Re: [XeTeX] xetex crash: interaction between interchar and linebreaklocale mechanisms

2023-09-10 Thread Javier Bezos

I can do the same with polyglossia both with xelatex and lualatex but
imagine that I am writing a document in Hindi and from time to time it
contains a single word in English, Russian, Urdu, Gujarati and it may
be loaded from another file. I just do not want to write \textenglish,
\textrussian, \texturdu, \textgujarati. With RTL inside LTR
ucharclasses works for single words, with two or more words it will be

My point is with babel + LuaTeX you don’t need any macro
to switch the font, the text direction and the line breaking
rules, which is what you want. Things like \textenglish,
\textrussian, \texturdu, \textgujarati, etc., are not
necessary for a few words and short texts, even if the
script is RTL. The example in the babel manual is:


\usepackage[english, bidi=basic]{babel}

\babelprovide[onchar=ids fonts]{arabic}

\babelfont{rm}{Crimson} % Main font
\babelfont[*arabic]{rm}{FreeSerif} % Font for the Arabic script


Most Arabic speakers consider the two varieties to be two registers
of one language, although the two registers can be referred to in
Arabic as فصحى العصر \textit{fuṣḥā l-ʻaṣr} (MSA) and
فصحى التراث \textit{fuṣḥā t-turāth} (CA).



Re: [XeTeX] xetex crash: interaction between interchar and linebreaklocale mechanisms

2023-09-10 Thread Javier Bezos

> According to documentation it seems to me that ucharclasses work only
> with XeLaTeX.

But with babel and lualatex you can switch the font depending
on the script, even with RTL ones, which, if things haven’t
changed, isn’t possible with ucharclasses. See the examples
in p. 44 of the babel manual.


Re: [XeTeX] xetex crash: interaction between interchar and linebreaklocale mechanisms

2023-09-10 Thread Javier Bezos

According to documentation it seems to me that ucharclasses work only
with XeLaTeX. 

But with babel and lualatex you can switch the font depending
on the script, even with RTL ones, which, if things haven’t
changed, isn’t possible with ucharclasses. See the examples
in p. 44 of the babel manual.


Re: [XeTeX] Overriding directionality and mirrored shapes

2017-09-22 Thread Javier Bezos


(If you wish to try this for yourself, you will need a font that
includes both the Old Italic block of Unicode and the appropriate OT
features. I will share the one I’m making if anybody is reall

I'm currently working on the bidi support for babel, so having
your font could be very useful (for scripts other than Arabic
or Hebrew). Could you send it to me?

(As to your question, I'd like to help, but I don't know
how to fix it, sorry).


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Re: [XeTeX] Mixed Roman and Indian alphabets for Sanskrit

2017-02-20 Thread Javier Bezos





* Saying \selectlanguage{sanskrit} isn't going to be any use in my
document, because "{Sanskrit}" could be any of several scripts.

Yes, I understand your point. Different language/script pairs
will be treated like separate languages, much like bcp47 and the
CLDR do - eg, sa-Deva, sa-Gran, and so on. What "sanskrit" (as babel
language) means should be user definable.

"Bangla" and "Latin" are awkward, like "Arabic,"  because they're the
names of both a language and a script.  "Bangla lipi" just means
"Bengali writing," and is what Bengalis say when they specifically refer
to the script.

Script names will be visible only when necessary and in specific
contexts, like \setbabelfont[*devanagari] (here * meaning a script;
tentative syntax). I think


poses no problem at all.


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Re: [XeTeX] Mixed Roman and Indian alphabets for Sanskrit

2017-02-15 Thread Javier Bezos

So why does Polyglossia make \devanagarifont and \sanskritfont equivalent?
There should be no such entity as \sanskritfont.  Sanskrit isn't a font or
a script, it's a language.

Your point makes sense. Next version of babel will include a new
command which will allow to select a font depending on the script.
Something like (tentative syntax):


Currently there are lots of issues in babel because several languages
compete trying to set an equivalence with a script (eg, \textcyrillic
may switch to russian, or belarusian, or bulgarian, and so on). These
selectors are deprecated (including \textlatin), but they are still
defined and used by some languages.

Hopefully the new version will sort this out, with a clear separation
of languages and scripts (but I need to finish the new data files for
the languages, which has turned out to be more complicated than


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Re: [XeTeX] Σχετ: Re: XeTeX bugs in bidirectional typesetting

2016-11-20 Thread Javier Bezos


I would recommend against following this dangerous path. Once I asked I
asked the luaTeX list how to load hyphenation patterns and practically
no one knew the answer! So I think your decision is wise.

Interesting, because my experience when developing babel is
quite the opposite -- loading hyphenations patterns in luatex
was trivial, much simpler than with other engines. Anyway,
the average user shouldn't be concerned with those issues
because a higher level interface is the way to go.

PS I think that we should not talk about luaTeX here.



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Re: [XeTeX] XeTeX bugs in bidirectional typesetting

2016-11-19 Thread Javier Bezos

Again, if you have an explicit list of issues with tex--xet that are
not shared with tex-xet it would be good if you could post them here.

And issues with the omega/luatex model, too. I resumed my work on
the basic bidi support for babel and they would be very useful.


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[XeTeX] ANN: A new list for TeX language support discussion

2016-09-04 Thread Javier Bezos

Hi all,

A new list on localization is now hosted at Its name
is Kadingira (the Sumerian name of Babylon) and it was created
by Mojca and Arthur:

There is currently just one message, which I posted a few days


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Re: [XeTeX] babel

2016-03-25 Thread Javier Bezos

El 25/03/2016 10:40, Zdenek Wagner escribió:

The old IL2 encoding was creased for the CS fonts and supported in
cslatex. [...] Thus the result is that
the only encoding for Czech and Slovak that has ever been officially
supported in babel is T1. It makes no sense to introduce IL2 (and XL2
that was probably used by me only).

Then perhaps there should be a further key, like for example:


This will open the question about which encodings are deprecated.
For example, I think like Apostolos LGR should be one of them,
particularly because it doesn't conform to the LICR, but I presume
some others won't agree.


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Re: [XeTeX] babel

2016-03-24 Thread Javier Bezos


preface = \textPi \textrho\acctonos \textomicron\textlambda 

XeLaTeX is Unicode aware and can handle Unicode strings. Therefore, I fail to 
why you are doing things this way. The LGR font encoding is an ancient hack that
has no usage anymore.

Of course, in Unicode engines the default captions section
apply, not the captions.licr subsection.


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Re: [XeTeX] babel

2016-03-24 Thread Javier Bezos


Thank you. See me reply to Zdeněk.

What is the difference between months.format.wide and

In most languages, none. This distinction is made by the CLDR,
but I wonder if it's useful here, so very likely the format
branch should be removed.

In Slovenian one sometimes uses the genetive
form of the date, like
 Today is "24. marec 2016" (nominativ)
 This happened on "24. marca 2016" (genetiv)
I don't know whether there is any sane way to encode this though.

From the babel manual:

‘More interesting are differences in the sentence structure or related
to it. For example, in Basque the number precedes the name (including 
chapters), in Hungarian “from (1)” is “(1)-b˝ol”, but “from (3)” is 
“(3)-ból”, in Spanish an item labelled “3.o” may be referred to as

either “ítem 3.o” or “ ítem”, and so on.’

So, yes :-).


I don't know how months.format.narrow is used, but a single letter is
completely useless because it's too ambiguous. One uses 24.3.2016 or
24.03.2016 (in tables etc. where aligning is important). Whether or
not there is space in date.short is debatable. (Officially it's
correct to use space, but almost nobody uses it.) Officially one is
also supposed to write time with a dot rather than colon, but most use
a colon.

German typography doesn't use French spacing as far as I know.

For Slovenian:
- OT1 and LY1 are not suitable encondings.
- Glossary is not a slovenian word. It should probably be "Slovar"
- headto = Prejme is weird
- righthyphenmin = 2
- I don't understand the zillion entries about hyphenchar, but it must
be similar to other European languages.
- Having just "quotes =" might not be sufficient if you want to
automatically support quotes one day like ConTeXt does with
\quote{...} and \quotation{...}. We use two flavours (one can decide
to use either one or the other) and in both flavours one has both
single and double quotes.
   (a) ›single‹ »double«
   (b) ‚single‘ „double“
- What is meant with "exponential = e"? (I use $2{,}1\cdot 10^{-5}$ or
perhaps \times instead of \cdot.) Isn't "e" just a convention for
entering numbers into computers that has absolutely nothing to do with

I'm not sure if it's correct to use "po n. št." or just "n. št." (at
some point you will probably have to introduce comments in those ini
files). But we don't have BCE. So you might want to use something like
this (I don't want to certify correctness):

eras.abbreviated.0-alt-variant = pr. Kr.
eras.abbreviated.0 = pr. n. št.
eras.abbreviated.1 = po n. št.
eras.abbreviated.1-alt-variant = po Kr.
eras.wide.0-alt-variant = pred Kristusom
eras.wide.0 = pred našim štetjem
eras.wide.1 = našega štetja % or "po našem štetju"
eras.wide.1-alt-variant = po Kristusu
eras.narrow.0-alt-variant = pr. Kr.
eras.narrow.0 = pr. n. št.
eras.narrow.1 = po n. št.
eras.narrow.1-alt-variant = po Kr.

The following is useless (= nobody will understand): = d
dayPeriods.format.narrow.noon = n = p

We use numbers 0-23 to denote hour of the day rather than some bogus "d/n/p".


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Re: [XeTeX] babel

2016-03-24 Thread Javier Bezos


> preface = \textPi \textrho\acctonos \textomicron\textlambda 

> XeLaTeX is Unicode aware and can handle Unicode strings. Therefore, I 
fail to see
> why you are doing things this way. The LGR font encoding is an ancient 
hack that

> has no usage anymore.

Of course, in Unicode engines the default captions section
apply, not the captions.licr subsection.


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Re: [XeTeX] babel

2016-03-24 Thread Javier Bezos


Thank you very much. Very useful, and you confirm my suspect
the data in the CLDR is not always reliable. Furthermore, it's
obvious it's intended mainly for displaying plain text in
some especific contexts and not for fine typesetting. At first
my idea was to sinchronize more or less regularly the ini files
with the CLDR, but now I'm not sure it's a good idea.

I do not understand the meaning of the encoding field.

The goal is to provide information about which encodings
support or have supported the language, even partially
(definitely, one couldn't say OT1 supports any language
except English and a few others). This field is essentially

I understand hyphenchar (should be the same as in English in all mentioned
languages) but do not understand the other hyphen* fields.

Most of them are intended for luatex (only for the languages
they make sense, of course).


The minus sign in both Czech and Slovak should be –

The quotes in both Czech and Slovak are „ and “ (the closing quote has its
codepoint in Unicode but is rarely present in fonts, it is better to use
English opening quote which has the same shape).

In Czech (and maybe also in Slovak) the time separator is a period, in
sport results and time tables a colon is used.

Slovak: characters Ä Ď Ô Ť in index look strange to me, it should be proved
by a native Slovak speaker.


See the note on the encoding above

A few misprints and missing items in the captions
bib = संदर्भ-ग्रन्थ (or संदर्भ-ग्रंथ)
contents - the version you have is one of the alternatives suggested by
Anshuman Pandey but most books I have bought in India contain अनुक्रम
part = खण्ड (or खंड)
page = पृष्ठ
proof = प्रमाण
glossary = शब्दार्थ सूची

cc, encl, and headto make no sense, I am probably the only man who writes
business e-mails in Hindi...

I have never seen abreviated months (a native Hindi speaker should help).
The only abbreviations for days of week I have seen at the Aligarh railway
station are:
Monday = सो॰, Tuesday = मं॰, Wednesday = बु॰, Thursday = बृह॰, Friday = शुक॰
(or शुक्र॰, the plate was not clearly readable), Saturday = शनि॰, Sunday =
रवि॰. I would not be surprized if the ॰ punctuation were omitted.

[characters] ङ  and ञ are not used in Hindi, they should be removed from index

frenchspacing – I am afraid that it has no sense in Hindi as well as other
Indic languages. The proper spacing was implemented in GNU Freefont (at
least for Hindi) and is activated automatically by language switching. The
rules are explained (in Hindi only, links to other languages switch to a
different text) at

punctuation: danda । and double danda ॥ should be listed as the most
important punctuation
quotes: either English double quotes or English single quotes are used
(depends on the preference of an author and/or a publisher)

number: Both Devanagari and Arabic digits are used, it is hard to say which
one should be he default

counters: the way how list items are numbered does not conform to the LaTeX
system. I have a normative document how it should be done, it is written in
Marathi and I probably have also a Hindi version. Unfortunately I have not
found time to implement it so far.

Zdeněk Wagner

2016-03-23 19:31 GMT+01:00 Javier Bezos <

Hi all,

I'm working on a new version of babel, with a new way to define
languages in a descriptive way, more than in a programmatic one (of
course, the latter won't be excluded because it's still necessary).

The idea is to create a set of ini file like those you can find on

They are tentative and some of them are incomplete. I'm working on the
code to read and 'transform' their data, but in the meanwhile I'd like
to improve the ini files. The first step in the roadmap is to provide
real utf-8 strings for captions and dates with current styles so
that they can be useable even without fontenc.

Any help or comments would be greatly appreciated.

[Crossposted to xetex and luatex lists.]


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Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:


[XeTeX] babel

2016-03-23 Thread Javier Bezos

Hi all,

I'm working on a new version of babel, with a new way to define
languages in a descriptive way, more than in a programmatic one (of
course, the latter won't be excluded because it's still necessary).

The idea is to create a set of ini file like those you can find on

They are tentative and some of them are incomplete. I'm working on the
code to read and 'transform' their data, but in the meanwhile I'd like
to improve the ini files. The first step in the roadmap is to provide
real utf-8 strings for captions and dates with current styles so
that they can be useable even without fontenc.

Any help or comments would be greatly appreciated.

[Crossposted to xetex and luatex lists.]


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Re: [XeTeX] Hyphenation around âEURz(ÃYâEURoe

2014-02-17 Thread Javier Bezos


\lccode`\^^[=`\^^[   % oe in OT1
\lccode`\- =`\-   % default hyphen char
\lccode 127=127   % alternate hyphen char
\lccode 23 =23% textcompwordmark in T1

There is no sensible hook for xelatex.ini.

Then clearly it must be fixed in hyphen.cfg. Right now I was
preparing a new version of babel and this issue (and another
related to luatex) is in the todo list. It will be available
in two or three weeks (or so I hope).


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Re: [XeTeX] Hyphenation around „ß“

2014-01-09 Thread Javier Bezos

El 09/01/2014 17:27, Ulrike Fischer escribió:

And I checked with miktex + babel 3.8m and texlive + babel 3.9h. In
both cases I can see the difference between lualatex and xelatex. So
it can't be something new in babel.

In fact, in my system (TL) I can see the differences selecting the
language without babel, with \language. Note babel sets the
hyphenmins to 22, instead of the default 23 (which could explain
why wußte doesn't get hyphenated without babel). The file loaded
is loadhyph-de-1901.tex (according to the log with the babel
option showlanguages).


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Re: [XeTeX] fontspec and languages

2013-09-11 Thread Javier Bezos

El 11/09/2013 11:24, Ulrike Fischer escribió:

The question is: Does fontspec provide a way to set the
language so that it's always active even if other default
features are changed.

Not that I know (and the code doesn't look as if it does).

Thanks. That was my impression after reading the code, but
I liked to confirm it, because I'm not yet fluent in LaTeX3.

One could perhaps change the default language DFLT, but this will
disable the fallback to DFLT for fonts which don't know a language
and I have some doubts this is a good idea.

Something like that but not the internal default language, but
a default value in \defaulfontfeatures if the key is not given
(ie, if there is no key 'Language', add 'Language=current-language'
to the list).

and hope that the user
doesn't use a \defaultfontfeatures afterwards):

An assumption I wouldn't want to do.

Javier is probably looking for general solutions that work in a
\selectlanguage command (he is the babel maintainer).

Do you have a crystal ball? :-) Yes, this is exactly what I want
(perhaps I had to make clear this point -- sorry). I've considered
a new macro named, say, \babelfontfeatures to be used as a
replacement of \defaultfonfeatures and based only this public

Another possibility is to redefine an internal macro -- namely,
\fontspec_preparse_features:nN -- which works in my preliminary
tests, but I think fontspec is not stable enough (in fact, this
macro has been rewritten in full in a recent release).


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Re: [XeTeX] fontspec and languages

2013-09-11 Thread Javier Bezos

Last time I heard from him on this, it was something in the lines of “I
wish I didn’t implement \addfontfeatures”, say I maintain my position
that people should avoid it whenever possible, it is just a hack.

And the alternative is...?


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Re: [XeTeX] fontspec and languages

2013-09-11 Thread Javier Bezos


Did you try to contact Will?

I intend to do it, but I'd like a bit of discussión before,
to have a clearer idea of how fontspec works and what I
should request.


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[XeTeX] fontspec and languages

2013-09-10 Thread Javier Bezos

This is in fact a question about fontspec, but since it is
used mainly with xetex (and luatex) I think I'll get better
answers here.

The question is: Does fontspec provide a way to set the
language so that it's always active even if other default
features are changed.


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[XeTeX] babel 3.9 beta

2013-01-30 Thread Javier Bezos

Hi all,

A beta version is babel 3.9 is now available. For further info see:


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Re: [XeTeX] babel

2012-09-04 Thread Javier Bezos

Maintainig babel is important for (pdf)latex which is still in use but
for XeLaTeX I would suggest polyglossia which already works.

I would add the new version of babel won't make things to
work automagically. Rather it will provide some tools to
ease making language files compatible with xetex and luatex.

And to seize the opportunity... Please, could you give me
examples of (minimal) documents with babel not working
with XeTeX?


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Re: [XeTeX] babel

2012-09-03 Thread Javier Bezos


Some times ago, I read that babel will be compatible with xelatex.

I would like to use babel with french and sanskrit languages, do I have
any chance to succeed?

Not yet -- I'm still working on it. For further info, see:

An advance of the new manual is:


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Re: [XeTeX] Babel

2012-05-04 Thread Javier Bezos

El 04/05/2012 9:24, Vafa Khalighi escribió:

Is there a mailing list/development repository for babel?

Sure. The repository is on:

Until now, there are only changes in the test files.

As to the mailing list, I'm not sure. There is the latex-l
list, but it's intended mainly for LaTeX3, and babel is a
LaTeX2e (and Plain) thing, but after cleaning up babel there
will be very likely further work on a new multilingual core
for LaTeX3, and I presume discussing babel will be ok.

Remember what I said in my first post -- as far as babel
is concerned, the goal is mainly to fix bugs, to make babel
compatible with XeTeX and LuaTeX (and just that) and perhaps
to add a few minor features, that's all, because a new core
is clearly necessary. Work on the latter, however, will
start later and not right now -- understanding better the
problems in babel will help in the development of the new


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[XeTeX] Babel

2012-05-02 Thread Javier Bezos

Hi all,

Babel gets back on track and it is again actively maintained. The
goals are mainly to fix bugs, to make it compatible with XeTeX and
LuaTeX (as far as possible), and perhaps to add some minor new
features (provided they are backward compatible).

No attempt will be done to take full advantage of the features
provided by XeTeX and LuaTeX, which would require a completely
new core (as for example polyglossia or as part of LaTeX3).

Your comments or suggestions (or questions!) are welcomed.


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Re: [XeTeX] Babel

2012-05-02 Thread Javier Bezos


   Javier, that's great news!  I suppose you're part of the team
developing it?

Yes, I am.


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Re: [XeTeX] Babel

2012-05-02 Thread Javier Bezos

babel can use bidi package for its bidirectional typesetting rather than
its own (rlbabel.def) which has too many problems.

Which ones? The LaTeX bugs database registers almost no bugs
related to bidirectional typesetting. Having information on
the problems are essential to fix them. Please, send bug
reports or explain the problems and the expected behaviour.


On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 4:54 PM, Javier Bezos wrote:

Hi all,

Babel gets back on track and it is again actively maintained. The
goals are mainly to fix bugs, to make it compatible with XeTeX and
LuaTeX (as far as possible), and perhaps to add some minor new
features (provided they are backward compatible).

No attempt will be done to take full advantage of the features
provided by XeTeX and LuaTeX, which would require a completely
new core (as for example polyglossia or as part of LaTeX3).

Your comments or suggestions (or questions!) are welcomed.


Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.: listinfo/xetex

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Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Babel

2012-05-02 Thread Javier Bezos

El 02/05/2012 18:29, Vafa Khalighi escribió:

I can send you lots more, if you want to fix these.

Thanks. You may send them to me directly, if you want.


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Re: [XeTeX] polyglossia and french

2011-09-25 Thread Javier Bezos

I have received a private mail from François Charette saying that he
no longer has time to maintain polyglossia and he offered the package
to others to become maintainers. I myself will not have any time tilll
the end of this year and moreover do not know git and have no time to
learn it. If someone is able to clone it, migrate it to subversion (or
cvs) and become a new maintainer, i will actively join the team of
developers in January 2012.

On the other hand, I intend to provide a XeTeX back-end for babel
in short. I've made some tests and I was able to typeset a document
in Russian with babel and a few additional macros. I presume I'll
start working by November.

Not that I like babel, but it's what most users want and what most
TUGs support.


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Re: [XeTeX] polyglossia and french

2011-09-25 Thread Javier Bezos

El 25/09/2011 12:08, Zdenek Wagner escribió:

I could use babel with XeLaTeX without any modification. The problem
is that in non-unicode babel a lot of things is implemented via active
characters. Thus if you use czech or slovak option, \cline ceases to
work. If you use slovak or latin option, accent \^ is no longer

The main task is a proper mapping from the LICR to Unicode.

There are a lot of other tricky clashes that can break
multilingual documents where parts are written by different authors.
One journal had a problem with English + French + Chinese + Arabic + a
lof of math and linguistic diagrams. It took me almost a week to solve
all these problems and typeset all what the authors wished.

Well, imagine yo can do it out of the box.


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Re: [XeTeX] Bold unit vectors

2011-07-02 Thread Javier Bezos


Because there is no need for it. When the vectors (bold) i, j, k are
defined to be the standard basis vectors, then they are already unit
vectors. Putting a hat over them is quite superfluous. That there is no
easy way to do this in Unicode is surely indicative that standard usage
does not require it, so you should be discouraged from attempting to do

Somewhat off-topic, but math notations cannot follow strict rules
and you may want a hat over any i or j -- perhaps a special basis
(eg, a rotating one). You can find the hat (with the dot) for
example in Schaum's Continuum Mechanics, by Mase. Redundancy,
when consistency is also important, is not always a bad thing.


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