Re: [xmail] message logging

2013-05-21 Thread Stefano Pascucci

Hi Spyros
I experienced a similar situation some months ago: one of my server 
email owner was sending tons of spam
After figthing with many log files, I have discovered that the hacker 
had been able to hack the mailbox pwd, and he was sending the email 
using smtp autetication method.
You can find the evidence of that inside the smtp log, looking for all 
the authenticated users that are sending email, and find the ones that 
are spam

Il 21/05/2013 16:26, Spyros Tsiolis ha scritto:

Hello all,

I have a situation with an installation where someone has managed
to get hold of an e-mail address (the boss' actually) and is sending
spam to the outside world.

To an extend, I've managed to isolate the problem and it seems
it's the mail server itself.
I still don't know if it's XMail or an anti-spam solution I've adopted
since about 2004.

I would like to monitor the mail that goes out to the world.
Can I do this with XMail ? Do I check the logs ? Which logs ?
I've never done this before, so I would be greatful to any help.

thank you,


xmail mailing list

[xmail] Help about slow mail sending (could it be Xmail configuration related, or not?)

2009-09-22 Thread Stefano Pascucci
Hi all

I use xmailserver since many years withou any kind of trouble, but 
since few months I'm experiencing some oddness in mail sending, so 
I'm here to ask you help to understand if it can be related to 
xmailserver wrong configuration, or if it depends on other stuffs.

The problem I have is the excessive delay in mail sending when using 
php scripts to send an email.

The machine is win2000 server, with php 4.4.9 and IIS 5

Using a standard mailer client (outolook, pegasus or any other one), 
all seems to go fine (I can't see any delay in mail sending)

When I try to use a script, I have the delay.

I have tested it in various scenarious:

1) NOCC webmail interface: if I write an email using a web browser, 
after sending it I have ~30-35 seconds of delay before receiving the 
next webpage indicating that the email has been sent.

2) joomla websites: after completing an order or filling  sending a 
form, the confirmation webpage (shown when the mail associated to the 
order or to the form has been sent) arrive to my browser after ~30-35 
second of delay

3) os commerce websites: the same as point 2

I'm not a mailserver and php scripts expert, so I can't understand if 
this situation may be related to something wrong in xmailserver 
configuration, or to normal operation performed by the system (i.e., 
a delay due to the time the mailserver requires to reach and scan the 
internet spamlist we use to reduce spam) or to any other possible 
wrong configuration in my system.

My goal is to reduce this delay to a reasonable time: I have to setup 
some ecommerce websites, and I can't ask to the customer to wait for 
30-40 seconds before receiving a reply from a website :-)

I hope someone could help me :-)

Thank you in advance


xmail mailing list

[xmail] Problem on Windows 2000 with files inside the dnscache dir

2009-08-14 Thread Stefano Pascucci
Hi All
I'm experiencing some problems with files stored inside the DNSCACHE 
dir structure.
I have used the 1.25 version up to the end of july, and now I'm 
running the 1.26: I presume that the problem I'm going to explain was 
existing also in the previous version, because this is not the first 
time I have found corrupted files in that dir.

And now the question.

I was trying to backup the disk containing the Mailroot disk (a 
dedicate partition); looking inside the dnscache dir, I have found 
more than 400.000 file, all large less then 1kb.So, to speed up the 
backup process, I have renamed dnscache in *.old, replaced the 
original one with a fresh structure taken from the xmailserver zip 
file, and executed the backup
But when I have tried do delete the *.old dir from the del windows 
command, i had back errors and the del command was aborted.
I have also tried to delete files from the command shell, but I 
received this error report:

mx\11\ - The parameter is incorrect.
mx\14\ - The parameter is incorrect.
mx\19\ - The parameter is incorrect.
mx\23\ - The system cannot find the file specified.
mx\28\ - The system cannot find the file specified.
mx\30\ - The parameter is incorrect.
mx\31\ - The parameter is incorrect.
mx\34\ - The system cannot find the file specified.
mx\36\ - The parameter is incorrect.
mx\44\ - The system cannot find the file specified.
mx\5\ - The parameter is incorrect.
mx\52\ - The parameter is incorrect.
mx\53\ - The system cannot find the file specified.

Could someone tell me if it's a win problem, or if it may be related 
to some kinds of xmail normal/interrupted/aborted operations?? can it 
be related to unexpected server shutdown (ie, hardware reboot..)? 
The reply is not urgent, but I would solve it and avoid to reformat 
the disk each time it happen again :-)
Thank you all in advance

xmail mailing list

[xmail] Question about filtering

2008-09-15 Thread Stefano Pascucci
Hi all

I have noticed an annoying problem regarding spam-address filtering.

If I'm not wrong, it seems that email address filtering is processed 
using the from email address extracted from the Received:... 
header tag.

If that assumption is right, if I put into the file 
any email address simply picked up from the From: header tag, any 
message coming from this email address will be filtered really out 
_only_ if that specific address is exactly the same one that we can 
find inside the Received:.. header string.

I try to be more clear :-)

I have received one message containing these header strings (real 
domains substituted):

- Received: from - snipped out - from 

In that case, I had the [EMAIL PROTECTED] email address in my, but that email passed the filter anyway

Many spammers do that: is there a way to both check the Received: 
and the From: email fields? it should be more restrictive.

I hope to have been clear enough...
Thank you in advance

To unsubscribe from this list: send the line unsubscribe xmail in
the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For general help: send the line help in the body of a message to

Re: Question about a mailing list user setup

2001-10-07 Thread Stefano Pascucci

   Now the last question, I hope: probably it's very stupid but I
can't recognize what's happenig: from the local IP subnet, all works
fine (mail received and distributed to the user mailboxes from all
the machines of the net).. but it seems that external mail can't be
 I think that it should be a very stupid question, but I can't solve it :-)
Thanks again, and sorry for bothering you.
   What do you mean for external mail, the one that comes through smtp or the
   one that you fetch with pop3 sync ?
  I have sent many e-mails to the users of that server via en external
  SMTP (one of those servers is the same I'm using to send this
  message), and up to now (~24 hours) the mail has been NOT
  delivered to them (and no mail has been sent back ad
 Did you setup MXs ?
 Which domains are handled by your XMail server and what is the public ip
 address of the XMAil machine ?
   Now the last question, I hope: probably it's very stupid but I
can't recognize what's happenig: from the local IP subnet, all works
fine (mail received and distributed to the user mailboxes from all
the machines of the net).. but it seems that external mail can't be
 I think that it should be a very stupid question, but I can't solve it :-)
Thanks again, and sorry for bothering you.
   What do you mean for external mail, the one that comes through smtp or the
   one that you fetch with pop3 sync ?
  I have sent many e-mails to the users of that server via en external
  SMTP (one of those servers is the same I'm using to send this
  message), and up to now (~24 hours) the mail has been NOT
  delivered to them (and no mail has been sent back ad
 Did you setup MXs ?
 Which domains are handled by your XMail server and what is the public ip
 address of the XMAil machine ?

It should be normally configured
The old mailserver used before installing Xmail was working 

The actual DNS config is: 86400 A 86400 MX 10

I would notice that the outgoing e-mail sent from the local network 
is delivered normally, and the antirelay filter seems to work 
normally (locking out the mail sent from all IP except the local 
network ones)
The machine has more then one IP assigned .

Re: Question about a mailing list user setup

2001-10-07 Thread Stefano Pascucci

I have sent many e-mails to the users of that server via en 
SMTP (one of those servers is the same I'm using to send 
message), and up to now (~24 hours) the mail has been 
delivered to them (and no mail has been sent back ad
   Did you setup MXs ?
   Which domains are handled by your XMail server and what is 
the public ip
   address of the XMAil machine ?
  more info after my last email: I have tried to send a message 
  another mail server, and the mail seems to stay in the outgoing
  folder. The connection file reports:
  domain name:
  Mx-preference: 10
  Mx-status: 0
  with the same config, the old mailserver was working normally..
  Is there any config value they I could miss in Xmail setup that 
  do that strange thing?
  thank you again for you support.
 How do you handle the domain  ?
 Regular domain in or custom domains ?
 Can you give me an valid account to send to a message ?

   Thank you for yours suggestions: following them and re-reading 
the manual, finally I have found the mistake.
I have wrongly used the to filter out all IP except 
the internal netwok, I have confused this file with the antirelay 
Now the server works GREAT.
Thank you again for your software, and for your always prompt 

Re: Question about a mailing list user setup

2001-10-06 Thread Stefano Pascucci

 On Fri, 5 Oct 2001, Stefano Pascucci wrote:
  This is the file structure I have used:
 Is the ClosedML flag set in ?

Thanks.. I forgot it...

   Now the last question, I hope: probably it's very stupid but I 
can't recognize what's happenig: from the local IP subnet, all works 
fine (mail received and distributed to the user mailboxes from all 
the machines of the net).. but it seems that external mail can't be 
 I think that it should be a very stupid question, but I can't solve it :-)
Thanks again, and sorry for bothering you.

Question about a mailing list user setup

2001-10-05 Thread Stefano Pascucci

Hi David
I have set up a new server for a company, and it's working 
very well: Xmail is a must, now! :-)
But there is a question regarding a user generated as Mailing List
User. I have made a file, and all works fine with the 
exception of the read-write permissions. I have assigned the RW 
permission only to one user, but sending a reply to a message 
received from the MailingList user allows each subscribed user to 
send a message to the list and then to all the subscribers. 
 Could you please tell me where I'm wrong?
 Thank you in advance.

Re: Question about a mailing list user setup

2001-10-05 Thread Stefano Pascucci

This is the file structure I have used:


 On Fri, 5 Oct 2001, Stefano Pascucci wrote:
  Hi David
  I have set up a new server for a company, and it's working
  very well: Xmail is a must, now! :-)
  But there is a question regarding a user generated as Mailing List
  User. I have made a file, and all works fine with the
  exception of the read-write permissions. I have assigned the RW
  permission only to one user, but sending a reply to a message
  received from the MailingList user allows each subscribed user to
  send a message to the list and then to all the subscribers.
   Could you please tell me where I'm wrong?
 How is the content of your file ?
 Is it correctly formatted : useremail[TAB]perms[NEWLINE]
 Remember the no perms field means RW
 - Davide

Question about Password Change

2001-09-19 Thread Stefano Pascucci

Hi Davide
  At first, our compliments for the very reliable  robust sw.
  We are going to use it in a production machine, and seems to be 
very stable and friendly-to-use.

   Now the stupid question: I'm looking for the possibility of 
enabling the ChangePassword protocol between the user mail 
client and the server, but I can't locate it in the XMail manual.
   Could you please help me? Is there this possibility? If not, are 
you planning to implement it, in a near future?

  Best regards