On Monday, March 29, 2004, at 11:57 PM, Miles Tillinger wrote:

Finally a chance for my first attempt at a 100% CSS positioning site and besides using the deprecated align parameter for an input:image, the site validates ok!


(sorry if the dyndns is borked, try temporarily if it is)

Its a simple header > two-columns > footer layout based on a layout-o-matic template. I then use absolute positioning to float the #feature div to the right of the #services div, however the correct top & left values seem to differ between IE and Mozilla/Opera.

I've managed to get it basically perfect in IE6, but there is small 2-3 pixel discrepancy in Mozilla and Opera (haven't had a chance to check on Safari yet *shudder*) down the left side of the right column. I'm guessing that its to do with how I've made the columns inside a column layout, but I can't work out a better way to do it.

Good looking page!
Mac side looks good; Safari, IE5.0, & Mozzilla (ex: Opera 6.0 -no @import, so no text)
As far as the IE hacks go, ...go to the web site of Dean Edwards and I think your find the best solution. http://dean.edwards.name/IE7/intro/
His script [ie7-xml.css] changes IE to a standards browser.
Copy it from the "src" link in the breadcrump tail. -chuck

Is what I am trying to do not suited to CSS positioning? Or is there a better way to do it?


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