#x27;m not claiming there is no
difference - just that I don't even trust my OWN ears against the
placebo effect, never mind other people's. No one is immune to it. NO
one, I tells yer, mmmwhahahaha! :D
uired a simple setting change to the
> file types menu in LMS settings.
Have you tested that double-blind? Or do you feel the improvement is so
obvious it's not worth it? (The latter is the usual response to such a
going from the incredible sound of the Touch +App back to the stock
Touch was like listening to a transistor radio.
Dave1972's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6
View this t
ing with increasing the number of files the Touch can see
(i.e. not hidden in folders starting with a ".") to see how far I can
push it now.
Dave1972's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?us