Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-06 Thread Lennart Regebro
On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 06:12, Sareesh Sudhakaran wrote:
 I have a personal project - a web application I wanted to develop - but I'm
 confused on which route to take. I am not under any time constraint.

Your case is complex and the answer is non-obvious. I think you will
have to try to see.

 The best I can describe it is as a kind of expert system (but not AI) that
 needs to find the best workflow for a process, given a set of initial and
 final parameters. E.g. a 'capsule' of data must pass through many 'tools' or
 'environments' to reach a desired output - something like a very complicated
 car wash.

 Let's say there are many tools that can be used at various stages in the
 process. I have estimated there are at least 500 tools as of now, and it is
 bound to grow in the future as newer tools are introduced. Existing tools
 will also have version updates.

 Each tool, on average, has at least 100 properties that define the tool.

This kind of complexity and flexibility that your case has does lend
itself well to the ZODB. But it is by no means impossible to do in a
relational database. What you would need to do here if you did this in
SQL is to have one table for the tools, and one table for the
properties, and one table that for each tool and property has a value.
This might be a bit complex to use of you use an ORM, but it should be doable.

 problem of 'matching' the tools for analysis. E.g. Tool A might have only
 three fixed rpms - 100, 200 and 500, but Tool B might have rpms from 20 to
 2000. I'm not sure how I can construct a database without spelling out each
 number, as in the example above.

Well, if you want to search for a specific RPM range it does get
complicated, because then you probably want to store the RPM values as
integers. And that means that you in the property table needs to have
several columns depending on the value type. If the property needs
text, you need to fetch it from the text column. If the property is an
integer you need to fetch it from the integer column. If the property
is a reference to another table, because it is a multi-select property
with a limited set, you need to fetch it from a column for that, which
in turn refers to another table with the actual values.

This *does* get very complex very quickly. Of course, the ZODB has few
such problems.

 Will the app be better served with a relational DB like mySQL or an Object
 database? After a lot of research I've guessed that my particular case might
 be better served with Python and Zope/ZODB. But I might be wrong? Maybe
 PHP+mySQL or Django is a better fit?

First of all, find yourself a web-framework you like. Then use that.
Most likely, that framework is going to limit you to using SQL. There
are frameworks that don't specifically Pyramid integrates nicely with
ZODB and hence gives you a choice. Then I would simply try to see if
you are able to model the data in SQL at all, or if you dig yourself
into unholy complexity. That should not take more than a couple of
days of work to figure that out, if you concentrate on building a
database and filling it with real or realistic data. If you don't dig
yourself into a hole, the go with SQL, since that's what you know. If
you do, try to build the model with ZODB and see of that works better
for you.

The ZODB might very well be the right choice here. But note that Zope
is not. Zope was a trailblazer in the web framework world that's been
around for 15 years now, and has as a result made some choices which
turned out to not be the best ones in the long run, and accumulated a
lot of cruft. There is work on fixing this, but that will take time,
and the framework will be in a great flux during that time. As a
result, Zope is not currently a good choice if you start a project. As
languages go, Python rules. As web frameworks go, there are more
Python frameworks than you can shake a stick at. I'd recommend either
Django (because there are so many people using it, you will be able to
find help ) or Pyramid (because it's really cool and supports ZODB

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Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-06 Thread Sareesh Sudhakaran

Thank you all for your replies. I have an idea on how to begin: I'll go with 
mySQL and see how it works out. I will use both PHP and Python for the 
My issue no longer fits within the scope of this mailing list. Without your 
support it would have been impossible for me to get started. Thanks!sareesh
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Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-05 Thread John Schinnerer

On 12/04/2011 09:56 PM, Fernando Martins wrote:

On 12/04/2011 09:31 PM, John Schinnerer wrote:

In any case, this looks (to me anyhow) like a very object-oriented
system you are modeling so an object oriented approach and language
would seem most suitable.

And how would you create (and update) objects in Python for:

at least 500 tools as of now, and it is bound to grow in the future as
newer tools are introduced. Existing tools will also have version updates.

Each tool, on average, has at least 100 properties that define the tool.
Some of them have as high as 1000 unique properties.

How familiar are you with OOP?

What I mean is, when I read your high-level description of what you want 
to do, I imagine objects interacting with other. In your car wash 
example I see that, for instance. Or any kind of work-flow, which is 
what this sounds like to me. A state machine.

Each tool is an object; it knows what its properties and abilities and 
possible states are and can communicate them to other objects and can 
accept and act on communication from other objects. In that way the 
objects interact with one another to do whatever it is you build them to 

I'm thinking of your car wash metaphor. In a car wash there are a 
variety of elements (objects) that communicate with one another to move 
the car through and to wash it as it moves through. Simple example:

* mechanism that pulls or pushes the car through
* mechanism that sprays it with water and soap
* mechanism that scrubs and wipes and rubs it
* mechanism that sprays it with rinse water
* drying mechanism(s)

These all need to signal one another so they do the right thing at the 
right time. Spray (or scrub or blow hot air) only when the car is in the 
right place for each.

If some tools can be built by adding to/extending other tools, that is 
an object-friendly situation, since enhancing an existing tool to make 
another that you need saves you having to create all tools from scratch.

In the car wash, maybe the different sized scrubbers used are all made 
by bolting together two or more of the smallest size scrubber. Maybe in 
parallel, maybe in series, depends on what is needed.
Maybe the same scrubber controller can have different size brushes 
attached to it.

In short, an object - tool - is code and data that interacts with other 
tools (other entities of code and data).

An upgrade to a tool would involve changing the code and/or data that 
constitutes the tool. If that introduces some new way of interacting 
that other tools need to also know, then you add that to those tools also.

Adding more tools means coding them. If they can be based on existing 
tools, so much the easier (and more object-appropriate).

So that's some high-level information about an object-oriented approach 
to what I think your project is about.

Tthe flexibility you appear to need as the system grows may be 
problematic for an RDB. And, my bias is OO, so perhaps someone who 
thinks in RDB-space can describe at high level how this would look in an 
RDB implmentation.

John S.

John Schinnerer - M.A., Whole Systems Design

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Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-05 Thread Niels Dettenbach
Am Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2011, 16:15:13 schrieben Sie:
 As you mentioned, if I have to use mySQL, isn't it better for me to go with
 PHP+mySQL - easier to learn and deploy?

...just from my experience:

PHP is - for different, but mainly technical/historical reasons - very widely 
spread within web applications, one major reason was/is i.e. the large 
(because easy) availability on low cost hosting environments in the past - 
but the most advantages was/are on the side of the hosting providers

PHP might be easier to learn then other languages or frameworks, but 
maintaining large / complex applications / software projects within PHP could 
be a real mess.

We develop nearly any web application with Zope / ZODB since = 10 years but 
are a hosting company byself - so we was not bound to PHP as many other 
internet hosting users in the past. A colleagues company produces very high 
level expert systems on Perl and Catalyst - requiring high skilled Perl 

From my experience developing within Zope / ZODB (with Python, DTML and/or 
ZPT) allows very high quality products within very short timeframes and even 
further maintaining the project is relative ressource efficient - especially 
compared to PHP.

Most web application data structures (i.e. a simple web page) fit's much 
better by a oo object strategy then a relational (RDBMS) one. 

The major typical ressource hole within typical PHP+SQL web applications or 
i.e. a CMS solution is the translation of typical data objects into tables and 
vice versa. Producing i.e. one simple CMS page within a PHP-SQL CMS easily 
could trigger hundreds of SQL requests into many different tables - a 
significant overhead which has to implemented by developers and handled by the 

But this is my view onto the issue - just my two cents...



Niels Dettenbach
Syndicat ITInternet

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Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-05 Thread Fernando
On Dec 5, 2011 09:48 John Schinnerer wrote:

 On 12/04/2011 09:56 PM, Fernando Martins wrote:
  On 12/04/2011 09:31 PM, John Schinnerer wrote:
   In any case, this looks (to me anyhow) like a very object-oriented
   system you are modeling so an object oriented approach and
   would seem most suitable.
  And how would you create (and update) objects in Python for:
  at least 500 tools as of now, and it is bound to grow in the future
  newer tools are introduced. Existing tools will also have version
  Each tool, on average, has at least 100 properties that define the
  Some of them have as high as 1000 unique properties.
 How familiar are you with OOP?
I think you are confusing me with the OP. And you did not answer my
question. Are you recommending that a programmer codes all these objects
by hand in Python?

The know-how of what constitutes a tool, their properties and even the
tool selection criteria is not developer know-how. Therefore, this
information should be defined outside the program in way that the tool
expert(s) can manage it. Which leads us to some storage solution, an RDB
being the most common.

Since, as I pointed out before, SQL most likely would not be able to do
the tool selection alone, Python would merely load the data from the
external source and create objects and expertise on the fly.

Anyway, I agree with you that the main issue does not seem to be the web
publishing solution, but rather how to represent the tool information
and how to do tool selection, which is off-topic.

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Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-05 Thread Sareesh Sudhakaran

Hi NielsI agree with you, even though I have no experience. 
But I'm restricted by hosting options for Zope at the moment, and will revert 
to Python once the project is deployed - and when I figure out whether mySQL is 
good enough or not. I hate having to type all those extra characters in php 

 Subject: Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App
 Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2011 11:25:18 +0100
 Am Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2011, 16:15:13 schrieben Sie:
  As you mentioned, if I have to use mySQL, isn't it better for me to go with
  PHP+mySQL - easier to learn and deploy?
 ...just from my experience:
 PHP is - for different, but mainly technical/historical reasons - very widely 
 spread within web applications, one major reason was/is i.e. the large 
 (because easy) availability on low cost hosting environments in the past - 
 but the most advantages was/are on the side of the hosting providers
 PHP might be easier to learn then other languages or frameworks, but 
 maintaining large / complex applications / software projects within PHP could 
 be a real mess.
 We develop nearly any web application with Zope / ZODB since = 10 years but 
 are a hosting company byself - so we was not bound to PHP as many other 
 internet hosting users in the past. A colleagues company produces very high 
 level expert systems on Perl and Catalyst - requiring high skilled Perl 
 From my experience developing within Zope / ZODB (with Python, DTML and/or 
 ZPT) allows very high quality products within very short timeframes and even 
 further maintaining the project is relative ressource efficient - especially 
 compared to PHP.
 Most web application data structures (i.e. a simple web page) fit's much 
 better by a oo object strategy then a relational (RDBMS) one. 
 The major typical ressource hole within typical PHP+SQL web applications or 
 i.e. a CMS solution is the translation of typical data objects into tables 
 vice versa. Producing i.e. one simple CMS page within a PHP-SQL CMS easily 
 could trigger hundreds of SQL requests into many different tables - a 
 significant overhead which has to implemented by developers and handled by 
 But this is my view onto the issue - just my two cents...
 Niels Dettenbach
 Syndicat ITInternet
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Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-05 Thread Niels Dettenbach
Am Montag, 5. Dezember 2011, 11:37:46 schrieb Sareesh Sudhakaran:
 But I'm restricted by hosting options for Zope at the moment, and will
 revert to Python once the project is deployed - and when I figure out
 whether mySQL is good enough or not. I hate having to type all those extra
 characters in php though.sareesh

If i talk about Zope / Python i mean Zope (with Zope Python Script Objects 
and/or external (Python) Methods). At a earlier stage Zope devels discussed 
for integrating ingres or another RDBMS natively into Zope - but this is not 
longer the case as there are many Zope adapters / integrations / products 
available for different major RDBMS like MySQL or Postgres.

For the data structures where you have to handle large tables MySQL would be 
the first choice while oo data structures would preferrably go into your ZODB. 
I.e. we handle large amounts of user data records within MySQL while all of 
the web content objects or even complex shopping products are handled within 
ZODB - both within the same Shopping Cart application. This all depends highly 
from you data model. By theory you are able to handle both in just on of the 
DB solutions.

With Zope you have many options to use external database solutions within your 
Zope based application.

best regards,

Niels Dettenbach
Syndicat ITInternet

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Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-05 Thread Fernando
On Dec 5, 2011 10:25 Niels Dettenbach wrote:

 From my experience developing within Zope / ZODB (with Python, DTML
 and/or ZPT) allows very high quality products within very short
 timeframes and even further maintaining the project is relative
 ressource efficient - especially compared to PHP.
How would you put 500+ objects (for the tools) each with hundreds or
thousands of attributes in in ZODB?

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Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-04 Thread Sareesh Sudhakaran

Thanks AJ. I assumed an OODBMS would be the right choice because of the object 
nature of my 'tools'. Of course, it was an assumption. Instead of 
Pyramid+RDBMS, can I use PHP+mySQL (my current hosting provider supports 
this).If ZODB isn't for my project, then would a GraphDB help? I have no idea 
on where to start with Graph DB - I've read the wikis and it's made me more 

 Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2011 08:40:28 +0100
 Subject: Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App
 Hash: SHA1
 - From reading: your database model appears pretty much relational.
 Where would you take advantages from using Zope as framework?
 This sounds like a task for Pyramid + RDBMS or a graph DB.
 - -aj
 Sareesh Sudhakaran wrote:
  I have a personal project - a web application I wanted to develop - 
  but I'm confused on which route to take. I am not under any time 
  *About the App:*
  The best I can describe it is as a kind of expert system (but not AI)
  that needs to find the best workflow for a process, given a set of
  initial and final parameters. E.g. a 'capsule' of data must pass 
  through many 'tools' or 'environments' to reach a desired output - 
  something like a very complicated car wash.
  Let's say there are many tools that can be used at various stages in 
  the process. I have estimated there are at least 500 tools as of
  now, and it is bound to grow in the future as newer tools are
  introduced. Existing tools will also have version updates.
  Each tool, on average, has at least 100 properties that define the 
  tool. Some of them have as high as 1000 unique properties. Some of 
  these tools are linked to each other - e.g if one tool is selected, 
  there are only n tools that can correspond to it for the next step
  in the process. I also have the problem of 'matching' the tools for 
  analysis. E.g. Tool A might have only three fixed rpms - 100, 200
  and 500, but Tool B might have rpms from 20 to 2000. I'm not sure how
  I can construct a database without spelling out each number, as in
  the example above.
  The total number of tools needed for the process can be defined at 
  the beginning, however, it will change as the application becomes 
  more complex in the future. I plan to address every contingency in 
  the process. The idea is - if the user inputs the initial parameters 
  and the desired outcome (another set of parameters), the app must 
  find the 'best' path - sort of like a decision tree. The best path 
  can be the fastest, cheapest, etc. I would like the user to choose 
  what is best for him/her.
  Unfortunately, parameters might change, relationships might change 
  (but not regularly) - the 'rules' I will be using might be revised 
  for better accuracy in prediction.
  I also need to track each user's path and solutions' for future 
  reference (but no personal details except username and email address 
  for logging in). Maybe when the app is up and running, I'd like to 
  make it more democratic, with users contributing to refining the 
  logic/rules involved.
  If possible, I would also like the app to output a graphical 
  flowchart at the end showing the workflow with all tools grouped in 
  an easy to understand layout.
  *My questions:*
  1. Will the app be better served with a relational DB like mySQL or 
  an Object database? After a lot of research I've guessed that my 
  particular case might be better served with Python and Zope/ZODB.
  But I might be wrong? Maybe PHP+mySQL or Django is a better fit? 2.
  Can anyone provide general advice on how to go about beginning such
  a project in ZOPE. Which is the best place to start learning for a 
  newbie? 3. Can anyone recommend a good shared hosting provider that 
  supports Zope fully but is not expensive? 4. Is there a module or
  app that is open source that I can use to output a graphical
  flowchart based on the results, or will I be better served
  programming it from scratch with Python?
  I would appreciate any help in getting started. Thank you in
  advance. I have tried most online forums but have not good any
  productive answers. Most of the answers I got were pro-PHP+mySQL.
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 ZOPYX Limited   | zopyx group
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Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-04 Thread Sareesh Sudhakaran

Thanks Niels. Just to clarify:Does my particular instance fall under an OODBMS 
model or a RDBMS model (with ORM if necessary)? 
I will begin by reading the Zope Book. Thanks for your assistance. Appreciate 

 Subject: Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App
 Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2011 09:24:10 +0100
 Hash: SHA256
 Sareesh Sudhakaran schrieb:
 My questions:Will the app be better served with a relational DB like
 mySQL or an Object database? After a lot of research I've guessed that
 my particular case might be better served with Python and Zope/ZODB.
 But I might be wrong? Maybe PHP+mySQL or Django is a better fit?Can
 anyone provide general advice on how to go about beginning such a
 project in ZOPE.
 This hardly depends from your data structure, but with Zope you have the 
 option to use ZODB and SQL DBs like MySQL in parallel. Typical relational 
 data should go into a SQLDB while complex / oo Data structures should go into 
 We developed several complex to very complex web based applications - incl. 
 expert systems - on Zope ZODB plus MySQL. I can't believe that someone would 
 be able to solve such issues with PHP/SQL within the same time / ressources.
  Which is the best place to start learning for a
 You should start by trying the short zope practice / excercise as described 
 in the Zope book.
 The Zope Book should be the best source for getting into Zope step by step 
 from nothing. ß)
  Can anyone recommend a good shared hosting provider that
 supports Zope fully but is not expensive?
 Looking for zope hosting or similiar in google should advice you. Our 
 company - as one of many - offers Zope hosting to.
 Is there a module or app that
 is open source that I can use to output a graphical flowchart based on
 the results, or will I be better served programming it from scratch
 with Python?
 There are different modules as i.e. Python Imaging (PIL) and higher level 
 I would appreciate any help in getting started. Thank you
 in advance. I have tried most online forums but have not good any
 productive answers. Most of the answers I got were pro-PHP+mySQL.
 Yes, because the peoples did not know anything other solution usually...
 - --
 Niels Dettenbach
 Syndicat ITInternet
 Version: APG v1.0.8
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Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-04 Thread Fernando Martins

On 12/04/2011 09:52 AM, Sareesh Sudhakaran wrote:

Thanks Niels. Just to clarify:
Does my particular instance fall under an OODBMS model or a RDBMS 
model (with ORM if necessary)?

Data modelling is a bit of an art and probably you could tackle your 
problem with any approach. I think the important is for you to figure 
out which model suits more your personality. No kidding.

I would personally start with the RDBMS approach considering only the 
information you provide. Also, you can easily use zope in combination 
with a RDBMS. When you read the book, beware that zope has been changing 
from a through the web approach, to a typical file system based 
approach, which is a loss, but it seems to be what suits the needs of 
the zope developers.

The approach I use is:

zpt page - (one) Python Script - (some) ZSQL Methods - MySQL

The zpt defines the layout of the pages, the ZSQL Methods retrieve the 
data needed and the Python script massages the data to make it suitable 
for the ZPT page. Or the other way around, from user input in a form to 
storage in the database.

The advantage of the relational approach is that it is a very well 
understood model and although different people will still come to 
different models there are sufficient objective guidelines out there 
(e.g., the normalization rules, and then criteria for when to 
denormalise) to help you along. Furthermore, there are lots of people in 
db-related forums that can help you.

Also, RDBMS provides you with a standard query language, SQL, which 
plenty of systems and tools can use. In general, RDBMS gives you the 
safest approach to keep your data and not loose it when you need to 
migrate either the front-end or the back-end. This language is very 
powerful and can avoid you a lot of low level programming.

However, plenty of people can not deal well with SQL because it follows 
a paradigm so different from the classic imperative programming. With 
SQL, you specify the what, with the other languages you specify the 
how. The advantage of the what is that you can do a lot of data 
processing in a few lines of code. The problem with the what is that 
because you don't know the how of it, you feel you don't have control 
and you are led to say the language is obscure or unreadable.

However, even if you are not comfortable with the what (you have to 
try to know), you can still rely on an library like SQLAlchemy to keep 
you a bit in the comfort zone of the how. So instead of learning SQL, 
you need to learn the API of a specific library. Your choice. I 
recommend the first by far.

The real main issue with Relational is that it is a highly structured 
data model. It allows you to keep high quality data but if you don't get 
it right soon enough in the development cycle, some later changes can 
have a huge impact in the application, requiring rewrites. Furthermore, 
it works the best when you have many objects with the same properties. 
If you have many entities all different from each other (the tools in 
your case, maybe), then maybe a OODBMS might be better. But here, there 
is no standard language, or standard whatever. Perosnally, I would avoid 
as much as possible to put data in something like ZODB (I use it merely 
to store and manage the application).

The problem with your specific case is that it does not seem to be a 
typical case of books and authors, which might be a risk for someone 
without experience. The issue Tool A might have only three fixed rpms - 
100, 200 and 500, but Tool B might have rpms from 20 to 2000, is indeed 
tricky. I suspect in general the needs of your system will be too 
specific to be able to rely only on SQL queries. You would need to put a 
lot of intelligence in the data (really highly structured) and it might 
become unmanageable or not scalable.

I guess you will need to put a lot of intelligence in the Python Script. 
So, the ZSQL retrieves the relevant tool data and then makes the tool 
choice. The knowledge of the meaning of the attributes is maintained in 

I should say I am not totally sure the Python Script is the best 
approach here, in terms of management facilities. But Python is surely a 
very good language due to its readability. However, you might need to 
use External methods or a more typical file-system based Python approach.

Or maybe you actually need to create a Domain Specific Language to 
encode the intelligence needed for your tool selection process. If your 
python code becomes repetitive, with patterns showing up, then a DSL 
might be a good approach, but this might be too much engineering for you 
at this stage. It looks like you are in a typical CIM scenario and I 
remember handling a similar problem 20 years ago. I vaguely remember at 
that time to use custom graph structures in C and the the intelligence 
was coded in Lisp/Scheme. So, there is a big range of solutions to try 
out :)

If you have time, then the simple approach

zpt page - (one) Python 

Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-04 Thread Sareesh Sudhakaran

Thanks Fernando! I really appreciate the time and effort you have put in 
answering my query. My personality sides with Python but my hosting provider 
does not support Django or Zope.
As you mentioned, if I have to use mySQL, isn't it better for me to go with 
PHP+mySQL - easier to learn and deploy? Can I just start out with a framework 
like Symphony instead?
In the future I'll have to use either Python or C/C++ for my business logic and 
math. But the focus now is to get a prototype out, and if I'm doomed to change 
everything later I might as well start with the easiest and most obvious. Is 
this a viable starting point compared to what you have suggested? Or am I 
missing something?
Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2011 13:28:36 +0100
Subject: Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App


On 12/04/2011 09:52 AM, Sareesh Sudhakaran wrote:

  Niels. Just to clarify:
my particular instance fall under an OODBMS model or a RDBMS
model (with ORM if necessary)? 



Data modelling is a bit of an art and probably you could tackle your
problem with any approach. I think the important is for you to
figure out which model suits more your personality. No kidding.

I would personally start with the RDBMS approach considering only
the information you provide. Also, you can easily use zope in
combination with a RDBMS. When you read the book, beware that zope
has been changing from a through the web approach, to a typical
file system based approach, which is a loss, but it seems to be what
suits the needs of the zope developers.

The approach I use is: 

zpt page - (one) Python Script - (some) ZSQL Methods -

The zpt defines the layout of the pages, the ZSQL Methods retrieve
the data needed and the Python script massages the data to make it
suitable for the ZPT page. Or the other way around, from user input
in a form to storage in the database.

The advantage of the relational approach is that it is a very well
understood model and although different people will still come to
different models there are sufficient objective guidelines out there
(e.g., the normalization rules, and then criteria for when to
denormalise) to help you along. Furthermore, there are lots of
people in db-related forums that can help you. 

Also, RDBMS provides you with a standard query language, SQL,
which plenty of systems and tools can use. In general, RDBMS gives
you the safest approach to keep your data and not loose it when you
need to migrate either the front-end or the back-end. This language
is very powerful and can avoid you a lot of low level programming. 

However, plenty of people can not deal well with SQL because it
follows a paradigm so different from the classic imperative
programming. With SQL, you specify the what, with the other
languages you specify the how. The advantage of the what is that
you can do a lot of data processing in a few lines of code. The
problem with the what is that because you don't know the how of
it, you feel you don't have control and you are led to say the
language is obscure or unreadable. 

However, even if you are not comfortable with the what (you have
to try to know), you can still rely on an library like SQLAlchemy to
keep you a bit in the comfort zone of the how. So instead of
learning SQL, you need to learn the API of a specific library. Your
choice. I recommend the first by far.

The real main issue with Relational is that it is a highly
structured data model. It allows you to keep high quality data but
if you don't get it right soon enough in the development cycle, some
later changes can have a huge impact in the application, requiring
rewrites. Furthermore, it works the best when you have many objects
with the same properties. If you have many entities all different
from each other (the tools in your case, maybe), then maybe a OODBMS
might be better. But here, there is no standard language, or
standard whatever. Perosnally, I would avoid as much as possible to
put data in something like ZODB (I use it merely to store and manage
the application).

The problem with your specific case is that it does not seem to be a
typical case of books and authors, which might be a risk for someone
without experience. The issue Tool A might have only three fixed
rpms - 100, 200 and 500, but Tool B might have rpms from 20 to
2000, is indeed tricky. I suspect in general the needs of your
system will be too specific to be able to rely only on SQL queries.
You would need to put a lot

Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-04 Thread Fernando Martins

On 12/04/2011 05:15 PM, Sareesh Sudhakaran wrote:
As you mentioned, if I have to use mySQL, isn't it better for me to go 
with PHP+mySQL - easier to learn and deploy? Can I just start out with 
a framework like Symphony instead?

Well, if all you have is PHP + MySQL in your provider, there is no 
which is better question, is it?

You might want to look at a library that provides a 
templating system similar to ZPT. The advantage is the better separation 
between presentation and business layers.

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Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-04 Thread John Schinnerer


Very briefly, from what you describe, it looks like you are dealing with 
large numbers of complex objects (your 'tools') that interact with each 
other - and with some other elements that are going through this 
workflow process? And a context for the process? ...not sure of that part...

In any case, this looks (to me anyhow) like a very object-oriented 
system you are modeling so an object oriented approach and language 
would seem most suitable. Python is one reasonable language option; zope 
for the web publishing aspect of the project would fit well with that. I 
haven't worked with other OO languages enough to usefully compare.

It also sounds to me like the web publishing is the lesser part of 
this...? That is, the workflow of interacting tools is the real 'app' 
here, a process which does not all get shown somehow on a web page...or 
does it? Or just the outcomes?

LAMP platform is so common and cheap that it's all a lot of people know 
about. It can be used well, and, it is all too easy to make horrible 
hacks and Frankestein monster apps in PHP/MySQL.

Meaning, a highly structured (yet powerful) OO programming language will 
support you in avoiding that.

Also, for development (or just to explore if python+zope might meet your 
needs) you don't need any hosting, you can install python+zope on your 
development system and try it out.

best wishes...
John S.

On 12/03/2011 07:12 PM, Sareesh Sudhakaran wrote:

I have a personal project - a web application I wanted to develop - but
I'm confused on which route to take. I am not under any time constraint.

*About the App:*

The best I can describe it is as a kind of expert system (but not AI)
that needs to find the best workflow for a process, given a set of
initial and final parameters. E.g. a 'capsule' of data must pass through
many 'tools' or 'environments' to reach a desired output - something
like a very complicated car wash.

Let's say there are many tools that can be used at various stages in the
process. I have estimated there are at least 500 tools as of now, and it
is bound to grow in the future as newer tools are introduced. Existing
tools will also have version updates.

Each tool, on average, has at least 100 properties that define the tool.
Some of them have as high as 1000 unique properties. Some of these tools
are linked to each other - e.g if one tool is selected, there are only n
tools that can correspond to it for the next step in the process. I also
have the problem of 'matching' the tools for analysis. E.g. Tool A might
have only three fixed rpms - 100, 200 and 500, but Tool B might have
rpms from 20 to 2000. I'm not sure how I can construct a database
without spelling out each number, as in the example above.

The total number of tools needed for the process can be defined at the
beginning, however, it will change as the application becomes more
complex in the future. I plan to address every contingency in the
process. The idea is - if the user inputs the initial parameters and the
desired outcome (another set of parameters), the app must find the
'best' path - sort of like a decision tree. The best path can be the
fastest, cheapest, etc. I would like the user to choose what is best for

Unfortunately, parameters might change, relationships might change (but
not regularly) - the 'rules' I will be using might be revised for better
accuracy in prediction.

I also need to track each user's path and solutions' for future
reference (but no personal details except username and email address for
logging in). Maybe when the app is up and running, I'd like to make it
more democratic, with users contributing to refining the logic/rules

If possible, I would also like the app to output a graphical flowchart
at the end showing the workflow with all tools grouped in an easy to
understand layout.

*My questions:*

 1. Will the app be better served with a relational DB like mySQL or an
Object database? After a lot of research I've guessed that my
particular case might be better served with Python and Zope/ZODB.
But I might be wrong? Maybe PHP+mySQL or Django is a better fit?
 2. Can anyone provide general advice on how to go about beginning such
a project in ZOPE. Which is the best place to start learning for a
 3. Can anyone recommend a good shared hosting provider that supports
Zope fully but is not expensive?
 4. Is there a module or app that is open source that I can use to
output a graphical flowchart based on the results, or will I be
better served programming it from scratch with Python?

I would appreciate any help in getting started. Thank you in advance. I
have tried most online forums but have not good any productive answers.
Most of the answers I got were pro-PHP+mySQL.


Zope maillist  -
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Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-04 Thread Sareesh Sudhakaran

Thanks Fernando. I would choose ZOPE or Django and a new provider at the drop 
of a hat - if someone can confirm if that's the way to go. However, since, 
there are too many grey areas, it might be better if I stuck to what I have and 
see how things turn out. Once again, thanks for your support. Appreciate it!
- Sareesh

Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2011 18:19:25 +0100
Subject: Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App


On 12/04/2011 05:15 PM, Sareesh Sudhakaran wrote:

As you mentioned, if I have to use mySQL, isn't it better for me
to go with PHP+mySQL - easier to learn and deploy? Can I just
start out with a framework like Symphony instead?


Well, if all you have is PHP + MySQL in your provider, there is no
which is better question, is it?

You might want to look at a library that provides
a templating system similar to ZPT. The advantage is the better
separation between presentation and business layers.


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Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-04 Thread Fernando Martins

On 12/04/2011 09:31 PM, John Schinnerer wrote:
In any case, this looks (to me anyhow) like a very object-oriented 
system you are modeling so an object oriented approach and language 
would seem most suitable.

And how would you create (and update) objects in Python for:

at least 500 tools as of now, and it is bound to grow in the future as 
newer tools are introduced. Existing tools will also have version updates.

Each tool, on average, has at least 100 properties that define the tool.
Some of them have as high as 1000 unique properties.

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[Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-03 Thread Sareesh Sudhakaran

I have a personal project - a web application I wanted to develop - but I'm 
confused on which route to take. I am not under any time constraint.
About the App:The best I can describe it is as a kind of expert system (but not 
AI) that needs to find the best workflow for a process, given a set of initial 
and final parameters. E.g. a 'capsule' of data must pass through many 'tools' 
or 'environments' to reach a desired output - something like a very complicated 
car wash.Let's say there are many tools that can be used at various stages in 
the process. I have estimated there are at least 500 tools as of now, and it is 
bound to grow in the future as newer tools are introduced. Existing tools will 
also have version updates.Each tool, on average, has at least 100 properties 
that define the tool. Some of them have as high as 1000 unique properties. Some 
of these tools are linked to each other - e.g if one tool is selected, there 
are only n tools that can correspond to it for the next step in the process. I 
also have the problem of 'matching' the tools for analysis. E.g. Tool A might 
have only three fixed rpms - 100, 200 and 500, but Tool B might have rpms from 
20 to 2000. I'm not sure how I can construct a database without spelling out 
each number, as in the example above.The total number of tools needed for the 
process can be defined at the beginning, however, it will change as the 
application becomes more complex in the future. I plan to address every 
contingency in the process. The idea is - if the user inputs the initial 
parameters and the desired outcome (another set of parameters), the app must 
find the 'best' path - sort of like a decision tree. The best path can be the 
fastest, cheapest, etc. I would like the user to choose what is best for 
him/her.Unfortunately, parameters might change, relationships might change (but 
not regularly) - the 'rules' I will be using might be revised for better 
accuracy in prediction.I also need to track each user's path and solutions' for 
future reference (but no personal details except username and email address for 
logging in). Maybe when the app is up and running, I'd like to make it more 
democratic, with users contributing to refining the logic/rules involved.If 
possible, I would also like the app to output a graphical flowchart at the end 
showing the workflow with all tools grouped in an easy to understand layout.
My questions:Will the app be better served with a relational DB like mySQL or 
an Object database? After a lot of research I've guessed that my particular 
case might be better served with Python and Zope/ZODB. But I might be wrong? 
Maybe PHP+mySQL or Django is a better fit?Can anyone provide general advice on 
how to go about beginning such a project in ZOPE. Which is the best place to 
start learning for a newbie? Can anyone recommend a good shared hosting 
provider that supports Zope fully but is not expensive? Is there a module or 
app that is open source that I can use to output a graphical flowchart based on 
the results, or will I be better served programming it from scratch with 
Python?I would appreciate any help in getting started. Thank you in advance. I 
have tried most online forums but have not good any productive answers. Most of 
the answers I got were pro-PHP+mySQL.
Adam  ___
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Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-03 Thread Andreas Jung
Hash: SHA1

- From reading: your database model appears pretty much relational.
Where would you take advantages from using Zope as framework?
This sounds like a task for Pyramid + RDBMS or a graph DB.

- -aj

Sareesh Sudhakaran wrote:
 I have a personal project - a web application I wanted to develop - 
 but I'm confused on which route to take. I am not under any time 
 *About the App:*
 The best I can describe it is as a kind of expert system (but not AI)
 that needs to find the best workflow for a process, given a set of
 initial and final parameters. E.g. a 'capsule' of data must pass 
 through many 'tools' or 'environments' to reach a desired output - 
 something like a very complicated car wash.
 Let's say there are many tools that can be used at various stages in 
 the process. I have estimated there are at least 500 tools as of
 now, and it is bound to grow in the future as newer tools are
 introduced. Existing tools will also have version updates.
 Each tool, on average, has at least 100 properties that define the 
 tool. Some of them have as high as 1000 unique properties. Some of 
 these tools are linked to each other - e.g if one tool is selected, 
 there are only n tools that can correspond to it for the next step
 in the process. I also have the problem of 'matching' the tools for 
 analysis. E.g. Tool A might have only three fixed rpms - 100, 200
 and 500, but Tool B might have rpms from 20 to 2000. I'm not sure how
 I can construct a database without spelling out each number, as in
 the example above.
 The total number of tools needed for the process can be defined at 
 the beginning, however, it will change as the application becomes 
 more complex in the future. I plan to address every contingency in 
 the process. The idea is - if the user inputs the initial parameters 
 and the desired outcome (another set of parameters), the app must 
 find the 'best' path - sort of like a decision tree. The best path 
 can be the fastest, cheapest, etc. I would like the user to choose 
 what is best for him/her.
 Unfortunately, parameters might change, relationships might change 
 (but not regularly) - the 'rules' I will be using might be revised 
 for better accuracy in prediction.
 I also need to track each user's path and solutions' for future 
 reference (but no personal details except username and email address 
 for logging in). Maybe when the app is up and running, I'd like to 
 make it more democratic, with users contributing to refining the 
 logic/rules involved.
 If possible, I would also like the app to output a graphical 
 flowchart at the end showing the workflow with all tools grouped in 
 an easy to understand layout.
 *My questions:*
 1. Will the app be better served with a relational DB like mySQL or 
 an Object database? After a lot of research I've guessed that my 
 particular case might be better served with Python and Zope/ZODB.
 But I might be wrong? Maybe PHP+mySQL or Django is a better fit? 2.
 Can anyone provide general advice on how to go about beginning such
 a project in ZOPE. Which is the best place to start learning for a 
 newbie? 3. Can anyone recommend a good shared hosting provider that 
 supports Zope fully but is not expensive? 4. Is there a module or
 app that is open source that I can use to output a graphical
 flowchart based on the results, or will I be better served
 programming it from scratch with Python?
 I would appreciate any help in getting started. Thank you in
 advance. I have tried most online forums but have not good any
 productive answers. Most of the answers I got were pro-PHP+mySQL.
 ___ Zope maillist  - **   No 
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