[Ontbirds] Marbled Godwit, Powassan lagoon

2012-05-16 Thread richardtafel
Talking about godwits, a Marbled Godwit was at the Powassan lagoon, northerly cell, to-day. It, along with a dozen or so Lesser Yellow-legs and gulls, was temporarily disturbed by a soaring Red-shouldered Hawk from neighbouring woods. This lagoon is just north of Powassan, on the westerly side

[Ontbirds] Possible Magpie species, south east Huron County

2012-05-16 Thread rickt...@sympatico.ca
Folks: In talking to someone at work, it turns out they saw a 'large striking dark bird with very delineated white wingtips and white elsewhere on the body. We googled BlackBilled Magpie and without hesitation they pointed out the flying bird. Please be aware that the bird was spotted sometime

[Ontbirds] Point Pelee NP Migration Report May 16, 2012

2012-05-16 Thread Friends of Point Pelee
Friends of Point Pelee provide guided birding hikes throughout the Festival of Birds at Point Pelee National Park of Canada. Proceeds from hikes support the Friends of Point Pelee and Point Pelee National Park. This submitted report is a service of the Friends of Point Pelee Hike Leaders. Point

[Ontbirds] Bobolink, Bruce Mines

2012-05-16 Thread Pat and Dan Kerr
Bobolink have returned. Last year they were in the scrubby grass to the north of McPhail Rd. close to 638 and around the barn in the tall grasses at the corner of McPhail and Chapman. So far I've only seen one this year, near the barn. The sandhill cranes haven't been seen for over a week.

[Ontbirds] Rondeau Migration Report - May 16

2012-05-16 Thread Steve LaForest
Hello Ontbirders. Despite the early showers, birding at Rondeau was busy this morning on South Point Trail and on the Maintenance Loop. Our warbler tally was 24 species for this morning. Highlights included the Yellow-throated, Orange-crowned, Northern Parula, Cerulean, Mourning, Hooded,

[Ontbirds] Yellow Rail on new Bluebird Ranch, Carden Plain

2012-05-16 Thread judykennedy
Hello Birders, On my way home from a meeting in Orillia this past Monday, I checked out Wylie Road and was pleasantly surprised to find a Yellow Rail on the new Bluebird Ranch, in the sedges, just south of the Windmill Ranch sign. I clocked the distance of the location and it is just 4/10ths

[Ontbirds] Piping Plover at still at Presqu'ile; no Harlequin this morning

2012-05-16 Thread Doug McRae
Hi Ontbirders, Mike Runtz and I saw the colour-banded Piping Plover at water's edge between Beach 2-3 at Presqu'ile Provincial Park this morning. We also looked for the Harlequin Duck that Bill Gilmour found yesterday at Chatterton Pt., but had no luck despite excellent calm conditions -

[Ontbirds] Neotropic Cormorant Pelee Island, May 16

2012-05-16 Thread Ken Burrell
Hey Birders, Mike and I just found an adult Neotropic Cormorant at the extreme tip of Fish Point. It was resting with the flock of Double-crested's and seen well. Most of the flock has since flown NE and has disappeared from view. There's usually a large concentration of cormorants resting on

[Ontbirds] Rondeau - Blue Grosbeak, etc.

2012-05-16 Thread Steve LaForest
Good evening Ontbirders It’s Always an adventure at Rondeau! A Blue Grosbeak female was discovered on South Point Trail today near km post #5 at 3:00 pm. This is a short distance south of the South Point Trail parking lot (the lot at the end of Lakeshore Road). Sorry for the late posting – I

[Ontbirds] Marbled Godwit just north of Schomberg

2012-05-16 Thread Peter Wukasch
At about 5:00 PM I saw a Marbled Godwit feeding in a shallow pond just north of the intersection of Highway 9 and County Rd. 27 near Schomberg. The pond is on the left side of the road just before the big bend in the road and the birds was accompanied by a few Least Sandpipers and a

[Ontbirds] Pelee Island May 16th

2012-05-16 Thread peleeisland museum
Hey Birders, Overall migration has been slow, but steady. Nevertheless a number of ‘good’ birds have been found on the island. At least 22 species of warblers were found on the island today. Highlights:***Neotropic Cormorant - the bird previously posted on Ontbirds. We haven't seen

[Ontbirds] Plenty of Wood Ducks still, Black Terns (Ottawa)

2012-05-16 Thread willott123
Hi Ontbirders: At Mud Lake, in the pond just off Casssel's Road at the main entrancethere were 4 pairs of Wood Ducks and maybe a straggler or two as well. As you walk along the main trail further onthe first open water area on the left side, I see a Black-Crowned Night Heron on a

[Ontbirds] Acadian Flycatcher - St Williams

2012-05-16 Thread Mark Cranford
It's been a long day but we had extended views from a distance of 10-15 meters of an actively calling Acadian Flycatcher around noon today on the 6th Concession (aka the Sand Road) behind the former St. Williams Forestry Station. The bird was flycatching and calling on the south side of the