Perl Formula Help - Changing a Price in script

2012-03-20 Thread Dave K
Hello - I am new to Perl, and looking for some much needed direction. I am trying to get a basic formula in place (within an existing IF statement) that will serve to increase my price (i.e., "$new_price") by the following formula: =PRICE divided by 0.8 plus 15 In other words, if the Price is e

Re: More subroutine confusion

2003-06-07 Thread Dave K
Rob, > Your response dovetails nicely with my next question. The module I'm > working in begins as follows: > > use warnings; > use strict; > use CGI qw/:standard center strong *big delete_all/; Because the code you have included does not specifically say so I have to guess that: package NotShow

Re: perl DBI and mysql

2003-03-28 Thread Dave K
Jaws, > DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Duplicate entry 'sample' for key 1 at > ./ line 17, <> line 1. > DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Duplicate entry 'sample' for key 1 at > ./ line 17, <> line 1. > [EMAIL PROTECTED] util]# This is probably happening because the table

Re: Someone DO explain this to me!

2003-03-07 Thread Dave K
Jeff, > Jenda, > > You CANNOT do what you are suggesting. My guess is that at one time it was allowable. If someone knows what version of Perl allowed loop control modifiers in do{ } blocks (or if they were never allowed) I would like to know. I am using v5.8.0 and I was surprised to try: $ perl -

Re: adding hash reference into hash

2003-03-03 Thread Dave K
Yannick, $ perl -e ' > %ch = (h1 => {}, h2 => {}); > for (keys %ch) { > print"$_\n"; > }' h1 h2 > Hi, Hello, > I'm just trying to make a structure with a hash containing some > references to other (yet unused) hashes. see above. > > So what I wrote this: > > $intHash1Ref = {}; > $intHash2Ref =

Re: Get list of available modules?

2003-02-25 Thread Dave K
> Greetings! Hello > > I'm trying to do some Perl for a non-profit organization. The computer > administrator doesn't know very much about Perl or about the server. > If I were to ask him what Perl modules were available, he'd probably > just have to call somebody else and get back to me. Is the

Re: linked lists?

2003-02-17 Thread Dave K
Jim, Some time ago a Computer Sci student was working on Linked Lists and posted some code she needed help with. > How would such a thing be done with Perl? Preuse, run, modify and complete this code (it needs a way to remove a center link, amoung other things. I don't take credit for this code

Re: help with (do $ENV{HOME})

2003-02-16 Thread Dave K
ktb, Wiggins, Another perspective: text.txt contains: return 'My Full Name with middle initial'; #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $name = do "./text.txt"; print "$name\n"; prints: My Full Name with middle initial > > The problem I'm having is my print statement just prints a new line > >

Re: calling sub

2003-02-09 Thread Dave K
Benjamin Jeeves, You can probably figure this out. Try running the code below supplying whatever file name you choose to save it as for an argument. #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $filein = $ARGV[0]; print "$filein\n"; open(FILEIN, $filein); my $counter = 0; my $counter1; &start; sub start

Re: calling a subroutine as an element of a hash table...

2003-02-07 Thread Dave K
Peter, #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my %date_formats = ( ccyymmdd => { now => sub { my @arr = localtime(); print 'Year ', 1900 + $arr[5] . ' Month '. sprintf("%02d",$arr[4] + 1) . ' Day ' . sprintf("%02d",$arr[3]); } } ); & { $date_formats{ccyymmdd}{now} }; Same output as previous

Re: calling a subroutine as an element of a hash table...

2003-02-07 Thread Dave K
Peter I saw Jenda's note and I suggest the code needs simplification. > P.S. you can see where I comment out the ccyymmdd_now function. That > approach works, but is not what I'm shooting for. > > %date_formats = ( > # "ccyymmdd" => {now => \ccyymmdd_now()}, > "ccyymmdd" => {now => s

Re: Even more regex

2003-01-31 Thread Dave K
Oops! $ perl -e ' @z = qw( 3d20m 5d2h 2h2s ); for $v (@z){ $v =~ s/d/*24*3600 +/; $v =~ s/h/*3600 +/; $v =~ s/m/*60 +/; $v =~ s/s/ +/; chop $v; $k = eval $v; print "$v = $k seconds"; print "\n"; }' 3*24*3600 +20*60 = 260400 seconds 5*24*3600 +2*3600 = 439200 seconds 2*3600 +2 = 7202 seconds But

Re: Even more regex

2003-01-31 Thread Dave K
Dan > I have a string, which is to represent a length of time, say 3d4h45m12s $ perl -e ' $v = "3d7h36m14s"; $v =~ s/d/*24*3600 +/; $v =~ s/h/*3600 +/; $v =~ s/m/*60 +/; $v =~ s/s//; $k = eval $v; print "$v = $k seconds";' 3*24*3600 +7*3600 +36*60 +14 = 286574 seconds And a question. Can the 4 $v

Re: HELP -- installation of Storable issues warnings ???

2003-01-27 Thread Dave K
Ed, > > [esickafus@webserv01 Storable-2.05]$ perl Makefile.PL > PREFIX=/home/sites/site61/users/esickafus/lib >From the above I deduce you are trying to install modules without root access. True? Can possibly be of some help. I foun

Re: Removing a specific value from a hash whose keys contains multiple values

2003-01-12 Thread Dave K
Sophia, et al > If you know in advance the array index then use splice. If you know only the value you want to remove (and you like map...): #/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my %compilers = ( system1 => ['compiler_a'], system2 => ['compiler_b', 'compiler_c','compiler_d'], system3 => ['compiler_e'],

Re: Extracting Info from a websource

2003-01-09 Thread Dave K
> Hi listers, Hodwy! > i am a perl beginner with an interesting problem (to me atleast :). > > Problem Overview > - > Somewhere on the world wide web, exists an asp page with the following > form - > These look like 'specs', cool! And I think this format will generate alot of goo

Re: "hidden" characters in an input stream

2003-01-08 Thread Dave K
Jason, You didn't say anyting about the OSs involved, but the '\n' *nix eoln versus win '\r\n' is an often encountered problem. if you are *nix and target is or may be win while (my $line = $Telnet->getline(Timeout => 5,)) { $line =~ s/\r\n$\\; chomp $line; ... might do th

Re: How to substract words

2003-01-07 Thread Dave K
$ perl -e ' $minuend = 'red'; $subtra = 'Hellored'; $res = $subtra =~ s/$minuend//; print $minuend, "\t", $subtra, "\t", $res;' red Hello 1 $res flags success/fail. If you would like $subtra to remain unchanged assign $dif = $subtra then $res = $dif =~ s/$minuend//; HTH "Pavle Lukic" <[EMAI

Re: Sorting hash "values"

2002-12-30 Thread Dave K
$ perl -e ' %hash = ( "h" => 100, "a" => 2000, "z" => 50, "b" => 600 ); for(sort { $hash{$b} <=> $hash{$a} } keys %hash) { print $hash{$_}, " = $_\n"; }' 2000 = a 600 = b 100 = h 50 = z HTH "Rajendra Babu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message [EMAIL PROT

Re: postcode regex problem - again.

2002-12-18 Thread Dave K
Gary, is there always a space before the postal code? If so include it as: if ($$line=~/^(.*)\s(\D{1,2}\d{1,2}\s{0,1}\d\D{2})\s*/) { otherwise you may be leaving to chance where the regex engine finds a match HTH "Gary Stainburn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message [EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMA

Re: Read-Write Mode Not Working (update)

2002-12-17 Thread Dave K
ActiveState docs suggest you can: perl -pi '.orig' -e 's/bar/baz/' fileAto specify the .orig suffix but That did not work for me. perl -pi.bak -e 's/bar/baz/' fileA does! Thanks John "John W. Krahn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message [EMAIL

Re: Read-Write Mode Not Working (update)

2002-12-17 Thread Dave K
JLW, perl -pi -e 's/foo/bar/' my_file.txt is supposed to do an inplace edit of my_file.txt, looping over each line, replacing foo with bar. Instead it merely stomps my_file.txt, effectively erasing it. Any body know why? Perl for cygwin, WinNt is the environment. David "Jeff Westman" <[EMAIL PR

Re: Getting a variable back

2002-12-16 Thread Dave K
Bob, Consider: use strict; my @switches = @ARGV; foreach(@switches) { print"$_\n"; } $ perl -e ' my @clss = ("", "one", "two", "three"); system @clss;' output: one two three Takes the first element treats it as an executable and the rest of the list as arguments. HTH "Bob H"

Re: random strings

2002-11-14 Thread Dave K
Another Way use strict; my @Ary = qw ( a b c d e f g h ); for(@Ary) { print; } print"\n"; fisher_yates_shuffle(\@Ary); for(@Ary) { print; } print"\n"; sub fisher_yates_shuffle { my $array = shift; my $i; for ($i = @$array; --$i; ) { my $j = int rand ($i+1); next if $i == $j;

Re: How to run -- some notes

2002-10-23 Thread Dave K
Hope this is helpful... Setting file associations is done by ActivePerl but if you want to use command line parameters: go to My Computer, View, Options, File Types Edit the file type with the .pl extension, Edit the 'Open' action Include %1 %* so that the last por

Re: How did perl -d find

2002-09-01 Thread Dave K
Chris, I have Activestate Perl and perl from a cygwin distribution. I keep the seperate by the calling method. For cgi scripts that is the #!/path/to/the/perl/I_need from the command line /usr/bin/perl or F:/Perl/bin/perl The perl that accessed the debugger has it in it's @INC array as drieux

Re: splitting string

2002-08-09 Thread Dave K
Try: use File::Basename; my $direx = 'E:/Perl/bin/extra/nodir/hi.txt'; my ($name, $path, $suffix, @stuff); while (1) { ($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($direx); last if $name eq '.'; print "Name is $name\n"; push @stuff, $name; chop($path); $direx = $path; } foreach (@stuff) { print"\t$

Re: Running on Win2k Server

2002-06-21 Thread Dave K
Anadi, will take you to the right place. beginners-cgi is what you are after. Check out dbi-users also. DBI will open access to many other databases (I use Oracle and 2 free ones MySql and Postgresql) -David "A Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message [EMAIL PROTECTED]">

Re: running perl scripts on Windows

2002-06-18 Thread Dave K
Anadi, Thanks, but not really... The #!D:\Perl|bin\perl -w is ignored in windows - the key is the file association ( the My Computer, View, Options stuff). Once windows knows which program is supposed to open a particular file extension it should be off on running, but I had you put the #!D:..

Re: it works but is this right

2002-06-11 Thread Dave K
Uh,... no (atleast IMHO) SELECT MAX(prop_rank)... would be a more efficient approach HTH "A Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message [EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]... > howdy all, > I was wondering if you could help me, I have a perl script that executes a > SQL statement: > > 'SELE

Re: 1 more ?

2002-06-07 Thread Dave K
Bryan, There are other instances than the example below but this one tripped me recently. my %exhash = ( one => 1, two => 2, thr => 3 ); my $href = \%exhash; my @exary = qw ( zero one two thr four); print $$href{$exary[$$href{two}]}, "\n"; # $$href{two} is 2 # use

Re: what does a diff return?

2002-05-29 Thread Dave K
Jose, try: $ perl -e ' my $delta; $delta = `diff ae.txt ae.txt`; print $delta."\n"; unless ($delta) { print"they are identical\n"; }' HTH "Jose Torres" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message [EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]... > Hi, > > If I'm calling the diff program from within a Perl

Re: HTML tables?

2002-05-22 Thread Dave K
Barry, Check out because the author of the CGI module shows a few neat tricks I have not seen elsewhere, For instance, if you needed to iterate over an 'array of arrays' to display the results of a database query and you want to display the

Re: Matching a range

2002-05-10 Thread Dave K
7;Japhy' Pinyan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message [EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]... > On May 10, Dave K said: > > >my $p1 = join('|', (512..520)); > >my $p2 = join('|', (528..568)); > >my $p3 = join('|', (576..

Re: Matching a range

2002-05-10 Thread Dave K
Dave, One possiblity: use strict; open(IN, "lfile.txt"); # ho;d the line from the example in the orig post my $p1 = join('|', (512..520)); my $p2 = join('|', (528..568)); my $p3 = join('|', (576..578)); my $p4 = join('|', (592..600)); my $p5 = join('|', (608..622)); my $p6 = join('|', (624..6

Re: foreach, my, and arrays

2002-05-06 Thread Dave K
Jason, Play with the script below: my @a1 = qw( one ace ); my @a2 = qw( two deuce ); my @a3 = qw( thr tri ); my @a4 = qw( fou quad ); my @a5 = qw( fiv quat ); my @myarray = (\@a1, \@a2, \@a3, \@a4, \@a5); foreach my $item (@myarray) { my($item1, $item2) = @$item; print "$item1 and $item2

Re: Parameters

2002-05-02 Thread Dave K
Just curious, Josef - are you using Windows and have you adjusted the file type binding for open? If you are using windows and have not adjusted the binding do so as follows: goto My Computer, View, Options, File Types. Then find the perl .pl extension and edit the file type, edit the open action,

Re: Please Help

2002-04-30 Thread Dave K
I am using Windows. $file = 'D:\\test.txt'; should help out as will the good advice about checking to see if the open succeeds "Josef E. Galea" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 002201c1f07d$15712780$b9669ec3@josvio">news:002201c1f07d$15712780$b9669ec3@josvio... Hi I am a student an I'm new

Re: Need help getting started using hashes

2002-04-16 Thread Dave K
David Gray, Thanks for the input. Below is another realization using a pseudohash. Some of the code (print stmts at the end) is there to demonstrate concepts (the way your post did). my $sql = "select methodid, method, sname from method order by methodid"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or die

Re: Need help getting started using hashes

2002-04-16 Thread Dave K
First let's let the other list member in on the code: use DBI; use strict; my $dbname = "test"; my $host = "localhost"; my $dbuser = ''; my $dbpw = ''; my $mscs = "dbi:mysql:dbname=$dbname;host=$host;"; my $dbh = DBI->connect($mscs, $dbuser, $dbpw) or die "Connect fails to $dbname\nError = ", $DB

Re: Read file symbol by symbol?

2002-04-16 Thread Dave K
Here is one script I used to inspect files use strict; my $fn; print"Enter the name of a file you want to examine "; while (<>) { $fn = $_; last if $fn; } print "Opening $fn\n"; open TF, "$fn" or die "Cannot open $fn:$!\n"; my @ov; my $ov; while () { @ov = unpack('U*',$_); print; print"\t\t"

Re: Creating table for message board server tosave/delete/update messages

2002-03-27 Thread Dave K
Bruce: use warnings; use strict; use DBI; my $dbname = 'Bruce'; my $dbhostname = 'localhost'; my $user = 'root'; my $password = '' ; my $cs = "CREATE TABLE employee_Info (primary_key INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, name CHAR(20), surname CHAR(20), employee_no CHAR(10), shoe_colour CHAR (

Re: cygwin/activestate/linux

2002-03-03 Thread Dave K
I have found ActiveState to be the 'easiest' in most cases but when I want to do something fun or interesting I often find the module that I need is not available for the ActiveState distribution. Cygwin is fun, but CPAN is sometimes frustrating though it is sometime the only place to get a requir

Re: Is there anyway to modify @INC directory list once and for all ?

2002-02-12 Thread Dave K
I use cygwin (with and without perl) and ActiveState perl in a variety of situations. To modify @INC so that Apache uses the right one in the right situation I was using a begin block to modify @INC where needed. Then I thought a module might be more to the point: #!E:/Perl/bin/perl -w # my path

Re: absolute beginner has questions

2002-02-03 Thread Dave K
Thomas, Any editor (I use notepad, WinVim, and anything else available - later you may find reason to look for a 'better' editor and there is always plenty of opinion available about editors). With windows, you can set a file extension association by clicking in My Computer, View, Options.

Re: If...Statement

2002-01-08 Thread Dave K
The question is a bit fuzzy, but try this at the command line, just for fun: perl -e 'my $line = "abrabracadabra";print $line++, " ", $line, "\n";' then consider this: #!D:/cygwin/bin/perl my ($i, $line, $nextline); open (TEXTF, "c:/temp/somelines.txt") or die "Evil forces keep me for doing what

Re: delete one column in table

2002-01-05 Thread Dave K
For most rdbms you would use ALTER TABLE, for postgresql you can't. Lets say you originally created CREATE TABLE example ( col1 varchar, col2 varchar, colthree numeric); then realized colthree was in the wrong table. you can: CREATE TABLE temp AS SELECT col1,col2 FROM example; DROP TABLE EXAMPLE;