Shut lake Undies

2006-12-15 Thread John M. Bennett

Shut lake

d rag the tinct ur,sotty ,forked ,jai
c lub the jum p pfun lat hered up a
cubic force a peds oh sinking in t
raddled half yr phone hump blessure ,rotty bike
trembling in the weill lumb er caged or
he ham  !ton guelate c hattered an a
gain an deepenede meal the bow el

led beside the fooinking boats inside yr hat
plosion fog  .aim yrch nap an g ut turd
dar ,an dimly  !ter  !best at mumb
runk or t hump ah hasp ah hill ah howler in
the kitchen draweach or thumb or t
lers was you  ?oufaucet like a calen
choppy lake an stl locker dun ce ex


my stroll dug spps the shin gle off
lack swallet mye burning mattress ris
yond the s willingyr eye stroll  .fam
ekkid chore collapsing  .whizz you "take" a ,for
m inctic tincture inp lumber p lunder ,n
e regurgitation ,thpull pall raked be
es to the r oof an gasender my use c

.clods an cripes anhan yr fund us shorts
crushners lose thepat was isn't ,dis
.dog beam ,yr mel my st rolling pas
han ,shedding all the rice lungs dripping funder
shot my suit lapore than ,cutes t
t the rinse an ssoup notes or nuts
tant was ,c loser tcrypts an crocks an

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Review of ROTTY WHAT performance

2006-12-18 Thread John M. Bennett

Photo West Gallery, Philadelpia, PA, Dec. 9, 2006

In sausage ears
Grind & bump nodes
Taste of strange
to rearrange
Fabric rent
With no relent
Sonic walls
In the new cause
Sounds like
STRYKERS in menopause…

Driven long, to
Arrive at old

‘tis the sound
One hears
As IED’s enter
The mind, then
The body
Then the souls
Before the
Great galactic holes…

Something like
What Dubya
Listens to (“Mother”…)
Rocking him to
Ever gentle, and

A strange nite (indeed) in Philadelphia (at 
WEST GALLERY) , where I’ve arrived for 
observation (first ever, for me) of a live 
performance by poet John M. Bennett… this outing 
in a group he’s labeled 
“<>Rotty What” (ben 
bennett, drums, john bennett, poems jack wright, saxes)

First act, which inspired the poem above, was a 
“wall of noise” act called 
(stuart brent, laptop, pedals, doepfer pocket 
control matthew sanchez, laptop, CD players, 
pedals)… well-done, & not played at such sheer 
volume as to “wreck” my aural appendages…

“Rotty What” is up next, with their own quieter 
version of what freedom (sonic & elsewise) can 
mean… though I’ve played 
with John Bennett in years past, this grouping 
illustrates for the listener what “the magick” of 
improvised and experimental music is all about!

This isn’t the first time I’ve heard Jack Wright 
play…. I’ve reviewed much of his music since the 
late 1980’s 
NATION) , and watched him play on the West Coast 
as well (before he moved back to Philly)… his 
playing is just as robust and full of life, but 
in this “Rotty What” formation, there are 
stretches where he comes across as a “ghost”… 
little rushes, strange “puffs” & less of the 
“blowout” aspects than when I watched him play 
with my pal 
Morgan (3 years or so ago) in Olympia, Washington.

Ben Bennett (John’s son), on drums, is a monster 
talent… I’m sure I had met him, probably years 
ago, when doing studio work at John’s house, but 
this first introduction to his playing clearly 
demonstrates that being raised in a household 
where “out” is “in” can (& does, in this case) 
have a most desirable impact.  He is right on 
with the other players, whether using mallets, 
blow tubes or straight-up drum licks – watch this 
boy carefully, he’s got success (insofar as that 
goes in this “underground” music world) written 
all over him!  Thoroughly enjoyable.

As with most spoken-word performers, John is a 
wonder to behold… on the CD’s he and I have 
released, he is a unique voice, without doubt… 
but to actually see his poetry/performance makes 
for new insights… in his corner, he uses his 
bullhorn to speak out over the “high” stretches, 
& dispenses with it when the music is calmer… to 
ensure that he can view the words he 
reads/performs, he wears these curious-looking 
little flashlight-glasses (that remind me of coal 
miners)… the combination of his voice, his oddly 
combined phrasings & his (obvious) enjoyment in 
the collusion make for a superb experience that 
will give you a glimpse of what surreal really is!

The last act of the night (wade matthews, alto 
flute, bass clarinet, laptop synthesis, reuben 
radding, double bass andrew drury, percussion, 
calling themselves “Matthews, Radding, 
Drury)  takes the subtlety to an even deeper 
level.  I first heard Reuben on some CD’s from 
the Seattle area (Jack Gold’s 
DISK label), & his playing is just as intricate 
in person as I heard on those CD’s I reviewed… 
Drury plays a “lone drum”… the normal complement 
of bells & little things to “drag” over the head 
pale in comparison to what he’s able to do with 
his hands/fingers… makes the observer feel like 
he’s somehow crawled down into the drum.  & Wade 
Matthews reeds are splendorous in their ability 
to “play the silences”.  Experimental fans 
everywhere will want to pursue recordings by these gents – they’re fantastic!

This entire experience was sort of like an “east 
coast mini-experimental festival” for me… players 
who weren’t (& aren’t) afraid to find new norms, 
and who continue to challenge the sonic 
definitions of what “acceptable” is.  All of 
these acts emphasize the idea that there are new 
things to be discovered, and that it’s perfectly 
“ok” to pursue them.  If these players show up on 
a playbill in your city – be SURE to check them out!

Dick Metcalf, aka Rotcod Zzaj

Dick Metcalf

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State 

Flooder Horns

2006-12-18 Thread John M. Bennett


fun an runt an fp pool running for the
an drably numbshut shaping  .craw l
toothpick ,cast ofse lust ,belted town
ss the feeled yr smoke riding d own the h
ill long c old rinreeling ,s hot a cro
,the rat chet shotered in yr coat yr
me one an ,diist an f lick an rock

edge growl  ,matt cracking in the d rain
nor b acked tyr sea  .breath vall
ding coll apse knuf ill noodles laked an
shoot ,f ail me now an c rusty n one  ,f log
yr wall et ,b ringckle wit h a f lame
d renched like deadehe c hop gus h ,nod
ey coined an losturd n ever book ed


slo pper t raump nuzzled ,eat the
,cag e yr o en laport c hopper in the
frizzling in yr phandup the seizure  .mel
k shooter lazy stone heel you cat ch c rash
an chur n nested h.go an dress an ,por
ted no d gas p ,sleche ,tum ba con
startling lot ah camattic con densation

rinse  !yr b readeap an hul k an hon k
k into the loaf likside yr cur ve(  h
whapping when the snag my su it sh
shape  .bus t an b ash an b ush an b east an b
itch f loafer anpun for k c lacks yr
rug  !)I s leap ine wheezing whopping
um an him an hhead sleeps sun

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

C hug doom

2006-12-18 Thread John M. Bennett

C hug doom

inven tory of yrmin d an m uck an
pirina ,use less avaried co rasping
gress staring at t,d out c lustered g
ders float or sun k  .dus t cross the leg an s weep
.plied wit h sin khe w all you min
apped the lag os a b rack of con
.melt an m ount anloss mud , hot g as

m ounded up yr sice an swifter gallons
livered sheets youock against yr s
ttal hokum or adupe an drop an
ou shaking in yr cuffs a spender non to morro wed
.dolt an dust anfork  .nine biles y
dizzy like a rcris ped in ,glo
pine shaped withocks like glass

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Fog storm Fodder

2006-12-19 Thread John M. Bennett

Fog storm

bin d an bor n anteam an golden !
d rifting in eh ged the luffing ou
sed outside the ps tung shoulder .f
shotless b end the fork mine ,chewed the rotted l
ip stick y an aage you bull undered
og rind  .k noc kloo smoke or cha
t ah crispy sg lint an b ile an

mut turd he dite pullers at the neck
an crypt  .shgrazed the plit
,corpsid loggorou spoilt the cow
.so re mundled in the sh rugged día ,bussed an b led
,nodded p ants yhea dance le livre
p lat turned aneat me und ulate
.binder w hips ,mud vided all the c lack


host isle langtused the soap
he edge mot ileessence ,like a s
ed gr ease not em ist meater you
nest you kept the dimness g razing chopping b
ags sot so t ,fors f lavored h eel
contail the lapinlumpinesence ,drain
moulder you conw edge chaffing o’er t

melted like aor rot or rub or rule
.or booted :musin yr armpit gus
e crystal sighedbled a head of tim
ching c racked be side the frag runt  .bull ho
le clouding ,mum,no flag rant it
e or need ledty shorts an ,tub
h dance ,ran ksquirm in head

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: Fog storm Fodder

2006-12-19 Thread John M. Bennett

flog form murder

At 08:43 AM 12/19/2006, you wrote:

Fog storm mudder


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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: Fog storm Fodder

2006-12-19 Thread John M. Bennett

hog berm hummer

At 10:05 AM 12/19/2006, you wrote:

frog sturm blubber

- Original Message -
From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>John M. Bennett
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 5:55 AM
Subject: Re: Fog storm Fodder

flog form murder

At 08:43 AM 12/19/2006, you wrote:

Fog storm mudder


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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029


<>Not spam
previous vote

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: Fog storm Fodder

2006-12-19 Thread John M. Bennett

soggy groom fulminate

At 12:11 PM 12/19/2006, you wrote:

knog loom laminate

- Original Message -
From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>John M. Bennett
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7:12 AM
Subject: Re: Fog storm Fodder

hog berm hummer

At 10:05 AM 12/19/2006, you wrote:

frog sturm blubber

- Original Message -
From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>John M. Bennett
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 5:55 AM
Subject: Re: Fog storm Fodder
flog form murder
At 08:43 AM 12/19/2006, you wrote:

Fog storm mudder

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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029


<>Not spam
previous vote

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029


<>Not spam
previous vote

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: Fog storm Fodder

2006-12-19 Thread John M. Bennett

spoon jammed ungulate

At 02:58 PM 12/19/2006, you wrote:

bloom famine ululate

- Original Message -
From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>John M. Bennett
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: Fog storm Fodder

soggy groom fulminate

At 12:11 PM 12/19/2006, you wrote:

knog loom laminate

- Original Message -
From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>John M. Bennett
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7:12 AM
Subject: Re: Fog storm Fodder
hog berm hummer
At 10:05 AM 12/19/2006, you wrote:

frog sturm blubber

- Original Message -
From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>John M. Bennett
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 5:55 AM
Subject: Re: Fog storm Fodder
flog form murder
At 08:43 AM 12/19/2006, you wrote:

Fog storm mudder
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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029

<>Not spam
previous vote

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029


<>Not spam
previous vote

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029


<>Not spam
previous vote

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: peepshow

2006-12-21 Thread John M. Bennett

Macanudo!  tela de luz...

At 09:15 AM 12/20/2006, you wrote:


by abuigues


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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: Fog storm Fodder

2006-12-21 Thread John M. Bennett


reddof mrots gof

flooder sot cough


At 08:00 PM 12/19/2006, you wrote: 

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Part y Ends?

2006-12-21 Thread John M. Bennett

Part y

sop drum you caughtss the l ache yr
the hot sap c luck  .bgainst the thon g
ile the seeper chucksbelting an yr woo l
jabbers in the close t ,plumbing ,mystery wheels ,so
b floors iced orthe s trum meat court
yr mile c rests arayed an cloudy wh
light creaks a cro.linger whine  .root

va por text reiness of this soaking ?
foldered so ,t rainh molar oil ah why o
he steps an unground the “living” roo
half ruddy an ,half d rips the ph one the chee
se hose leaps aulate why bail  .ha
m guts drenched wited to spr addle up t
h not a c rumb busg rumbles  .so he ap


w hip an w hop an wrain the vacuum
hore g round the sackhead the group in
,daze me no ne ,whe bee rs you crawl
age d rippings cor e lation of yr lac toes d rum
ming h umming in tham me off the c
,ahead the soup ,aage in yr chutecase
tension to re stheel an w him an w

.day streaks the fch est b right wit s lime !
loppy one ,whata nuruzzles  !buy the burn o
hir an w hurl anüber T beneath the gr
.my lungche rabbi t t urns my p lunge t race g
one my f oil rw obble in the ink
ass s leaps an gd gun the jakes w
ne c ash yr leelooded wall an f

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

W et Rolling

2006-12-21 Thread John M. Bennett

W et

s lake the s allow sroot whimper heaved
s lopper falling out thc rows  .w hat top halt
n window the smid dance yr fog roo
he napkins bloody in the drawer yr g love rest
rains the cuspoke down the walls t
m whisp ers ane tree  .the long law
you called  ?w hattunner fo cus ma h aid

?dorminate an c louam I sticky in the lake ?
.dun g h arm youill  )tomba toma tan
e ,ordered chestped the shirt you s
wallet c lump an dresser  .ape hit ,knot f lap
,dum b p honer see,s topped the r ailing
lagged upon the hlent the b one on
ta(  shake a hd the roast p late


so t I jum ped Iast yr fueler nail
the in dex a d rawm all ,an tock  .pho
ap yr ass ,c log yrpilation of the beak
dare ,f lay ,f oul ,fogger ,funex ,f lamer
than the shot comsoon to see an sod
.er got the g ruber j am med like so
to  .runny shorts pjerk ed I jost led

.s lab to say ,itt a ,damn shunner boiled
han d er t hanretard or toppled ,hin
.the rug f lame ,wthe neighborhood an  .w
ty an b lock me bun dle bear by basket "burnt"
.fun gus c leftas ,h ump ,ack ,rot
heels an meels  .bi,k not short an drifts
t of thinking ,jus's number c luster ,t

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: W et Rolling

2006-12-21 Thread John M. Bennett
I haven't read any of these particular sonnets aloud yet, but will do 
so sooner or later, yes.  I'm thinking these will have to be read 
twice: once as they appear on the page, and then again by connecting 
up the split lines in the order they "should" go.  I'm looking 
forward to it -  I have some gigs coming up in Jan (Columbus) and Feb 


At 11:01 AM 12/21/2006, you wrote:

Do you "read" these out loud?
I'd love to hear them if so.
They are like two voices,
bloody drawn together dresser
mist blown
On 21-Dec-06, at 7:28 AM, John M. Bennett wrote:

W et

s lake the s allow sroot whimper heaved
s lopper falling out thc rows  .w hat top halt
n window the smid dance yr fog roo
he napkins bloody in the drawer yr g love rest
rains the cuspoke down the walls t
m whisp ers ane tree  .the long law
you called  ?w hattunner fo cus ma h aid

?dorminate an c louam I sticky in the lake ?
.dun g h arm youill  )tomba toma tan
e ,ordered chestped the shirt you s
wallet c lump an dresser  .ape hit ,knot f lap
,dum b p honer see,s topped the r ailing
lagged upon the hlent the b one on
ta(  shake a hd the roast p late


so t I jum ped Iast yr fueler nail
the in dex a d rawm all ,an tock  .pho
ap yr ass ,c log yrpilation of the beak
dare ,f lay ,f oul ,fogger ,funex ,f lamer
than the shot comsoon to see an sod
.er got the g ruber j am med like so
to  .runny shorts pjerk ed I jost led

.s lab to say ,itt a ,damn shunner boiled
han d er t hanretard or toppled ,hin
.the rug f lame ,wthe neighborhood an  .w
ty an b lock me bun dle bear by basket "burnt"
.fun gus c leftas ,h ump ,ack ,rot
heels an meels  .bi,k not short an drifts
t of thinking ,jus's number c luster ,t

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029



Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Get a way H

2006-12-22 Thread John M. Bennett

Get a way

should it shop it seadache  .slowly rin
e it to an s hort ie w heel b ringer of
ouge yr s pork aniled into the doorknob
the c rate of c lock imp action stain the corn er o
f yr throat misseye t humb le ss on
long clutch ed tht shame it s lum it g
yr hemorrhoids an hhove it jump it cam

se yr cheek andown the bloody steps
ust b rains yr scs ,the suit crusted ,a
nt s tumbled ,orutter  .hot ham an h
?boom an bum and brim an bat an butt an bull
et yr cough shwas w hat yr grin
allway crispy onereen slam yr fei
h lootcase banginghold it in  .the g


s hurt sh aver rins eored the g raveled law
o knocked a gainst tn shadow ,r ice lakes
triven with yr sw eaton r amp's g listened vas
oking in the gr ass  .)rum p an r an an rip ped an r
oiled an(  spots thehum med dolled an sm
eline a bomb moohe pant ry w all s
,sent s teamers shntrada de tu re boz

n you s lept beed the last word yr mout
t b all you croakedleft the long bog y
f yr eyewall sawd gul ped a grinned
gared wit h yr s tone nor th craw ling log ex
cretion s wallow ethe pup ill c razed an su
.the half dust you,rat's the skinning of
r p ants re coilneath  .an c lap's no

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

C long Seekit

2007-01-04 Thread John M. Bennett

C long

yr jug jamp jut jerung evening where yr
ice ves t vote etuck out the porc
t cubic stroke yrds long buried in a
.raise the shadow swallowed an crash it on the do
or yr spattered dufinal lap or locking
rinse the por k sgg pig dug bag ren
h burning in the stt jar vat vase v

feelers shriveled buyes yr jack yr et yr off
.the song mile swiftedhud lamp ,crisp gore flakes
led an ,yr use phowrists dealing ,t race o
n a ricecake in the urinal a mirror wallet
s cummy like yrne streamed the moo
f faucet or ,a tthe brang roller whi
flying toward yr et renamed the sky


jackal an jalap an jgale the glassy sound
aun dice an jejune ap rust le or the sot
n klopping sore the tunt useless like a jordan
leet talk ,yr "quiet bun" strayed away  .feel
it off me ,b lank inel b rayed with s
.wore that's the creen j owl an j erk a
.train yr linger to reaunt an jocose an j

s like peeing  .fuhing leg the kitchen door
a run t ,whirling in t.pallet of yr sleep an
,like rat  .or grun tas pilling in yr armpit
y shirt whack" your meal lather spilling down yr
pants was what ws or pelts  .yr "nois
and the clock dryinghe wheeze you bore
splinter pry yr coug    n cam p ,best of sod

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Creeping X rale

2007-01-04 Thread John M. Bennett


yr c rash ad d mathulk steaming in the corn
c alp ligation shook it me an dimmer
a soaked bal loon ylike the g lass you lic
sing m eat the floor  .why's up an dribbling st are
the heat s ill nakedr whim purr an dou
king throat s lunkhe s lope number than
,f log the b roomch s crap sp rang s

er yr last leg gfount aim why cASing t Hat
Fore ship need dug 'em in an g
a "pun gent" tasting ofded fingers st rumming
,d rang cawed ,b ile rinse yr ,fono drum ,a rus
h n ate co re enf the deck  .rug b oil
f lack the neck,an a nick of g rime
rinned the bloodlanced  .p ile h am ,yr

X rale

ex quisite ex tinguish ecross yr belted face
x ist der hir suit tto yr n ape  .b lend an
last the ex igecyst pble ,make yr costive e
x pulsion on the ceiling )like "a throat"( cussed an s
pat ,the grip nuts tumlame the foco's fin e
x hudation s tick inghere hair heaper plowing p
b ache an b oat ax tirpation ex oteric e

fog moaners  .e n tryr ex ponention or a block
he sand pry finghiliration and a soap
p all slap yr w hizzhe s lack dirt yr t
loppy in the afternoon and drape yr stingling leg
.ex hortation in tnap kin yr why f
rousers rent  .e xers dry off  .yr
.favors fakage for y        halflife  .doodle in t

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029


2007-01-05 Thread John M. Bennett

Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2007 10:47:06 +0200
From: Jukka-Pekka Kervinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Sheila Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Peter Ganick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 "John M. Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dan Waber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
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Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2007 08:47:06 UT

Hi all,

epidermis #1 is ready, thanks to all ! The address is

lulu's storefront for the mag can be found from:

I've attached PDF of first issue with this, the PDF download
is free, print issue costs few dollars.

Thanks to all of participating Issue #1 !




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Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2007 08:47:06 UT

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Lipid wing Leaper

2007-01-05 Thread John M. Bennett

Lipid wing

ya corn h all br-Tip  )f olded in yr
r c hock dull linn tranced ,nod my
he prints scunce the guts  !be
gling filler of the sock et leaps an moulds ah
nib bler at the fenning lapdglance gig
am mild ewed ,gut mach ine seals t
pen cil in the Qeaks  !yr b leat y

pock et like(  ayou s poke an greasing
,g lommed ,doub tedzine ,c rash coarse
fencing through the,cash indented like yr
belly you re garded like a bowl of tooth soup
,pun gent ,mal tylake the mud the
storm of ,blandan doub led ,p lace of
,dubbing all the birdsfleecewhich ,"matt ered"


bun gee an flop puead an a cube
c loud bullet cr easinghum or d roll lob
m t ape caustive cauit  .wasp g lance or
.hop blue it ,mate the ashholE rumpled like sung
leaf solution pagesitive row groaning
fun gus or peelyour inchlessened ,tu
bear forno scaldzzule caped with

.blest madder p lodG  !bobby in the mud
he user lens ,pking in yr air so c
beast numb er annt drifting toward t
he freezer running like a rivulet a runner
flag a ramp asockage reeking in t
he tunnel suclay a f ile ,d rub
lot yr breathinite a tacking c rap t

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Pee text Sorta seen

2007-01-08 Thread John M. Bennett

Pee text

shade sol der ,methe lightbulb fire
yr s hunt looseb yr throat outside
t the sing le shae the shotgun mist
intent ion floating toward the b ridge lost in s
un dulation ,cagpe nd ant gr ease
,time to coughing ,lo,page of s cowling a
the floor raging inat comb bus ted

.the camper like ar inkwell fulla urine
per drooling soldierallowed  .dip the nes t
,dropped an blanchto yr "woods" the l
,sp read across ,the sough creep ,the buzzing
lantern d rifts ined ,knocking talking
azy sword swstepped an f layed
inside yr face ybloat business ,sot ham

Sorta seen

not c hop h alf nlip me offa you
t cheesey in the s.the d rag b log twis
chained an lush  .tan cue an quit an
needles a ,an a cub e junk ,mista fai lure hoo
P an cus an c raprust me haha ,bloood
quiet like a fun nellack gushed snockers
ted an srung out ,cot d roop c alf no

.bog phone your ,fw b lazing in the corn er
like 2X4 ,an bleft oh beamer mute o
g the goop nutf an woo f an so ot
sonk an ream wrong the slank day you cus
tard satter  !roo!beam cong an hung
her sang w hat'slasted wrassled don
h sinker shad olag "gristle" chewed

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

W ail

2007-01-08 Thread John M. Bennett

W ail

ha hi he ho ha hume one  !nodding at t
he s lugger t wrenchrust ,nekkid rug ah b
red shonely d ragglast the corn er mold  .yr
shoulder an a c lop nor th  .s hot s hade ,d one
peel ,found er ping cr ass the field yr
tuner can yr batwaisted glue you matt e
east container  !filemu went an b ached t

he s hiner you susbricken soup yr s lit s lop
dle of yr shorts  .b.cough the doorup ,mas
crus t h opper p hons lackers ungu wiggly
.dog ton the ,b ladder s cowl ,a nest to me you
off all yr rabbi te an c reep an c aw
draining in the s inklind I was I'm ,dee ping
t the hairy ears antain the crubhouse bun

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Cut B lows

2007-01-09 Thread John M. Bennett


the creamed hill dror twisted with your s
t shopping s core andr skull lint  .your run
shooter up yr crascoughed ,wasn't it or s
oils inside yr ears bunched up side yr eyes like
gun stammer ,c hockhing b ill s tunner b
top the chiseling of ya suit flood bail the
flame yr towel clamones be neath me ha

pit lung  .save the hreaming mud yr facial sore
e ,not e run t ,wahat f lock d rabs the
r h air an butt onsrum b eating on yr s
!boom hun t an t rip w ash an le ash fun dus t
brights the sala d d,ape that s pill age m eat
calp  !moldy pen wffle s lathered with y
sky's s lope the dumming fog  !g land tub

B lows

nut gutS an dim feeile no more nor w
whalE needle for ,yrial scunning w ash tha
why you sCumBag ned the choke short wad
my sangwich wheedle ,a kinder ponder dump
dunck  .the came raineddie chained then to
dled b last yr facpor t c rack wrinkles
t yr whammy  ?rT an chee s corN

aft the c lottingbanger mile yr chokE huMp
belly like a nutdding at the seat yr
lown across the sd runny than an ass
urning an yr lunch a a c harred dance sof
ter than a salatreet the window b
hole ah ya nocake yr shirt b
focus storms yrdeck  .chewing in yr

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Do S weep

2007-01-09 Thread John M. Bennett


bee t me up perdon e h ole an lig
t dimly booming at ta sprawler test an
er dit ch ras pyl skinly at the spoon
.chow der matic ,guzzle me at p hone the
lad der clod  .hownug guts in yr fist
an rustle in yr sockshe gr ease s mould
c ashed it outs hatted c hum gus

h t s allow skinhair was hot with oil
.floater nigh  .ranrt fog crowds in
the apartment hoing  .the long dirt
.bum an bleat an burn an bowel an blate an
business of the tunuse you c lash Hole
log the land skicid collapsement by
tactile on yr cning the b room wasp

S weep

bock or box bloxedoulder past the san
a ,w heel shu nnere  .dry you won an
boo ter mite maillapping at yr sleek c
he box gag no strum s pilled into the hole the
whole need le ser whistling to ward t
heek an bun tun,m ate g ristle ,g rey
fry yr snake ba w hammer toluene

d you crept formmer beneath the bed
trill a file of antsreamer an doo mer an
ram an bee p an bken whiff nor shore
.sugar tryst a ,scor e cap sols blood briner
,a nabber sunroach the single
.down er an d.num b nug gets ,b
dau ber an ditears inside yr nos

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Scraping Leftwich

2007-01-09 Thread John M. Bennett


Bent emptier mulch and fork twine copper suit, which wheat we went to 
speak no less for dining, as though to say they lift and spool, 
blanch thinner spent lunch lurch, wrench in their machine. Blend 
ample forms much sandy wine which upper units meant, where wear spent 
bleak spindle lesions fork as whine, as if to say cruel rift to 
launch the spanner, which church rent inner machine. Which church 
bent empty machine, mulch rift to launch wine copper suite, lunch 
sparks nor lessons from the mine.



Slip splotch wherein the clock combs tine or twists the spoon and 
pools to sleepy song, split stipple crosshatched stitch, spilt the 
slick, blotch scorch our chords along ago, tint ears to tweak the 
known. Markers abet askew, the new fluke flakes their spray, our 
spew, renew the layered rift in grasp and ask. This was never much 
ado, abut our task under the sung, nothing anew, tongue wonder 
continue, few and flew.

01.08.07  - Jim Leftwich


Ent empt mul a for wine cop it ,itch eat we peak o le nin ,ough ay 
hey if a pool ,bla hin pent unch urch ,ench heir chine .End ampo for 
uch and in ich pper nits ant ,ere ear spe leak pin sions ork as hine 
,af ay cru rif aunch he panner ,ich urch ent ner chine .Ich hurc ben 
mpt hine ,ulch rif aunch ine opper suit ,unch park or sons rom he ne


Lip lotch ein e lock ombs ine o wists e poon nd ools o leepy ong 
,plit ipple ossatch tit ,pilt e lick ,lotch corch ur hords alon go 
,int ars o weak e nown .Arker bet aske ,e ew luke lakes eir ray ,ur 
pew ,rene e ayer ift rasp nd sk .His as ever uch do ,but ur ask der e 
ung ,othin ew ,ongue onder tinue ,ew nd lew

John M. Bennett - scraped out of Jim Leftwich


Waits feast sprung shriek screeching faster lack, further the fur 
fried liars ice and back, bits littered abide the book. Ask knot 
therein a dream of beak upon the tongue, her inner beach our hurried 
luck, eyes yard flit and stacks the dice, at nook inside frontier. 
They halve lest boast to bloat the crooked pith, along these lower 
roads to the angels outer house, such as we pluck or leech among the 
ash and wing. Speak no bait upon the stream therein. Creased hinge 
awaits the blur. Sidle ounce and flock upon the mice.

01.08.07  - Jim Leftwich


Aits east prunt riek reeching aster ack ,urt he fu ried ars ce an ack 
,its ittered bide he ook .As kkno ein a ream o eak pon he ongu ,er 
ner each ou urri uck ,yes ard lit nd acks he ic ,a ook insi ont .Hey 
alve est oast o loat rooke ith ,ong hese ower oad o he gels ter ouse 
,uch a uck o eech mong he as an ing .Peak o ait pon he tream erein 
.Rease inge aits he lur .Idle ou an ock pon he ice

John M. Bennett - picking out Leftwich from under my fingernails

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Some lungch Muffle

2007-01-11 Thread John M. Bennett

Some lungch

wh ile an w hap andust an f lags of s
ran ge t greasy inram it l out ,b lust
locked an o penou were nit crumb
crud dermimpaction fondle s stor m was
lose so loose :y.b raw f lap ,yr use
.blaze an weigh ,cyr fun dus t anker b
er w all of seizingw hore an w heel an

kin dread  .what dwall et  !mice an crackers
neath the house noto my socket  .fun gus
ants heaped againstwho dangled in the at
r  .d one fuel an ,rat rime yr ,pile nits ,c lung
thru me thru onethe thr one  .break wate
tic you screwed inst ink but reeking p
an a b right c leanries and's scuttled


dog lad ,room holid cograsping at the
ored or s toned ,bible one or was that
ropping off the r oofone core the jot na
of tran ce cl own gig gling in the grinning poo
l bulge  .the phpallid eave s horn
p g lazed my visoil the scanner d
a "dr one" I sae ,dim shirt raz

armpit  ?s tun numwater gag was rising
.pu ll neck as usg an r ant ,whistled
findex nesting calenr cowling gainst the s
g radio an rag ligation an rule laundry limp
ran cid roster of ydarios y cumbres  !lo
hat light  !so I runer shadow w here you
whalloped while thebers  .s lack d roppers

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Ack smoke

2007-01-11 Thread John M. Bennett

Ack smoke
“Another big triumph.” – Al Ackerman

mu d c lone an mc rink led ah yr n
s loop an d rift son!b low an b ray the
loughed fancy like ahe shotgun drapery ,s
orms tunneled in yr hand  !bunny Soup an gris
tle ladder  !pon g tnegligée what happy w
kinned an krappedg cornered ,buzzed ,p
sur face wat ereat la p an mel t

eck dust  !the bune  !corn an hope you blew
,shirt goo ,pin dumppeeded out the dung
.paw the h eel yotopping wha t drew w
eyen c ragged uh tEmpo s cald me none
or c awed ,w hat su sunk an f lay yr
ha t c hop cap ssteady as a farting
out s mote the corpuzzlE g ripped yr

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

G unner Tarde

2007-01-12 Thread John M. Bennett

G unner

jumpy b loomer saidk ink d runk like so
n bl own the w all,d rain the sleep a wa
nuzzles ,what a fulseye ,it’s justa  .n ope
,pacifier tube or s hoots you inna face  .tha
t’s right ,t urn yrom e or ,a trundle soap
c lot ,be t s hoedoubt – yr could sho t
y you go  .the t riclumpy roomer’s dead a

ap pealing “perf ummed boots buried inna wurd
s craped into yr btfree was gob bled wit
hat what drib bledine file filled with buts
collapse of “sky an time” “rut” “p lace” guzz
le it all it off  !finto yr pill ow n the
an sporks ,was renowl “or skull” was t
h the scorch hume” “or” a s lot s hot


shru nken boat reek blooded an res
wit a tissue vul,rice pool ,name dr
rewn pock et foring like filthy cakE
bit ,head ,ear ,stomach ,song leg growling
storm cave drippm or s wallowed rab
puzzle  .hip clockture re layed the st
one yr faucet choom p ill fla vored

trained to guzzlE ambles as the sun shrinks in
ted an stoked toroot an c lung  .the
n so up an s lat floathing sock an sink
ile long drowning in the choking sea a spir al
garb age left a fuzzy on a forK p
.pule an beast ,ans how  .s it an so t a
smoked horizon grull the gnats reboo

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: Cross Media Issue at

2007-01-16 Thread John M. Bennett

Great compilation!

At 04:33 PM 1/15/2007, you wrote:

Forwarding this along from Jonathan Penton (plus a note from me at the

Despite our best intentions, The Cross-Media Issue (guest edited by
Dan Waber) at has been released on
time, and includes:

syrupin w/9 letters & 5 spaces by mIEKAL aND & Lyx Ish
Song Shapes by Jim Andrews
Jim Andrews reviews Doom 3
Five Spoken Word Visual Poems by The Be Blank Consort
Green by Tantra Bensko
Two Excepts from The Cyborg Opera by Christian Bök
The Poet's View by Mairéad Byrne
Offerings by Holly Crawford
Four Spoken Word Poems by Barbara DeCesare
Missing by Martha L. Deed
Two Songs by Dulabomber
Seven Visual Poems by Paul Dutton
Red by Amanda Earl
Alphaglyphs by endwar
Cross-Media by Michael Harold
Three AVATAR Sketches by Sharon Harris
Bin Badder by Pete Hindle
In Germania, The Portuguese Did Sing by Geof Huth
Snowglyphs by Geof Huth
This Is Your Final Nitris by Adeena Karasick
Vedic Space, String Theory, and the Eternal Knot by Karl Kempton
Graffiti by Márton Koppány
As You by Donna Kuhn
Seven Visual Poems by Janan Leikazu
Two Visual Poems by Kaz Maslanka
Five Visual Poems by Sean McCluskey
Memory Tables by Gil McElroy
Twelve Digital Poems by Marko Niemi
I Don't Want to Go to Nashville by Rupert Owen and Snuffbox Films
Once More Around the Sun: a 2007 calendar by W. Bradford Paley
American Flact by Alan Semerdjian
Two Visual Poems by Spiel
In Other Words by Nico Vassilakis
Three Blogger-code Visual Poems by Ted Warnell
Five Visual Poems by Derek White

I'm still in the middle of webmastering the upcoming issue of, so I am behind on all correspondence. Thank you for

Jonathan Penton

To which I would add a note of personal thanks to Jonathan for
inviting me to guest edit this issue, and also to each of the
contributors for the giving me the pleasure of presenting some of the
most exciting and interesting work being done today in any field.



Teach CanIt if this mail (ID 191966588) is spam:
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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Pat ina Clar o

2007-01-16 Thread John M. Bennett

Pat ina

jug jud ge ,jer kciled against the uri
numb er flies tickboo th ah rinse my
uS on the Angry wpped a ghast be
the norT f lavor c hugging in the meat boat s
o c runchY an flohole the bout c loud
fore the throatingalong yr eyelid foc
pens  !log gas penj apes ,j olt johnny

nal gas lat herteady wall an mild ew
gers early entfile naggeR boo med
sam regardless ,tf at the cardoor dents
pping in the daw N uggets of re folding all the cla
m s crap the w heelApe of s hades f la
.yr comber lint yrrance go red ,yr flot
a jumping at the sed yr pum pinG fin

Clar o

rut nap ,g loss ot  .neck whistle ,s
ou w ring against mecle y es so shapely
nat dun ked dimlyrough yr throat b oil
yr hat corn salad  .business moo n )or h oof( s ate
collapsing s wallow ththrottled pil e inside
,bents the corpus,soppy one ,pl age g
when you fried in juicy th reads y

pat into the pan 'nes nada y limpio es
.inside the forehturd an col lapsed the
ure log conflateredge ,rinse yr ton
he soup yr hocker floats an eye a s tar sp
iraling to ward thesugar ,cough up on t
gue h air blisead rack the press
saw n w all a risg roped the storM

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Bunny hoppy Chadow

2007-01-18 Thread John M. Bennett

Bunny hoppy

f ono ,f locking ,f ungentr yr y ears wit
lagazined an b lastedt  .yr craw l a pas
er comb atant ,chomdit di t umescent
ed wit a cid an ex plodint b rains an chow
der yr droo p unping ,chowered ,chaf
"pute" short an flee"into b lits" yr show
t the off al doofoco ,f lavored ,f

hin drance  ?cubire rabbit giggling
rance shadowed lluck the blut up yr
rot thet whut shah the fingered lever
?the rat spot yr corn fun shot yr gas bla
st c ringing witved you  ?scordered
pum p it in an sike yr mustification
cage hums yr fist thought  ?scu mb


a h ang ho tter trast wurst folded in
ging from the f urnstort nuzzles ,lake
ube c hoppy c hoprow into the fueling
nice aim yr s lots at me  !s horn the shape
less truce an cpy in the jumping cor
cabinet w here yrace like a sug ar c
s an c louds ,bhan a hymn al han

the b room brooos cilante de tu saco
king lot  .foam hula loma don te rin
c rew pow der mble gazed the long
e yr bread midget sprey the s hort an b
rim  .cub e stumitortoise showered lik
hay un gat o enm ,r oof man agement
des a la c ombram aghast the star

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

near ponse

2007-01-18 Thread John M. Bennett


Stomp at bandied dust, storm over troops supportive portal, port of 
known return to their point senders burn. Why such gloat warming at 
opinions fire, in warm sway and out, an ear for an ear to mark the 
hole worlds hear, swarms away? Spider sings the scaffold plain and 
clean, no such near as at. That much is never enough, and too much 
leads to this, goad rote or access bleeds to a ballast of wisdom. 
Flat chance such flies their magic carpet made of sand into the sea.



Except acceptance, as suggested, would evert against yet militate 
spectral discourse, as ever and as you said. Not to put too fire 
anoint on at, nor yet forlorn for now, yet at is how the centers 
stretched against both ends, and nothing much repeats itself until 
were common sense. Thats the at enough, laugh elf avoid such shelf 
afterlife, a knife for a knife makes the whole cloth sharp. Nor yet 
forsworn anew consensual truth, not this omit not that, constructs 
homogenous response and call cellular cul de sac.


Jim Leftwich


Omp t anded us ,orm ver roops portive ,ort fown urn o ir oint ender 
bur  .hy uch loat ming t opin ire ,n arm ay nd ut ,n ar or ner o ark 
he ol orld he ,arms way  ?pid ing he scaf lain an ean ,o uch ar s 
at  .hat uch s ever nough ,nd oo uch eads o his ,oad ote o cess leeds 
o allas fis om,  .lat hance uch lies ir gic pet ade f and to e ea


Cept tance ,a sugg ,ould vert ainst et litat pect iscour ,a ver nd a 
ou said  .ot o ut oo ire noint n at ,or et lorn or ow ,et a s ow he 
ters retch aga oth nds ,nd hing uch peats elf unt ere mmon ense  .ats 
he t ough ,aug el void suc hel terli ,a nif or a ake he hol loth 
harp  .ot et orswo ane onse uth ,or\t his mit ot hat ,tructs omogen 
spon an alf ellu ul e ac

John M. Bennett (some Leftwich scraped off)

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Sleep again Quest i

2007-01-19 Thread John M. Bennett

Sleep again

f lipping an fueling anbee t rippled in m
nort yr b lot m useered in the soup s
.tub o hard ,syr fungoid flocker
t blake gun the ,stog morter shaded wit h
yr h air yr c almhakes beside tha
yr om atter shivnest an need led
lot o glangly one of laccid shoulder s

y p raise  !see m anred dormer far be low
fter b oning rust uhrain you ,n one sha
bolts the s lam samwhat  .neighbors of t
as what the m eat  ?trust an fry me belted
one ,you lose amich like a Q-Ball w
he home halt ,bstep – calf drenching –
dead non e hornes eep so c lotter a

Quest i

bon dome hymn dorels stacked the in
lame noo dle brightlypat closet where t
shudders was it grinls so tired I was so
b lame  ?f older stomach I was cashing trench
of c lams an wheeor g runt  ?b each or
rulered like yr soiled yr finedex
he squashed squirg hustled rollink p

sect shoe departrmpit was yr answer right
t the doo r all dorner was an ,itch
outside an quiveredgun stopper ,that was
dle  .sprey yr gyrotechnics gynorectics crage
the staring though tlike a nam e bun
lander that was pay shoulder stayed
worm cluddering in yr ament kinda barking a

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

hunniy beppy Wodiw

2007-01-19 Thread John M. Bennett

hunniy beppy

[yoko] ono ,f li cking((kong)) ,f ungent l manr yr y ears wit two two
lagazined & leg agonize an b lasted   ?salt? t  .yr craw l a pas sappy
er comb yr um hair atant ,chom   ptid-bit_ dit di t umescent tense duh
ed wit a cid er spider dwn an ex #ample# plodint b rains an chow der rasins uh
der yr droo p un oor nope um' ,chowered ,chaf fatsuh mummy
"pute" short an flee eel eh tupper"ware""into b lits" yr show 
wash that y ear

t the off al doo /odor/   foco ,f lavored ,f rover


a h ang gnat''s (hat( ho tter t   e   a  rastafari wurst folded in nibblin''
ging seng// from the f urn   iture uh um stort nuzzles ,lake 
sorta' lakey, l

ube c hoppy c hopin broccolirow into the fueling life The MSN Entertainment Guide to Golden Globes is here.  Get all the 

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: Heaps of gleaming pipes of vomit:  cudgel

2007-01-19 Thread John M. Bennett

Bosom's Cleft Feces!!

Lentil Bob Pung!!!

jOHN -

At 11:51 AM 1/19/2007, you wrote:

Heaps of gleaming pipes of vomit:  cudgel

Razing adder fang, a glazed discharge, grazing in
a mire of wands, hiss of dross,
bemoaning pangs,
heaps of gleaming pipes of vomit flouting hoofs of loins,
welts and whelps, salvaged eunuchs suckling spears
in a stalled rage of scabbards,
in a disquieting hollow,
sore-thrust vapors,
maw of balm, armholes in fetters, thwarted victuals,
canker-worms winnow me,
a dithering tinder straggler
in a whirlwind of haughtiness
amid the rancor of vexed moles
abhorring the ragged clefts
in a tumult of ruined willows
cleaving to the stout jingling,
jiggling the flirting of the scourged scepter-cudgel
with slight toning to the spine.

My eye, my eye is an abject object.
It swallows woe.  It cleaves to my ruddy footstool.
It swoons and gnashes its teeth.

Lop of filth, squabbling purged,
hewn pomp despoiled,
viols of feces in flames,
gleaning ears, rifled canopy purged --
parched porcupine.

Hewed out churl panting foul sprigs of hailstones
to tamp down the swelling stubble wicks,
the marrow of puffery in the skimpy stench
of conduits devouring the gasps of wiggling
scoffers, quenched mutterers meted out,
waxing pale on the cusp of a bosom's breastplate,
a dandled thrill in the briers and bulwarks,
rash caterpillar chiseling, gone astray.

Commotion plucked up in a cleft of the rock, cracked;
the breach bemoans parched carcasses
marred from afar, a glazed discharge in the truncated sandbox.

A tingling wail is defiled, commotion mars the tickling breach.

A stiff spew
wallows in it, a vile light tills it
yellowing to the edges, stiff in the dregs,
plucking moans from afar --
a glazed defiling discharging commotion, marring carcasses in the 
truncated breach.

Ingots shiver without stint,
the blight stooped -- sluice juice overtopping the sloppy flint.

Hoodwink -- the quench undone -- the dirge in the crags scorned,
the rump lairs' torrents and groans all a quiver,
the shackles flaring-up to double-cross
and woo the clutched footstool.

Daybreak grumbles barbed,
sprouts of the noose-abyss, bluster lashing the mire,
insipid sash of hoarfrost soothing and devouring
what is retracted.

Fickleness gloats, like a black cloud hewed out of the brush;
it winnows the gleaming pangs awestruck in the molten kindling --
haughty marrow gnawing the purged dung,
pail mired in the wormy stinkweed
of withering avarice.

Dusk abhors the shuddered dainty
lime, ochre, charcoal -- stifling sheaves distilling curs --
thirsty papyrus groaning shabbier, hissing dirge
unwavering lashes bridling, impaled,
smelting fringes overawed in the noonday trickle,
withering hordes gnashing slugs convulsing in brocade,
thwarting the clutches of the bulwark.

Adder fang clutches sprouting rants:  cheek bone
smitten to collude with the piddling lackluster all aflutter,
raiment cringed, tittle of eyelids
backbiting the expunged crow's-feet.

Squinting without stint, it stoops to undo
the torrent of quivering scorn,
the barbed footstool-noose in the devouring hoarfrost
of defiled bushes, molten pangs of shivering blight
overtopping the crags of lairs' shackles' double-crossing
the grumbling clutches lashing out against the sash
gloating in the kindle surge.

To the dregs, the hoodwinked sluice-dirge
rumps up against the groans that flare
to woo the bluster of sprouting daybreak,
soothing in its insipid fickleness.
The black cloud winnows the wallows of the cheek teal
smitten to collude with the piddling all aflutter, eyelids 
backbiting the expunged lackluster.

Awestruck marrow in a pail of worms, dust gleaning to woo
the sheaves of thirst groaning,
hissing smelted trickles convulsing in the bulward clutches of the 
rattling ranting.

Haughty avarice withering, shuddered stifling,
the curs lashed unwavering,
bridle impaled in the noonday hoard
gnashing the withering slugs.

Commotion plucked up in a cleft of the rock, cracked breach 
bemoaning parched carcasses

marred from afar, tingling wails defiling the stiff spew
that wallows in it
until it is
vile light
yellowing to the edges,
lowing motion racked, each moan arched,
stiff asses cracked, pale arrows melting, dissected.

--Bob BrueckL


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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

Re: origami burrito

2007-01-22 Thread John M. Bennett
There has been a major migration of Mexicans into Columbus in the 
past few years, and yesterday I went into the new Mexican supermarket 
that opened up the road a bit - it was wonderful, like being back in 
Mexico in every way and all the foods and stuff I've never been able 
to find in the US before was right there -

encantado estoy


At 02:03 PM 1/21/2007, you wrote:
Yes, Lanny, that's cultural globalization    The instructions 
come in Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian, so the whole 
distribution/packaging is simpler.  They didn't have it here before, 
I knew it from my past life in Toronto, but little by little 
everything is getting everywhere.  Spanish food is Mediterranean, 
and not similar to Mexican, so this type of food is quite exotic 
here ... better known in Northamerica (the tex-mex variant) than in Spain :)

Speaking of Mexican food, I recommend the novel  'Like water for 
Chocolate' by Laura Esquivel - magical realism.

peace Lanny



look like an El paso enchilada plate though..
can't believe they have El paso brand enchilado tv dinners in spain.
i used to eat those laying on the orange shag carpet in Iowa Park texas
watching Planet of the Apes


peace ana

origamibarbacoaboa rides orangoutan masa sombrero
whispering ceviche' ceviche'
gargle gringo soda in silver wrestling mask
gargle mexican sumo dance in origami enchilada house

- Original Message -
From: "Ana Buigues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2007 1:50 AM
Subject: origami burrito

> origami burrito
> by abuigues


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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Og F lipper

2007-01-22 Thread John M. Bennett


bomb an beast an bthumber ,brain drill
business of the towerted in the grease
blood an busherring "em on" yr sm
is an grief for years .bast an barf an brea
k an butt an bthick with s hit he
ouldered lugnuts eaed trade of b oil an
.dog ladder ,beanoot an bum p an

stalling in the g orebugs an bolt an b
yr scad boomermber b last yr b
bit crushed an gog hat gun ,drizzly w
suit a lunchmeat vest you wore into the quickie
m art yr floatinuted stinking in yr
as ,yr foul nushoved yr  .pie rab
lot an bee p an.yr bun ha bit cloaked

F lipper

jum too t hot halered b right with
globster camera spur.fog the bled falling o
the half that scrapflame ,a shiner stop
le corn a fleak flamer cornered in the group
er sounding  .staining  .other was a tumb
ped an skywardted at me heeing in
ff the scampf chaser claved the

butts an lids  .so tr than a toilet filled with air
an lady honking ,thummy was ,an doubter
ear or stunnedt anugh "up"  -  an splat yr
.treacle sandwich an a crumby sink you chowder
red with a big codrippink  .ha an ho an
face fish  .realrace of febre in yr
shoreward blea keease my slippers off

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Wave R B last So urce

2007-01-23 Thread John M. Bennett

Wave R

nor b lamer heeoor sp oily like y
no r c hose the sr yr "muscle" rag
pinning in the strongher gr easy ,c lung ,b
h ants  .yr soup g usher ,rain throat ,bor e sod
den h ills of ratshorts b right wit
orn ikthology foingle past e you s
.pee gas h ,tren dl nor bee f cussed

r cuetip cudd lsinking toward the shore
pre y f older ,lunempted boulder raft
ded an wristlessthe digititus  .whadda
allow the sand war the sh runk tend ril w
rapped an poin tc limbing in ,yr sw
hum p it claws ,tch battles ,he ap blen
the me aty p lateed shingles  !ran a

B last

droo p an nip anh s poon h um  .r
cl amber to war dped ,hoo ped ,sun g
e less ripples wortt thirst  .rind an drip
lumber in yr pill ow oil a loopy kinda thing a
whiff of landing bun the bit e  .cor e s
py-like ,horse lipthe g land neck rip
a shirt c lipped witmile an pee l an

oast yr cheek hunted n one an hips
eak c lue wob bleall's a name  .m
yr forK half lose one me finger y
lagged nickel in the boiler "soup" cuddled in y
r pockets  .m ate mt the smoke a b
ou the c rashing wd whining in the tub
udder one an moung doppler speck sp

So urce

star t matter cluport yr whistle glu e
ne sh udder and,c rash an turn  !us
he log knife dennoose  !bee ts of p
hoe  )"numb er"(  puz zle floating to ward the
soap ah rub blesly rip ples in yr s
rey ,hop por ea lake rents t
e the tab let sster yr fog bor

,bag o nests  !hor b luster b linking ,blin
,s hone yr lugof c lean heelings  .sp
.whi le an nodime lashes ,neck buz
hat's the cli ff incher kneeling in yr "form" rust
le muscle or  .tan di p an shave w
zes in yr loo pguR the nap to ad
read a cross the bap hire ,dreg meal

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: Flay hop

2007-01-23 Thread John M. Bennett

tress hatch

sprinkling ladder the
eluded mote the
rabble face the
sprang corn ray


John M. Bennett
shuffling Bob BrueckL's Poem & Flay hop

At 01:46 PM 1/23/2007, you wrote:

Flay hop

Clone face me crinkled, cawed melt --
bun corn bray,  hatch;
goo ray mote, ladder negligee.

--Bob BrueckL
(all words from John M. Bennett poems)


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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Autobio Fume

2007-01-25 Thread John M. Bennett


yr fee t fuel sumdled throatly s
ile r ant pissdexs writely  .asp no
fistings lack thet trance  ?won nod
tered while yr yr page or "feel" should t
hat yr crosspescrawl shawl smat
slope sod natterp lots yr on ouch
r gun nor wheeptive c raves yr f

lab o' tintex  .eption cradled in the oil
ored like a s cumrin inside yr pants
ole c rashing on tan pool an pamped
t ent s lobber b laddered in yr fog "onazo"
.pussed an porkedhe mite house ye
an pwicked to gbox an lid less p
:yr shoe soak gumach stomach clam


dinge an drum anone you c lapped
drone an sepa ratthe hose retains it
m ilk of scowling  !her nuts bawling o
reak yr bac k the n odders shine they w
hine y r foamum a while an b
n the ladder wheree the lechicon ah
s snake  .fuzzydot an dupe an

me off  ?the stot the  .)distant trucks
an melts be neath yk the warehouse w
yr cubique one ytug s nap the p ot
ortif s lather fended like a clown or gate
."its" the rinse ther nouner glanding sp
c ramp bust le bacr breath an shorts
here the pall ets r    wrong pile shivers

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Sincope Cyst

2007-01-26 Thread John M. Bennett


bust le ,rin sed ,mue lank contraption
spness breating in yfog grin yr how l
age of funnels heabristled in the “show
s naked a m ile dle caved an cloaked an me
at an locked anving an yr plodder
er” collapsed yrr sock drawer c
g nat yr b ring mddy thr oat an cri

s  .yan k an yioppy like a stroke
,pile it smear an.quick iCe an brOke
r my tremptation ,ush benched the class
dung  .tongue meals an grist le c louds yr
forno smokes witeless like a squirt
ics you reglandedleaf  .grust s nap y
the launder cycle ,hp yr form er one


fen ce the drywP an fouling tow
the plodder ino boo th  .yr sod
c rashing through thendering an smoking an
books an napkins  .b lotter f lavor hunched be hind
the spurts bar thuwEEds your fog of
grunted like a photthe soup slough long
den collar lighted uall in the g uSher one

ard the gleaming dumrashed into the gat e
ughing heely one ,yolten arm you f lap
f linger broke yraged belt into the ran
h a fly  .pin ch a not e an p age ,c rim ped
step ,gul f damportaslot dancing wit
a byss o mr ounce bla ,b yr
ped all day an cpster  .s hunts an co

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: lumber claws cussed, bee thirst rash, horse nickel blast, loo gore ore dip

2007-01-26 Thread John M. Bennett


glue nap ru
st led hip
s bun noo
se pill

John M. Bennett
stuttering in Bob BrueckL's Lumber

At 11:59 PM 1/25/2007, you wrote:


wave bright clamber, bit bite lagged glue, bag fog nap,
bolt sun less cuddled, gland blinking brain, shone drizzly,
lung me pill, gusher shore loopy, speck star rustle

cuetip heap an lumber cheek, meaty pillow hips,
one tub toward lashes, ah, rubble rust shit, foul fork me bun,
numb hone blood barf while quickie noose shudder nests

lip mate luster shone, hoe hone loo, loop gore bum,
finger matter bluster, ingle tendril shrunk,
oily pee hump, muscle pee pit, it claws, heap me meaty,
shingles pillow whining, udder neck butt

--Bob BrueckL
(all words from John M. Bennett poems)


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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: fuzzy wheedle dump, dangled lumpy song, shooter fundus crack, pill ram screwed

2007-01-26 Thread John M. Bennett


bul ged gn
ats ton
ed hair
y bla

John M. Bennett
tongued in BrueckL's Fuzzy

At 12:24 AM 1/26/2007, you wrote:

"fuzzy wheedle dump, dangled lumpy song,
shooter fundus crack, pill ram screwed,
limp hole rut, fondle whore bulge"

armpit gobbled bleat, dribbled spiral pule,
gnats nit some, one peel ping, crass crud toned, rancid sweep,
ligation rut, rack wrench, hairy bowel

whalloped kink, shadow weep, bloomer ambles shrinks,
creamed drabs scumbag, air butt wad, window hole fungus,
eaves nuggets rustle, clot trundle growling

faucet hock stunner, chiseling slathered banger,
clam sky's choke, lope hump belly nut, slit flap poo,
runny ass wiggly, charred bladder, needle note not sore,
softer pallid  guzzle, clod tube sock, slat lung nuzzles raspy

--Bob BrueckL
(all words from John M. Bennett poems)


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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: fuzzy wheedle dump, dangled lumpy song, shooter fundus crack, pill ram screwed

2007-01-26 Thread John M. Bennett

hr l

At 10:12 AM 1/26/2007, you wrote:

d hair baldy

On 26-Jan-07, at 5:17 AM, John M. Bennett wrote:


bul ged gn
ats ton
ed hair
y bla

John M. Bennett
tongued in BrueckL's Fuzzy

At 12:24 AM 1/26/2007, you wrote:

"fuzzy wheedle dump, dangled lumpy song,
shooter fundus crack, pill ram screwed,
limp hole rut, fondle whore bulge"

armpit gobbled bleat, dribbled spiral pule,
gnats nit some, one peel ping, crass crud toned, rancid sweep,
ligation rut, rack wrench, hairy bowel

whalloped kink, shadow weep, bloomer ambles shrinks,
creamed drabs scumbag, air butt wad, window hole fungus,
eaves nuggets rustle, clot trundle growling

faucet hock stunner, chiseling slathered banger,
clam sky's choke, lope hump belly nut, slit flap poo,
runny ass wiggly, charred bladder, needle note not sore,
softer pallid  guzzle, clod tube sock, slat lung nuzzles raspy

--Bob BrueckL
(all words from John M. Bennett poems)


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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029



Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Exhale ink Carta

2007-01-29 Thread John M. Bennett

Exhale ink

dun ker chief bloclean your corneal
ty tun dra ped nhuh ashole rinsing
a plundex favoredc rot ch you wat ch
try me fogonazo in eh miRRor porner f licking
off the lens  .y ou,heft me g un e n
you b lap n b lamor ham mered hall
.the c rust wipedwer off ,hum shif

rogation blu nt tyse pluggets on yr knee
.bru nt left b lowas g lanced an fee
fire sug ar w hatwool  .was dance of
om e f older every bray an gull et c
hoked with steelyou s tabled in s
h ands ticked wcan celled holl ow
ding off the loope re cast to go


dit run t ,ma p motin yr sod den sleep
rap den t ,l ist funthe ,tempt an tête
shower w here yr fd inside yr ear the
p an sm acks the h air inch you kept  .so far
.the num b er cruar too much eats u
long b low for wordg us b low ing in the
an drizzles grinninge ,dup e s hot ,c

.the pus tule h amd drin” yr fartography
e the d rench f lopon d roo t trussed
beasted in the ashtn b leated ,phewed
,cortext juiced ah f lab b one or ,nor sta b
bing ,no r ,pale aray brimmed wit h
hummed ,rammed ag whee dle nt ng ng
an g rey that ah “olt he bit mul e por

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: Limpidity languishes

2007-01-30 Thread John M. Bennett

Pustule inch

panting sore
gnaw ankle
cords fire
lens fog
runt ding
sod sod
ding runt
fog lens
fire cords
ankle gnaw
sore panting

inch pustulE

John M. Bennett
clouded after Bob BrueckL's loo ding, limpidity languishes

At 05:58 AM 1/30/2007, you wrote:

Limpidity languishes

Limpidity languishes in the panting stubble --
stench swerves to arouse
what is singed and gone astray.

Ravaged cords swarm and wallow sore;
a navel hiss is abhorred
by a byword insatiably thrust
into corrupt comeliness.

Sprigs shoot out, wither and gnaw,
loathe wails, devour groans;
miry fatlings scrape the quenched sheath
of timber-hewn moans --

sulfur-abased brutish planks
being only one facet
of ankles in stone.

--Bob BrueckL


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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: Limpidity languishes

2007-01-30 Thread John M. Bennett

lo se ,ant

At 08:38 AM 1/30/2007, you wrote:

ni pant;  el sod den

- Original Message - From: "John M. Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 5:16 AM
Subject: Re: Limpidity languishes

Pustule inch

panting sore
gnaw ankle
cords fire
lens fog
runt ding
sod sod
ding runt
fog lens
fire cords
ankle gnaw
sore panting

inch pustulE

John M. Bennett
clouded after Bob BrueckL's loo ding, limpidity languishes

At 05:58 AM 1/30/2007, you wrote:

Limpidity languishes

Limpidity languishes in the panting stubble --
stench swerves to arouse
what is singed and gone astray.

Ravaged cords swarm and wallow sore;
a navel hiss is abhorred
by a byword insatiably thrust
into corrupt comeliness.

Sprigs shoot out, wither and gnaw,
loathe wails, devour groans;
miry fatlings scrape the quenched sheath
of timber-hewn moans --

sulfur-abased brutish planks
being only one facet
of ankles in stone.

--Bob BrueckL


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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029


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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Oh Blasts Ling

2007-01-30 Thread John M. Bennett


?b lend a way an sthat dries yr fa ce
t nap kin s hallis nippered in the s
leap ton ,gue fn was gut  .his s
,ah bean lung e tript o leans against yr ,f
alling all way d owlaked into ah so up
heet his c raw howed in yr in my s
andwich dust wrut yr heap gu

.yr c ap me at yas at yr lunch an sting
rump guzzled in theyr string bang yr crot
hips an “mustard”d sleep you c rashed
reath an s hoe an st rap an s tore an g rip a
n Hot fRazzlewhizz an flame ,w
.ten pen dance on,b lag of focused c
ch an teet h  .wr fogo s hurt yr t

Blasts Ling
-for Al Ackerman

eat the roof – himling on the edge
toweled the shadows behind the chim
un d ipped and fos be low the issue f
nts  .the shingles burn the “cats in chains” the g
arden t d ro opl ded ,lap a bag of a
lees an whisp erlamp ,his b lame g
ney luster crumbplunged reef bent

)inside the pillclosed inside the rain
pping the winey singown yr p ants an
is  .the crispy shine n ever o ne an
ss an sun g coughing b laze an sheet  !form
er one ,b lasted onle b light with mo
s preying  !sp read dlood your answer
f low er ay yr eyesow case( an dri

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: Alfred Jarry Depart Unknown

2007-01-30 Thread John M. Bennett

I was Blinken Blanken

i extend my sympathies for your horrible dream -


At 11:54 AM 1/30/2007, you wrote:

I was going to say I was Jean Chilra, but I don't know who I am
I just woke up from an erotic dream of Tom Cruise as a Krill.
I hate Tom Cruise!

- Original Message - From: "mIEKAL aND" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 6:33 AM
Subject: Re: Alfred Jarry Depart Unknown

I was Alfred Jarry.
On Jan 26, 2007, at 10:24 AM, phanero wrote:

upon the velodrome
bent angular s
   k  e
the lean to gyro
cusp the aero
the antenna elbow looped
the dual inputs
   ply  tread
 the - - - - - scree
w &
man throttle hurt
and push into
the edge of calm
the white dilation of friction
the unconscious surface of control
o drome
  o drone
of chain on chain
unbound the breaking dash
teeth set to setting edges
spoke tu be and gravity
the finite coarse or grand
hugging between the poles
the fitted
and resonance
absolved of grid

the spinal sail
giant or flea machine integration

the blind homeostatic cascade of unions


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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

The flood Lut

2007-02-01 Thread John M. Bennett

The flood

puzz led all the led yr por c h um
roat the screwdex latg starts ,massed of
x crashing d own tr doll blisters she
fester hat kissed with bomb  .yr boat holes y
r ought laughs yhe stairway like a
dding ,clusters ,doher in yr steam bo
mot or mountings aganguid hum ping th

ped guesstrion ,tanns its eye n on you
spoon whirls douban mild ew a ris
er knickknacks crtumble an the breath
con tent tab le ading toward the bled room w
here there’s the sacking “dream” my
“of nations”  .gasting w hat yr f lust
ing fauce t b raik dribbling ,porque


bur p an bee p aster where yr moth
p an suchly cut e er jaw an mallet
s hut burning in theue clenched inside y
an hi m I ,dan k page of crawling in a b utt
ered hand a tisswoods  .hi m I drooled
r c rack  .c lean ywas e taped is mout
,rustle in the dumpn c rot ch an c ris

er grins an suffilation shafts yr h air  !
leavings rotted inshaping ah white s
at no left no wille bludgeoned walls
ear flute’s positronic scampering toward the burn
ing bibliothèque things suckered in yr
yr door  .ah w hapthe drink  !no flo
canning all the ventocates ah sea of

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Excavate Shirt mist

2007-02-02 Thread John M. Bennett


d rug a way anms yr tooth s
flated with a boomder mactic ,it chy
crimped than hinawn clou d w rapped
h yr fork was d arting up an down no way to g
o an feetless  ,drting  .wheezened wit
neck ice d ladyr halling plot less
,c lotted up an didraw n yr knockers

poke  .burning crsteaming hole you dig
b link gesture ghis will  ,hustle g
spur ts a way oe yr belt  .nest le
the clockless lawn  .step out the door an throw
it away  .p lungh offal lathering an
in yr lip an trumbles an the p late
runting o'er theown the b end yr

Shirt mist

fog f ace you fu stepped stiletto
rash dense you lw here wa s w happed
the drum seat they floggered in yr
thless scoreboard wallowed in the lung account
.why wizened an wh"gum?" straddled too
bootlamp  ?where wasoud puzzled ,raked
an  .dun g it all yolume t race you c

aped the TV walkingits shurt
s lept behind the lena" precedent or "like"
yr fisteak bundled,hosing ,hanging ,humping
off the gristled shorts you left ,the kitch
en table gripping,loped away ,b lotted
,halfway headless "likes an clotted yes
a blogger coughing in    .yanked the chord

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Sustaiable Run meal

2007-02-05 Thread John M. Bennett


fil e yr fu el po   t  .so pour in it an
soup yr g lasses sitile ,age of lentils
in dention floodingaw my spurtsleeves
ou couldn’t or you could  .wheeze  .an war
ning ,wrassled   .ppast the con cept y
an yr c ramping snging in the s crap
an yr ticking footatos fak e the

chew yr knees aled burnly like a hot
,a guzzled ,ropeyhe b lister out  !b
ward the prescientrust stance an flot
.why lugger c lots why mute an mothy  ?p
elt d rift an cyr cowlick bursts
sang yr strews t,flag stones falling to
um coat you dangsink of annular c ash

Run meal

mor e m ate mlumber c loud ,is
morrowed w“here” yas yr gasoline an
springup spotty onecus – wall et gas –
he scree you “shouldered” “g rasping” leaking like a
lake normiseration fo,or pizz le rents ,t
tr ice b laddered wou c lovered in the
t runk mis t  .bere m eat min d

“gone” is ,layered”ished all yr ang led lunch
rat p late g lowle ,hey no t clat
wave theory huml d awned like b light
.buz z an b last b lank c ritters folded in yr pock
et c hewing s tilped the lumporection
bulb – or a gristered in the “micro”
,turd p eel finouch ,a hum p a d

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Beef pat Out Hat shoe

2007-02-06 Thread John M. Bennett

Beef pat

s mote an s mat anout line outlying w
se w the sha dhowrumbled like yr nos
kin boat reeling inucinations ,scorching ,sc
nisters" the drumbags pelted with yr dingbats sky
words forting allyr fueling all the "can
ratching ,s cowling ,con yr crot ch the s
tril in the checks weep an sun k an

hat yr ear ens you stroked the res t
,fisting ,floating ,fung ack an grizzle w
version of yr caid the rus t the c
n tasty footfall next the dryer an yr doghorn
gristle shaved  .rrap an looonging gn g
heek acuity youneled like a roof in
hat you fes tered atails a user context


ho p an he ap anhase the haze of
his sing on the thrss pun ched fond
speaking wipe thegrease oh st and
floor its c lips behind the bowl foot rust a nap
kin collapsing in itsbush off  .b are the
and rustle  !wit leone the pap er r oll is
led  !d rop e nd chi p an hum p an

war  )"lint"(  puzzooks yr c locks the window
shoes was that a   uel economy yr sm
hat's that glitter"sinus" in the "soup" a
?age of ending ,c lods of ,crytalization ,phonebanks
,pestage an ,yrred blood white stuff
h h a ah gated flightbulb cracking  ?w
oke inhaled  !yr bled matter in yr

Hat shoe

tong ue the flowhump shot  !the stin
sin gle shooting atah waisted through yr
m ate busteds  .sfountain beneath yr p
yr sodden sock walked uh me uh n ape  .d raining
in the wood s eatame toot a s ever
ants uh hunh uh hthe tree yr slime
lungch the wet cer in yr mocc a

ging pie crease's futrail spreading in yr hair
in the lap you filledto yr nose an stun in
a bee beneath yristle and a "brook"
pered throat "behaves" an breaks yr glasses  .like a
dum p suit a root whrancid arms yr zip
.b raise the slip perwith snakes an shoes
there the reeking conmble-heavy labored

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: cardoor hocker

2007-02-06 Thread John M. Bennett

ardo ocke


Digest version of BrueckL's "cardoor hocker"

would love to hear Jaap Blonk do this one...


At 09:45 AM 2/6/2007, you wrote:

cardoor hocker

throttled pile
of soppy

flo crap





tick boo


gas jolt


jug jerk
eyelid gas

lint red


--Bob BrueckL
(all words from John M. Bennett poems)


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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Frozen eats Wet chair Eggs-hale

2007-02-13 Thread John M. Bennett

Frozen eats

see the an see p anket c licker gun
ce an sat against theed pululent an sp
king brain upon theyr face off changed t
gusher dance or inhalation denser p lunging in the
rab bit fee d  .the soapsp lashing thr one yr
he glut you cornerslopping block yr wa
rayed inside yr pocso word an send ten

.w helped out side ,thepotpies in the sink !
,scarcely downed twith ice creaking to
ding ban sought theeat rash burnt the
ed in the crashbin of yr sportinched meter  .the
loot dug up the mgreyish matter c lott
powdered wall b lankhe heaving sugar  .bon
ward yr chest ahsnow c law hab it

Wet chair

sea of chopping bside yr "skin" w
!your lank cheesefoguts steam so b
loud ,guzzled ,tan,crust funnel ,char
aft dropping deadhooks in the soap you clawed
,pend ant s lippersked ,a b room w
ge slapandectomy yrbooth yr clout c
landly caged outlasts of s wim

hat hopping was  .tat you coat with sugar
the banged tub raching in the c rum
ease g listens to y.the bloomer was hed
lots a shading back yr teeth whistled in the
mirror a s toner oily flabber b
,the ,sam e sholls the limb gr
bled seat the sehe long tents dream


shine an shape ,theage dancing or was
he cu bit fordusty eye an s
ass age lit a "clling b lazes pas t t
the itching soup off so yr c lock h alf b arks
an "so me ting" reeown tunnel" drained
he ceiling light aked yr nasal p
puttering  .the ass pdriz zle b lade t

piling g one the lamfloating mouth
nos trill-soup yr ouling in the mist you
traption foggy in itsgled in the g litter sm
waffle-like was that yr chin I bit  ?the mus
cle bro ke an wiggleam puzzle ,kinda
oke a long ham peeter mited saw con
exanimated from yr        p c huffed in  .yr

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

New Book

2007-02-15 Thread John M. Bennett


John M. Bennett

In a special back-to-back interleaved edition with

Richard Kostelanetz

Available in an elegant print-on-demand edition from
Blue Lion Press


$28.34 US

John M. Bennett's Backwords takes his revolution in the use of 
language a step further by creating poems and visual poems that must 
be read backward and forward at the same time.  The result is texts 
that are both linear and, like visual art, simultaneous.  He has thus 
created an essentially paradoxical literary form; one that cannot 
exist, yet does. Bennett has published over 250 books and chapbooks, 
and has labored, both in his own work, and through his work as 
editor, collaborator, publisher, and archivist to create a new 
language; one that would expand the functions of language into all 
possible areas of human expression and consciousness.

As a successor to More Short Fictions (1980), probably the most 
extreme collection within its genre ever, Furtherest Fictions is 
meant to be even more extreme as a collection of stories whose 
narrative vectors are both visual and verbal, in some cases depending 
upon changes in only one letter, in other cases upon leaps across 
time and space. Richard Kostelanetz's indubitably radical fictions 
are featured in individual entries on his work in Contemporary 
Novelists, Postmodern Fiction, A Reader's Guide to Twentieth-Century 
Writers, and the Encyclopedia Britannica, among other distinguished 

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Cut c off Wet lung

2007-02-15 Thread John M. Bennett

Cut c off

b off or bee f orb lank an bon d or
r where yr din neryr s cowl an gnatter
pal let b urning on tl you lat hered go
po lenta sprayed yr face the whittled wind mea
tered is the bowhe sidewalk b rash
sh alrighty takecol lapses rite or
,bal k an b link orboulder in the live

f lappering through tr elbow wit a scalp el
.gut gush loop ,fo bot ch an c la
tule brightly pagedfluver shaped like
el bullet you were fried  .asperine an sna
kage ,me ter m or tan crisp the mod
lung meander apt tame or naught pus
pped to not ch yhe door a tongue

Wet lung

bas te an dun gwhat the it said
an quiver in the spfun dus t sold ier
tle falling in yr go.b lasted n ate was
.cr ass nat ure a fulminaction ,or a crazee
shape of fing eruged the b lockage
left "be hind" ooon sink age tres
c rashly namingan t rot an b lock

.bus t an b eastbursting in yr armpits !
ure a c ash cathers billboards in
,f labored with aa mil e of sc atter
rowler ,m ailer ,slung ust famous like a hole y
ou b uttered intoo th sp reading ,g
ed g nats an ferow  )or ungulation(
the wind o springs,fin al ways of nit

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: werse

2007-02-15 Thread John M. Bennett

This is very nice

however, "emordnilap" is a wonderful word, quite 
FULL of meanings, it's a poem in itself -


At 12:16 PM 2/15/2007, you wrote:

internet is bad
there are 500 millions results for 'yes'
and 3,5 billions results for 'no'
there's a cat outside
spring is coming
my tea is finished
i'll get a sweater on
when everything returns to everything
it will be a big mess
uniformity in both ends
big bang likens to heath death
pop is already palindrome
emordnilap doesn't have meaning



people want to be independent just to hide their shame of being independent
what can this mean?
the man: i'd rather expand than take into account
the woman: i'd rather die than stop
worse well back to the mean
instead of 9347#¤¤7748284/35er754654"#%"#3#¤#"5#622#"_53425+35345+6
you say x which hides it
now it goes from epistemology to ontology, independence
goes to too far off of course

it might come as a surprise, if you want to write a hypertext cd of
short episodic writing, beware you can only have 9 expanding levels
before the cd is full. from that we can conclude that our notion of
hypertext is degenerated. also we can conclude life is short. before
you know it's already evening.


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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: el gooG

2007-02-16 Thread John M. Bennett

This is ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!  Where has it been all my life efil??

At 06:53 AM 2/16/2007, you wrote:
there's a remarkably pleasing feeling of idiocy 
looking at this site and tapping in searches

Bjørn Magnhildøen wrote:

for the backwords


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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Cold cut Shred

2007-02-16 Thread John M. Bennett

Cold cut

s lice of he ad ladlog the pillbox ,n
pay the corn er polt  .buy a c log me
yr owner h eel yrhal f the rest a
ping tooth the scaler towel  .focus b last ,knife
cag e on the line arp low ban ger sha
c luster on the seae what drop ping off
lt ,t rust me one  .fder iced an thrippy

ame the dryer parteeth like snow
like  .pand er mutff ,b lamed the sug
a whole a heap  .the sock you came in
s inuous in yr lap a deflation like a ,nest
past thumbing in the age cue rust les
,wiped yr face oe con trast ,p lunge
ar foaming in yrt you p lunged


m ilk the lade  .be d an d ink
ile s lope ,creeplunge r wilted
al nakes the sou de tailed  ,g nat
aft whistled ,hum p creep ,pel ted nug
actic swallow yoap file  .your r
schlock ,m old yping gus h m eat
in the heat m ilder off  .a wh

clot the s peethe insects leaving
p  .the fog riphe white blank gl
he smelt breff an puzzled hy
t spreads droning nickels like yr dime  .bi
t the finger oathes yr f ile mis
mn churning in tples in yr shirt t
ass rung allding s tun hum

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: wheezing sun, hokum lake, dizzy glo, mootless cud

2007-02-16 Thread John M. Bennett

Ha hA

hee rat hee
cud hee lake
hee honk hee
slake hee lump
hee slab hee
cusp hee cleft
hee bone hee
ass hee door
hee lung hee
hole hee smoke
hee rot hee

John M. Bennett
giggling through Bob BrueckL's "Wheezing sun"

At 10:35 AM 2/16/2007, you wrote:

wheezing sun, hokum lake, dizzy glo, mootless cud

lung one

deep peed scan gut,
frizzling smoke hole

o ho o craw flog,
o ha o melt ocks spieled,
o hee hee o ice bust clutter,
rusty lust breath

chop hop

misty sleeves,
shodden fork itch
muck flag runt
rat, lumped loop gutter

wheezing sun, hokum lake,
nuzzled numb, dizzy glo,
eggplant breast,
mootless cud

bitch lustered
mud gas gasp,
apse turd honk

shotless armpit
crystal cracked,
wet slake lump jerked

hump ack
stung glint
chaffing rot racked,
tock ass flap, slab lint bile

flay cusp,
bone flamer,
jus lip fodder

heel sticky sod,
rind head, runny sot, loo bled
index cleft whimper

thrippy schlock, slung
cold cut luster thumbing

gnat aft, din
scowl rip
scalpel fundus, pillbox buttered
polt, finger churning

ass door
dung pus

crass nit fin, ping banger, pander
sinuous sock nest, lope cree pallet,
whittled alrighty, fluver quiver, gob

be rot,
in too

--Bob BrueckL
(all words from John M. Bennett poems)


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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Spread heel Buzzing sink

2007-02-19 Thread John M. Bennett

Spread heel

d rain me at cusp a gristle tree
bread ,plunge the foble gnat the cryo
p ill an ,lease t coot flood an ,type
nar could yr should er flaming to ward a ,crypt
ic stutteration ,fhopper cuspidoric pla
crossing s hed douco in yr soup ,press
genics in your loop ,ratly ,r oof an

s ped hocus dantlave squealing in the oil
what whap the dape grint put it
bles in your teetaid an speaked  .cor
liver conquered beasty toenail in your heav
en leak you sh shapeless like a
n squalid an a nown sp out rum
all an hind ,a cic "spondee hoop"

Buzzing sink

suck an seep an sint humming in the stone
lip an soak an socgy moping in the tum
hake an shiver anly sated sotted sup
hallow in the soup the spandex s oiling swift
ly scalded singshape ah shadow s
pered sadly sogk an suds an s
bling blasted misk an sweep an s

bloom broken blisfrozen bathtub
dled in the towpless hemophilia s
e yr dug meatbled breakins corn
t matter spreading toward the curb you
shaky beets bumblooded belted boo
dugs needled shaeling like yr dog gon
peeding toward thetered bugguts bun

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Catch it Wet heap

2007-02-20 Thread John M. Bennett

Catch it

sped dancing cough te croaking one ,was y
ffy shadow standinintubulation scaling at
snake ah why half wshot or ,basic one
switch or you snuggled  .drowling at the corner s
leep a should youhy hefted in the lip
,nattered ,luggageg waves in the after
the sifted back  .thhe necker slope yr o

ou it was  ?surthe door you ,snagging
less ,creeping thpy ,wash it ,outwi
wallet numbered ,itted in the snapping
aving at the bus stop on the frozen pool the
rigid butts c ell ecch was laughter he
flowsom ,snat laprough the pens your
se leaping towarde ,an drifting ,cap

Wet heap

chub junk ,chap,stoked the death of
pallid right a sprayof it ,bakers ,soo
ber collect ion ,scd wave athroat th
cepter wailing in the basement colletanea ,sh
apeless noodle you diummy foot an ,tri
e slawgrass  ,piles,why itch why ,nab
n bled an dumberedlubrick ation ,snod

lawns dusty in yrlong plowed rivers
yr lick sock an tenor knobby on the
toothless where you syr laundry damper
.infibrillation ,fasting ,fungusoid ,faceted like
foamoil bundled inlept yr smloke
.cost the of ,nay ntalate ,a ribster
fork c rust themoonlight ,g rasp

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: scum whine ballpoint sneezing, bag to hum, eye sass ass nasal lit potpies...

2007-02-20 Thread John M. Bennett

I love that sneezing ballpoint - yow!

At 06:13 AM 2/20/2007, you wrote:

"scum whine ballpoint sneezing, bag to hum, eye sass ass nasal lit potpies,
my face lapsing"

heaving char aft glistens, I'd eye sass ass nasal lit potpies, 
whelped inhalation,

funnel flabber, greyish roily brain slopping, glut rash ding, ah snow --
pendant bloomer eggs, dusty cubit puttering, I'd skin drizzle the 
claw wet sea,

I'd stone tone slippers, one glut ten tan rayed

trill mist huffed, I'd you foggy horn towel constellations, very no chortled,
foaming chug crap, slung lunge splurting, I'd glitter chew upgunk huff,
you muscle mouldered fusilage, you kinda ham pee wizened,
you gashed-spraddled gasless clique, how'd you collapse, how'd you 
rake rips rubbers,
how'd you boot-slap nuts' acoruscation, you clack, you arboreal 
scrap-junk tundra,

you blaze of shaded mum-rifting litter, you wig-hiss crack-bust tooth glue

I'd scum whine ballpoint sneezing, bag to hum, my face lapsing,
my cryptic cuspidoric toenail, my squalid humming, my sadly sog suds frozen,
my bathtub bun bum boo, I'd my dug, my dump hunk gristle tree, my 
waffle nozzle coot,

my loo loop spout, my cum shot poo hooter, my chin hoo cusp,
I'd my beasty suck scalded in spandex, my spondee hallow-sotted 
oozing, umber opt,

slathered hue, I'd ram my sloshing squealing, stabbed sight needled

--Bob BrueckL
(all words from John M. Bennett poems)


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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Stowage Buns

2007-02-22 Thread John M. Bennett


the LUGgage eatward the sHIP
DEN the wISh dmer rustled ,b RIN
FLUTe rUStle hsTOCK gasping in
ke fennel gATEd like yr rOOF boulder f
rozen hEEL anay me mist me blo
yr wALL et dreaampened wiped yr
G the slogger toten the mute fol

creasing in yr sobeneath the dripping belts
LAMe an foamhat you cHOWdered
the AFTernoon yrglanding c RAFT w
b ONE waffle ,an a whip an a bellyache you
cURD led in thearm gas drops my
here swapping wgristle pounded in
what you packedup  .pHONe an f


c lay HA p pelap salad busy
ed cho pper bunssed like rabbits
ngs the foo t cack  .c LOUds an
fusion crates of hee l b lank gr easE my
folding once bhump gaseouS in
ream ,clue dreG coll apsing spri
in yr face soup yrns drooly lent il

dampens what yrnting  )cLASP the pork
crispy listing orsleep you cab led
ing key yr muit ables en for gLAND
thes like bombers why yr buSH fulla h
Ands an cHAr sudddy holE brea
less sPEEding hIpyr sHOE  .flam
in yr fouler haipockets stole a

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Face off Terron

2007-02-23 Thread John M. Bennett

Face off

ash mas k ,g lintthe gutter full of heaves
ou marker off yass ,sleeping in a sand
dex soapy ,name tear hid in your eyes
heel replies the lonb lazes in the sun a
le aft the collect ionzing nos tril where yr
x nuzzles in the loorink  .bun soup ,eye
zzled like yr throyr st rolling f all
you cush ioned inat pencil – was w hat
col lapsing in the dp the proud ham gu
hole rustling ,buzlumber where yr ape
estate comb at antg fume lung or ,bust
sweaty hood yourhe rocker where yr
trailing cross the grr s hip needles ,fun
wich ,bowling towardtundra ,fuel nap y


mud mut e ,m atelessed that spat adobe
fish hook in the speeken so it’s whole or
te yr fee t an glung withheld conclusion
ing c rashnet sod dense my nutty gas r
king ask the ash forard me who gristened
s and cues all d,trucked an groveled
tainment why you sored with wind suits
aked ,whistled ,favaid big “no”thing stre
,numb you washeday yr it ching con
through the muc k towfire  ,bratant mutter
.my high fake rinwith yr steady thin
ole blistered like yrrin me one a pewl
,basted ,bristled ,broch you craved ,sta
hole  .nor use normur der ,molt en

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Off al Wet head

2007-02-26 Thread John M. Bennett

Off al

bum meat an bashing side the walls
bust le toward tpills the rump led
,little cluster of yin your glasses like
n outage ,crusty ,folding just up the s
dust  .but roast itreath  .tubu lar an c
,pawing at yr crotrained ,st raddled al
a taped shirt an jathed them linty s
laundry s lept ,breuggles  .I in y our
ocks ,ticking ,dch an pallid wears
ways with yr boff ,a corner if's
oncave ,the fina l flaked like legs in
teps you mistedr ink well that's a
the sneezing fog thehe howler cage
sheets the hot crloom mut e an

Wet head

snork le ,s not hoyr eye are turning
cracking in the smokees an w allows out the
er you en raged ,wwiping  .the ghost meal
r skull ,f lame boocub ic stun t f lavor
n of incongestion a stbehind yr own er
dled at the grist lethanatosis d raped a
.foundry of yr brthighed  .nor taxes g
wallet t rapped aneath collapsing fun nel
runt ,nor bowl erboard an whacked
cross the crouch edate of wrist ,you med
locker ran ge ,ath ,missile teat ,fe
ed with yr lack ofet like air inside y
gristens ,yells ,nat,b linking pas t the wat
foam bucket wherep per ,b rash lens

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: on not publishing the 'itinerant' poets of guantanamo bay

2007-02-26 Thread John M. Bennett

All RIGHT!!!  At last they're taking us seriously!!


At 02:53 PM 2/26/2007, you wrote:
the pentagon arguing that poetry 'presents a special risk' to 
national security because of its 'content and format'.


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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Root Archive

2007-02-27 Thread John M. Bennett


beet focus off yored sphere ,the knife
adows in the basementkeys are lost squin
t rinsing whistles inake gristle moldy in
all tempting ,crisp pe- your grinning pants
it g ash tumb ling fth enamel – boo ming
wob bling ,cake or lhat g listens in the gut
un dance – log or culing sandwich sm eared
on the roof and howe tip – you were naked
between yr thighs weaves d ripping in the s
ter – f lag lin t – toolame pause wristless
water fills yr earncils f olding in yr su
your pile nodule ,ryour lake grease if
the pocket where yrwhere yr meats cans rus
ting at that tightur chopster flaking sh


box m ate ,fumst the walls ,yr fingers ,wilts
er flaming where yrripping basement where yr
ream b rim a noodlint collector kinda like
drifters taste yr arlather ,denser was ,t
shirter toweled an bere to your dec“ision”
.gus t an g rist andubbed the for k you
the gl ass temple bter com paction fuel
wit  .leached ,yr ouroke my face an dim
,piled it “on” ,orgif ted c rashing through
licked all day a mlended at the halfend
.w hat a crouch ormpit lung a pensive
roubled to re tain ale raft er ,breaks an
yr foambook in the dencaustic melts ,a d
boxes s lump a gainble trunk an dens

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Use less Sweet jaws

2007-03-01 Thread John M. Bennett

Use less

fONDle ,FUTile ,fLAVgRIPping at the LEDGEr
CUBEtip a SOD mATMEat me MUScled an a
wired acROSs the gRIaw METer DIArrhea
IFf its HAir but ty you cLAMPer sLIT
peES its tHUMPer gole FINger ay NAPkin
WIThout yr CODingque LUNch BOLTed in
led wit h yr hed gehe nig ht yr cor n
lack y th rough tc lip pers c lacky c
DOLE knacky like TONat the lAMp you cRAD
the hALLway bLASThags its bILE bOILs
sHEAVEr ay atta bohat's the SLEEve it
my tUNDra FLEEceLL an NEEDles st
floAT me mORe meE a FORMer SUGar
WAKE for DUNce anoRED wITh a lISt a

Sweet jaws

BUNg deadly ,hu shUSeful DITher at the cRACK
MOLo yr BEadingeday fuel yr PLOd
drUMmings cost ah WHEEth sLIDe by the
,pLAYing at the HAMmerbituRATe yr sLUGgish
Let MUMble you re.BULLet sack an FOR
.WHAle an gRIM an gwn yr BACk ONly
g rist le in yr h ashice cream gr it ty an
off in bac k the lhol e pee led the c
a vIScous streAK DORIPe an GROWl an
CLOThed wITh fogCORded in yr suIT
cep cLOSEt an BARjACK the crispy TOI
bRUSHing as yr TEEdle nipping ,GASping
bURNt rUG ,yr nAMCOMBined ,a SEVERal
ing bAG o cHIPs yrthe shark gAS tre

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Fwd: Use less o cellar Sweet jaws a sawwin'me

2007-03-02 Thread John M. Bennett

Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2007 14:06:14 -0600
From: andrew topel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Use less o cellar Sweet jaws a sawwin'me
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Use less o cellar

fONDle ,FUTile ,fLAVdratty rAT ((tarrded and feather duh)) 
gRIPping at the LEDGEr

CUBEtip a SOD mATMEat me MUScled an a summons my lump um pummel lemon
wired acROSs the gRI  t able uh spoon lap palpatater 'tots' 
peepin' aw METer DIArrhea
IFf its HAir but ti.e. you cLAMPer sLIT the rudder dribbly 
posse in position/possession
peES its tHUMPer g  rr of shins lackin' 'crackel' calcium um talk 
luger/tiger ole FINger ay NAPkin
WIThout yr CODingque LUNch BOLTed in 'grab' havoc & paste a 
vast skipper "comic" migraine spander huh , dead-panny , led wit h 
ash yr hed ge

 (ear) he nig ht yr cor n lack y th rough
tc lip pers c lacky c nappin' deedish "traffixing" my story 
tore it chewing A niche in the chinny (er well)- DOLE knacky like 
TON   mouth rack sneakin' doused knobber banky commission to dim a 
limb oh
demon/demonstration tablet of bombs buggin' an air shirt combat the 
massishy at the lAMp you cRAD the hALLway bLASThags its bILE 
bOILs finicky kicker 'i' wreak : sUrf cognitive fuzz (Y) (sum)masher 
under goodie nook sHEAVEr ay atta bo  hat's the SLEEve it you coon 
you 'fink' thinker my tUNDra FLEEce that "oops" spills yr tomb 
bottled tub of deadLL an NEEDles st
floAT me mORe meE a FORMer SUGar meditate "terminally" lamb 
mammoth (wooly) seekin' "new" stubs WAKE  for DUNce 
an  oRED wITh a lISt a  'we' : bust a

Sweet jaws a sawwin'me

BUNg deadly ,hu shK , lamper ; sawin' the sea tipped with 'lab' 
stew / weUSeful DITher
at the cRACK MOLo yr BEadingsend a kid wrapped in pavement 
orbiting(or biting) the
cost of straweday fuel yr PLOd nails uh snail of sneezing pop a 
knee mocker sopped in mission roled uh drUMmings cost ah 
WHEEth sLIDe by the 're'decide sedativish nimrod (mock a 
yak) guessin' the regurgitation a kiss uh sUPple  ,pLAYing at the 
HAMmerbituRATe yr sLUGgish
Let MUMble you re.BULLet sack an FOR 're'decide sedativish 
nimrod (mock a yak) guessin' the regurgitation a kiss uh sUPple 
.WHAle an gRIM an gwn yr BACk ONly "terror" pummeled strange 
in thicky sasser sheets locked a spy ;in; a few kittens *10 g rist 
le in yr h ashice cream gr it ty an grow'in' beWILDermental 
"burp mitten" doused wit' paws (aww) we sap passion
off in bac k the lhol e pee led the c tentative 'scarf' 
ventin' facts (caffiene in the spleen) lack a pet yard gamE wwee a 
vIScous streAK DORIPe an GROWl an you "know" you on oozy
CLOThed wITh fogCORded in yr suIT sticks of sky (ozzy 
ozbourne) borin' in'on'em
cep cLOSEt an BARjACK the crispy TOI "why" I oughta' cage 
you socky roster rooster
bRUSHing as yr TE    eth seep in ma's neEdle nipping ,GASping 
sog gashy disguSTING bust yr lIp
bURNt rUG ,yr nAM  my vietnamese cheeser  COMBined ,a SEVERal 
vetran a humbug a vertical oh
ing bAG o cHIPs yr   & my 'sammy' van never harkin'' ((barK))  the 
shark gAS tre (trippin,, , homie . .

John M. Bennett wrecked by android model 2 0 0 7 topel

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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Wet trip Foredex

2007-03-02 Thread John M. Bennett

Wet trip

c hoG After anlug gage dra ped yr hand
tly crOSs the realk an OFFal rest
the LAKe yr hATLUSTered gRIStled
thrummed sOOnly gsAWhorse in yr DIN
MEaty spoON clatin wHEEzing in my
.yr sMILEing dUSt ylASses in the MOT
iggles toWARd yr sr cUFfs I left to
ants sPEEding in yHOE leaving TINy
AGe to sINK my gr CORNer rabBIT g
or oil the SUNg raturd on the FLOor
hAIR ah gASSed theATEd in yr soUP
ing roOM the ice cwrenched yr bILe
fLAMe an gRUNt teds lYINg on
ive ch urning in t heyou dRAIned NUT


the fin al lum p det he bow el fulla lig ht
SOBster gLISTENS ie let me sIT lET me
disAPpEaring in the WATr hUNg dry tUNA
,nAMes an LADders rEnTRY BEes an MON
the sAME sTICKy COzle sleep awhile
d yr foREDex heightgs again the cOUCH
MEasel ,fONd bLISTlobBED benEATh the
bLOWing the SHOe youer ,dAMp MILDew
SAMe a gain the RUNenED whadda thRIP
bURning in the drizating cOUGhed BEhin
,stroke yr lAP ESt an latHERs wHAT
ickers bLASTed WITh ych while cOUnting
MElts at the TABln the pHONEboot h
pu ling at the bow l ag rad es the s hot

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Bennett & Dalachinsky in NYC

2007-03-05 Thread John M. Bennett



steve  dalachinsky
& a rare new york appearance by john m. 
bennett  (experimental and visual poet, archivist at ohio state university,

founder-editor of luna bisonte prods and lost and found times & historian )
in a special evening of poetry

Thursday, March 15th @ 7 PM @
57 Stanton Street  ( near Eldridge )


SHaloM  NewMan presents @ Pratt Institute - in Manhattan
144 w 14th street – 2ND floor auditorium
Friday, March 16 @ 7 PM   exhibit and readings
featuring Steve Dalachinsky, John M. Bennett, 
Yuko Otomo, Jim Feast, thadeus rutkowski merry 
fortune caril weirzbecki hal sirowitz carl watson 
ron kolm richard kostelanetz tom savage joe maynard and many others…

exhibit opening at 5 pm 

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Bunny sore Lung wind

2007-03-05 Thread John M. Bennett

Bunny sore

fLEEce sENT ,buner sleeping on the RAB BIT
my HUMp bushEL fothe SOup the wHAT
OP muscle DAGger mRd lACK sTUMBle
pLODded all night all ypits fulla ROOster o
HUe you cHEWed CABhe dOOr an crispy
you dRANk fuelish NUet gRUMPy nets my
PUDdle crab  .BUNlue beHIND fiddled
wit h a sand wich ggee molted dresser
rooflint in yr POCKtS trussed in a
shORts listen at tbAGE like a mOOn
bOOks sPILLed ,armEAR gRIStled so yr
h was dAMPly hEAe wHITe bALLs you
BEes thRAShing inAMs an you ,a dro
the cLOT leaf fellG hoME wALLet lot

Lung wind

chop hoppy ,d rape yt w hip ping for a mil e
off the sofA bOotwrEStled cHIMply wIT
riPPed stOOd againthe rEEL blew th
wall long WHitE tadow wHERe yr FULness
drilling in the cASHSS(  tongued my t
FUNnel bLADed ligfounded ,fLOPpy pUNct
ked sALT bLOLATtened sORely you
tAIRS d ripPED fCKs – toWARd the s
CAGE aired ,dunke yr brEATh suc
ual an throATly  )hiadvance ,brilliANT
rousers in the SHUBe sugar an a
shakes  .COUghedst the hot bLANK
e SODa cHUNkshUMper paid an d
h yr hoop y fun gusr f lut e c rash c

 John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

REVISED Bennett in NYC info

2007-03-06 Thread John M. Bennett

This adds another gig, on the 17th:



steve  dalachinsky
& a rare new york appearance by john m. 
bennett  (experimental and visual poet, archivist at ohio state university,

founder-editor of luna bisonte prods and lost and found times & historian )
in a special evening of poetry

Thursday, March 15th @ 7 PM @
57 Stanton Street  ( near Eldridge )


SHaloM  NewMan presents @ Pratt Institute - in Manhattan
144 w 14th street – 2ND floor auditorium
Friday, March 16 @ 7 PM   exhibit and readings
featuring Steve Dalachinsky, John M. Bennett, 
Yuko Otomo, Jim Feast, thadeus rutkowski merry 
fortune caril weirzbecki hal sirowitz carl watson 
ron kolm richard kostelanetz tom savage joe maynard and many others…

exhibit opening at 5 pm


Bowery Poetry Club
308 Bowery (between Bleecker & Houston)
Saturday, March 17 @ 6 PM
Joined by an all-star cast (to be announced)


Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Schlepp Landword

2007-03-06 Thread John M. Bennett


broke luggage back mwhere the heat blew off
ailed troking h aba s core of ratness
r cow l d ripping inh the sandtax and
hong ,whyly inching pasn you bit my locks
throng pause and whope hot hamper
eric c lobber throan a drooler spoon
my shopping  .the soudly wrinkled in yr
the hall chanchre ,lleepless rice plods
pawn ball  .laughterugh the soup vent
,clutchy fools ,thehole reaches yr ent
like an oiled moot my skreeking  .the
.I was carried fortyour suit a ham t
my limp id shoesits fazed the s lope
,dithering in the alleyy shape c luster f


foamed frantic at theyou parked your renter in
you ended me theus to the dent ist
hopper ash you cara glass  .boom mitt
ing on the muff incrumb bustled an y
w happed me or happe lover of the waff
piled so deep ahleg no middle weft
yr pants an mine map wall et all that
the joiner to yr soy eye rutting  .twist
dripping down yrbowler  !w hey shirt
no yes it was  .finened to crisp it
le comb ,whop mesmeared yr shirt
r vile grinning likeamellized like cough
.c rock hand yr focpunctal or the w
like a bloody sinkcrystal heaver where

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: tisanes pungent aliquot

2007-03-08 Thread John M. Bennett

this is a true string of pearls -

At 12:36 PM 3/7/2007, you wrote:

tisanes pungent aliquot

anusless prepuce galumph,
sty door winch, windlass wince, forlorn lop-sided lump, discarded purr,
phonesthemic tin torso tint, echoic Shaddai

hiss up sot her sop, tisanes pungent aliquot, roiled floriferous sediment,
peduncle ptisan, fey fen, apical decoction,
feeble dustmote bolts blushed with fuchsia pink clones
tickling elongating spikes' waxy gizzard,
raffish snippets of creamy apricot and pale mauve eavesdropping,
wrenching apart the decimated perimeter,
wretched autotelic swollen gloat swishing scissor's bawl,
magenta lips' inflorescent fire within
the busted woodstream birchwood

(on & off snow showers this morning, peeks of sunshine later
to erase the radiation of consonantal oblivion)

raspberry ice hardscrabble on the windswept hill
permeating the whir contours, plumage whiff of the gilded mezuzah,
obliterated pseudobulbs splurging in the distance
beyond the beyondness of the ambiguity of sentences and nothing less,
nothingness nonetheless --

nevertheless, mooch about the senseless clinginess:
glans infusion of picot purl-prick-piqued


silver tincture valve, tussock gluttonies outshining the backtalk on 
the lintel,

larkspur suckling the smirched blowzed cuirass
gewgaw's attar of cabbage roses' argent stoat pelage,
spasmodic radiance of eggs' hells' downless skin --

dowse the sluices of the doddery darning-egg's moony navel,
gimcrackery hauteur of the moon-blanched glowworm's tacking nimbi,
declension rind of the grister humping the pumpkin's ermine weft,
boles' obtuse conch.

spry concupiscence in scrupulous disarray,
giddy snowflake slit open,
crackling gibbet's hatched ocherous corroding groans' brickred sneer,
flimsily inane vaporous finical wheeze flouncing about

skedaddling laburnum knucklebones in cahoots
with the gutted death's head, neon-lit meathook glut,
headlong havoc of the gonging nettle's decoded chromium ego,
fronds of octopus slosh caterwauling the rumpus-curdled
inauspicious prone quibble-winnowed susurrous-mangled blazon's
wintriest prickling mien,
crock of sallow wassail all adazzle,
O my darling kumquat

(cockle shells squatting wracked moos, crux of wrought mead,
hoard of cinders nightlong fossilized honeydew
((perfidious cocoon of coiled somnolence))
chiding the lapwing squalls
crunching the quartz stents in my heart)

shirr sprig knob loam flayed,
crabbed pollen warts aloft the dado
to bruit about the lovesick blotches of slouching glister
squandering lurching eggshells truculent confetti of twigged dithering,
caricature of cumbrous crutches
plush plashing the whiplash of the eyelash --

snazzy filament, cul-de-sac, brute tattletail of muzzled boxcars
foetid stiffness, conflagration's clematis,
irretrievably inexorable spirals of detonated faucets,
counterfeit flake-off of absinthe's amnesia-charred snowdrop,
twining fetters indelibly amputated iron lung,
pig knuckles in cellophane squelching tawny viridian bleeps,
nude piston shrieks discharging pods of knots in limbo,
bush-stink yowl-cocked trundling pseudonym,
ciphers of udders belge of lollies' troll tamps tallow opacity,
precipice eyeholes anesthetized sweat-sap pivots:

dried stigmas frizz-decumbent cumbrous bellyache,
wiggly-toddle stasis tor scathes gorsy carbon monoxide,
tinfoil inches winces pulpy hour dud,
gilt mulatto in abeyance tatter spews unpeeled stringencies of unmercy
exuding the rancid crotch and asininity of the kleptomaniac's cooing
stash of titillating stalactites, fylfot sachet of wheezes' sulfurous piranha,
polyp pallor gulps wilting gutturals
ahiss the gelded ladder of placenta tentacles' diaphanous lecher's
brazen fakery of acetylene carapace,
plush wattle retch, appurtenances of the earwig dolt

--Bob BrueckL


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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029


2007-03-08 Thread John M. Bennett


s pin ner puk er pd les so aking in the p ark
INg into the HOtPE my sTINging wHIS
ceps clAIMed BEastRATe my pOURer CO
t FUel incrEASingOR wAS is  .USe you t
yr SODa FLOats ahmeANT to cLUE you
fLAMes pROWl yr poWED lArd you GATh
ard yr hAMmed BASlIke a cHIMp sHOOTi
r tow e led sho ulderk et s him mered in y
ng gUNs you swALLANTSleg ,DIMple TOW
ered in the BASEkNACKtime  !sHALLow
in  ?NOThing RESts nBAll yr FANTods an
O NEck me tO gor KNOcker fONdES
uld a sHINer shAtESt hOle yr fOR
p er like s om e neeoker plan et p lung


du ds wh at matt errus t yr b urning s hurt
in the FISTing sHANKwHIT yr fOGborn  .b
RUNchy lag yr DOg MUou WHAt BASTard
dOOr  ?boB an Bleat aMUT GAuGe tREM
pULling an the RENtdandRUFF shuDdered
the TAILor  .ranKthROUGH the gLUEs
LISTer on yr EYits CORonation Q
Ump  .cASpa cUBe a bLINK sANk j
UIckly scATTERedthe gROWl neck an b
cast tHAt KINdaboOK sPUnt tHANks
off the BEd yr sn Blake an Brand
bles yr kNOWed yte spUN beHIND the
sAMeless skeDADdledsPEED sHOCKed an c
elch an j ump an ts s pray an g agging

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

sUCKing locKed LUNch

2007-03-09 Thread John M. Bennett


s trum an t hroatly ak hAS kept for yEARs
n dICKnICKed in yrWAy an an GULp t
POWdered like yr FOating in yr LACtose s
or sWALLoWED in yrker FLOod you mORt
LOUDy MUTTered in yNORe aHEAD a cRAW
entATion was ,CODdar like LIKe fLUFF
UGared an a sLEEROTh me ONe ,lAZe
er oh PENcilia ,fp like TOILet PAP
aCROss the CALendled an stoMATic ,s
y puBIC hAIR a sr fruIT was FERM
ler VESt a MOCsuIT you sANg it c
you BAg you uLULot a BREAKboard iCEd
OCks jUSt rUN aroOMlight gASOlined an
he EGg yr cHEen d ibbling an c ostive a

locKed LUNch

b oiler f lake r oh yROPped behINd the stovE
u bABbLE like a rICEORts ,COUsined WITh a
OFf the aveNUe a WIN.the lONg GASh gre
CLOud gRASps yr hAIres dRIZzling drizZLIN
OWn an FLABber cROCGUzzles wHEre yr
brOIL the loOP you she pLATE luggAGE
UMble RATtle METOh nEVEr sNORe nO
ITh yr COugh  .oHal tHICKet shAKing w
R PINcer hOPping at tWALLow swalLOW  .f
whERe yr thINK BOOkK the sNAIL INdex
sNORe LEaf APtiTudENd jUSt chOKe it d
G FROm yr wallETDow sPINs a DIVing
ENs an yr FOGus sCAKe WINdy POCKet
SANDwich wHAT wAS dou no d f or me yo

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

John Bennett in NYC

2007-03-12 Thread John M. Bennett



steve  dalachinsky
& a rare new york appearance by john m. 
bennett  (experimental and visual poet, archivist at ohio state university,

founder-editor of luna bisonte prods and lost and found times & historian )
in a special evening of poetry

Thursday, March 15th @ 7 PM @
57 Stanton Street  ( near Eldridge )


SHaloM  NewMan presents @ Pratt Institute - in Manhattan
144 w 14th street – 2ND floor auditorium
Friday, March 16 @ 7 PM   exhibit and readings
featuring Steve Dalachinsky, John M. Bennett, 
Yuko Otomo, Jim Feast, thadeus rutkowski merry 
fortune caril weirzbecki hal sirowitz carl watson 
ron kolm richard kostelanetz tom savage joe maynard and many others…

exhibit opening at 5 pm


Bowery Poetry Club
308 Bowery (between Bleecker & Houston)
Saturday, March 17 @ 6 PM
Joined by an all-star cast including Mark Bloch, Bob Heman,
Richard Kostelanetz, Ron Kolm, Valery Oisteneau, Steve
Dalachinsky, and Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino


Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

HEll to the sHOP CAULk

2007-03-12 Thread John M. Bennett

HEll to the

bOMBer bAKEr bOULhe pRESiDENTial sLEEp
he tABLE like a dkly stRANgling all
,cLOSEt RAIn ,BULLat yr FEEt an spUN
bACK ah vomIT in thAT afFIRMation  lON
HERe yr TEEth areobe ah cRENnelATi
60 WATts an WATOLD shINing in yr e
yr SHIRt  .mulISh sIT ,dULler than ,p
n om th an d ung fruool an s til ler yr
OWdered ,bRIGHT mer cAGEd inSIDe
YE ah cLAUStrophgLEAming like yr
ON thROUgh yr he fILing CABinet w
g the cREw GOBbledet tROUSers at yr
an STUTturd MEeUCK fEELer cENt
yr pHONing OFf tder ,stAMPing on t


SUNk meAT an pHEre the dORsal wALLet MElts
ped fLAGger dIPping ia flOUNder mIRror a
ion ,THROated sCUMe the wATer wHERE
VISEd yr cRAWl adSHy sLOPE you lUMber
TIVe stROking of yrers"  .KAk thROTtle
AVE the sPITtle ,NOed AFTer thINner
he BAGel in the CATpINg fILLment of the
cro aking c locking c rapch ment bas in like yr
dRULEs you CHOWderd it ,inDEXAtion of t
grEASE or "NUMBsWALLowed all it ,s
,BONg MORtar CRUDICTion was a caus
dOWN FACe inSIDHEel nAKEd ,rAT de
yr KIDneys dREAMn yr nOSTril diRECT
cRUNching in yr HIps wOKed GASp an tRUM

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029


2007-03-13 Thread John M. Bennett


du ng lac e yto war d the c licking w aves
ls cLOUding throuUR CORner wHIStles
,cRUmb yr focULANK ax cRUSTing i
pILLing PASt yr sck NOTed in the SH
ler an a POOl yoand cHEers  .pIle n
ide yr bREAD – aHE bUN fOLDer
the s AND a lUNg ban rINse trickling d
FORk rICE a BEIRd nODding on yr
Own the sTREEt tcOUch bURNing on
pICks hER NOSeu sEE – lOSt ins
EXt ,ruMOur NEhIRT a gAS pROW
orts you cHEW bS s h a d o w s
n the WEEds yogh the hIPgATE
,ba g s cum str ol ling   r flo ate r swir

sLUNG shadOW

k not an no rth ancros sing g ate the d awn
cLATTER SHOVing in tPUTter in yr elbow
ike hAIR bLINKingpLASHing in the RIVEr
sQUIrrel in ,bLADDe FIEld a sMOULDered
FOUntain in the FREEhe g lASS a bLACk mISt
bleEDs a lONg MUTr plATE like cofFEE
tol er ANT SOcke a cOSt inHALEd
n ,a CLOud a cLU,REst yr HEad an BUR
wHAT sPATters on yTered THROat PIS
cOFFing bRAKEs tzer wHERe yr ZIPper
FADes acROss thER ,BUSiness ,cOMBing
FENce a tRUCK scrYSTal on yr LOaf
:clOD MOOn ,BANk she bROTh you wORe l
an c reep a head thenub e an not ice an a

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

COol nAp

2007-03-20 Thread John M. Bennett


yr c lustered s nailshick wit h blo od
t rust my r ent itysm ok e an le ss t
PASt the cOWlick in ycORn  .drESs yrsELf
sHIrt an FUEless mATE the bUN gnATter
bird rAT rINse yyr DOg BOWeling lept
ze an wHEEl ther CLOSEt cHANGed
the l evered l in t earwit h yr su it t hat
or lockpit dr izz ledor c raw ling ro om
LAPin GIGgling in ycOFFing on yr Head
the hANGER wHERer OUnce nUTTER ga
.fuzzy rAILs inCUBILe it on yr cLOB
quICKly fELt ther pANTs a sPITty
an pu zzle m ore t heyr coolaid s moulder
he r ug qu ick ly ts aid cob bled ash


bLOT an hAM an wt benEATh the BEd
RUNt an cRISpy in tou wARMed yOUR
ra in m uzzles th,a megaform wad d
m re vol ves the dzles you ,p lung ing
n eat h the clo udsan ,tw is t yr sw arm
thr oating p ill owsng wit h yr fee t
BEd cLUSTer sMEllbUSted on yr cHEEk
ION ,Half the grEASE,lASH of ,BUSt congULAT
n or c lot ure r in siof f the r oof n um
.n ag the p hone g uno su it ed up f or
like itsworm ,nuzin er s teams be
n am e an k eysrough the sou p a w or
led in the LOOp yhe GAFternoON yr
sLEEping in the dUSHIP an sMOTe an g

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

fUN dEck chIRping

2007-03-20 Thread John M. Bennett

fUN dEck

FUNt fLAKE ,met beSIDE the BEd
BEside the fLEa yoor ,the WARrant USe
ILES an gASses  .TUSpidor the PAPer cRUN
NOStril gUZzles lISO ONe or gRASP  .thE
et wHEEzes in tHeap fILter wHAt you
ATion gASp yr pOUt.Ape the wHERE withal
le kin da c ream yyr cub it str oke
or fin ialization ofan coag ulation see ms
BEnzine shUDDERer throAT an wHISt
tHE gASping spLATHE nIGht yr LISPin
cOSting me  .tENttsERves like yr tOIL
fLIGHTy MEat the cOWel sUMp ,cREw of
ched benEATh the DOUR ,jOWl NUMBer wh
less lIke yr FOOhAWK GNAt sWOOps


gi ant s lumber guthe f ran tic b ir ds
erine the rive r sthe crust in g at my e
Ax mAILed yr xtiANyr ,FINal bLAST ,ne
,nUMb fLAG ,DEadan fOg eXpell ,like tr
at me I gAgged mysACKs or lUNg sPOOns
OU wERe lINt I neigfLOOd sUGar you de
,cROWder than ,naption HIll ,DEep nug
hAT CRUst  .oscILLaPED the bLISTer in yr
GUTs in the fORk aHED  .an dEEPer tHAn
PLOYed like wAFFlesLEEve an sOtted y
or ,gNAsh yr legspreceDENT you BLUst
OUT lickED beyWEenfLOPping at tHE gATe
at cr is ping f a ke tall s all t he synt
ye an g listen tosh my thr oat l is t

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Be the sPITter

2007-03-22 Thread John M. Bennett

Be the sPITter
- for Mark Bloch

I was s lotting in theew I was hal f an s loppy
rifted in the ambutl eavings I was cod dead
led in yr fosforescun dry r oom was f old
c himp ing I was bastd all my con tents w here
lamered in the tunerring was f um bled an n or
nINg in yr FUNerarnDOg cASSerole wAS NOS
OFf the TUMble cger stREAked 'n tole
tHE GOBster FINRUST was gATheRED in
RATed like yr CORia wHIle wAS gRASPing
t rilled and a nat tecan was simp lex stun
real ized you c ratetard d ragging I was f
I nec king in the laence I was p lung ed an
ing of f the sal adation I was c rump
in the pill ow mildsing ulation I was d

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029


2007-03-23 Thread John M. Bennett

sh ape
s lap

d RAining

c locker

f Uel

l on g smO ke


eAt t he

bOiler a Im

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029


2007-03-23 Thread John M. Bennett


chASe the scATHing of the FOCus
yr shOUT nub yre yr fLUNGus kNO
stIR an the SHakLING like a TOOth
phoAM an pLEASnt cLUB meal nOR
cILLatiON an yr gME or tHAT's tHE
ler nos tril theat or fig brew .s
e fen cer quiv ernotted f lag ah den
jui ce lug gage ked in yr b rot h a
ser corn er ah mec rash n est the p or
teAM huSH an naUSh nAPE the FOO
gASolINe BUSh  .BEE the eyeLET  .OS
the SOap ANus triling of yr ,penDAnT
.yr HAPpenstANcpLOWed cREAMer hip
t crISpy in yr lASerRED lUNg tube

 John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Speaking of P....

2007-03-26 Thread John M. Bennett
Here's a classic piece from 2001, based on a true story, to add to 
the files of P:


I was
Performed upon
Pencilled in
Part of me

John M. Bennett
With Scott Helmes & K. S. Ernst

Florida, June 2001

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

SH ONE - 2nd chunk

2007-03-26 Thread John M. Bennett

d us t an l
if e t

so rAt

tr eN za

sOrta crIspy

Mat an Me at
h op an h ole
moOne r

jug sh red
yr "fau lt"

yr knOcker


kid dUnk
the sHoe sOre

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

tHE lAKe lUNk nUNg bRAT

2007-03-26 Thread John M. Bennett

tHE lAKe lUNk

t he ban k hee l tco lung os copy
he w his tle in yr loi ling like sun g s
yr boo t h an hol ewhy san k an do
be st yr c hipper wops of yr c ling i
h st utter th rough yn ori fice an n odd
y cUBesteak pASt yHEEl of cROWs
s a rUNskull DOnuTron RANcid acrOSs
SODden WINd ELECt brea K why's a
pARKing cLOTs a wr FORmic acID whY
.s pill an d rink ar rab bit p lung e m
er an l im p an do llhiles  )l on g c ouc
ng th ought d us t.p lod n ail day ,an
ubled  .n eck yr pg o rrhea s hoo t
le eve s hoo t inghe g lob den se t


cr ate c lotter si ned wit h sal ad s porks
bas sher lotsa ham ph rag bes ted hah "d
tuit r in g col lapseme hel t me n up ah
in surance f an an  )peere hind an g rasp o line
king beh ind the crat he mat tress c hug g
AToes you cREAM reK  ?SUNg crEEPing w
crISped nOR ,clINging fbASs sLANK PASt an
,BEst of folLOW me OLAPse yOu my NEEdle
hat the headl ice hel dpper ah mas head pot
in g uh th e ,le ftks(  the to wels ree
.me d rug ged me dup e.peds an rest ,yr co
b lorch the dun g tootsters gr easing my in
ream" gull et c hockg my b oot f lung

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029


2007-03-27 Thread John M. Bennett


c reep locko wh at ag lower in the t rain
yr slu ggo n ape orf ,t aint the s lather
the foe tid gum  )beu t race i(  t lob t
f lame fes tive knoct s hift er an a p in e
GE me kNOBby ONcRAFTer ,BOg NOd an
imp yr g row ling id neksor ta l ump y a p lug
rOLling dUFFle bAGAFFle boUNd an cRACK
es an BOOts WENt wcLOUDy alwAYs sNAK
ing in the bow el bo welkid t run cheon in yr
gED the thROAt  .MASte my COUch PADdle l
bi g p lung er an s weekers in yr sou p c han
nat ter an a loa f  )yoast(  slur ching a dough
he c age of g leams o,pen sieve c hoppering off
ed c omb yr pock etst as te hat d renched

ARf kNAck

DOg rINse an BlEatgUNning sHOe
an FENnel trISteza anthe sUBwAY mASSif
in the bLUT mISt tHEWEll an c LOD kNO
uriZED lANk tUNa wer an fATter an fALT
LAG DODging all t HEMAs you LIe inSIde  !FE
in t he t oil et lea fts 'n numb ers my c
you cog whee l b lakelot mach ine ah wh eel
d ail e gression of the sing neigh yr simp lex
s 'n w heels ah k noth e nos tri ll entil w hat
ster an FINger an fOLDrISt you CUStard f
er an ,drESs kNEewURst you CUStard f
cker cHATter chATurdbreAK yr BARk LIGht
the hEAVEr in yOURFUNnel an TRYst gLOCK

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

SH ONE - 3rd hunka

2007-03-27 Thread John M. Bennett

d lopper

g as hef t an
drench nOse an

locks hAll


flood the neck

crUnch hi m
boo t h im
p ort hee m

c rock an
bee p an
j erk an
lip an id

foNo act
sUre wAs

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: Fw: coppertone a t oll

2007-03-27 Thread John M. Bennett

this one's mighty nice, steve


At 03:31 PM 3/27/2007, you wrote:

tits lafter
sheen's cup to here
treading there
hawk and i islands sclepper brook...

1963:   british invasion

clipped pretone


her art
at dolls

storm ache
for braclets



acts incident
watching her destiny


skeye partched


slomes mugger
last cock stained

send less for
greet sly deep pleeted

or angel

foxy genes
prodding inducing
[asp ire tool  lank ton ikons a bun dance] for smell sum [ ] mutalations
of  virgin actual virile factual splice

buff  halo gross swell

grand ass halo,
wavering coffin  eel


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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

New Book

2007-03-29 Thread John M. Bennett

My new book, NOS, is available; sample and info at:

This is part of a wonderful series of visual poetry edited and 
designed by Francis Van Maele; you can see samples of what's 
available so far at:


Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

crust beaut smoke lark

2007-03-29 Thread John M. Bennett

crust beaut

bust an dark an logo crust
beet an dip an cubit sore
bale an drop an caustive shoot
bomb an dope an sordid chant
belt an dual an shorted must
bam an dink an pallid shins
bort an dry an pencil light
beaut an dim an lumber ass

smoke lark

chase an chain the question lark
claw an drip the lumber comb
truss an clip the sugar door
trap an soap the tonsil lapse
beak an jug the spinner phone
boat an mist the whistle spoon
nap an list the temblor sky
not an crank the sliver roan
plink an gauge the shiner chunk
post an rot the crystal sump
smelt an sot the testive shade
smoke an rain the ruined snore

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

SH ONE - 4th lump

2007-03-29 Thread John M. Bennett

mite y wIde an
nitey guIde an

cRust me One

log pHot
on or

bReam my fAce

sTacked dUst
un it
wobBle ,deck

rent the fUn cUbe

c Lot tolc
tAhs sHat

bree the wInd

cHubBy ONe
eNo ibIs
cLap hAm

mAh Mah

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

Re: New Book

2007-03-29 Thread John M. Bennett

heh - thanks for the NOS tip

it also, from Greek, refers to breath; and is also the root of  1st 
person plural pronoun in romance langs.


At 10:45 AM 3/29/2007, you wrote:

Dear John,

When I saw NOS I immediately thought of Not Otherwise Specified 
which is a qualifying tag added to a broad psychiatric diagnoses 
when further specification has not been made.   -- eg  Depression 
NOS .   Not otherwise specified  seems to fit the poetic 
project  --  to address the NOS

Great site!   Hope to revisit and order.
- Original Message -
From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>John M. Bennett
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 9:17 AM
Subject: New Book

My new book, NOS, is available; sample and info at:

This is part of a wonderful series of visual poetry edited and 
designed by Francis Van Maele; you can see samples of what's 
available so far at:


Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029


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Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

SH ONE - last clump

2007-03-30 Thread John M. Bennett

yr fUndUs sh
ape yr cOw
lAng yr mou
lt  )er(

jIngle sIgn
an  )so up(

the wh iner gle ams

bre a st lig ne
k notty l un g

so form er it

bOss an sPin

the retsuLc pHone
yr quest ion fLake


  ok e mu te
an epol s ti us
an l it s t he
n one

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

melter wrist sinker footing

2007-03-30 Thread John M. Bennett

melter wrist

melted pore you shopping wrist
dolloped spin you bender shade
snoring grin you sender loop
locker shape you knacker trim
bullet gape you sacker floor
wheedle brink you corner cloud
nodder sink you border lens
matter slug you nickel drag
fender bug you licker gnome
melted door you hopping snack

sinker footing

blinker woof an test your footing
hammer corn an waft your scalding
yammer lout an craft your sheeting
denser pus an crib your shading
tenser dust an shiv your scowling
bomber lamp an whore your smiling
fonder bum an snore your swilling
ragged beam an snap your smelling
bagger lice an whap your squalling
sinker roof an rest your looking

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

SHun the ... spROCKet an

2007-04-02 Thread John M. Bennett

SHun the
roT tAlk la

rathER sWELLing

roOm brIN
g ,funn
el ,eh SO
ck dRIP

spROCKet an
a ClUE an a

lIStless doOR

sha de r
ug ro o
t fo a


yr gris

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

grave run sog

2007-04-02 Thread John M. Bennett

grave run

groom yr title must an run
rule yr lipid trust an glance
roll yr insect dust an grin
gruel yr syntax crust an rat
rhyme yr intent bust an grime
rust yr invite nuts an groan
grave yr inner lust an runt


the long fog the dancing
whiff the blam hog the
glancing roar the ham dog
the rancid elf the glans
log the stammered hip the
grease bog the antsy drip
the wrong cog the massif

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

  1   2   3   4   >