Re: [XeTeX] Synching PDF paper size with typesetting size

2011-11-05 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Karljurgen Feuerherm wrote:

Hmm. Is there not an integrated solution, set one thing to do it both places?

Well, specifying a given constant in exactly one place
is certainly a cornerstone of rigorous and defensive
programming, so I for one am all in favour of such
solutions.  Here, by way of example, is the preamble
of a document on which I am currently working -- you will
see that every key dimension is specified in one place
and one place only.  I don't pretend for one second that
it addresses your particular needs, but it does show that
one constant, one definition is not difficult to achieve.

Philip Taylor

% !TeX program = xetex

\newdimen \innermargin
\newdimen \outermargin
\newdimen \uppermargin
\newdimen \lowermargin
\newdimen \cropwidth
\newdimen \cropheight
\newdimen \cropmark
\newdimen \cropmitre
\newdimen \Knuthoffset

\pdfpagewidth = 210 mm
\pdfpageheight = 297mm
\cropwidth = 190 mm
\cropheight = 250 mm
\cropmark = 1 cm
\cropmitre = 0.2 cm
\innermargin = 1 in
\outermargin = 1.5 in
\uppermargin = 1 in
\lowermargin = 1 in
\Knuthoffset = 1 in

\def \onehalf {0.5}

\hoffset = \pdfpagewidth
\advance \hoffset by -\cropwidth
\hoffset = \onehalf \hoffset
\advance \hoffset by \innermargin
\advance \hoffset by -\Knuthoffset

\voffset = \pdfpageheight
\advance \voffset by -\cropheight
\voffset = \onehalf \voffset
\advance \voffset by \uppermargin
\advance \voffset by -\Knuthoffset

\hsize = \cropwidth
\advance \hsize by -\innermargin
\advance \hsize by -\outermargin

\vsize = \cropheight
\advance \vsize by -\uppermargin
\advance \vsize by -\lowermargin

\input cropmarks
\topcropmark = \uppermargin plus \cropmark minus -\cropmitre
\bottomcropmark = \cropheight  plus \cropmark minus -\cropmitre
\advance \bottomcropmark by -\uppermargin
\leftcropmark = \innermargin plus \cropmark minus -\cropmitre
\rightcropmark = \cropwidth plus \cropmark minus -\cropmitre
\advance \rightcropmark by -\innermargin

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Re: [XeTeX] [tex-live] XeTeX/TeX Live : Setting the default language

2011-11-04 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Heiko Oberdiek wrote:

And if the British author visits Germany he happily uses


No, wait, without spaces???

   \Befehlsnamensstart Benutze die Sprache\Befehlsnamenende{Englisch}


Only if he has launched the binary by typing :



(and then, of course, he must use \BenutzedieSprache {britische Sprache})

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Re: [XeTeX] [tex-live] XeTeX/TeX Live : Setting the default language

2011-11-03 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Merci, Arthur !

Arthur Reutenauer wrote:

   Just edit your language.def file.  Actually, you can create a one-line
file that says british loadhyph-en-gb.tex (not hyph-en-gb.tex!) and
create the format with fmtutil.


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Re: [XeTeX] [tex-live] XeTeX/TeX Live : Setting the default language

2011-11-03 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Khaled Hosny wrote:

Even simpler (assuming the pattern is loaded in the format):

\input knuth
\uselanguage{british} % or ukenglish or UKenglish, all synonyms
\input knuth

Works for all etex based engines.

Excellent, thank you Khaled.  Of course, it took me
a minute or two to discover that \input Knuth was
pulling in some sample text and not the definition
of \uselanguage !  And, sadly, British is not
a synonym of british, even though I can think of
no context in which it would ever be spelled with
a lower-case b ...

** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] Hyperref \hyperlink and \hypertarget not working with accented characters

2011-11-02 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Ross Moore wrote:

On 02/11/2011, at 10:40 AM, Andy Black wrote:

\hyperlink{rAsociación}{APLT (1988)}

Don't use non-ASCII characters in the link.

Oh dear, does PDF still live in the TeX 2 era ?  Surely /someone/ in
Adobe is aware that there are character sets other than US English,
and that those who write in such languages are perfectly entitled
to wish to use them in links, whether or not such text ever appears
on-screen ?

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] Hyperref \hyperlink and \hypertarget not working with accented characters

2011-11-02 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Zdenek Wagner wrote:

2011/11/2 Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Adobe _does_ live in such era because tha last really portable reader
for all operating systems is version 3. Bugs reported by me in January
2002 and April 2002 have not been fixed so far.

PDF is based on PS and the string type requires 8bit characters.
Making such a dramatic change in the very hard of the format will make
old PDF's unreadable by new PDF readers.

Don't follow that, Zdenek : the older PDFs will not change,
will still contain US ASCII strings and so on, but a newer
reader would be able to handle UTF-whatever strings as
well -- that was my thinking.

** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] Hyperref \hyperlink and \hypertarget not working with accented characters

2011-11-02 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Zdenek Wagner wrote:

No, it won't be that easy. Syntax (string) in links is in
AdobeStandardEncoding and some of these characters are not valid in

OK.  But could a PDF reader not use the same detection algorithm
as (say) the Microsoft C# Compiler -- No BOM : ASCII; BOM : UTF-8 ?

** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] Hyperref \hyperlink and \hypertarget not working with accented characters

2011-11-02 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Arthur Reutenauer wrote:

OK.  But could a PDF reader not use the same detection algorithm
as (say) the Microsoft C# Compiler -- No BOM : ASCII; BOM : UTF-8 ?

   Of course not; UTF-8 strings do not necessarily contain a BOM.  Where
did you get that strange idea from?

I didn't :-)  But that is how the Microsoft C# compiler determines
how to treat string literals in C# programs, and although I initially found
it confusing, once I discovered the algorithm I never looked back ...

If it works for Microsoft, why not for Adobe ?

** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] Hyperref \hyperlink and \hypertarget not working with accented characters

2011-11-02 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Heiko Oberdiek wrote:

Example: Destination names in PDF are just byte strings.
Thus you could put arbitrary rubbisch in there. The string
is used as id label to identify a destination/anchor.

Regarding hyperref: an anchor name has similar restrictions
as a \label name. Letters and digits are safe. The rest
might work or does not. (There is some support for
babel shorthands, thus they should work.)

If the OP needs funny stuff as labels

Heiko, you are, I believe, a native German speaker
(please correct me if I am mistaken).  In your
personal opinion, are the following letters,
arbitrary rubbisch, or funny stuff ?

ä, ö, ü, ß, ł, ę

(FWIW, they are all clearly letters IMHO, with
the possible exception of ß which might, I suppose,
be a ligature-digraph).

** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] Hyperref \hyperlink and \hypertarget not working with accented characters

2011-11-02 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Heiko Oberdiek wrote:

On Wed, Nov 02, 2011 at 11:14:54AM +, Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) 

Heiko Oberdiek wrote:

If the OP needs funny stuff as labels

Heiko, you are, I believe, a native German speaker
(please correct me if I am mistaken).  In your
personal opinion, are the following letters,
arbitrary rubbisch, or funny stuff ?

ä, ö, ü, ß, ??, ??

Then try
   ä, ö, ü, ß
in plain TeX.

But we're not discussing Plain TeX, Heiko : this is the
XeTeX list, where the world has moved on, where UTF-8 is
the norm, and where ASCII is no more than a bad dream.
Are you really suggesting that in Plain XeTeX,

ä, ö, ü, ß

is anything other than a normal, everyday, document ?

I have just processed it here, and with
the addition of just two lines to change the default
font to a Unicode-compatible one, it generates exactly
what one would hope for and expect in the 21st century.

** P.

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Re: [XeTeX] Hyperref \hyperlink and \hypertarget not working with accented characters

2011-11-02 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Ross Moore wrote:

My advice is simply that if you restrict yourself to ASCII
letters, then you will not face any difficulties.
This is pure pragmatism; nothing less.

As was Knuth's decision to base TeX on US-ASCII.

Fortunately, FMi and others were able to convince
him that he was wrong, whence TeX 3.  Now we clearly
need to start on Adobe (and Heiko !).

** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] Hyperref \hyperlink and \hypertarget not working with accented characters

2011-11-02 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Heiko Oberdiek wrote:

 ä, ö, ü, ß

is anything other than a normal, everyday, document ?

The mail header of your posting, send by the list server
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; Format=flowed

Then I must have received a quite abnormal mail out of norm?

No, Heiko, what you received was my mail client trying to deal with
your mail client in an encoding acceptable to both.  My original
message, with l-bar and o-ogonek, was encoded as :

text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

your reply, with the l-bar and o-ogonek replaced by paired
interrogatives (arbitrary rubbisch, to use your own words),
was encoded as :

text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Thereafter, my mail client, realising that your mail client
still lived in the dark ages, fell back on a legacy encoding
that was acceptable to both.

From the last mails I found 477 lines with:

   Content-Type: text/plain; charset=...

us-ascii: 237
UTF-8: 114
ISO-8859-1: 60
ISO-8859-2: 44
windows-1252: 21
windows-1256: 1

Doutbtless if you looked harder, you could find some in BIG-5
as well.  That does not mean that the world has not moved on
(at least, parts of it; others, despite their diacritic-rich
heritage, seem remarkably and inexplicably opposed to progress).

Of course, also a font in T1, ... encoding can be used.
Or the input encoding might differ from the font
encoding by mapping via macros, ...

We could even agree, Humpty-Dumpty-like, that when I write
the letter e, it means exactly what I choose it to mean,
neither more nor less.  So today, I could choose it to mean
o-ogonek; tomorrow, l-bar.  The world is one's oyster, if
one is Humpty Dumpty.

Back to XeTeX:

Byte string means that the string consists of bytes 0-255 (or 1..255).
Can you write them with XeTeX in a file or use as destination names
without using a different encoding?

I do not understand the question.  There /is/ no encoding in a
byte string; it is a byte string, by definition.  What am I missing ?

** P.

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Re: [XeTeX] Hyperref \hyperlink and \hypertarget not working with accented characters

2011-11-02 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Heiko Oberdiek wrote:

XeTeX can't write byte strings.

Is this a XeTeX or an (x)dvipdfmx limitation, Heiko?

** P.

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Re: [XeTeX] Hyperref \hyperlink and \hypertarget not working with accented characters

2011-11-02 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Heiko Oberdiek wrote:

XeTeX can't write byte strings.

[PT] Is this a XeTeX or an (x)dvipdfmx limitation, Heiko?

AFAIK both.

OK, I'm glad we have managed to identify a real problem.  Thank you.
** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] [tex-live] Ftuture state of XeTeX in TeXLive

2011-10-31 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

[TeX Live list dropped, TeXhax added]

Ulrike Fischer wrote:

 So a font loader should be written as a sort of library with clear API
 which can be used by every format.

Amen.  And if other add-ons could follow suit, what an
enormous benefit that might bring.  Although, as regular
readers of the list will know, I do have philosophical
problems with LaTeX, I think that my severest criticism
is its monolithic nature : if you want to use any part of
LaTeX's functionality, you have to use the whole caboodle,
want it or not.  It is, unfortunately, almost certainly
too late to hope for a more modular approach, but if a new
font loader /were/ to be written, with a well-defined API,
callable from IniTeX, Plain TeX, LaTeX and Context (plus future,
as-yet undreamed-of formats), it /might/ encourage other
contributors to do likewise.

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] [tex-live] Ftuture state of XeTeX in TeXLive

2011-10-31 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Ulrike Fischer wrote:

LaTeX monolithic? In general people complain that they have to load
packages for everything ;-). Context is monolithic, but in LaTeX you
only have to use a rather small kernel.

It may be a small kernel in relation to the size of the
total available packages, but it is neither small in
absolute terms not could it reasonably be termed anything
but monolithic for any normal definition of that word.

And actually quite a lot of
latex packages works also with plain or with mini-latex.

Perhaps so, and that is all to the good, but my criticism
was aimed at LaTeX /qua/ LaTeX, not at its many adjunct

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] [tex-live] Ftuture state of XeTeX in TeXLive

2011-10-30 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Khaled Hosny wrote:

On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 05:18:18PM +0100, Petr Tomasek wrote:

Actually, I think little people need more then than what XeTTeX acctually

640kb ought to be enough for anybody.

I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.
-- Thomas Watson, Chairman of IBM, 1943.

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Re: [XeTeX] [tex-live] Future state of XeTeX in TeXLive

2011-10-29 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Mu EUR 0,02 :

Chris Travers wrote:

A couple things I'd point out.  TeX makes it possible to create
beautiful books.  LaTeX makes it possible to create beautiful books

but encourages users to create ugly ones.

Why do I say this ?  Well, a user wishing to typeset a book
using TeX has to /think/, and, having thought, will almost certainly
come up with a better design than LaTeX offers out of the box.

A LaTeX user, on the other hand, will -- until he or she becomes
sufficiently skilled and informed to know better -- almost certainly
just use one of the canned styles based on Computer Modern with
excessive white space that LaTeX provides by default.

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] [tex-live] Future state of XeTeX in TeXLive

2011-10-29 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Chris Travers wrote:

I think you are assuming a lot about knowledge of book design.  The
LaTeX styles out of the box are a bit formal.  I think the margins are
too wide, and I prefer different fonts  But I would hardly call
them ugly ...

OK. one quote from my 1993 paper Book Design for TeX Users, part 1,
and then I shut up and let others debate the point if they wish :

Knuth, in his closing exhortation, wrote: “GO FORTH now and
create masterpieces of the publishing art.” Nowhere, so far as I can
trace, did he write: “and let every one of them shriek ‘TEX’ from every
page”. . .

** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] [tex-live] Ftuture state of XeTeX in TeXLive

2011-10-28 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Mojca Miklavec wrote:

On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 13:19, Vafa Khalighi wrote:

Since Jonathan has no time any more for coding XeTeX, then what will be the
state of XeTeX in TeX distributions such as TeXLive? will be XeTeX removed
from TeXLive just like Aleph and Omega (in favour of LuaTeX) were removed
from TeXLive?

Omega was remove because it was buggy, unmaintained, but most
important of all: hardly usable. It took a genius to figure out how to
use it, while XeTeX is exactly the contrary. It simplifies everything
in comparison to pdfTeX.

I think that last remark is grossly unfair, although probably
not intentionally so.  XeTeX adds functionality that was non-
existent in PdfTeX, but that hardly makes it simpler.  It
also introduces a non-TeXlike syntax, particularly (perhaps
only) in the extended \font primitive that could (IMHO)
have been better thought out, particularly in the overloading
of string quotes and the introduction of square brackets.

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] [tex-live] Ftuture state of XeTeX in TeXLive

2011-10-28 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Zdenek Wagner wrote:

If I understand Mojca correctly, she compared XeTeX to Omega.

If that were the case, Zdenek, would Mojca not have written
XeTeX is exactly the contrary. It simplifies everything
in comparison to Omega., rather than XeTeX is exactly
the contrary. It simplifies everything in comparison to pdfTeX.
which is what she actually wrote ?

Well, I I want to typeset a text in Hindi using XeLaTeX, I just type a
text in UTF-8, switch the font (using the fontspec package) by
\fontspec[Script=Devanagari]{fontname} and it works. If I do the same
in lualatex, it does not work, I would have to plug somewhere a lot of
lua code in order to specify how to handle the Devanagari script. The
fontspec package just handles loading the font, not correct rendering
of the text.

I think I'm losing the plot, Zdenek !  At first you said

 If I understand Mojca correctly, she compared XeTeX to Omega.

but now you are comparing Xe[La]TeX to lua[La]TeX, so I'm
a little confused as to how you are interpreting Mojcs's

** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] Performance of ucharclasses

2011-10-26 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Keith J. Schultz wrote:

2) Intellectual Property Rights
 This controls modification of code and use thereof.
  In our case, the author discourages this, and basically
  denies us the right to do it.

He does /not/ deny you the right to do so; he discourages
you, which any competent native speaker of English would
recognise as being completely different.

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] Performance of ucharclasses

2011-10-23 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Vafa Khalighi wrote:

No, the license of the package in not LPPL. In fact, it is non-free and that is why it is 
not included in TeXLive. The README in License section says:

  may freely use this package, but you are discouraged from
  modifying this package and then redistributing it. Instead,
  please contact me (ideally on the XeTeX mailing list) and
  we can discuss the changes you wish to make. If they
  benefit everyone, they will be worked in as a new version.

Is discouraged from (or even strongly discouraged from)
actually inconsistent with the /requirements/ of LPPL (as
opposed to the /spirit/ of LPPL) ?

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] Performance of ucharclasses

2011-10-23 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

On Sun, 23 Oct 2011, Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

clearly they are -- but in terms of actual requirements.  Since
you are only discouraged from and not prohibited from
making changes, I believe that a court of law would find that
there is no actual inconsistency in practice.

Do note that the ucharclasses package isn't covered by the LPPL at all.
The author is free to put whatever license he wants on it, and whether
the license he chose is consistent with the LPPL isn't particularly
relevant.  We might as well as whether it's consistent with the GNU GPL
or the Argentinian Constitution.

The issue that Vafa raised was as follows :

No, the license of the package in not LPPL.

 In fact, it is non-free and that is why it
 is not included in TeXLive. The README in License section says:

 may freely use this package, but you are discouraged from
 modifying this package and then redistributing it. Instead,
 please contact me (ideally on the XeTeX mailing list) and
 we can discuss the changes you wish to make. If they
 benefit everyone, they will be worked in as a new version.

and the point that I was making is that discouraged from
is not the same as are not allowed to and therefore should
not be taken as an reason to exclude the package from TeX Live.
Whether the package licence conflicts with the LPPL, or with the
GNU PL, or with the Constitution of Argentina, is not really
the point at issue.

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] Performance of ucharclasses

2011-10-23 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Tobias Schoel wrote:

Besides, I also wouldn't do, if it was allowed. Who knows, what methods the 
author employs in order to enforce the “discouragement”? ;-)

I believe a much-loved horse's head in one's bed
is generally favoured in such circumstances !

** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] How to manually create the xelatex.fmt?

2011-10-21 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Chris Travers wrote:

If TexLive had been around in 2002 and was statically linking to zlib,
it would have been affected too.  TeX does not link against zlib but
LaTeX and XeTeX do.

Similarly, arbitrary code execution vulnerabilities have been found in
2005 in libjpeg (also linked to by LaTeX and XeTeX).  Again these
predate TexLive.

Chris, these statements have to be wrong, at least in part :
if TeX does not link against Zlib, then neither does LaTeX --
they are one and the same engine.  -- ditto -- LibJpeg.

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] How to manually create the xelatex.fmt?

2011-10-21 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

Chris, these statements have to be wrong, at least in part :
if TeX does not link against Zlib, then neither does LaTeX --
they are one and the same engine. -- ditto -- LibJpeg.

Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa :

C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\v2.0tex
This is TeX, Version 3.1415926 (Web2C 2010)
No pages of output.
Transcript written on texput.log.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\v2.0latex
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.11 (Web2C 2010)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e 2009/09/24
Babel v3.8l and hyphenation patterns for english, dumylang, nohyphenation, ge
rman-x-2009-06-19, ngerman-x-2009-06-19, afrikaans, ancientgreek, ibycus, arabi
c, armenian, basque, bulgarian, catalan, pinyin, coptic, croatian, czech, danis
h, dutch, ukenglish, usenglishmax, esperanto, estonian, ethiopic, farsi, finnis
h, french, galician, german, ngerman, swissgerman, monogreek, greek, hungarian,
 icelandic, assamese, bengali, gujarati, hindi, kannada, malayalam, marathi, or
iya, panjabi, tamil, telugu, indonesian, interlingua, irish, italian, kurmanji,
 lao, latin, latvian, lithuanian, mongolian, mongolianlmc, bokmal, nynorsk, pol
ish, portuguese, romanian, russian, sanskrit, serbian, slovak, slovenian, spani
sh, swedish, turkish, turkmen, ukrainian, uppersorbian, welsh, loaded.


so they are not the same binary.  Sincere apologies, Chris.
** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] How to manually create the xelatex.fmt?

2011-10-20 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Petr Tomasek wrote:

The reason is exactly that TeX-Live is (Linux-)distros unfriendly as it is not
easily to package it for a particular Linux distribution (and the main reason is
that it tries to duplicate things that should be done on system level - like the
package management).

And to which package management suite would you suggest they delegate
when offering TeX Live for Windows ?

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] How to manually create the xelatex.fmt?

2011-10-19 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Chris Travers wrote:

xetex -ini  -jobname=xelatex -progname=xelatex -etex xelatex.ini

I asked Vafa, there was no reply.  I will now ask you, Chris :

What does this accomplish that

 xetex -ini -etex xelatex.ini

does not ?

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] How to manually create the xelatex.fmt?

2011-10-18 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Vafa Khalighi wrote:

There are two ways to create xelatex.fmt:

1) xetex -ini -jobname=xelatex -progname=xelatex -etex xelatex.ini

What does this accomplish that xetex -ini -etex xelatex.ini does not ?

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] bug using \underbrace with unicode-math package

2011-10-09 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Daniel Greenhoe wrote:

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 11:16 AM, Will  wrote:

The next version of unicode-math will, I hope, fix this problem...
(Make sure you also update the packages fontspec and l3kernel as well.)

Today I finally updated my TeXlive installation to
   * unicode-math version 0.6  (2011sep18)
   * fontspec version 2.2a (2011sep18)
   * l3kernel version SVN 2828 (2011sep15)

Everything seems to work great (even without the original clever patch
solution from Philip Taylor). Many thanks to Will Robertson for his
hard work. And many thanks again to Philip Taylor for the interim
solution. I appreciate both their help very much. Thanks!

I think that any credit assigned to me should really go to Adam L. S.

I say think because I'm not entirely clear who is the originator
of the Stack Exchange solution that I recycled, but it certainly
appears to be Adam L. S. and was definitely not me !

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] Hyphenation in Transliterated Sanskrit

2011-10-02 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Dominik --

Several commentaries on the Bhagavadgītā have also
been typed into the computer, including those of
Śaṅkara, Yāmuna, Rāmānuja and Jñānadeva.

What is the significance (if any) of the extra-high ṅ
in Śaṅkara ?

** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] Hyphenation in Transliterated Sanskrit

2011-10-02 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Cyril Niklaus wrote:

Because that's how his name is spelled.  You have guttural, palatal, retroflex 
and dental n in Devanāgarī, respectively ङ ṅa
; ञ ña; ण ṇa and न na.

Yes, but all n variants are normally the same size, modulo the diacritics.

The guttural na is transcribed using a superscript dot, but maybe you do not 
have it in a standard font, and your MUA used whatever font was available, 
therefore this extra height you're talking about.  I'm not sure if I've 
correctly understood you, to be honest.

Agreed : I have changed my font preferences for Other languages
(odd way of having to tell it which font to use for UTF-8 !),
and now all four n variants are the same height.

Philip Taylor

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Strange behaviour xelatex/fontspec/Windows

2011-09-24 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)
OK with TeX Live 2010.
Philip Taylor wrote:
   %Traitement des ligatures classiques de TeX
   %LuaTeX a une manière différente de traiter les
   %ligatures classiques de TeX (i.e. --, --- etc).
 UprightFont = *,
\setmainfont{GFS Didot}
 A Text in GFS Didot

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

[XeTeX] Odd and confusing diagnostics during XeTeX run

2011-09-23 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)
Dear Colleagues -- I just knocked up this little
six-line XeTeX source file in order to typeset
some labels for my spice jars in an appropriate
font :

\parindent = 0 em
\parskip = 6 ex
\font \Hindi = Samarkan at 36 pt
CA's Curry Masala

When I ran it, I saw some diagnostics flash across
the TeXworks screen, but then the expected PDF appeared,
containing the text CA's Curry Masala in Samarkan
as intended.

Puzzled, I removed the \end and re-ran it, and this
time managed to trap the diagnostics; they read --

This is XeTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.2-0.9997.4 (Web2C 2010)
entering extended mode
(./Hindi.texname = Samarkan, rootname = Samarkan, pointsize =
mktexmf: empty or non-existent rootfile!

kpathsea: Running mktexmf

The command name is E:\TeX\Live\2010\bin\win32\mktexmf
Cannot find

Now why is XeTeX trying to use MetaFont sources when
I already have Samarkan in in my system fonts directory
as a Truetype font; XeTeX knows that I have it there,
because it successfully uses it, so why does it first
try to use a non-existent MetaFont version.  And why
do the diagnostics :

mktexmf: empty or non-existent rootfile!

kpathsea: Running mktexmf

The command name is E:\TeX\Live\2010\bin\win32\mktexmf
Cannot find

not end up in the document log file (and indeed, where
am I meant to find them) ?

Philip Taylor

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Odd and confusing diagnostics during XeTeX run

2011-09-23 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Jonathan Kew wrote:
 Put the font name in quotes. That will be taken as a hint that it should try 
 for an installed font by that name *before* asking kpathsearch to try and 
 find a TFM, rather than vice versa.

OK, thank you.  I think I once knew that, and then forgot
it again.  But could you possibly comment on the latter
part of my question :

 And why do the diagnostics :

mktexmf: empty or non-existent rootfile!

kpathsea: Running mktexmf

The command name is E:\TeX\Live\2010\bin\win32\mktexmf
Cannot find

 not end up in the document log file (and indeed, where
 am I meant to find them) ?

 Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] Astrological symbols

2011-09-17 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

John Was wrote:

 Thanks for the list - I've got Arial of course ... but it's so ugly!

Think Bauhaus, think minimalist : if you're enough of a poseur [1],
Arial will surely become the ultimate font of choice :-)

** Phil.


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Re: [XeTeX] Astrological symbols

2011-09-17 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

John Was wrote:

 [W]when I want to listen to a singer I wind a handle...

... which rings a bell, and then your personal Early Music
consort begs leave to enter ?

** Phil.

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Hyphenation in Transliterated Sanskrit

2011-09-12 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Mojca Miklavec wrote:
 Why do you type Ret'd they're helico-pter instead of Ret’d they’re 
 “helico-pter” ? You are unicode-aware, aren't you? Mojca 
Unicode-aware, but not Unicode-typing.  This (like my earlier
reply) is typed on an IBM Model M keyboard (the real thing, clicky,
dating from circa 1985 : see Exhibit `A',
 and is used to compose strictly
ASCII text.  If I want Unicode, I copy and paste it from the web.

** Phil.

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Hyphenation in Transliterated Sanskrit

2011-09-12 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Dominik Wujastyk wrote:
 Gasp! A CRT!  

Sir.  You have the honour to be communicating with
(in the words of my former manager, David Sweeney)
a DINOSAUR.  What else would you expect a dinosaur
to use but an IBM Model M clicky keyboard and a 19
CRT monitor ?!

** Phil, still wondering what changes the 20th century will bring :-)

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Dinosaurs

2011-09-12 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Tobias Schoel wrote:
 Shouldn't real dinosaurs (real as in MTV Real Life) calculate using only the 
 Peano Axioms and the unary system? I mean, the natural numbers and the peano 
 axioms are nature given / god given (choose whatever you like) and every 
 human before homo sapiens had only the cognitive capabilities to use the 
 unary system: “Hey, I saw | deer, let's go hunt them.” “Oh no, I saw ||| 
 lions, they would kill us.”

Are you sure ? My understanding of palæoanthropology is that, long
before man was able to differentiate | deer from  deer,
he could tell | deer from || deer from  || deer, and that was the
limit of his calculating ability. 

** Phil.

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] 64.bit XeTex was::Re: Trying to build microtype-aware xetex

2011-09-01 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Arthur Reutenauer wrote:

 On a related note, are you aware that you should never talk to a llama
 wearing your socks inside out?

I would never allow a llama to wear my socks at all, no matter
whether inside out or otherwise -- they have /really/ smelly
feet, and you just can't get your socks clean afterwards ...

** Phil.

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] xelatex question

2011-08-15 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Ross Moore wrote:
 Hello Steve,
 On 15/08/2011, at 4:27 PM, Steve Deckelman wrote:
 Dear Ross, I came across one of your posts on the net. 

Would you know if there is something like a pinyin package for xelatex?
Something similar to the one for CJK that would allow me to type set things
like \Wo2 and have it typeset in pinyin with accent 2.

I use Pinyinput :

Enter wo2 and wó appears as if by magic !  As the
resulting output is UTF, it can be fed straight into

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] Xetex TexLife and fc-cache

2011-08-10 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Nicolás Hatcher wrote:
 Hi All (again):
 It seems I was guessing too much. Perhaps my problem is not fc-cache.
 What happens is that with any new day the first xelatex run is extremely slow.
 Could be 5 minutes before pass the line
 This is XeTeX, Version ...
 I am doing a system that produces pdf documents on demand from a website. I 
 cannot ask the user to wait sometimes 5 minutes.
 I know is not fc-cache because I substituted it with a dummy file and the 
 problem is still there.
 What does XeTeX before launching?
 Any pointers to the source code so I can investigate myself?

I see the same symptoms myself on a regular basis, but
not having clients to satisfy, it has never worried me.

 Would the same problem arise on MiKTeX?

You are not comparing like with like.  XeTeX is a program,
based on the original TeX program from Donald Knuth, but
re-written and considerably extended, particularly in the
field of Unicode support and file handling.  MikTeX is
a distribution, which contains TeX and many other programs,
probably including XeTeX ('though I have no first-hand
experience to support this latter statement).  If you
do not need the power of XeTeX, and do not need (for
example), support for Unicode and for system fonts,
then TeX may be all that you need, and it will not have
that same startup delay; but the delay will be (more or
less) the same for any one given program (TeX, XeTeX,
LuaTeX, whatever) regardless of the distribution
(MikTeX, TeX Live, PC TeX, YY TeX, whatever).

Philip Taylor

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] opentype arabic font rendering in mac osx (snow leopard and lion)

2011-08-03 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

I haven't installed Adobe Reader yet because it just seemed too bloated (more 
than 400mb just for a reader).

400Mb ?  Where do you get that figure ?  The Adobe web site

says 50.25Mb.

Philip Taylor

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] epsdice package.

2011-07-19 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Andy Lin wrote:

I'm kind of confused. Couldn't you use the ucharclasses package for
this? Isn't this the precise reason it was created?

Possibly, but how is one expected to learn of the existence
of the package ?  TeXdoc ucharclasses reports no hits, so
it is not even possible to investigate its functionality
using the normal interface.

Incidentally, does anyone know if there is any obvious
reason why




have less-than-accurate names ?  Would they not be better




as it is the \XeTeXcharclass that governs whether or not
the token list is inserted, not the character itself.

** Phil.

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] epsdice package.

2011-07-19 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

Yes, that is the right approach, but implementing it successfully
requires use of \uccode  \uppercase, or \lccode and \lowercase,
and the \uppercase/lowercase primitives are, in general, very
poorly understood. Perhaps easier is to make use of the fact
that Michael has \XeTeXinterchartoks available to him :

I failed to notice the existence of \newXeTeXintercharclass;
here is an improved version :

\documentclass {minimal}
\usepackage {fontspec}
\setmainfont {Comic Sans MS}
\newfontfamily \Latinfont {Comic Sans MS}
\newfontfamily \Cherokeefont {Code2000}
\newXeTeXintercharclass \Cherokeeclass
\newcount \n
\def \TreatCherokeeCharactersSpecially
{\n = 13A0
\XeTeXcharclass \n = \Cherokeeclass \relax
 \ifnum\n  13FF
\advance \n by 1 \relax
 \XeTeXinterchartokenstate = 1
 \XeTeXinterchartoks 0 \Cherokeeclass = {\Cherokeefont}
 \XeTeXinterchartoks \Cherokeeclass 0 = {\Latinfont}
 \XeTeXinterchartoks 255 \Cherokeeclass = 
 \XeTeXinterchartoks \Cherokeeclass 255 = {\Latinfont}
\begin {document}
The Cherokee alphabet is a Syllabary.

ᏌᏊ: Sah-Gwoo (the g here is a bit hard, more like a k, but 
not that hard)

ᏍᎪᎯ: Skoh-Hee (the k here is a bit soft, more like a g, but 
not that soft)


The Cherokee alphabet is a Syllabary.

ᏌᏊ: Sah-Gwoo (the g here is a bit hard, more like a k, but 
not that hard)

ᏍᎪᎯ: Skoh-Hee (the k here is a bit soft, more like a g, but 
not that soft)

\end {document}

** Phil.

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] epsdice package.

2011-07-18 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Peter Dyballa wrote:

Yes, maybe it has to be


Simplest is to grab the original meaning of \n before
re-defining it :

\let \canonicaln = \n
\def \n {whatever, using \canonicaln}

** Phil.

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] epsdice package.

2011-07-18 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Peter Dyballa wrote:

Right! Make character \n active and \define it as character \n from font \Cher.

Yes, that is the right approach, but implementing it successfully
requires use of \uccode  \uppercase, or \lccode and \lowercase,
and the \uppercase/lowercase primitives are, in general, very
poorly understood.  Perhaps easier is to make use of the fact
that Michael has \XeTeXinterchartoks available to him :

\documentclass {minimal}
\usepackage {fontspec}
\setmainfont {Comic Sans MS}
\newfontfamily \Latinfont {Comic Sans MS}
\newfontfamily \Cherokeefont {Code2000}
\newcount \n
\def \TreatCherokeeCharactersSpecially
{\n = 13A0
\XeTeXcharclass \n = 4 \relax
 \ifnum\n  13FF
\advance \n by 1 \relax
 \XeTeXinterchartokenstate = 1
 \XeTeXinterchartoks 0 4 = {\Cherokeefont}
 \XeTeXinterchartoks 4 0 = {\Latinfont}
 \XeTeXinterchartoks 255 4 = {\Cherokeefont}
 \XeTeXinterchartoks 4 255 = {\Latinfont}
\begin {document}
The Cherokee alphabet is a Syllabary.

ᏌᏊ: Sah-Gwoo (the g here is a bit hard, more like a k, but 
not that hard)

ᏍᎪᎯ: Skoh-Hee (the k here is a bit soft, more like a g, but 
not that soft)


The Cherokee alphabet is a Syllabary.

ᏌᏊ: Sah-Gwoo (the g here is a bit hard, more like a k, but 
not that hard)

ᏍᎪᎯ: Skoh-Hee (the k here is a bit soft, more like a g, but 
not that soft)

\end {document}

** Phil.

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] epsdice package.

2011-07-18 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

Peter Dyballa wrote:

Right! Make character \n active and \define it as character \n from
font \Cher.

Yes, that is the right approach, but implementing it successfully
requires use of \uccode  \uppercase, or \lccode and \lowercase,
and the \uppercase/lowercase primitives are, in general, very
poorly understood.

But just in case Michael is not deterred by that fact, here is the
same thing implemented using \uccode, \uppercase and active characters :

\documentclass {minimal}
\usepackage {fontspec}
\setmainfont {Comic Sans MS}
\newfontfamily \Cherokeefont {Code2000}
\newcount \n
\def \loopbody {}
\def \TreatCherokeeCharactersSpecially
{\n = 13A0
\uccode `\~ = \n \relax
\catcode \n = \active
\uppercase {\edef ~{{\noexpand \Cherokeefont \char 
\number \n \relax}}}
 \ifnum \n  13FF
\advance \n by 1 \relax
\begin {document}
The Cherokee alphabet is a Syllabary.

ᏌᏊ: Sah-Gwoo (the g here is a bit hard, more like a k, but not that 

ᏍᎪᎯ: Skoh-Hee (the k here is a bit soft, more like a g, but not 
that soft)


The Cherokee alphabet is a Syllabary.

ᏌᏊ: Sah-Gwoo (the g here is a bit hard, more like a k, but not that 

ᏍᎪᎯ: Skoh-Hee (the k here is a bit soft, more like a g, but not 
that soft)

\end {document}

** Phil.

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] epsdice package.

2011-07-17 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Peter Dyballa wrote:


Can't see that working : won't the expansion of
\n involve the expansion of \n, which will involve
the ...  (you get the idea).

** Phil (a TeX programmer, who would sooner roll
naked in nettles than attempt to program anything
in shell, sed, or awk).

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] epsdice package.

2011-07-16 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

On Sat, 16 Jul 2011, Peter Dyballa wrote:

like hay (or some other form of money) or different, like in German for
example? (That's the reason IPA was invented: it's completely clear.)

I think the point Michael was making is that because Cherokee is already
written in a phonetic script, transliterating it into a different phonetic
script the students don't know and don't need to know and requiring them
to learn that on top of the script they actually want to learn, would be
counterproductive.  Bear in mind that the audience for his project is not
linguists who might already know IPA, but language learners.

I have some sympathy with this perspective, but as one who
has tried to learn spoken Chinese through the medium of
pinyin, I know only too well that such representations
can convey at best only a vague approximation to the truth.

The IPA has its drawbacks, that is true, and is more intended to
convey intra-language differences than inter-language, but it is
still almost certainly the best way in which to present the sounds
of a language to an audience with no previous familiarity with
the sounds of which it is composed.

In Michael's own examples :

ᏌᏊ: Sah-Gwoo
ᏍᎪᎯ: Skoh-Hee

the ᏌᏊ and ᏍᎪᎯ elements are fine for native speakers
familiar with the sound system, but the broad transcription
into Sah-Gwoo and Skoh-Hee does leave a great deal to
be desired, as Peter Dyballa suggests.

Philip Taylor

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Loading fonts from a common server or http URL

2011-06-22 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Venkatesan. S.K. (TNQ) wrote:

It is more a *fontspec* question and may be it has wider scope...
Is it possible to load fonts from http URLs?
i.e., can I do this:

I think it is more of a [Xe]TeX-engine question, to be honest,
and one that has never really been satisfactorily resolved.
Because just as you might want to write :

 \fontspec {}.

you might also want to write

\usepackage {}

Indeed, anywhere in [La][Xe]TeX [1] that you want to open a file for
reading (be it font file, source file, data file or whatever),
it would be nice if that file could be on a remote server and
fetched using http.

Unfortunately I am not aware of any implementation of [Xe]TeX
that supports this; probably the most likely candidate would
be LuaTeX (Taco cc'd) but I do not think that even LuaTeX
yet supports this concept.

Philip Taylor

[1] Or indeed, anywhere at all within your PC/Macintosh/Unix box/whatever.
The problem is not unique to TeX, and it is not at all clear to me
why filing systems have not yet evolved to allow remote http-served
files to be read-accessed using the same interface as local files.

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Loading fonts from a common server or http URL

2011-06-22 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Paul Isambert wrote:

I don't know much about that subject, but LuaTeX includes the LuaSocket
library which, if I'm not mistaken, does exactly that: access remote files.

Excellent : so there is at least hope !
** Phil.

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Loading fonts from a common server or http URL

2011-06-22 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Keith J. Schultz wrote:

The problem is not the OS or filing system. It is the programs.
1) If you have a remote server mounted all you need
 is the mount point plus the path to the file. Standard
 on all OSes I know.

I am not convinced that the CTAN backbone supports (or
would want to support) remote mounting.

2) A program can open any/retrieve any file on a server
 using http. all it needs to do is speak http!

Technically this is not a problem.


I believe XeTex et al. should be able to handle 1) without any problems.

See above !

2) would require code to be added to retrieve the file, cache it, and access it
add throw it any when done. A waste of bandwidth in my opinion. There are
other cavets to consider.

In my opinion, this is the way of the future.  It is ludicrous
that we all have to create our own virtual CTAN mirrors.  Far
better to evolve a methodology that will, entirely transparently,
use a local copy as first choice; fetch (via http) a remote copy
and make it local, as second choice; and (3) offer a configuration
option to check whether the remote copy is more recent than the
local and if so, fetch it (and install it locally) automatically
when that file is next required.

A TeX Live installation should, IMVHO, start as small as possible
and grow by accretion.  Bulk installs should be seen as yesterday's
technology, install-on-first-demand as the way of the future.

Philip Taylor

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Loading fonts from a common server or http URL

2011-06-22 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Keith J. Schultz wrote:

Well, in a sense with tlmgr we already have this. Only,
it is manual. Could write a cron script to run tlmgr to keep
the system uptodate.

Yes, but that is TLMGR, and I am speaking of TeX !  In other
words, if I write \usepackage {keyval}, I would like /TeX/
to (a) look to see if I have keyval.cls locally; (b) if not,
look to see in which package/bundle/whatever keyval lives;
(c) fetch the p/b/w-h-y from CTAN; (d) un-p/b/w it into my
local TeXMF hierarchy; (e) continue as if nothing had happened
and the file had been local all the while.  It may sound
pie in the sky, but isn't this exactly what a sane, reasonable,
TeX user would want to happen in the 21st century ?

** Phil.

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Loading fonts from a common server or http URL

2011-06-22 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

David J. Perry wrote:

MiKTeX, available for Windows users, does exactly what you describe (if
you give it permission to download missing packages automatically; you
can turn that off if desired). That's the main reason I use it in
preference to TeXLive. I realize it's not helpful for non-Windows folks,
but it shows that your idea is not  pie in the sky.

Ah, if only Sebastian hadn't weaned me off MikTeX and onto TeX Live
all those many years ago ...

** Phil.

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Bidipoem Problem

2011-06-21 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

When I copy-and-paste the original into TeXworks, I don't
get (on-screen) what I started with.  Presumably this is
because either my e-mail client (Seamonkey) or TeXworks
(V0.4.0; R749) is doing something wrong with the ?Arabic?
characters.  In order that I can know which is wrong,
could someone more familiar with RTL languages tell me
whether, between the outer


and the nested


I should see at on the first line
some ?Arabic? text left, followed immediately by


(as I see in Seamonkey) or whether I should see

interrogativebackslash?Arabic? text

(as I see in TeXworks) ?

Philip Taylor

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Contextual Ligature Problems with OT Tamil Font Converted to AAT

2011-06-19 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Peter Dyballa wrote:

You could specify the renderer engine! Fontspec allows


Is this meaningfully true for all platforms ?  One of the
few downsides to XeTeX is that sometimes a feature is
platform-dependent yet the documentation and/or correspondence
never mentions this fact.

Philip Taylor

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Contextual Ligature Problems with OT Tamil Font Converted to AAT

2011-06-19 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Peter Dyballa wrote:

Am 19.06.2011 um 13:53 schrieb Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd):

Is this meaningfully true for all platforms ?

Of course not. But Blake used Apple Mail to send his message and he also
mentions Mac OS X as the OS he uses, where his problems occur. So I
tried to use my brain and mentioned this AAT stuff...

Yes, but your mail will be read by others (such as myself)
who are unaware of either of these facts, and will then be
misled into believing that it should work in their platform.

/Please/, when making platform-specific statements, make
this obvious in the message; it will save a great deal
of grief and misunderstandings in the long run.

Philip Taylor

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Contextual Ligature Problems with OT Tamil Font Converted to AAT

2011-06-19 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Peter Dyballa wrote:

Am 19.06.2011 um 15:14 schrieb Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd):

Yes, but your mail will be read by others (such as myself)
who are unaware of either of these facts, and will then be
misled into believing that it should work in their platform.

The term AAT stands for Apple Advanced Typography. The term is also
used in the fontspec manual. And it appears in many files of the TeX

You shouldn't blame me or others (you not included). But look into
Wikipedia or some other source of wisdom and information. I am also sure
that some simple facts can be learned. Like that it's bright when it's
day and that it's dark when it's night. (At least on Earth.) Put into
other words: I know where AAT, ICU, and Graphite belong to or come from
and don't spend further thinking on this, it is to me as common as day
and night are to most people. And since this is no hermetism or
esotericism I use them in the same way as the ideas of day and night and
some million other things.

Then perhaps you are an Apple user.  I am not.  Millions of
potential readers of your message are not.  They will have
no idea what AAT stands for.  They will have no idea whether
or not they have an AAT renderer, or a Graphite renderer,
or any other renderer, as a part of their system.  This does
not mean that they do not know that it is dark when it is night :
they inhabit the same real world as you, but a totally different
world when it comes to computers and computing. [1]

I am not /blaming/ you, or anyone else : I am simply asking,
for the benefit of the vast majority of computer users that
do not use, and have zero experience of, an Apple Macintosh
computer, that when you (or others) make a statement that
is true only for the Apple Macintosh platform, you make that
plain, so that the rest of us do not spend hours wondering why
something does not work.

This is directly analogous to the statement in Will's XeTeX
documentation that color may take a fourth (transparency)
byte in the extended font syntax; the statement is true, but
it will have no effect when xdvipdfmx (the default driver)
is used to process the file.  Documentation is wonderful,
and everyone applauds those who write it, but for it to be
useful it must also be accurate.

/Please/, when making platform-specific statements, make
this obvious in the message; it will save a great deal
of grief and misunderstandings in the long run.

I did not make platform specific statements, I made software, font, and
font renderer specific statements.

Does Graphite work on any platform?

I have no idea.  I know that my pencil lead is
really graphite, and I know it can be used as a lubricant,
but what it means in terms of fonts is completely opaque
to me (and, I suspect, to millions of others as well).

Why don't you complain here as well?

I am not complaining : I am asking for precision, which
is another matter entirely.

Would it work to extend netiquette of this list to mention in the
subject that the reported problem is specific to some OS so that
recipients can put those OS words into their kill files?

What is a kill file ?  Another platform-specific feature, I suppose !

Philip Taylor

[1] Apple Macintosh users are currently estimated as forming
less than 10% of the total worldwide computer base.  Data
taken from W3Schools, which I would not normally cite, but
I have no reason to doubt this statement.

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Re: [XeTeX] Contextual Ligature Problems with OT Tamil Font Converted to AAT

2011-06-19 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Alan Munn wrote:

This is a useful and friendly list. Let's keep it that way.

I had no intention of doing otherwise.  I was asking for
additional information, not levelling criticism.

 Rather than entering into a long discussion with Pete about this, perhaps you 
could have verified your information by checking the documentation first, before 
accusing it of failing to mention things.

I did not accuse it (the fontspec manual) of anything;
I asked Pete if his statement was valid for all platforms.

 Since almost everyone on this list has read the fontspec manual,

Almost everyone who uses XeLaTeX.  I do not.  Fontspec does not
work with Plain XeTeX.  So, as I have said before, there has never
been any reason for me to read the fontspec manual.

All I am trying to do (and it really doesn't seem unreasonable
to me) is to ask that when people make statements which they
know are platform-specific, but which others will not necessarily
know, to make that platform-specificity explicit.  Remember that
all these messages are archived, and people will retrieve them
via Google without knowing (or being aware of) the context in which
they were made.  The more useful background (such as This will
work only with MacOSX, or this won't work with xdvipdfmx) that
can be provided, the more use the message will be.

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] Roman Numerals as stylistic alternatives

2011-06-19 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

When you highlight characters in a PDF and copy them you get the codes and
all that it's attached to them. The problem with Roman numerals is that a
digit has different meanings depending on the context. The C in CXV
means 1, but in CMXV it means nothing by itself.

I'm not entirely convinced that I agree.  I would argue that the C
of CXV means 100, not 1; in CMXV it means subtract 100.
At least, that's what we were taught at school !

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] Roman Numerals as stylistic alternatives

2011-06-19 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Arthur Reutenauer wrote:

I'm not entirely convinced that I agree.  I would argue that the C
of CXV means 100, not 1; in CMXV it means subtract 100.
At least, that's what we were taught at school !

   Yes, but if you want to transcribe into Arabic numerals you have to
translate C as 1 in the first case, and the combination CM as 9
in the second case.  All in all, that's very awkward to do at the
character level.

Oh, I agree, I agree.  In fact, I was mentally writing a ligature
table for this very problem when your message arrived, and I had
already concluded that such a table would be not small.

** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] Persian verus Farsi

2011-06-13 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Kamal Abdali wrote:

Names are a very sensitive matter. Just look at the large number of
countries and cities that have been renamed in the last 30 or so years:
Burma - Myanmar, Ceylon - Sri Lanka, Rhodesia - Zimbabwe, Basutoland
- Lesotho,

The last is interesting, in that it is pronounced very similarly
to the leading element in Basuto-land, and not at all as one
might expect from the spelling; I suspect that both it and the
next :

Bombay - Mumbai,

as well as Peking - Beijing and Calcutta - Kolkata, are more a
matter of trying to better approximate native pronunciation of the
name in a non-native script.

Madras - Chennai. The new names were
adopted by popular demand because the older names were thought to have
been introduced by colonizers, occupiers, ruling elites, etc.

I think that by popular demand is highly unlikely; they were adopted
for the very reason that you give -- because the earlier names were
the creations of colonizers, occupiers, ruling elites, etc., but not
by popular demand -- rather by the wish (or whim) of a government
wishing to sweep away the old, tainted, names and replace them by
something more original and authentic.

Philip Taylor

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[XeTeX] [Off-topic] Persian versus Farsi

2011-06-11 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Vafa Khalighi wrote:
A while ago, I insisted on using the word Persian instead Farsi. 
My friend, Shapour * *Suren-Pahlav from the circle of ancient Iranian 
studies has written an article about this. You can see his article 

My earlier response to Vafa's message was, of course, in the spirit of jest;
however, a rather more interesting and salient point emerges from the
very article that Vafa cites :

This is underlined by the Academy of Persian Language and Literature 
(Farhangesta-n-e Zaba-n va Adab-e Fa-rsi-) in Iran which clearly 
advocates the use of the word 'Persian' not 'Farsi'^[46]

If the Academy of Persian Language and Literature clearly advocates
the use of the word 'Persian' not 'Farsi', 
why does it then use the
word 'Farsi' in its own name (Farhangesta-n-e Zaba-n va Adab-e 
*Fa-rsi-*) ?

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] [Off-topic] Persian versus Farsi

2011-06-11 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Georg Duffner wrote:

On 2011-06-11 10:27, Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

If the Academy of Persian Language and Literature clearly advocates
the use of the word 'Persian' not 'Farsi',
why does it then use the
word 'Farsi' in its own name (Farhangesta-n-e Zaba-n va Adab-e
*Fa-rsi-*) ?

Because persian in persian is called farsi (فارسی). During its 
evolution persian /p/ has become /f/, so some old persian *parsi 
became farsi in modern persian.

Using the word farsi in its english translation like “Academy of Farsi 
Language and Literature” would be like callig the Rat für deutsche 
Rechtschreibung “Council for Deutsch Orthography”, which would be 
equally wierd as calling it in german “Rat für german Rechtschreibung”.


OK, understood, but I also feel that it rather begs the question (the 
name, that is, not your answer).  Because if the received wisdom were 
that the

preferred English name for the language  was Farsi and not Persian, then
the English name of the Academy would surely be the the “Academy of Farsi
Language and Literature”, would it not ?  So it is a sort of 
self-fulfilling prophesy :
the Academy of Persian Language and Literature clearly advocates the 
use of
the word 'Persian' not 'Farsi', because if it did not, it would call 
itself (in English)

the Academy of Farsi Language and Literature !

But if the Persian name for the Persian language is, in transliteration, 
is it really logical for the Persian nation (or should I here be writing 
Iranian ?
This is quite a linguistic minefield) to seek to tell the West that 
while it
is perfectly normal for a Persian (Iranian) to call his language 
/Fārsī/, we in the

west must call it Persian ?!

** Phil.

Philip Taylor

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] [Off-topic] Persian versus Farsi

2011-06-11 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Vafa Khalighi wrote:

What is the historical name of the language of Persian nation in the 
west? is it Farsi or Persian? Was it Persian empire or Farsian Empire?

Persian, as you well know.  But now we are asked to call the country Iran,
and the people Iranian, so preferred names can change.  And while it is
most certainly not for me to say whether Persian or Farsi is the 
better name

for the language today, if there is disagreement amongst the Iranian people
themselves then all is not as clear-cut as it might be.

But if the Persian name for the Persian language is, in 
transliteration, /Fārsī/,
is it really logical for the Persian nation (or should I here be 
writing Iranian ?
This is quite a linguistic minefield) to seek to tell the West that 
while it
is perfectly normal for a Persian (Iranian) to call his language 
/Fārsī/, we in the

west must call it Persian ?!

Why not?

What gives the people of one nation the right to tell the people of another
nation what the latter must call the language of the former ?  The people
from the Netherlands don't seek to tell us we must call their language
Nederlands; they know that we call it Dutch, and their country 

and even if both of these are indefensible in terms of logic, it is simply
the /status quo/.

** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] [Off-topic] Persian versus Farsi

2011-06-11 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Vafa Khalighi wrote:

Philip Taylor wrote :

What gives the people of one nation the right to tell the people
of another
nation what the latter must call the language of the former ?

The same right that allowed British conspiracies in Iran for the past 
200 years.

Fine, that clarifies matters perfectly !
** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] [Off-topic] Persian versus Farsi

2011-06-11 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Vafa, Apostolos : it is my fault more than any that this off-topic
thread has taken off, but if we must continue with it, could it
least be restricted to matters linguistic rather where it is
currently heading ?

** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] Persian verus Farsi

2011-06-10 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Vafa Khalighi wrote:
A while ago, I insisted on using the word Persian instead Farsi. 
My friend, Shapour * *Suren-Pahlav from the circle of ancient Iranian 
studies has written an article about this. You can see his article 

Well, yes : but is it any worse than the Americans describing
their language as English ?!  At least the French-speaking
residents of Québec have the decency to call their language
Québécois and not try to pass it off as French :-)

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] Fonts : test

2011-06-08 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Ulrike Fischer wrote:


\fontspec{Arial} abc \fontspec{Cambria} abc 

Or perhaps, to get even closer to the desideratum :

\documentclass {article}

\usepackage {fontspec}

\long \def \SelectFont #1%



\fontspec {Arial}\leftline {#1 :}

\noindent \fontspec {#1}%


\begin {document}

\SelectFont {Arial} abc \SelectFont {Cambria} abc 

\end {document}

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] Fonts : test

2011-06-08 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Apologies for the spurious blank lines in the
preceding; I accidentally had Format mails in
HTML enabled.  Now turned off, and re-attached.

\documentclass {article}
\usepackage {fontspec}

\long \def \SelectFont #1%
\fontspec {Arial}\leftline {#1 :}
\noindent \fontspec {#1}%

\begin {document}
\SelectFont {Arial} abc \SelectFont {Cambria} abc 
\end {document}

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] Customizing footnote markers

2011-06-06 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Cyril Niklaus wrote:

Would something like this make you happy? That's what I've been using for years.
Put it in your preamble. And of course, change the parindent size to somheting 
you like.



Off-list, I offered the following as a solution :

Here you are, Alessandro : just replace everything
from \usepackage{footmisc}  to \begin{document}
with the fragment below, then hack it until it achieves
exactly what you need.

** Phil.

\long \def \@makefntext #1%
\makebox [0pt][r]{\@thefnmark.\,}#1%

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Customizing footnote markers

2011-06-06 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Sorry, list : didn't realise Alessandro's last message came via
the list, so the previous attachment to list was unintended.

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] Options for all fonts : colo[u]r, and the transparency byte

2011-06-06 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Jonathan Kew wrote:

Phil, the issue you're having is that the xetex option to specify transparency 
as part of the font colour does not use \special{} commands, it's an extra font 
property that is only supported by the (Mac-only, not-really-supported) xdv2pdf 
driver. Currently, at least, the xdvipdfmx driver - which is your only option 
on non-Mac systems - doesn't implement this.

On the other hand, it is *also* possible to specify transparency via PDF 
\special{}s. That's what I presume TikZ does, and apparently it works with 
xdvipdfmx. So you could do the same thing for text in plain xetex by writing 
the appropriate \special{} commands in your document. (But no, I don't know any 
details of exactly how to do that - sorry!)

OK, thank you for the explanation.  But may I ask a couple of
questions, without wishing to seem unreasonable ?  Given that
xdvipdfmx /is /now the default driver for XeTeX, and given that
the xdv2pdf driver is both Mac-only and not really supported,
would it not be possible for you to enhance XeTeX to take advantage
of the features that xdvipdfmx offers and thus emit the necessary
PDF \specials when transparency is called for in the font declaration ?

As a work-around, I am more than happy to insert the \specials
by hand, but how do I find them ?  There is neither a DVI file on
which to launch DVItype, nor does there appear to be a PDF
equivalent called PDFtype.

** Phil.

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[XeTeX] Options for all fonts : colo[u]r, and the transparency byte

2011-06-05 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Will Robertson's /X/?/TEX reference guide/ reads (in part)

Triple pair of hex values to specify the colour in RGB space, with an 

value for the transparency.

However, experimenting with all possible values from 00 to FF
for the transparency byte seems to have zero effect, in that the
second element laid down completely obscures whatever lies
beneath it.  What am I missing, please ?

Philip Taylor

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Options for all fonts : colo[u]r, and the transparency byte

2011-06-05 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

Transparency depends very much on the output driver and its settings. I
have used it successfully with xdvipdfm, by way of the opacity optin in
TikZ; but the resulting output files are version 1.5 PDFs which not every
printer supports.  If you're using some other driver (for instance,
anything that goes to Postscript instead of PDF), or if your printer
doesn't like transparency, there may be problems.  It is possible to use
Ghostscript to resolve the transparency (convert to a non-transparent PDF
or Postscript file that still looks at it should) but it appears to
accomplish that by rasterizing the file, which may not be suitable for
your purposes.

Thank you for your prompt response, Mathew.  In fact, I am using the default
driver (I am not aware how I might alter this), and was simply relying on it
to do the right thing.  If you could tell me how to identify the 
driver, and
what possible additional options I might pass to it to improve matters, 
I would

be most grateful.  As you correctly anticipate, rasterising the output would
be self-defeating : the whole object of this exercise is to generate a 
PDF that

contains embedded scaleable fonts and glyphs.

Philip Taylor

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Options for all fonts : colo[u]r, and the transparency byte

2011-06-05 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Thank you for your further comments, Mathew : wrote:

The default driver for XeTeX is xdvipdfmx; you're probably already using
it, so that's most likely not your problem.

Yes, this is a XeTeX-specific question (I need non-TeX fonts), so I am using
the XeTeX default driver.

My next guess would be that there may be an issue with whatever you're
using to view the resulting .pdf file.

Same results in the TeXworks previewer, Adobe Reader 10.x and Adobe 
Acrobat 7.x

You may be able to check the version of your PDF files with the file or
pdfinfo commands.  My transparency-containing PDFs are reported
as version 1.5.

V1.5 (see below)

E:\TeX\Projects\Tests\TARpdfinfo TAR-1.pdf
Creator: XeTeX output 2011.06.05:1514
Producer:   xdvipdfmx (0.7.8)
CreationDate:   06/05/11 15:14:36
Tagged: no
Pages:  1
Encrypted:  no
Page size:  841.89 x 595.28 pts (A4)
File size:  25465 bytes
Optimized:  no
PDF version:1.5

Another thing to try:  it's possible that using a transparent colour for
your text with the color= feature doesn't work even if using some other
route to transparency would work.  I tried to reproduce your problem and
realized that the feature whose documentation you quoted from is a Plain
XeTeX feature associated with the \font command.  I'm not familiar
enough with that low-level command to test it reliably; the approach I've
used, which has worked for me, is to use transparency at the level of TikZ
(they call it opacity, which is just the inverse) in LaTeX, something
like this:

   \node[color=blue,opacity=0.2] at (0,0) {Blah blah};

I think it'd be worth trying to set the colour and opacity in that way
rather than through the low-level \font command.

YES :-)))  Finally it works.  As I am already using TikZ because I also need
text-along-a-path, this solution is perfect.  Thank you very much indeed
(but of course I would dearly love to know why the documented RGBA
specifier for the font colour does not work !).

Make sure your print shop can handle transparency.  If they can't, you'll
be wasting your time trying to resolve the software issues on your own
end.  I've heard professional designers claim snarkily that any shop that
can't handle (the very latest bleeding-edge optional features of...)
standard formats shouldn't be in the business, but it's a fact that many
shops who deal with the general public (e.g. Lulu, and Amazon CreateSpace)
insist resolving transparency should be the customer's problem, not theirs.

Unfortunately I am separated from the print shop by an intermediary
(the son of the shop owner), and I haven't even heard back from him
whether my first attempts (using Paintshop Pro X) will be suitable or
whether I need to pursue this XeTeX/TikZ route at all ...

Is it *really* prohibitive to rasterize?  The resulting file sizes
shouldn't be all that bad, because of compression, and anyone with a
printer that handles huge media ought to be able to deal with files of the
size doing so requires.  They have to print photos on their printer once
in a while, and as soon as they do, they'll be handling files larger
than yours.

I have no idea how the print shop will produce a 7m-long sign; for now,
I leave that up to them !  But at least I can now produce both 
and transparency, so I feel that there is at last light at the end of 
the tunnel.

Once again, many many thanks.

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] Customizing footnote markers

2011-06-05 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Alessandro Ceschini wrote:

As I wrote:  look in frenchb.ldf to find the french settings. The
definition of \@makefntext above is a simple example. Adjust it to
your need.

Since what I'm lacking here is indentation I tried to put together the
following collage by pasting a piece of code from frenchb.ldf.


But I get the following error message:

! Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
to be read again

Anyone knows why it doesn't work?

Well, it looks to me as if the expansion of @makefntext tries
to perform an assignment to \parindentFFN (even though
you omitted an explicit assignment operator); surely this is
not what you intended ?

Philip Taylor

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Customizing footnote markers

2011-06-05 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Alessandro Ceschini wrote:

Well, it looks to me as if the expansion of @makefntext tries
to perform an assignment to \parindentFFN (even though
you omitted an explicit assignment operator); surely this is
not what you intended ?

I intended to have an indentation before the footnote marker.

Ah, but what you have, rather than an indentation, is the intended
/dimension /of the intendation (ten inches, in this case).  If you want
this dimension to be used to effect an indentation, then you need to
add a command to cause an indentation (of specified dimension)
to take place.  I don't speak LaTeX, but you might consider (e.g.)

\renewcommand \@makefntext [1]%
\leavevmode \hbox to \parindentFFN {}\@thefnmark.~#1%

or something along those lines.

Philip Taylor

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Customizing footnote markers

2011-06-05 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Forgive my bluntness, but

It doesn't work, anyhow.


doesn't seem calculated to encourage further help.  Perhaps if you
were to tell us in what way it doesn't work, and and/or attach
a minimal source document that demonstrates the problem, there
would be a greater probability of someone getting to the root of
your problem.

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] Customizing footnote markers

2011-06-05 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

John Was wrote:

I'm sure '10in' is a mistake - rather 10pt?

And try replacing

\hbox to \parindentFFN {}


\hbox to \parindentFFN{\hfill}

Why, John ?  An \hbox can be empty, surely ?

(no space after FFN).

Again, why, John ?  \parindentFFN is a control word, and
therefore soaks up the following space.

** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] Customizing footnote markers

2011-06-05 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Alessandro Ceschini wrote:

I'm sorry, Phillip, the problem is that I don't know much about the
\makeatletter programming environment. I just deal with normal Latex
commands, so that's really Arabic for me. The only thing I can tell you
is I get loads of warning messages like this:

Overfull \hbox (381.70668pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 641--641
[][]\EU1/GaramondPremierPro(0)/m/n/10 67. []MIDALI|

And no indentation to be seen, actually numbers have all but disappeared
and the text appears to be cut.

To be honest, I wouldn't worry about the \makeatletter nonsense; it really
isn't at the heart of your problem.  If you are getting an \hbox that is 

by over 381pt (5.27), the numbers have all but disappeared, and the text
appears to be cut, then John Was's suggestion that an indentation of ten
inches might not have been what you intended may well be the cause.

Post your source (or put it on a web server and post the URL) and someone
will without doubt come to your aid.

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] Customizing footnote markers

2011-06-05 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Alessandro Ceschini wrote:

My source is frenchb.ldf!
Please take a look at this piece of code from frenchb.ldf dealing with

OK, two comments.

1) The use of ten inches appears to be as a sentinel, rather than
the actual value intended for real use.

2) When I suggested you post your source, I mean by source
the document you are trying to typeset, not one or more of
the sources you consulted when trying to write your document.

Philip Taylor

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Customizing footnote markers

2011-06-05 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

By all means, Alessandro : ZIP all the files and
send them direct as an attachment.

Philip Taylor

Alessandro Ceschini wrote:

Sorry Phillip, but I can't find the way to post an attach here.
I can't just copy all the .tex file in a mail, it's just too long!

But, if you don't mind, I could send it to you via your mail.
Obviously, if your enthusiasm has recovered, of course.


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Re: [XeTeX] Options for all fonts : colo[u]r, and the transparency byte

2011-06-05 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Peter Dyballa wrote:

Am 05.06.2011 um 14:06 schrieb Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd):

What am I missing, please ?

Mac OS X's deprecated xdv2pdf.

And yet, Tikz/PGF can achieve transparency using the default driver 
(xdvipdfmx (0.7.8)),
as Matthew Skala kindly pointed out and went on to demonstrate.  So how 
is it, I am
forced to ask, that an add-on package can achieve something that the 

engine cannot ?  This seems very odd to me.

Andy Lin wrote :

IIRC, the fontspec manual mentions that font transparency through font
loading commands is only available on Macs because it requires the
xdv2pdf driver.

Unfortunately fontspec is targeted solely at (Xe)LaTeX users, whereas Will
Robertson's /X/?/TEX reference guide/ is targeted at all users of 
XeTeX and

makes no mention under the entry for the extended syntax of \font that
some of the options are not universally applicable, whence my confusion.

Philip Taylor

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Options for all fonts : colo[u]r, and the transparency byte

2011-06-05 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Peter Dyballa wrote:

Am 05.06.2011 um 21:24 schrieb Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd):

So how is it, I am forced to ask, that an add-on package can achieve 
something that the underlying

engine cannot ?  This seems very odd to me.

The fontspec package does not use PDF specials which TiKZ/PGF uses. 
That's my simply explanation. It has built-in transparency support 
which is built-in into Mac OS X. Xdvipdfmx does not use this (yet).

Yes, but I'm not using the fontspec package.  I am using the raw \font
primitive provided by XeTeX.  Now if TikZ/PGF can achieve transparency
using the XeTeX engine with xdvipdfmx, then the underlying engine must
be able to do the same thing.  So why doesn't it ?!

** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] Options for all fonts : colo[u]r, and the transparency byte

2011-06-05 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

I don't think I really understand this, but never mind :
I have a solution (TikZ) which I also need for another
part of the project (fitting text to a path), so I'll just go with it !

** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] Text on a path (was : Drop-shadows with outline fonts in XeTeX ?)

2011-06-04 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Yes !  Somehow I managed to miss this message, but clearly TikZ
is indeed the answer.  Many many thanks, Tobias.

** Phil.

Tobias Schoel wrote:
TikZ does the job in XeLaTeX (should also work in plain XeTeX, but 
that's your domain) 

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Re: [XeTeX] Text on a path (was : Drop-shadows with outline fontsin XeTeX ?)

2011-06-02 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Thank you, John : I have never previously considered using
PSTricks, living solely in a PDF world, but if as you say
PSTricks work with XeTeX, that would be a great plus.

Unfortunately my very first attempt failed : the text comes
out horribly mangled, and horizontal, not curved, and the
following text (which is just fine otherwise) completely
disappears !

\input pstricks

\input pst-text


\pstextpath[c]{\psarcn(0,0){73pt}{180}{0}}{Centre National de la}

\pstextpath[c]{\psarc(0,0){73pt}{180}{0}}{Recherche Scientifique}

\font \Westernfont = Palatino Linotype/B: color=FF at 72 bp

\font \Easternfont = AR PL KaitiM Big5/B: color=FF; embolden=3 at 
72 bp

\Easternfont 安

\Westernfont Thai-An

\Easternfont 泰


** Phil.

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Text on a path (was : Drop-shadows with outline fontsin XeTeX ?)

2011-06-02 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

P.S. This fragment, dated 2008, may refer :

I think Akira Kakuto once mentioned that a text following a path is
not yet implemented in xdvipdfmx ...

** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] Drop-shadows with outline fonts in XeTeX ?

2011-06-01 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Wow, thank you Mojca : pretty impressive !  Would I be right
in guessing that your example is coded in ConTeXt ?

** Phil.

Mojca Miklavec wrote:



\bf \newdimen\mywidth
\def\a#1#2{\mywidth=0.07pt\multiply\mywidth by #1%

for i=0 upto 100:
draw textext(\a{  decimal(100-i)  }{  decimal(i)}) shifted
((100-i)*0.017pt,-(100-i)*0.007pt) withcolor (i/300)[white,black];
draw textext(Thai-An) withcolor blue;


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Re: [XeTeX] Drop-shadows with outline fonts in XeTeX ?

2011-06-01 Thread Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Mojca Miklavec wrote:

On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 23:48, Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

Wow, thank you Mojca : pretty impressive !  Would I be right
in guessing that your example is coded in ConTeXt ?

Yes, but that is only because I have no idea how to change color in a
loop in XeTeX, I didn't want to fiddle with latex/plain tex packages,
it was easier to use metapost than kerning and raising boxes ... and
simply because it was easier for me to do it that way.

But achieving the same in plain XeTeX should not be a problem. The
main question is whether that gives you satisfactory results when
printing on huge poster.

Indeed.  And with a production run of exactly one, that doesn't
give us much room for experiment !  Anyhow, I shall experiment :
the Paintshop Pro proofs are already on their way to the sign maker,
and I await his feedback as to whether they will produce acceptable
results or whether I will have to re-do the whole thing using scalable
embedded fonts.

** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] when one needs more than XeTeX+OT fonts?

2011-04-15 Thread Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Kārlis Repsons wrote:

This far I used only xelatex and was quite happy with what it can produce, so
I got curious: what is that pdftex, dvi, ps stuff all for, when there is
xelatex, and pdf viewers are the most common choice?
I realize there ought to be a lot of reason for why they exist, but in simple
words -- for what use cases would anything more be needed from that company
where xelatex is?

If you drive, understand, maintain and love a Volkswagen Beetle,
what reason have you for replacing it with a Daimler Chrysler
Maybach ?
Not sent from my i-Pad, i-Phone, Blackberry, Blueberry, or any
such similar poseurs' toy, none of which would I be seen dead
with even if they came free with every packet of cornflakes.

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Re: [XeTeX] when one needs more than XeTeX+OT fonts?

2011-04-15 Thread Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Kārlis Repsons wrote:

I didn't intend asking anyone to remove compatibility. Just looking from the
current perspective and trying to understand why, according to Philip, I drive
a VW Beetle...

No no : /we/ (the existing user base of TeX, PdfTeX, etc., ...) drive
the VW Beetle (or, in my case, a SAAB 9000); /you/ learned to drive
in a Daimler Chrysler Maybach and therefore have no need of anything

** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] sectioning commands with arabxetex

2011-03-15 Thread Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Abdulrahman Al-Abdusalalm wrote:


\section{أسس الطباعه الحديثة}
\subsection{الخطوط الرقمية  \textenglish{(Fonts)}}


Perhaps naïvely, I would expect this to yield
something like




where it would be impossible to tell the ordering of the
latter.  Am I missing something ?

Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] Space characters and whitespace

2011-03-03 Thread Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Tobias Schoel wrote:

So would it be wise to make for example u2009 (narrow space) and u202f
(narrow no break space) active and map it to {\,} or {\nolinebreak\,}

IMVHO, this should be as unnecessary (and insane) as
making u00E9 (é) active and mapping it to {\'e}.  Surely
if XeTeX is predicated on the use of Unicode, it should
understand the semantics of Unicode code points such
as u2009 and u202F and just do the right thing without
having to hack things through the use of active characters.

My EUR 0,02
Philip Taylor

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Re: [XeTeX] Space characters and whitespace

2011-03-03 Thread Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

On Thu, 3 Mar 2011, Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

if XeTeX is predicated on the use of Unicode, it should
understand the semantics of Unicode code points such
as u2009 and u202F and just do the right thing without
having to hack things through the use of active characters.

There are really three separate questions here:

1.  Should XeTeX accept Unicode's many space characters in the input, as
opposed to just using existing TeX commands for spacing?

2.  If the answer to #1 is yes, what exactly should be the consequences
of each space character?  Grouping this under the same question because
it's related:  to what extent should the font determine the width and
nature of each space character?

3.  If the answer to #1 is yes, how should this be implemented - in
particular, should it be in the engine or by macros?

It sounds like you're saying yes to #1 and in the engine, not in the
macros to #3.

Yes, I am; it does not seem to me to make sense to implement the glyphs
of Unicode without also honouring its non-glyph-contributing elements.

** Phil.

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Re: [XeTeX] [texhax] Throughput

2011-03-03 Thread Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd)

Peter Davis wrote:

However, running one test of 34,500 pages took 10 hours(!) to compile
with XeLaTeX.  This was on a 3GHz/4Gb Windows 7 Pro machine, using the
XeTeX from MiKTeX 2.9.

I expected this job to complete in a matter of minutes, but it basically
took 100 times longer than I anticipated.

Even this :

\ifnum \count 0  34001
\topglue 0 pt

takes 1 minute on my 3.6GHz P4, so a matter of minutes might
be a little on the optimistic side (although ten hours does seem
a tad excessive ...).

Philip Taylor

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