Re: about the fields chosen for the select tag

2007-10-16 Thread Geoff Ford THis one in particular Basically nate suggests using

Re: Linking to non-admin portion of site with HTML helper...

2007-10-10 Thread Geoff Ford
Try ?php echo $html-link('Home', array('controller'='docs', 'action'='index', admin=false)); ? Note tested though. Geoff -- On Oct 10, 3:45 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I use $form-create and $html-link all through my site, but sometimes I

Re: helper or html tag ?

2007-10-01 Thread Geoff Ford
You can use ?= instead of ?php echo or ?php e(); ? - I am pretty sure this is standard behaviour, at least I have not run into any troubles with it. My designer generally does the mock ups and then I place the actual php code in the mocks. I find that this works best for the way I work, and

Re: Best way to handle GUESTS with ACL and groups

2007-09-30 Thread Geoff Ford
Yep thats the way I do it. Default to deny all, except a couple of reads like Pages etc. Geoff On 9/29/07, cakeFreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Cheers Geoff! With all answers you gave me I own you a couple of beers ;0) By the way you therefore do -ROOT ---Admins -Editors

Re: JQuery or Prototype

2007-09-30 Thread Geoff Ford
My personal preference is jQuery as well, which means I don't ever use the AjaxHelper but I still feel that jQuery is faster for myself. I'll have to lookup the jQuery helper though... Geoff -- On Sep 30, 12:02 pm, candesprojects [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I

Re: Best way to handle GUESTS with ACL and groups

2007-09-28 Thread Geoff Ford
I usually have the Guest or Public group at the root of the tree as they usually have the bare minimum access rights. All subsequent groups just extend the base permission set. And how you describe identifying a guest user is pretty much what I do - if they are not logged in I set them as a

Re: Variable Passing Issue $html-input??

2007-09-25 Thread Geoff Ford
', $this-Yahoo-getResultsby($yahoosearch)); } } ? Any Help on this would be greatly appreciated again thanks for your time. On Sep 24, 10:24 pm, Geoff Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Instead of function showresult($yahoosearch = null) use function showresult(){ if(!empty

Re: Cakephp + Apache2 + SSL for login page only

2007-09-25 Thread Geoff Ford
No the default rewrite rule will not get in the way. The only issue is how the host implements the ssl. Most hosts just link the ssl to the main site directory but some use a seperate folder (Plesk comes to mind) that requires duplicate files. This may also cause session cookie path issues,

Re: multiple validation

2007-09-24 Thread Geoff Ford
To validate more than one model in a controller you do something like the following: // add the two models as member varables var $uses = array('ModelOne', 'ModelTwo'); // in your action that requires the validation $this-ModelOne-set($this-data); $this-ModelTwo-set($this-data); if

Re: Variable Passing Issue $html-input??

2007-09-24 Thread Geoff Ford
Instead of function showresult($yahoosearch = null) use function showresult(){ if(!empty($this-data) isset($this-data['Yahoo']['yahoosearch])) { $yahoosearch = $this-data['Yahoo']['yahoosearch]; // do rest of searching code } else { // show input form } } Basically anything

Re: How to access a controller action from an application not in cakephp structure

2007-09-23 Thread Geoff Ford
This all depends on the other application. The basic premise is the same - just include the file you need and if the other app has a whole hierachy of includes etc you need to include those as well. THen instantiate your foreign app class and start using it as a normal class (not cake style),

Re: Dynamic edit forms, prepopulation

2007-09-23 Thread Geoff Ford There is also another (cleaner) method in the comments that uses ClassRegistry which I would recommend - I haven't got round to writting a new post on this method yet. Geoff -- On Sep 23, 9:28 am,

Re: Dynamic edit forms, prepopulation

2007-09-23 Thread Geoff Ford
Also - $html-hidden('Client/id') wont work with a findall because the findall results array is slightly different to that of find. Geoff -- On Sep 23, 9:28 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello, I have a page with a list of forms, one form for

Re: Forms that add/edit multiple models

2007-09-18 Thread Geoff Ford
As long as the form elements are named using the cake conventions i.e. name=data[ModelName][fieldName] (best acheived by using the FormHelper functions) there should be no difference between single and multi-model forms. The only difference is when you need to validate both models before saving

Re: Multiple Validation Rules Each with a Unique Message

2007-09-17 Thread Geoff Ford
Multiple Rules is only available in Cake 1.2. There is a Bakery article on this : I also wrote two posts on the new Validation in 1.2 on my blog

Re: Problem with a function within a funtion for use within a view accessing both functions

2007-09-17 Thread Geoff Ford
This line trtdpre?php $knownusers ?/pre does nothing. Apart from the fact that there is no echo - $knownusers will be an array. Try ?php debug($knownusers) ? to see the format that is being used. Geoff -- On Sep 17, 4:16 am, CakeONaut [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: ACL, ARO ACO - Tutorial o HowTo find

2007-09-17 Thread Geoff Ford
There are a heap of tutorials on this - see on where to start Geoff -- On Sep 17, 12:17 am, Pisinho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I find a tutorial o HowTo with good example, a manual don't is

Re: limit functions to user id

2007-09-13 Thread Geoff Ford
You can also use the isAuthorized (controller or model) option in AuthComponent. It is a great way of doing basic authorization like this. See Geoff --

Re: Writing non-database models

2007-09-06 Thread Geoff Ford
Its not Model that you should be implementing. You shoudl be looking at a database driver to access the flat files. Start here and use one of the existing drivers as an example. Geoff -- On Sep 7, 7:36 am,

Re: Bake generated admin section, basic password protect?

2007-09-03 Thread Geoff Ford
.htacess is the quickest Geoff -- On Sep 4, 8:08 am, GunitMail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: So I generated my admin section with bake, but

Re: Question about saving info in two tables from 1 model

2007-09-03 Thread Geoff Ford
I would use a factory object to load a seperate model based on the user type. See this thread for a simliar problem. Geoff --

Re: Are HABTM really worth their trouble?

2007-08-30 Thread Geoff Ford
The Acl (db_acl.php) in 1.2 has used the with parameter for quite some time, before the alpha release even. Geoff -- On Aug 30, 5:36 am, Chris Hartjes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 8/29/07, Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Does the with only works on the

Re: hasMany association without normal foreign key

2007-08-30 Thread Geoff Ford
You can override the foreign key by defining it in the association array. This is from the manuals Model Chapter about half way down in the section titled Defining and Querying with hasMany var $hasMany = array('Comment' = array('className' = 'Comment',

Re: using the php exec() function inside of a cake view

2007-08-29 Thread Geoff Ford
Grzegorz - carSign is using backticks which is equivelent to using shell_exec(); carSign - is your php in safe mode as this will restrict what directories you can execute from, the cli and mod_php often have different settings. Also make sure that the user that apache runs as has access to

Re: Acl update when changing Users/Groups

2007-08-29 Thread Geoff Ford
As AclNode actsAs Tree you can try using $this-Group-Aro-setParent() I'd like to know how you go with this. Geoff -- On Aug 28, 11:19 pm, Flan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello, I have been trying out Acl and adding Aros with Users and Groups along the same

Re: Acl update when changing Users/Groups

2007-08-29 Thread Geoff Ford
Adrian, This behavior appears to be by design. If you look at you can see that it specifically tests for if $created before adding it to the database. I'm not certain why this is but I'm sure there is a good reason.

Re: A little problem with ACL Aros tree

2007-08-27 Thread Geoff Ford
I believe that this is a variation of Geoff -- On Aug 27, 1:34 am, Aurelijus ValeiĀša [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello again, i fixed this editing cake\libs\controller\components\acl.php Changed this line: for ($i =

Re: access check not working for index page

2007-08-26 Thread Geoff Ford
I thought the beforeFilter was occuring in AppController - because you have it in UsersController it wont ever get executed when you call admin because admin actually uses the PagesController. Move the beforeFilter to AppController and it should be good. Geoff On 8/25/07, rtanz [EMAIL

Re: Rails Envy

2007-08-26 Thread Geoff Ford
Really well done - i lol'ed too. Geoff -- On Aug 27, 9:36 am, housebolt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: LOL On Aug 25, 8:45 am, RichardAtHome [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I lol'ed :-D

Re: Question to associations

2007-08-26 Thread Geoff Ford
If you don't set 'dependent' nothing happens to the profile - when you delete the progile entries will remain. Also when you create a User - it wont automatically create the UserProfile record until you explicitly save the Profile, regardless of whether dependent is true or false. Geoff --

Re: access check not working for index page

2007-08-24 Thread Geoff Ford
Thanks Andy, that's much cleaner than testing for it explicitly like I suggested. Geoff On 8/24/07, AD7six [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Aug 24, 1:50 am, rtanz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: any more help on this? thanks add CAKE_ADMIN = CAKE_ADMIN to your route Cake is looking for the

Re: access check not working for index page

2007-08-24 Thread Geoff Ford
$Route-connect('/admin', array('controller' = 'Pages', 'action' = 'display', 'admin', CAKE_ADMIN = CAKE_ADMIN)); Geoff On 8/24/07, AD7six [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Aug 24, 10:01 am, rtanz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: im afraid i didnt really understand what i should change. these are my

Re: access check not working for index page

2007-08-24 Thread Geoff Ford
Yeah that error makes sense and there is no way around it unless you modify the PagesController which is probably not a good idea. Try removing that CAKE_ADMIN from your route and doing the following in AppController if ($this-params[url] == admin) { $this-params[CAKE_ADMIN] = true; } if

Re: Auth Compoment Bug in a users plugin

2007-08-24 Thread Geoff Ford
I used a very similar approach but my redirect urls were just '/users/ login' and '/users/account' and it worked perfectly fine on 1.2alpha. Geoff On Aug 25, 10:22 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I used a users plugin (cake\app\plugins\users) to manager users in my application.

Re: Dynamic views

2007-08-24 Thread Geoff Ford
What you are talking about is essentially a Form Builder. For the rendering of arbitrary fields have a look at the way scaffolding manages it. As for sorting out which fields to render - it sounds like you have the right approach for storing it in the database, and then it is just a matter of

Re: access check not working for index page

2007-08-23 Thread Geoff Ford
Because you are manually routing the page, it is bypassing the CAKE_ADMIN functionalilty. How are you doing the check in the AppController? If you are using the $this-params['admin'] it wont be set for this route. Geoff -- On Aug 23, 9:46 am, rtanz [EMAIL

Re: access check not working for index page

2007-08-23 Thread Geoff Ford
if (!empty($this-params[CAKE_ADMIN]) || $this-params['url'] == admin) That should do it, the admin route that you created bypasses the CAKE_ADMIN feature so you have to explicitly test for it. Geoff On 8/23/07, rtanz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: this is how im doing my check if

Re: A problem with paths

2007-08-21 Thread Geoff Ford
anybody help me with this? Thanks in advance. -Igor Geoff Ford wrote: This page works - So it seems that it is still trying to use mod_rewrite - make sure you did not upload the .htaccess files. Then double check your path

Re: Need a mentor

2007-08-21 Thread Geoff Ford
One of the best places for mentoring is the IRC channel. A lot of cake gurus spend some time in there on a regular basis. Geoff -- On Aug 22, 8:21 am, Bravo_Kernel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hook me up too. I could use a kickstart as well ;) On 21 aug, 22:33,

Re: A problem with paths

2007-08-18 Thread Geoff Ford
This page works - So it seems that it is still trying to use mod_rewrite - make sure you did not upload the .htaccess files. Then double check your path settings in index.php - the css files etc. are not making it through the routing

Re: does cake have anything to help create a sortable grid?

2007-08-18 Thread Geoff Ford
Nope and it probably never will have it in the core. It may end up in the AjaxHelper one day if proto/scriptactulous supports it. I suggest using jQuery. There is the tablesorter plugin and also one for filtering that I can't remember the name of. Geoff -- On Aug

Re: Multiple field values in select box?

2007-08-14 Thread Geoff Ford
] to close the $listdata[$data['Team']['team'] = $data['Sport']['sport'] . '-' . $data['Team']['team']; now: $listdata[$data['Team']['team'] = $data['Sport']['sport'] . '-' . $data['Team']['team']]; Still no smiles from heaven for this one Beertigger On Aug 13, 7:30 pm, Geoff Ford [EMAIL

Re: Multiple field values in select box?

2007-08-13 Thread Geoff Ford
You've got a error in the getListData function - remove the curly barce between the end of the query and $listdata = array(); Geoff On 8/14/07, Beertigger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Found this one earlier. What myGenerateList does, it does very well, much easier than using an afterFind to

Re: Fatal error: ConnectionManager::getDataSource - Non-existent data source in /var/www/cake/cake/libs/model/connection_manager.php on line 110

2007-08-12 Thread Geoff Ford
Looking at the screenshot - it appears that you are using a Model called File. There is a core class called File so try changing the name of your model. Geoff -- On Aug 13, 3:51 am, Muhammad Ishaq [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sorry, the lines that had displayed

Re: What's the view cache story in cake 1.2?

2007-08-12 Thread Geoff Ford
Does the cache folder have write permissions? Geoff -- On Aug 13, 9:28 am, Kimble [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 10 Aug, 17:56, Feris Thia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Have you added : var $cacheAction = array( 'Your action/view URL' = secondsofcache

Re: CAKE_SESSION_STRING - what it's behavior?

2007-08-11 Thread Geoff Ford
phpjoy, Thanks for the praise :) Geoff On 8/11/07, phpjoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Just making sure.. :-) Thank you. By the way, I really enjoy your blog. It's a great piece of work. On Aug 10, 2:05 pm, Geoff Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Nope size is not an issue here :) Geoff

Re: Multiple field values in select box?

2007-08-10 Thread Geoff Ford
, $teamsportlist, $selectedItems); None of this seems to be working, no matter how I jigger things about. Aargh! --Beertigger On Aug 8, 6:59 pm, Geoff Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: All the code I outlined would be in the controller. You could put the loop in the getListData() function in the model

Re: View question

2007-08-10 Thread Geoff Ford
Suppress the error message generated by input() with $form-input('Project.proj_start', array('div'=false,'id'='ProjectProjStart','label'=false,'size'=15,'type'='text', 'error' = false)); Then add the error after the image with $form- error(Project.proj_start); Geoff --

Re: CAKE_SESSION_STRING - what it's behavior?

2007-08-10 Thread Geoff Ford
It is a random string that should be (near enough to) unique for your application. It is used to salt hashes, seed rnd() and the like to improve security. Geoff -- On Aug 10, 2:39 pm, phpjoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: After messing around a bit with the Auth

Re: CAKE_SESSION_STRING - what it's behavior?

2007-08-10 Thread Geoff Ford
Nope size is not an issue here :) Geoff On 8/10/07, phpjoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: so it's size doesn't matter.. means each install i can put a random 10 letters number, sha256 it and wrap it up? On Aug 10, 8:23 am, Geoff Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: It is a random string that should

Re: Session vars in the Model

2007-08-09 Thread Geoff Ford
Have you tried : $this-Category-find(array('Product.project_id'= $this-Session-read('project_id'))); Geoff -- On Aug 10, 8:48 am, sarimarton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: But you do have association between projects and products. You have the proper associations.

Re: Append aggregate function data to the primary model

2007-08-08 Thread Geoff Ford
For your particlular example you could try count(Post.title) as `Post`.`count` In general this sort of thing is done in afterFind(). Just loop over the results and add the extra keys that you need. Geoff -- On Aug 8, 7:08 pm, mithesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: hi

Re: Browser redirection problem...!!! please help..!!!

2007-08-08 Thread Geoff Ford
If you have renamed the app folder you need to tell Cake where it is. Look in webroot/index.php. Same goes for the cake folder, if it is not in the standard location you need to change the define() in index.php. Geoff -- On Aug 8, 4:28 pm, Raul [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: CakePHP+SMF (again?)

2007-08-08 Thread Geoff Ford
if I can make any progress. - Sohum. On Aug 7, 2:52 pm, Geoff Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The cookies need to be the same name. They are looking for different cookies that tell what the session id is. Geoff -- On Aug 7

Re: CakePHP+SMF (again?)

2007-08-08 Thread Geoff Ford
and SMF's are stored away in some place I couldn't find, I went ahead and modified Cake's. - Sohum. On Aug 8, 2:55 pm, Geoff Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You don't need to modify cake. All you have to do is modify config/core.php: define('CAKE_SESSION_SAVE

Re: How to build form with multiple records?

2007-08-08 Thread Geoff Ford
this and submit it as an enhancement to the trac. Geoff On 8/9/07, Travis Cline [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Jul 25, 6:27 pm, Geoff Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hmm.. Very interesting. I had not seen that before. I might have a play later on and see if I can get it to work. I'll let you

Re: Link to a location on the same page

2007-08-08 Thread Geoff Ford
to the URL: /top_tiers/index#Verbs. This page displays exactly like / top_tiers/index would. I don't know how I'd implement $html-link() because it asks for a URL and an array but I want the same array. Has anyone got any ideas or an example for the problem? Dave On Aug 7, 11:55 pm, Geoff

Re: Multiple field values in select box?

2007-08-08 Thread Geoff Ford
like (again double check the format) $html-select(SelectName, $mylist, $selectedItems); I hope this helps :) Geoff On 8/9/07, Beertigger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Isn't form::select for 1.2? I'm using 1.1 on this project... On Aug 8, 3:05 am, Geoff Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Forget

Re: Ridiculous User Management Head Melt

2007-08-08 Thread Geoff Ford
Models to use an abstract factory on asap. The only thing I'm having trouble with now is how to know which account a user belongs to when they log in. (please see below) On 8/8/07, Geoff Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Customer hasMany Accounts - a customer is a User with a CustomerProfile

Re: Multiple field values in select box?

2007-08-08 Thread Geoff Ford
stupidity. Wrapping what I know of php up with Cake is proving to be troublesome, at best. The masterbake script provides such a sweet basic framework that a bit of pain getting things 'just right' is worth it, but this one thing is really killing me... ; ) On Aug 8, 3:48 pm, Geoff Ford

Re: edit skipping to add if no id is sent.

2007-08-07 Thread Geoff Ford
Put an id in - cake needs it to write the update statement. It doesn't have to be 'id', just use var $primaryKey = 'some field'; Geoff -- On Aug 7, 12:21 am, phpjoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: i also wonder, where does this redirect happen in cake? dispatcher?

Re: CakePhp development usability

2007-08-07 Thread Geoff Ford
If the tables do not require a separate model for any other actions like CRUD i.e. they are only used by the MSDS model you can write a custom query in the MSDS model using $this-query('SELECT...'); Geoff -- On Aug 7, 1:36 am, modfather [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: CakePHP+SMF (again?)

2007-08-07 Thread Geoff Ford
is created and another cookie is created (SMFCookie655). Is this because they have different cookie names? The SMF path is / whereas the Cake cookie path is the cake application directory. They will both be the same on the production server, though. - Sohum. On Aug 7, 3:59 am, Geoff Ford [EMAIL

Re: Ridiculous User Management Head Melt

2007-08-07 Thread Geoff Ford
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Geoff, Thanks very much for your response. Just got to view it now. I'll have a look into your suggestions but they sound good. On 8/2/07, Geoff Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I hope this seems clear enough. On the permissions and profiles, I think so. Just

Re: How to use User model in AppController and PagesController

2007-08-07 Thread Geoff Ford
If you add $uses = array(User); to the appcontroller it will be available to all controllers including the pages controller. Geoff -- On Aug 8, 11:04 am, Tang Jianyu(??) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, Maybe this is a silly question, but I didn't find answer

Re: Link to a location on the same page

2007-08-07 Thread Geoff Ford
Bookmarks use #bookmarkName last time I checked. Geoff -- On Aug 8, 11:50 am, Chris Hartjes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 8/7/07, mussond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hey all, I trying to create a bookmark link on my page. I couldn't find anything in api that

Re: CakePHP+SMF (again?)

2007-08-06 Thread Geoff Ford
I don't know the details of the cake session component, or sessions in general, but I believe that the sessions work by creating a cookie with a unique code. This code points to the session file (or db record) where the session data is stored. So from my understanding, as long as both smf and

Re: Using the bakery

2007-08-05 Thread Geoff Ford
The bakery is not a shopping cart application. Have a look at BakeSale Geoff -- On Aug 6, 11:31 am, ChOsEn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm new to Cake Php. And i was wonder how to use the bakery to implement a shopping cart. Any suggestions

Re: CakePHP+SMF (again?)

2007-08-03 Thread Geoff Ford
include this somewhere else? Although that doesn't seem like the solution. - Sohum. On Aug 3, 10:38 am, Geoff Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: What are the ssi calls - From my understanding Cake shouldn't need to use these. Cake will just add its own keys to the existing session (I

Re: How do I link comments to a post?

2007-08-03 Thread Geoff Ford
The exact line to add to your post model is: var $hasMany = array('Comments'); And yep it is that easy :) As for the error - when you turned debug on up to 2 do you get a Controller missing action or something like that? Geoff On 8/3/07, Dan Soendergaard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This

Re: passing data from model to controller

2007-08-02 Thread Geoff Ford
@francky I know what he is trying to achieve - rtanz is trying to get us poor helpful bakers to write his entire application for him. :-P Geoff Ford -- On Aug 2, 7:58 pm, rtanz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: hi franck tnx what i am trying to achieve is that when a new

Re: passing data from model to controller

2007-08-02 Thread Geoff Ford
); This will pull all your tasks and the corresponding tasks templates. You may have to increase the $recursive for task list to 2 to get the templates. I hope this makes sense. And I do like to help despite my half jesting last email. Geoff Ford -- On Aug 2, 10:59 pm, Fran

Re: passing data from model to controller

2007-08-02 Thread Geoff Ford
); This will pull all your tasks and the corresponding tasks templates. You may have to increase the $recursive for task list to 2 to get the templates. I hope this makes sense. And I do like to help despite my half jesting last email. Geoff Ford -- On Aug 2, 10:59 pm, Fran

Re: How do I link comments to a post?

2007-08-02 Thread Geoff Ford
Not found The requested address was not found on this server. This usually indicates that either mod_rewrite is not working or you have fiddled with your paths in config/core.php As for getting all the comments that belong to a post Post hasMany Comments $data = $this-Post-read($postId);

Re: Finding the Parent object

2007-08-02 Thread Geoff Ford
I'm assuming the user database table has a group_id therefore you can just use the User belongsTo Group association and it will be automagic $data = $this-User-findById($this-Session-read(''); $groupName = $data['Group']['name']; Geoff -- On Aug 3, 1:27

Re: Is CakePHP right for me?

2007-08-02 Thread Geoff Ford
It shows alot of the common questions and problems that people face when using cake. Geoff Ford -- On Aug 3, 11:18 am, walterbyrd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Aug 2, 2:46 pm, webmosher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: CodeIgnitor is very similar to Cake in many aspects

Re: CakePHP+SMF (again?)

2007-08-02 Thread Geoff Ford
What are the ssi calls - From my understanding Cake shouldn't need to use these. Cake will just add its own keys to the existing session (I think). The only trouble you might have is if cake and smf use the same key and one overwrites the other all the time (not sure that this will happen, just

Re: Threaded menu

2007-08-02 Thread Geoff Ford
Make menus and submenus the same model (no associations, just use parent_id) and then always use findAllThreaded() I have found that to be the best solution in similar situations as then there is only one data structure (in the same format each time) to traverse. I usually build the menu with

Re: Cake PHP routing question

2007-08-02 Thread Geoff Ford
You shouldn't need to do anything just navigate to and it should be ready to go. Cake is happy to run in a subfolder. Unless I am missing something that you are trying to do? Geoff -- On Aug 3, 12:32 am, Vince [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: how to perform this query

2007-07-31 Thread Geoff Ford
A Membership belongsTo User hasOne TaskList from what I can see. Once you have your associations set up properly try $this-User-TaskList Make sure the associations are set up correctly. You cannot call arbitrary members and just pray that CakePHP will figure out what you mean. It's good but

Re: ajax/form/warnings problems

2007-07-31 Thread Geoff Ford
The session errors are probably because of whitespace after the closing ? in images.php The reason you can't save with $this-data may have to do with the fact that there is no 'id' field in your comments table. In your comment model try adding a var $primaryKey = 'id_comment' Take a look at

Re: how to perform this query

2007-07-31 Thread Geoff Ford
Models should not really access other models but there are situations where it is needed/useful. The more correct method would be that the controller saves the User and then creates a TaskList for the newly created User. Geoff -- On Aug 1, 9:11 am, rtanz [EMAIL

Re: Best Practice for Views

2007-07-31 Thread Geoff Ford
I'm with grant - use one action with a differnt view as needed function action1($layout = 'list'){ // set data and other stuff switch ($layout){ case 'table': $this-render('action1_table'); break; default: $this-render('action1_list'); break; } } You could

Re: multiple forms of 1 model in same view

2007-07-31 Thread Geoff Ford
I have added section on Frequent Discussions for Multi-record forms. THe basics is you have to create the inputs yourseld rather than use the form helper. Use a structure like data[Modelname][count] [fieldname] as the name of the input then loop over data[Modelname] in the controller action.

Re: your own class files location?

2007-07-31 Thread Geoff Ford
The vendors folder is used for anything that is outside the cake framework. e.g MyClass is in a file called myClass.php in the vendors folder, then you use it with venders('myclass'); $myclass = new MyClass(); Geoff -- On Aug 1, 11:25 am, Aaron Thies [EMAIL

Re: Using models in app controller for default.thtml ???

2007-07-30 Thread Geoff Ford
] wrote: Or you can try create a component, and load it with loadComponent or anything else. I think it's better... On 29 jul, 21:54, Geoff Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I believe $uses is overwritten by the actual controller that is invoked. I suggest you use loadModel() and creat

Re: Using models in app controller for default.thtml ???

2007-07-30 Thread Geoff Ford
? Also instead of creating component what u think of creating an helper ? I think it can be used as component ? Please let me know. Thanks On Jul 30, 4:58 pm, Geoff Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Components are loaded with var $components = array(MyComponent); and used similar to models i.e

Re: Home Page?

2007-07-30 Thread Geoff Ford
YOu need to set a default Route in app/config/routes.php Geoff -- On Jul 31, 8:13 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Quick question that I can't seem to find an answer for. The home page of my site needs to have a lot of dynamic content generated on

Re: Form checkbox?

2007-07-29 Thread Geoff Ford
I think in 1.2 all input fields are to go through $form-input() so a check box would be $form-input(array('type' = 'checkbox')); Geoff -- On Jul 30, 9:27 am, citrus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Have you enabled the Form Helper? $helpers = array('Html', 'Form',

Re: Software design question regarding the classic login page ...

2007-07-29 Thread Geoff Ford
As long as the login page redirects back to the requested url after successful login in I don't see the difference, and it is probably easier and cleaner in my opinion to redirect. Geoff -- On Jul 30, 5:30 am, Gonzalo Servat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 7/29/07,

Re: help with form input with multiple objects of same name/class/model

2007-07-29 Thread Geoff Ford
Using Housebolts method the action would look like: for ($i=0; $i5; $i++){ $this-User-create(); // assign all the fields with correct names $user['email'] = $this-data['User']['email' + $i]; $this-User-set($user); if (!$this-User-validates()) { // You will need to do the following

Re: Using models in app controller for default.thtml ???

2007-07-29 Thread Geoff Ford
I believe $uses is overwritten by the actual controller that is invoked. I suggest you use loadModel() and creat your own instances of the models you need. Geoff -- On Jul 29, 8:27 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello Friends, I am new to

Re: Reusing view code

2007-07-28 Thread Geoff Ford
Also I would look at Elements. Here is a very good article on the sort of thing you are trying to do Geoff -- On Jul 29, 8:05 am, rtconner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I think this

Re: How to build form with multiple records?

2007-07-25 Thread Geoff Ford
You will have to create the inputs the old fashioned way, and create the empyer records as an array that you can loop over when posted back. In the controller function use $this-set('formerEmployers', $this- FormerEmployer-findAllByApplicantId($applicant_id)); Then in the view, make sure you

Re: How to build form with multiple records?

2007-07-25 Thread Geoff Ford
Hmm.. Very interesting. I had not seen that before. I might have a play later on and see if I can get it to work. I'll let you know how I go. Geoff -- On Jul 26, 8:49 am, chewie124 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ahhh... ok. Thanks for the input. I was grepping

Re: ajax submit form problem

2007-07-25 Thread Geoff Ford
Try using $ajax-submit() instead of $form-submit(); Geoff -- On Jul 26, 2:05 pm, Michael Augustyniak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Grant Cox wrote: Be more clear with your question - what is the problem, and what do you want to achieve? The only think I could

Re: how to implement this functionality

2007-07-23 Thread Geoff Ford
From what I see, you want to connect users to roles and then roles to modules and it appears to be access control. Have a look into access control in the manual. Read, understand, run some examples and tests. Then apply it to your project. Geoff -- On Jul 24,

Re: 1.1 or 1.2

2007-07-23 Thread Geoff Ford Use 1.2, it has test suite built

Re: AuthComponent Tutorial

2007-07-23 Thread Geoff Ford
. I have filed a href=;Trac Ticket #2976/a which includes a patch to fix the error. Geoff -- On Jul 20, 9:10 pm, Geoff Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hey cakeFreak, I have a slightly different approach for development bypassing

Re: linking findAllThreaded with another table

2007-07-22 Thread Geoff Ford
Some resources on internationalisation are listed on this page Have a look at the section on How to add i18n support? and Translate behaviour. Geoff -- On Jul 23, 8:22 am, michaelmcandrew [EMAIL

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