[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to April 29,2011

2011-04-28 Thread goodcompany
The area was well covered this week and migrants are arriving in good numbers and variety. On Amherst Island on Wednesday there were several Spotted Sandpipers, half a dozen Greater Yellowlegs and 5 Wilson's Phalarope on the KFN property. In the Owl Woods, a good selection of warblers; Nashvill

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to April 22, 2011

2011-04-22 Thread goodcompany
There was not much chance of being overwhelmed by migrants this week. Those that did arrive trickled in to give us a decent variety but the dam will surely break with the first warm day. There were 2 Great Egrets in the marsh east of Westbrook last Friday and a Sandhill Crane was at Elginburg y

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to April 15, 2011

2011-04-15 Thread goodcompany
Despite the less than favourable weather many migrants have arrived in the Kingston area this week. The number and variety of waterfowl is excellent although there were no rarities. A Red-necked Grebe was at PEPt on Sunday and 1500 Bonaparte's Gulls on Amherst Island yesterday was the largest g

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to April 8, 2011

2011-04-08 Thread goodcompany
Lots and lots of waterfowl. There were almost thirty species this week including 8 Trumpeter Swans at the Narrows Lock last Friday, 2 N. Shoveler at the lagoons on Monday, 11 Snow Geese, 8 on Wolfe Island and 3 at Crosby, and Green-winged Teal at Charleston Lake P.P., Wolfe Island and the lagoo

[Ontbirds] Kingston Area Birds to April 1, 2011

2011-04-01 Thread goodcompany
It's been a good week for raptors locally with all three accipiters seen; a N. Goshawk at Camden East and a Sharp-shinned Hawk at Bedford Mills on Friday and a Cooper's Hawk near Inverary on Monday. Red-shouldered Hawks are back in numbers with reports from Verona, Bedford Mills and the Queen's

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to April 1, 2011

2011-04-01 Thread goodcompany
It's been a good week for raptors locally with all three accipiters seen; a N. Goshawk at Camden East and a Sharp-shinned Hawk at Bedford Mills on Friday and a Cooper's Hawk near Inverary on Monday. Red-shouldered Hawks are back in numbers with reports from Verona, Bedford Mills and the Queen's

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to March 25, 2011

2011-03-25 Thread goodcompany
The ice certainly isn't all gone but the impatient waterfowl are moving in to fill all the open spots. Last Saturday, in Prince Edward County, there were 800 Greater Scaup at PEPt and an equal number of Snow Geese at the Kaiser X-Road. The latter included 12 blue phase and were in a flooded cor

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to March 18, 2011

2011-03-18 Thread goodcompany
It's that time of year when those of us doing regional reports are a bit overwhelmed with all the new arrivals. Nevertheless I'll attempt to give a sense of the local scene. The first Killdeer reported was at Perth Road Village back on March 9th and an Am. Woodcock was on Amherst Island on the

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to March 11, 2011

2011-03-11 Thread goodcompany
Red-winged Blackbirds have moved into the Kingston area this week. Several arrived last Sunday with 24 at a Barriefield feeder being the largest group. By yesterday they were widespread and abundant. Am Robins are also much easier to find but a major influx has yet to occur. There were also 2 R

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to March 4, 2011

2011-03-04 Thread goodcompany
When asked what was coming to his feeder a neighbour sighed," about 300 redpolls, I've gone through 170 pounds of niger seed." Feeder birds are certainly increasing with more Mourning Doves (they have become quite vocal this week), Eur. Starlings, Dark-eyed Juncos , Bluejays (74 at Bedford Mill

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Feb. 25, 2011

2011-02-25 Thread goodcompany
A field trip to the Queen's Biological Station (QUBS) last Sunday found Common Ravens, an adult Bald Eagle, both Red and White-breasted Nuthatches, a N. Shrike and both Common and Hoary Redpolls. The open water at Chaffey's Lock had Black Ducks, Canada Geese and several Trumpeter Swans as well

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Feb. 18, 2011

2011-02-18 Thread goodcompany
The N. Goshawk found on the Queen's campus with an injured wing in mid January was released last Saturday in City Park after a full recovery at the Sandy Pines Wildlife Centre in Napanee. Two Peregrine Falcons continue to be seen in the Queen's and downtown areas and almost all the Sharp-shinne

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Feb. 11, 2011

2011-02-11 Thread goodcompany
There are lots of Common Redpolls about; the largest flocks reported were 60 at the Queen's Biological Station with a Hornemann's Hoary as well, and 135 at Bedford Mills also containing one or two Hoaries. Pine Siskins have almost gone with only one mentioned this week. Bohemian Waxwings are st

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Feb. 4, 2011

2011-02-04 Thread goodcompany
The trek into the Owl Woods on Amherst will have become a lot more difficult this week and if we don't get a thaw I suspect that the bird situation locally will be somewhat static for the next few weeks. There were four species of owl on Amherst last weekend, 2 Barred at Lemoine Point and anoth

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Jan. 28, 2011

2011-01-28 Thread goodcompany
The winter listers locally are finding some good birds despite the deep snow and some very frigid temperatures. There was a Great Blue Heron at the Kingston ferry dock on Wednesday, 10 Rusty Blackbirds near the Glenora ferry on Monday, 15 Red-winged Blackbirds on Amherst Island and 10 Am. Robin

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Jan. 21, 2011

2011-01-21 Thread goodcompany
We are in the depths of winter here with almost everthing frozen. The ferry channels, the south shore of Amherst Island and the Dupont lagoon do offer some waterfowl viewing as does the open water below the locks in the Rideau Canal north of Kingston. The variety at Dupont is particularly good

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Jan. 14, 2011

2011-01-14 Thread goodcompany
At -21C this morning it will be a better day to feederwatch than scan the fog for waterfowl. However, last weekend the KFN participated in the annual Mid-winter Waterfowl Count and tallied 113,000 birds between Ivy Lea and Prince Edward Point. Almost half of these were the 48,000 Greater Scaup

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Jan. 7, 2011

2011-01-07 Thread goodcompany
The Amherst Island Christmas count was held last Thursday and while not producing the numbers of the adjacent Kingston count there were some notable sightings: 6 Bald Eagles, 2 Common Loons, a Belted Kingfisher, Carolina Wren, Red-winged Blackbird, 2 White-throated Sparrows, 6 species of owl an

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Dec. 31, 2010

2010-12-31 Thread goodcompany
The final results for the Kingston CBC, held Dec. 19th, are in. We tallied 102 species with record numbers of Mute Swan, Gadwall, Mallard, Redhead, Long-tailed Duck, Rough-legged Hawk, Wild Turkey, Red-bellied and Pileated Woodpecker, Bohemian and Cedar Waxwing, Snow Bunting and Am. Goldfinch.

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Dec. 24, 2010

2010-12-24 Thread goodcompany
Bald Eagles have become abundant this week; they were seen at Adolphoustown, Bedford Mills, Moscow, Bath, Waupoos, Prince Edward Point and on both Wolfe and Amherst Islands. There was a Merlin in Amherstview and a Rough-legged Hawk at PEPt to add to the good numbers already on the islands. Ther

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Dec. 17, 2010

2010-12-17 Thread goodcompany
Freeze up is coming slowly to the Kingston area so waterfowl numbers remain quite good. There were Tundra Swans in Hay Bay, Elevator Bay, at Bath and on Amherst Island. Wood Ducks were seen at Dupont and in the Napanee River. Feeders are attracting large numbers of Am. Goldfinches and many are s

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Dec. 10, 2010

2010-12-10 Thread goodcompany
It has been a good week locally; lots of waterfowl, good concentrations of gulls, an unusual number of "late" birds and a rarity. Two hundred and twenty Tundra Swans were tallied on Wolfe Island last Saturday along with 25 Canvasbacks, a Snow Goose and a White-winged Scoter. There were 5 Ruddy

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Dec. 3, 2010

2010-12-03 Thread goodcompany
Between Project FeederWatch and the winter listers there was an abundance of reports this week. Red-bellied Woodpeckers were seen in four different locations and several local feeders noted Pine Siskins, Red-breasted Nuthatches and Sharp-shinned Hawks. A White-crowned Sparrow continues to visit

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Nov. 26, 2010

2010-11-26 Thread goodcompany
Waterfowl seem to be the most abundant and widely reported birds this time of year. There are significant numbers of Tundra Swans on Wolfe and Amherst Islands as well as in Hay and Elevator Bays. About 30 Canvasbacks were among the large number of Redheads on Wolfe and a dozen Ruddy Ducks were

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Nov. 11, 2010

2010-11-11 Thread goodcompany
The KFN did their annual fall round-up last weekend and as with any 24 hour birding endeavour there were some highlights. Best sighting was a Pacific Loon at Prince Edward Point. There were also 5 Golden Eagles and 3 Black Scoters. On Wolfe Island a flock of 8000 Redheads contained about 20 Can

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Nov. 5, 2010

2010-11-05 Thread goodcompany
With fewer and fewer fall migrants and more and more "winter" birds this has been a week of transition. Waterfowl numbers are considerable in Elevator Bay, Hay Bay, the Cataraqui River, at the lagoons and off both Wolfe and Amherst islands. Flocks of Tundra Swans were in Hay Bay on Saturday and

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Oct. 29, 2010

2010-10-28 Thread goodcompany
There have been no Cave Swallows reported locally as yet, but we were part of the Cattle Egret influx with one reported from Amherst Island last weekend. There were 3 Black-crowned Night-Herons at the Hillview Marsh as well as an Eastern Phoebe last Thursday. N. Harriers and Short-eared Owls ha

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Oct. 21, 2010

2010-10-21 Thread goodcompany
Locally the interest and numbers of birds seems to have shifted from warblers and shorebirds to raptors and waterfowl. Today off Amherst Island there were 25 Common Loons and 24 Horned Grebes. There was also a Red-necked Grebe and a Red-throated Loon. A Common Loon remained on Devil Lake at lea

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Oct. 15, 2010

2010-10-15 Thread goodcompany
The bird of the week was no doubt the Vermilion Flycatcher seen on Wolfe Island near Button Bay on Wednesday afternoon by a group of Kingston area birders. The bird was reported locally but efforts to refind it the next day were unsuccessful. The rest of the sightings in this report will be mor

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Oct. 8, 2010

2010-10-08 Thread goodcompany
The annual fall build-up of waterfowl in the Cataraqui River has begun. Last weekend there were 6 Pied-billed and one Red-necked Grebe. Two hundred Am. Wigeon, 8 N. Shoveler and 50 Greater Scaup were also tallied. By Tuesday the number of scaup had tripled. There were still 11 species of shore

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Oct.1, 2010

2010-10-01 Thread goodcompany
A KFN field trip to Prince Edward Point last Sunday gave a good snapshot of late September migration. On the water there were several Common Loons, 3 Red-necked and 3 Horned Grebes. Two small flocks of White-winged Scoters also flew by near Little Bluffs. In the woods there were significant num

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Sept. 24, 2010

2010-09-24 Thread goodcompany
You know that warbler migration is on the wane when Yellow-rumped numbers exceed everthing else put together. There were 16 species of warbler at PEPt on Tuesday; a single Orange-crowned was the rarest and 100 Yellow-rumped were a taste of things to come. At the lagoons two days later there wer

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Sept. 17, 2010

2010-09-17 Thread goodcompany
There were excellent night flights over Kingston late last week. In the wee hours of Friday morning thousands of Swainson's Thrushes and hundreds of Hermit and Gray-cheeked could be heard flying over the city. Warbler and vireo movement continues apace. Last weekend there were 18 species of war

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Sept. 10, 2010

2010-09-10 Thread goodcompany
Warblers and vireos continue to move through in good numbers both on the islands and north of the city. As well as the warblers there was a good variety of flycatchers on Amherst Island last Sunday. That same day 2 Yellow Warblers and 1500 Tree Swallows on Wolfe Island were noteworthy. Palm war

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Sept. 3, 2010

2010-09-03 Thread goodcompany
There has been a lot of activity this week at widespread locations. North of the city at the Queen's University Biological Station (QUBS) there were many warblers moving. Both Barred and Eastern Screech Owls were calling and a Merlin was seen on Tuesday. A Carolina Wren was heard for a few days

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Aug. 27, 2010

2010-08-27 Thread goodcompany
There has been some good warbler movement this week with 11 species tallied at Bedford Mills last Sunday, along with three vireo species, and a good variety on Garden Island on Tuesday. Unusual species included a Wilson's in Barriefield, a Golden-winged on Garden Island and a Connecticut near C

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Aug. 20, 2010

2010-08-20 Thread goodcompany
Things have not picked up locally but there is some evidence that fall migration is well underway. There have been no unusual shorebirds reported this week but there are still good numbers of peeps and both yellowlegs in the Wilton Creek at Morven. There are also large mats of algae in the Cata

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Aug. 13, 2010

2010-08-13 Thread goodcompany
It has been a most interesting summer in the Kingston area. We have had some unusual nesting successes including Merlins in the city and on Wolfe Island, both Common and Red-breasted Mergansers on Amherst as well as Lesser Scaup at the lagoons. The Peregrines in downtown Kingston fledged two y

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to June 10, 2010

2010-06-10 Thread goodcompany
The last of the migrating shorebirds reported locally were seen last Friday. There were five species on Amherst Island including 3 Sanderling and a White-rumped Sandpiper; at the lagoons, three more White-rumped and a Black-bellied Plover. Cuckoos have been quite vocal of late; a pair of Black

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to June 4, 2010

2010-06-04 Thread goodcompany
Almost all the records this week are from the KFN property on Amherst Island. Shorebirds continue to more through, not in particularly large numbers, but certainly in good variety. The rarest was a breeding plumaged Purple Sandpiper last Friday. The Tricolored Heron put in a return appearance o

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to May 28, 2010

2010-05-28 Thread goodcompany
The KFN did their annual spring round up last weekend and with less than fallout conditions tallied 167 species. We had all the expected vireos, 22 species of warbler (more heard than seen), 9 flycatchers and 16 different shorebirds. There were 100's of Cedar Waxwings at Prince Edward Point as

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to May 21, 2010

2010-05-21 Thread goodcompany
Although most of the birding activity locally is concentrated at Prince Edward Point this time of year (see Terry Sprague's PEPt Birding Festival reports) there have been some highlights closer to Kingston. The Brant migration was in full swing last Monday; 400 on W. Brother Island, 650 over W

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to May 6, 2010

2010-05-06 Thread goodcompany
We had 18 species of warbler this week including 2 Canada Warblers on the Rideau Trail last Saturday, Golden-winged and Cerulean on the Opinicon Road, Orange-crowned and Prairie at PEPt all seen last Sunday, and a Blackpoll near the Wilton Creek yesterday. Other new arrivals included Blue-heade

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to April 30, 2010

2010-04-30 Thread goodcompany
The second local Red-shouldered Hawk survey was completed last Saturday along the Canoe Lake Road. There were 29 hawks and an almost equally impressive 21 Barred Owls.(A pair of Barred Owls sang a duet that same day near Bedford Mills.) There have not been many migrants at the usual spots but a

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to April 9, 2010

2010-04-09 Thread goodcompany
It has been an excellent week for new arrivals. Common Loons, Great Blue Herons and Wood Ducks are widespread, Killdeer and Wilson's Snipe have been seen by almost everyone, and Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, Eastern Phoebes, Tree Swallows, Winter Wrens, Fox Sparrows and both kinglets are back in g

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to April 2, 2010

2010-04-02 Thread goodcompany
It's that time of year when one can concentrate on the "good" birds because there are so many more than just a few weeks ago. The highlight of the week was a Black Vulture west of Waupoos in Prince Edward County last Sunday. Turkey Vultures were plentiful; one out Montreal Street on Monday and

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to March 26, 2010

2010-03-26 Thread goodcompany
Almost all the early migrants have returned. There was a Pied-billed Grebe at Little Cat on the 19th and a Double-crested Cormorant in the Cataraqui River on the 21st. N. Shovelers were at the Kaiser X-Rd in Prince Edward County last Friday and there was another at the sewage lagoons on Wednesd

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to March 19, 2010

2010-03-19 Thread goodcompany
What a week! The weather and the number of returning birds is almost overwhelming. One observer tallied 27000 Canada Geese over Kingston on Tuesday morning (they were equally numerous north of the city) and that tapered off to only a few thousand on Wednesday and a couple of hundred on Thursday

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to March 12, 2010

2010-03-12 Thread goodcompany
All the early harbingers of spring arrived this week. Am. Robins arrived in greater numbers and were singing in Barriefield, at RMC and in the city. A Red-winged Blackbird and a Killdeer were at Elginburg on Wednesday and by yesterday Common Grackles and Red-wings were all over the place. There

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to March 5, 2010

2010-03-05 Thread goodcompany
There were 3 Snowy Owls on Amherst this week; 2 on the KFN property and another near the firehall. The raptor survey is still finding Short-eared Owls to the east of Stella at dusk; 4 this week with one of them harassing a Red-tailed Hawk that chose to roost on a too-conspicuous fence post. Ba

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Feb. 26, 2010

2010-02-26 Thread goodcompany
It has been a great week for owls away from the traditional hotspot of Amherst Island. The Lemoine Point Conservation Area had a N. Saw-whet, a Barred and a Great Horned; at the Queen's Biological Station (QUBS), two more Barred and another Great Horned and E. Screech Owls have stared to call;

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Feb. 18, 2010

2010-02-18 Thread goodcompany
We seem to be in the midwinter doldrums as winter birds have settled into a routine and very little is happening. There are still good numbers of Bald Eagles; 1 on Devil Lake, 3 more at Chaffey's Lock and 7 in the Thousand Islands. At least one Barred Owl remains in Lemoine Pt. and the Tufted T

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Feb. 11, 2010

2010-02-11 Thread goodcompany
Other than common feeder birds, waterfowl are the most noteworthy sightings this week. There are more than half a dozen species at the Dupont lagoon and despite the cold weather there is still considerable open water outside the lagoon to the southeast. There was nothing out of the ordinary tod

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Feb. 5, 2010

2010-02-05 Thread goodcompany
I haven't had any news from Amherst Island this week nor the Dupont lagoon but suspect that things probably haven't changed all that much. There were a few interesting birds north of the city including a Belted Kingfisher at Chaffey's Lock and a Red-bellied Woodpecker visiting a feeder near the

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Jan. 29, 2009

2010-01-29 Thread goodcompany
There has been little change in the birds in the Owl Woods; a Barred, a Long-eared, up to 3 N. Saw-whets and the Boreal. However there is growing concern about the huge numbers of birders and photographers and their impact on the owls. These are nocturnal creatures and need the daytime to rest

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Jan. 22, 2010

2010-01-22 Thread goodcompany
Amherst Island continues to be the local hotspot. The Owl Woods still has a Boreal, up to 3 N. Saw-whets and a Barred Owl. The number of Long-eared has dropped considerably (only one this week) as the Barred Owl has taken to eating them. Also in the Owl Woods: a Ring-necked Pheasant, a Golden-c

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Jan. 15, 2010

2010-01-15 Thread goodcompany
To summarize the first two weeks of the new year is somewhat daunting as everyone is out starting their year's list and two of the local Christmas counts were done in January; Amherst Island on the 2nd and Napanee on the 3rd. Amherst had 3 Common Loons, 7 Mute and 40 Tundra Swans and Napanee a

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Jan. 1, 2010

2010-01-01 Thread goodcompany
It was a pretty good week to end the year what with a Barrow's Goldeneye out the Bath Road and a Boreal Owl in the Owl Woods on Amherst Island. Other owls noted were 3 N. Saw-whet and 5 Long-eared in the woods, a Snowy at the east end of the island, a pair of Great Horned Owls calling to the we

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Dec. 24, 2009

2009-12-24 Thread goodcompany
Last week all three accipiters visited the Bedford Mills yard that regularly reports the goings-on in the Devil Lake area. Still north of the city, the original 10 Trumpeter Swams at Chaffey's Lock have increased to 21. There were also 5 Bald Eagles and 4 Wood Ducks there on the 19th. The Tuft

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Dec. 18, 2009

2009-12-18 Thread goodcompany
The most exciting bird locally is a probable Slaty-backed Gull at the Lansdowne dump. (Take 401 exit 659 north on Reynolds Road to Lansdowne. Turn left on Cty. Road 34 and go 2 km. The dump is on the south side of the road.) Dump activity seems to be greater at midday and the bird, which coope

[Ontbirds] Kingston area birds to Dec. 11, 2009

2009-12-11 Thread goodcompany
At -10C this morning all the bays and inlets will freeze up and our waterfowl numbers will crash. Earlier in the week there were some good sightings; 1000 Tundra Swans in Hay Bay last Saturday, another 100 or so in Elevator Bay yesterday, and on a KFN field trip last Sunday a few Green-winged T