[X2Go-User] Run x2goDesktopSharing as service

2015-09-24 Thread Alain Aupeix

I'm a new user.
I'm under Ubuntu 12.04 with gnome-shell and I have installed x2goclient.
With the update I have now 'X2Go Client v. (Qt - 4.8.1)'
One another computer I have installed x2goserver and x2goDesktopSharing

Is-it possible to launch x2goDesktopSharing as a service when launching
the system (same as x2goserver), to be able to disconnect of the user
and reconnect to another.

For now, disconnecting (:0) kills the nx connexion.

I have other troubles, but I will open a new thread.

Alain Aupeix

U.buntu 12.04 | G.ramps 3.4.9-1 | H.arbour 3.2.0dev (2015-09-07 14:28) |
HbIDE (Rev.316) | Five.Linux (r143) | Hw.Gui (2492)

x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] Run x2goDesktopSharing as service

2015-09-24 Thread Alain Aupeix
Le 24/09/2015 13:12, Stefan Baur a écrit :
> Am 24.09.2015 um 12:59 schrieb Alain Aupeix:
> > Is-it possible to launch x2goDesktopSharing as a service when
> > launching the system (same as x2goserver), to be able to disconnect
> > of the user and reconnect to another.
> That sounds like you want to run X2GoClient in ThinClient mode,
> instead of your usual login manager, and run X2GoServer on the same
> machine.
> Not exactly a beginner's task, but I don't see why it shouldn't work.
> By starting an X2Go session on the same machine, you're making it
> detachable/suspendable, so that would be what you're looking for, I gues
> s.
Humm ...
I didn't say clearly what I need

I want to be able to disconnect on the server but not the x2go local
connexion, and to receive the  machine's connection screen.
For example, on a machine (server), I have two users 'alain' and 'beatrice'
If I connect with x2go to alain, I want to be able to disconnect from
alain, without closing the x2go connection, receive the connection
screen, and reconnect to beatrice.

Am-I clear, and is-it possible ?

Alain Aupeix
U.buntu 12.04 | G.ramps 3.4.9-1 | H.arbour 3.2.0dev (2015-09-07 14:28) |
HbIDE (Rev.316) | Five.Linux (r143) | Hw.Gui (2492)

x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] Run x2goDesktopSharing as service

2015-09-24 Thread Alain Aupeix
Le 24/09/2015 13:34, Stefan Baur a écrit :
> Am 24.09.2015 um 13:30 schrieb Alain Aupeix:
> > I want to be able to disconnect on the server but not the x2go
> > local connexion, and to receive the  machine's connection screen.
> > For example, on a machine (server), I have two users 'alain' and
> > 'beatrice' If I connect with x2go to alain, I want to be able to
> > disconnect from alain, without closing the x2go connection, receive
> > the connection screen, and reconnect to beatrice.
> > Am-I clear, and is-it possible ?
> No, that will not be possible.  X2Go uses the credentials you supply
> to open an SSH connection to the server, so, once you log out, the SSH
> connection closes and the server has no idea who you are.
> We rely on SSH here, and that protocol simply has no means of swapping
> credentials mid-session.
> Maybe you could explain *why* you feel you have the need to do that,
> so we can try to suggest alternatives?
ok, forget it,

The man says its possible, when launching with the option
it seems to work, but it seems that enabling or not the desktop sharing,
I'm able to connect to the server.
Is there a difference ?

Alain Aupeix
U.buntu 12.04 | G.ramps 3.4.9-1 | H.arbour 3.2.0dev (2015-09-07 14:28) |
HbIDE (Rev.316) | Five.Linux (r143) | Hw.Gui (2492)

x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] Run x2goDesktopSharing as service

2015-09-24 Thread Alain Aupeix
Le 24/09/2015 13:55, Stefan Baur a écrit :
> It will *not* allow logging in when there is no active session already
> present on the :n Display that you try to connect to.
> For example, even if you have a login manager like gdm or kdm running
> on :0, X2GoClient will not be able to "grab" that screen and share it
> using Desktop Sharing, as there is no user logged in at that very
> moment.  Only *after* logging in, the user's session can be captured
> and shared using DS - and once the user logs out, the DS session
> terminates.  That's exactly the effect you've mentioned in your first
> e-mail to the list, and this is intentional.
ok, that's something I saw in my test, as the x2go connexion was closed
using Disconnect menu
I can't reconnect while I don't connect physically on the server.

But it was not exactly the question I asked for.

What is the difference between connecting with x2go having or not
activated the desktop sharing ?

Alain Aupeix
U.buntu 12.04 | G.ramps 3.4.9-1 | H.arbour 3.2.0dev (2015-09-07 14:28) |
HbIDE (Rev.316) | Five.Linux (r143) | Hw.Gui (2492)

x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] Run x2goDesktopSharing as service

2015-09-24 Thread Alain Aupeix
Le 24/09/2015 14:25, Stefan Baur a écrit :
> Am 24.09.2015 um 14:20 schrieb Alain Aupeix:
> > What is the difference between connecting with x2go having or not
> > activated the desktop sharing ?
> The difference is that with desktop sharing enabled, you can attach to
> an already running session, for example, to remotely guide/assist the
> user that is running the session (either locally on :0, or on an X2Go
> screen), while without desktop sharing, you can only attach to a
> suspended session.
> In other words, without DS, you are "stealing" the display from the
> other machine, it will disconnect there once you resume it from the
> new location.  Also, you must use the same user credentials to do
> that, while DS allows another user (admin/support staff) to see what
> the original user does (as well as control mouse and keyboard for the
> other user).
ok, that's clear

How to be able to manage the list of allowed users ?
I saw that on the x2go  newsgroup which was posted on 2012-11-23

> Adding users to x2godesktopsharing happens once another user 
> connects  to your account. The GUI, of course, can be improved here: 
> adding  users before they connect via the GUI could be a possible 
> feature  request.

Alain Aupeix
U.buntu 12.04 | G.ramps 3.4.9-1 | H.arbour 3.2.0dev (2015-09-07 14:28) |
HbIDE (Rev.316) | Five.Linux (r143) | Hw.Gui (2492)

x2go-user mailing list

[X2Go-User] Some basics questions

2015-09-29 Thread Alain Aupeix

After some try, and a few problems, I made my connections possible, but
I have some questions:

1) On the machine where I install ssh, I always disable, for security
reason, the possibility to connect using the user password.
After some unsuccessfull tries, I saw that to be able to connect, I must
enable the connection with the password (on server side).

Is-it normal ? I don't like a simple password protection. I prefer
public key.

2) In my first tries, I had a curious message, and it was impossible to
connect. The problem was in known-host.
Deleting it done the trick, but analysing the difference between the
previous and the one generated during x2go connection, I say a
difference between records.

When using ssh in console to connect, the record looks like this :

ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 E2VjZHNhLX

When connecting with x2go, looks like that:

[]:22461 ssh-rsa B3NzaC1yc2E .

Now, with my last tests, if I have a first form of record, I have this
message :

The host key for this server was not found but anothertype of key
exists. An attacker might have changed the default server key to trick
your client into thinking the key does not exist yet.

For security reasons, it is recommended to stop the connection attempt.

Do you want to terminate the connection?

Accepting, a new record is added to known host with the second form of

I noticed that a record created by x2go in a fresh known_hosts is used
without problem with ssh

Why a such difference ?
Will the ip address be updated during a future connection, as the
provider changes our public IP for time to time ?

3) Using x2go graphic window, when I choose a profile to connect, x2go
first present the box to enter the key, but user password hasn't yet
been entered, so we must cancel the key box and the error box, and then
enter the user password to have again the key box.
This is very curious, and more curious, entering the key doesn't work,
x2go always want me to enter the key.
In fact, just cancelling this box and the connection is ok. I suppose
it's due to known_host, but the way to connect is very strange.

Thanks to help me to understand all this curious facts ... curious for
my eyes, obviously ;)
Alain Aupeix

U.buntu 12.04 | G.ramps 3.4.9-1 | H.arbour 3.2.0dev (2015-09-07 14:28) |
HbIDE (Rev.316) | Five.Linux (r143) | Hw.Gui (2492)

x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] Some basics questions

2015-09-29 Thread Alain Aupeix

Thanks for your answers, i now can connect without problem on the
machines I tested.

I have now 2 little problems:

1) When editing a profile, when I save by ok, x2goClient closes
(I have checked all the parameters to hide in notification zone)
I use Ubuntu 12.04 and gnome fallback

2) I have a server (laptop) which have a screen of 1440x900.
My desktop computer has two 1280x1024

When I connect to the local session,
All the values I tried to have an size with no deformation failed.
I tried something like 1200x700, and other values, 1440x900,
and it seems it is always the same value, about 1280x930
It's not a big problem, but a little unpleasant

No problem with :50 where the window is about 1280x990,
but the screen of the session seems to be created like this,
and the background is adapted and no unpleasant modification.


Alain Aupeix
U.buntu 12.04 | G.ramps 3.4.9-1 | H.arbour 3.2.0dev (2015-09-07 14:28) |
HbIDE (Rev.316) | Five.Linux (r143) | Hw.Gui (2492)

x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] Some basics questions

2015-09-29 Thread Alain Aupeix

Le 29/09/2015 20:12, Robert Dinse a
  écrit :

 I don't understand what the remote and local
  screen size has to do with
  each other.  Remotely I use an 1680x1050 screen, locally I
  sometimes bring
  a 1600x1200 (old 3x4) monitor.  When I plug it into DVI Linux
  sizes the screen correctly.  Remotely I use
  System->Hardware->Monitors to set
  the resolution I want but I'm using Mate rather than Gnome

I just compare with what I have with ssvnc where the proportions are
respected (but the entire screen isn't displayed without scrolling),
and using a ratio (0.85, in my case) done the trick. It's perfect.
The problem occurs principally on :0, where I don't want (and can't)
change the size of the server

I say that can modify the size of window, but I don't understand the
reason of this parameter in filter if it's not used.
  Alain Aupeix
  U.buntu 12.04 | G.ramps 3.4.9-1 | H.arbour 3.2.0dev
(2015-09-07 14:28) | HbIDE (Rev.316) | Five.Linux (r143) |
Hw.Gui (2492)


x2go-user mailing list

[X2Go-User] Make an x2go connexion without the gui

2015-10-04 Thread Alain Aupeix
ult ssh-key
session-type = 'Connect to local session' or XFCE (for example)
Connection speed : ISDN or LAN
Configure keyboard Model = pc105 layout = fr

Does pyhoca-cli need that x2goclient gui is already opened (in trayicon)
I have also a few questions about what debug returns:

pyhoca-cli[29900] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG: kbtype: pc105/fr
pyhoca-cli[29900] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG: kblayout: us

What is kblayout ?

pyhoca-cli[29900] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG: client_encoding: ISO8859-1
pyhoca-cli[29900] (x2gosession-pylib) DEBUG: server_encoding: UTF-8

I'm under Linux, and  my servers too. Why ISO8859-1 for server encoding ?

After having success to connect with pyhoca-cli, I'll probably want to
improve connections with printer,
for example, but for now I just need to be able to connect.


Alain Aupeix

U.buntu 12.04 | G.ramps 3.4.9-1 | H.arbour 3.2.0dev (2015-09-07 14:28) |
HbIDE (Rev.316) | Five.Linux (r143) | Hw.Gui (2492)

x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] Problems with Clipman in Ubuntu 14.04

2016-07-11 Thread Alain Aupeix

Le 11/07/2016 19:07, ECF Solutions a
  écrit :

  not the Clipman-plugin. It's light grey and if I copy something
  this is not transferred to the clipman (copy and paste works but I
  have no history - the benefit of the plugin ...).

Have you tried diodon ?

  Alain Aupeix
  U.buntu 12.04 | G.ramps 3.4.9-1 | H.arbour 3.2.0dev
(2016-06-22 22:54) | Hw.Gui 2.19-6 (2537)


x2go-user mailing list

[X2Go-User] What are athe difference between connexions

2018-01-19 Thread Alain Aupeix


I have made a maintenance tool to easily connect to distant or local 
computers with different products like vnc, x2go, ssh connections, ...

For x2go connexion, I use this command line:

cmd="x2goclient --thinclient --kbd-type=pc105/fr --autologin --link=lan 
--clipboard=both --close-disconnect 
--session="+trim(sUser)+"@"+trim(sMachine)+" &"

To change the connection type, I first modify command in 
.x2goclient/sessions before connecting

If I connect changing command to XFCE, it works directly
If I connect changing to SHADOW, if works, but x2go ask me for : display 
:0 or display :50 , and also if I want complete access (what I want)
If I choose 0, it works, and also with 50, but in this case, no shared 
display as with XFCE

In .x2go folder, I have this files :

S-alain-50-1516374453_stDXFCE_dp24 which is generated by XFCE connection
S-alain-51-1516383729_stS1XSHADalainXSHADPP0_dp24 which is generated by 
local connectiondisplay :0
S-alain-51-1516383880_stS1XSHADalainXSHADPP50_dp24 which is generated by 
local connectiondisplay :50

What are the differences between XFCE and local :50 connections ?

Is there a way with some parameters to launch directly x2go local session ?

Another minor problem:

When I open a session from my desktop (1280x1024) on a notepad which has 
a screen of 1440x900) with x11vnc, I apply a correction of the screen 
size (about 0.88 for this computer) to have a complete display of the 
server screen.

Is there a way to do such thing with x2go ?
I have found the .x2goclient/sizes.

size=@Size(1175 747)
pos=@Point(94 113)

Can I change it in this file or is it better to change it in 
.x2goclient/sessions ?

Thanks for this nice product.

Alain Aupeix

U.buntu 12.04 & Xu.buntu 16.04 | G.ramps 3.4.9-1 | H.arbour 3.2.0dev 
(2018-01-05 14:38) | Hw.Gui (2637)

x2go-user mailing list

[X2Go-User] What are athe difference between connexions

2018-01-19 Thread Alain Aupeix


>When I open a session from my desktop (1280x1024) on a notepad which 
>has a screen of 1440x900) with x11vnc, I apply a correction of the 
>screen size (about 0.88 for this computer) to have a complete display 
>of the server screen.

>Is there a way to do such thing with x2go ?
>I have found the .x2goclient/sizes.

>size=@Size(1175 747)
>pos=@Point(94 113)

>Can I change it in this file or is it better to change it in 
>.x2goclient/sessions ?


My tests with sizes ou sessions fail.

I have found another way with wmctrl

for the size:
wmctrl -e 0,10,70,1268,792 -r alain@aupeix-GX723

for the title
wmctrl -r alain@aupeix-GX723 -N "x2go: alain@aupeix-GX723"
Alain Aupeix

U.buntu 12.04 & Xu.buntu 16.04 | G.ramps 3.4.9-1 | H.arbour 3.2.0dev 
(2018-01-05 14:38) | Hw.Gui (2639)

x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] What are athe difference between connexions

2018-01-19 Thread Alain Aupeix

Le 19/01/2018 à 22:18, Robert Dinse a
  écrit :

   You can use xrandr to set the screen size: 
  xrandr -s 1440x900 
   It may not go to that size, it will only set to predefined
  screen sizes 
  that way. 

I saw it, as modifying sessions or sizes doesn't work.

Using wmctrl works fine with local connection, just inserting time
wait between commands:

cmd="x2goclient --thinclient --kbd-type=pc105/fr --autologin
--link=lan --clipboard=both --close-disconnect
--session="+trim(sUser)+"@"+trim(sMachine)+" &"
hb_processrun("sh -c 'wmctrl -l|grep "+chr(34)+"N/A "+chr(34)+"|wc
do while left(text,1) != "1"
  hb_processrun("sh -c 'wmctrl -l|grep "+chr(34)+"N/A
"+chr(34)+"|wc -l'",,@text)
if sScale != "1.0"
   cmd="wmctrl -e 0,"+"10,70,"+cwidth+","+cheight+" -r
cmd="wmctrl -r "+trim(sUser)+"@"+trim(sMachine)+" -N
"+chr(34)+"x2go: "+trim(sUser)+"@"+trim(sMachine)+chr(34)

But it doesn't works with command=XFCE

That's why I need the answer to the first questions asked in my
first mail ;)

   Alain Aupeix
   U.buntu 12.04 & Xu.buntu 16.04 | G.ramps 3.4.9-1
| H.arbour 3.2.0dev (2018-01-05 14:38) | Hw.Gui (2637)

x2go-user mailing list

[X2Go-User] Some troubles with unclosed sessions

2018-02-16 Thread Alain Aupeix

I'm using x2go from a maintaining program tools.

I'm launching sessions from a program using this syntax:
x2goclient --thinclient --kbd-type=pc105/fr --autologin --link=lan 
--clipboard=both --close-disconnect --session="x2go: alain@aupeix-GX723" &


When launching, I have these messages in the terminal:
x2go-INFO-1> "Starting X2Go Client..."
x2go-INFO-4> "Translator: :/i18n/x2goclient_fr_fr found."
x2go-INFO-4> "Traducteur : :/i18n/qt_fr_fr trouvé."
Got bus address: 
Connected to accessibility bus at: 

Registered DEC:  true
x2go-INFO-3> "X2Go Client démarré."
Registered event listener change listener:  true
QPixmap::scaled: Pixmap is a null pixmap
QPixmap::scaled: Pixmap is a null pixmap
x2go-INFO-8> "Démarrage de la connexion au serveur :"
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /home/alain/.x2go/ssh/gen/key.MT9507.
Your public key has been saved in /home/alain/.x2go/ssh/gen/key.MT9507.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
c8:f1:c4:f1:0e:c1:20:6b:9d:50:1f:1c:39:84:80:3a X2Go Client RSA user key
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 4096]+
|   .+oo**o   |
|  .  =.+==   |
| .  o + =..  |
|E  . . = o   |
| .o S .  |
| |
| |
| |
| |

When closing the session with the window system button [X], I have these 

x2go-INFO-12> "Fermons X2Go Client parce que le paramètre 
--close-disconnect a été fourni."

x2go-INFO-6> "Fermeture de X2Go Client ..."
x2go-INFO-7> "Fini X2Go Client par la fermeture des "hooks"."
WARNING: unable to send SIGTERM to process group '9507': No such process

My program offers the choice of the session mode: SHADOW or XFCE/UNITY/
The program choice is validated by modifying the parameter command of 
session in .x2goclient

It has worked, by I have sometimes (and often) problems to open the 
session in the required mode. It often, even the parameter command has 
been changed, opens in the last used mode, and when the session is 
opened, in this case, I have a notification which says that the session 
is restored.

I have tried removing the corresponding files in .x2go, but it doesn't 
solves anything.

Do I use the good way to close the session ?
Is there another way to close it ?
Is there another way to open a session, and avoid this problem or can my 
launching command be improved ?


Alain Aupeix

U.buntu 12.04 & Xu.buntu 16.04 | G.ramps 3.4.9-1 | H.arbour 3.2.0dev 
(2018-01-05 14:38) | Hw.Gui (2639)

x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] Some troubles with unclosed sessions

2018-02-19 Thread Alain Aupeix

Le 16/02/2018 à 16:00, Alain Aupeix a écrit :

I'm using x2go from a maintaining program tools.

My program offers the choice of the session mode: SHADOW or 
The program choice is validated by modifying the parameter command of 
session in .x2goclient

It has worked, by I have sometimes (and often) problems to open the 
session in the required mode. It often, even the parameter command has 
been changed, opens in the last used mode, and when the session is 
opened, in this case, I have a notification which says that the 
session is restored.

I have tried removing the corresponding files in .x2go, but it doesn't 
solves anything.

Well, removing the folders concerned by the user and corresponding to 
session type which is not the desired.

Exemple :
 - if I open SHADOW session, I remove folders: S-alain*SHAR*
 - if I open XFCE session, I remove folders: S-alain*XFCE*

But after having opened a session, and having closed it (X button), if I 
try to open a new session of the other type, x2go ask me to choose between:

alain  :0
alain  :50

It seems that :0 is always shared session, and 50 is always 

But, How can I avoid having to choose it ?

Do I use the good way to close the session ?
Is there another way to close it ?

Alain Aupeix

U.buntu 12.04 & Xu.buntu 16.04 | G.ramps 3.4.9-1 | H.arbour 3.2.0dev 
(2018-01-05 14:38) | Hw.Gui (2639)

x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] X2GO cli

2018-05-09 Thread Alain Aupeix

Le 08/05/2018 à 23:44, Zelda L a
  écrit :

  Hello everyone,

I have installed x2go server. Is there any way to connect
  from cli without creating a session with gui from windows

I have a similar question about how to connect without using gui
with a command line, but from linux.

Thanks for great project,


  Alain Aupeix
  U.buntu 12.04 & Xu.buntu 16.04 | G.ramps 3.4.9-1 |
H.arbour 3.2.0dev (2018-03-016 17:10) | Hw.Gui (2642)

x2go-user mailing list

Re: [X2Go-User] X2GO cli

2018-05-09 Thread Alain Aupeix

Le 09/05/2018 à 10:50, Walid MOGHRABI a
  écrit :

  Easiest method would be to use the client GUI at least once to create your session settings (it will create a $HOME/.x2goclient/sessions file on Linux, C:\\users\\.x2goclient\sessions on Windows) and then, from cli, just use :

x2goclient --session=

You can use the --session-conf to set another location for your sessions file.
The sessions file is just a .ini style text file you can edit manually.

Yes, I know that, my way now is to use the syntax:

x2goclient --thinclient --kbd-type=pc105/fr --autologin --link=lan
--clipboard=both --close-disconnect --session="x2go:
alain@aupeix-GX723" &

It works nicelly, and connect automatically, but:

- it open the x2go-client window,  connect, and close the
x2go-client after connection.

It's what I ought not to see ... but I agree, it works.

The principal difference with your simplest syntax, is that mine
close the x2go-client window after disconnection.

  Alain Aupeix
  U.buntu 12.04 & Xu.buntu 16.04 | G.ramps 3.4.9-1 |
H.arbour 3.2.0dev (2018-03-016 17:10) | Hw.Gui (2642)

x2go-user mailing list