Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4

2014-09-19 Thread Joe Taylor
Hi all,

We seem to be converging on a release procedure something like the 

1. Minor bug fixes and tweaks to the packaging scripts are OK, but from 
today no new program features will be added to WSJT-X before we freeze 
code for the candidate release of v1.4.

2. G4WJS may make a few more tweaks to the hamlib library.  (Important 
question for Bill:  How will the state of that library be effectively 
frozen into the tagged candidate release?)

3. By 00:00 UTC Sept 26, one week from today, we'll agree on the SVN 
revision number of our mainline development branch,
.../branches/wsjtx, that will be tagged for the candidate release. 
We'll call the tag something like .../tags/wsjtx-1.4.0-rc1.  Code in 
this tag is frozen forever.

4. Code in the new tag will be checked out, compiled, and packaged on 
each platform for which we'll provide a binary installation package.  It 
will also be made into a compressed source tarfile.

5. The tagged source code will be SVN-copied into a new branch, 
something like .../branches/wsjtx-1.4.  Subsequent bug fixes to v1.4 
will be made there, and (if applicable) merged into the main development 
branch .../branches/wsjtx.

6. On Oct 1 I will post the new source-code tarfile at SourceForge and 
links to the binary packages (or instructions for obtaining and 
installing them) on the WSJT Home Page.

7. The mainline development branch will be bumped to v1.5.  Subsequent 
development (new program features, etc.) will take place there.

Note: All of the above refers to WSJT-X only; activity in other branches 
of our repository may continue normally.

Does this sound right?  Have I got something wrong, or left out anything 

-- Joe, K1JT

Slashdot TV.  Video for Nerds.  Stuff that Matters.
wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4

2014-09-19 Thread Joe Taylor

 Does this sound right?  Have I got something wrong, or left out anything
 We need to carry out a similar process on the WSJT-X docs although that
 need not necessarily happen until the final RC is deemed to be v1.4.0. I
 don't think we want to exactly mirror the RC tags and branches for the
 docs, I say this because IMHO merges on documents are often messy and
 have many conflicts although if there is no activity on the main line
 documents the merges will be trivial.

We can include the best available wsjtx-main.html with installation 
packages built from the tagged revision.  However, I'm presently 
inclined to allow the manual that's brought up in a browser (when the 
user hits F1) to keep changing as further improvements are made.

-- Joe

Slashdot TV.  Video for Nerds.  Stuff that Matters.
wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4

2014-09-18 Thread ki7mt

Hi Joe,

On 09/18/2014 01:25 PM, Joe Taylor wrote:

Hi all,

In preparation for the public beta release of WSJT-X v1.4 planned for
October 1, we need to agree on a revision number for the code and
supporting files that will be tagged in the repository, made into a
*.tar.gz file, etc., for the release.

At present we're at revision 4337.  As a straw-man proposal, I'd like to
suggest that any changes between now and Oct 1 should be bug fixes,
i.e., repairs of existing functionality.  This means no new features in
the next 12 days.  Is everyone OK with this?  Do you foresee a need for
other changes?

By changes, I assume your referring to ../branches/wsjtx  changes or
would you like us to halt all SVN activity apart from what you've listed 

Also: to allow time for building Linux and OS X release packages, we
need to tag the revision to be used release at least a few days before
Oct 1.  Does September 26, a week from tomorrow, seem reasonable as a
target tag date ?

This would be helpful, but once the base package(s) are created, updates 
be fairly painless, unless they are rather intrusive.  The 26th is fine 
with me. I'm not

bothered if it's 0600 MST or 2359(Z) or whatever.

We have never been so formal about such things in the past, but now that
we have a much larger and more active development group it seems the
right thing to do.  Am I forgetting anything important?

-- Joe, K1JT

Greg, KI7MT
Slashdot TV.  Video for Nerds.  Stuff that Matters.
wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4

2014-09-18 Thread Bill Somerville
On 18/09/2014 20:25, Joe Taylor wrote:
 Hi all,
Hi Joe,

 In preparation for the public beta release of WSJT-X v1.4 planned for
 October 1, we need to agree on a revision number for the code and
 supporting files that will be tagged in the repository, made into a
 *.tar.gz file, etc., for the release.

 At present we're at revision 4337.  As a straw-man proposal, I'd like to
 suggest that any changes between now and Oct 1 should be bug fixes,
 i.e., repairs of existing functionality.  This means no new features in
 the next 12 days.  Is everyone OK with this?  Do you foresee a need for
 other changes?
I may have to bend this a little but my new feature changes will not 
effect the WSJT-X revision number since they will be in Hamlib.

 Also: to allow time for building Linux and OS X release packages, we
 need to tag the revision to be used release at least a few days before
 Oct 1.  Does September 26, a week from tomorrow, seem reasonable as a
 target tag date ?

 We have never been so formal about such things in the past, but now that
 we have a much larger and more active development group it seems the
 right thing to do.  Am I forgetting anything important?
Don't forget that you can always check out a past revision and make a 
kit from that so changes can flow in continuously so long as there is 
some control on potentially breaking changes running up to the fork point.

I suggest that the SVN revision number not be used in any file names or 
documents, the tag v1.4.0 should be the definitive tag and the SVN 
revision number just a side effect of the actual revision chosen to tag. 
I.e. tag the Beta revision as v1.4.0 (more correctly v1.4.0-rc1) and 
immediately update the version number in Versions.cmake so that any new 
build gets a different id.

After that we can either decide to remain feature frozen until v1.4.0 is 
released or branch for bug fixes with the main line being bumped to 
v1.5.0 (or v1.4.1) and fixes going into the v1.4.0 branch and also 
merged into the main line. The latter parallel new features plus a 
feature frozen branch destined to be a release is a more normal 
procedure but we could simplify to the former with no new features 
through -rc2 .. -rcN until v1.4.0 is released. I prefer the branched 
model personally as branches are very cheap in source control systems 
and merging of bug fixes is easy so long as all developers working on 
the release candidate branch understand that they must merge all fixes 
into the main line as well using the appropriate SVN merge command so 
that a proper SVN history is maintained.

   -- Joe, K1JT

Slashdot TV.  Video for Nerds.  Stuff that Matters.
wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4

2014-09-17 Thread Bill Somerville
On 12/09/2014 16:51, Joe Taylor wrote:
 Hi all,
Hi Joe,

 Consensus has it that an open Beta Release of WSJT-X v1.4 on or about
 October 1 makes good sense.

 Toward that end, here's a tentative version of an announcement that
 would be made on the wsjtgroup reflector -- our most active public forum
 for users.

 Please read the following carefully and suggest changes, additions, or

 I'm also looking for suggestions on the new WSJT-X User Guide.


 We invite you to download and install a Beta Release of the WSJT-X,
 version 1.4.  Download links are posted on the WSJT home page.
 (NB: the links are not yet there!)

 Important program changes in version 1.4 relative to v1.3, r3673 include
 the following:

 1. Much improved CAT control for most radios, including expanded support
 for Commander, Ham Radio Deluxe, and OmniRig.  WSJT-X now simulates
 Split mode for rigs that do not have such a feature.
We should say that one way CAT control is no longer supported. Users may 
choose no CAT control or have working two CAT control so that the 
application can verify that the commands sent to the rig have been 
executed. The most common causes of only having one way CAT control are 
either bad wiring of interface cables (particularly serial cables with 
broken or missing RxD connections) or RFI causing corruption of serial 
data during transmission periods.

Split mode operation (JT65+JT9 mode) is now supported via HRD if HRD 
provides the appropriate controls to enable split mode and set the rig 
TX frequency.

 2. New and far more flexible configuration screen.  Many options
 previously on the Setup menu now appear on the Settings screen.
Multiple spot operating frequencies per band can be set up. All 
recognized amateur bands are supported and offsets for transverters can 
set up.

 3. Much smoothing and polishing of user interface.  Optional
 user-defined palettes for waterfall, user-defined fonts for Astronomical
 Data screen, etc.
Also user defined fonts for the main screen and decoded text areas.

 4. JT65 decoder now accepts negative values of DT down to -3.2 s,
 eliminating most of the occasional garbage decodes.

 5. Better (glitch-free) behavior of audio streams.

 6. Better handling of messages that include compound callsigns.

 7. Support for standard localization conventions.

 8. Writable files now appear platform-dependent standard locations.
This allows for more efficient installation on all platforms supported 
and also allows settings to be seamlessly carried forward during future 
program upgrades.

 9. A new WSJT-X User Guide is available.  Additions and changes will
 continue, but most sections are now in good shape.  Click on
 to read the manual.

 In addition, there are many internal changes to the project aimed at
 cleaning up the code, establishing a standard set of compile-and-build
 tools, and making the whole package more readily maintained by an active

 WSJT-X does not cooperate properly with Ham Radio Deluxe when HRD
 Logbook or DM780 are also running in parallel.  This is an HRD issue,
 and we believe they are working to resolve it.
Due to the way that HRD provides external rig control to other 
applications; it has not been possible to initially provide support for 
all rigs via HRD. We have built in diagnostics that allow quick 
identification of the extra support needed to support untested rigs via 
HRD. We urge users that prefer to use HRD to control their rigs to try 
this new version and report back results, we will then add any missing 
support based on feedback from users as soon as possible.

 About 25 amateurs, including all of the most active members of the
 Development Team, have been regular users WSJT-X built from recent code
 revisions.  We find the program to be a pleasure to use.  We look
 forward to user feedback on the latest version.

   -- 73, Joe, K1JT (for the WSJT Deveopment Team)


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Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4

2014-09-17 Thread nick
On 17/09/14 11:40, Bill Somerville wrote:
 We should say that one way CAT control is no longer supported. Users may
 choose no CAT control or have working two CAT control so that the
 application can verify that the commands sent to the rig have been


what about those who are using a software radio e.g. sdr-shell, which 
does not support two way CAT control?


Nick G3VNC

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Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4

2014-09-17 Thread ki7mt

Hi Bill,

See below.

On 09/17/2014 10:17 AM, Bill Somerville wrote:

On 17/09/2014 16:55, ki7mt wrote:

Hi Bill,

Hi Greg,

On 09/17/2014 04:49 AM, Bill Somerville wrote:

On 12/09/2014 21:38, KI7MT wrote:

Hi Joe,

Hi Greg,

If you intended to release the Beta October 1st, I'm sure either John (
AC6SL ) or myself could come up with either a PPA or Debian Package,
maybe both.

I've not built WSJT-X using Qmake in a while, but, if and
wsjtx/lib/Makefile are up to date, we could probably pull together a
tar.gz with instructions for building from source. Need to confirm that
will Bill of course.

I don't understand why you would want to build with qmake? CMake builds
are fully supported on Linux and the package target can produce a Debian
package, an RPM package and, a source tarball.
I don't want to use Qmake. I prefer Cmake.  At the time, I thought 
that may be another option, but Cmake is certainly the way to go 
IMHO. The TGZ package being produced is all binary files, so if the 
intent is to provide a real source tar.gz, we'll need to sift through 
the files and clean out the Windows stuff.


cmake --build build-tree-path --target package_source

I think you will find that builds a variety of source packages in 
different compression tools.

Ok, thanks, I'll have a play with that and see what pops out.

I realize that there are some minor issues with each of these but they
are far closer to a working distributable package than a raw qmake
build. For example licence terms, icons, desktop files, man pages and,
application descriptions are all handled in the CMake package builders.
I think the manpages are, for the time being, are secondary or even 
tertiary consideration with respect to the beta. The hardest thing 
(for Debian at least) is that copyright file. Needs to accurate and 
formatted properly.
OK, can you point me to a reference so I can check if the DEB file 
produced at the moment is incorrect.

This is John's  (AS6SL) debian package for that latest WSJT-X in the 
Ubuntu / Debian repo's. It's a bit dated as that was the last release of 
WSJT-X, but the Control file  Copyright files are examples of what 
needs to be there. The control file sorts out the build and runtime 
dependency packages.


Debian Copyright File Reference:

The files are in the debian folder in the archive.

Greg, KI7MT

In any case I can help out in those two areas, but not on Mac I'm afraid.

Same applies for Mac although John G4KLA is already using the CMake
packaging for Mac AFAIK.

Greg, KI7MT


On 9/12/2014 20:25, Joe Taylor wrote:

Hi all,

For the forthcoming beta release of WSJT-X v1.4, is it feasible for us
to have ready suitable installation packages (and instructions) for
Linux and OS X, as well as Windows?

-- Joe


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Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4

2014-09-15 Thread Michael Black
Change this in mainwindow.cpp

void MainWindow::killFile()
  if(m_fname==m_fileToSave) {
  } else {
QFile savedFile(m_fname);

To this temporarily and see what error pops up.  I would think it has to be
locked for some reason.
Since we don't want this to loop what I would do is, if it fails, push the
filename onto a queue and then walk the queue every time this is called
removing the name on success.
That way it would eventually be removed if the program isn't shut down (or
is killFile called on shutdown??) assuming this is a temporary error.

void MainWindow::killFile()
  if(m_fname==m_fileToSave) {
  } else {
QFile savedFile(m_fname);

Mike W9MDB

-Original Message-
From: John Nelson [] 
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2014 7:55 AM
To: WSJT software development
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4

Hi Mike,

No, WSJT-X doesn't crash.  (And neither does the computer - it's a Mac.) No,
the computer doesn't sleep when WSJT-X is running.  
No, only one version is running.   

I always quit WSJT-X normally when I have had enough.

I am not sure that a dir of the directory will provide you with any
information but here is a recent snippet.

This is not something I'm losing sleep over.   I thought I would just
mention the issue as an observation.

--- John G4KLA

-rw-r--r--  1 jmn  staff  1440044 Sep 13 10:12 140913_0912.wav
-rw-r--r--  1 jmn  staff  1440044 Sep 13 10:17 140913_0917.wav
-rw-r--r--  1 jmn  staff  1440044 Sep 13 10:28 140913_0928.wav
-rw-r--r--  1 jmn  staff  1440044 Sep 13 19:44 140913_1844.wav

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Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4

2014-09-15 Thread John Nelson

Try this.   Let WSJT-X be in Monitor mode.Now suppose that you are looking 
at a particular trace and after the Decode takes place sometime after 52 
seconds you notice that your trace was not decoded.   Shame.  Now press the 
Decode button, say around 10 secs in the next cycle in hte hope that decode 
might be successful.Monitor your save directory for the next couple of  
cycles.  When I do this, a wav file will be left and not deleted.

--- John G4KLA
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Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4

2014-09-15 Thread Michael Black does behave that way.  On purpose I would imagine.
If you had problems decoding it perhaps you want to hang on to it.
How is it supposed to determine when to delete it after you've expressed
interest in it?

Ergo the menu option to erase all *.wav files.

Mike W9MDB

-Original Message-
From: John Nelson [] 
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2014 1:54 PM
To: WSJT software development
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4


Try this.   Let WSJT-X be in Monitor mode.Now suppose that you are
looking at a particular trace and after the Decode takes place sometime
after 52 seconds you notice that your trace was not decoded.   Shame.  Now
press the Decode button, say around 10 secs in the next cycle in hte hope
that decode might be successful.Monitor your save directory for the next
couple of  cycles.  When I do this, a wav file will be left and not deleted.

--- John G4KLA

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Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4

2014-09-14 Thread Michael Black
It means later-in-the-code...not later in the development process.

if(!keepFile and !m_diskData) killFileTimer-start(45*1000); //Kill in 45 s

You shouldn't be seeing any saved files unless you have it checked.

Mike W9MDB

-Original Message-
From: John Nelson [] 
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2014 5:08 AM
To: WSJT software development
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4

Hi Joe,

During further tests of r4309 I notice (as before) that .wav files are saved
even though None is selected in the Save menu.

I notice this in mainwindow.cpp:

if(!m_diskData) {//Always save; may delete later

Has later now arrived?

--- John G4KLA

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Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4

2014-09-14 Thread John Nelson
Concerning .wav files being saved:

Mike writes:

 You shouldn't be seeing any saved files unless you have it checked.

That's exactly my point.  I am seeing it even though None is checked.  Not 
every decode is saved.  It seems to be intermittent.

--- John g4KLA--
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Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4

2014-09-14 Thread Michael Black
Is your program crashing?

Are you letting your computer go to sleep?

How often is this happening?

Can you give us a dir of that directory?


With a polite shutdown it removes the file.


Then there's the question of what happens you have multiple ones running?
Name collision?


Mike W9MDB


From: John Nelson [] 
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2014 9:34 AM
To: WSJT software development
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4


Concerning .wav files being saved:


Mike writes:


 You shouldn't be seeing any saved files unless you have it checked.


That's exactly my point.  I am seeing it even though None is checked.  Not
every decode is saved.  It seems to be intermittent.


--- John g4KLA

Want excitement?
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Perforce version control. Predictably reliable.
wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4

2014-09-14 Thread David

Hi .just had a look in my .local/WSJTX/save file and found about 40 .wav
files saved when in the save config i have none

73 David VK4BDJ

On 15/09/14 06:40, Michael Black wrote:

Is your program crashing?

Are you letting your computer go to sleep?

How often is this happening?

Can you give us a dir of that directory?

With a polite shutdown it removes the file.

Then there's the question of what happens you have multiple ones 
running?  Name collision?

Mike W9MDB

*From:*John Nelson []
*Sent:* Sunday, September 14, 2014 9:34 AM
*To:* WSJT software development
*Subject:* Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4

Concerning .wav files being saved:

Mike writes:

 You shouldn't be seeing any saved files unless you have it checked.

That's exactly my point.  I /am/ seeing it even though None is 
checked.  Not every decode is saved.  It seems to be intermittent.

--- John g4KLA

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wsjt-devel mailing list

73 David VK4BDJ
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Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4

2014-09-14 Thread Michael Black
How about a directory so we can dates/times?

Is your program crashing at all?  Or you shutting down without shutting down
the program?


Or there any possibility of the file being in-use somehow and preventing
removal?  There's no error reported if so.



From: David [] 
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2014 3:57 PM
To: WSJT software development
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4


Hi .just had a look in my .local/WSJTX/save file and found about 40 .wav
files saved when in the save config i have none

73 David VK4BDJ

On 15/09/14 06:40, Michael Black wrote:

Is your program crashing?

Are you letting your computer go to sleep?

How often is this happening?

Can you give us a dir of that directory?


With a polite shutdown it removes the file.


Then there's the question of what happens you have multiple ones running?
Name collision?


Mike W9MDB


From: John Nelson [] 
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2014 9:34 AM
To: WSJT software development
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4


Concerning .wav files being saved:


Mike writes:


 You shouldn't be seeing any saved files unless you have it checked.


That's exactly my point.  I am seeing it even though None is checked.  Not
every decode is saved.  It seems to be intermittent.


--- John g4KLA

Want excitement?
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k iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk

wsjt-devel mailing list


73 David VK4BDJ

Want excitement?
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Perforce version control. Predictably reliable.
wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4

2014-09-14 Thread Michael Black
Try the different kill levels on the process and see if any of them leave a
file hanging around.


I think a kill -9 probably would leave the file but at some lower level it
should still clear the file.


Mike W9MDB


From: David [] 
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2014 4:50 PM
To: WSJT software development
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4


Hi...deleted the 40 .wav files in the .local/share/WSJT-X/save dir
and used WSJT-X but no new files have appeared  
running Linux  WSJT-X 1.4 r4312...i update my files each day before
i use the program

73 David VK4BDJ

On 15/09/14 07:23, Michael Black wrote:

How about a directory so we can dates/times?

Is your program crashing at all?  Or you shutting down without shutting down
the program?


Or there any possibility of the file being in-use somehow and preventing
removal?  There's no error reported if so.



From: David [] 
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2014 3:57 PM
To: WSJT software development
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4


Hi .just had a look in my .local/WSJTX/save file and found about 40 .wav
files saved when in the save config i have none

73 David VK4BDJ

On 15/09/14 06:40, Michael Black wrote:

Is your program crashing?

Are you letting your computer go to sleep?

How often is this happening?

Can you give us a dir of that directory?


With a polite shutdown it removes the file.


Then there's the question of what happens you have multiple ones running?
Name collision?


Mike W9MDB


From: John Nelson [] 
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2014 9:34 AM
To: WSJT software development
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4


Concerning .wav files being saved:


Mike writes:


 You shouldn't be seeing any saved files unless you have it checked.


That's exactly my point.  I am seeing it even though None is checked.  Not
every decode is saved.  It seems to be intermittent.


--- John g4KLA

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k iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk

wsjt-devel mailing list


73 David VK4BDJ

Want excitement?
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k iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk

wsjt-devel mailing list


73 David VK4BDJ

Want excitement?
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