Re: [Xpert]Re: Proposal for mouse speed acceleration settings

2002-11-02 Thread J. Imlay
I am just a casual reader on this list so I could be entirly wrong about
all this.

I've read the thread that you started last spring, and I've been following
this one, and I sympathize with you on the problems with the acceleration
in X (it's down right unusable IMHO) but what I'm missing is what you are
actually trying to get at?

The issue was brought up last spring, and appearantly nothing was done
about it. And the problem doesn't seem to be lack of a patch it's just
that someone (a mystery to me as well) doesn't seem to like to apply
patches from anyone but ... well I don't know. Only a few of the inside
guys get to change the code at all.

But lambasting people for commenting there opinions on this matter as
being off topic (even if they are) doesn't get any of us anywhere.

So more to the point, what are you actually trying to convince who to do?
The real issue isn't that you propose a change. It's that your pissed
that they wont commit any of the fixes to the problem.

Sorry about the rant. I feel like I'm preching and I've no right to do so.
But I would really like to see this fixed and it just looks like your ...
not playing the game right?

I don't know.. I'm just a nerd and no one ever listens to me anyways, so
if I sound like an asshole. Just ignore me I don't mean to be.

Good luck.

Josie Imlay

Xpert mailing list

[Xpert]private mailing lists - an archive or read only access?

2002-11-02 Thread J. Imlay
I think it would be very interesting if there was a public archive of
these private lists. It would give people on the outside a better
understanding of what is actually being talked about and actively worked
on. Also it would make a lot of us much less ignorant. (and that's a good
thing for everyone)

And I don't see where there is a problem with a moderator because if
people not part of the organization have comments about things on the
private lists, xpert is the perfect place to talk about them.

Is this unreasonable? It doesn't seem like it would take more than a few
seconds for the list maintainer to set up.

Or are there actual resons why outsiders can't read these lists?
(copyright stuff and what not?)


Josie Imlay

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]colour mouse cursor

2002-10-24 Thread J. Imlay
A side question,

If I understand things correctly the hardware cursor suported
in XAA is 2bit, so you can't have true color cursors. Is this going to
change with this extension? Or I am wrong and you can have colored cursors
in X?

Josie Imlay

 The extension doesn't (currently) support animated cursors, I'm waiting for
 someone to try and build them into a toolkit so we can get an idea of how
 this should work, and how much server-side support is really necessary or

 Keith PackardXFree86 Core TeamHP Cambridge Research Lab

 Xpert mailing list

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[Xpert]desktop resize hack.

2002-09-25 Thread J. Imlay

Would it be possible to implement(hack) resize by simply constricting the
view of the desktop after a resolution change?

So you have a special app that you tell to change the resolution to
1024x768 from 1280x1024, and it changes the resolution, and moves all the
windows so that there now in the display, and sets the cursor window/area
to the new 1024x768 window. So it's waisting some video ram... but it at
least would act the way that most people who change there resolution want
it to.

Would this work?

Josie Imlay

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]desktop resize hack.

2002-09-25 Thread J. Imlay

On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, Mirco [iso-8859-1] Müller wrote:

  Would it be possible to implement(hack) resize by simply constricting the
  view of the desktop after a resolution change?

   The RandR extension, which is currently worked on, will implement a clean way
 for this, which will enable XFree86 to change resolution and bit-depth on the
 fly without the need to restart the X-server.

   If you want more info about this to a search with google or look up Furthermore I am sure on this mailing-list are people who do
 actively contribute to this extension getting implemented.

   Apart from this you can already do dynamic resolution-changes (actually only
 the video-mode changes, the resolution of the desktop doesn't change) with
 the XF86VidMode extension. But this is only really practical for single
 applications, e.g. games, screensavers or other programs needing fullscreen

Of course I understand that RandR solves this problem, and that you can
change resolution. But RandR is requiring quite a bit of work to get
implemented. (AFAIK it may or may not be in 4.3)

But this doesn't answer the question. Such a hack would be quite simple
and make people who want windows like resolution changing happy.

 Best regards...

 Xpert mailing list

Xpert mailing list

[Xpert]_Screen struct -- internal code question

2002-09-21 Thread J. Imlay

Where is the actual framebuffer for a screen stored? Shouldn't it be in a
PixmapPtr's devPrivates or so? The basic problem I'm having is that none
of the members of the screen struct, point to anything like a framebuffer.

Where is the actual framebuffer to a screen stored?


Josie Imlay

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Noises during playing sounds

2002-09-17 Thread J. Imlay

Turn down/ mute your audio in and mic.

You probably have one/both of those maxed and as a result they are picking
up electrical interference from using your mouse or other things and
amplifying it a _LOT_ and outputing it. The alternative is to turn off
loop back on either/both of these. This would allow you to still use the
mic, but then audio coming in to the mic/aux_in wont also come out your
speakers, it will just go to the application recording them.

I've honestly never seen this on linux but I have seen it on several
windows computers. And as far as I know this is the only possible way for
your moving the mouse to generate static in your sound card.

As allways, I don't guarantee I'm correct though.

Good luck.

Josie Imlay

On Tue, 17 Sep 2002, Antonio Bibiano wrote:

 When I play some sounds and I move a window or scroll a page I ear some clicking 
noises, I have a sound blaster live! (with ALSA module snd-card-emu10k1) and a S3 
Savage 4 using the X driver savage for the XFree86 4.2.0 .

 There is some reason to my problem???

 Can you give me some help??


 Xpert mailing list

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Re: [Xpert]Re: X 4.2.x + TNT + ATI All-In-Wonder 128 = hard freeze- it's something else

2002-09-11 Thread J. Imlay

 Ok, sorry to have wasted bandwidth and brain cells, I'm back to 4.1 and
 it still freezes. I really dunno why it fails now. I tried changing
 kernel versions, even reflashing motherboard bios to all possible
 revisions ... no way, it still freezes.
 I noticed the nvidia uses the same pirq than my network card, but even
 when I remove it (the nvidia), my pc still fails.

 It seems really bound to X activity: I can compile kernels or do
 otherwise cpu-intensive tasks for hours without problems, but if I use
 galeon or xine or other X-intensive tasks, it freezes after a while
 (seconds or minutes or more).

 Does any of you have experience about such failures ? Can it be
 hardware-related ? BIOS-related ? I didn't change my hardware and it was
 working very well a month ago.

Yes, I have a friend who's computer does this. If he doesn't use X his
computer will run for days, in fact if he doesn't run X his computer will
run for days. But he can walk over and sit down and touch the mouse and a
few minutes later his box just dies. Never at a particular time, it seemed
sound related for a while, but it's not because sometimes it does it with
out sound.It did it in windows 98, ME, and 2k, as well as linux. Started
about a year ago. But he has k6-2 400, NVidia TNT2. He's tried swapping
memory and cpu and video card, and it wasn't any of those. Only thing left
is mother board. But just similar symptoms, so I couldn't say if it's the
same boat your in.

Hope that helps,
Let me know if you figure it out.

Josie Imlay

___  Xpert mailing list

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[Xpert]ggi driver on 4.2

2002-09-07 Thread J. Imlay

I wrote a ggi hardware driver for X4.2 lastnight (it still has lots of
bugs of course) but when I run X with my driver set to ggi it still
flips around the console before realizing it doesn't need one.

Is there someway I can make the driver prevent the switching vt before it
starts? Or something in the config file that says don't mess with the vt
on startup?


Josie Imlay

Xpert mailing list

[Xpert]non_driver side of X.

2002-08-29 Thread J. Imlay

Is there any documentation for the xfree86 source code that is not the
driver side? I have read the DESIGN and XAA.HOWTO and this leaves me with
a bunch of questions about the rest of xf86.

Is there someplace where I can find answers to questions like these:

Why is xfree86 in general designed the way it is? What kinds of things
were considered when it was redisigned from xf863?

What parts of the source tree are part of the DIX, DDX and otherparts
(would this be non device dependant modules, or are they part of the DIX?)

A rational for the utterly huge structure _Screen, and it's huge parts. Or
at least an explanation of what parts of them are used by what. I mean if
I understand this right it seems like a bit of overkill to pass a
ScreenPtr to ScreenInit in the drivers.

What are the global variables employed and where are the defined, and why
are they the way they are?

What does the xf86 loader do different than ldopen? It seems like it
resolves symbols in the loaded module to access global variables in the
rest of the server.

Where is the part of the xf86 that handles implementing the X Protocol and
how is this implemented? (I really have no understanding of this part of
because I havn't found any docs or picked my way that far through int
main() )

Why is it that header files included by drivers, also include some of the
X headers from xc/include/ (specifically Xfuncproto.h and Xmd.h) AFAIK the
drivers shouldn't know boo about X. There job is to interface the hardware
with XFree86.

Where is the code that processes XF86Config files? I have looked but I
think it is hiding from me.

How does the shared memory architecture of xf86 work? Or is this part
handled by Xlib?

How much of talking X does xf86 do? Is that mostly handled by Xlib? Or
is it implemented as part of the xf86 code?

These questions are kind of broad in scope but I think they would greatly
help me in understanding xf86.


Josie Imlay

Xpert mailing list

[Xpert]xf86 source documentation

2002-08-29 Thread J. Imlay

I have written a script that produces a serchable catalog of the entire
xfree86 source. And lists all of the types that are used by xf86.
It is located at For example, if you were
to search for _Screen it would return a list of all declareation of type
_Screen in the source, there is only one. And it would take you to it's
declaration. Where apon you could click on the types of it's members and
it would take you to a list of the declations of that particular type.
Very usefull for getting a general understanding of the types. Or simply
looking up what the structure of a particular struct is, because if you
don't know what header it is actually in, that can be a half hour
nightmare. If this looks interesting to the appropriate people (who I
assume are on this list?) mabie it could go on the documentation list on I know it would have helped me if it was there.

Is there something of an online code repository of xf86 that has
highlighting and crosslinking. (so inside a function declaration, where a
function is called, you can click the function and it will take you to
it's declaration?) Or would this be something of interest to writing.
Because if there is not this is what I am contemplating seting up. I know
there are several different packages that can do this (any one have a
sugestion on which one to use?)


Josie Imlay

Xpert mailing list