[WSG] Another IE issue with CSS

2009-05-06 Thread Lynette Smith

Good afternoon

Am rushing to finish a site before I have to go away and of course, it 
had gone bad on me!


Pages at issue  in IE are bridegallery.html and 
bridesmaidgallery.html.   Fine in FX and others.

What happened was I added a new page, accessories.html.  Was going to 
use the same CSS  ul.pic  that I used for the bridegallery and 
bridsesmaidgallery pages but the images in accessories were a different 
orientation so decided to  add ul.pic2 for that page.  I adjusted the 
measurements to suit the new page.  Now the other two pages are not 
working.  My brain has frozen at the moment particularly as the client 
has now asked me if I can make the butterfly in the logo  fly onto the 
page.  Am not even going to contemplate that until I get back from my 

Is anyone able to point me in the right direction please?

Kind regards


Western Web Design  Perth

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Re: [WSG] Another IE issue with CSS

2009-05-06 Thread Lynette Smith

I am loth to say that your pages do not work at all in Opera (9.63, Linux).
This, and the IE problems are probably caused by the plethora of markup errors.

You may want to take care of purge your source of any HTML errors
before trying to adjust any CSS problems.

Sorry,  in such a rush I forgot the basics.  Will clean it up.

Thanks for the reminder!


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[WSG] Background image not visible in ie

2009-04-29 Thread Lynette Smith

Good afternoon


IE is not showing the background image on #container.  Have only just 
noticed this.  Cannot find any reason for it to be so.  I  have a very 
similar site with  a background image  on #container  and it has no 
problems in IE.

Can anyone spot the problem?  I would be most grateful.

Kind regards


Affordable web design -  Perth

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Re: [WSG] Background image not visible in ie

2009-04-29 Thread Lynette Smith

Thanks Ben, Phillip, James and Brett

The guys over at unit interactive also have a help script to help fix 
the issues with transparent PNG images in IE6.



I thought I would have a go at this one first - with the result that IE7 
shows an index page with no CSS evident and no #header image (because it 
is  positioned center center?) or #container background image, and in 
IE6  just a blank white page.

I put the js file in the main file folder (the Lightbox js files are in 
a js folder, but I also tried putting this file in the js folder, too 
with no change in result), added script type=text/javascript 
src=unitpngfix.js in the head and also in the head I put the 
conditional comment.  Also put the clear.gif image in the correct place: 
images/clear.gif.The js already had this path for the image.

So where have I gone wrong?  Just working on the computer ATM, have not 
uploaded any of this.


Kind regards



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[WSG] Issue with breadcrumbs and FX

2009-02-18 Thread Lynette Smith

Good morning

Have just started a site and run into a strange problem  - strange 
because IE  is rendering the page as it should be and other browsers are 


The breadcrumb bar should  sit at the bottom of  the #main content - in 
FX, Opera and Safari it seems to be broken in two - half sits on top of 
the #main content which is a collection of thumbnails  and half sits 
underneath.  On similar pages where I have not added thumbnails it sits 
where it should.  It would seem it is   #ul.img that is causing the 
problem though I can't work out why particularly as IE is OK with it.



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Re: [WSG] Animated gifs

2008-11-21 Thread Lynette Smith

Thanks Mike - will have a look this weekend


Not sure if it would help in this instance, but what about splitting
this into two files: load a transparent-background logo to quickly load
in front, with the ripples as a background? You may then be able to tile
the background to save a little.



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[WSG] Animated gifs

2008-11-20 Thread Lynette Smith

Good morning

Re-designing a site for a client who wants to use the same header image  
from his old site. This is an animated gif with  rippling water.  Am I 
right in thinking an animated gif will not optimise?The pic is 1.21 
MB !  The optimised version is 24.2 kb but alas, no moving water.

Kind regards


Affordable web design, Perth

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Re: [WSG] Animated gifs

2008-11-20 Thread Lynette Smith
Thanks Frederick and Chris - that's very interesting.  Will see what I 
can do.


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Re: [WSG] Animated gifs

2008-11-20 Thread Lynette Smith
I had to do this once in the past... and in the end I split the 
animation up into its individual frames, optimized each frame to 
within an inch of its life, then re-built it as an animation.  Cut the 
file size down to 10% of the original size.

That sounds good,  if a lot of work.



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Re: [WSG] Font-size inheritance issue?

2008-10-25 Thread Lynette Smith

Hi Elizabeth.

Won't guarantee this is the source of your woes, but on the Operations page,
the h2OPERATIONS isn't closed.

Yes - how embarrassing!  Can't believe I did that!

 Another couple of minor points - I'd
suggest adjusting the line spacing on your lis - in Firefox they look
crowded by comparison with the para above; I'd also suggest using spaced
endashes (#8211;) rather than hyphens where appropriate e.g. dividing the
Latin and common names of the weeds illustrated.

Thanks for the tips - much appreciate it.

Kind regards


Perth, Western Australia

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Re: [WSG] Font-size inheritance issue?

2008-10-25 Thread Lynette Smith

To err is human - typos happen :-) but this is yet another example
where running the W3C validator on the page would have immediately
identified the cause of what looked like a CSS display issue.
You are SO right, Hassan -it is usually the first thing I do when I have 
a problem - I can only blame it on a  senior moment!


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[WSG] Font-size inheritance issue?

2008-10-24 Thread Lynette Smith

Good morning


Two pages uploaded: Home and Operation. Does anyone know why the 
font-size (specified in css -  body  80%) is different on these two 
pages?  Home is the correct one, but it is bigger on the second page and 
the succeeding page (not uploaded).



Perth, Western Australia

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Re: [WSG] Font-size inheritance issue?

2008-10-24 Thread Lynette Smith

Thanks Johan - stupid of me!


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[WSG] Nested List Problem

2008-10-23 Thread Lynette Smith

Good afternoon

Am using Russ Wheatley's Simple Nested Rollover List from A List Apart.

div id=nav
   ul id=navlist
   li id=activea href=index.html 

   ul id=subnavlist
   li id=subactivea href=operation.html 

   lia href=projects.htmlProjects/a/li
   lia href=members.htmlCommittee and 

   lia href=#WEED SPECIES/a/li

   ul id=subnavlist
   li id=subactivea href=# 

   lia href=#Oxalis/a/li
   lia href=#Carnation Weed/a/li
   lia href=#Taro/a/li
   lia href=#PUBLICATIONS/a/li and so on...

Because of the repetition of  things like ul id=subnavlist it is not 
validating.  The first section (only bit actually with pages) looks good 
and works.
The example on A List Apart only dealt with subitems in the first 
section  so I am not sure if I am meant to put in subactive, current 
and so on for every section or not.
For example, in the line  lia href=projects.htmlProjects/a/li, 
should that be li id=subactivea href=projects.html 

Am I meant to put in ul id=subnavlist at the start of every sub-section?



Perth, Western Australia

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Re: [WSG] Nested List Problem

2008-10-23 Thread Lynette Smith

I see what you are asking now - this would probably need to be 
refactored to have it validate.


Perhaps just change the id's to classes?

Kind regards


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Re: [WSG] Nested List Problem

2008-10-23 Thread Lynette Smith

That might work - but then I don't know how the menu scripts work. If 
they rely on ID's, then you will need to refactor.
I changed all the id's to classes and it works. Have only changed it on 
the main page as yet but it looks OK and validates.

Thanks for the help!


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Re: [WSG] Shopping cart - who does what

2008-08-13 Thread Lynette Smith

 Do the free [shopping carts] (such as ZenCart and OsCommerce) do an 
adequate job  ?
My friend populated the shop at the time because he was savvy with 
Photoshop and could do all the image work himself. But you could as 
well end up doing that too if your client hasn't that knowledge.

That's what I am afraid of.
I think you should weigh your time vs. the fee your colleague charges. 
You might want to learn ZenCart or another eCommerce solution so you 
can do it in the future.

Thanks, Jens - will re-think if a cart is really necessary.

Kind regards


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Re: [WSG] Shopping cart - who does what

2008-08-13 Thread Lynette Smith

I think it would be worth your while to go and check out Magento 
- http://www.magentocommerce.com/

The makers of this product have done a great job of making it 
standards compliant, as well as very usable. We're in the process of 
integrating it into a new project.

OK - thanks- will do!

Kind regards


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Re: [WSG] Shopping cart - who does what

2008-08-13 Thread Lynette Smith

.Thanks  Krystian

You don't need any photoshop knowledge above resizing/cutting photos
and that's really basics.
Now about inputting products, I have made a shop for a friend who has
over 1000 products so obviously he and his team had to input all of
them (I've prepared and printed a tutorial for them with screenshots
of the back-end), but on few other projects when there were only 3-10
products I've done the job myself.

That's pretty much what I thought.

The real biggy when setting those shops is to test them thoroughly, in
every possible way before launching it live/starting proper
out-of-the-site SEO.

Then, in the end, tell your client that a shop itself won't make ANY
money if not SEO'd properly and advertised in a proper nieche
depending on your product/places you ship to, and get some extra $$$
for the job, depending on the competition.



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Re: [WSG] Shopping cart - who does what

2008-08-13 Thread Lynette Smith

Hi Jason

Don't have much to offer, but just wanted to let you know I looked 
into a custom cart awhile back for a job that never went through, but 
the cart was going to cost around $500 by the time it was ready. So 
while it seems like alot of money, it's probably a decent deal.
Well, if anything went wrong I would be able to get it sorted quicker 
via a colleague than from an open source download, is what I am 
thinking. Thanks, Jason.

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[WSG] Shopping cart - who does what

2008-08-12 Thread Lynette Smith
Have always avoided doing sites that needed a shopping cart but  a new 
client will need one.  I would appreciate some advice. Do the free ones 
(such as ZenCart and OsCommerce) do an adequate job  or would I be 
better off advising my client to go for a paid one.  I have a colleague 
who does custom-designed ones and I would be looking at about a minimum 
of  $500.

The second question is who does what?  Once I have the cart (either a 
downloaded free one or a custom one) and it is uploaded to the website,  
who inputs the products etc? I imagine the client would need to be shown 
how to do this?  What is the usual procedure?


Lyn Smith
Affordable web design - Perth, Western Australia

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Re: [WSG] Image gallery layout

2008-07-07 Thread Lynette Smith

Thanks Al - the demo looks really nice!

You could constrain the thumbnails you see on the page to a certain 
consistent dimension, using height and width or using overflow hidden 
and then show the thumbnail in its natural aspect ration on hover. 
That can be done with pure CSS. Additionally, you could something like 
Lightbox 2 to add a bit of pizazz while eliminating the popup windows. 
If you are a Dreamweaver user, we will be releasing a fully automated 
presentation framework in a week or so. Here is a live preview of the 


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Re: [WSG] Image gallery layout

2008-07-07 Thread Lynette Smith
No problem, I'm glad I saw your demo. Thanks.  I have followed Thierry's 
suggestion  in this instance and am giving the  client the option of a 
centred layout, or left or right aligned images.

Sorry. Didn't see Thierry's suggestion. That should work for you if 
perfect symmetry is not a requirement.

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[WSG] Image gallery layout

2008-07-06 Thread Lynette Smith

Good morning

My client wants her image galleries to look the same (if possible) as on 
her Power Point Presentation. These images (in PPP) are positioned  
absolutely ie a certain cm measurement  from top left in each case.  The 
images are of paintings and are NOT  of  uniform size so I am working 
with different thumbnail sizes.  I have made them a uniform  maximum 
150px high but of course some are a lot wider and do not reach 150px 


CSS is ul#img

I have tried giving them ALL a uniform height 150px  regardless of width 
- see bottom 4 images - but of course I had to add a new bit of CSS - 
ul#img2 with a much wider ul#img2 li.

I have explained that the site should look good at all screen 
resolutions and have managed to have it look OK as small  as 800 x 600.

What I am asking is if there is any other way to lay out an image 
gallery other than the way I have done (which I always use but with 
uniform thumbnails).

I don't think she will mind if I tell her it is not possible to copy her 
PPP exactly  as here we are dealing with a fluid background which needs 
to be able to change with different screen sizes but I want to be sure 
there is not another way I can accommodate her wishes.



Perth, Western Australia

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Re: [WSG] Image gallery layout

2008-07-06 Thread Lynette Smith

Srinivas Gattu wrote:

This may help:
Thanks, Srinivas but it looks a bit too complicated for me - I was 
thinking more along the lines of a different CSS approach

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Re: [WSG] Image gallery layout

2008-07-06 Thread Lynette Smith

I LOVE Lightbox! Only discovered it recently and am using it on a site 
I'm working on. From an accessibility standpoint it is awesome. The 
only 'complaint' that another developer here found was that it doesn't 
detect the user's flash player version (as swfObject does), but that's 
a minor concern really ...

Having said that, I'm not clear how this would assist in Lyn's case, 
but I'm interested to see/hear!!
My problem is that my thumbnails are different sizes.  I already have it 
organised so the large image opens in a box on the same page, it is the 
display of the thumbnails that is the issue.  Thanks for the reply, 
Susie, when I have time I will check out Lightbox.


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Re: [WSG] Image gallery layout

2008-07-06 Thread Lynette Smith

Thanks Thierry

That link doesn't work but I have checked out the site and found the 
article Using CSS to style thumbnails and captions which sounds like 
the one.

Thank you very much for the help.


You may want to check this technique as it allows the images to flow while
keeping them centered vertically/horizontally



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Re: [WSG] Image gallery layout

2008-07-06 Thread Lynette Smith


At the bottom of that article there are four links to different techniques,
the one you want to check is the last one: centering thumbnails
Yes - I am at this very moment working on that one  and it looks like it 
will be successful - I just need to convert  the wide rectangular images 
to a 150px height and I will be all set!  Thank you again - I do 
appreciate it!


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Re: [WSG] Scaling a background image

2008-06-29 Thread Lynette Smith

Chris Pearce wrote:



Has anyone been able to successfully scale a CSS background image to 
the current window size? I've done some research via Google and it 
appears this can't be done purely with CSS (at least not yet), maybe 
some JavaScript?


Is this the sort of thing you mean: http://www.bluelightning.com.au/

The image reduces in size at smaller screen resolutions.


WesternWeb Design
Perth Western Australia

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Re: [WSG] Keywords for text-less site?

2008-06-24 Thread Lynette Smith

Thanks Luke and Kerry - it will certainly  be different!

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[WSG] Firefox rendering issue

2008-06-18 Thread Lynette Smith


IE displays as intended but since I made some changes to other parts of 
the site, Firefox displays incorrectly.

It seems to want to put  #contentdata directly under  #box instead of 
under  #contentpics. 

Can anyone see where I have gone wrong?



Western Web Design
Affordable website design, Perth

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[WSG] IE6/7 not rendering an H1 correctly

2008-06-17 Thread Lynette Smith


Have been making some changes  at client's request and things have gone 
wrong. Firefox is fine and renders as intended. The issue is #content h1.

IE is not rendering it as per the css. It seems to be ignoring it.

When I validated the page, there was 1 error: #content :

# Line 56, Column 1: unclosed end-tag requires SHORTTAG YES.

   div id=content


The construct /foobar is valid in HTML (it is an example of the 
rather obscure Shorttags feature) but its use is not recommended. In 
most cases, this is a typo that you will want to fix. If you really want 
to use shorttags, be aware that they are not well implemented by browsers.

# Error Line 56, Column 1: XML Parsing Error: expected ''.

I've been staring at if for ages and I don't understand this at all and 
was wondering if this was the reason IE won't render it as intended.



Western Web Design
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Re: [WSG] IE6/7 not rendering an H1 correctly

2008-06-17 Thread Lynette Smith

I can't believe I didn't spot that!  Thank you!

I've been staring at if for ages and I don't understand this at all
and was wondering if this was the reason IE won't render it as intended.

Just above the div id=content there's a broken /div tag.


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[WSG] IE6 width issue

2008-04-27 Thread Lynette Smith

Good morning

A client is still having issues with his site  
www.bourkebridgeinn.com.au.  I asked him to send me a screenshot:


It seems to be a problem only in IE6 at a screen resolution of 800x600 
and lower.  The #header  does not fit the full width of the container on 
the left hand side as it should and neither does the #nav.   Although it 
cannot be seen in the screenshot, the footer is also far too high.At 
a resolution of 640x480, the #nav also breaks.

I was wondering if it was anything to do with the max-width I have on 
#container and #nav as I know IE6 does not recognise  max-width.

Kind regards


Lyn Smith


Affordable website design  Perth WA

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Re: [WSG] IE6 width issue

2008-04-27 Thread Lynette Smith

I was wondering if it was anything to do with the max-width I have on 
#container and #nav as I know IE6 does not recognise  max-width.
I have changed max-width: 80em to width: 100% and also changed the 
width of #main from 69% to 59%.  This seems to have fixed all the issues 
in IE6 except the #nav breaking at 640x480.

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Re: [WSG] IE6 width issue

2008-04-27 Thread Lynette Smith

Thanks Al

You need min-width in addition to, or instead of, max-width. IE7 will 
be fine, along with other modern browsers.

For IE6 you need to use a script or a CSS expression to set min-width. 
You can google ie6 min-width css expression. You should get lots of 
hits. If not, reply back and I'll give you one.
I have indeed already looked at using expressions and found it all a bit 
confusing so I resorted to not using max-width and substituting width: 
100%; it seems to be OK now. Thanks for the offer, though.
Re the #nav  breaking, is there any way around this?  I must confess I 
don't really worry about 640x480 anymore.


Lyn Smith


Affordable website design  Perth WA

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[WSG] Client cannot view website

2008-04-08 Thread Lynette Smith
I hope this post is allowed. Just had a call from a client to say he 
cannot see all of his website.  He does not seem very computer 
literate.  He says he can see the first bit ( header and the 
navigation bar underneath the header),  but below is just a green blank 

I can see nothing wrong with the site which has been up for ages and am 
thinking it is his computer though I have no idea what could be wrong.  
He uses IE.

Is there anything I can get him to check.. Url is www.bourkebridgeinn.com.au



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Re: [WSG] Client cannot view website

2008-04-08 Thread Lynette Smith

Алексей Тен wrote:

I'm can't see content in IE6 too.

Adding position:relative to #sidebar and #main fixes the problem.

Thank you - that seems to have fixed it. 

Thanks to everybody who replied - the problem seems to be limited to IE6 
- and I have fixed the embarrassing typo  in div id=header/div.

Kind regards


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