[Wtr-general] DL::DLError: too many callbacks are defined

2007-02-16 Thread Dave Munns
After running a lengthy script that processes lots of modal dialogs and 
javascript alerts, I get the infamous error, DL::DLError: too many callbacks 
are defined.

I am running Ruby 1.8.5-21 and Watir and it has been able to handle 
modal dialogs and javascript alerts with a modification to watir.rb (added 
include Win32 stmt after line “module PageContainer”)

I reviewed 2 threads on this issue, each with their own modifications to 

The first solution removes return statements from enum procs for getChildHandle 
and getWindowHandle.

The second solution adds DL.remove_callback to winClicker.rb methods with 
DL.callback calls.

Looking at winClicker.rb, I see the 2nd solution implemented for Watir Is there a validated solution for this problem?
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Re: [Wtr-general] Referencing dynamically generated objects

2007-01-03 Thread Dave Munns
Thanks Brett, that worked!  Is there documentation that describes the arguments 
available for each object?
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Re: [Wtr-general] Select List in Modal Dialog

2007-01-03 Thread Dave Munns
It turns out that there are multiple paths to my select_list and one of them 
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Re: [Wtr-general] CRITICAL---Clicking Image Button in Application

2007-01-02 Thread Dave Munns
Woud you post the html for the image?
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[Wtr-general] Referencing dynamically generated objects

2007-01-02 Thread Dave Munns
Happy New Year!
I have a question that concerns dynamically generated html tags and how to 
reference them. In a specific frame, a certain operation creates a new object. 
This object was given a name by my automation tool to make it unique and 
recognizable by my tool.
I can reference the object using ...image( :id,'imgTreeNodePlusMinus_8158' ) 
which is a product generated identifier which is a value that I cannot predict. 
What I want to use is the identifier that my tool generates, in this case 
The html for the object is:
Active Element: [SPAN], Frame: [fraNavigation], Index: [150] 
SPAN class=DATAZONE-TREE-NODE-TEXT id=spnNodeText_8158 
onmouseover=treeItemMouseOver(); style=COLOR: #7d69d6; TEXT-DECORATION: 
underline onclick=navToASPPageForNode(); onmouseout=treeItemMouseOut(); 
udefModuleID=8 udefNodeDesc=A0MGdyn0.78108587205286 for DEV2003DC 
udefModuleName=Administration  udefNodeID=158 udefASP= 
udefContext=machines udefNodeTitle=A0MGdyn0.78108587205286 
udefHelp=AdminMachMngrMGDynam.htm udefParentNodeID=7 
The only unchanging identifier for this object is the value 
Is there a way to reference the object using this value?
I have tried:
 .image( :id, /A0MGdyn0.78108587205286/ ).click
 .image( :id, 'A0MGdyn0.78108587205286' ).click
 .image( :title, 'A0MGdyn0.78108587205286' ).click
as well as .span with the above parameters.
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Re: [Wtr-general] Simulate CNTRL-LEFT CLICK

2006-12-26 Thread Dave Munns
Here is the html for the object I want to control-leftclick: I do not see that 
action described in the html, but I can manually make it happen.
ie.frame('fraNavigation').span(:id,'spnNodeText_120').html =
SPAN class=DATAZONE-TREE-ITEM-TEXT id=spnNodeText_120 
onmouseover=treeItemMouseOver(); style=\CURSOR: wait; COLOR: white; 
onclick=navToASPPageForNode(); onmouseout=treeItemMouseOut();
udefModuleID=\1\ udefNodeDesc=\This view shows a central repository of Event
Log Settings for all machines in the Machine Group.  Event Log Settings determin
e log size and overwrite policy (what happens when the log fills up).  Tip: 
Watch the  oldest event  to determine if your log size is correct.  If log 
sizes are too small, the oldest event will be very recent.\ 
udefModuleName=\Console\ u
defNodeID=\20\ udefASP=\LaunchNodeSRSReport.asp?strReportPath=/ECM 
Reports/Standard/strReportName=Node - Event 
udefContext=\machines\ udefNodeTitle=\Settings\ 
udefHelp=\ConEventLogSettings.htm\ udefParentNodeID=\18Settings/SPAN
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Re: [Wtr-general] Simulate CNTRL-LEFT CLICK

2006-12-19 Thread Dave Munns
I have seen examples that double click on an object ( fire_event(onDblClick) 
but have been unable to simulate a Control-Left Click. Any ideas?
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Re: [Wtr-general] Simulate CNTRL-LEFT CLICK

2006-12-19 Thread Dave Munns
The control left click on a specific object will invoke a frame with a list of 
data. No url's involved...
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Re: [Wtr-general] How to Find count for the text_field with same names

2006-12-14 Thread Dave Munns
That's where accessing an object by index may work. Try something like:
ie.frame('ifyouhaveaframe').button(:index,2).html to see if it is accessing the 
correct object, then .click it.
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Re: [Wtr-general] Memory access errors

2006-12-06 Thread Dave Munns
Reinstalling IE6 fixed the problem. It appears that an install of QTP6 affected 
some critical dlls.
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Re: [Wtr-general] Deeply Nested html from Microsoft Report Server Viewer

2006-12-06 Thread Dave Munns
Using irb, flashing areas of the report window, and following html links 
eventually gets to answers.
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Re: [Wtr-general] Modal Dialog dismissal launching Javascript alert window

2006-12-06 Thread Dave Munns
Managed to get this working, using click within modal_dialog and the 
recommended javascript alert window processing code.
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Re: [Wtr-general] setting text field in table

2006-12-01 Thread Dave Munns
Thanks Paul. Referencing the text_field by index does indeed work.
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[Wtr-general] setting text field in table

2006-11-29 Thread Dave Munns
This problem seems to defy conventional solutions. Does someone have a solution 

The html:

irb ie.frame('fraDataZone').table(:index,1).table(:index,1)[1].html

= \r\nTR udefReportName=\Dashboard - Machine Change Management\TD 
vAlign=bottom align=right udefParmName=\StartDate\Start 
Date/TD\r\nTDINPUT value=\11/22/2006 2:53:28 PM\/TD/TR

The screen has a lable, Start Date, followed by a text field.

I have tried accessing the text field by :name and :id, and irb just whines:

 Date').set('11/11/2005 12:00:00PM')

 Date').set('11/11/2005 12:00:00PM')

Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException: Unable to locate object, using name 
and Start Date
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[Wtr-general] Simulate CNTRL-LEFT CLICK

2006-11-28 Thread Dave Munns
I have the following html and I want to navigate to Best Practices - Operating 
System and CNTL-LEFT CLICK. 

1) How do I reference that value? 
2) How can a CNTRL-LEFT CLICK be simulated?

irb ie.frame('fraDataZone').form(:index,2).html
= \r\nFORM id=frmGridParms style=\DISPLAY: none\ action=# method=post 
target=\\INPUT id=lngNodeID type=hidden value=109 name=lngNodeID INPUT 
id=strModuleName type=hidden value=Compliance name=strModuleName INPUT 
id=lngModuleID type=hidden value=2 name=lngModuleID INPUT id=strNodeTitle 
type=hidden value=\Best Practices - Operating Systems\ name=strNodeTitle 
INPUT id=strNodeName type=hidden name=strNodeName INPUT 
id=strNodeDescription type=hidden name=strNodeDescription INPUT 
id=strNodeImage type=hidden 
name=strNodeImage INPUT id=strDataFilter type=hidden name=strDataFilter 
INPUT id=strSRSFilter type=hidden name=strSRSFilter INPUT 
id=strDataFilterOriginal type=hidden name=strDataFilterOriginal INPUT 
id=strFilterOn type=hidden value=0 name=strFilterOn INPUT 
id=strFilterOnOriginal type=hidden value=0 name=strFilterOnOriginal INPUT 
id=strHelp type=hidden value=CompTemplates
 IncRuleGrp.htm name=strHelp INPUT id=strShowTitle type=hidden value=1 
name=strShowTitle INPUT id=strContext type=hidden value=machines 
name=strContext INPUT id=strReportName type=hidden value=\Node - Compliance 
Results\ name=strReportName INPUT id=strReportPath type=hidden 
value=\Reports/Standard/\ name=strReportPath INPUT id=strParameters 
type=hidden value=RunID;11 name=strParameters INPUT id=strSRSSummary 
type=hidden value=1 name=strSRSSummary INPUT id=strAltASP type=hidden 
value=datagrid.asp name=strAltASP INPUT id=Dashboard type=hidden value=0 
name=Dashboard INPUT id=SRSListCol type=hidden name=SRSListCol INPUT 
id=SRSListColOriginal type=hidden name=SRSListColOriginal INPUT 
id=strComplianceResults type=hidden value=1
name=strComplianceResults INPUT id=strReportWindowStatus type=hidden 
value=closed name=strReportWindowStatus INPUT id=DynamicParmName type=hidden 
name=DynamicParmName INPUT id=DynamicParmValue type=hidden 
name=DynamicParmValue /FORM
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Re: [Wtr-general] WIN32OLERuntimeError - I get this error after two hours - see details

2006-11-09 Thread Dave Munns
Can you break up the test into smaller chunks? Say test1 checks one type of 
link and exits, Test2 checks another type of link and exits,  Perhaps this 
workaround will get you more complete results, assuming it's a timing or space 
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[Wtr-general] Deeply Nested html from Microsoft Report Server Viewer

2006-10-31 Thread Dave Munns
I am dealing with many reports that were generated from the Microsoft Report 
Server Viewer, according to the html. I want to code a wait_until that senses 
when the report is done being generated. Each report has a Document Map that 
appears after the message 'Report is being generated' disappears. For 2 reports 
I have been able to find the html and text that has a value of either  or 
Document Map and signals that the report has been generated. It was buried 3 
frames deep. Is there a way to speed up the search in heavily nested html? 
Using irb, it's a game of manually following many paths
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Re: [Wtr-general] Javascript Alert windows

2006-10-27 Thread Dave Munns
I tried method 1 and method 2, with no success. I am using Watir 1.5 to support 
modal dialogs. Using irb I can access certain portions of the Javascript alert 
window, such as the title (I attach to the window by title) and 3 text areas 
that are DIV areas. The window has 2 buttons at the bottom. I want to click on 
the CLOSE button.  I have tried accessing the button as follows:


The button is defined outside of a SPAN or DIV but is within a TABLE.
Here is the html that contains that button (id='imgFinishButton'):

irb ie.table(:index,1)[5].html

= \r\nTRTD class=wizButtons colSpan=2 height=27IMG height=19 
src=\images/spacer.gif\ width=10 align=left INPUT id=imgHelpButton 
onmouseover=swapImage(); onfocus=checkFocus(); onclick=cmdHelp_Click(); 
onmouseout=swapImage(); type=image height=20 width=80 
3/images/imgHelpButton.gif\ align=left border=0 udefDisabled=\false\ 
\r\nDIV style=\DISPLAY: none\INPUT id=imgCancelButton 
onmouseover=swapImage(); onfocus=checkFocus(); onclick=cmdCancel_Click(); 
onmouseout=swapImage(); type=image height=20 width=80 
src=\images\\imgCancelButton.gif\ bord
er=0 udefDisabled=\false\ IMG height=19 src=\images/spacer.gif\ width=8 
INPUT id=imgBackButton onmouseover=swapImage(); onfocus=checkFocus(); 
accessKey=B onclick=cmdBack_Click(); onmouseout=swapImage(); type=image 
height=20 width=80 src=\http://qlwdmunns2k3/ecm4/L1033/images/imgBackButtonDi
sabled.gif\ border=0 udefDisabled=\true\ udefACCESSKEY=\2\ IMG height=19 
gif\ width=8 INPUT id=imgNextButton onmouseover=swapImage(); 
onfocus=checkFocus(); accessKey=N onclick=cmdNext_Click(); 
onmouseout=swapImage(); type=image height=20 width=80 src=\http://qlwdmunns2
k3/ecm4/L1033/images/imgNextButtonDisabled.gif\ border=0 udefDisabled=\true\ 
udefACCESSKEY=\14\ IMG height=19 src=\images/spacer.gif\ width=8 
/DIVINPUT id=imgFinishButton onmouseover=swap
Image(); onfocus=checkFocus(); onclick=cmdFinish_Click(); 
onmouseout=swapImage(); type=image height=20 width=80 
src=\http://qlwdmunns2k3/ecm4/L1033/images/imgCloseButton.gif\; border=0 
udefDisabled=\false\ IMG height=19 src=\images/spacer.gif\ width=10 
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Re: [Wtr-general] Handling multiple versions of a website [advice needed]

2006-10-24 Thread Dave Munns
I have written a product testing tool that automates the navigation (detecting 
GUI changes) through 320+ classes in a web-based gui. It also generates 
performance measurements.

The tool is designed in 3 levels ( each in an rb file): 1) the high level test 
classes (named to easily map to the GUI object screen labels) and a main method 
with navigation steps, 2) a middle level that processes table row and column 
data, and 3) a low level that identifies each web object by html tag.

The product's GUI does change with each release and even between builds. 
Separating the html tag identifiers (level 3) from the data level (level 2) 
from the navigation (level 1) helps with these changes in that it is easy to 
know which file and class needs changing. Additions are also easily made to the 
correct file, so entropy does not creep in, maintenance does not suffer.

By incorporating the test automation tool into the product build process, the 
goal is to determine when the product is ready to hand over to the QA dept.
Time will tell if this simple approach can keep up with a commercial software 
product lifecycle.
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Re: [Wtr-general] Modal Dialog and checkbox

2006-10-20 Thread Dave Munns
Without a sufficient delay (in this case 10 seconds), checkboxes are not 
recognized in the modal dialog - running (nodebug) in Eclipse or running from 
the command line.  

This workaround is simple and acceptable short term. Would retry logic in watir 
be a possible long term solution?
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[Wtr-general] Modal Dialog and checkbox

2006-10-19 Thread Dave Munns
I am navigating a modal dialog with radio buttons, buttons, and checkboxes. 
Everything works when I run in debug mode (using Eclipse). When I run nondebug, 
the checkbox identifiers (by id) are not recognized. Example code:

ie.modal_dialog.checkbox( :id, 'inpCheckBoxDC_19' ).set 
ie.modal_dialog.checkbox( :id, 'inpCheckBoxDC_23' ).set  
ie.modal_dialog.checkbox( :id, 'inpCheckBoxDC_20' ).set  
ie.modal_dialog.checkbox( :id, 'inpCheckBoxDC_1' ).set   
ie.modal_dialog.checkbox( :id, 'inpCheckBoxDC_2' ).set  

I added a sleep stmt between checkbox stmts to slow things down and watir still 

in `assert_exists': Unable to locate object, using id and inpCheckBoxDC_19 

Any tips on how to make watir happy?
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Re: [Wtr-general] Modal Dialog and checkbox

2006-10-19 Thread Dave Munns
I'll answer my own question. If the code sleeps long enough, in this case 10 
seconds, the checkboxes are recognized and set. This seems to be the common 
cure for Modal dialog-itis
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Re: [Wtr-general] Memory access errors

2006-10-16 Thread Dave Munns
The error comes from an iexpore.exe - Application Error window:
The instruction at 0x4a5b02f1 referenced memory at 0x0004. The memory 
could not be read. 

At 1st I thought it was my test tool, but when I run the product I am testing, 
I get the same error message.  I reinstalled the product as well as Ruby and 
Watir and still get this error.

Why would IE suddenly start complaining? Could Ruby/watir corrupt files in IE?
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Re: [Wtr-general] cell access

2006-10-10 Thread Dave Munns
Span and theIndex are good for locating items. In order to construct a loop and 
access all items, how does one find out the number of items in a span element?
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[Wtr-general] links in a frame

2006-10-09 Thread Dave Munns
After reviewing the forum and trying various ways to access a list of links in 
a frame, I now ask here. Given a frame that appears to contain a list of links, 
how does one click on one of these links?

Using irb, I have tested variants on: ie.frame(fraDataZone).link(:text, 
irb returns an UnknownObjectException: Unable to locate object, using text and 

I am guessing that I am dealing with a list of links, is there a way to verify 
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Re: [Wtr-general] links in a frame

2006-10-09 Thread Dave Munns
Thanks to other postings, I found a solution using irb which is extremely 
0) irb
1) ie = Watir::IE.start(url of product)
2) ie = Watir::IE.attach( :title, / Product Title/)
3) ie.show_frames
4) ie.frame(frame-of-interest).show_frames
5) ie.frame(frame-of-interest).frame(nested-frame-of-interest).show_frames
6)  ie.frame(frame-of-interest).frame(nested-frame-of-interest)

   Even though the items in the list appeared as links, the span class was the 
key to accessing the object of interest.
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Re: [Wtr-general] How do you access an image that doesn't have img in the HTML tag?

2006-10-05 Thread Dave Munns
Try ie.button( :src, \images\SelectRow1.gif ).click
You may to specify the full directory path 
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[Wtr-general] Navigating in IE frames

2006-08-10 Thread Dave Munns
Hi. I am building a test tool to automate navigation through a UI with IE 
frames. Text fields, buttons, lists, and web dialog boxes are all targets for 
my tool.  The examples I see in the watir user guide don't mention frames. I 
have tried navigating to a text field, using the user guide example, but watir 
complains that my text field identifier (inpListFilter) is not found (I 
identified it with SpySmith). Do I have to qualify the identifier with a frame 
name or set the frame context ?

Here is the offending line:
ECMTestFixture.text_field(:name, inpListFilter 
).set(adm )
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