[WSG] swapping the content across DIV elements not working

2011-08-03 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Hi Folks,

Basically I am doing the content swapping here, the content swapping
happening fine for the children DIVs till I swap the whole parent DIV, once
I swap the parent DIVs ... only parent DIV content swapping is happening
always, the swap function is not working for the children DIVs , I dont have
any clue why this is happening please let me know if anybody know the root
cause of the problem, any problem with using of innerHTMLs inside my
function.. I want to swap the content of the child divs and parent divs as

please let me know the issue here and how to overcome this issue. please
help me on this.


div class=parentSIP style=background: #ff9900;
div class=dragSlot sh slot232_3/div
div class=dragSlot sh slot222_2/div
div class=dragSlot sh slot212_1/div
div class=dragSlot sh slot202_0/div
div class=parentSIP style=background: #ff9900;
div class=dragSlot sh slot131_3/div
div class=dragSlot sh slot121_2/div
div class=dragSlot sh slot111_1/div
div class=dragSlot sh slot101_0/div
div class=parentSIP style=background: #ff9900;
div class=dragSlot sh slot030_3/div
div class=dragSlot sh slot020_2/div
div class=dragSlot sh slot010_1/div
div class=dragSlot sh slot000_0/div


 var tmpEl = null;
var tmpStr = ;
function swap(el) {
if(tmpEl) {
var tmpH = $(tmpEl).height();
var starteleH = $(el).height();
if(tmpH != starteleH) {
var id = $(el).attr(id);
var tmpOvId = $(tmpEl).attr(id);
var overlayId = $(div.overlayDiv_DnD).attr(id);
alert(Single and Double Height are irrelevant);
el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML;
tmpEl.innerHTML = tmpEl.innerHTML;
else {
alert(Slots are relevant here);
str = el.innerHTML;
tmpEl.innerHTML = str;
el.innerHTML = tmpStr;
tmpEl = null;
tmpEl = el;
tmpStr = el.innerHTML;

e.cancelBubble = true;

yours sincerely,

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Re: [WSG] possible to make DT and DD behave like TH and TD column visually?

2011-03-31 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Hi Tee,

In your case, clear: right wont help, since you have independent element
like DT, DD, dont apply the border- bottom for all, just give border-bottom
for the DL just having the markup like

dt class=labelSummary/dt
dd class=dataThe finest of Japanese teas, Gyokuro bushes are covered for
several weeks before harvest with bamboo or straw shades to increase the
chlorophyll content of the leaves. The results of this transformation are
the renowned dark green leaves with high concentrations of Antioxidants,
vitamins and amino acids. Celebrated for its emerald green infusion and
sweet aftertaste./dd
dt class=labelWeight/dt
dd class=data100./dd
dt class=labelIngredients/dt
dd class=dataN/A/dd

If you write the markup in this fashion, you wont get any alignment problem,
and page looks neat as well :)


On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 4:45 PM, tee weblis...@gmail.com wrote:


 The DD and DT are floated, when a DD has more content, the next set can't
 stayed align horizontally.

 P/s. I only use DL because LI doesn't make sense here and I can't get the
 visual result I wanted.

 #data-attribute {width:700px;background:#f9f9f9;overflow:hidden;}
 #data-attribute dt{font-weight:bold;width:15%;}
  #data-attribute dd{width:85%;clear:right}
  #data-attribute dt, #data-attribute dd {float:left;padding:5px 0;margin:0;
border-bottom:1px solid #ddd;}

 BTW, can one confirms if clear:right ever work or it only works with
 certain combination? I have clear:right in the dd and it's not helping.
 Actually I never able to get clear right work.


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Re: [WSG] Anchor won't position in IE 8

2011-03-24 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy

I tested the page in FF and IE8, it looks similar :) it is already working


On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 1:34 PM, Cole Kuryakin c...@koisis.com wrote:

 Thierry and ankhscriber -

 Position:relative did the trick. For a minute it still didn't work until I
 cleared my cache.

 Anyway, all is well now; thanks much to you both!


 -Original Message-
 From: li...@webstandardsgroup.org [mailto:li...@webstandardsgroup.org] On
 Behalf Of Thierry Koblentz
 Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 2:11 PM
 To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
 Subject: RE: [WSG] Anchor won't position in IE 8

  Here's the page in question:
  Anchor tag (View Gallery) is in the div with the Image to Come
  If you look at this link in FF (et. al) you'll see it's positioned
  Now switch to IE 8 (probably ie 7 as well) and you'll see that it's
  positioned outside and to the bottom of the div.
  What's also really weird is that IE is also NOT respecting other css
  attributes I've given to this anchor (size, text-decoration, etc).

 Try this:

 #intro_image {position:relative;}

 www.tjkdesign.com | www.ez-css.org | www.css-101.org

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Re: [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] [WSG] html5 and iframes?

2011-03-10 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Hey Bob,

Just make sure whether this HTML5 tags support for IE7 and 8.


On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Birendra biren...@viteb.com wrote:

 Hey Bob

 Here is the your site code use this. It's work fine in my system.

 Site code

 !DOCTYPE html
 html lang=en
 titleUrban Whispers - portraits of Manchester/title
 meta name=keywords content=urban landscape, manchester, urban, semi
 abstract,  film, monochrome, black and white, photography, bob mcclelland,
 north west /
 meta name=description content=A site showing images of Manchester, with
 emphasis on the magic found in the city /
 meta name=copyright content=bob mcclelland, 2011 /
 meta name=language content=en /
 meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 /
 !--[if IE]
 script src=http://html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js;/script
 script  type=text/javascript 
 style type=text/css
 @import url(http://www.marscovista.fsnet.co.uk/css/opening.css;);
 /*for html5 in IE*//*
 abbr, article, aside, audio, bb, canvas, datagrid, datalist, details,
 dialog, eventsource, figure, footer, header, hgroup, mark, menu, meter,
 output, progress, section, time, video, iframe. {
 display : block;

 #noborder {
border : 0!important;
height : 35px;
width : 600px;
 link href=http://www.marscovista.fsnet.co.uk/css/menu.css;
 rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=screen /
 script type=text/javascript
 var gaJsHost = ((https: == document.location.protocol) ? https://ssl.;
 document.write(unescape(%3Cscript src=' + gaJsHost +
 google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E));
 script type=text/javascript
 try {
 var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(UA-5118398-3);
 } catch(err) {}/script
 meta name=google-site-verification
 content=SKOdBIolHmB--vqtFRoHU-YGJV6K1FUstwc8lZ1HfBk /
 !-- #BeginLibraryItem /Library/menu.lbi --
 div class=skip
a href=#container accesskey=SSkip to Main Content/a
 div id=menubar
div id=menuinner
ul id=nav 

li class=firstitem
a  href=core/thework.htmlAbout the work/a
a href=galleries/gallery1.htmlGalleries/a
a href=cv/resume.htmlShows etc/a

a href=core/contact.htmlSend a message?/a
!--li class=last
a href=../core/prints.html Buy Prints/a
  /li --
 !-- #EndLibraryItem --

 div id=container
h1 Urban span id=pale
#8220; Whispers #8221;
div id=logo
img src=http://www.marscovista.fsnet.co.uk/graphics/eyelensv2.gif
 alt= width=249 height=212 /

div id=textbox
h2 Some photographs by Bob McClelland. /h2
dd Deserted buildings, that once were castles, /dd
dd inhabited now by strange silences. /dd

dd Flutters of wind, /dd
dd Tinkles of glass, /dd
dd Dark corners, sad old walls. /dd
dd The blending of time . . . /dd
dd A distant world found /dd

dd in the depths of a mind /dd
dd of many realities. /dd
!-- #BeginLibraryItem /Library/license.lbi --
div id=license
p Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material of
 whatever nature created by Bob McClelland and included
in this website is licensed under a br /

a rel=license
 href=http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/; Creative Commons
2.5 License /a
!-- #EndLibraryItem --
 iframe id=noborder

 olorscheme=lightamp; frameborder=0 width=600px
 div id=counter
div id=eXTReMe

!-- #BeginLibraryItem /Library/urban2009.lbi --
a href=http://extremetracking.com/open?login=urbanew;
img src=http://t1.extreme-dm.com/i.gif; style=border: 0;
height=38 width=41 id=EXim alt=eXTReMe Tracker
script type=text/javascript!--
var EXlogin='urbanew' // Login
var EXvsrv='s11' // VServer
EXd.write(img +EXsrc+=http://e2.extreme-dm.com;,


Re: [WSG] Image Maps

2010-10-15 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Hi All,

I am encountering a strange problem in image mapping technique,

I have mapped a certain area of an image using polygon tool and picked the
coordinates, I applied mouseover event to swap the image but I am able to
see the white dashed border along with the image during the output this
problem only exist in the IE 7,8 browser.

Is this happening due to the improper closing of the mapping (start and
end point of mapping must be at the same place of coordinates )

I cant find any suitable fix in google please suggest me on this how to
overcome this issue


On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 6:02 AM, Christian Snodgrass 
csnodgrass3...@gmail.com wrote:


 However, with the separate images you can put them in an unordered list
 yourself to control the display a bit more closely.

 I'm not saying any of these are 100% good all the time. I like to soak up
 as many different techniques as possible and choose the one that is the most
 appropriate for the task.

 On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 8:05 PM, Mathew Robertson 
 mathew.blair.robert...@gmail.com wrote:

 That is unnecessary - area's support alt.  With both CSS and images
 disabled, a useragent should be able to draw the USA-map graphically using a
 fallback css; if using a text-browser, it could render it as a list -
 whether they actually do, is an entirely different problem, ie: if an image
 has 'usemap' (and a map exists with alt attributes) then the text-browser
 could assume that a flat list could be rendered.

 Aside: the spec (http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/objects.html#h-13.6) says
 ... with a mouse...

 Mathew Robertson

 On 15 October 2010 10:43, Christian Snodgrass 

 That map also illustrates the problem with image maps.

 Disable images and refresh the page. It becomes completely unusable
 (granted there are ways to make the image map work better with no images,
 but this is the more common situation).

 If they were all separate images with their own alt tags, they could form
 a nice little list of states when there are no images.

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[WSG] stretching of html elements

2010-07-20 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Hi Team,

Is there any idea to overcome the problem when there is content without
blankspace (spaces between words) inside TD / DIV is still expanding though
it has fixed width.

Any suggestions welcome :)


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Re: [WSG] stretching of html elements

2010-07-20 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Hi Russ,

I tried these CSS 3 properties and tested in the IE7 and Mozilla FF 3.6.6
browser, they are not helping is there any special hacks available to
overcome this problem

Thanks for your immediate response and article link you have given me.


On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 5:15 AM, Russ Weakley r...@maxdesign.com.au wrote:

 Hi JC,

 This is a question where a example would help. It all depends on:

 1. the element in question (the TD element operates differently to DIV
 element in many cases)
 2. whether sizing has been applied to the element
 3. whether positioning had been applied to the element
 4. which browser you are referring to (unless it is all browsers)

 Here is a long-winded answer...

 A DIV is a block level element by nature and will stretch to fit the
 viewport (browser window) or any containing box. As soon as you apply
 float, position: absolute or position: fixed the element MAY change in
 dimension (depending on whether you also add a width/height to the element).
 If no width is applied to a float, absolute or fixed width element they
 naturally tend to shrink-wrap or collapse in width.

 The DIV, or any block level element for that matter, is also set to
 overflow:visible as the initial value. This means that an extremely long
 word, if wider than the width of the DIV, will poke out the right side of
 the DIV (assuming you have the default language - left to right - ltr).

 You can control this behavior using the overflow property. The possible
 values in CSS2.1 are: visible | hidden | scroll | auto | inherit. For

 div { overflow: visible; } /* will show any content regardless of whether
 it's wider or deeper than the element */
 div { overflow: hidden; } /* will hide (cut off) any content that is wider
 or deeper than the element */
 div { overflow: scroll; } /* will add horizontal and vertical scroll bars
 to the right and bottom of the element */
 div { overflow: auto; }  /* will add a scroll bar to the affected axis of
 the element */

 A TD element is quite different.

 Unlike a block level element they naturally collapse in height and width.
 You can change this - giving them a set width or stretching them. They have
 one other unique characteristic. If you set a width on a TD and the content
 is wider than the applied width, the content will not flow outside the TD
 element (it will not overflow). Instead, the TD will expand to suit the
 needs of the content. You cannot apply overflow to a TD.

 So are there any solutions? Well, CSS3 offers two properties that may be of
 use... word-wrap and word-break. Keep in mind that milage may vary.
 Safari and Internet Explorer support both of these properties. Firefox seems
 to support word-wrap but not word-break. Opera does not seem to support

 Here super-quick is a test case for you:


 On 21/07/2010, at 2:58 AM, Jayachandran Kandasamy wrote:

 Hi Team,

 Is there any idea to overcome the problem when there is content without
 blankspace (spaces between words) inside TD / DIV is still expanding though
 it has fixed width.

 Any suggestions welcome :)


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Re: [WSG] Korean fonts

2010-07-08 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Hi David,

Please read about UTF charset in the internet you will get some clue about


On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 4:14 AM, David Hucklesby huckle...@gmail.com wrote:

 Can you please suggest a font stack suitable for a site that's entirely
 in Korean?

 I am assisting a student Web designer who is developing a site in
 Korean--a language with which I am entirely unfamiliar. Using a font
 stack out of Dreamweaver, none of which have any Korean glyphs AFAICT,
 browsers make their own choices, it seems. But IE's choice is a
 particularly ugly one...

 Many thanks for any help you can offer.


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Re: [WSG] CSS off button

2010-02-07 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Hi  Paul,

You can use select drop down box instead of buttons for the CSS switching -
this can minimize the space in page and usability will be effective for the
end users

On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 8:51 PM, Paul Novitski p...@juniperwebcraft.comwrote:

 At 2/4/2010 10:43 AM, Erickson, Kevin (DOE) wrote:

 Here is the page using your example: 

 I recommend that you give folks a corresponding button to turn styling back
 on after they switch it off.


 Paul Novitski
 Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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Re: [WSG] CSS off button

2010-02-04 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Hi Kevin,

I will let you know about the cookie technique soon :)

On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 10:43 AM, Erickson, Kevin (DOE) 
kevin.erick...@doe.virginia.gov wrote:

  Thanks Jayachandran!

 That definitely works but is there a way that it could keep the CSS off
 when the visitor leaves the page? Using a cookie maybe?
 Here is the page using your example:

 Thank you,

 *From:* li...@webstandardsgroup.org [mailto:li...@webstandardsgroup.org] *On
 Behalf Of *Jayachandran Kandasamy
 *Sent:* Wednesday, January 27, 2010 2:25 AM

 *To:* wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
 *Subject:* Re: [WSG] CSS off button

   Hi Kevin,

 I have tried some sample code for switching off the CSS in jQuery.

 Please go through this code below and let me know how far it is helping you
 - if need anyother assistance please reply

 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
 TITLE New Document /TITLE
 META NAME=Generator CONTENT=EditPlus
 link href=css/sample.css type=text/css rel=stylesheet/
 style type=text/css
 body {
  background-color: #acc;
  color: #fff;
  font-size: 25px;
 style type=text/css
 .chumma {
  background-color: #ff9900;
  color: #123456;
  font-size: 30px;
  width: 500px;
  height: 500px;
 script type=text/javascript
   $(input.offButt).click(function() {
if($(head:has(style))  $(head:has(link))){
 Sample for CSS off
 form name=sampleForm
 input type=button value=Click to Off the CSS class=offButt
 id=offButt /
 div class=chummaHi Kevin/div
 div class=nameWebsite group - Kevin/div
  On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 12:22 PM, Erickson, Kevin (DOE) 
 kevin.erick...@doe.virginia.gov wrote:

  Hello fellow WSG'ers.

 Could anyone please tell me if there is a right way to put a clickable
 button in a web page that will turn off all CSS?


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Re: [WSG] CSS off button

2010-01-27 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy

This wont remove the head element but only the style and link tags .. but I
didnt do the attribute level, I will try it out man.. thanks for the
suggestion :)


On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 5:48 PM, Oliver Boermans boerm...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 27 January 2010 17:55, Jayachandran Kandasamy
 jayachandran.kandas...@gmail.com wrote:
$(input.offButt).click(function() {
 if($(head:has(style))  $(head:has(link))){

 I’m pretty sure this will remove the head element and everything in it.
 Link elements are also used for more than just loading CSS so you
 wouldn’t want to remove them without checking the type or rel
 attribute too.

 Regarding the JavaScript


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Re: [WSG] CSS off button

2010-01-26 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Hi Kevin,

I have tried some sample code for switching off the CSS in jQuery.

Please go through this code below and let me know how far it is helping you
- if need anyother assistance please reply

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
TITLE New Document /TITLE
META NAME=Generator CONTENT=EditPlus

link href=css/sample.css type=text/css rel=stylesheet/
style type=text/css
body {
 background-color: #acc;
 color: #fff;
 font-size: 25px;
style type=text/css
.chumma {
 background-color: #ff9900;
 color: #123456;
 font-size: 30px;
 width: 500px;
 height: 500px;
script type=text/javascript
  $(input.offButt).click(function() {
   if($(head:has(style))  $(head:has(link))){
Sample for CSS off
form name=sampleForm
input type=button value=Click to Off the CSS class=offButt
id=offButt /
div class=chummaHi Kevin/div
div class=nameWebsite group - Kevin/div
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 12:22 PM, Erickson, Kevin (DOE) 
kevin.erick...@doe.virginia.gov wrote:

  Hello fellow WSG'ers.

 Could anyone please tell me if there is a right way to put a clickable
 button in a web page that will turn off all CSS?


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Re: [WSG] HTML 5

2010-01-22 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Hi Palle,

Thanks a billion :) :)


On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 12:08 AM, Palle Zingmark pa...@palleman.nu wrote:


 There are tons of good HTML 5 tutorials online. :)
 Here are my Delicious links regarding HTML 5, should cover most of your



 Palle Zingmark


 On Jan 22, 2010, at 08:44 , Jayachandran Kandasamy wrote:

  Hi All,
  Anybody is studying HTML 5 tutorial - like the tutorials should have
 examples and solutions for modern browser compatibility, please share the
 tutorials if it is available online
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Re: [WSG] Foreign language issue

2010-01-21 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Hi Tom,

Use the required UTF character set in the meta tag inside head tag  i
hope you got it  there are various character set available .. please use
the appropriate to achieve the best ... else google it for better
understanding :)


On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 8:40 PM, Tom Livingston tom...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hello list,

 I am having an issue with a client regarding Chinese HTML pages/emails.

 The client can see the page content correctly, but alt text for images
 - on hover in IE8 - as well as page title text, are appearing as
 little boxes. I don't get how the content is correct, but titles and
 alts are not.

 If anyone could educate me as to why this is occuring -  OFF-LIST -  i
 would appreciate it.

 Thanks a lot.


 Tom Livingston | Senior Interactive Developer | Media Logic |
 ph: 518.456.3015x231 | fx: 518.456.4279 | mlinc.com

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Re: [WSG] my site

2010-01-21 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Hi Marvin,

I have highlighted the code below .. please avoid using br/ tags for the
line breaks please use some margin / padding to achieve the same in CSS

Avoid using the inline style with the markup tags itself..

Rest all looks fine buddy   :) :)

Please download this validator to your FF browser.. that will help you for
validating the markup ... so no need to depend on the people for the same...

http://www.totalvalidator.com there is addon available for FF browser too.

Heres your markup :)
*!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN **
html xmlns=**http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml* http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml*

meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 /
titleJoe's Fruit and Vegetable Shop/title
link href=../styles/joe_style.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css /
div id=wrapper
  div id=banner_new
  p a name=Top/a /p
h1Joe's Fruit and Vegetable Shop/h1*

img src=../images/fruit.jpg alt=Fruit / /div
  div id=navigation

  lia href=index.htmlHome/a/li
  lia href=produce.htmlAll Produce/a/li
  lia href=recipes.htmlRecipes/a/li
  lia href=staff.htmlStaff/a/li
  lia href=history.htmlHistory/a/li*

*  lia href=search.htmlSearch/a/li
  lia href=links.htmlFruit And Vegetable Links/a/li
  lia href=vegetable.htmlFruit And Vegetable Recipes/a/li
  lia href=copyright.htmlCopyright/a/li
  lia href=credits.htmlCredits/a/li

*  br
div style=clear:both;/div
  div id=main_content
h2Today's Specials/h2
pPhone 1800-Joe-Fruit/p
hr /*

*div class=specials img src=../images/mango.jpg alt=Mango /
  p Large juicy tropical Queensland mangoes, ideal for letting the
juice drip down your chin as you eat them! br
strong$1.99 each./strong /p
div class=specials img src=../images/Mushrooms.jpg
alt=Mushrooms /*

*  h3Mushrooms/h3
  pDelicious champignon mushrooms, perfect for the French cooking you
do so well. br
strong$3.99 / kg./strong/p
div class=specials img src=../images/strawberries.jpg
alt=Strawberry /

*  pPunnet of hydroponics strawberries. Exquisite taste, mouth
watering; perfect with French vanilla ice-cream. br
strong$2.99 a Punnet./strong/p
div class=specials img src=../images/tomatoes2.jpg alt=Tomatoes
  pHydroponics tomatoes, vine ripened, juicy and red: they taste like
old-fashioned tomatoes your mother used to serve! br*

*strong$7.99 a tray (approx. 3 kg)./strong/p
hr /
pToday's specials are all available now at:/p
pJoe's Fruit Shop/p
p55 Main Road/p
pAnytown 2999/p*

*pPhone: 9555-9876/p
pFor phone orders: 1800-Joe-Fruit/p
p a 
* Website Query target=_topE-Mail Joe Bashir/a /p
hr /
  div id=footer*
*  p a href=#Top target=_topTop Of Page/a /p
p style=clear:both;
p© All Rights Reserved Joe's Fruit Shop PTY. LTD. 2009./p

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 4:04 PM, Marvin Hunkin startrekc...@gmail.comwrote:

 here's the url to my site i cam currently working on.
 okay go and read the code.
 and point out to me what errors i have and how to fix.
 any advice would be fine.
 well will work on the index page.
 and if i can improve it any better as a blind person.
 let me know.
 willing to take any advice, or pointers.


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Re: [WSG] vallidation problems

2010-01-21 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
could you please send me the validator report (screenshot) of what are u
using let me check it ...

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 7:14 PM, Marvin Hunkin startrekc...@gmail.comwrote:

 so how do i fix all my vallidation problems and my css.
 at a loss.
 what do i do.
 maybe try to copy the navigation stuff.
 do not want to take out the br /
 was vallidating in the copyright page.
 how to fix.
 please help me with this one.
 and the link which i will paste.
 having similar issues with the other pages.
 also maybe can help with the css.
 need a white background colour.
 please help.
 getting frustrated.
 my code looks real good.
 but not sure it is not vallidating.
 could i try any other validators.
 that might vallidate my code.



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Re: [WSG] css vallidation

2010-01-21 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Hi Marvin,

Why there are several properties for the same selector and written twice ..
few of them repeating .. can you please optimise it ?
Try giving the background-color: transparent instead of
background:transparent and try out..

May be some problem with the validator
On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 1:02 AM, Marvin Hunkin startrekc...@gmail.comwrote:

 how to fix this.
 will paste my errors and the css.
 and what colours to put in for names.
 cheers Marvin.

  The W3C CSS Validation Service
 W3C CSS Validator results for

 (CSS level 2.1)

 Jump to:Errors (2)Validated CSS
 W3C CSS Validator results for

 (CSS level 2.1)
 Sorry! We found the following errors (2)
 URI :

 83 #navigation li a  Value Error : background-color left is not a color
 value : left left
 95 #footer li a  Value Error : background-color left is not a color value :
 left left

 ? Top

 The W3C validators rely on community support for hosting and development.
 Donate and help us build better tools for a better web.
 Valid CSS information
 p.first:first-letter {
 text-transform : capitalize;
 font-style : italic;
 body {
 font : 100%/1.4 Helvetica Neue, Arial, sans-serif;
 background : #fff;
 .left {
 float : left;
 padding : 0 8px 8px 0;
 .clear {
 clear : left;
 h1 {
 text-align : center;
 h2 {
 text-align : center;
 a:link {
 color : #008000;
 a:visited {
 color : #22bb22;
 div#links a span {
 display : none;
 div#links a:hover span {
 display : block;
 position : absolute;
 top : 350px;
 left : 5px;
 width : 100px;
 text-decoration : none;
 a:hover {
 background-color : #006400;
 color : #ff;
 a:active {
 color : #ff;
 text-decoration : none;
 #banner {
 text-align : center;
 #content {
 margin-left : 10px;
 margin-right : 10px;
 voice-family : \}\;
 voice-family : inherit;
 margin-left : 131px;
 margin-right : 131px;
 body #content {
 margin-left : 10px;
 margin-right : 10px;
 #nav {
 position : absolute;
 left : 10px;
 top : 100px;
 width : 100px;
 text-align : center;
 #wrapper {
 width : 960px;
 background-color : #fff;
 margin : 10px auto 0 auto;
 #banner_new {
 text-align : center;
 #navigation {
 margin : 10px;
 overflow : hidden;
 #navigation li {
 display : block;
 float : left;
 *#navigation li a {
 display : block;
 float : left;
 background-image :

 background-repeat : no-repeat;
 background-attachment : scroll;
 padding-left : 32px;
 padding-right : 16px;
 padding-top : 0;
 padding-bottom : 20px;
 background-position : top;
 #navigation li a {
 display : block;
 float : left;
 background : transparent;
 padding : 0 16px 20px 0;
 *#main_content {
 margin : 10px;
 .specials {
 float : left;
 width : 470px;
 height : 250px;
 .specials img {
 float : left;
 padding : 10px;
 #footer {
 margin : 10px;
 overflow : hidden;
 #footer li {
 display : block;
 float : left;
 #footer li a {
 display : block;
 float : left;
 background-image :

 background-repeat : no-repeat;
 background-attachment : scroll;
 padding-left : 32px;
 padding-right : 16px;
 padding-top : 0;
 padding-bottom : 20px;
 background-position : top;
 ? Top

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 Copyright © 1994-2009 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved. W3C
 liability, trademark, document use and software licensing rules apply. Your
 interactions with this site are in accordance with our public and Member
 privacy statements.

 font-style: italic;
 font: 100%/1.4 Helvetica Neue, Arial, sans-serif;
 background: #fff;
 .left { float: left; padding: 0 8px 8px 0; }
 .clear {clear: left; }
 text-align: center;
 text-align: center;
 color: #008000;
 color: #22bb22;
 div#links a span
 display: none;
 div#links a:hover span
 display: block;
 position: absolute;
 top: 350px;
 left: 5px;
 width: 100px;
 text-decoration: none;
 background-color: #006400;
 color: #FF;
 color: #FF;
 text-decoration: none;
 text-align: center;
 margin-left: 10px;
 voice-family: \}\;
 voice-family: inherit;
 margin-left: 131px;
 body #content {
 margin-left: 10px;
 position: absolute;
 left: 10px;
 top: 100px;
 width: 100px;
 text-align: center;
 #wrapper { 


2010-01-21 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Hi All,

Anybody is studying HTML 5 tutorial - like the tutorials should have
examples and solutions for modern browser compatibility, please share the
tutorials if it is available online


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[WSG] Is it bug of IE 7 ??

2010-01-12 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Hi Folks,

Why does the fielset tag create rounded corner by default in the IE 7
browser, I dont have IE 6 with me and it is working fine with IE 8  FF

When we apply any border through CSS explicitly, then it works as normal.

Please revert with some valuable explanation.


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Re: [WSG] Is it bug of IE 7 ??

2010-01-12 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Hi Oddie,

Your answer was confusing rather convincing :) :)

why it is only for FIELDSET tags happening for IE 7 only can you please
gimme some examples with scenarios ???
On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 2:23 AM, Tatham Oddie tat...@oddie.com.au wrote:

  It’s not a bug – it’s just how IE decides to render it. It’s totally up
 to the browser as so how it renders controls, and the rounded corners are
 consistent with other parts of Windows.

 As soon as you apply a CSS based border, you’re just overriding this
 behaviour with your own.


 Tatham Oddie

 au mob: +61 414 275 989, us cell: +1 213 422 7068, skype: 
 tathamoddie,landline: +61
 2 8011 3982, fax: +61 2 9475 5172

 my business: tixi.com.au – Ticketing without the dramashttp://tixi.com.au/

 *From:* li...@webstandardsgroup.org [mailto:li...@webstandardsgroup.org] *On
 Behalf Of *Jayachandran Kandasamy
 *Sent:* Tuesday, 12 January 2010 9:01 PM
 *To:* wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
 *Subject:* [WSG] Is it bug of IE 7 ??

 Hi Folks,

 Why does the fielset tag create rounded corner by default in the IE 7
 browser, I dont have IE 6 with me and it is working fine with IE 8  FF

 When we apply any border through CSS explicitly, then it works as normal.

 Please revert with some valuable explanation.



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Re: [WSG] visual web developer and jaws

2010-01-11 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Hi Marvin,

Please detail your problem technically with understandable scenario :) :)


On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 4:01 AM, Marvin Hunkin startrekc...@gmail.comwrote:

 when i had jaws 10 and started this star trek application over 12 months
 when say arrowing down and reaidng in the browser.
 for each episode say for example season 4 episode 1 the best of both worlds
 part one.
 the buttons i have are edit, delete and new.
 when reading using the down arrow with jaws 11.0.746 u, the buttons read
 on one line.
 and not each button on each own separate line.
 well any visual web developer gurus.
 using visual web developer 2008 express, sql server and sql management
 studio 2008 express, on a toshiba a300 satellite psag4a 30020m.
 2 gb ram, 250 gb hard disk, 2.1 ghz proessor, ati radium video card, real
 tech audio manager, built in web cam and microphone.
 so how to fix this, so the buttons read on each line, instead on all one
 maybe in the markup code or maybe in the code behind file.
 just found this annoying when i went to jaws 11.
 the web site and the database reads fine.
 just annoying for me.
 did intend it so that the buttons were on each line one button on its own.
 any one got any ideas.

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Re: [WSG] Ways of sending a HTML email

2010-01-07 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Hi Paul,

Check this links you may get some ideas behind it.. :)



On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 7:34 AM, Paul Collins pauldcoll...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all,

 A client of mine wants a HTML email with very little budget! So, I don't
 want to spend time setting it up in Campaign monitor for him.

 I'm wondering, can you send HTML emails straight from Word or Acrobat, or
 something like that these days? I'm not up to speed and can't find any info.
 It would be good if I could hand him some kind of design he can edit and
 send himself.

 Thanks for any advice,

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Re: [WSG] breaks, lists in a form or not, and more or less divs

2010-01-05 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy

Andrew makes sense :)

What you can do is.. use pre/pre tags for the poem lines you just type
the lines how should it look inside the pre tags.

So you can include PRE tags for every stanzas and maintain the gap between
them with CSS padding.


On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 2:59 PM, Andrew and...@andrewmaben.com wrote:

  I'm sorry but that is ridiculous.

 We are talking about a poem and I assure you that the lines have a very
 definite semantic significance. Therefore the separation of the text into
 lines *must* be retained even in the absence of CSS. Any solution other than
 the br tag is needlessly complicated. Though perhaps pre might be
 acceptable in the case of concrete poetry. But some thing like this
  only be presented as an image.


 Sent from my iPod

 On Jan 5, 2010, at 1:40 AM, Jayachandran Kandasamy 
 jayachandran.kandas...@gmail.com wrote:

   Use padding / margin thru CSS instead of BRs...

 Thank u

  On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 7:50 PM, Chris F.A. Johnson 

 On Mon, 4 Jan 2010, Jayachandran Kandasamy wrote:

  Hi Dwaal,
  Please dont practice to use BR tags for line breaks..

   Why not? That's what they're for.

  it is not standard web development

   The W3C says otherwise.

  and lot of compatibility issues will occur across browsers and
  internet devices :) :)

   ??? Can you be more specific?

   Of course one shouldn't use them in continuous blocks of text (the
   browser will take care of it), but where a line break is needed
   they are fine.

  On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 2:12 AM, Frances de Waal dw...@mac.com wrote:
Hi there,
   May I ask your opinion about some semantic/HTML basics?
   In case of a poem, if I place every verse in a paragraph, what do I do
   each line of text in the verse? Is this one of the very few occasions
 to use
   breaks? A verse doesn't seem a list to me... or is it? I like your
   In the very few tutorials I have seen about how to markup a form
   semantically, both were using  a list in the form. To me that seems
   unneccessary plus too much markup. Does anyone know what can be the
   of doing it that way?
   InContextEditing, the online CMS from Adobe, needs a extra div for
   editable region. This makes me avoiding the tool. Some keep saying
   extra divs don't make any difference to a page at all. I agree they
 have no
   meaning semantically, but they do create extra code which is not
   for the content. But then again, we don't talk about 100 divs here.
   besides of best practice, is there any place where the extra divs may
   bad influence?
Frances de Waal
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   Chris F.A. Johnson  http://cfajohnson.com
   Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (2005, Apress)
   Pro Bash Programming: Scripting the GNU/Linux Shell (2009, Apress)

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Re: [WSG] Site doesn't display correctly in IE - looking for some advice please

2010-01-04 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Hey hedley..

I can see something more like the first PNG attachment man, validation is no
where related for the kind of issue you mentioned.

I hope you might have commented out some set of HTML tags or CSS, please
verify the code.

Happy New Year 2010 :)


On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 11:46 PM, hed...@digitalessence.net 
hed...@digitalessence.net wrote:


 Wondering if you guys could please shed some light on why my latest site
 isn't working in IE correctly for some people (IE 7  IE 8).

 A few people have said that they can only see the green nav bar and the
 picture of trees below it and nothing else. They should be able to see more
 than that including a black footer with images and links.

 I have validated it and it passes ok but when I run it through browsershots
 I get the results mentioned above and can't see where I have gone wrong.

 The site is: http://bentonarboriculture.co.uk/test.html

 and I have attached two images, one of how it should look and the other of
 how it appears in IE

 many thanks, and Happy New Year!

 Hedley Phillips
 Digital Essence

 T: 01306 627 128
 M: 07940 508 417
 E: hed...@digitalessence.net

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Re: [WSG] breaks, lists in a form or not, and more or less divs

2010-01-04 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Please send me the price list of the same :)

On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 3:58 AM, Paco Lira paco.l...@gmail.com wrote:

 hello everybody,

 im having a out of business sale , my partner ship finish and im going on
 my own but we ened to sell the equipment.

1. Mac Pro G5


G5 Quad Core 2.5 =  4 x 2.5 Processing power

Ram = 16GB  (two months old)

HDD = Brand New Samsung TB (1000GB) x2

Optional 2x(Samsung 22 ultra sharp)
2. Canon 500D with 18-55mm
3. Canon 18-135mm
4. Mac Mini with 4GB and snow leopard 6 months old
5. View sonic 32 LCD TV

 if any questions please let me know.

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Re: [WSG] breaks, lists in a form or not, and more or less divs

2010-01-04 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Hi Dwaal,

Please dont practice to use BR tags for line breaks.. it is not standard web
development and lot of compatibility issues will occur across browsers and
internet devices :) :)


On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 2:12 AM, Frances de Waal dw...@mac.com wrote:

 Hi there,

 May I ask your opinion about some semantic/HTML basics?

 In case of a poem, if I place every verse in a paragraph, what do I do with
 each line of text in the verse? Is this one of the very few occasions to use
 breaks? A verse doesn't seem a list to me... or is it? I like your opinion.

 In the very few tutorials I have seen about how to markup a form
 semantically, both were using  a list in the form. To me that seems totally
 unneccessary plus too much markup. Does anyone know what can be the reason
 of doing it that way?

 InContextEditing, the online CMS from Adobe, needs a extra div for every
 editable region. This makes me avoiding the tool. Some keep saying that
 extra divs don't make any difference to a page at all. I agree they have no
 meaning semantically, but they do create extra code which is not neccessary
 for the content. But then again, we don't talk about 100 divs here. So,
 besides of best practice, is there any place where the extra divs may have
 bad influence?

  Frances de Waal

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Re: [WSG] breaks, lists in a form or not, and more or less divs

2010-01-04 Thread Jayachandran Kandasamy
Use padding / margin thru CSS instead of BRs...

Thank u

On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 7:50 PM, Chris F.A. Johnson ch...@cfajohnson.comwrote:

 On Mon, 4 Jan 2010, Jayachandran Kandasamy wrote:

  Hi Dwaal,
  Please dont practice to use BR tags for line breaks..

   Why not? That's what they're for.

  it is not standard web development

   The W3C says otherwise.

  and lot of compatibility issues will occur across browsers and
  internet devices :) :)

   ??? Can you be more specific?

   Of course one shouldn't use them in continuous blocks of text (the
   browser will take care of it), but where a line break is needed
   they are fine.

  On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 2:12 AM, Frances de Waal dw...@mac.com wrote:
Hi there,
   May I ask your opinion about some semantic/HTML basics?
   In case of a poem, if I place every verse in a paragraph, what do I do
   each line of text in the verse? Is this one of the very few occasions
 to use
   breaks? A verse doesn't seem a list to me... or is it? I like your
   In the very few tutorials I have seen about how to markup a form
   semantically, both were using  a list in the form. To me that seems
   unneccessary plus too much markup. Does anyone know what can be the
   of doing it that way?
   InContextEditing, the online CMS from Adobe, needs a extra div for
   editable region. This makes me avoiding the tool. Some keep saying that
   extra divs don't make any difference to a page at all. I agree they
 have no
   meaning semantically, but they do create extra code which is not
   for the content. But then again, we don't talk about 100 divs here. So,
   besides of best practice, is there any place where the extra divs may
   bad influence?
Frances de Waal
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   Help: memberh...@webstandardsgroup.org
  List Guidelines: http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
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  Help: memberh...@webstandardsgroup.org

   Chris F.A. Johnson  http://cfajohnson.com
   Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (2005, Apress)
   Pro Bash Programming: Scripting the GNU/Linux Shell (2009, Apress)

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