I'm trying to get stats without some search engines.
I'm using the web Interface, and included the following HTML code
which I added to the default form page.
Exclude Browsers
Exclude the following browsers: (list, separated by commas;
can contain wild character *)
When I fill in Slurp.
"Horton, Jeffrey" wrote:
> I am trying to find some installation documentation for Analog on the
> OS/390 platform. I have downloaded
> the OS/390 tar file from
> http://www.s390.ibm.com/ftp/os390/oe/port/analog/readme.html, and it
> references
> documentation at
> http://www.statslab.cam.a
Title: Analog on OS/390
I am trying to find some installation documentation for Analog on the OS/390 platform. I have downloaded
the OS/390 tar file from http://www.s390.ibm.com/ftp/os390/oe/port/analog/readme.html, and it references
documentation at http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~sret1/analog
Ok, here's one for anyone who's done Virtual Hosting.
I'm trying to configure a report that shows all the statistics for client sites
for an ISP. Each client has their own set of logs so I'm using the two argument
form of LOGFILE to specify the base URL for each set of logs. What I'm wondering
I've tried fiddeling with BROWEXCLUDE and similar, but I can't make it
ignore specific browsertypes COMPLETELY - as in not counting them in the
requests at all!! What I'm trying to do is to get Analog to completely
ignore APACHEBENCH, which makes quite a lot of requests in very little time.