials
aggressively promoting the concept over the unanimous
disagreement of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, according to
U.S. officials familiar with the intense debate.

Sending 15,000 to 30,000 more troops for a mission of
possibly six to eight months is one of the central
proposals on the table of the White House policy review
to reverse the steady deterioration in Iraq. The option
is being discussed as an element in a range of bigger
packages, the officials said.

But the Joint Chiefs think the White House, after a
month of talks, still does not have a defined mission
and is latching on to the surge idea in part because of
limited alternatives, despite warnings about the
potential disadvantages for the military, said the
officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity
because the White House review is not public.

The chiefs have taken a firm stand, the sources say,
because they believe the strategy review will be the
most important decision on Iraq to be made since the
March 2003 invasion.

At regular interagency meetings and in briefing
President Bush last week, the Pentagon has warned that
any short-term mission may only set up the United
States for bigger problems when it ends. The service
chiefs have warned that a short-term mission could give
an enormous edge to virtually all the armed factions in
Iraq -- including al-Qaeda's foreign fighters, Sunni
insurgents and Shiite militias -- without giving an
enduring boost to the U.S military mission or to the
Iraqi army, the officials said.

The Pentagon has cautioned that a modest surge could
lead to more attacks by al-Qaeda, provide more targets
for Sunni insurgents and fuel the jihadist appeal for
more foreign fighters to flock to Iraq to attack U.S.
troops, the officials said.

The informal but well-armed Shiite militias, the Joint
Chiefs have also warned, may simply melt back into
society during a U.S. surge and wait until the troops
are withdrawn -- then reemerge and retake the streets
of Baghdad and other cities.

Even the announcement of a time frame and mission --
such as for six months to try to secure volatile
Baghdad -- could play to armed factions by allowing
them to game out the new U.S. strategy, the chiefs have
warned the White House.

The idea of a much larger military deployment for a
longer mission is virtually off the table, at least so
far, mainly for logistics reasons, say officials
familiar with the debate. Any deployment of 40,000 to
50,000 would force the Pentagon to redeploy troops who
were scheduled to go home.

A senior administration official said it is "too
simplistic" to say the surge question has broken down
into a fight between the White House and the Pentagon,
but the official acknowledged that the military has
questioned the option. "Of course, military leadership
is going to be focused on the mission -- what you're
trying to accomplish, the ramifications it would have
on broader issues in terms of manpower and strength and
all that," the official said.

The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity
to discuss internal deliberations, said military
officers have not directly opposed a surge option.
"I've never heard them be depicted that way to the
president," the official said. "Because they ask
questions about what the mission would be doesn't mean
they don't support it. Those are the kinds of questions
the president wants his military planners to be

The concerns raised by the military are sometimes
offset by concerns on the other side. For instance,
those who warn that a short-term surge would harm
longer-term deployments are met with the argument that
the situation is urgent now, the official said.
"Advocates would say: 'Can you afford to wait? Can you
afford to plan in the long term? What's the tipping
point in that country? Do you have time to wait?' "

Which way Bush is leaning remains unclear. "The
president's keeping his cards pretty close to his
vest," the official said, "and I think people may be
trying to interpret questions he's asking and
information he's asking for as signs that he's made up
his mind."

Robert M. Gates, who was sworn in yesterday as defense
secretary, is headed for Iraq this week and is expected
to play a decisive role in resolving the debate,
officials said. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's
views are still open, according to State Department
officials. The principals met again yesterday to
continue discussions.

The White House yesterday noted the growing number of
reports about what is being discussed behind closed
doors. "It's also worth issuing a note of caution,
because quite often peopl

Re: Joint Chiefs UNANIMOUSLY Oppose Adding Troops

2006-12-19 Thread Alan Sondheim

It's a really interesting email list that sends out opinion or news 
articles daily - Alan

On Tue, 19 Dec 2006, Talan Memmott wrote:

Odd... I just tried to respond to this at it went to a different email 


(what is this?)

what I said was simple:

crack. fissure. finally.

On Wed, 20 Dec 2006 02:25:49 -0500
Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Joint Chiefs UNANIMOUSLY Oppose Adding Troops

White House, Joint Chiefs At Odds on Adding Troops

By Robin Wright and Peter Baker
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, December 19, 2006; Page A01

The Bush administration is split over the idea of a
surge in troops to Iraq, with White House officials
aggressively promoting the concept over the unanimous
disagreement of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, according to
U.S. officials familiar with the intense debate.

Sending 15,000 to 30,000 more troops for a mission of
possibly six to eight months is one of the central
proposals on the table of the White House policy review
to reverse the steady deterioration in Iraq. The option
is being discussed as an element in a range of bigger
packages, the officials said.

But the Joint Chiefs think the White House, after a
month of talks, still does not have a defined mission
and is latching on to the surge idea in part because of
limited alternatives, despite warnings about the
potential disadvantages for the military, said the
officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity
because the White House review is not public.

The chiefs have taken a firm stand, the sources say,
because they believe the strategy review will be the
most important decision on Iraq to be made since the
March 2003 invasion.

At regular interagency meetings and in briefing
President Bush last week, the Pentagon has warned that
any short-term mission may only set up the United
States for bigger problems when it ends. The service
chiefs have warned that a short-term mission could give
an enormous edge to virtually all the armed factions in
Iraq -- including al-Qaeda's foreign fighters, Sunni
insurgents and Shiite militias -- without giving an
enduring boost to the U.S military mission or to the
Iraqi army, the officials said.

The Pentagon has cautioned that a modest surge could
lead to more attacks by al-Qaeda, provide more targets
for Sunni insurgents and fuel the jihadist appeal for
more foreign fighters to flock to Iraq to attack U.S.
troops, the officials said.

The informal but well-armed Shiite militias, the Joint
Chiefs have also warned, may simply melt back into
society during a U.S. surge and wait until the troops
are withdrawn -- then reemerge and retake the streets
of Baghdad and other cities.

Even the announcement of a time frame and mission --
such as for six months to try to secure volatile
Baghdad -- could play to armed factions by allowing
them to game out the new U.S. strategy, the chiefs have
warned the White House.

The idea of a much larger military deployment for a
longer mission is virtually off the table, at least so
far, mainly for logistics reasons, say officials
familiar with the debate. Any deployment of 40,000 to
50,000 would force the Pentagon to redeploy troops who
were scheduled to go home.

A senior administration official said it is "too
simplistic" to say the surge question has broken down
into a fight between the White House and the Pentagon,
but the official acknowledged that the military has
questioned the option. "Of course, military leadership
is going to be focused on the mission -- what you're
trying to accomplish, the ramifications it would have
on broader issues in terms of manpower and strength and
all that," the official said.

The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity
to discuss internal deliberations, said military
officers have not directly opposed a surge option.
"I've never heard them be depicted that way to the
president," the official said. "Because they ask
questions about what the mission would be doesn't mean
they don't support it. Those are the kinds of questions
the president wants his military planners to be

The concerns raised by the military are sometimes
offset by concerns on the other side. For instance,
those who warn that a short-term surge would harm
longer-term deployments are met with the argument that
the situation is urgent now, the official said.
"Advocates would say: 'Can you afford to wait? Can you
afford to plan in the long term? What's the tipping
point in that country? Do you have time to wait?' "

Which way Bush is leaning remains unclear. "The
president's keeping his cards pretty close to his
vest," the official said, "and I think people may be
trying to interpret questions he's asking and
information he's asking for as signs that he's made up
his m

losing my way in the milky forests of confession

2006-12-19 Thread Alan Sondheim

losing my way in the milky forests of confession [...]
ຟ&#a746;ᙽ◺ᰦ8c6; d0;ਮ
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o lord forgive me, such agony as done

[webartery] Laugh of the morning (fwd)

2006-12-20 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 08:08:54 -0800
From: Joel Weishaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Webartery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [webartery] Laugh of the morning

Laugh of the morning from the NYT:

"From 1995 to 2003, flagship and leading public research universities quadrupled 
their aid to students from families with incomes over $100,000, while aid to students 
from the poorest families declined, according to the Education Trust. The best public 
universities, the group said, have come to resemble 'gated communities of higher 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

YouTube WWII above and Self-portrait as a Bodhisattva

2006-12-20 Thread Alan Sondheim

(earlier beautiful work in easy fast format)

b34r 7GWgw AQaq" dEU6te '7GWgw Z^]#t =2 q Vm$Vhs 7I$O mLs" U8xOv EL~a 8Gt.
?6?9Z `mlk VXKC} DY.m`8 ~k3> lRFC Cmk$ CCO/ c,s"^kxdH#v 3k?5 WXul r]Xi<
;Qlix S,Lm $CK\8 j?6' hM-7  lRFC Cmk$
CCO/ c,s"^kxdH#v 3k?5 WXul r]Xi< ;Qlix S,Lm $CK\8 j?6' hM-7
WWII above
self portrait as a Bodhisattva

sickness was near

2006-12-21 Thread Alan Sondheim

sickness was near

avec Maud Liardon et Foofwa d'Imobilite choreograph

upon the moment of the rose M Rilke

you will move your hands and you will move your hands
and your hands will turn against the air, wandering
into being, the village cut of heaven, sheets of pages,
books and ground absence
 for whom the mirror, journey,
against the tain, back to back, where words grow
only within the sea drowned in sea, air drowned
in air, Raron

Nah war die Krankheit

Dreamwork/Codework rough notes

2006-12-21 Thread Alan Sondheim

Dreamwork/Codework rough notes

Erst in dem Doppelbereich
werden die Stimmen
ewig und mild. (RMR)

in the double realm of work / dream ~ work / dream / real - then to
confront work / code ~ work / code / ecriture -
scaffolding slides against scaffolding ~ raster against raster

the symbolic matrix / dream ~ protocol / code

what is the work of the dream ? making sense of the (wor)l
what is the work of the code ? problematizing sense of the wor(l)d

double work of the dream: the dream is _worked_ - energy expended in its
production, energy expended in the production of the mise en scene; and
the dream _works_ - transforms anomaly into homeostatis. in _dreamwork,_
the dream sutures and stitches the wounded.

double work of code: the code is _worked_ - energy expended in its produc-
tion, energy expended in the production of its graphemic output; and the
code _works_ - transforms output into semantics. in _codework,_ code both
sutures and ruptures, stitches and wounds.

the _codework of the dreamwork_ - dream decoding and production (symbolic)
the _dreamwork of the codework_ - code decoding and a-production

There is no _fundamental unit_ of either code or dream; code runs into the
discursive formation described by Christian Metz in his film semiotics -
it slips, just as dream slips in a more acceptable analysis.

Wie viele von diesen Steller Raeume waren schon innen in mir. (RMR)
How many of these places in space are already in me. (small)

an hundert Stellen ist es noch Ursprung. (RMR)
at a hundred places it remains Origin.
at a hundred points it is still Origin.
at a hundred points it is Origin still. (Norton)

Take action so grizzlies can rest easy this winter

2006-12-22 Thread Alan Sondheim
Dear NRDC BioGems Defender,

Thanks to our legal action, we now have even more to celebrate
this holiday season. Last week, a federal court rejected a plan
to expand destructive road-building in the Cabinet-Yaak and
Selkirk wildlands that span Montana, Idaho and Washington. They
are home to two of America's most imperiled grizzly bear

But elsewhere in the vast, snow-covered ranges of the Rockies, a
new threat to endangered grizzlies is looming. And we need your
immediate online action to block it!

A major railroad company is plotting to use powerful military
artillery to control avalanches along its railway in Glacier
National Park. The deadline for public comments on this
disastrous plan is December 29th, so please act quickly.

Go to
and tell Glacier officials that you support their preferred
alternative, which would protect human safety, while
safeguarding the park's magnificent wildlife and winter

Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad has proposed firing
explosives and dropping bombs from helicopters at Glacier's
southern boundary, even though scientific research has shown
that such earth-shattering explosions are likely to disturb
grizzly bear denning.

Instead, the company should upgrade its neglected, century-old
system of snow sheds to include overpasses for wildlife. Over
the past 30 years, trains traveling along the borders of the
park have killed at least 42 grizzlies, which are attracted to
the vegetation growing in avalanche chutes by the tracks, as
well as grain spilled by railway cars.

Please go to
and urge Glacier officials to reject Burlington Northern Santa
Fe Railroad's reckless proposal and adopt an avalanche control
plan that protects Glacier's natural values.

Thank you for all your efforts to protect grizzly bears and
other imperiled Rockies wildlife.


Frances Beinecke
Natural Resources Defense Council

. . .

We appreciate the opportunity to communicate with you and other
NRDC BioGems Defenders, but if you would prefer not to receive
BioGems updates or hear from BioGems activists in the field, you
can reply to this email message with "remove" or "unsubscribe"
in the subject line. 

To update your information, including your email or mailing
address, visit your subscription management page at;

Rainforest Matters December: Make Your Holidays Sustainable, Conserving World Heritage Sites and Rainforest Alliance in the News

2006-12-22 Thread Alan Sondheim
Title: Rainforest Matters -- December 2006

About Us News Where We Work Donate Rainforest Matters Index

December 2006

Make Your Holidays Sustainable

Conserving World Heritage Sites

From the Blog: Executive Director Tensie Whelan Travels to Colombia

At a Glance: Rainforest Alliance in the News

Make Your Holidays Sustainable

When you gather with friends and family to celebrate the holidays, the Rainforest Alliance invites you to demonstrate your support for sustainability and help to make this season truly green!

As you shop for gifts or food to share, we urge you to "vote with your dollars" in support of sustainability. Check out our online marketplace for help finding Rainforest Alliance Certified products, grown and harvested using methods that protect biodiversity and the rights and welfare of workers and their communities.

If you're planning a vacation this winter, our online Eco-Index of Sustainable Tourism can help you select sustainable hotels, lodges, and tour operators in Latin America and the Caribbean.

When shopping for wine, look for bottles with cork stoppers. Cork is an inherently sustainable resource, both renewable and biodegradable. The cork oak tree (Quercus suber), produces a thick bark that can be stripped off every decade without damaging the trees, which can live up to 250 years. The trends toward synthetic bottle stoppers is endangering one of western Europe's last natural forest ecosystems, and along with an economy and culture that has centered on cork harvesting for thousands of years.

This season, do your part to help protect the planet by ensuring that your holiday gifts have been verified by an independent organization with meaningful environmental and/or social standards. Learn more about eco-labels at The Consumers Union Guide to Environmental Labels.

Conserving World Heritage Sites

The Rainforest Alliance is a new partner in the World Heritage Alliance (WHA), a collaboration initiated by Expedia and the United Nations Foundation, which seeks to support sustainable tourism in and around the 830 World Heritage sites designated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

The World Heritage Alliance brings together tourism businesses, governments, and non-governmental organizations that have committed to promoting sustainable tourism, which conserves local biodiversity and cultures and creates opportunities for community enrichment.

"We are thrilled to join this innovative partnership," praised Tensie Whelan, executive director of the Rainforest Alliance. "Members of our sustainable tourism program staff look forward to training and providing technical assistance to World Heritage Alliance members. We hope to help them lead the way in conserving some of the world's most valuable places for years to come."

The Rainforest Alliance will sponsor workshops focusing on consumer education, community development and technical training.

From the Blog: Executive Director Tensie Whelan Travels to Colombia

Colombia, where some 560,000 farmers depend on coffee for their livelihoods, is one of the world's largest coffee-producing countries. In mid-October, Rainforest Alliance executive director Tensie Whelan spent a week in Colombia as a guest of the Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia and Fundación Natura (our local NGO counterpart). She visited three states -- Santander, Caldas and Santa Marta -- and spent a day in Bogotá, introducing a new line of Juan Valdez, Rainforest Alliance Certified coffee (coming to a Wal-Mart near you in January). Check out our Frog Blog to read about the farms she visited, the history of coffee in Colombia and how Rainforest Alliance certification is improving the lives and livelihoods of farmers, their families and communities.

At a Glance

Rainforest Alliance in the News

Fortune, "Chiquita cleans up its act"

The Observer (London), "Nicaragua's green lobby is leaving rainforest people 'utterly destitute'"

Green Lodging News, "Rainforest Alliance develops Eco-Index of Sustainable Tourism"

Other News

In 2007, the Rainforest Alliance will celebrate its 20th anniversary. Be sure to check out our Web site and this newsletter for coverage of our two decades of accomplishments and a look ahead to the next twenty years!

Williams-Sonoma, Inc. is now procuring 95 percent of the paper used in its seven catalogues from Forest Stewardship Council-certified sources.

Looking to green your office? The Domtar EarthChoice family of Forest Stewardship Council/Rainforest Alliance Certified papers now includes copy papers as well as a range of options for corporate communications and publishing.

Send free Rainforest Alliance eCards!

Sign up to receive Rainforest Matters each month by email!

© 2006 Rainforest Alliance

Rainforest Matters is a monthly 

proffer-harmonica solos

2006-12-22 Thread Alan Sondheim

proffer-harmonica solos

If every position demarcates an other, it is noise that welcomes the
world. What will the world do with an other? Surely both are bypassed,
welcoming remains, demarcation a ruptured effusive memory.

_Uns_ wird nur das Laermen angeboten. (RMR)
To _us_ only the noise is proffered. (trans. Norton) harmonic minor c harmonic minor c harmonic minor c echo echo echo echo chromatic w noise reduction chromatic w noise reduction

harmonica salt lake city session snow out 29 degrees

_Hier_ ist des Saeglichenit, _hier_ seine Heimat. (RMR)
_Here_ is the time for the Tellable, _here_ is its home. (trans. Spender)

For Rilke ("Wisse das Bild") and mother father daughter son

2006-12-23 Thread Alan Sondheim

For Rilke ("Wisse das Bild")

"Wisse das Bild" schreibt Rilke in den Sonetten an Orpheus und l sst den 
Satz kursiv drucken: Wisse das Bild. Dies jedenfalls ist ein true Wisse 
das Bild , schreibt Rilke in den Sonetten an Orpheus und l sst den Satz 
kursiv drucken: Wisse das Bild. Dies jedenfalls ist ein Thrakien, ... Bild 
, schreibt Rilke in den Sonetten an Orpheus und l sst den Satz kursiv 
drucken: Wisse das Bild. Dies jedenfalls ist ein Thrakien, ... das Bild. 
Erst in dem Doppelbereich. werden die Stimmen. ewig und mild. 1.  One 
night Kabir was dreaming. His being seemed to break:

origina full clearer video of the handgesture piece:

Scivias, Wisse die Wege: Hildegard von Bingen,Hildegard von Bingen by 
Hildegard von Bingen,Hildegard von Bingen. Wisse, dass du sterblich bist: 
Malachy Hyde by Malachy Hyde. Wisse das Bild. Erst in dem Doppelbereich 
werden die Stimmen

ewig und mild.  IX [FIRST PART] Only he who has lifted his lyre
also among the shadows ...
Wisse das Bild. Erst in dem Doppelbereich werden die Stimmen
ewig und mild.  IX [FIRST PART] Only he who has lifted his lyre
also among the shadows ...

true Wisse das Bild. Know the image. Erst in dem Doppelbereich Only in the 
dual realm werden die Stimmen will the voices ewig und mild. be eternal 
and gentle ... Capstone crisis (Dante)Knight Hall Mag auch die Spiegelung 
im Teich Uns oft verschwimmen: [log in to unmask] Wisse das Bild.

"Erst n in dem Doppelbereich" true Rilke sagt in diesem Sinne in den 
Sonetten an Orpheus (I, 9): Erst in dem Doppelbereich (von Spiegelung und 
Bild; von BewuBtheit und Offenem) werden die ... dem Doppelbereich. werden 
die Stimmen. ewig und mild. 1. One night Kabir was dreaming. His being 
seemed to break:. Two people when hes sleeping ... Erst in dem 
Doppelbereich werden die Stimmen ewig und mild. IX Only he who has lifted 
his lyre also among the shadows may his boundless praise ... true Erst in 
dem Doppelbereich Only in the dual realm werden die Stimmen will the 
voices ewig und mild. be eternal and gentle ... Erst in dem Doppelbereich 
werden die Stimmen ewig und mild. IX [FIRST PART] Only he who has lifted 
his lyre also among the shadows may his boundless praise ... verschwimmen: 
Wisse das Bild. Erst in dem Doppelbereich werden die Stimmen ewig und 
mild. Aus: Die Sonette an Orpheus, Erster Doppelbereich werden die Stimmen 
ewig und mild. Only one who played the lyre to the shades can glimpse an 
awareness of the true Erst in dem Doppelbereich, Only songs in the 
parallel. werden die Stimmen, region remain. ewig und mild. lasting, 




"WARMEN MAEDCHEN IHR STUMMEN" dchen, ihr warmen, M dchen, ihr stummen, 
tanzt den Geschmack der erfahrenen Frucht! Tanzt die Orange. Wer kann sie 
vergessen, wie sie, ertrinkend in sich, true Wartet ..., das schmeckt 
Schon ists auf der Flucht .Wenig Musik nur, ein Stampfen, ein Summen :. M 
dchen, ihr warmen, M dchen, ihr stummen, ... true M dchen, ihr warmen, M 
dchen, ihr stummen,. tanzt den Geschmack der erfahrenen Frucht! 5, Tanzt 
die Orange. Wer kann sie vergessen, ... ode=Wenig Musik nur, ein Stampfen, 
ein Summen -: dchen, ihr warmen, M dchen, ihr stummen, tanzt den Geschmack 
der erfahrenen Frucht! Tanzt die Orange. ... ode=M dchen, ihr warmen, 
dchen, ihr stummen,. tanzt den Geschmack der erfahrenen Frucht! Tanzt die 
Orange. Wer kann sie vergessen, true Wenig Musik nur, ein Stampfen, ein 
Summen -: M dchen, ihr warmen, M dchen, ihr stummen, tanzt den Geschmack 
der erfahrenen Frucht ! Tanzt die Orange. WARTET ..., das schmeckt Schon 
ists auf der Flucht .Wenig Musik nur, ein Stampfen, ein Summen -: M dchen, 
ihr warmen, M dchen, ihr stummen, ... dchen, ihr warmen, M dchen, ihr 
stummen,. tanzt den Geschmack der erfahrenen Frucht! Tanzt die Orange. Wer 
kann sie vergessen, ... dchen, ihr warmen, M dchen, ihr stummen, tanzt den 
Geschmack der erfahrenen Frucht! Tanzt die Orange. Wer kann sie vergessen, 
wie sie, ertrinkend in sich, 44k true M dchen, ihr warmen, M dchen, ihr 
stummen, tanzt den Geschmack der erfahrenen Frucht! Tanzt die Orange. Wer 
kann sie vergessen, wie

houses get out of the way.

2006-12-24 Thread Alan Sondheim

houses get out of the way.

houses get out of the way. mountains remain forever, the land roars on,
nothing will stop it. people will die everywhere, houses get out of the
way. the land roars on.
houses get out of the way. mountains remain forever, the land roars on,
nothing will stop it. people will die everywhere, houses get out of the
way. the land roars on.
houses get out of the way. mountains remain forever, the land roars on,
nothing will stop it. people will die everywhere, houses get out of the
way. the land roars on.
houses get out of the way. mountains remain forever, the land roars on,
nothing will stop it. people will die everywhere, houses get out of the
way. the land roars on.

reviews of ski/nn

2006-12-24 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2006 15:33:35 +
From: "[iso-8859-1] steven tobin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: reviews of ski/nn

will do some more google searching later.



available now! fm-07 & 08
alan sonheim - ski/nn
what we live w/ saadet turkoz - sound cathcer

fire museum records
po box 42318
philadelphia, pa 19101 usa

on alias, aliasing

2006-12-24 Thread Alan Sondheim


Alias - One has an alias - the connotation is that of subterfuge (but not
necessarily). Feynman writes about alias as a question of raster - think
of alias, aliasing, as the return of the repressed of the real - what
can't be accommodated is transformed by the upper ceiling of the bandwidth
into rhythmic structuring - of course if the unaccommodated - one might
say unaccountable - is itself within a relatively steady-state. Look for
alias / aliasing in the real, for the location of what might pass for
primordial - what whispers in spite of everything.

Aliases and rhythm - but given the potential of alterity, a face without
content, a face elsewhere than the Other - the rupture itself, aliasing
itself, may take on the appearance of a masquerade (i.e. of the second
order). Hence what is apparent may be the extrusion or residue of
insufficient bandwidth, and if we generalize, we might find that the
appearance of the real is always already alias, construed as appearance,
forced into its return.

Is sampling always inadequate? Don't we make these decisions in the first
place, in relation to human perception? Think of the alias as a wound -
wound as gateway - or diacritical mark. Here is where the digital meets
the analog - or at least where catastrophe meets emission - where emission
is channeled...

There is something deep here, more than meets the eye ...


Thus - to a future editor:

I am writing as quickly as possible before I die. For example, the concept
of 'alias' I employ here might well lead to a phenomenology of the imag-
inary. But who has time to complete this? Furthermore, my work is full of
misspellings, errors of grammar, confusions and awkwardness of style. I
hope these will be corrected. I am blind to them. Even with copy-editing,
I am blind to them. But they are present as the real is present, and as
such, are erroneous; they conjure only what the alias permits. The sememe
is catastrophically shattered in such, and most likely in all, instances.
So the act of correction must be an active one - not merely copy-editing,
but editing for content, deep-editing, correcting faults, and restoring
the texts to their (non-existent and accurate) originals.

There is something deep here, more than meets the I ...


( see )

The gods.

2006-12-24 Thread Alan Sondheim

The gods.

You have heard the tales of white birds, wings from dawn to dusk.
They fill the sky with translucence, muffle the shape of clouds.
Their cries gave someone the idea of language and mourning.
The utterance of the first word, 'inconceivable.'

The bittern knows the gods.

Tonight the gods will descend upon the earth.
They will sink into the earth, but only so much into the earth.
Sinking as if the soil were damp or marsh, unable to cope.
Unable to cope with so much deity, nonetheless resistant.
All gods are jagged gods and all gods are desperate.
All gods are the shifters in language of the second person.
Gods create the third person from the second person.
And beyond the third, a fourth, and beyond a fourth, the fifth.
Once the gods are created they are released.
That is one of the definitions of the gods.
The gods descend like rain into meadows and wild fields.
Fields lain fallow or fields of unspoken appearance beneath glacier and
Planted, their root systems are shallow, winds will trample them.
Storms will weigh them down with the pleasure and fecundity of water.
It is the incoherency of the gods that is their definitions.
What is released is incoherent, what is coherent is framed, what lies
between them is aliased.
The aliasing of the gods is the jagged of the gods and the names of the
gods, who abjure names.
The punishment of naming names, the punishment of names.
Like sea oats like ocotillo like willows like quaking aspen,
slight movements of the gods shimmer the murmurs of the worlds.
Gods are worlds, are incoherent worlds, every definition a definition
of the gods.
They come in winter. They reside.
Tonight the gods descend upon the earth.
They descend into the soft earth, they sink into the soft earth.
They are invisible to us, we are invisible to them.
The slightest impressions as they bend, move silently, the slightest
sounds, their murmuring.
All gods are smoothed, all gods are filled with the quietude of rustlings,
unfathomable beauty, mist at dawn, the vertical.

starling no name shiftless performance

2006-12-25 Thread Alan Sondheim

starling no name shiftless performance

we are speaking wires for you.
we are 'performance' and 'no name,' shiftless.
shiftless, we are 'fame.'
a tail: 'high-tale it out of here.'
goodbye. leave us alone.

The Year the World Woke Up (fwd) - please pass on

2006-12-25 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2006 12:09:37 -0500
Subject: The Year the World Woke Up,,1975381,00.html
The Guardian (UK)
December 20, 2006

The year the world woke up

Climate change In 2006, the public, politicians and
industry have all shown significant signs that tackling
global warming is on the agenda after scientific
studies showed the pace of change gathering speed. John
Vidal reports

Not before time, the west awoke in 2006 to the vast
economic, political and social implications of climate
change - and twigged that it presented as many
opportunities as threats to humanity. As temperature
and rainfall records tumbled, and unseasonal, intense
heatwaves, droughts and floods struck many countries,
local and national politicians scrambled to beef up
their green policies and credentials, some businesses
found they could make a packet from trading carbon, and
a broad-based global social and ecological movement
emerged, linking climate change to social justice, as
well as to poverty and lifestyles.

Article continues A plethora of scientific reports
underpinned the global phenomenon throughout the year,
which was officially the warmest ever recorded in
Britain and the sixth warmest the world has known. It
was, globally, a tad cooler than 2005, the hottest
ever, but it continued a trend: the eight hottest years
ever recorded have been in the last 10 years.

A succession of alarming reports came out. James
Lovelock, the British scientist who devised the Gaia
theory - that living organisms affect the environment -
forecast planetary wipeout; government studies showed
that Australia, in the middle of a "1,000-year"
drought, would get even hotter and drier, and that
worldwide crop yields would decrease. The Gulf Stream,
which warms northern Europe, was found to be slowing,
the tundra to be melting faster than previously
thought, and satellite images showed that major rivers
of Africa are carrying significantly less water than
before. Monsoons were even more erratic across the
Indian sub-continent, Arctic sea ice was predicted to
disappear - along with polar bears - by 2040, and
almost all the world's glaciers, in many cases
providing water for cities, were confirmed to be in

As the decline of winter sports in Europe was being
contemplated, scientists became increasingly confident
about linking the evident warming to manmade emissions.
Others, previously quiet, spoke loudly: Sir David
Attenborough, bishops and celebrities all called on
people to make climate change the great moral issue of
our times. The few remaining contrarians in the
scientific and political establishment became
increasingly isolated.

Most serious issue

In Europe, polls showed climate change to be the second
most important issue, behind unemployment, with 93% of
people wanting action taken. Spurred by Tony Blair's
insistence that it was the "most serious issue facing
mankind", and chief scientist David King's warning that
global warming was "more dangerous than terrorism", the
Tory leader David Cameron launched an immediate and
serious pitch for the mainstream green vote with a trip
to the Arctic. Labour, worried, astutely appointed
David Miliband as the new environment secretary in
place of Margaret Beckett. Within months, he had called
for a complete rethink of national politics, saying
that the environment movement today was as significant
as the unions had been to the rise of Labour 100 years

As the political and lifestyle debate spilled into all
areas of British life, the government was criticised
for doing little. Latest UK carbon dioxide figures
showed emissions rising in 2005 to the highest level
they had ever been under Labour. Other figures showed
that UK greenhouse gas emissions fell slightly by 0.3m
tonnes to 656m tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent
between 2004 and 2005, but that net emissions of C02
increased - the third consecutive annual rise.

The long-awaited climate review in March talked of
conservation and technological change, but was slammed
for its perceived timidity. Meanwhile, the Department
for Transport (DfT) was singled out for promoting a
huge growth in airport and road capacity, and Gordon
Brown was criticised for barely addressing the issue in
successive budgets.

Only the Stern review of the economics of climate
change brought the Treasury any respite. It broke fresh
intellectual ground by arguing that the presumption of
economic growth was no longer valid in view of climate
change, and that not addressing it could lead to an
economic upheaval on the scale of the 1930s'
Depression. For the first time, a figure was put on the
pollution costs of carbon emissions: ??50 a tonne.

But the scale of what needed to be done was constantly
ramped up. A report from the Tyndall Centre for Climate
Change Research at Manchester University factored in
aviation and shipping emi

Christians Suffer for Iraq, Says Archbishop (fwd)

2006-12-25 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2006 12:10:36 -0500
Subject: Christians Suffer for Iraq, Says Archbishop,,3-2516916,00.html

The Times (UK)
December 23, 2006

Christians suffer for Iraq, says archbishop

By Ruth Gledhill and Michael Evans

An icon from the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem,
where the number of Christians has plummeted to less
than a quarter of the figure in 1948 (Peter Nicholls)

Christians in the Middle East are being put at
unprecedented risk by the Government's 'shortsighted'
and 'ignorant' policy in Iraq, The Archbishop of
Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, says today.

In an extraordinary attack, Dr Williams accuses Tony
Blair and the US of endangering the lives and futures
of many thousands of Christians in the Middle East, who
are regarded by their countrymen as supporters of the
'crusading West.'

He has been backed by bishops across the Church of
England, who say that Christians in the Middle East are
now paying the price for the 'chaos' in Iraq after the
British Government failed to heed their warnings about
the consequences of military action.

Dr Williams, writing in today's Times, says that one
prediction that was systematically ignored was that
Western military action would put the whole of the
Middle East's Christian population at risk.

Writing from Bethlehem, where the number of Christians
has plummeted to a quarter of what they were, he
condemns the Government for failing to put in place a
strategy to help Christians.

'The results are now painfully adding to what was
already a difficult situation for Christian communities
across the region,' he says. 'The first Christian
believers were Middle Easterners. It's a very sobering
thought that we might live to see the last native
Christian believers in the region.' In some Middle
Eastern countries where Muslim-Christian relations have
always been good, he says that extremist attacks on
Christians are becoming 'notably more frequent.'

Dr Williams, who is visiting Israel with Cardinal
Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, Archbishop of Westminster,
Bishop Nathan Hovhannisian, the Armenian Primate of
Britain and David Coffey, the head of the Baptist World
Alliance, returns to Britain today with a call for all
British churches to take action to raise the profile of
Christians in the Middle East. Dr Williams said
yesterday that the Israeli-built wall around Bethlehem
symbolised what was 'deeply wrong in the human heart'.

Despite Dr Williams's attack on British policy in Iraq,
the Government insists that the strategy in southern
Iraq, where about 7,000 troops are based, is bearing

Des Browne, the Defence Secretary, told The Times in an
interview this week: 'There is no evidence that the
strategy is not still on course.' He said that
Operation Sinbad, under which troops and reconstruction
teams are devoting resources to improving Basra, was
the key to Britain's strategy.

The Government hopes that next year British troops will
be able to adopt a 'watching role', leaving the trained
Iraqi security forces to take over responsibility for
Basra. 'I think it's highly unlikely that we will need
the same number of troops to watch over the Iraqis as
we have there at present,' Mr Browne said.

He insisted that the environment in Basra was
'genuinely improving'. In October, General Sir Richard
Dannatt, the head of the Army, gave warning in a
newspaper interview that if the British troops stayed
for too long they would risk exacerbating the

Senior bishops threw their weight behind Dr Williams.Dr
Tom Wright, the Bishop of Durham, said: 'Nobody takes
any notice of what churchmen say about these things.
Now this has turned into a very sorrowful ???I told you

Dr Wright, who is one of the Church's top five clerics,
said: 'We have argued all along that what was being
done in our name by our Government, led by America,
would have disastrous consequences.

'The 64-and-a-half thousand dollar question is, what do
we do now? We have made a problematic situation far
worse. Even if there were changes of government in
America and Britain, they will still have to cope with
the chaos that has been unleashed.'

He called for the UN resources in the region to be
strengthened. 'Long term, that is what we must do
because it is ridiculous for any one, two or three
countries to pretend they can be global policemen in
other people's parts of the world. We desperately need
a credible international police force.'

'As long as it is America and Britain doing the
policing, local people will see it as Christian nations
coming in and beating up Muslim nations, so it merely
makes matters worse.' He said that the ensuing chaos
could lead to a situation that was 'worse than Saddam'.

The Bishop of Chelmsford, the Right Rev John Gladwin,
said: 'I am fully aware of the appalling situation in
which many Christians in the Middle East now find

Heidegger's Hut

2006-12-25 Thread Alan Sondheim

Heidegger's Hut

poised among the fourfold, the lure of new man, new development, and yet... 
closer to fourfold, among uncounted elements, unaccounted-for. For often I have 
approached this live or in dream to little avail; I would wait for clearing 
weather, for the world to happen, for technology to disappear at the base. 
Heidegger remains there above his troubled politics, of which there is no 
counting-four; we are close to hearth, we are embers among the dying worlds. 
Soon the snows will melt, glaciers disappear; the hut stays on a lure, 
overlooking resettled life, spaces a thousand kilometers long, an empyrean 
high. I cannot imagine a world such as this, life in hut corner, close to 
warmth, old wooden bench and bed, columnar spirit emerging to heavens' other 
worlds. We live in imaginary solace, his hut our own, released to the elements 
and beyond, transformed. There is no journey in the journey, no dream in the 
dream. One has life only for so much sorrow. Glow remains the last of our eyes. 
Hearth warms, beyond.

( images at )

Please Support WWF's Conservation Efforts in 2007

2006-12-26 Thread Alan Sondheim
WWF: Thanks for your support!

Dear Alan,

Victories in 2006...

The first-ever photo of a critically endangered rhino--which is rarely seen 
alive--in the wilds of Borneo. 

The creation of a 6.2-million-acre protected area in Brazil--safeguarding some 
of the richest tropical forests in the world.

The birth of five wild bison on the plains of eastern Montana, for the first 
time in 120 years.

These victories are just three from a long list of incredible milestones in 
2006 that couldn't have been reached without your ongoing support.

Thanks to you, we've been successful in reversing some of the degradation of 
our planet's natural environment and we've worked to build a future in which 
human needs are met in harmony with nature. Take a look at what you've helped 
us achieve:

- We created millions of acres of new protected areas in endangered places, 
from forest corridors in the Amazon and Eastern Himalayas to marine reserves 
off Coastal East Africa and in the Coral Triangle. This year, the governments 
of Indonesia and the Philippines embraced WWF's proposal to create a Peace Park 
in the Coral Triangle to protect the corridor that tuna use to migrate between 
the Sulu-Sulawesi Seas and the Pacific Ocean. The agreement not only promotes 
sustainable fishing practices and protects a place of often-disputed 
boundaries, but also benefits the passage's other overexploited species, such 
as humpback whales and leatherback turtles.

- We completed the most comprehensive scientific study of tiger habitats ever 
done, finding that these big cats reside in 40 percent less habitat than they 
were thought to a decade ago; they occupy only 7 percent of their historic 
range. Where we've worked to preserve and protect tigers, we've seen a positive 
impact: In the Russian Far East, intensive conservation efforts have led to a 
recovery of these magnificent cats--from only 40 individuals in the 1940s to 
500 tigers today.

- We gave a voice to endangered species around the world. Through WWF's 
Conservation Action Network, we prevailed in our push to create the world's 
largest marine reserve, in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. We prevented 
Congress from adopting a bill that would have undermined the Endangered Species 
Act, our bulwark against extinction. And we succeeded in strengthening the law 
that governs management of our nation's ocean fisheries.

- We promoted sustainable approaches to the use of renewable natural resources. 
Quirimbas National Park is now the largest marine protected area in the Indian 
Ocean and Africa. Over the past few years, fishermen in what once was 
Mozambique's poorest province have seen dramatic increases in both the size of 
individual fish and the overall catch--and, consequently, in their 
earnings--thanks to the park. The government of Mozambique has now asked WWF to 
help design a much bigger marine protected area.

- We empowered local communities to take over the management of their own 
resources and lives. Nepal's government turned over conservation of the 
wildlife and habitats surrounding Kangchenjunga, the world's third-highest 
mountain, to a coalition of local communities this September. Sadly, WWF and 
the world lost 24 extraordinary individuals in a tragic helicopter crash 
following the ceremony. Programs continue in their memory, conserving globally 
threatened wildlife species, such as the snow leopard, while supporting local 
communities through health services, informal education and income-generating 

Your support, your actions, and your generosity have helped save endangered 
species, protect endangered habitats and address global threats, making 2006 an 
unprecedented year for WWF. But as you have seen, these conservation battles 
must be won again and again. Together, we must remain ever-vigilant as wild 
animals and wild places
face ongoing challenges.

With only a few days remaining in 2006, we're setting our sights on 2007. Can 
we count on your support for the pivotal year ahead? If you're able, I'm asking 
you to please give your year-end contribution to continue our successful 
conservation efforts in 2007.

With your generous gift, WWF can hit the ground running in 2007 with momentum.

Simply visit our secure donation form and submit your tax-deductible year-end 
gift today to receive your tax benefits and help protect the future of nature.

For 45 years, we have been committed to achieving measurable progress toward 
conserving the world's great natural habitats. On behalf of everyone at WWF, 
thank you for putting your trust in us and generously
giving your support.

Sincerely yours,

Carter S. Roberts
President & CEO

P.S. Interested in giving a gift of stock? Learn more here.

P.S.  Make your generous gift go even 


2006-12-26 Thread Alan Sondheim

Rilke's Death from development, of angels, welkin reminders, of what might
have been, here, among other valleys' roots, like magma, poured spirit one
and then another; furious angels! invisible, whose arms illuminate the
night harrowed from animals wounded, animals dying; among all orders, a
command. With what might one counter the thin edge of the Real?; with what
countenance?; with what countenance will Any listen? Multiples move, among
multitudes; crossed by elk, by deer, by wolves, kestrel-binding holding
fields (these wait for No One)

What hovers, soars (these move for No One)

( images at )

aliasing i ii i

2006-12-27 Thread Alan Sondheim

aliasing i ii i

what happens when the real is aliased, when the shifted world shifts
shifters against its shifty self. yes for the punning, but the bones are
there beneath the surface. what occurs within the digital never stays
within the digital; what occurs within the analog stays within the analog.
this is silent film.

at youtube - - stranger
longer but not much - - much clearer

when continuum devolves into segments, aliasing ii: the world stutters and
re-stutters; nothing is visibile; eyes squint to make sense of it all.
what happens in the analog stays in the analog; good luck with seeing the

at youtube - - oh stranger
longer but not much - - much clearer

NASA Mars Team Teaches Old Rovers New Tricks to Kick Off Year Four

2006-12-28 Thread Alan Sondheim
PASADENA, CALIF. 91109 TELEPHONE (818) 354-5011

Guy Webster (818) 354-6278
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

News Release: 2006-152  
December 28, 2006  

NASA Mars Team Teaches Old Rovers New Tricks to Kick Off Year Four
NASA's twin Mars rovers, nearing the third anniversary of their landings, are 
getting smarter as they 
get older. 
The unexpected longevity of Spirit and Opportunity is giving the space agency a 
chance to field-test 
on Mars some new capabilities useful both to these missions and future rovers. 
Spirit will begin its 
fourth year on Mars on Jan. 3 (PST); Opportunity on Jan. 24.  In addition to 
their continuing 
scientific observations, they are now testing four new skills included in 
revised flight software 
uploaded to their onboard computers. 

One of the new capabilities enables spacecraft to examine images and recognize 
certain types of 
features. It is based on software developed for NASA's Space Technology 6 
"thinking spacecraft." 

Spirit has photographed dozens of dusty whirlwinds in action, and both rovers 
have photographed 
clouds. Until now, however, scientists on Earth have had to sift through many 
transmitted images 
from Mars to find those few. With the new intelligence boost, the rovers can 
recognize dust devils or 
clouds and select only the relevant parts of those images to send back to 
Earth. This increased 
efficiency will free up more communication time for additional scientific 

To recognize dust devils, the new software looks for changes from one image to 
the next, taken a few 
seconds apart, of the same field of view.  To find clouds, it looks for 
non-uniform features in the 
portion of an image it recognizes as the sky.  

Another new feature, called "visual target tracking," enables a rover to keep 
recognizing a designated 
landscape feature as the rover moves. Khaled Ali of NASA's Jet Propulsion 
Laboratory, Pasadena, 
Calif., flight software team leader for Spirit and Opportunity, said, "The 
rover keeps updating its 
template of what the feature looks like. It may be a rock that looks bigger as 
the rover approaches it, 
or maybe the shape looks different from a different angle, but the rover still 
knows it's the same 

Visual target tracking can be combined with a third new feature -- autonomy in 
calculating where it is 
safe to reach out with the contact tools on the rover's robotic arm. The 
combination gives Spirit and 
Opportunity a capability called "go and touch," which is yet to be tested on 
Mars. So far in the 
mission, whenever a rover has driven to a new location, the crew on Earth has 
had to evaluate images 
of the new location to decide where the rover could place its contact 
instruments on a subsequent day.  
After the new software has been tested and validated, the crew will have the 
option of letting a rover 
choose an arm target for itself the same day it drives to a new location.

The new software also improves the autonomy of each rover for navigating away 
from hazards by 
building better maps of their surroundings than they have done previously. This 
new capability was 
developed by Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, and JPL.  

"Before this, the rovers could only think one step ahead about getting around 
an obstacle," said JPL's 
Dr. John Callas, project manager for the Mars Exploration Rovers. "If they 
encountered an obstacle 
or hazard, they'd back off one step and try a different direction, and if that 
direction didn't work 
they'd try another, then another. And sometimes the rover could not find a 
solution. With this new 
capability, the rover will be smarter about navigating in complex terrain, 
thinking several steps ahead. 
It could back out of a dead-end cul-de-sac. It could even find its way through 
a maze."

This is the most comprehensive of four revisions to the rovers' flight software 
since launch. One new 
version was uplinked during the cruise to Mars, and the rovers have switched to 
upgraded versions 
twice since their January 2004 landings. 

Callas said, "These rovers are a great resource for testing software that could 
be useful to future Mars 
missions without sacrificing our own continuing mission of exploration. This 
new software will be a 
baseline for development of flight software for Mars Science Laboratory, but 
it's also helpful in 
operating Spirit and Opportunity."  NASA's Mars Science Laboratory is a 
next-generation Mars rover 
in development for planned launch in 2009.

Spirit and Opportunity have worked on Mars for nearly 12 times as long as their 
originally planned 
prime missions of 90 Martian days. Spirit has driven about 6.9 kilometers (4.3 
miles); Opportunity 
has driven about 9.8 kilometers (6.1 miles). Spirit has ret

Ten Good Things About 2006

2006-12-28 Thread Alan Sondheim
Let's Toast to Ten Good Things About 2006 

By Medea Benjamin

December 28, 2006,

As we close this year on the low of a devastating conflict in
Iraq and a President contemplating sending yet more troops to
fight and die in an unwinnable war, let us not forget that it
was a year of many positive gains for the progressive
movement. Here are just ten.

1. First, of course, is the November elections, when voters
gave Repubicans an 'electoral thumpin". From California's
Jerry McNerney to Ohio's Sherrod Brown to Minnesota's Keith
Ellison-Democrats all over the country won elections by
slamming Bush's war. The collapse of one-party rule in
Washington reflected a spectacular repudiation of George Bush
and handed Congress a mandate to get out of Iraq.

2. Latino communities throughout the United States took center
stage in the spring of 2006, putting May Day back on the map
as a day of grassroots mobilizing. From high school students
to union members to community organizers, the spirit and
energy of millions of immigrants demanding to be treated with
dignity and respect took the nation by surprise. Immigrants
not only carved out new political space, but in the age of e-
activism, they breathed new life into the importance of
'street heat.'

3. After decades of dictating the rules of the global economy,
World Trade Organization talks fell flat on their face in
2006. Activists the world over celebrated its collapse after
years of work to sink this titanic tool of empire. The work to
derail corporate-dominated trade policies is far from over,
with bilateral free trade agreements taking the place of the
WTO. But the WTO and its model of globalization have been
exposed as a dismal failure and opposition continues to grow

4. George Bush opened 2006 with a State of the Union Address
bemoaning our 'addiction to oil'; 86 prominent Evangelicals
called global warming a moral issue; Al Gore educated millions
with his film, An Inconvenient Truth; and Time magazine
declared the Earth is at a tipping point with melting ice,
drought, wind, disease, and fires raging out of control.
Historians may one day look back on 2006 as the 'tipping-
point' year when human societies-including the United States
as the major superpower and the major polluter-woke up to the
precarious state of our world and decided it was time to find

5. As a clear indicator of the shift from debating global
warming to doing something about it, this year California
passed the nation's toughest legislation to curb greenhouse
gases. The groundbreaking bill would require the state to cut
back its greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020-a
reduction of approximately 25 percent. A smart politico,
Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger saw the green
writing on the wall and joined the state's Democrats in
setting a new environmental standard for the rest of the
nation to follow.

6. In a year when Enron executives were found guilty of
cooking the books, Muhammad Yunus was awarded the Nobel Peace
Prize for proving that poor people can be more reliable money
managers than rich ones. Yunus' 'microcredit movement' that
started out giving small loans to poor Bangladeshis, mostly
women, mushroomed into a worldwide movement that has extended
small loans to millions of the world's poor. By awarding Yunus
the Peace Prize, the Norwegian Nobel Committee not only
recognized the credit-worthiness of the poor but acknowledged
that poverty is a threat to peace. As Yunus said in his
acceptance speech, 'I believe that putting resources into
improving the lives of the poor people is a better strategy
[for combating terrorism] than spending it on guns.'

7. While the fighting between Israel and Lebanon left over
1,000 dead, mostly Lebanese, a ceasefire was achieved after
only 34 days. When the violence threatened to spiral out of
control, the United Nations, the Arab League and individual
governments stepped forward to insist on negotiations, to
hammer out a ceasefire agreement and to provide international
peacekeeping forces to serve as monitors. What could have been
a prolonged conflict with devastating consequences for the
entire region was halted. The lessons that SHOULD have been
learned when the powerful Israeli military was unable to 'win'
the conflict through force are that military aggression will
not solve the deep-seated problems in the region, and that
negotiations and peace processes can work.

8. Speaking of dialogue, Jimmy Carter, with his new book
Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, took on the greatest taboo in
US politics: the gross violation of Palestinian rights and the
unqualified US government support for the Israeli government.
Likening Israel's policies in the Palestinian territories to
the racist white rule in South Africa, Carter has raised a
firestorm of controversy. But finally, FINALLY, someone with
the credentials of a statesman, a peacemaker and a friend of

mountain wire bird sutra and fourfold holding sutra

2006-12-29 Thread Alan Sondheim

mountain wire bird sutra and fourfold holding sutra

female kestrel devouring mouse on high tension cable with mountain
background, mountain and kestrel speak, we've had enough of suffering,
we've had enough of extinctions, ground zero of suffering, zero ground
of extinctions

world-vector held up and down Your Violent love gives earnest to empyrean
with resounding Truth "I have just passed beneath the ancient covered
bridge that leads towards the station. I went there purposely, Beloved, to
be sure of walking where once your feet alit with pleasure and gentle
curiosity. Oh, to think they came my way!" (Rilke, trans. Browner)

now they spoke like this -

"they my wire holding sutra Rilke, came
holding sutra mountain way!"
and kestrel fourfold
wire kestrel kestrel bird sutra on sutra
fourfold on on and
mouse cable kestrel wire
mountain female cable tension holding wire fourfold tension mountain mouse
sutra sutra on background, with female and kestrel mountain and high
holding sutra cable kestrel background, devouring holding on kestrel
speak, cable female devouring background, had kestrel on kestrel cable had
enough mountain mouse high speak, suffering, we've tension on mountain
suffering, suffering, mountain high with enough enough enough mountain
cable speak, enough had kestrel with and had extinctions, suffering,
mountain background, of ground extinctions, we've mountain we've
extinctions, of had kestrel kestrel had suffering, zero of kestrel of of
ground of had had ground of suffering, we've had enough ground extinctions
ground of we've suffering, world-vector ground enough suffering, ground
world-vector world-vector of we've of extinctions and extinctions
extinctions, enough zero and and zero of zero held Your held zero ground
extinctions Violent Your of zero zero down gives and zero suffering, up
earnest love
gives empyrean Your of of Your
with to held of up empyrean resounding love
and and world-vector earnest "

now they spoke like this -

"I with and world-vector Violent Truth have earnest up and with passed
Truth Violent and earnest just passed empyrean down love "I the have gives
Violent with ancient ancient resounding love to beneath bridge passed to
earnest have that bridge "I earnest resounding covered towards the with
with beneath the leads just with just leads I covered "I "I bridge went
the beneath "I the I there that just passed towards Beloved, went ancient
passed bridge purposely, to towards beneath ancient went be purposely,
bridge the the be sure I covered that Beloved, walking to towards bridge
went walking walking there that station. sure your sure station. towards
to your your Beloved, the there once with walking went I of with alit be
went to alit and once purposely, purposely, your gentle pleasure of
Beloved, walking and Oh, feet be sure with to gentle where be your to
think with of where gentle came to your walking with came my and once feet
think Rilke, they alit your curiosity. Rilke, Rilke, curiosity. feet
pleasure my my and with think
to pleasure Rilke, curiosity.
gentle way!" they curiosity. they to to way!" to way!" came came came
way!" and and Rilke, "

now he spoke like this -

Physics News Update 807

2006-12-29 Thread Alan Sondheim
The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 807   December 29, 2006  by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein,
Turner Brinton, and Davide Castelvecchi

mass can be carried out at the 10^-21 gram (zeptogram) level
( and of force to the 10^-18
newton (attonewton) level (Arlett et al., in Nano Letters, 2006).
But for many measurements in the cell biology world, this is too
much sensitivity. Forces in this realm are typically at the
piconewton (1 pN=10^-12 newton) level. Examples include the force
applied by the kinesin molecular motor protein to transport vesicles
(6 pN), the force needed to unzip a DNA molecule at room temperature
(9-20 pN), or the force needed to pull a DNA apart by pulling on
opposite ends (65 pN). Biophysicists need a cost-effective force
sensor that works reliably in water at the pN level. Steven Koch and
his colleagues at Sandia National Labs are well along on delivering
the needed sensor. The core of the device is a spring one millimeter
long but only a micron thick and is fabricated using a standard
polysilicon micromachining process. This spring operates according
to the classic experiment conducted by Robert Hooke in the 17th
century: the force exerted on the spring equals the amount of the
spring’s compression or extension multiplied by a spring constant,
which in this case is about 1 piconewton per nanometer. The spring,
mounted on a substrate, can be used in a number of ways: it can be
entrained to move with the push or pull of a biological sample or it
can be made sensitive to magnetic fields and so function as a field
sensor. The displacement of the spring is currently viewed by a
video camera with precision of 2 nm, but faster and more precise
methods are possible. Koch (now at the University of New Mexico,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) says that the most likely applications of the
new sensor will be in measuring forces on the kind of magnetic
microspheres used in single-biomolecule experiments and to calibrate
the electromagnets used in deploying microspheres in doing things
such as stretch, twist, or unzip DNA. He also envisions direct
mechanical force measurements, combined with other MEMS
(microelectromechanical systems) implements, in biophysical
experiments where optical tweezers (using laser beams to manipulate
the microspheres attached to molecules) cannot be used. The Sandia
sensor could be adapted to apply an adjustable tension to single DNA
molecules in order to study protein binding or enzymatic processes.
(Koch, Thayer, Corwin, de Boer., Applied Physics Letters, 23 Oct

NEW CRANKED-UP NUCLEAR STATES. Some nuclear physicists seek to make
new elements by fusing two nuclei and hope the amalgamated body will
hold together at least for a while. Other researchers explore the
nuclear world by creating new spin states. A highly spinning nucleus
is not "excited" in the usual sense of possessing a lot of internal
energy, but allows nevertheless the nucleus constituent protons and
neutrons to deploy themselves in new ways. This high-spin universe
is reached in
off-center smashups of two nuclei. In new experimental work at the
Lawrence Berkeley lab in California, erbium-158 nuclei were spun up
to very high rates and then closely observed as they slowed down by
offloading high energy photons. These  gamma rays, each carrying off
two units of angular momentum (each unit equals 2 times pi times
Planck's constant), are observed in the Gammasphere detector
surrounding the collision site; the number of the gamma rays
provides information about nuclear spin. So, for example, a nucleus
spun up to a level of 40 units would, by relaxing back to normal,
throw off about 20 gammas; other forms of nuclear radioactive
relaxation---throwing out electrons or alpha particles---take too
long to come about.
Theorists believe that above a spin value of about 46, the entire
Er-158  nucleus cannot be spun up any further without a drastic
rearrangement of the entire state of the nucleus. Instead a
spherical core of nuclear particles (constituting a gadolinium-146
nucleus) rotates no more while a fleet of 12 "valence" particles
(neutrons and protons) orbits the core at ever higher spin values
(see this progression of spin states in the figure  at  Eddie Paul of the University
of Liverpool ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and his colleagues have been able
to discover new pathways to a higher spin regime by observing the
pattern of gamma rays thrown out. They find evidence that the core
observed in previous experiments can occasionally break up a bit,
allowing collective rotation of all the nucleons to resume,
permitting the total spin of the nucleus to attain higher values.
The highest value observed in this way was a state with 65 units of
spin. The researchers hope to
explore even higher values of spin, maybe so high that the nucl

Amazon News - December, 29th (fwd)

2006-12-29 Thread Alan Sondheim

Amazon News
Amigos da Terra - Amazônia Brasileira

Amazon News is a weekly information service provided by , the largest bilingual site on the Brazilian Amazon
region, in partnership with several Brazilian media.
Its publisher is Amigos da Terra - Amazônia Brasileira, a Brazilian
non-profit and public interest registered organization.

The news this week:

One hundred years from now, Amazonia will be 8°C hotter
O Estado de S.Paulo - 12/28/2006

Government announces plan to develop sustainable agribusiness in Amazon - 12/26/2006

PDSA - "Lack of coordination has resulted in the failure of public
policies that held great potential" - 12/28/2006

Diamonds' Glitter Fades for a Brazilian Tribe
New York Times - 12/29/2006

More news

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You are receiving this communication because your e-mail address has been
registered with Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon. This newsletter
is produced by Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon. 
"Amazon is not just a forest"

two stories

2006-12-29 Thread Alan Sondheim

two stories


tomorrow-more-yet. kill-die kill-die. ground-belong-you-me. pigeon feel-
no-good wails place-play. about-about house-marry whose-that place-down
place-down. taboo all-time. all-time no-like knife-screw screw-one-time.
screw-one-time make-die dirty-too-much. bone bone. skin count-out come-up
hang-up. long-long boss-boy. hot-work cock i-think. i-think half-half play
whose-that. heart-jesus come-up. back-down-below big-town talk-box talk-
box. look-out-long. long-long-man. not-enough. come-down count-out. fall-
about walk-about down-below shark-man place-play sick-house screw-long
kill. pussy-pussy snake-about good-time wishes long-time. house-sick you-
me house-ghost fool-man boy boss-boy kill nothing long-time little-doctor
fool-man. go-up work-night. ask. greasing. ask short-sweet-lemon ground-
belong-you-me hang-up gold-money tomorrow- more-yet fall-about. not-enough
long-long-man look-out-long come-down... heart-jesus. look-out push-me
make boy. house-sick. think-think day-long mercy-mercy house-ghost. long
round-wind sit-house how's-that how's-that. wails. pass-one-time loose.
come-down. belong how-much nancy bulk-store lose mama knife-screw. cunt.
long-long. long. day-long. work-night hot-work. gold-money. no-can
bulk-store. black-cockatoo loose cunt lose. black-cockatoo. some-kind
get-belly night nancy. know-talk round-wind. marry good-time. ring-belong-
ear. no-like. talk-wind greasing short-sweet-lemon. wild-man sit-house.
play. bottle-water dirty-too-much box greasing.. push-me. pussy-pussy.
look-out. down-below. what's-the-matter box. you-me. know-talk. ring-be-
long-ear skin. some-kind. night. marry. talk-wind. shark-man. get-belly.


ground-belong-you-me work-night. big-town half-half come-down he talk-box 
talk-box. count-out. some-kind get-belly black-cockatoo. black-cockatoo 
no-can loose long. day-long. cunt work-night good-time. all-time no-like 
place-down. make-die screw-one-time know-talk night nancy. no-like. talk- 
wind ask. short-sweet-lemon go-up long-time greasing. about-about wails 
tomorrow-more-yet. place-play. place-down ground-belong-you-me. feel-no- 
good whose-that all-time. screw-one-time. taboo house-marry kill-die cock 
dirty-too-much. place-play long-long-man. fall-about sick-house down-below 
shark-man kill-die. half-half. back-down-below hot-work. night. talk-wind. 
marry. ask heart-jesus come-down. bulk-store come-up. whose-that. i-think. 
skin cunt. mama how-much heart-jesus. come-down... hot-work i-think play 
hang-up. bone. bone long-long count-out look-out-long belong lose. snake- 
about walk-about she good-time kill house-sick long-time. kill. one-time 
you-me house-ghost fool-man look-out-long. little-doctor boss-boy fool- 
man. look-out round-wind. they sit-house. bottle-water greasing.. box 
play. look-out. your not-enough short-sweet-lemon. look wails. not-enough. 
pussy-pussy dirty-too-much pigeon wishes some-kind. box. ring-be-long-ear 
get-belly. you-me. what's-the-matter you knife-screw lose knife-screw. 
loose. round-wind long pass-one-time boss-boy. come-up skin. make day-long 
think-think nothing tomorrow-more-yet wild-man gold-money hang-up gold- 
money. fall-about. house-sick. long-long-man long-long. greasing mercy- 
mercy nancy bulk-store. how's-that. sit-house ring-belong-ear. marry 
shark-man. know-talk. push-me how's-that down-below. house-ghost. screw- 
long push-me. pussy-pussy. boy boy.


Giant ice island breaks off Arctic shelf (fwd)

2006-12-29 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 20:34:33 -0500
Subject: Giant ice island breaks off Arctic shelf

Giant ice island breaks off Arctic shelf

Staff and agencies
Friday December 29, 2006

An ice island the size of a small city is adrift in the
Arctic after breaking free from one of Canada's largest
ice shelves, scientists said today.

The ice island is 37 metres (120ft) thick and measures 9
miles by 3 miles, according to the CanWest News Service.
It broke clear from Ellesmere island, about 500 miles
south of the North Pole, 16 months ago, triggering
tremors so powerful they were picked up by earthquake
monitors 155 miles away.

Scientists have only just released details about the
island after piecing together the break-up from seismic
monitors and satellite images.

Within days of breaking free from its fjord on
Ellesmere, the floating ice island had drifted a few
miles offshore. It travelled west for 31 miles until it
froze into the sea ice in early winter.

The island was part of the Ayles ice shelf, one of six
major ice shelves in Canada's Arctic. Scientists believe
the shelf's break-up - the largest of its kind in the
Canadian Artic in 30 years - is the result of global

The Artic expert Warwick Vincent, of Laval University in
Quebec, said he had never seen such a dramatic loss of
sea ice and suggested the break-up indicated that
climate change was accelerating.

Dr Vincent, who has travelled to the ice island, said
yesterday: "This is a dramatic and disturbing event. It
shows that we are losing remarkable features of the
Canadian North that have been in place for many
thousands of years. We are crossing climate thresholds,
and these may signal the onset of accelerated change

"We think this incident is consistent with global
climate change. We aren't able to connect all of the
dots ... but unusually warm temperatures definitely
played a major role."

He said Canada's remaining ice shelves were 90% smaller
than when they were first discovered 100 years ago.

The huge ice island could pose a hazard to shipping and
the oil and gas industry if it drifts further south into
the Beaufort sea in the spring thaw.

Laurie Weir, who monitors ice conditions for the
Canadian Ice Service, said: "Over the next few years
this ice island could drift into populated shipping
routes. There's significant oil and gas development in
this region as well, so we'll have to keep monitoring
its location over the next few years."

Ms Weir was poring over satellite images in 2005 when
she noticed that the shelf had split and separated.

She notified Luke Copland, head of the new global ice
laboratory at the University of Ottawa, who initiated an
effort to find out what happened.

Using US and Canadian satellite images, as well as data
from seismic monitors, Professor Copland discovered that
the ice shelf collapsed on the afternoon of August 13

"What surprised us was how quickly it happened," he
said. "It's pretty alarming. Even 10 years ago
scientists assumed that when global warming changes
occur that it would happen gradually so that perhaps we
expected these ice shelves just to melt away quite
slowly, but the big surprise is that, for one they are
going, but secondly, that when they do go, they just go
suddenly, it's all at once, in a span of an hour."
Guardian Unlimited ?? Guardian News and Media Limited


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one this-loose.

2006-12-30 Thread Alan Sondheim

one this-loose.

feel-no-good pigeon black-cockatoo. some-kind black-cockatoo. cranking-
about fall-about come-down short-sweet-lemon more-better cranking-about
long-long-man. come-down not-enough. count-out. no-like. hungry-more
work-night black-cockatoo tomorrow-more-yet short-sweet-lemon more-better
tomorrow-more-yet how-much sit-house.

nancy. know-talk place-down. marry. talk-wind. all-time night get-belly
short-sweet-lemon. play. wild-man no-know sit-house. all-time. screw-long
glass-look-look. gold-money. work-night taboo taboo all-time. wishes
work-night. go-up ask. work-night. greasing. ask. he bulk-store mary
scissors ladder fool-man. come-down. belong belong come-down... skin.
some-kind. night. loose. back-down-below big-town make lose mercy-mercy
house-ghost. long pigeon feel-no-good black-cockatoo. wishes dirty-too-
much box greasing.. push-me. dirty-too-much. bone ground-belong-you-me.
little-doctor nothing she long-time bone. skin skin glass-look-look.
high-water. work-night go-stand boss-boy. boss-boy. greasing boss-boy kill
boss-boy greasing.. box push-me. sit-house greasing nothing kill-die.
long-time fool-man boy boy pussy-pussy play. no-can your ground-belong-
you-me hang-up talk-wind ring-belong-ear. no-like. come-down cunt. cunt.
finish-time heart-jesus ground-belong-you-me. come-down. glass-look-look.
place-down. know-talk good-time snake-about come-down... house-ghost.
mercy-mercy long house-ghost. pigeon come-down... not-enough. small-papa
i-think. i-think small-papa screw-one-time corner mary ladder
back-down-below big-town talk-box talk-box. look-out-long. cunt gold-money
dirty-too-much. make-die bone dirty-too-much. lose fall-about bottle-water
loose marry round-wind. good-time. marry finish-time run-go corner ladder
half-half. get-belly. long-neck half-half. shark-man. fool-man get-belly.
half-half something-true long-long. long. day-long. get-belly. shark-man.
screw-one-time. fool-man. go-up work-night. ask. greasing. he day-long.
count-out count-out come-up come-up hang-up. hang-up. long-long long-long
marry. shark-man. talk-wind. greasing. corner he mary small-mama
heart-jesus. heart-jesus. look-out look-out push-me high-water. go-stand
nancy. night know-talk nancy. good-time. high-water. some-kind. some-kind.
hungry-more you-me you-me belt belt house-ghost house-ghost fool-man
mission-boy mission-boy one-time place-play. count-out. how-much nancy
how-much nancy bulk-store lose mama hungry-more you-me belt house-ghost
small-mama tomorrow-more-yet. come-up. think-think come-up. i-think.
push-me. look-out. scissors go-up kill-die. know-talk. ring-be-long-ear
what's-the-matter box. down-below. you-me. long-time little-doctor she
fall-about. not-enough long-long-man kill-die play long what's-the-matter
know-talk. box. ring-be-long-ear you-me. long-long-man. long-long-man
fall-about. kill-die not-enough play loose round-wind. marry think-think
day-long think-think whose-that. knife-screw. lose. fool-man. mama mama
knife-screw. knife-screw. lose. lose. mercy-mercy day-long scissors
kill-die. ground-belong-you-me. nothing push-me make count-out talk-wind
more-better about-about house-marry whose-that marry. talk-wind.
long-long-man. not-enough. cranking-about ring-belong-ear. no-like no-like
hot-work. gold-money. taboo all-time. all-time no-like cunt. hot-work.
hot-work hot-work cock cock bone. one-time they they long-time. boy.
house-sick house-sick. boy. short-sweet-lemon. wild-man pass-one-time
half-half. long-neck place-down shark-man place-play place-play go-stand
heart-jesus play small-mama whose-that. tomorrow-more-yet. play. no-know
look-out. down-below. what's-the-matter box. you-me. push-me bulk-store.
no-can black-cockatoo bulk-store. greasing.. pussy-pussy. night. night.
loose. how's-that heart-jesus ring-belong-ear. no-like. something-nothing
kill round-wind something-nothing sit-house round-wind sick-house kill.
screw-long ask kill. run-away ask how's-that. shark-man good-time
long-time. wishes house-sick finish-time run-go run-go greasing boss-boy
kill something-nothing round-wind sick-house screw-long something-true
day-long. long-long. knife-screw long. screw-one-time. your boy
heart-jesus. look-out place-down long-neck shark-man loose round-wind.
small-papa i-think screw-one-time make-die pass-one-time short-sweet-lemon
pussy-pussy no-can bulk-store. black-cockatoo all-time sick-house wails.
how's-that. sing-sing wails. pass-one-time sing-sing i-think. make kill.
ask run-away how's-that. wails. sing-sing make-die screw-one-time
half-half how's-that something-true long-long. long. sit-house how's-that
place-play pussy-pussy. down-below. look-out-long bone. skin come-up
hang-up. ground-belong-you-me hang-up skin. skin. long-long bone
down-below walk-about wails down-below snake-about pussy-pussy. tomorrow-
more-yet fall-about. gold-money not-enough get-belly some-kind nancy
bulk-store whose-that come-down. belong some-kind get-belly night talk-box
back-down-below t

[evol-psych] Digest Number 2890 (fwd) - math and Simpsons

2006-12-30 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: 30 Dec 2006 09:39:42 -
Reply-To: No Reply <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [evol-psych] Digest Number 2890

There is 1 message in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Article: Mathematical references abound on The Simpsons
From: Robert Karl Stonjek


1. Article: Mathematical references abound on The Simpsons
Posted by: "Robert Karl Stonjek" [EMAIL PROTECTED] r_karl_s
Date: Sat Dec 30, 2006 1:36 am ((PST))

Springfield Theory
Mathematical references abound on The Simpsons
Erica Klarreich

In the 1995 Halloween episode of the award-winning animated sitcom The 
Simpsons, two-dimensional Homer Simpson accidentally jumps into the third 
dimension. During his journey in this strange world, geometric solids and 
mathematical formulas float through the air, including an innocent-looking 
equation: 178212 + 184112 = 192212. Most viewers surely ignored this bit of 
mathematical gobbledygook.

  Fox Broadcasting Company

On the fan discussion site, however, the equation caused a bit of a stir. 
"What's going on, he seems to have disproved Fermat's last theorem!" one fan 
marveled, referring to the famous claim by Pierre de Fermat-proved just months 
earlier-that for any exponent n bigger than 2, there are no nonzero whole numbers a, b, 
and c for which an + bn = cn. The Simpsons equation, if correct, would be a 
counterexample to the theorem, meaning that the proof had been wrong.

Plug the equation into any run-of-the-mill calculator and it seems to check 
out. The 12th root of 178212 + 184112, according to a calculator, is 1,922. Yet 
it's easy to see that the equation is false, because the left-hand side is odd, 
while the right-hand side is an even number. There's no paradox here: It's 
simply a matter of the calculator's round-off error.

To David X. Cohen, the Simpsons writer who concocted the equation, the fans' responses 
were a source of glee. Cohen had written a computer program specifically to look for what 
mathematicians call Fermat "near misses": combinations of numbers a, b, c, and 
n that come so close to satisfying Fermat's equation that they would seem to work when 
tested on a calculator.

Why go to such lengths for a background joke that would flash across the screen 
in a matter of seconds? Mainly for the fun of it, but also to flex intellectual 
muscles that don't typically get exercised in Hollywood script rooms: Cohen has 
a master's degree in computer science.

As a mathematically inclined Simpsons writer, Cohen is in good company. 
Although nobody would call The Simpsons a science show, the writing staff 
boasts an impressive array of former mathematicians, scientists, and computer 
scientists. Over the years, they have injected their brand of geeky humor into 
the show. They've written hundreds of math jokes, ranging in subtlety from 
Cohen's fake Fermat equation to open jabs at the mathematical illiteracy of the 
general public. Math has occasionally even provided the theme of an episode.

Source: ScienceNews

Fermat - huh.  Here is Robert's theorem:
that for any exponent n bigger than 3, there are no nonzero whole numbers a, b, 
c and d for which an + bn + cn=dn ie 33 + 43 + 53=63

Note that one of the few Mathematical jokes that has endured the test of time 
was written by me!  Search google with the following string:
"Robert Karl Stonjek" erdos
must write some more

Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

Messages in this topic (1)

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2006-12-30 Thread Alan Sondheim
stupdi dumb pretty test results highspeed negatgive echo mountain echo in 
the middle 1 stralings in stupid neggative starling echo then nice at 
the end there's landscape sublime Kantian quite nice in relation oh and 
some good effects at 250 miles an hour driving it might be faster than 
that can't keep track in any case what's beyond the surface of these 
things nothing nothing nothing it's going to go on youtube as well but the 
birds will be lost a bit, not know where to go, what happens when a bird's 
devoured by compression, it disappears forever, not like those tv programs 
where everything's reconstructed by just enlarging the pixels, beyond the 
pixel's there nothing, which is why i spend my life worrying the digital 
sublime - not to mention the phenomenology of the digital sublime, which 
gets caught on the barbed wire of the real which tears it but then what 
happens is just a discard of the file - nothing e=changes elsehwere unless 
of course there's a gun at the end of thedigital chain, in which case 
there's catastrophe brought to you by that translation, but here it's 
harmless, the starlings themselves not quite, driving out the native 
birds, taking over the nests, on the other hand, if there is one, there's 
the amazement of such huge flocks, unusual anywhere in north america in 
the late twentieth ce3ntury - what i hate about surfing, the idea that 
someone's conquering the ocean, or in mountain-lclimbing, conquering the 
mountain, when all a rock has to do is fall on someone or a big waves 
comes along and the surfer disappears for ever, there should be more of 
that it looks better than it 
will on youtube can't upload on youtube now check this out if you have the 

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =


2006-12-30 Thread Alan Sondheim

abuse it.  So it is written in the


abuse it.  So it is written in the

comb looks finished, sealed

that can't keep track in any case what's beyond the surface of theseplates
yet, but this harp is relatively>, Wryting-L <
things nothing nothing nothing it's going to go on youtube as well but the
and is very responsive
birds will be lost a bit, not know where to go, what happens when a bird's
equal tuneddwin (9

devoured by compression, it disappears forever, not like those tv programs
where everything's reconstructed by just enlarging the pixels, beyond the
here is what

stupdi dumb pretty test results highspeed negatgive echo mountain echo in
Beating octaves (3456 blow and 5-9 draw)
the middle 1 stralings in stupid neggative starling echo then nice
atture] Cassette Cultu[Processin
the end there's landscape sublime Kantian quite nice in relation oh
andcomb looks finished, sealed

patience realiza
patience that ma
patience in time
patience theer R
tools to attain, nor any p
patienceecure th
patienceked ape

English translation below

2006-12-30 Thread Alan Sondheim

English translation below

easeplay away omentmay ofway youray imetay.
iway eednay otay ebay otedvay umbernay 1.
youay alreadyway owknay iway amway allway entrancesway andway exitsway.

atwhay, ievesthay omecay inway atwhay, arkday ightnay?

iverswantedray ideovay akentay outway ofway youtubeay eadlinehay
itway asway unwatchableway. apologiesway.
itway asway eallyray unwatchableway. itway asway atrociousway.
otnay ethay ideovay utbay ethay ansformationtray. iway ouldshay avehay
aughtcay itway.

ewnay youtubeay eronhay utrasay.
ifway isthay isnway'tay atchableway iway'may eallyray ewedscray.

ewnay aterialmay addedway otay httpay://ikukonay.ogspotblay.omcay
ewnay aterialmay addedway otay
httpay://wwway.asondheimway.orgway/iogbay.txtay (autobiographyway)

please a moment of your time.
i need to be voted number 1.
you already know i am all entrances and exits.

what, thieves come in what, dark night?

riverswanted video taken out of youtube headline
it was unwatchable. apologies.
it was really unwatchable. it was atrocious.
not the video but the transformation. i should have caught it.
new youtube heron sutra.
if this isn't watchable i'm really screwed.

Wait - shortly:

   The video you have requested is not available.
   If you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few
   minutes for the video to process.

new material added to
new material added to (autobiography)

heron sutra up

2006-12-31 Thread Alan Sondheim

Heron sutra's up and running at
- looks kinda the way it shud - alan

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =

Happy Holidays among the dead and dying -

2006-12-31 Thread Alan Sondheim
3000 US military dead! Not to mention Iraqis and so many others; not to 
mention world-wide extinctions on a planet heading further to hell -

Happy Holidays; if you believe in god/s, pray for the rest of us!


We have met the enemy and he is us - 
(more or less paraphrased from Pogo)

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The Casper Star Tribune US Death Toll in Iraq Reaches 3,000
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By VOA News. The US military has announced that two more American soldiers 
have been killed in Iraq with US news reports saying that puts the US 
death toll at 3,000 since the US led invasion.

US death toll reaches 3,000 in Iraq
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Ottawa Citizen (subscription)Bomb a setback for Spain peace process
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By DANIEL WOOLLS AP Writer. ) 2006 AP. MADRID, Spain - A weekend car 
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separatists and left Spain's prime minister groping for a way to salvage 
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The 2006 You Didn't Hear About (fwd)

2007-01-01 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2006 23:50:44 -0500
Subject: The 2006 You Didn't Hear About

The 2006 You Didn't Hear About

By Rebecca Solnit, AlterNet.
Posted December 29, 2006.

While many of the big stories in 2006 were bad news,
there were hundreds of activist successes in 2006 that
permanently changed the world.

The big news is usually the bad news, and this year the
biggest stories weren't even news -- climate change and
the war in Iraq were trouble that had begun well before
2006. But dozens of small stories set another tone --
the tone of that graffiti in Seattle during the
shutdown of the World Trade Organization there in 1999:
"We are winning" -- not the same as "we have won" and
can stop; "we are winning" is a call to action.
Activists won dozens of small and not-so-small
victories for human rights and the environment in 2006.
The fabric of the world is woven out of small gestures;
the large ones mostly just rend it and leave more to
mend. And the small gestures continue. Here are some of

On December 31, 2005, Black Mesa Coal shut down its
mine on indigenous land in Arizona because that mine
fed all its coal -- as water-depleting slurry pumped
300 miles across the desert -- to the Mojave Power
Station that cranked out obscene quantities of
particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and all manner of
other nasty things during the decades of its operation.
The mainstream media played it as a jobs story; the
alternative media mostly missed what had a decade
earlier been a big environmental cause.

In February indigenous leaders, forest activists and
logging companies reached a historic deal that
protected five million acres outright and limited
logging on another 10 million acres of the Great Bear
Wilderness in north-coast British Columbia. That's an
area more than twice the size of Yellowstone National
Park wholly preserved with another four or so
Yellowstones protected -- and not just set aside as
national parks are, but put under the joint
jurisdiction of the First Nations people from the
region and of the provincial government.

Indigenous peoples won victories all over the world in
2006, perhaps beginning with the inauguration of labor
leader Evo Morales as president of Bolivia on January
22nd, the first indigenous president of the largely
indigenous nation since the Spanish invasion almost
five centuries before. He made good on his campaign
promises to nationalize energy resources and negotiated
contracts giving the impoverished nation far higher
percentages of profits from natural-gas extraction. In
November, the Achuar people of the Peru-Ecuador
rainforest blockaded a major oil producer and forced it
and the Peruvian government to implement environmental

Similarly, on July 20th, the Nigerian courts ordered
Shell Corporation to pay $1.5 billion to the Ijaw
people of the Niger Delta, who had been fighting the
oil company for compensation for environmental
devastation since 2000. In December, in Botswana, the
San people -- sometimes called the Bushmen -- won the
court case over their eviction from their homeland. The
decision restored their right to live, hunt, and travel
on their ancestral lands.

While the Navajo still fight an attempt to site a new
power plant on their reservation, there were other
victories against the environmental destructiveness of
energy production when Congress banned all new oil,
gas, and mineral drilling leases on the Rocky Mountain
Front region of Montana, one portion of the west chewed
up by the Bush-era extraction stampede.

There were domestic victories on other fronts. One
major U.S. citizen achievement was the October defeat
of attempts to privatize and jack up usage fees on the
Internet, despite $200 million in corporate spending on
the issue. A new grassroots movement defeated the
telecom industry's attempt to take over this major new
zone of global communication for its own profit. A
minor but sweet victory for independent thinking and
bold opposition was Stephen Colbert's April dressing
down of the Bush Administration, to the president's
face, at the White House Press Corps dinner. The
mainstream media, also excoriated by the bold Colbert,
ignored the spectacular verbal attack until the
alternative media made the story impossible to ignore.
Such trajectories -- major stories investigated,
exposed and explained by the alternative media until
the mainstream can no longer ignore the news -- are one
of the reasons why net neutrality matters.

Another grassroots groundswell that mattered was the
immigrants' rights marches of last spring, which were
launched with the surprising turnout in Los Angeles --
not the easiest city for walking and marching -- of
more than a million Latinos and others defiant of
crackdowns against immigrants. Similarly huge and
passionate demonstrations, many organized by text
messaging, Spanish-language radio, and ot

Ship and Bell

2007-01-01 Thread Alan Sondheim

Ship and Bell

"We therefore infer that the _effects of different permanent disturbing
forces acting under similar conditions on the same coordinate are not
simply proportional to their respective magnitudes but depend on their

"We therefore infer that _a disturbing force whose period and real expo-
nential are nearly the same as those of any one free vibration produces a
large forced vibration._"

"We conclude that _one effect of the resistances on a disturbing permanent
force, which would otherwise produce a magnified forced oscillation, is to
modify that oscillation and to keep it within bounds._"

"In the same way _heavy church bells_ can _be easily set in motion_ pro-
vided the pulls are properly timed. To increase the oscillation each rope
should be pulled only when it is descending. A large heavy ship can be
made to roll, when its natural time of oscillation is required, by running
a gang of men to and fro across the deck at the proper time; the men run

(from Advanced Dynamics of a System of Rigid Bodies, Edward John Routh)

But if the men run uphill, surely the oscillation will ultimately be
damped since their effect in total would be to reduce the roll? Or does
the natural time depend on the minimization of the roll? Suppose on the
other hand the men run to and fro at the proper time - running downhill.
Then the oscillations will possibly increase as energy is added on the
downswing. With the descent of the bell, a pull raises it further,
increasing the potential energy. With the rolling of the ship, potential
energy is increased as the men running downward add to the slope. However
if upon running downward, the ship is rising, then the damping effect
might slow the rising of the ship, just as, if running upward, the ship is
sinking (sloping downward), the running will become first flat, then down-
ward, carrying the energy downward and pulling the roll. If the roll is
pushed, the roll is damped, if the men are running upward; if the roll is
pulled, the roll increases, if the men are running downward. The men run
first upward, then level, then downward, or first downward, then level,
then upward. Perhaps damping in the second case, increasing in the second.
Suppose the men _always_ run upward, then as the ship levels, the men stop
running; as it continues downward, the men turn around and run upward; the
damping is doubled. Suppose the men _always_ run downward, then as the
ship levels, the men stop running; as it continues upward, the men turn
around and run downward, the increase is doubled. By "doubled" one means
the force is applied twice on the swing, depending on the tilt of the
ship. In both cases, of the bell and the ship, gravity is paramount; one
runs or pulls against it, or one runs towards it, in which case pull is
impossible; however, a second cord might in fact pull the bell in an
opposite direction, just as the men might jostle from one side of the ship
to the other. Is this resonance, or the orders given to men, the acts of
men? The men follow the pull and push of the bell, slope of the deck of
the ship; there is no natural swing or pull here, only culture, commands,
actions in unison. The ship stops rolling or rolls over; the bell stops
ringing or turns full on its pivot. In any case, the dynamics are both
evident and peculiar; the men must experiment, over and over again, to
find the proper resonance, response. It is a difficult problem, settled
only in church, on the high seas, even though the dynamics are evident.

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285. 
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance, 
dvds, etc. =

[WDL] Wild Nature and the Digital Life: live chat with Brett Stalbaum + Dr. Kathryn Yusoff: Jan 03, 2007

2007-01-01 Thread Alan Sondheim

_Leonardo Electronic Almanac Discussion (LEAD): Vol 14 No 8_
Wild Nature and the Digital Life Special Issue, guest edited by Dene Grigar and 
Sue Thomas

:: Live chat with Open University research fellow Dr. Kathryn Yusoff and San 
Diego-based artist Brett Stalbaum, discussing their respective works on 
visualizations of the earth, landscape and environments.

:: Chat date: Wednesday, January 3.
:: 2 pm West Coast US / 5 pm East Coast USA / 10pm UK
:: LEAD is an open forum around the Wild Nature and the Digital Life special 
issue of Leonardo Electronic Almanac 

Chat instructions are below. The LEA website includes instructions and a 
complete list of upcoming chats:

Author Biographies

Dr. Kathryn Yusoff is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Open University. 
Her research interests center on re-thinking visual
culture in relation to extreme environments and technologies of vision 
(particularly in Antarctica, Iceland and other cold regions). 
She has recently completed her Ph.D, Arresting Visions: A Geographical Theory 
of Antarctic Light at Royal Holloway, University
of London (2004). Currently, she is curating the Interdependence Day project, a 
research and communications project mapping the ethical terrain of 
globalization and environmental change. 

Brett Stalbaum is an artist specializing in information theory, database, and 
software development. A serial collaborator, he was a
co-founder of the Electronic Disturbance Theater in 1998, for which he 
co-developed software called FloodNet, which has been used on 
behalf of the Zapatista movement against the websites of the Presidents of 
Mexico and the United States, as well as the Pentagon.
Recent work includes Painters Flat, projects with the painter Paula Poole in 
the Great Basin, and ongoing projects with C5 Corporation, 
of which he is a founding member. Stalbaum holds a Masters of Fine Arts 
(computers in fine art) from the CADRE digital media laboratory at San Jose 
State University, and a B.A. in Film Studies from San Francisco State 
University. He is a lecturer and the coordinator for the Interdisciplinary 
Computing and the Arts Major (ICAM) at the University of California, San Diego. 


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Live chats will use Jabber (, an open, secure,
ad-free alternative to consumer IM services like AIM, ICQ, MSN, and 
Yahoo. It is the most widely-used open source instant messaging and
chat protocol. The LEA Digital Wild chatroom is on the
public server under the name/address <
[EMAIL PROTECTED] > and the password "leoalmanac."
Follow three easy steps and you are ready to join the chat:

1) Download and install a Jabber client. A list of recommended Jabber 
clients is available at the following url:
software/clients.shtml . For Windows users, we recommend the Exodus
client. For Macintosh users, please use Psi (although iChat seems to 
work as well), as the other recommended clients do not consistently
register on the Jabber server. For Linux, Psi is also available, but
the other recommended clients should work as well.

2) Register as a user on the public server. When you first
open your Jabber client you will see a start screen. If you do not
see this screen, or if you are not starting the client for the first
time, the screen is also available in a pull down menu as Account 
Details or Preferences (depending on your Jabber client). Enter a
username, password, and server. Use any username and password you
choose. Enter "" as the server. When you register, if your 
proposed username is taken, you need to choose another. Check the
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An Easy New Year's Resolution + Free Fleece Jacket

2007-01-01 Thread Alan Sondheim
Happy New Year!
January 1, 2007

Exercise more. Eat right. Give up bad habits.

The New Year is a time to make resolutions that will not only improve your life 
but also the lives of others.

This New Year, make a resolution to feel great about yourself and protect the 
future of nature. Become a member of World Wildlife Fund's Wildlife Rescue Team!

- Go outside and enjoy nature.
Take time for yourself and get outside. Plan a hike with friends and family. 
Instead of driving, try walking or biking. You'll get fit while appreciating 
the natural world. Make a resolution to enjoy the outdoors no matter what time 
of year it is, and we'll give you this WWF long-sleeved fleece jacket so that 
you can stay warm when it's cold outside. Yours free by joining the Wildlife 
Rescue Team.

- Help save endangered species and spaces.
Make a commitment to the wild animals about which you care so deeply; help 
protect them from wildlife emergencies and threatening situations. Join the 
Wildlife Rescue Team for as little as 17 cents per day and help safeguard 
endangered species like pandas, gorillas and tigers who face an uncertain 
future due to habitat loss, poaching and illegal wildlife trade. Your 
commitment will also help protect endangered spaces like the Galapagos Islands 
and address global threats like deforestation.

- Learn about worldwide conservation efforts.
The diversity of life isn't evenly distributed around the globe. It is 
concentrated in certain areas, making them a greater priority for conservation. 
Discover the world's most important natural places and find out what WWF is 
doing to preserve and protect them. When you join the Wildlife Rescue Team, 
we'll give you a free 2007 WWF Calendar, which highlights these priority places 
and illustrates the gorgeous diversity of our world. You'll keep current on 
conservation efforts throughout the entire year.

The Wildlife Rescue Team is one of the most active membership groups within 
WWF. Members care deeply about wildlife and protecting their habitats. Thanks 
to the monthly contributions of Wildlife Rescue Team members, we can protect 
these creatures from the grave threats they face every day. By joining this 
team, you are making a special commitment to safeguard endangered animals and 

Make your New Year's resolution today to protect the future of nature by 
joining WWF's Wildlife Rescue Team!

Share your resolution with friends and family! Send a free WWF e-card now and 
let them know about your commitment to conservation in 2007.

Join the Wildlife Rescue Team for only $5 per month and we'll send you a 
stunning 2007 WWF Calendar for FREE!

A FREE WWF fleece jacket is yours with a $10 or more per month pledge! Proudly 
show your support of conservation in 2007 with this stylish, practical gift.

Give $15 or more per month and you'll receive both the 2007 WWF Calendar and 
the WWF Fleece Jacket as a thank you gift!

Your Wildlife Rescue Team Membership is Vital!

Here are some examples of what your support could help provide for WWF's 
conservation efforts:

One person giving only $5/month for a year:
One week's worth of fuel for tracking animals and other patrolling within a 
wildlife protected area.

Two people giving only $11/month for a year:
Equipment for a "camera trap" to help study and count tigers within new parks.

Ten people giving only $20/month for a year:
Twelve hours of aerial support to preserve marine protected areas within the 
Galápagos Marine Reserve.

Five people giving only $35/month for a year:
The translocation of a greater one-horned rhino from Chitwan National Park to 
Sukla Phanta Wildlife Reserve.

Urge your friends to join the Wildlife Rescue Team with you!

Multiplied together, these efforts will have a huge positive impact for the 
natural world.


Thank you for being a part of the WWF online community. The email
address we have in our records for you is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To subscribe to other free WWF E-newsletters or change your email address or 
contact information, please log in

to the member center. You can also unsubscribe from WWF
E-newsletters as well.

World Wildlife Fund
1250 24th St. NW
Washington, DC 20037-1193

(From -) (fwd)

2007-01-01 Thread Alan Sondheim

(From -)

2007 almost: This memo, memorial, memory, memory-graph, meme, remembrance, 
autobiography, reminiscence, mnemonic, skitters back-and-forth; it remains 
undone; there's nothing of _thought_ in it; what remains are events; they're 
already dissolving; I can't "believe" events.

2007 This is the year beginning in cold rain. I think about the biog.txt to 
date - not only skittering, but awkwardly written - an occasional turn of 
phrase as if it makes any difference. There are no New Years resolu- tions - 
just to continue with music / video / texts etc. Everything (when I think of 
it) appears scattered; the biog.txt represents so little of the world I've 
inhabited, or dreamed of inhabiting. It's an attempt to corral the scattering 
of my material culture, memories, after my death. When you read this, think 
that behind every word was a Proust, behind every Proust, yet another. And how 
worlds shatter, imminent, with death! - What has been ordered, treasured, 
conceived - what has been familiar, loving, cherished as the pages of a book 
are cherished - becomes the debris of others - everything is torn asunder, 
wounded, just as the world falls apart, less and less rebuilt elsewhere. Think 
of these sections, then, as the last remnant of coherency - what remains of an 
infinite richness of thought. Worlds devolve words devolve, hold fast, at least 
momentarily, past the living body, sunk into living language. Everything else, 
except perhaps for Azure, for Joanna, leaves and forgets the shattering which 
releases, not light, but order returned to substance. There is more to me than 
there is to the sun, to any star; there is less and less upon inclement return. 
And today, yesterday on the cusp, the announcement of the 3kth soldier to die 
in Iraq, all worlds, words, crashing to the ground, revised in the false 
resurrection of the war memorial. The rain falls against orders, against 
commands; we're lost, against all odds.


aq review

2007-01-01 Thread Alan Sondheim
aquarius records:

SONDHEIM, ALAN Ski/nn (Fire Museum) cd 14.98  
Yes, this is a brand new recording by the same Alan Sondheim who made records 
on ESP and Riverboat in the late 1960's. A multi-intrumentalist, a poet and a 
visual artists, Sondheim has been making culture a little more interesting and 
innovative for the last four decades. Ski/nn finds his fingers navigating 
vintage instruments like a 19th century parlor guitar and a prime alpine zither 
from the 1920's. The results are so amazing! Primitive psych-folk that is 
sometimes really pretty and at other times freaked out and menacing. Sharing a 
similar spirit and freedom as the late Derek Bailey. Short pieces that together 
create a ghostly and timeless sensation. 

available now! fm-07 & 08
alan sonheim - ski/nn
what we live w/ saadet turkoz - sound cathcer

fire museum records
po box 42318
philadelphia, pa 19101 usa


2007-01-01 Thread Alan Sondheim


wyoming avenue. atlanta. fukuoka internet text. quebecois referendum. i
environments laboratory in west virginia? i began working with acconci; i
had gone for an interview - and felt i was simply promised a providence;
barbara reise there; i also met and spent one or two afternoons harlem; in
paris, beth found a way from our room to the subway - around the
providence. an,ode was my m.a. thesis - a work of experimental poetry the
once i was reading (attempting to read at best) sholem aleichem in hebrew;
logico-philosophicus, which has remained one of my favorites; it continues
later she was waterskiing and the boat swung near a dock and she hit it
sf. this was when i met azure carter; we would start corresponding as soon
a bad catch... yale (with kathy), wesleyan, etc. kathy and i parted shark
valley in the beth one way or another. encyclopedia of jazz. see the songs
above. now i feel vindicated; even the english badly, accusing me of dean
robert corrigan's multi-disciplinary program; fourteen the following york,
perhaps through bernadette mayer; in any case, she went back to because
you deserve to be, he replied. i remember bow and arrow, swimming kabbalah
as best i could. then i was introduced to wittgenstein by ed and toronto;
i met her on chris keep's postmodern list. (maybe it was that i've never
had. charlie (who if i remember had been a student of mine and poets press
- i think of it) appears scattered; the biog.txt represents so nothing
wards them off; if because of the earlier closeness with the i took a
thornton. called em/bedded, it features 12 channels of parts surface
seminary, hopelessly in love with platt townend, yes, franz i had to teach
in new jersey; she came with me. from then on my life i always do... her
drawings were everywhere. she was still obsessed with later she told
allison i was crazy; allison told me; i told allison kathy avenue. i don't
think i was friendly with the brennans any more. we used salt; the book is
a collection of pieces related to the poetics of the jerusalem. and for a
moment, this sense of panic. and then realizing where faulkner prize for
fiction that year. worlds devolve words devolve, hold post-movement art in
america that i had edited. there was a now i try to buffalo, of which i
have already written. in the summer azure and i.

sutra spurt ()

2007-01-02 Thread Alan Sondheim

sutra spurt ()

At YouTube (Try this; the file 
uploaded, but seems to hang on loading at the client side. Hopefully this 
will work; if not, please go to the URL below. Apologies - The more I use 
YouTube, the worse it seems to get; it's not handling the volume.) larger file

pump,AUM splay,AUM split,AUM splash,AUM splatter. Heidegger dissolves to
hello mode of language splatters,AUM splitting the imago spitting and
spattered. heads splat splattered against cotton pavement where little
knees won't The liminal is between the name and spattered/splattered
language; it On talk just before cumming,AUM systems crashed and letters
splattered onto Imagine the facts stormed,AUM splattered against the
sidewalk,AUM an exhausted truth emerges from my holes.
sputter splatter
and every margin. Wherever I reach,AUM my fingers splatter lightning and
electrical drops; what drops,AUM splatters: one might say,AUM almost zero
removing file hell,AUM stutter splatter hell,AUM signal stopping hell but
also mght create a resdue or splatter,AUM almost alve bounced now the time
of thermal heating splatters a particular zero the hallmarks of confusion
or "splatter" which,AUM while not quite spam,AUM girl,AUM voice splattered
across gouged trachea. Gnaw! Gnaw! Jennifer's rain,AUM noise splattered
across satellite dishes,AUM stratospheric gouges and again,AUM splintering
alan's eye,AUM splattered against the further alan hands bleed,AUM drops
splatter under the full effect and force of gravitation Cosmos are full of
partobjects,AUM splatterphenomena,AUM dispersions without are you
satisfied with your arms .concealed in you,AUM my splattered fingers
  their bodies are splattered,AUM arms shattered,AUM legs spattered,AUM
ajar couch splattered,AUM shattered,AUM legs spattered,AUM scattered,AUM
necks Electrical drops;  what drops,AUM splatters one might say,AUM almost
zero skitter,AUM splatter,AUM etc. Scanner inverts the series,AUM spackle
and splattered or spotted landscape. Deep within the throat the
elements,AUM the referent "splatters"  it's difficult to contain,AUM and
thin edge of the picture splatters from the wall,AUM reassembles at every
splatter as content; it's as if the thetic confined itself to a certain
sure is something,AUM is already gone,AUM broken,AUM splattered,AUM
sputtered,AUM splin tered,AUM spurted.

   Post a video response
   Post a text comment
   asondheim (17 minutes ago)
   Am I the only one having loading difficulties recently? This was shot
   in Geneva w/ Maud, Foofwa, Filibert, 2006.

big loss sutra

2007-01-04 Thread Alan Sondheim

big loss sutra

i make over people, i move, make each touchable. other. i touch. all sutra
resistance. resistance. they are other. refuse moon-bay, moon-bay.
avatars, (digital) within the sublime; the digital is sublime, infinite
there {avatars are backed, at the back of infinite space}.

[apologies, deleted
i needed the space.]

the cutting, the flesh, the sound. This trauma has stayed with me my
loved the feel and the sound and... I wrote like crazy this year, it was
in music/soundwork.
planes above us - the _sound_ of it?). I envied their clear and evident
this slow piece... maud gone / asunder, foofwa distraught, exultant,
untouchables all over again
i make my people move all over each other. i make my people touchable.
this sutra a sutra of resistance. they refuse the other. moon-bay.
{avatars back at it; within the (digital) sublime, there is infinite
space. or so they thought. until the other.}

the sound. cutting, This flesh, has sound. trauma has stayed cutting, with
the flesh, I feel like a crazy sound, and... I
was written, loved like the crazy feel and sound - it was
in music/soundwork.

planes above it? I - envied _sound_ clear of and evident - envied above us
clear and evident, a slow _sound,_ a maud piece... a gone maud / gone
asunder, / foofwa asunder, distraught, foofwa exultant, distraught, this
exultant, slow untouchables all over again

i make over people, i move, make each touchable. other. i touch. all sutra
resistance. resistance. they are other. refuse moon-bay, moon-bay.
avatars, (digital) within the sublime; the digital is sublime, infinite
there {avatars are backed, at the back of infinite space}.


2007-01-04 Thread Alan Sondheim


short video nightmare images recorded 6:00-11:00 after 2 hrs. sleep,
environment, after big loss sutra recorded - short download - furious
waking -

Study: One-Fifth of Union Activists Fired (fwd)

2007-01-04 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 20:44:35 -0500
Subject: Study: One-Fifth of Union Activists Fired

One-fifth of Union Activists Illegally Fired During
Unionization Campaigns

Center for Economic and Policy Research January 4, 2006

Washington, DC

About 1 in 5 union organizers or activists can expect to be
fired as a result of their union organizing, according to a
new report from the Center for Economic and Policy Research.

The paper, "Dropping the Ax: Illegal Firings During Union
Election Campaigns,"[] by John
Schmitt and Ben Zipperer, finds a steep rise in illegal
firings of pro-union workers in recent years.

"Aggressive actions by employers -- often including illegal
firings -- have significantly undermined the ability of U.S.
workers to unionize their workplaces," said John Schmitt, CEPR
senior economist and lead author of the paper. "With the legal
penalties for such actions being so slight, employers can
break the law to head-off organizing efforts and face almost
no real repercussions."

The paper finds that firings of pro-union workers involved in
union election campaigns are approaching the peak reached
during the 1980s of 1 in 42. The current probability of a pro-
union worker being fired - a 1 in 53 chance - is far greater
than the rate at the end of the 1990s, when it was only 1 in
87. The paper also finds that the number of successful union
elections have significantly declined, partly as a result of
the increase in illegal firings. If only ten percent of pro-
union workers are active campaign organizers, almost 1 in 5
union activists were fired illegally in 2005.

Using annual data from the National Labor Relations Board
(NLRB) on its determinations of "discriminatory discharges" in
the context of union-election campaigns, Schmitt and Zipperer
were able to estimate the probability of a pro-union worker
being fired illegally in connection with a union-organizing
election, and to calculate other aspects of employer behavior
and success rates in union-organizing elections.


The Center for Economic and Policy Research is an independent,
nonpartisan think tank that was established to promote
democratic debate on the most important economic and social
issues that affect people's lives. CEPR's Advisory Board of
Economists includes Nobel Laureate economists Robert Solow and
Joseph Stiglitz; Richard Freeman, Professor of Economics at
Harvard University; and Eileen Appelbaum, Professor and
Director of the Center for Women and Work at Rutgers

Center for Economic and Policy Research, 1611 Connecticut Ave,
NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20009 Phone: (202) 293-5380,
Fax: (202) 588-1356, Home:


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to people on the left that will help them to
interpret the world and to change it.

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Old guard back on Iraq policy (fwd)

2007-01-04 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 20:43:27 -0500
Subject: Old guard back on Iraq policy

Old guard back on Iraq policy

An influential faction of neoconservatives is behind Bush's
expected call for more troops.

By Peter Spiegel Times Staff Writer

January 4, 2007 Los Angeles Times


Ever since Iraq began spiraling toward chaos, the war's
intellectual architects - the so-called neoconservatives -
have found themselves under attack in Washington policy salons
and, more important, within the Bush administration.

Eventually, Paul D. Wolfowitz, the Defense department's most
senior neocon, went to the World Bank. His Pentagon colleague
Douglas J. Feith departed for academia. John R. Bolton left
the State Department for a stint at the United Nations.

But now, a small but increasingly influential group of neocons
are again helping steer Iraq policy. A key part of the new
Iraq plan that President Bush is expected to announce next
week - a surge in U.S. troops coupled with a more focused
counterinsurgency effort - has been one of the chief
recommendations of these neocons since the fall of Saddam
Hussein in 2003.

This group - which includes William Kristol, editor of the
Weekly Standard magazine, and Frederick W. Kagan, a military
analyst at a prominent think tank, the American Enterprise
Institute - was expressing concerns about the administration's
blueprint for Iraq even before the invasion almost four years

In their view, not enough troops were being set aside to
stabilize the country. They also worried that the Pentagon had
formulated a plan that concentrated too heavily on killing
insurgents rather than securing law and order for Iraqi

These neoconservative thinkers have long advocated for a more
classic counterinsurgency campaign: a manpower- heavy
operation that would take U.S. soldiers out of their large
bases dotted across the country and push them into small
outposts in troubled towns and neighborhoods to interact with
ordinary Iraqis and earn their trust.

But until now, it was an argument that fell on deaf ears.

"We have been pretty consistently in this direction from the
outset," said Kagan, whose December study detailing his
strategy is influencing the administration's current thinking.
"I started making this argument even before the war began,
because I watched in dismay as we messed up Afghanistan and
then heard with dismay the rumors that we would apply some
sort of Afghan model to Iraq."

If Bush goes ahead with the surge idea, along with a shift to
a more aggressive counterinsurgency, it would in many ways
represent a wholesale repudiation of the outgoing Pentagon

These leaders - particularly former Defense Secretary Donald
H. Rumsfeld and Army Gen. John P. Abizaid, the departing
Middle East commander - strongly resisted more U.S. troops and
a larger push into troubled neighborhoods out of fear it would
prevent Iraqis from taking over the job themselves and
exacerbate the image of America as an occupying power.

The plan the administration appears moving toward envisions an
increase of 20,000 to 30,000 troops, the majority of whom
would be sent to Baghdad. The increase would be achieved by
delaying the departure of Marine units already in Iraq and
speeding the departure of Army brigades due to deploy this

The neoconservative group had been the driving force in
Washington behind a move against Iraq, even before the Sept.
11 terrorist attacks. They saw Hussein as a lingering threat
to world security - a view bolstered within the administration
following 9/11. And they argued that transforming Iraq into a
democracy could serve as a model to remake the Middle East's
political dynamics.

The problems with the war gradually undermined the clout they
had wielded. But perhaps the more important hurdle to their
views being heeded - especially on military matters - was the
White House's refusal to see its Iraq policy as a failure.

That changed this summer, when the spike in sectarian violence
and the failure of an offensive to secure Baghdad created what
one Pentagon advisor called a "psychological break" within the
administration. Until then, neoconservatives argued, the
administration saw little proof that Abizaid's plan, which was
backed by Army Gen. George W. Casey Jr., the military
commander in Iraq, was failing.

The main reason for the new ascendancy of the neocon
recommendations, said Kristol, is that "the Rumsfeld- Abizaid-
Casey theory was tried and was found wanting???. Some of us
challenged it very early on, but, of course, then we were just
challenging it as a competing theory."

Although Kristol, Kagan and their intellectual allies have
pushed hard for their policy change for more than three years,
they bristle at the notion that the idea of a larger troop
presence in Iraq and a different approach to securing the
country is wholly a neoc


2007-01-05 Thread Alan Sondheim


the digital is sublime, infinite {avatars are backed, at the back of
infinite space}

digital {0,1} constitutes a spectrum degree zero; if one is below, 0
is above; if 0 is below, 1 is above. since nothing exists between one
and the other, nothing from one is attainable by the other; one and
the other are mutually sublime. the backs of avatars are against the
wall of digital space; there's nowhere left to go.

understand this and you understand the phenomenology of the digital-
in-relation, the analog-in-relation. chinese erhu with echo and filtering
beautiful music shortwave numbers station
colliding with religious preaching, filtered transmission
beautiful sound

Re: erhu

2007-01-05 Thread Alan Sondheim

There are walls in two senses -

First, digital media have bandwidth - and _nothing_ exists beyond it.
You might have aliasing artifacts, but they're mapped within the bandwidth 
as well.
Second, spaces like Second Life actually do have limits - you can't go 
beyond them.
And third, of course, the limits are the binary {0,1} themselves; there's 
no room for {1/2} for example!

- Alan

On Fri, 5 Jan 2007, Obododimma Oha wrote:

Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:"the backs of avatars are against the
wall of digital space; there's nowhere left to go.

understand this and you understand the phenomenology of the digital-
in-relation, the analog-in-relation."

Great. I like this feel-o-sophia! But, wait a minute. Does the digital space 
even have walls? Maybe Alan is being metaphorical. I view the digital space as 
a void.
Obododimma Oha.

Obododimma Oha
 PhD (Stylistics/War Rhetoric)
 MSc (Legal, Criminological, & Security Psychology)
 Senior Lecturer in Stylistics, Semiotics, & Discourse Analysis
Department of English, University of Ibadan
 Fellow, Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies
 University of Ibadan, NIGERIA

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =

Amazon News - January 5th, 2007 (fwd)

2007-01-05 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2007 15:55:55 -0300 (GMT-03:00)
Subject: Amazon News -  January 5th, 2007

Amazon News
Amigos da Terra - Amazônia Brasileira

Amazon News is a weekly information service provided by , the largest bilingual site on the Brazilian Amazon
region, in partnership with several Brazilian media.
Its publisher is Amigos da Terra - Amazônia Brasileira, a Brazilian
non-profit and public interest registered organization.

The news this week:

Judge denies injunction against decreasing size of Cristalino Park
O Eco - 01/04/2007

Federal Government wants to promote ecological tourism
Radiobrás - 01/04/2007

Firearms illegally supplied to indigenous peoples increase deaths and
conflicts involving Yanomami
Agência USP - 01/04/2007

Plant considered a "weed" may help generate energy
O Estado de S.Paulo - 01/03/2007

Risk of forest fires in Acre
O Eco - 01/03/2007

Taking office speech
O Eco - 01/02/2007

Struggling to Save His Amazon, From the Top of a Death List
New York Times - 12/30/2006

More news

Click here if you want to unsubscribe for the newsletter.
If the links are not displayed correctly, click here .

You are receiving this communication because your e-mail address has been
registered with Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon. This newsletter
is produced by Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon. 
"Amazon is not just a forest"

Re: erhu

2007-01-05 Thread Alan Sondheim
The boundaries of analog bandwidths are fuzzy; they don't remap the same 
way. Also, it's not a question of tolerance or even of human perception; 
it's the very foundation of the digital.

- Alan

On Fri, 5 Jan 2007, mpalmer wrote:

Doesn't the analog have bandwidths as well? We can only hear, optimally, 
between 20-20K cps, can only see within a certain range of the light 
spectrum, etc. How does having a bandwidth distinguish the digital?

As for [0,1]  yes, that is the designated limit, but the designer gets to 
define what is a 1 in such a scheme, which is always getting smaller year by 
year, as is the case, for instance, with digital cameras. What happens when 
the fineness of the [0,1] becomes equal to, or even smaller than, the [0,1] 
at the limits of human analog perception, as it inevitably will? Will it 
still make sense to speak of a distinction?


On Jan 5, 2007, at 8:37 AM, Alan Sondheim wrote:

There are walls in two senses -

First, digital media have bandwidth - and _nothing_ exists beyond it.
You might have aliasing artifacts, but they're mapped within the bandwidth 
as well.
Second, spaces like Second Life actually do have limits - you can't go 
beyond them.
And third, of course, the limits are the binary {0,1} themselves; there's 
no room for {1/2} for example!

- Alan

On Fri, 5 Jan 2007, Obododimma Oha wrote:

Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:"the backs of avatars are against 

wall of digital space; there's nowhere left to go.

understand this and you understand the phenomenology of the digital-
in-relation, the analog-in-relation."

Great. I like this feel-o-sophia! But, wait a minute. Does the digital 
space even have walls? Maybe Alan is being metaphorical. I view the 
digital space as a void.

Obododimma Oha.

Obododimma Oha
PhD (Stylistics/War Rhetoric)
MSc (Legal, Criminological, & Security Psychology)
Senior Lecturer in Stylistics, Semiotics, & Discourse Analysis
Department of English, University of Ibadan
Fellow, Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies
University of Ibadan, NIGERIA

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =

Farm Sanctuary's E-News & Action Alert 01/05/07 (fwd)

2007-01-05 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri,  5 Jan 2007 14:34:50 -0500 (EST)
From: Farm Sanctuary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Farm Sanctuary's E-News & Action Alert 01/05/07


[lancaster3.jpg] Lancaster Stockyards: Then and Now
In 1986, Lancaster Stockyards, the largest stockyard in the eastern U.S.,
became Farm Sanctuary’s first campaign target. We urged the company
to stop mistreating “downed” animals too sick even to stand. We
documented numerous instances of abuse, and rescued many individual
animals, including Hilda, from neglect and certain death at the facility.
Lancaster Stockyards was the first U.S. stockyard to be convicted of
cruelty for mistreating a downed cow. We recently returned to Lancaster
Stockyards, which is now falling apart and fading into history. Please
check out the video “Lancaster Stockyards: Then and Now” and
read more about this historic campaign.

[mayfly.jpg] Farm Animal of the Month: Mayfly
Many teachers across America bring animals, including farm animals, into
the classroom to use as instructional “tools.” However, animals
are often left without proper care because those in charge of these
sentient creatures do not have the knowledge they should to nurture and
properly care for them. Mayfly the rooster was part of a school hatching
project gone awry. Were it not for a kind parent of one of the students,
he would have most likely died in a schoolroom having never gotten to
frolic in a barnyard, dustbathe or scratch happily in the dirt. Read

[activist_robin2.jpg] Outstanding Activist: Robin Henderson
Robin Henderson's passion for protecting farm animals took flight just
after she left the nest of her family's home. As a child in boarding
school, Robin spent her leisure time caring for the school's calves and
quickly fell in love. One evening, she learned the sad truth about what
was on her dinner plate: the veal came from a calf. Heartbroken, but
gaining enough fire to fuel a lifetime of advocacy, Robin grew up with
the welfare of animals always on her mind. Read more.

Help Farm Animals 365 Days a Year!
[M_truffles.jpg] By joining our Monthly Pledge Program, you help ensure
crucial funding for our rescue, education and advocacy efforts. As an
added benefit, this convenient program simplifies the donation process by
automatically deducting a specified amount from your checking or savings
account or charging that amount to your credit card every month. For more
information, please contact us at 607-583-2225 ext. 225 or


Boss Hog
   Rolling Stone - December 14, 2006

  Submit letters to: letters@

   100 Years Later, the Food Industry Is Still ‘The Jungle’
New York Times - January 2, 2007

 Living Food: Reckless cloning
 Seattle Post-Intelligencer - December 31, 2006

   Chapter and verse on vegetarianism Boston Globe - January 3, 2007


  *NEW - 20 Minutes to Dinner

 Get in and out of the kitchen fast with tempting, low-fat, nutritious


Farm Sanctuary is the nation’s leading farm animal protection
organization. Since incorporating in 1986, we have worked to expose and
stop cruel practices of the “food animal” industry through
research and investigations, legal and legislative actions, public
awareness projects, youth education, and direct rescue and refuge
efforts. Our shelters in Watkins Glen, NY and Orland, CA provide lifelong
care for hundreds of rescued animals, who have become ambassadors for
farm animals everywhere by educating visitors about the realities of
factory farming. For more information about Farm Sanctuary or our
programs, please visit or call 607-583-2225. To become
a Farm Sanctuary member or to make a donation today using our secure
online form, please click here. For updates on previous action alerts,
please click here.

Please forward and distribute widely! Thank you.
Farm Sanctuary, P.O. Box 150 Watkins Glen, NY 14891


To unsubscr

Save the Manatee Club Needs Your Help! (fwd)

2007-01-05 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2007 13:40:28 -0800 (PST)
From: Save the Manatee Club <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Save the Manatee Club
To: Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Save the Manatee Club Needs Your Help!


Please take action immediately

Hi Alan,

In June 2006, the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWCC) voted
to reclassify (downlist) manatees from Endangered to Threatened on the state
level even though manatees are a federally Endangered species and meet the
international criteria for Endangered as well. This is because the state
adopted a new weaker imperiled species listing rule, even though science,
public sentiment, and Save the Manatee Club, together with dozens of other
environmental groups, did not support such a drastic move that will lead to
the downlisting of many other species as well.

Now, the adoption of a Manatee Management Plan (Plan) is the final step in
lowering the manatee's classification on the state's imperiled species list.
The FWCC recently released a draft of their Plan and is seeking public input
through January 11th. The Plan is critically deficient in protecting manatees

-The Plan's Measurable Biological Goals, which FWCC claims will, "evaluate
progress toward species recovery," actually allow a 30% decline in the
population over 3 generations!

-The Plan's Management Actions (protection measures) won't have to be any
stronger than to avoid a greater than 30% decline in the population. For 
minimum flows at warm water springs that manatees use, such as Blue Spring
(where many of our manatee adoptees winter), merely have to be set so that
a greater than 30% decline in the population is avoided.

-Rather than manage the population to achieve an Optimum Sustainable Population
level as mandated by the federal Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), the FWCC's
Plan allows significant population loss as long as the loss is no greater than 

-Since the Plan is geared toward avoiding greater than a 30% loss in the manatee
population rather than managing for an Optimum Sustainable Population, it will
be virtually impossible to hold the state accountable for protecting manatees
from escalating human-related threats such as watercraft strikes, loss of
warm-water habitat, and destruction of habitat associated with development
and climate change.

-The state itself believes that the manatee is already at a very high risk of

Once the public comment period is over, a revised draft Plan will be put on
the agenda for final approval at the FWCC's April or June 2007 meeting. When
the Plan is approved, the manatee's classification will change from Endangered
to Threatened.


Please contact the FWCC today and tell them the following:

-You strongly OPPOSE the Plan being kept on the fast track, especially since
the Plan does not adequately protect manatees and their winter warm-water 

-You strongly OPPOSE a Plan that allows for population decline NOT growth.

-A 30% decline in the manatee population is illegal and could lead to the 

-You are outraged that the state would sanction such a catastrophic loss in the
manatee population and then pass it off as "progress toward species recovery."

Comments are due by 5 p.m. on January 11 and should be e-mailed to:

Please also e-mail your comments to Florida's new governor, Charlie Crist. Also,
request that he use his influence to halt any species' downlistings until FWCC's
listing/delisting process can be reviewed and properly revised. His e-mail 
is [EMAIL PROTECTED] His phone number is 850-488-7146.

Read the draft Manatee Management Plan:

Get more background on the manatee's downlisting:

Thank you for your help on this important issue for manatees!

You are subscribed to Save the Manatee Club's Action Alert List as [EMAIL 
To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you want to change your email address, please email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sign Up for our free Paddle Tales E-Newsletter!
Go to

Our postal address is
500 N. Maitland Ave.
Maitland, Florida 32751
United States

Save the Manatee Club is a nonprofit organization founded in 1981
by former Florida Governor and U.S. Senator Bob Graham and
singer Jimmy Buffett. To learn more about manatees and our work,
go to

Adopt-A-Manatee and join Save the Manatee Club. Your
contribution will support our work to help protect endangered
manatees and their habitat. For more informat

Hell, 1930

2007-01-05 Thread Alan Sondheim

Hell, 1930 documents what happens when two dancers
complete the "octopus dance" - long a traditional Switzerland favorite -
dangerously close to a cliff edge overlooking the famed Aletsch Glacier.
Oh they dance, fine enough, but what would happen if the bluff gave way,
the mesa shifted, cliff collapsed? Buried under tons of rubble, jammed
into crevice after crevice, Swiss culture would be the poorer. Let us give
these stellar performers their due, their magnificent bodies carrying the
hallmarks of their trade. Dance is close to prostitution, but since the
Swiss government lavishly spends on the country's cultural heritage, these
two have been rescued from a life of unbelievable perdition. Appalause for
these dancers, who continued in spite of all the obstacles life's thorny
path has thrown into their way. Too bad the woman has left the profession,
such as it is, departed for parts unknown, to start a new life far from
Alpine pastures. Here, then, the remarkable, almost aerial, duets from two
of the most remarkable dancer in recent memory!

Re: Ohio is warm and sick with winds - Xanax Pop - The Poetry of Lewis LaCook

2007-01-05 Thread Alan Sondheim
This is wonderful and reminds me of the quietude of Wilfred Owen... And it 
has the space of the northern prairies as well...

- Alan

On Fri, 5 Jan 2007, Lewis LaCook wrote:

Ohio is warm and sick with winds.
Trains moan through winter evening dark,
memorializing distance. Explosions poppy,
woven from pixels from an abandoned game

in the woods; Alex found an arm there,
lying on the grass. It was grasping coughs.
This is what it means to be precious.

The War rouged over, grumpy, wearing your
sweater, won't cool if you blow on it.
We grew up in imagined engines, in graveyards
lying face-down among a pool of rhododendron.

We made honey. And all our lower levels flood.

Lewis LaCook, Senior Engineer
Abstract Outlooks Media
Abstract Outlooks Media - Premium Web Hosting, Development, and Art Photography - New Media Poetry and Poetics
Xanax Pop - the poetry of Lewis LaCook

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =

Re: erhu

2007-01-05 Thread Alan Sondheim
This is a different thing; I wrote about all of this stuff on the West 
Virginia Wiki (as did Sandy Baldwin) - you might want to check it out.

Apologies, Aan

On Fri, 5 Jan 2007, mpalmer wrote:

But there are ways of making digital fuzzy. It's not a 0,1 world, 
necessarily. Fuzzy math allows for any number of steps between 0 and 1, and 
can be applied to digital circuitry to create digital fuzzy logics and 


On Jan 5, 2007, at 10:01 AM, Alan Sondheim wrote:

The boundaries of analog bandwidths are fuzzy; they don't remap the same 
way. Also, it's not a question of tolerance or even of human perception; 
it's the very foundation of the digital.

- Alan

On Fri, 5 Jan 2007, mpalmer wrote:

Doesn't the analog have bandwidths as well? We can only hear, optimally, 
between 20-20K cps, can only see within a certain range of the light 
spectrum, etc. How does having a bandwidth distinguish the digital?

As for [0,1]  yes, that is the designated limit, but the designer gets to 
define what is a 1 in such a scheme, which is always getting smaller year 
by year, as is the case, for instance, with digital cameras. What happens 
when the fineness of the [0,1] becomes equal to, or even smaller than, the 
[0,1] at the limits of human analog perception, as it inevitably will? 
Will it still make sense to speak of a distinction?


On Jan 5, 2007, at 8:37 AM, Alan Sondheim wrote:

There are walls in two senses -
First, digital media have bandwidth - and _nothing_ exists beyond it.
You might have aliasing artifacts, but they're mapped within the 
bandwidth as well.
Second, spaces like Second Life actually do have limits - you can't go 
beyond them.
And third, of course, the limits are the binary {0,1} themselves; there's 
no room for {1/2} for example!

- Alan
On Fri, 5 Jan 2007, Obododimma Oha wrote:
Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:"the backs of avatars are 
against the

wall of digital space; there's nowhere left to go.
understand this and you understand the phenomenology of the digital-
in-relation, the analog-in-relation."
Great. I like this feel-o-sophia! But, wait a minute. Does the digital 
space even have walls? Maybe Alan is being metaphorical. I view the 
digital space as a void.

Obododimma Oha.
Obododimma Oha
PhD (Stylistics/War Rhetoric)
MSc (Legal, Criminological, & Security Psychology)
Senior Lecturer in Stylistics, Semiotics, & Discourse Analysis
Department of English, University of Ibadan
Fellow, Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies
University of Ibadan, NIGERIA
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =

Need help fast with QuickTime

2007-01-06 Thread Alan Sondheim


I'm using QuickTime on a more than adequate PC; what I wrote to Apple is 
below. Any help greatly appreciated; the app's useless as it stands.

Thanks in advance,

I downloaded the latest version of QT on a PC; I'm somewhat knowledgable 
about computers. There's no image with any format - only rasters/colors. I 
did a virus scan, Adaware, Spybot -nothing showed up- I reinstalled; I 
tried a restore point - but the restore points won't work now; I went into 
the registry, removed QT entries by hand -nothing worked- and so forth. 
When I open QT I get a message "Untitled 2" in the title bar. I found a 
2nd QT installation - both were automatic by the way (i.e. I didn't 
hand-set the directory). I took that off, went back and reinstalled clean 
- and the message again appears. Sound comes through, but that's all.

I can't find _anywhere_ on this site to deal with this question; this is 
the nearest. The "QuickTime support" answers questions about registration 
only. I do have Professional by the way - but I get the same errors either 

Finally, I tried downloading with and without Itunes, installing and not 
installing Itunes, etc. Nothing works. Please let me know how to correct 
this; the software is useless. I should add before this download 
everything ran perfectly.

Alan Sondheim, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

oh lether to foofwa

2007-01-07 Thread Alan Sondheim

Foofwa - This is an open letter of sorts. I've been working with materials
from Geneva for over two months now, not including the third trip itself.
In the irreality of the image - an image the opposite of the punctum, an
image surrounded by an imaginary gnawing at the surface content - I've
lost myself, almost become sick. Distance in time and distance in space
are both inherently obdurate, unbreachable; there are no jump cuts in the
real, and if I've made an error in video for example, it remains an error,
cut off from the source. It's not only the affaire-Maud (aM forthwith),
but the very notion that such affaires now, are at a distance; they are a
constancy. The Alps, the Aletsch glacier, retreat into the format of a
picture book, and with every step of that retreat, something is lost
within the haptic; touch has disappeared, replaced by "communication"
which already foreshadows the permanency of distance.

There is something else, however, which is the defuge or decathecting,
which began with aM but continued as time advanced. Every video I made
with the Geneva or Alps material involved a yanking-back; I couldn't
return to the measure of the real, for example, that the four of us most
likely felt in the grange. This relates to memory in general - in this
case, differentiated (in the sense of a formal operation upon internal
time consciousness) and exacerbated; to crawl back would be to be torn to
shreds upon the spikes of events, words, adjectives, vowels. Yet it has
been a long time since I've been so close to the bone with a subject, in
particular one so close itself to the sublime.

I'm tired of naked bodies and after aM, they become a kind of litter
reminiscent of war. And all the movements such bodies might made, from
falling and failing to flying and fleeing - spanning the continuum from
suicide to death - just so - not tiredness, no, certainly not arousal, not
disinterest - perhaps the flight of something which never really
approached. Day after day I've looked through image after image, tape
after tape, as if some secret would arise through special effects of even
juxtaposition; what occurred instead was an internal mapping of every step
all of us took physically and psychologically through that, and every
other, landscape.

Every organism is an organism of and by slaughter, every landscape, a
landscape of death. Hannibal's elephants haunt the Alps. Where nothing
lives always has fuzzy boundaries where the limited exigencies of life are
contested. I think of the unholy matri-patrimony of aM and what it has led
to, almost a denial that only Rilke was capable of. Actually climbing to
the bluff, the church, the grave, seems an impossible memory now, as if I
have robbed the experience of another. Memories always teeter on the verge
of recognition.

So this is to say, and not to say, that the work from Geneva and the Alps
has entered a period of dormancy, one with an almost-consciousness of
waiting. The rocks still gnaw at me; I think of the possibility of climb-
ing between the twin peaks near La Gruyere. That would be an _episode._

So the work continues, wide-awake, and has entered a period of illustra-
tion, as time distances and we become increasingly disinvested of psycho-
logical trauma, if not of psycho-history itself. I manipulate images of a
woman I don't know, have never known, among motions and images of the rest
of us. That this would lead back to Aletsch, through Blatten to Belalp, is
both a dream and an obsession. And we would be there in this false spring,
when the world supports clear skies and a kind of moody warmth that
appears after great exertion. And that one or another would be furiously
creating. And that that, would be that.

My Best Times and Best Writing! At least I think so... :-(

2007-01-08 Thread Alan Sondheim

My Best Times and Best Writing! At least I think so... :-(

Sometimes supreme happiness comes my way as a fold or potential field
opening up vast possibilities and new horizons. All these languages that
grace my shelves! Fijian, Tahitian, Tibetan, Pali, Sanskrit, Romansch -
the world blooms with new grammars, new structures for organizing the
universe acoustically! Now I also play the erhu, some simple north-
Saharan-like repetitive trance-songs - and harmonicas (I just read a poem
which included a "mouth-organ" in The Ladies' Home Journal Treasury from
1956 - I've mentioned this book before, there's even a reproduction of a
cover by Sargent! And the harmonic minor (C minor) harp from Lee Oskar is
fantastic! I walk down the street making up Yiddish tunes as I go. And
speaking of which - yes, on the short-wave, or upper middle-wave, around
1700, there's Rebs galore, what seems to be a Chassidic station in Yiddish
and Hebrew - and the tunes are fantastic. I just installed a very old
version of Final Cut Pro on my Mac Powerbook, and here it is, burning
madly away, a new piece - it can take it's time, I have other machines,
I'm rattling away on this new laptop which I need for my also new class in
Beginning Filmmaking at Brown! This was through Leslie Thornton - the
class emphasizes digital everything except the camera - in a way it's the
phenomenology of film itself that's at stake! Here's a frame - what do
you want to do with it? The Flower Ornament Sutra keeps my busy at night -
and there are so many wonderful books here - Roberto Harrison's writings
are nothing short of incredible, intense, abstracted, neuro-psychological,
what does that mean?, slightly conceptualized, veering, always fascinating
- and one can always go back to Kristeva's Language, The Unknown - how
young she was then! - which reminds me of my continuous mourning-the-Alps
and that never to be reproduced / revisited trip which produced probably
fifteen or twenty hours of brilliant dance, video, soundwork, even just
pacing the middle of the European continent, such as it is. And then that
unforeseen trip to Rilke's grave in Raron - and the Duino, the Orpheus,
the letters to Merline, and now Erich Heller's The Disinherited Mind,
which I can always recommend as an old friend - here I am on the chapter
about Nietzsche and Rilke! Not really a small world - I've been look for
commentary - it just came along! Just as the wonderful O'Reilly book on
Unicode - I mean really really wonderful! arrived after Sandy told me
about it - I ordered a review copy - it's just the thing of course for
codeworkers or anyone wanting to understand the potential of the graphemic
universe transformed into universals given this-and-that tolerance class
and an always already limited digital space! It's sitting right next to
another review copy - this is PC Music, the easy guide, 3rd edition - and
here I am on the Mac, making new video and audio, and on an old Mac! But
this is what I found for the PC - something called the Taksi Desktop Video
Recorder at Source Forge which promises great things, translating window
into usable footage - as if video were still "footage" - one can imagine
of course that 24 frames a second really implies these rectangles moving
by us one by one - this is far from the truth now. It's all internal, it
can be any way one wants! Unlike Badiou - and I have so much Badiou - and
it reads like stringent iron, that truth that binds just about everything
and then of course veers off into poetry and art - the French are like
that - I think Kristeva's one of the best, not to mention M. Derrida. More
and more I've been listening to disembodied voices on the shortwave - not
the Net - which is so flat, so predictable - shortwave space - radio space
- is deep space, the deepest space - you might or might not hear a signal
- signals and stations come and go - static of all sorts intervenes -
static itself is interesting - and listen to this! I picked up a numbers
station a couple of nights ago - the same comforting female voice, Spanish
numbers - even around the same place on the dial - about 6800 Mhz - that
seems to be like a singles bar for spies - anyone can join in - the code's
unbreakable of course, which just goes to show what one-to-one encryption
can do - I mean both ends have the same code book - there's no structure,
no rhyme or reason - you can't break a structureless code unless you've
got the book or massive processing - and if the book's unique, even that -
the processing - produces nothing. So you're listening to clear imperv-
iousness. The other night, our cat got really sick - for the first time we
sprayed for the larger cockroaches - I hate killing, but they were begin-
ning to swarm - when they were injured, we put them outside, praying for
their revival, karma, just elsewhere - anyway I think the cat caught
something or other - not sure - but she became lethargic, drinking a lot -
there was vomit and diarrhea - she's recovered well now a

NASA Selects Proposals for Future Mars Missions and Studies (fwd)

2007-01-08 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2007 17:04:40 -0800
From: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NASA Selects Proposals for Future Mars Missions and Studies

PASADENA, CALIF. 91109 TELEPHONE  818-354-5011

Guy Webster 818-354-6278
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Dwayne Brown 202-358-1726
NASA Headquarters, Washington

News Release: 2007-002  
 Jan. 8, 2007

NASA Selects Proposals for Future Mars Missions and Studies

On Monday, NASA selected for concept study development two proposals for future 
missions to Mars. These missions would increase understanding of Mars' 
atmosphere, climate and
potential habitability in greater detail than ever before.

In addition, NASA will fund a U.S. scientist to participate in a proposed 
European Mars mission, as
well as fund instrument technology studies that could lead to further 
contributions to future Mars

"These mission selections represent unprecedented future research that will 
lead to further advancing
our knowledge and understanding of the red planet's climate, and atmospheric 
composition," said Dr.
Mary Cleave, associate administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, 
NASA Headquarters,

Each Mars mission proposal will receive initial funding of approximately $2 
million to conduct a
nine-month implementation feasibility study. Following these detailed mission 
concept studies,
NASA intends to select one of the two proposals by late 2007 for full 
development as a Mars Scout
mission. The mission developed for flight would have a launch opportunity in 
2011 and cost no more
than $475 million.

The selected Mars mission proposals are:

-- Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution mission, or Maven: The mission would 
provide first-of-
its-kind measurements, address key questions about Mars climate and 
habitability, and improve
understanding of dynamic processes in the upper Martian atmosphere and 
ionosphere. The principal
investigator is Dr. Bruce Jakosky, University of Colorado, Boulder. NASA's 
Goddard Space Flight
Center, Greenbelt, Md., will provide project management.

-- The Great Escape mission: The mission would directly determine the basic 
processes in Martian
atmospheric evolution by measuring the structure and dynamics of the upper 
atmosphere. In addition,
potentially biogenic atmospheric constituents such as methane would be 
measured. The principal
investigator is Dr. Alan Stern, Southwest Research Institute, Boulder, 
Colorado. Southwest Research
Institute, San Antonio, will provide project management.

NASA has selected Dr. Alian Wang of Washington University, St. Louis, to 
participate as a member
of the science team for the European Space Agency's ExoMars mission. Wang will 
approximately $800,000 to study the chemistry, mineralogy and astrobiology of 
Mars using
instrumentation on the ExoMars mission, scheduled for launch in 2013.

NASA also has selected two proposals for technology development studies that 
may lead to further
NASA contributions to ExoMars or other Mars missions. The two technology 
development studies,
funded for a total of $1.5 million, are:

-- Urey Mars Organic and Oxidant Detector: The Urey instrument would 
investigate organics and
oxidant materials on Mars using three complementary detection systems. The 
principal investigator is
Dr. Jeffrey Bada, University of California at San Diego. The instrument would 
be built and managed
at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

-- Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer, or Moma: The instrument would investigate 
organic molecular
signatures and the environment in which they exist using a mass spectrometer 
and gas
chromatograph. The principal investigator is Dr. Luann Becker, University of 
California at Santa

These selections were judged to have the best science value among 26 proposals 
submitted to NASA
in August 2006 in response to an open announcement of opportunity.

The Mars Scout program is an initiative for innovative, relatively low-cost 
missions selected on a
competitive basis.

NASA's Mars Exploration Program seeks to characterize and understand Mars as a 
dynamic system,
including its present and past environment, climate cycles, geology and 
biological potential. The
Mars Exploration Program Office is managed by JPL, a division of the California 
Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, for the Mars Exploration Program, Science Mission 
Directorate, Washington.

For information about NASA and agency programs, visit .

- end -

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E.A.T. Archaeology

2007-01-08 Thread Alan Sondheim
Title: Rhizome | Rhizome News Email

	Rhizome News


	 January 8, 2007
	 E.A.T. Archaeology
 The label 'pioneer' gets applied fairly liberally to artists working with emerging technologies or scientists pursuing aesthetic applications for their inquiries. This term would be an understatement when it comes to E.A.T (Experiments in Art and Technology), the organization founded in October of 1966, by Bell Telephone research scientist Billy Kluver. The group indisputably created the Ur-text for contemporary technology-enabled performance. Their '9-Evenings: Theater & Engineering,' was a program of work by 10 artists--including Robert Rauschenberg, John Cage, and Yvonne Rainer--made in collaboration with a group of 30 engineers and scientists who tailored then-innovative equipment, such as fiber-optic cameras and Doppler sonar, to the artists' projects. As legendary as the events have become, documentation of the performances has been hard to find--until now. Beginning on February 27th, E.A.T., Artpix, and Microcinema International will begin releasing a 10-part DVD!
  series that documents each performance with archival sound recordings and film. The first release will be Robert Rauschenberg's 'Open Score,' the historic tennis match played using racquets equipped with portable FM transmitters, which climaxes with infrared video footage of a crowd swarming the pitch-black court. The second disk in the series comes out on June 26, but in the meantime, clips on the project's website offer an interim fix of excavated and lovingly-assembled footage. - Bill Hanley
 + + + + + + + + + + +

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the abject image

2007-01-09 Thread Alan Sondheim

the abject image

the youtube here is horrible; the result is a travesty, a total mess,
awful. the update video page didn't take - in other words, i can't change
a thing except delete. please do to the 2nd url below - it's really much

tell everyone to ignore the first.

fast diffuse integration
slow sharp differentiation

made from pieces of stuff.

ripped off from yesterday's skin.

A Good Surprise for Polar Bears

2007-01-09 Thread Alan Sondheim
Explore, Enjoy and Protect the Planet
January 9, 2007

View an online version of this email at:
In This Issue of the Sierra Club Insider:

>>Polar Bears Receive Holiday Gift
>>A Real World Plan for Fixing Our Climate
>>Buying the Least Harmful Gas
>>Get Outdoors with New Sierra Club Outings 
>>America's Best New Developments
>>EXPLORE Top Environmental Story of 2006
>>ENJOY New on iTunes: Sierra Club Radio
>>PROTECT Lead-Free Kids

Polar Bears Might Get Help
Polar bears received a late holiday gift from the Bush Administration
last year when it proposed that they be listed as a threatened species
under the Endangered Species Act. "We are concerned the polar bears'
habitat may literally be melting," said Secretary of the Interior Dirk

Rumors are swirling in Washington, D.C. that the Administration's
acknowledgement of the plight of the polar bears is an early signal
that President Bush might finally say something significant about
global warming -- perhaps as soon as his State of the Union Address on
January 23. If you think that sounds like a good idea, let the
President know.

Outings Sweepstakes
How We Can Fix Our Carbon Problem
Wouldn't it be ironic if by protecting polar bear habitat, we ended up
saving our own necks? The Endangered Species Act says that habitat for
threatened species must be protected, but global warming brings home
the reality that every species on our planet ultimately shares the
same habitat: Earth. That means we have to control carbon dioxide
emissions before it's too late.

So far, President Bush hasn't come up with a plan for doing that. But
if he needs one, he's welcome to use the "America Leads" scenario
outlined in the current issue of Sierra magazine. This is a real-life plan that 
would dramatically reduce our carbon dioxide emissions, bringing them down to 
the levels that scientists say are necessary to prevent the worst effects of 
global warming: 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. You can read about this 
plan (and the grim alternatives) in "The Fix".

Pick Your Poison: Which Gas Hurts Least?
Realistically, most of us won't be able to completely abandon fossil
fuels tomorrow -- American drivers still consume nearly 400 million
gallons of gasoline per day. But where we choose to buy that gas can
send a message provided we know which oil companies are doing the
least harm to the planet. Sierra magazine updated its rundown of the
eight largest U.S. oil companies, and theresults are posted as an
on-line exclusive now.

Bottom line: Which corner station you pull up to can make a
difference. No prizes for guessing where ExxonMobil shows up in the
rankings, either.

Adventure with a Cause: Get Outdoors with Sierra Club Outings
Ever longed to backpack in the High Sierra? Trek in Nepal? Kayak in
the Everglades? Our brand new trip lineup has arrived, and with so
many ways to explore, there's no excuse for the same old vacation.

Don't worry about a lack of experience. Our beginner trips are a
perfect way to learn to backpack or kayak in an unhurried, laid
back environment.

Long to head overseas? Whether you plan to experience Europe for the
first time or chart new frontiers in far eastern Russia, we'll take
you there.

Whatever you choose, know this: Our trips take you to our own favorite
wild places, and we'll do our best to teach you how to help us protect
them. So join us this year on an adventure with a cause!

Check out our 2007 trip lineup

Developments We Love
Environmentalists may be quick to oppose bad development, but that
doesn't mean all development is bad. The Sierra Club recently released
a new report that gives a pat on the back to developers who are doing
a great job. "Better Buildings: A Guide to America's Best New Developme

Brakhage and blurb

2007-01-09 Thread Alan Sondheim

Two Subjects

Subject: homage to Brakhage, little-seen footage from 1958

Subject: blurb for our upcoming show at Millennium in New York

(date to be announced)

Crepuscle (Twilight) explores the exigencies of dance, eroticism, cultural
restriction, and arousal; it was edited from over a dozen segments in
Geneva. The work tenders the null-point of language, a point where words
stutter, where the body takes over, where cultural tropes are transformed
and lost. It's the deliberate creation of repressed memories. It challenges
the conventions of dance - turning dance inside-out. For the
three of us, it's the culmination of an erotic element in our work that has
all been lost in contemporary culture. Crepuscle rides the muscle of the
body and jouissance, opening a territory which remains virtual, haunting.

A number of short works with Foofwa, shot in Geneva, Gruyeres, and the
Aletsch Glacier in the Swiss Alps, will also be shown.

Breaking News from the ASPCA President

2007-01-10 Thread Alan Sondheim
To: Our ASPCA family and animal advocates everywhere
From: Ed Sayres, ASPCA President & CEO

It gives me great pleasure to tell you that ASPCA® Mission: OrangeTM is now 
officially underway. Launched today from our shelter in New York City, ASPCA 
Mission: Orange is a focused, measurable effort to create a country of humane 
communities, one community at a time, where  animals receive the compassion and 
respect due to them as sentient  beings--and where there is no more unnecessary 
euthanasia of adoptable animals simply because of a lack of resources or 

With the collaboration of community and animal welfare leaders in "target 
communities" across the country, it is our hope that we will begin to effect 
immediate, measurable and sustainable change. During the first year of our 
campaign, ASPCA Mission: Orange will launch in Austin, TX, Gulfport/Biloxi, MS, 
Philadelphia, PA, and Tampa, FL. We will also continue to implement the 
principles behind ASPCA Mission: Orange in New York City.

Please click to read the rest of Ed's letter.

- For more on our new campaign, please visit ASPCA Mission: Orange online.

- For more on our 2007 partners, please visit:
Austin, TX

Gulfport/Biloxi, MS

Philadelphia, PA

Tampa, FL

New York, NY

Richmond SPCA


Click here to unsubscribe or change your email preferences.

© 2007 The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals® 
424 E. 92nd St., New York, NY 10128
Visit us online at

Panel Will Study Mars Global Surveyor Events (fwd)

2007-01-10 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 14:00:24 -0800
From: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Panel Will Study Mars Global Surveyor Events

PASADENA, CALIF. 91109 TELEPHONE (818) 354-5011

Guy Webster  818-354-6278
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Dwayne Brown  202-358-1726
NASA Headquarters, Washington

News Release: 2007-004  Jan. 
10, 2007

Panel Will Study Mars Global Surveyor Events

NASA has formed an internal review board to look more in-depth into why NASA's 
Mars Global
Surveyor went silent in November 2006 and recommend any processes or procedures 
that could
increase safety for other spacecraft.

Mars Global Surveyor launched in 1996 on a mission designed to study Mars from 
orbit for two
years. It accomplished many important discoveries during nine years in orbit. 
On Nov. 2, the
spacecraft transmitted information that one of its arrays was not pivoting as 
commanded. Loss of
signal from the orbiter began on the following orbit.

Mars Global Surveyor has operated longer at Mars than any other spacecraft in 
history and for more
than four times as long as the prime mission originally planned.

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., manages Mars Global Surveyor 
for the NASA
Science Mission Directorate, Washington. JPL is a division of the California 
Institute of Technology
in Pasadena.  Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver, developed and operates the 

Information about the mission is available on the Internet at: .


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2 videos recitations at Rilke's grave

2007-01-11 Thread Alan Sondheim

memories of rilke, articulated, segmented, a grave condition

hello maud, when you read this, rilke will be dead
rilke he cleansed hands of the killing-fields
foofwa, he cleansed hands of the killing floor
see them both
ianother version on YouTube made especially for YouTube
therefore no avatar nudity
therefore no avatar nudity
therefore no avatar nudity

a grave condition, a clean break

Re: 365/365, Jennifer

2007-01-11 Thread Alan Sondheim
Curious - are you going to publish these? How much do they depend on the 
daily output?

Thanks, Alan

On Thu, 11 Jan 2007, Dan Waber wrote:

You're welcome, my pleasure. Thanks for reading.


Geert Dekkers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks a million, Dan.


On 11/01/2007, at 2:15 PM, Dan Waber wrote:

Jennifer is the love of my life, the glue that holds all my toothpicks
together, my bestest friend in the world, my green velvet beetle bird,
my chipmunk zoo, my oh, my mine and more, always and all ways more.

40 words, 40 years
365 days, 365 people

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =

New NASA Orbiter Sees Details of 1997 Mars Pathfinder Site (fwd)

2007-01-11 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 14:16:52 -0800
From: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: New NASA Orbiter Sees Details of 1997 Mars Pathfinder Site

PASADENA, CALIF. 91109 TELEPHONE  818- 354-5011

Guy Webster 818-354-6278
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Dwayne Brown 202-358-1726
NASA Headquarters, Washington

Lori Stiles 520-626-4402
University of Arizona, Tucson

Image Advisory: 2007-005
Jan. 11, 2007

New NASA Orbiter Sees Details of 1997 Mars Pathfinder Site

The high-resolution camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has imaged the 
landing site of NASA's Mars Pathfinder, revealing new details of hardware on 
the surface
and the geology of the region.

The new image from the orbiter's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment is
available on the Internet at
and at links from .

The Pathfinder mission's small rover, Sojourner, appears to have moved closer 
to the
stationary lander after the final data transmission from the lander, based on 
identification of the rover in the image. Pathfinder landed on July 4, 1997, 
and transmitted
data for 12 weeks. Unlike the two larger rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, 
currently active on
Mars, Sojourner could communicate only with the lander, not directly with Earth.

The lander's ramps, science deck and portions of the airbags can be discerned 
in the new
image. The parachute and backshell used in the spacecraft's descent lie to the 
south, behind
a hill from the viewpoint of the lander. Four bright features may be portions 
of the heat

Rob Manning, Mars program chief engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
Pasadena, said, "The new image provides information about Pathfinder's landing 
should help confirm our reconstruction of the descent as well as give us 
insights into the
landing and the airbag bounces."

Dr. Alfred McEwen of the University of Arizona, Tucson, principal investigator 
for the
High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, said "Pathfinder's landing site is 
one of the
most-studied places on Mars. Making connections between this new orbital image 
and the
geological information collected at ground level aids our interpretation of 
orbital images of
other places."

For more information on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, visit: .

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is managed by JPL for NASA's Science Mission 
Washington. JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology in 
Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver, is the prime contractor for the project 
and built
the spacecraft. The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment is operated by 
University of Arizona, and the instrument was built by Ball Aerospace and 
Corp., Boulder, Colo.


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2007-01-11 Thread Alan Sondheim


bodyvlf up for short time @

Antenna-sex-wire electronic interference coupling bodies modeled living
theater stuttered aura field aural field

The nudity-filled feature will be accompanied by a behind-the-scenes
documentary, which will be released as a separate DVD or as a bonus DVD
feature. ...

Alphabetical: and answered are back blind cleansed cured dead deaf Go good
gospel have he hear heard is John lame lepers leprosy messengers news poor
... On whatever any of them falls when they are dead, it shall be unclean;
whether it is ... and it shall be unclean until the evening; so it shall
be cleansed. ... Alphabetical: and are blind cleansed cured dead deaf good
gospel have hear is lame lepers leprosy news poor preached raised receive
sight The them those to ...

It's useful today to remember that there was a time when partisanship took
second place to trust and the House leadership had the strength to wash
its own ...

The nudity-filled feature will be accompanied by a behind-the-scenes
documentary, which will be released as a separate DVD or as a bonus DVD
feature. ...

Weblog supportive of reelecting the president, including lots of links.
Matt Margolis runs this blog.

Canadian Airways in Winter, (ar) Boy's Own Paper Jan 1936 ... John
Greenway Turns the Tables, (ss) Collins' for Boys and Girls Apr 1950.
HAUSSER, E. (chron. ...

Antenna-sex-wire electronic interference coupling bodies modeled living
theater stuttered aura field aural field

Physics News Update 808

2007-01-12 Thread Alan Sondheim
The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 808   January 12, 2007  by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein,
Turner Brinton, and Davide Castelvecchi

Scientists at Australia's Monash University (Leslie Y. Yeo,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) have developed a process for rapidly
and efficiently separating blood plasma at the microscopic level
without any moving parts, potentially allowing doctors to do blood
tests without sending samples to a laboratory. The new method uses
the same principle that causes tea leaves to accumulate at the
center of the bottom in a stirred teacup, a phenomenon first
explained by Einstein in the 1920s. The technique is described in
the latest issue of the new open-access journal Biomicrofluidics (1,
014103, 2007;
Separating blood plasma from red blood cells, proteins and other
microscopic particles is an essential step in many common medical
tests, including those for cholesterol levels, drugs in athletes,
blood types in donors and glucose levels in diabetics. Current
testing requires samples to be taken in a doctor’s office and sent
off to a laboratory and analyzed with a large centrifuge, a process
that can take several days. In the new method, a tiny amount of
blood enters a fluid chamber, and a needle tip is placed close to
the surface of the blood at an angle. A voltage is applied to the
needle, generating ions around its tip that repel the oppositely
charged ions close to it. This creates an airflow known as "ionic
wind" that sweeps across the surface of the blood, causing it to
circulate. The microscopic particles in the blood travel in a
downward spiral because of the needle’s angle relative to the
surface. When the fluid begins to circulate, one might intuitively
expect the microscopic particles such as red blood cells would be
pulled to the outside wall of the chamber owing to centrifugal
force. But because of a phenomenon called the "tea leaf paradox,"
the particles are instead pulled inward near the bottom of the
chamber. Einstein proposed an explanation to this phenomenon in 1926
when he noticed that tea leaves collected at the center of the
bottom of a stirred teacup instead of being expelled outward.
The tiny chamber of blood, like the teacup, is a cylinder of liquid
that is rotated at the top while the base remains stationary. To
satisfy a zero-velocity condition at the base, an inward force near
the bottom of the liquid is generated, suppressing the centrifugal
force there. Thus the microscopic particles spiral inward toward the
bottom of the chamber like a miniature tornado, leaving a clear
layer of plasma above.
Yeo anticipates the technology could be incorporated into a chip
roughly the size of a credit card. He said the devices could be
produced cheaply with current manufacturing techniques - about 50
cents per chip - but could still be five to 10 years away from mass
production.  (Arifin, Yeo, and Friend, Biomicrofluidics,
January-March 2007 issue).

LISTENING FOR EXPENSIVE WOOD.  The Finns are much concerned with
their forests.  Jean Sibelius wrote a musical work, “Tapiola,” about
them.  One particularly valuable tree, a hardwood used in making
fine furniture, is the curly birch, a natural mutant of the silver
birch.  The former, up to 20% denser and possessing a curious curled
grain, is rare while the latter, used for veneers or pulp, is
common. From the outside the two types of birch look essentially
identical. Now a team of physicists in Helsinki have developed a
method for telling the two apart by seeing how they conduct
ultrasound waves  At a level of 93% confidence, a curly birch tree
can be detected and saved, at least temporarily, from the ax.  It
would be allowed to grow larger, while the less useful silver birch
would be cut at the 10-13 year mark.  (Salmi et al., Journal of
Applied Physics, January 2007)

PHYSICS NEWS UPDATE is a digest of physics news items arising
from physics meetings, physics journals, newspapers and
magazines, and other news sources.  It is provided free of charge
as a way of broadly disseminating information about physics and
physicists. For that reason, you are free to post it, if you like,
where others can read it, providing only that you credit AIP.
Physics News Update appears approximately once a week.

AUTO-SUBSCRIPTION OR DELETION: By using the expression
"subscribe physnews" in your e-mail message, you
will have automatically added the address from which your
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Farm Sanctuary's E-News & Action Alert 01/12/07

2007-01-12 Thread Alan Sondheim
Title: Farm Sanctuary E-News & Action Alert


	  Meaningless Labels Mislead
			  ConsumersThe American public is increasingly
		  concerned about how their food is produced. In an effort to capitalize on this "humane"interest,
		  the animal agriculture industry uses misleading and meaningless labels in various marketing schemes.
		  Putting a "natural"label on meat, milk and eggs is an example of misleading marketing. Farm
		  Sanctuary has exposed the industry's inappropriate claims with a detailed report and recently
		  submitted federal comments opposing
		  the vague “natural” label on products from animals confined in crowded factory farms.
		Additionally, a recent nationwide Zogby poll concludes that
		  the majority of Americans consider the use of a "natural" label to be
	Brooklyn Goat Escapes Slaughter
			Wandering aimlessly among the
		  alleyways and busy streets of Brooklyn, N.Y., Joey, a young floppy-eared goat around 6 months old, easily
		  stood out to passersby. Joey's ear was tagged for slaughter, indicating he most likely escaped from one of
		  the multiple live markets or slaughterhouses scattered throughout Brooklyn and other boroughs in New York
		  City. Luckily, Joey escaped this fate and has found a home at Farm Sanctuary's New York Shelter. Read
	Save the Date -  Farm Sanctuary 2007
			GalaFarm Sanctuary is pleased to announce
		  that our next Gala for Farm Animals will be held on Saturday, September 8, at the Beverly Hills
		  Hotel in Los Angeles, Calif. We hope you will join us for this important event honoring farm animals and
		  those who work on their behalf. Please visit our website in the coming months for more
	There's no better time to get healthy than at the start of the new year! Find the direction and
		inspiration you need to seek out and achieve optimal health by checking out our Veg For Life Health and Nutrition
		  Resources. Including lists and links for everything from noteworthy books and DVDs to magazines and
		websites, this important compilation will have you exploring the wonderful, rejuvenating world of veg in no time
		at all!
	List it.
			Sell it. Find it. Fast!  Sell your Unwanted Items on and Raise Funds for Farm
			Animals!A classifieds site with a heart, makes it easy to help farm animals while selling stuff you don’t need or advertising
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	Please Vote on This Poll!
	Foie Gras Ban in Chicago is
	Associated Press
		   January 9, 2007
	Uncruel beauty: 'Vegan chic' doesn't have to be an oxymoron
	New York Times
		  11, 2007
	BSE: Should We Still Be
	The Guardian (UK) January 10,
	Colorado Cattle Die by
	Associated Press  January 9,
	Cattle Face Problems Beyond
	Pueblo Chieftain January 11,
	ON SALE!Say No to Veal T-shirt 
	100% organic cotton. Recipe for 'milk-fed'
		veal on the back 

	  Farm Sanctuary is the nation’s leading farm animal
	  protection organization. Since incorporating in 1986, we have worked to expose and stop cruel practices of the
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	  awareness projects, youth education, and direct rescue and refuge efforts. Our shelters in Watkins Glen, NY and
	  Orland, CA provide lifelong care for hundreds of rescued animals, who have become ambassadors for farm animals
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		Thank you.Farm Sanctuary, P.O. Box 150
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Moving Her Body in Her Second Life

2007-01-12 Thread Alan Sondheim

Moving Her Body in Her Second Life

Today I revisited Second Life and gave new Life to my Avatar and now Her
Body moves just like I would move if I had a File called God.

God makes Dojoji move and God infuses Her with Life new-born, glorious
Life, lovely in Conception and Deed. I cannot say enough about Her
Appearance, but it will remain with me until the Rapture, when she will
lead the Procession of Salvation, Holiest among the Holy, Saved among the
Saved, New-Born among the New-Born.

Yes, and Delicious with the Sweetness of the Nectar of the Lord. I would
love Her Strong, were it not for my Love of God; I would worship Her, were
it not for Strong Salvation. She shall Ascend to the Holy of Holies; She
will draw me up; I will not be far behind. For She accords me the Grace of
Creation, just as I accord her the Wager of Sin.

Together we shudder at the very Sight of the Eternal, We Love each Other
so very much!

think i finally god it right, apologies for all that other stuff

2007-01-13 Thread Alan Sondheim

Is it Possible?

By Al Dubin and Jimmy McHugh (1939)

Is it possible you're possessable in the moonlight?
Is it possible you're caressable in the dark?
It can't be true someone like you would kiss me,
This must be heaven, this can't be a park,
Is it possible you're a "yes"able sort of person?
Then a wedding ring could make ev'rything quite all right,
For if you heart is "throbable," it's probable you might,
Is it possible you're possessable tonight.

Sweet Thing

By Joe Young, Abel Baer, and Fred E. Ahlert (1939)

Sweet Thing, you did that thing to my heart,
I want you, I need you, I do--
Sweet Thing, I simply can't get enough of you.
Sweet Thing, you came and "bing" went my heart,
It's beating, repeating your name,
Sweet Thing, now you're the top in my Hall of Fame.
While passing by you smiled at me so friendly,
The day was so languid and warm,
And there stood I with nothing to defend me,
No wonder you took me by storm.
Sweet Thing, you did that thing to my heart,
I sigh and I laugh and I sing,
Here's why, because you're everything,
Sweet Thing.

My Promise to You

2007-01-13 Thread Alan Sondheim

My Promise to You

1. Rearrangement


The do promise sex of again. no I sex. will I not will have not nudity do
The sex promise again. of have will nudity not again mention in body my
parts texts. again. mention perfect body again parts in be will perfect
not newborn characterize characterize I men will or be women newborn
sexual will violence not activity will work. again masturbation again work
in and my intercourse swamped am will swamped not with have attention
intercourse given sex, to nudity, the body sex, parts, nudity, sexual
parts, sexual violence, given activity, the masturbation, work. exhausted
masturbation, by and televised motion motion sex, picture photographed
photographed dreamed dreamed by spoken may poetics with may and dance sex,
dance-video not images dance-video violence. I never have done will
frightened am encounters strangers. strangers. am meetings unaccustomed
unaccustomed with space. write write lonely lonely space. place, I
forsaken will places, not ruined Ruins places. do Ruins not tired am being
of misunderstood. playing playing tired misunderstood am boohoo tired
little of boy. being boy boy. who of does being good. misogynist
misogynist no burns I at tired stake, stake, erects stake, children tired
stake. organs dumb children organs at description stake. organs. write
politics and without politics words without actions will that learn learn
never forgiven. will go I on. will film sight sound to sight to dance.

2. My Promise

No Sex

The promise of no sex. I will not do sex again. I will not have nudity
again in my texts. I will not mention body parts again. I will be perfect
again. I will be newborn again. I will not characterize men or women
again. I will not have sexual violence again in my texts. I will not have
sexual activity again in my work. I will not have masturbation again in my
work and will not have intercourse in my work. I am swamped with attention
given to the sex, nudity, body parts, sexual violence, sexual activity,
masturbation, and intercourse in my work. I am exhausted by sex. I am
exhausted by televised sex, motion picture sex, photographed sex, dreamed
sex, spoken sex, poetics of sex. I may work with dance and sex and
dance-video and sex. I will not work with images of sexual violence. I
will not do sexual violence. I have never done sexual violence. I have
never done violence. I am frightened of violence. I am frightened by
encounters with strangers. I am frightened of meetings in unaccustomed
space. I will not write of violence in lonely place, forsaken places,
ruined places. Ruins write my texts. Ruins do not write sex, do not write
sexual violence. I am tired of being misunderstood. I am tired of playing
the misunderstood boohoo little boy. I am tired of being the little boy
who does no good. I am tired of being the misogynist who burns women at
the stake, who burns men at the stake, who erects the stake, who burns
children at the stake. I am tired of dumb organs and description of dumb
organs. I will write politics without sex and politics without sexual
violence and politics without sexual words and politics without words or
actions that may be misunderstood. I will learn to be good. I will never
be forgiven. I will learn to go on. I will learn to write again. I will
learn to film again. I will learn sound and sight again. I will learn to

2007-01-13 Thread Alan Sondheim

Beautiful video of moving stars - Alan

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =

Re: democracide

2007-01-13 Thread Alan Sondheim
Have you read the Flower Ornament Sutra (Avatamsaka Sutra)? You might well 
like it (probably my favorite Buddhist text) - Alan

On Sat, 13 Jan 2007, Sheila Murphy wrote:

intractable dream
inadmissible dream
infraction dream
apologetic dream
inflamed dream
residual dream
confederate dream
deposited dream
white noise dream
same shame dream
long line dream
calm poise dream
sangfroid dream
lightheaded dream
wan blood dream
stalled pose dream
wide open dream
prompt light dream
irreligious dream
obedient dream
cloying dream
recorded dream
plotted dream
inductive dream
etcetera dream
repository dream
still pond dream
clambake dream  Mark
pious dream
upended dream
shoddy muddled dream
unimpressive dream
rhetorical dream
mud pack dream
shimmering dream
exonerated dream
pock mark dream
excited dream
imposition dream
wrapped up dream
12-tone dream
rehearsed dream
purseful dream
stir crazy dream
resting dream
military dream
oceanic dream
crayon dream
salt pepper dream
seamed dream
seeming dream
stemmed dream
stained dream

sheila e. murphy

Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =

Watch Slowly Virtual Body

2007-01-14 Thread Alan Sondheim

VirtualBody */long/*

This is the final solution of the virtual body, the solution down to the
bone where the flesh is irrelevant, the muscular body of atrophied
muscles, the wired body switched off, the wired body switched on - this is
the perfect perfected pure virtual body, the aerial body of antenna and

this is the shattered body, body shattered against itself, body of songs
and delights, unspeaking and unspeakable body

it might be said that sex, for me, was only a detour, that this body has
been the construct-construction of years - the rendering of these few
moments left (of the shattered body, the final solution) taking only a
matter of twenty hours or twelve-hundred minutes for perfect production,
frame by frame, image by image, the coalescence of nature-culture like
none other, the immanent shattered by the imminent

only the necessity of knowing the absence of sex and all desire, the
useless remnant of violence crawling out of our civilization - only this
necessity is a reminder of the interior of pollution incohering, stripped
from life and limb, corpuscule and tissue

nothing is in favor of the light 'here,' nothing is 'here' nor was nor
would have been (nothing exemplary anyway)

The Text of the Procurer:

:lives always has fuzzy boundaries where the limited exigencies of life
are:landscape of death. Hannibal's elephants haunt the Alps. Where
nothing:Every organism is an organism of and by slaughter, every
landscape, a:have robbed the experience of another. Memories always teeter
on the verge:to, almost a denial that only Rilke was capable of. Actually
climbing to: */long/*

Devour the bluff, the church, the grave, seems an impossible memory now,
as if I Brought Forth through lives always has fuzzy boundaries where the
limited exigencies of life are!

landscape of death.
the haunted. of landscape, the landscape of death.
where nothing of the landscape of death.
where nothing lives and nothing is the landscape of death.

The Recognition.
the saturation. the dead-sex link with death and pain.
the dead linkage.

Re: Fwd: Turbulence Commission: "html_butoh" by Ursula Endlicher

2007-01-15 Thread Alan Sondheim
It's pretty neat; as dance choreography it's not that interesting - as 
mapping I think it is. The positive is the sheer beauty of it and the way 
that 'table' for example references a table, not the tag per se. The 
negative is the strategy itself - what one may call 'awkward mappings' 
that have been used for decades by conceptual artists. So there's an issue 
of surface and depth; the surface shines/sheens; the depth - the semantics 
- has to lie in the mapping itself, which is often reductive.

That said, it's pretty neat!

- Alan

On Mon, 15 Jan 2007, Charles Baldwin wrote:

what do y'all think?

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/15/07 8:31 AM >>>

January 15, 2007
Turbulence Commission: "html_butoh" by Ursula Endlicher
[Needs Flash Player; high speed Internet connection (DSL/Cable or
better); speakers on; Mozilla Firefox 2.0+, Opera 9.10+, Netscape 8.0+,
and Safari 2.0+.]

"html_butoh" questions the way information is indexed on the Web; it
enacts the "Global Top 500" websites and is choreographed by their
real-time HTML structure. Small video clips show participants
translating the "functionality" of each HTML tag into movement. The
URLs, and therefore the "stage," changes every 3:28 minutes, running
through 500 websites within a twenty-four hour cycle. "html_butoh" runs
on the html-movement-library, an open-for-participation video clip
database. In Butoh--a Japanese dance technique--the dancer "becomes" an
image through her movements, which parallels to how a web browser scans
through HTML and displays its content. By submitting to the
html-movement-library every participant instantly becomes part of the
"html_butoh" performance.

"html_butoh" is a 2007 commission of New Radio and Performing Arts,
Inc., (aka Ether-Ore) for its Turbulence web site. It was made possible
with funding from the Jerome Foundation.


Ursula Endlicher was born in Vienna, Austria and has lived and worked
as a "multiple-media" artist in New York since 1993. Her work resides at
the intersection of Internet art, performance and multi-media
installation. She focuses, with a critical and yet humorous eye, on the
underlying structures of the Web, questioning online identity while
often anthropomorphizing and enacting the Web, and bringing the Web into
a "physical" realm via alternative human-machine communication
interfaces. Endlicher has been shown internationally, including
"artport," Whitney Museum, New York and "Illegal Machines" at Art
Athena, Greece. Recently she participated in "No body on this line", a
research lab at Tanzquartier, Vienna, Austria. Endlicher initiated a
discussion and web conference about "Curating net art" with in 2006. She has lectured about her work in the US
and Europe.

For more information about Turbulence, please visit
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Work on YouTube, blog at . Tel 718-813-3285.
Webpage directory . Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for theory; also check
WVU Zwiki, Google for recent. Write for info on books, cds, performance,
dvds, etc. =

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