[WSG] WAI: successful Australian (or global) examples

2004-07-08 Thread Ben Webster

Hey there crew,

I'm putting in a tender for some government work and one of 
the requirements is some successful WAI sites that I've been involved in. 

I've actually not been involved in a single one and I think 
this requirement is a little stringent. Has anyone out there been involved in a 
successful example?

It doesn't have to be Australian even... I just need some 
examples (or lack of) so I can point out to them that the requirement is a 
little harsh.

A bientot,
Ben Webster
Studios[EMAIL PROTECTED]www.conversantstudios.com.au

Re: [WSG] HTML email - mac testers please

2004-06-09 Thread Ben Webster
Hey there Mark,

html in emails is a bit trcky and doesn't take too kindly to external css
files or using css for positioning. To cover all bases, I usually code the
emails in html 3.2 - using as much inline crappy html as possible.

It ain't pretty but it works.

Go here for some more info :

And check here for the nifty little mail program I use called Dada mail :

As long as you whack in html 3.2 - all will be gravy.

A bientot,

- Original Message - 
From: Mark Stanton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 1:08 PM
Subject: [WSG] HTML email - mac testers please

 Hi All

 I've got an HTML email that I need to prepare for a client. The mockup
 can be seen at:

 HTML: http://mark.gruden.com/beerworth/
 CSS: http://mark.gruden.com/beerworth/lib/main.css

 We didn't design it, we just did the HTML  CSS work. An initial
 review by the designers (MAC users) has resulted in them coming back
 saying there are padding/margin issues on Safari 1.1.1 and IE 5.2.
 Bascially the blue area on the right side (the bit starting with You
 are subscribed to...) has a couple of pixels white space at the top 
 bottom. This blue should be sitting flush with the header  footer.

 I've tested it on IE 5.1.7 (it looks fine), but don't have access to
 either of these other browsers.

 I've got two questions:

 1) What mail client are available on the MAC and what browsers do they
 use for rendering HTML content?

 2) What is causing this issue and what can I do to fix it?

 Thanks in advance.


 Mark Stanton
 Technical Director
 Gruden Pty Ltd
 Tel: +61 2 9299 9462
 Fax: +61 2 9299 9463
 Mob: +61 410 458 201
 The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
 for some hints on posting to the list  getting help

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list  getting help

Re: [WSG] HTML email - mac testers please

2004-06-09 Thread Ben Webster
Hey there Mark,

html in emails is a bit trcky and doesn't take too kindly to external css
files or using css for positioning. To cover all bases, I usually code the
emails in html 3.2 - using as much inline crappy html as possible.

It ain't pretty but it works.

Go here for some more info :

And check here for the nifty little mail program I use called Dada mail :

As long as you whack in html 3.2 - all will be gravy.

A bientot,

- Original Message - 
From: Mark Stanton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 1:08 PM
Subject: [WSG] HTML email - mac testers please

 Hi All

 I've got an HTML email that I need to prepare for a client. The mockup
 can be seen at:

 HTML: http://mark.gruden.com/beerworth/
 CSS: http://mark.gruden.com/beerworth/lib/main.css

 We didn't design it, we just did the HTML  CSS work. An initial
 review by the designers (MAC users) has resulted in them coming back
 saying there are padding/margin issues on Safari 1.1.1 and IE 5.2.
 Bascially the blue area on the right side (the bit starting with You
 are subscribed to...) has a couple of pixels white space at the top 
 bottom. This blue should be sitting flush with the header  footer.

 I've tested it on IE 5.1.7 (it looks fine), but don't have access to
 either of these other browsers.

 I've got two questions:

 1) What mail client are available on the MAC and what browsers do they
 use for rendering HTML content?

 2) What is causing this issue and what can I do to fix it?

 Thanks in advance.


 Mark Stanton
 Technical Director
 Gruden Pty Ltd
 Tel: +61 2 9299 9462
 Fax: +61 2 9299 9463
 Mob: +61 410 458 201
 The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
 for some hints on posting to the list  getting help

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list  getting help

Re: [WSG] IE hiding text

2004-05-19 Thread Ben Webster

Hey there Gary,

there's just a small problem withthe way your structring your 
background image for the left hand column. For help go here:Faux columns 
- by Dan Cederhomhttp://www.alistapart.com/articles/fauxcolumns/

btw - your images and colours look very familiar. A lot likea site I 
posted to the group for feedback a while back:


If you're going to use the same guff - at least change the name of the 
images to protect the innocent:



WebsterConversant Studios[EMAIL PROTECTED]www.conversantstudios.com.au

- Original Message - 
From: "Gary Greer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 12:43 PM
Subject: [WSG] IE hiding text
 I'm working on http://metropolis.muprivate.edu.au/index.php?id=456 
-  it's going to be our intranet.  Looking at it in 
Firefox, it looks fine, but in IE the menu on the left  appears but is 
then overwritten by the background image on the container  div. 
 Does any one have any suggestions?  gary 

Re: [WSG] SMH launch

2004-04-28 Thread Ben Webster

Hey there Peter,

everyone here at my office has had the day in their calendar 
to check out the redesign. Now thatthe redesign hasshipped and you 
can now get your life back... I'd love to hear (if you have time) about the 
process involved in the redesign.

There was a report from Forrester last year thata large 
percentageof redesigns make things worse and they cited Macromedia's first 
iteration as an example. They then went on to praise the second redesign - http://www.macromedia.com/homepage/forrester.pdf

From a process point of view, I'd love to know how you 
approached such ahuge project.

~ How you identified a redesign was necessary
~ How you got buy-in from the key stakeholders that a redesign 
was necessary
~ What were the traget areas you wanted to improve and 
~ What kind of useability // surveys // focus groups // lab // 
eye tracking testing you did
~ How you migrated the templates (you guys use Fatwire as the 
backend yeah?)
~ How you went about browser testing and what browsers you 
promised the stakeholders you would test for
~ How rigourous was your test plan
~ How many releases and iterations you diddo before 
final release
~ What have been the anectdotal responses from 
~ What are the measureable benefits from the 

mmm - so many questions - so little time. I'm sure you're 
going to have a busy couple of weeks so I will understand if you ignore such a 
long list of sticky-beak questions...

I would.

Personally - I love the redesign. 

A bienetot,

- Original Message - 

  Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 7:02 
  Subject: [WSG] SMH launch
  Hey – 
  why has the SMH site gone haywire in IE6?
  kidding peter – looks great. That was the big 
  done again

Re: Opening pages in new windows... was Re: [WSG] XHTML (OT??)

2004-02-08 Thread Ben Webster

Hey there team,

surely there must be a more specific objective than for the users to simply
stay on the site for as long as possible.

I can assure you that is not the objective of content heavy sites like

I can think of many good reasons to go to a new window. Here's a good one -
contextual help. Think of the UI for helps screens on your PC // Mac. They
always open a new window into a help centre where you can pose your
question - get your answer and then close the window. This way you're still
at the place you experienced the problem, but you're now armed with the
knowledge to solve it.

For an online eg go here -
https://f2members.f2.com.au/f2Reg/f2members/join.do and click on the
question mark icon.

p.s. I don't work for f2.com.au

- Original Message - 
From: Chris Stratford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 11:11 AM
Subject: RE: Opening pages in new windows... was Re: [WSG] XHTML (OT??)

 Well its more a hobby than a job...

 I do work - but its not my primary source of income - that's the parents
 I still live at home - im 18 and just began university
 (telecommunications engineering @ UTS)

 But that's true - if they click out of your website, they will probably
 get lost in a myriad of of links and popups, they will forget there name
 - let alone your website.

 That's why all offsite links are new window links.

 Chris Stratford

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Zeltner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 10:46 AM
 Subject: Re: Opening pages in new windows... was Re: [WSG] XHTML (OT??)

 i think it depends on how you see it.

 the customer (i presume this is your job) wants the user to stay on the
 site as long as possible. if a site opens in a new window, the
 possibility that user will browse his site again, is much higher than if

 he has just the back button.

 from the usability/information architecture point, the target=_blank
 is rather bad imho.

 just my 0.02 euro ;)

 niij http://niij.org/

 The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

 The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/

[WSG] html + css guru contracter

2004-01-22 Thread Ben Webster

Hey there people,

Do you know any contractors that are in Sydney with great html 
// css skills? If they have an IA and design ability - that would be (well 
amazing) great as well.

The company I work for - Hothouse Interactive - are looking to 
outsource all the html // css. The programmers only care about the logic 
and the html suffers ENORMOUSLY.

It should work out to about 3 days a week on a contract rate - 
but it will be a bit flood+ famine- so it's not a bad gig. For an eg 
of the standard of work go here and click the links = http://www.conversantstudios.com.au/apa/index_01.html

If you know anyone who might fit the bill can you forward 
their details to me - or vice versa... my Hothouse details are 


Ben Webster+61 2 
9432 3671[EMAIL PROTECTED]Hothouse 
Interactive Pty LtdLevel 3, 154 Pacific HighwaySt Leonards NSW 

[WSG] bug check - does it break?

2004-01-18 Thread Ben Webster

Hey there crew,

just finished marking up the templates for a new site we're 
building here at werk. At the moment it validates a-ok - but I was wondering if 
you guys could run your keen eyes over it to see if there are any 

I've tested the markup in a few browsers - but haven't been 
able to test yet on Win95, 98, 2000, IE5 or Mac OS 8+9.


Let me know what you think,

[WSG] styling hr tags

2004-01-05 Thread Ben Webster

hey there crew, i'm having a cross-browser issue with styling 
some hr tags. they look fine - ie. the dotted image displays - in 
mozilla//firebird etc but in IE i just get a solid line. go here - 
css is here - http://conversantstudios.com.au/tests/omnus/c/screen.css
and here's the relevant css bit:

hr {

	background: url(../i/omnus_h_dotted.gif) repeat-x;

	height: 1px;

	border: 0;

	margin: 10px 10px 10px 0;

	padding: 0 10px 0 0;

do i need to add any 
values in the css? thanks, benvolio 

WebsterConversant Studios[EMAIL PROTECTED]www.conversantstudios.com.au