I have written a product testing tool that automates the navigation (detecting 
GUI changes) through 320+ classes in a web-based gui. It also generates 
performance measurements.

The tool is designed in 3 levels ( each in an rb file): 1) the high level test 
classes (named to easily map to the GUI object screen labels) and a main method 
with navigation steps, 2) a middle level that processes table row and column 
data, and 3) a low level that identifies each web object by html tag.

The product's GUI does change with each release and even between builds. 
Separating the html tag identifiers (level 3) from the data level (level 2) 
from the navigation (level 1) helps with these changes in that it is easy to 
know which file and class needs changing. Additions are also easily made to the 
correct file, so entropy does not creep in, maintenance does not suffer.

By incorporating the test automation tool into the product build process, the 
goal is to determine when the product is ready to hand over to the QA dept.
Time will tell if this simple approach can keep up with a commercial software 
product lifecycle.
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