Re: [WSG] Footer on the very bottom of the viewing port

2004-04-09 Thread Chuck
Add bottom: 0;  to your page container and it will work in Safari.
#contents {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;

On Thursday, April 8, 2004, at 02:21  AM, Chris Blown wrote:
Hey Mike,

Check here

Chris Blown
On Thu, 2004-04-08 at 17:01, Mike Kear wrote:
I want to have a footer stuck to the bottom of the browser window, but
if the window reduces in size, the footer goes over the top of other
page content.
What I'd like to do is have the footer stick to the bottom of the
browser, except if it collides with other page content, which will
push it down below the bottom of the viewing port and have a vertical
scroll bar appear.
Is this possible with CSS?  I know it's done with tables, because
that's how this site is now, but I want to get rid of these tables.
Mike Kear
AFP Webworks,
Windsor, NSW, Australia.
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Re: [WSG] bar graph with html 4.01 strict + css

2004-04-07 Thread Chuck
Heres a variation on your setup.
On Wednesday, April 7, 2004, at 10:36  AM, Adam Carmichael wrote:
Hello list,

I'm trying to construct a simple bar graph using minimal markup yet  
let it remain fairly flexible in CSS.

[0] Here is a link to what I have built so far.

The first problem I'm trying to tackle so far is that the second part  
to the graph doesn't reflect the width it's supposed to.

The second problem is that it probably won't scale too well when one  
tries to increase text sizes.

The third and final problem is that several themes I'm planning on  
using it with may want to have different width so it needs to be  
fairly fluidic. I tried using percentages with this but I got no  where.

If anyone has any further best practise pieces of advice, I'm open to  
that too. :) This one has me feeling like one o'clock half struck.


Thanks in advance,


|Adam Carmichael, A+, 2xMCP (Windows 2000), Cert IV Helpdesk Admin  
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]   /( _,-,_ )\ _|  |_  /,||
|#1 Computer Services   \`/ \'/ _|  |_||
|BSD/UNIX  Cisco Network Engineer\ /,\ /,\ /|  |_||_   
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Re: [WSG] best method for columns inside a column

2004-03-30 Thread Chuck
On Monday, March 29, 2004, at 11:57  PM, Miles Tillinger wrote:

Finally a chance for my first attempt at a 100% CSS positioning site 
and besides using the deprecated align parameter for an input:image, 
the site validates ok!
(sorry if the dyndns is borked, try temporarily if it 

Its a simple header  two-columns  footer layout based on a 
layout-o-matic template.  I then use absolute positioning to float the 
#feature div to the right of the #services div, however the correct 
top  left values seem to differ between IE and Mozilla/Opera.

I've managed to get it basically perfect in IE6, but there is small 
2-3 pixel discrepancy in Mozilla and Opera (haven't had a chance to 
check on Safari yet *shudder*) down the left side of the right column. 
 I'm guessing that its to do with how I've made the columns inside a 
column layout, but I can't work out a better way to do it.
Good looking page!
Mac side looks good; Safari, IE5.0,  Mozzilla (ex: Opera 6.0 -no 
@import, so no text)
As far as the IE hacks go, ...go to the web site of Dean Edwards and I 
think your find the best solution.
His script [ie7-xml.css] changes IE to a standards browser.
Copy it from the src link in the breadcrump tail. -chuck

Is what I am trying to do not suited to CSS positioning?  Or is there 
a better way to do it?


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Re: [WSG] Somewhat frustrated

2004-03-29 Thread Chuck
On Monday, March 29, 2004, at 11:07  AM, John Penlington wrote:

Forgive my frustration, but after a couple of months with this 
Discussion List I've formed the opinion no browser will display web 
standards - every one of them requires hacks of some kind.
I test on Win XP Pro with IE6 and Firefox - as well as on a new eMac 
with Safari and IE5(Mac).
All my earlier web sites with tables rather than CSS 2 display quite 
well on all four browsers.
Well, in this case my IE 5.2 dosn't like your use of position: 
relative; left: -24px; on your UL setup (in both UL cases).

If you want to position the UL, put it in a DIV container and 
position it.

When I try to code for Web Standards, I get a medley of results. Hence 
my opinion that no browser complies completely.
None ever will, unless the Standards Committee creates it's own 
...but that's another story for another day.

Now the crunch: I'm building a site for a photographer who wants 
pixel-precision layout on all browsers. At least we achieved it on IE6 
with no tables, just CSS styling.
I'm aware that I shouldn't have done that, but please read on.
(see  below)

After two weeks of frustration trying to get it to work precisely on 
the other browsers, I've finally resorted to tables and yes, wicked 
me, even a spacer gif.
The problem is that your page is only pixel-precise on a 96dpi system.
To be pixel-precise on all systems, you have to use relative 
measurement in your CSS (ie: em, %, and or keywords)

The home page (with inactive links) is at:
and the CSS is at:
The display my client wants is exactly what you'll see with IE6.
What he doesn't want is what you'll see on Safari, Firefox and 
Well, as you already know have to start with a standards 
browser first and work backwards. This is even true with tables.

The page validates for both XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS. Even the 
Unordered List menu breaks on IE5(Mac).
(see above)

Can anyone tell me why my valid (XHTML and CSS) page displays so 
differently in those four browsers - two of which are supposed to 
follow Web Standards closely (Firefox and Safari)?
(see above)

Where is my code sub-standard if it validates for both XHTML and CSS?
What do I need to do to get it to display roughly the same on all four 
browsers?  Please don't tell me to use CSS 2 - I tried that and it 
simply didn't work !! The variations were unacceptable despite all the 
hacks I could find.
Start with ccs2 and a standards browser a include an import of 
You can find this life-saver at:
Copy it from the src link in the breadcrump tail.

I know I'll be shot down in flames for raising this, but I really want 
to code for Web Standards and the frustration for me and my client 
is very real !!
So, it in tables first, make it look on all, ...then take on 

I'm sure I'm not alone, but I'm keen to persevere.
Good luck and welcome to the club!!
-a Mac guy-
Thanks to you all for such a helpful List.
John Penlington
web developer
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