Hi Bill,

See below.

On 09/17/2014 10:17 AM, Bill Somerville wrote:
On 17/09/2014 16:55, ki7mt wrote:
Hi Bill,
Hi Greg,

On 09/17/2014 04:49 AM, Bill Somerville wrote:
On 12/09/2014 21:38, KI7MT wrote:
Hi Joe,
Hi Greg,
If you intended to release the Beta October 1st, I'm sure either John (
AC6SL ) or myself could come up with either a PPA or Debian Package,
maybe both.

I've not built WSJT-X using Qmake in a while, but, if wsjtx.pro and
wsjtx/lib/Makefile are up to date, we could probably pull together a
tar.gz with instructions for building from source. Need to confirm that
will Bill of course.
I don't understand why you would want to build with qmake? CMake builds
are fully supported on Linux and the package target can produce a Debian
package, an RPM package and, a source tarball.
I don't want to use Qmake. I prefer Cmake. At the time, I thought that may be another option, but Cmake is certainly the way to go IMHO. The TGZ package being produced is all binary files, so if the intent is to provide a real source tar.gz, we'll need to sift through the files and clean out the Windows stuff.

cmake --build <build-tree-path> --target package_source

I think you will find that builds a variety of source packages in different compression tools.

Ok, thanks, I'll have a play with that and see what pops out.

I realize that there are some minor issues with each of these but they
are far closer to a working distributable package than a raw qmake
build. For example licence terms, icons, desktop files, man pages and,
application descriptions are all handled in the CMake package builders.
I think the manpages are, for the time being, are secondary or even tertiary consideration with respect to the beta. The hardest thing (for Debian at least) is that copyright file. Needs to accurate and formatted properly.
OK, can you point me to a reference so I can check if the DEB file produced at the moment is incorrect.

This is John's (AS6SL) debian package for that latest WSJT-X in the Ubuntu / Debian repo's. It's a bit dated as that was the last release of WSJT-X, but the Control file & Copyright files are examples of what needs to be there. The control file sorts out the build and runtime dependency packages.

Link: https://launchpad.net/~jnogatch/+archive/ubuntu/wsjtx/+files/wsjtx_1.1.r3496.1-1~jtn~trusty.debian.tar.gz

Debian Copyright File Reference:

The files are in the debian folder in the archive.

Greg, KI7MT

In any case I can help out in those two areas, but not on Mac I'm afraid.
Same applies for Mac although John G4KLA is already using the CMake
packaging for Mac AFAIK.
Greg, KI7MT
On 9/12/2014 20:25, Joe Taylor wrote:
Hi all,

For the forthcoming beta release of WSJT-X v1.4, is it feasible for us
to have ready suitable installation packages (and instructions) for
Linux and OS X, as well as Windows?

        -- Joe


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