Re: How to Handle images w/ a Route

2010-02-09 Thread mtachrono
In one of the .htaccess files, you'll find, which might cause trouble related to your intention. IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1 [QSA,L] /IfModule please also

Re: behaviors conflicting

2010-02-09 Thread Dr. Loboto
You can have several behaviors at the same time. And they may conflict. Try to change their order in $actsAs, maybe it can help. On Feb 8, 8:41 pm, Foroct wrote: I'm still having this same issue. Can I call two behaviors in the $actAs declaration? If so am I doing it

Re: Designing a form builder - Ideas

2010-02-09 Thread WebbedIT
Sounds an interesting idea and I would love to see a demo too. I'm assuming there are no databases involved here that you are using ajax calls to build the source code for a HTML web form that the user can then copy/paste to use in their own site? Could this be developed to work with a database

Re: Help with foreach

2010-02-09 Thread WebbedIT
mike karthauser gave the correct solution. The for loop should be built to handle any numbers of rows, as it already does, and then you should do conditional checks within the loop to know if there are 1, 2 or 3 values in each row, presumably echoing some alternative content/code for empty

Re: Help with foreach

2010-02-09 Thread WebbedIT
mike karthauser gave the correct solution. The foreach loop should be built to handle any numbers of rows, as it already does, and then you should do conditional checks within the loop to know if there are 1, 2 or 3 values in each row, presumably echoing some alternative content/code for empty

Re: get model id by a set of conditions

2010-02-09 Thread WebbedIT
It sounds like you need to read the book on how to use Model::find(). If you are still stuck then you will need to provide more details on the models, fields, conditions involved. HTH Paul Check out the new CakePHP

Re: Link creation with javacript

2010-02-09 Thread karthik mca
Hi prasanth You can easily clear your bug through this ?php echo $html-link('$day_num',array('onmouseover'='function calling()','onmouseout'='function calling()')); ? -- Thanks with Regards, M.Karthik MCA Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others with

Re: get model id by a set of conditions

2010-02-09 Thread Graham Weldon
If the model is Post, you can do the following: $post = $this-Post-find('first', array( 'conditions' = array( ), 'fields' = array('') )); Your ID will be in: $post['Post']['id'] On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 8:57 PM, WebbedIT wrote: It sounds like you need to

Re: Create association with a join table.

2010-02-09 Thread WebbedIT
No it's certainly not impossible, but you need to truly understand what it is you're trying to achieve. Once you know that the answers can be found in the cookbook. I would imagine that any Menu can have any Recipe and as such you are looking at a HABTM association that requires a menus_recipes

Re: Short blank screen after clicking link

2010-02-09 Thread WebbedIT
Any chance of a link so we can see it ourselves? Is the site on the same server as others which are functioning correctly? Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others with their CakePHP related questions. You received this message because you are subscribed to

Re: Help with pagination on view page

2010-02-09 Thread WebbedIT
On most of my sites pagination across the site is styled in exactly the same way so I add the HTML/PHP into an element meaning any future changes to pagination are made in one place. At the top of my element I include the following which adds any passed arguments into the paginator's options. if

Re: ACL Component GOOD Tutorial, anyone?

2010-02-09 Thread Zaky Katalan-Ezra
I think you are mixing up two thinks. Don't let users access adm area' = ACL - accessing resources nor other users area = Not classic ACL it's more permissions issue - accessing data. for example: The annual report is a resource that can be watched by managers but not by regular employee. You

Re: Configue::lisObjects($type,$path,$cahe) ; Seems $path doesnt work????

2010-02-09 Thread cherif_Gsoul
ok i have the answer and i want to share it the trick reside in Inflector::underscore($plugin) the correct code is like this : $controllers = Configure::listObjects('controller'); $plugins = Configure::listObjects('plugin'); if (!empty($plugins)) { foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {

Re: Designing a form builder - Ideas

2010-02-09 Thread @pauldatta
Thankyou Paul for your suggestions. Creating a webform markup generating UI was an initial requirement that has now changed into this - everything gets saved into our db. I have so far being using my own markup rendering methods to generate the html that is sent asynchronously to the UI. I have

Re: Calling Controller Methods from Another Controller

2010-02-09 Thread Chad Smith
If you are looking to call one controller from another, it's not a good practice measure but sometimes it's just unavoidable. I use this mainly for The Easy API - when I am connecting a lot of API's together I will often times have to call one function from a different

CakePHP backend + Flash frontend

2010-02-09 Thread VitillO
Hello, im kinda new in Cake, i've always been developing Flash sites and now im using Cake for the backends (or CMS) for this sites. But im having problems with the paths configurations, webroot folder, etc. This is the setup i want to acomplish: Cake core: /cake Webroot: /public_html/ App dir:

Re: Designing a form builder - Ideas

2010-02-09 Thread Renato de Freitas Freire
Well, I have a project like yours. I have to build a survey-builder. My client wants to login the system, and be able to create as many pools (big pools) as he wants. And his employees need to login the system and have access to fill this forms up and save them to his db. The project is in the

Re: CakePHP backend + Flash frontend

2010-02-09 Thread rich...@home
You could put your flash front in in the root ( and then install cake at On Feb 9, 1:20 pm, VitillO wrote: Hello, im kinda new in Cake, i've always been developing Flash sites and now im using Cake for the backends (or CMS) for this

Re: CakePHP backend + Flash frontend

2010-02-09 Thread Renato de Freitas Freire
I think you can place your flash app in your default page. If you didnt change the default route, this should work. create the /app/views/pages/home.ctp and into it, you put your flash there. and in the /app/config/routes.php, you change your route back to the default route: Router::connect('/',

Re: CakePHP backend + Flash frontend

2010-02-09 Thread VitillO
@Richard: Thats the setup i was using in previous projects, but what i want is the webroot files from Cake (images, docs, etc) to be outside intranet directory, its just a matter of organization, its seems cleaner to me this way, because Flash will be accessing this files too. @Renato: I could

Re: validation of serialized data

2010-02-09 Thread Dérico Filho
Unless you really know what you are doing, you should avoid storing canonical data in serialized strings. Though it has been done with very great results off the cakephp world. See how it is done at FriendFeeder: Serialized data used as a

Auth flash message LAYOUT ???

2010-02-09 Thread
Hi, I am trying to set a custom layout for Auth flash message. setFlast() support that but it seems to be hardcoded in the core for case of auth messages. any idea how to set my own layout wrapper around this message ... Login failed. Invalid username or password.??? thanks help

Re: Short blank screen after clicking link

2010-02-09 Thread Céryl
Sure, it's a Dutch webshop in porselain, china and other table-stuff: Since it's pretty intermittent I cannot tell you how to reproduce it exactly, but clicking around enough should give you an indication (Especially on the left side which shows categories of

Re: Short blank screen after clicking link

2010-02-09 Thread Céryl
Oh, and concerning the different server, a Dutch hosting-company hosts my sites, so I cannot really tell if they are on actual different servers... But since it's from the same company I kinda expect the same standard for all hosting, so it's poobably not that. Thanks! On 9 feb, 11:13, WebbedIT

Re: Auth flash message LAYOUT ???

2010-02-09 Thread Jeremy Burns
Try something along these lines: $this-Session-setFlash (__ ('Message.', true), true, array('class' = 'flashError') ); Jeremy Burns On 9 Feb 2010, at 14:32, wrote: Hi, I am trying to set a

Re: expiration date page (was- Fwd: Hello Sir)

2010-02-09 Thread Céryl
I;m not really sure about the exact mechanics you'd like, but you can probably set the view so that it changes according to the date: ?php if (date(Y-m-d) date(2010-12-27) ) { //Display Christmas inforamtion } elseif (//Whatever) { //Display other timedependant views } Perhaps you can use

Re: validation of serialized data

2010-02-09 Thread bujanga
Thanks, I will not use serialized data for this. All of my current contact models use the BelongsTo - HasMany approach and this project will also. I had just finished coding a metadata interactor and used serialized data with great success but I see it does not fit for this type of relationship.

Re: Form always validates on 1.3 beta

2010-02-09 Thread Céryl
Not sure but is there a chance that the username is an empty string like or has a stray space perhaps? And therefore not considered empty? If not... Beats me! :D On 8 feb, 17:31, Tomek Mazur wrote: Hi, I have this weird problem. I set up validation rules but cake seems

Re: Problems with Cakephp 1.2.6

2010-02-09 Thread Céryl
Can you tell what exactly goes wrong? Can you see anything or is it just a blank screen? If you set debug on 2 on your app/config/core.php, does it display any errormessage when you use the application? On 8 feb, 08:41, Sitthykun wrote: Hi all, for now I using cakePHP

Mongo without a schema?

2010-02-09 Thread Martin Westin
Hi, I thought I'd see if any user or contributor to the MongoDB datasource can answer this question. The datasource is this one by ichikaway: The datasource strangely requires each model to define $_schema in the class definition. I say strangely

New Facebook Plugin with Facebook Connect

2010-02-09 Thread nurvzy
I've just released my 1.2 version (beta) Facebook Plugin for CakePHP1.3 A quick rundown of features: - Full featured authentication via Facebook. Facebook Authentication will work with or without a user

Re: Auth flash message LAYOUT ???

2010-02-09 Thread anler
if you are using the AuthComponent, you should change the auth message via: $controller-AuthComponent-loginError = __('whatever you want', true); this is the best way (DRY) On Feb 9, 3:32 pm, wrote: Hi, I am trying to set a custom layout for Auth flash

Re: Form always validates on 1.3 beta

2010-02-09 Thread Tomek Mazur
Nope. I tried this with other rules: minLength, maxLength and it always validates. It seems like the rules are simply ignored. It occours only in this one specific model. Don't know what's behind this... On 9 Lut, 15:49, Céryl wrote: Not sure but is there a chance

Re: New Facebook Plugin with Facebook Connect

2010-02-09 Thread nurvzy
Seems my server seems to be down. While I look into it, you can view and download the plugin from the svn here: Hope to have the site up and running soon, Nick On Feb 9, 8:15 am, nurvzy wrote: I've just released my 1.2 version

Re: Calling Controller Methods from Another Controller

2010-02-09 Thread dtirer
great thanks for the info guys. that helps a lot On Feb 8, 11:18 pm, Miles J wrote: Yes, anything to do with model/database logic should be placed in the model. The controller is used to pass the data from the model into the correct view. On Feb 8, 6:56 pm, dtirer

Auth-login() Question

2010-02-09 Thread dtirer
So I have a site where there is a formal registration form, whereafter the user gets logged in automatically via the Auth-login() method. It stores data automatically from $this-data in the Session. However, I have another part of the site that deals with new users searching for something via an

Caching Elements

2010-02-09 Thread Jeremy
Hi all. I have created an element that will interact with an external webservice. The webservice presents weather forecast data in XML and I am using my element code to parse the XML and render it on my site. The weather forecast service never updates their data more frequently than 1 hour, so I

Re: Auth-login() Question

2010-02-09 Thread anler
hmm, I would advise you that instead of registering a user 'on the fly', first showed him a registration form if his email does not exist in the bd and then redirect him to wherever he were once logged in. Anyway, for login you only must send to users controller a post data in the conventional

Integration with external apps

2010-02-09 Thread mIDO
Hi, I'm new with CakePHP and I have a question ( only one at this moment :P ). I want to integrate CakePHP with another web applications I've developed before. How to integrate CakePHP functions into them? I've read something about dispatcher function but it only works for internal controllers

Retrieve Related Model

2010-02-09 Thread dtirer
Here' my two Models: User: id email password Request: id user_id item If I have a function in my UsersController, and I HAVE, and I want to RETRIEVE and Request.item, how do I do that with a find()? Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others

Re: Auth-login() Question

2010-02-09 Thread dtirer
Hm I see. I read that you can manually insert session data as parameters into the Auth-login() function. But maybe I'll try directing through the UsersController-register(), and then putting the user on their way after that On Feb 9, 1:19 pm, anler wrote: hmm, I would advise

Re: Retrieve Related Model

2010-02-09 Thread dtirer
Oh and: User hasMany Request Request belongsTo User Also, even after the query works, I'm always confused about how to reference the data ($variable['User']['Request']['item'], ?? etc) On Feb 9, 2:44 pm, dtirer wrote: Here' my two Models: User: id email password

Re: Integration with external apps

2010-02-09 Thread anl hp
that is something I would not do, anyway if you still wants to, I would recommend you to use only the data layer of cakephp because is into this layer(models) where the business logic of the application should be, with models you can create for yourself a 'mini api' and integrate it wherever you

Re: Retrieve Related Model

2010-02-09 Thread anl hp
you should think that, User *hasMany* Requests, therefore when you query the User model, the related requests comes in as a *collection*, so $var['User']['Request']['item'] will not work because ['Request'] is a collection, an array of rows 'item' array( 'User' = array(...), 'Request' =

Re: Retrieve Related Model

2010-02-09 Thread anl hp
I forgot, if a user can have only want request, you should use hasOne in order to do what you told above anl On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 10:24 PM, anl hp wrote: you should think that, User *hasMany* Requests, therefore when you query the User model, the related requests comes

Re: Dont know why my debug kit is not working

2010-02-09 Thread Jan Boonen
Are you using CakePHP 1.3.0-beta? Then you should check out the latest source code from github. Cheers, Jan Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others with their CakePHP related questions. You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

Re: Problems with Cakephp 1.2.6

2010-02-09 Thread Guillermo Mansilla
Check there are no blank spaces after the php close tags in your models On 9 February 2010 10:21, Céryl wrote: Can you tell what exactly goes wrong? Can you see anything or is it just a blank screen? If you set debug on 2 on your app/config/core.php, does it

Re: Problems with Cakephp 1.2.6

2010-02-09 Thread anler
if you only see a blank screen verifies in php.ini that display_errors = on On 8 feb, 08:41, Sitthykun wrote: Hi all, for now I using cakePHP 1.2.6 on window vista with apache 2.2.x I would like to test with blog sample, but it does not work. I have thought it maybe

About CakePHP and DB2

2010-02-09 Thread Hector Mansilla Arias
Hi there! I need some information about how to use CakePHP with DB2... Anybody has exprience with that? I need to use: - Debian. - Apache. - CakePHP. - DB2. If anybody did a project link this, please help me with a how-to or any idea about the implementation... Thanks a lot! Check out the

Re: Caching Elements

2010-02-09 Thread Jeremy
With some help... I figured out the problem. I was using the file cache option and although the /tmp/cache directory was writable I was missing a necessary directory. Since I was trying to cache an element the /tmp/cache/element directory needs to exist and it must be writeable. My problem was

hasOneAndBelongsToOne Bmodel?

2010-02-09 Thread NickPick
I have the following problem: - user model [id, firstname, lastname, email] - review model [id, author_id, target_id, comment] Each user can review other users. Both review.author_id and review.target_id should be linked to What is the relation between those models? Each review

Re: hasOneAndBelongsToOne Bmodel?

2010-02-09 Thread Guillermo Mansilla
Review Belongs To User, thats all, since Review.author_id references a single user User On 9 February 2010 22:00, NickPick wrote: I have the following problem: - user model [id, firstname, lastname, email] - review model [id, author_id, target_id, comment] Each user

Re: Form always validates on 1.3 beta

2010-02-09 Thread Dr. Loboto
Check this model filename. Should be post_comment.php. This model may be not loaded at all if you named it wrong. In this case $this- PostComment in controller will be of class AppModel and won't have your validation rules, of course. On Feb 9, 9:54 pm, Tomek Mazur wrote:

Validation problem

2010-02-09 Thread dtirer
I have a form with an 'Item' and 'email' field. It submits to an Items Controller. I want to validate both fields, however, the 'email' is technically part of a User model. So what happens is, when the form is submitted, it's supposed to search for the Item in the form. it also check if the