Re: [Zope3-Users] Where to start?

2006-01-01 Thread Duncan McGreggor

On Jan 1, 2006, at 4:30 PM, Maciej Zięba wrote:

Is there a ZopeBook or something similiar for Zope 3? Zope3Book is  
about development of the framework.

Could you please recommend some place I could start learning it  
(articles, tutorials, etc.)?

Here is the zope 3 book at 

It is also available in book-form:

This is another very excellent zope book:

Here is a nice quick-start guide:

Good luck! Happy New Year!


Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] list archives for zope3-users

2005-11-30 Thread Duncan McGreggor

On Nov 30, 2005, at 11:41 AM, Brad Allen wrote:

If anyone else has thoughts on the best way to search the mailing list 
archives, I'd appreciate hearing about it. I'd prefer to avoid asking 
questions that others have already asked.

Hey Brad, I feel like we're becoming best friends ;-)

I use google. Here's a google search string example for searching the 
zope3-users maillist for ZODB:

site: location:pipermail/zope3-users ZODB


Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] list archives for zope3-users

2005-11-30 Thread Duncan McGreggor

On Nov 30, 2005, at 11:49 AM, Duncan McGreggor wrote:

If anyone else has thoughts on the best way to search the mailing 
list archives, I'd appreciate hearing about it. I'd prefer to avoid 
asking questions that others have already asked.

Hey Brad, I feel like we're becoming best friends ;-)

I use google. Here's a google search string example for searching the 
zope3-users maillist for ZODB:

site: location:pipermail/zope3-users ZODB

Doh. My bad, that should have been:

site: inurl:pipermail/zope3-users ZODB

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] need guidance

2005-11-30 Thread Duncan McGreggor

On Nov 30, 2005, at 12:13 PM, Brad Allen wrote:

Hmm, again, I think you *might* want to stay away from an approach 
that interacts directly with the ZODB. Unless you're not using 
z3/Zope 2...

I didn't see this posting until after I started a new thread called
Direct ZODB access in a Zope3 instance. So, why is it a bad

Well, it's a great idea if your application is non-zope python with a 
need for versioned storage.

It's not such a good idea if your application is a zope app because 
those app servers do so much of the work for you, with many years of 
honing put into them.

The best thing to do is learn how to use the app server/framework such 
that your work is minimized (both short- and long-term) and such that 
the final product is a stable as possible (building on prior, tested, 
and proven work).

Direct access in a z3 app is usually made for debugging purposes, and 
used with the pdb, can be very effective for hunting down and solving 

As per your other email, the reason you had problems was because your 
z3 instance was already running. If you are not using ZEO, you need to 
stop z3 in order to gain access to the ZODB.

Have you seen Benji's quick start guide? In addition to Stephan 
Richter's book, you ought to read Philipp von Weitershausen's book too. 
As of zope3.1, it's a little out of date, but only in a few areas. The 
conceptual explanations and careful, hands-on, examples-based approach 
is pure gold. His and Stephan's book are the perfect couple ;-)

Links: (Philipp's book is here)

In addition, I've written a python script that auto-generates a starter 
z3 project for you, after asking a couple questions. If you want to use 
it, I'd be more than willing to answer any questions about it (an thus 
improve it) off-list. You can download it here:

I'll got back to your original post and try to do a better job of 
answering your questions.


Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] need guidance

2005-11-30 Thread Duncan McGreggor

On Nov 29, 2005, at 3:45 PM, Brad Allen wrote:

I'm still in the midst of an effort at learning Zope 3, while try to 
build a real website for it. I have ambitions for using Zope 3 in 
several different projects, and am actively working on a Zope 3 
website that I hope to have looking presentable if not fully 
functional by mid-December.

Do you have a zope2 background? With a background in zope2 and twisted, 
I found z3 very easy (delightful) to learn. My first z3 site was done 
from scratch, with graphic design, custom user-editable content in 
under 3 weeks. I was an instant z3 fan.

Another Zope 3 project for the future is to convert an ecommerce site 
I had previously built in PHP. I've been using Python at my day job 
now for a couple of years, and have decided I no longer have time for 
PHP--I want to switch the site to Python, probably using Zope 3. This 
site's main purpose is to allow customers to search, view, and 
purchase from a catalog of auto parts.

You will definitely want to start getting familiar with pythonic site 
creation in z3, particularly, setting up a catalog (IntId, Catalog, 
Index-creation, etc.). All of my query needs are met (so far) by simple 
python calls to catalog.SearchResults and then a lambda for sorting. 
Martijn Faassen wrote a great query wrapper called hurry that you 
will almost certainly want to investigate/use:

For the auto parts site, I am thinking about designing an AutoPart 
content component. This will allow the business owner to edit his 
catalog of auto parts via the web. Suppose he starts instantiating a 
lot of auto parts, and editing them. Later, we decide we need to 
refactor the base class, and maybe create a few child classes. That 
leaves me with a big cleanup chore, because a lot of old AutoPart 
instances are sitting around in the database.

As Chris mentioned before, to my understanding, this is a perfect 
use-case for generations, so you should be covered (if it's up to 

I'm trying to come to an understanding of when it's best to keep data 
in the ZODB, and when it's best to use SQL instead. Maybe there are 
tools for handling ZODB data that I don't know about.

As a general trend, people that have highly-relational data tend to 
prefer using RDBMSs. I have no current projects for which I use an 
RDBMS, but I have in the past. I also have a very strong preference for 
object databases ;-)

Another question about ZODB is whether to use it to store page 
templates. If I build a lot of ZPT pages and macros and store them 
through the ZMI, and then later want to rearrange the folder 
structure, I'm guessing it will be a pain to change a lot of 
hard-coded path references. If I use text files outside the ZODB, then 
I can use a host of text editor tools for searching across multiple 

I think this has been answered. There's no current TTW dev. But you 
will come to dearly love filesystem dev, especially with multiple 
developers working on the same code ;-)

I like the idea of letting end users have something like the ZMI for 
editing content, and am hoping it will be possible avoid putting much 
TAL and METAL markup in documents in the ZMI, but rather have the .pt 
files pull content from the ZODB. However, it's not clear to me how to 
make that work. The examples in the books have the .pt files in the 
filesystem; I don't recall seeing any the ZMI/ZODB.

Perhaps I can clarify with a typical example:
* you have a z3 project, all the code is on the file system
* you will create custom content objects
* you will create a skin for the project -- this is how it will look 
to end users
* you can use the ZMI for administration tasks (such as 
creating/editing content) -- you can customize the ZMI to look like 
anything you want
* you can modify your custom skin to present various editing/management 
options to the end users

Perhaps this makes thins more clear?

Here is another question. Suppose I'm working with a team of 
developers. Should we each set up our own separate Zope3 instance, and 
do SVN checkouts into our own separate, local /lib/python directories 
inside the instance?

IMO, definitely ;-)



Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Windows binary psycopgda-1.0.0.tgz

2005-10-27 Thread Duncan McGreggor

On Oct 27, 2005, at 9:45 PM, Bobby Brewster wrote:

Thanks for your help. However I am still not able to install the 
database adapter.
I copied the file  psycopg-configure.zcml into package-includes

and folder psycopgda into .\lib\python

│   └───package-includes
│   └───python
│   └───psycopgda
I get the following errors. ==ConfigurationError: ('Invalid value 
for', 'class', Couldn't import psycopgd

a.adapter, No module named psycopg)

 1393, in toargs
args[str(name)] = field.fromUnicode(s)

 141, in fromUnicode
raise schema.ValidationError(v)
zope.configuration.xmlconfig.ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File 

\etc\site.zcml, line 7.2-7.55
ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File 

copgda-configure.zcml, line 1.0-1.31
ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File 

figure.zcml, line 6.2
ConfigurationError: ('Invalid value for', 'class', Couldn't 
import psycopgd

a.adapter, No module named psycopg)
So do I have to install psycopg as well?
PHP+Postgres+Apache was a piece of cake. Why am I having so much 
trouble with this.

I guess I need to spend more time on this.

First question: did you install psycopg?

Second question: which python did you install it for? Because it 
doesn't look like it's been installed for the python that is running 
your z3 instance.

My bet is that you have more than one python binary (and thus different 
python site-packages directories), and the one that you used to install 
psycopg is not the one that runs z3.


Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Compound Form Elements

2005-10-21 Thread Duncan McGreggor

On Oct 21, 2005, at 12:16 PM, James Allwyn wrote:

Following Christian's tweaks to the file (creating a
CustomSequenceWidget), I've got this working well in isolation - I can
add a ContactData object on its own no problem.

However, I've hit a brick wall about how to use the ContactData item
as a form element within another schema (say, IPerson). I've tried to
access it with variations upon:


contact_data = Tuple(
title = u'Contact Details',
value_type = Object(
title=u'Contact Datum'))

To me, this or List() are the only ones that make any sense... Here's 

One of the things you're doing with this interface is implicitly 
telling z3 how you want this field to be displayed (because, by 
default, it makes that decision based on the field type. With a 
List(), etc., you get the sub-schema displayed and then the option to 
add * or removed checked -- an auto-generated multi-widget.

It it's not a standard field type, z3's not going to know what do do 
with it, and I think you'd have to use the widget sub-config in 
your zcml to tell it explicitly what widget to use when building 
add/edit forms.

and invoking the browser class for the add view in the configure.zcml
for the User:


In effect, this method doesn't use ContactData at all, it replicates
its functionality out of a Tuple of ContactDatum objects in the
IPerson itself. But what I want to do is be able to put a ContactData
element into IPerson and have it 'just work', in the same way I can
for, say, TextLine, or Bool.

Hmm, we'll need some more details here... what do you mean by just 
work? In what context? Add/edit? Final rendering? If the later, I 
believe you will need to add your view class that processes the list so 
that ZPT can handle it with repeat (at least, that's what I would 


Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Compound Form Elements

2005-10-06 Thread Duncan McGreggor

On Oct 6, 2005, at 2:29 AM, James Allwyn wrote:

On 04/10/05, James Allwyn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I wish my users to be able to register various contact details. For
each, I would record the type (e.g. email, landline tel, mobile tel,
fax...), the value (e.g. [EMAIL PROTECTED]) and a True/False value on
whether it is to be visible on the site.

I've tried to implement this zopeishly, and the stumbling block I've
hit seems to be specifying the key and value_type pairs in the dict.
So, for example:


This barfs when it hits the second value_type in the dict. Look at the
zope.schema sources it seems I can only specify one value_type and one
key_type. What I want to do is specify three pairs of keys and
value_types - note, specifying the actual keys, not just their types.
Is this possible? Or am I barking up the wrong tree!?

Any hints gratefully received.

Hey James,

What you probably want to explore is the Object field. This lets you 
define a sub-schema, as it were, and use that in your main schema. 
An example (untested)... maybe in yourproject/types/

from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.schema import List, Text, TextLine, Int, Choice
from zope.schema import Object

from zope.i18nmessageid import MessageIDFactory
_ = MessageIDFactory('yourproj')

# sub-schema
class IContactData(Interface):
  show = Bool(title = _(uShow Data?))
  type = TextLine(title = _(uData Type))
  value = TextLine(title = _(uData Value))

# main schema
class IUser(Interface)
  name_first = TextLine(
title = _(uFirst Name)
  name_last = TextLine(
title = _(uLast Name)
  contact_info = List(
title = _(uContact Info),
value_type = Object(

Then (maybe in, ):

class ContactData(object):
# and whatever else you might want to
# put in here

class User(PortalContent):
# and whatever else you might want to
# put in here

Then you're going to have to do some extra work with a custom widget (a 
good place would be ./browser/

from import ObjectWidget
from import EditView
from import CustomWidgetFactory

from yourproject.types import ContactData
from yourproject.types.interfaces import IUser

parts_w = CustomWidgetFactory(ObjectWidget, ContactData)

class ContactDataEditView(EditView):

View for editing a page section.

__used_for__ = IUser

parts_widget = parts_w

In your browser/configure.zcml, your going to need something like this:

  label=Edit User
  permission=zope.ManageContent /

I may be forgetting something here... but this should certainly give 
you a head start. There's a bunch of very good information on this in 
these files:


Hmmm, looking through these again, these are really good examples. Pay 
more attention to them than to what I wrote above ;-)

By the way, (and irrespective of the structure of the data) this data 
you are adding seems to me a good candidate for annotations. You might 
want to explore that...

Happy trails!


Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: worldcookery Christmas Dinner

2005-10-03 Thread Duncan McGreggor

On Oct 3, 2005, at 12:32 AM, Joel Moxley wrote:

* RecipeFolder Views.  In a RecipeFolder page template file, how would
you view both parameters on the parent RecipeFolder as well as
specific child Recipes within the container?

* RecipeFolder Controllers.  How would you access an external python
method for compiling statistics on this container and then update the

I think for both of these, what you're looking for is the catalog. It 
might mean writing your own custom index, based on your needs... (but 
you should be able to at least prototype it with just the field and 
text indices that are a part of the catalog by default). If, with your 
content objects, you are storing or annotating the data you want to 
analyze, you'll just need to add indices in your site catalog for those 
schema fields/attributes.

For your first bullet item above... hmm, maybe catalog + checking for 
children? Never done anything directly with the children of a 
particular container before.

For the second one, I think just catalog should do the trick.

What I'd do is

1) create a class in browser (e.g., myproject.browser.stats.Stats) 
where in I write the catalog queries. I put mine in browser because I 
mentally associate my queries with displaying data with page templates. 
Arguably, they might be better the next level up, since data queries 
really should be agnostic as to the final medium (http, webdav, ftp, 
etc.). For every type of processed stats I would want, I'd write a 
method in the Stats class. As Alen and I discussed in a recent thread, 
perhaps something like

from import BrowserView
from import ICatalog
from import zapi

class Stats(BrowserView):
def getParentAndChildStats(self):
catalog = zapi.getUtility(ICatalog)
results = catalog.searchResults(index_name_for_field=[some, 
list, of, criteria])

# process your results
# do child checks? efficiency issues? I'm sure there's a better 

My queries are typically associated with a particular content type (as 
it sounds like yours will be... particularly RecipeFolder). So then I'd

2) add something like this to the browser/configure.zcml file:

permission=zope.Public /


3) use view/method_name in your page templates to access the the 
Stats methods you wrote. Data presentation gets messy in HTML/ZPT, so I 
typically separate that out into a macro so I can keep my * 
files clean. You'd have something like this in your 
(or macro that calls):

tal:stats repeat=stat view/getParentAndChildStats
  !-- display stat and/or its attributes /--

Hope that helps...


Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] doc question

2005-09-30 Thread Duncan McGreggor
I am curious about the documented catalog method searchResults().  
Starting at line 223 of zope/app/catalog/README.txt (3.1 rc3 download,  
not svn co), there is the following usage of the method:

 result = cat.searchResults(size=5)
 list(result) == [o4, o5]

When trying to implement this with my own catalog, I got the following  
(partial) traceback:

zope310_r3/lib/python/accumacsite/browser/, line 18, in  

return catalog.searchResults(equipment_in_stock=True)
  File /usr/local/zope310/lib/python/zope/app/catalog/,  
line 105, in searchResults

results = self.apply(searchterms)
  File /usr/local/zope310/lib/python/zope/app/catalog/,  
line 84, in apply

r = index.apply(index_query)
  File /usr/local/zope310/lib/python/zope/index/field/, line  
99, in apply

return multiunion(self._fwd_index.values(*query))
TypeError: values() argument after * must be a sequence

Indeed, after looking at the code, it seems that instead of writing  

  return catalog.searchResults(equipment_in_stock=True)

I should be writing this:

  return catalog.searchResults(equipment_in_stock=[True])

since apply() does expect the rhs of the parameter to be a sequence.  
With this change, my code now works (no errors, anyway), but I wanted  
to see if this was a misunderstanding on my part or a documentation  



Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] images in a content object

2005-09-28 Thread Duncan McGreggor

On Sep 27, 2005, at 12:21 PM, Duncan McGreggor wrote:

On Sep 27, 2005, at 12:09 PM, Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote: 

On Sep 27, 2005, at 12:13 PM, Benji York wrote:

Chapter 35 of Stephan's book.

I couldn't find traverse in the index of Philipp's book, but I'm  
sure he covers it somewhere.

Also note that it might be better to create a content space image  
object instead and just keep a reference to it in your other content  
object, then you *could* use absolute URL.

You guys are awesome -- these were just the tips I needed to get past  
this block -- thanks for your help!

In addition to these fine suggestions, I'll add another. From Stephan  
Richter's code in the schoolbell repository:

There is a person content object that has a photo attached. To use it,  
I only needed to:

1) add some browser view code, and
2) add the zcml configuration for it.

The original part of my schema that I had posted was this:

class IPage(Interface):
image_file = Bytes(
description=uUpload an associated image here,

Then I added this browser view code:

from import Image

class ImageView(BrowserView):
View that returns a page image.

__used_for__ = IPage

def __call__(self):
data = self.context.image_file
image = Image(data)
if not image:
raise NotFound(self.context, u'image_file', self.request)

return data

The final step was the zcml:


I was then able to create an instance of my content object (a Page,  
implementing IPage), and access the attached image via the url  

Thanks again for all the help, and I hope this is useful for others :-)


Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] images in a content object

2005-09-27 Thread Duncan McGreggor

On Jun 3, 2005, at 3:28 PM, Stephan Richter wrote:

On Saturday 14 May 2005 14:21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

A direction to a working example would be very much appreciated. 
with Z3 is nice, but it is much harder than Z2 when it comes to 

where I want. But, I'm not giving up!

I think the books are as much direction as we can give you without 
having a
traceback of what's going wrong. I would also like to see the 

Hey everyone, I'm having similar trouble with a content object that 
contains an image. Thee pertinent part of my schema is this:

image_file = Bytes(
description=uUpload an associated image here,

My problem is that I haven't figured out how to point to this image, as 
it is part of the content object itself. Ideally, I would like to be 
able to refer to it in a ZPT via a URL. Something on the order of

img tal:attributes=src string:${context/@@absolute_url}/image_file /

Any ideas or code to which I could be pointed?



Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] images in a content object

2005-09-27 Thread Duncan McGreggor

On Sep 27, 2005, at 11:54 AM, Benji York wrote:

Duncan McGreggor wrote:
My problem is that I haven't figured out how to point to this image, 
as it is part of the content object itself. Ideally, I would like to 
be able to refer to it in a ZPT via a URL. Something on the order of
img tal:attributes=src string:${context/@@absolute_url}/image_file 

Any ideas or code to which I could be pointed?

You could make the content object traversable, so you could do 

Man, that sounds perfect...

But! *sheepish grin* I've never done that before... is there someplace 
you could point me (and future readers of the list archives) where I 
could read about doing that (chapter of a book?) or some code in svn 
that shoes an example in a zcml file (I'm assuming this would be done 
in zcml?).

Thanks, man!


Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] practical example of migrating from services to utilities

2005-08-08 Thread Duncan McGreggor

Hey all,

I just wanted to check to make sure I was doing this right, and if so, 
provide a resource that would turn up on subsequent googling. This 
example involves the getting menus items with the getService/getUtility 
functions and is taken from Philip's worldcookery example code.

Here's the pertinent zcml (worldcookery/browser/configure.zcml):

  title=Menu containing a list of alternative views for an object

  title=[label-recipe] Recipe

Here's the original code (worldcookery/browser/

  def alternateViews(self):
menu_service = zapi.getService(servicenames.BrowserMenu)
menu_id = 'alternate_views'
return menu_service.getMenu(menu_id, self.context, self.request)

Here's the modified example that I'd want to check if I am doing 

  def alternateViews(self):
browser_menu = zapi.getUtility(IBrowserMenu, 'alternate_views')
return browser_menu.getMenuItems(self.context, self.request)

Am I doing this properly?



Zope3-users mailing list