Re: Suggestion on file-manager package

2005-09-08 Thread Vlastimil Krejcir
Hi, does anybody know some fully graphical (e.g. GTK2 or QT) file manager (with the same behavior and functions as mc has)? Something like Total Commander, Volkov Commander or Servant Salamander under Windows. I am not sure but there is no one (like file managers under Windows) for Linux.

Re: Missing Smiley Icons in gaim 1.5.0

2005-08-31 Thread Vlastimil Krejcir
Try to look at Tools --> Preferences --> Smiley Themes and select someone. If there are no themes, you can install new one. Follow instructions at vk On Tue, 30 Aug 2005, Michael Kipper wrote: Hi, My gaim IM windows seem to be missing the smiley p

OpenSSH 4.1p1 sshd problem

2005-05-30 Thread Vlastimil Krejcir
Hello, I have just installed OpenSSH 4.1p1. After restart sshd and try to login from remote computer the connection was closed by server. So, trying to run sshd -d -D prints messages bellow (interesting part): debug1: kbdint_alloc: devices '' Failed keyboard-interactive for krejvl from 1

Re: Regarding Package Manager

2005-05-24 Thread Vlastimil Krejcir
On Tue, 24 May 2005, Chakkaradeep C C wrote: Hi, Vlastimil Krejcir wrote I think RPM goes little bit against LFS philosophy but still remains how??...can u pls elaborate on it? So, RPM package system is not so transparent -- I remember my RedHat times. It was only about "rpm

Re: Regarding Package Manager

2005-05-24 Thread Vlastimil Krejcir
On Tue, 24 May 2005, Shane Shields wrote: Oneyed wrote: Hi, hi all, am really confused in what package manager to choose.i want to know what package manager do BLFS people suggest and why so??... I think the main question is, what the package manager should do for you. I u

Re: how to install ati fglrx_6_8*.rpm driver

2005-04-14 Thread Vlastimil Krejcir
Hello, I think, there is not any "how-to". But don't be afraid, it is simple to install ATI Fire GLX from RPM. At first, you need to extract the content of RPM package -- try to ask somebody with RPM Linux distribution (Fedora, RedHat, Madrake, etc.) to extract all files from RPM for you. R