SBGK wrote: 
> Think you will find that as the Touch is bit perfect that nothing can
> change the sound quality, have you tried room compensation software eg
> Inguz, moving your speakers or physical room improvements to stop sound
> reflections ? These are all better solutions than any physically
> impossible voodoo magic imaginary improvements oft discussed in these
> parts.

Agreed 100%! I do suspect that any sonic improvements using this app
with lower samplerates are imaginary - but who knows, maybe I'm missing
extra-golden ears. It's easy to imagine improvements when there are none
- I've been caught out in the past (suckered in by silly speaker wire
claims!) and have been extremely cautious ever since. A classic example
is hearing an improvement with 24/192 over 24/96. With most cheaper-end
or mid-end DACs (which many here, including me, will be using) 24/192
can actually be WORSE than 24/96 or 24/88.2 due to artefacts introduced
into the audible range as a result of poor handling of the extra data in
the -inaudible- range. And yet people will almost always report audible
improvements. But show me a single double-blind test that proves anyone
can genuinely hear an improvement in 24/192 - bet you can't!

The reason I installed this app is due to claims of reduced load on the
processor. That is a measurable, verifiable improvement therefore worth
taking, especially if playing through the SB Tiny server. I'll be
experimenting with increasing the number of files the Touch can see
(i.e. not hidden in folders starting with a ".") to see how far I can
push it now.

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