php json_decode not working when microtime comment is appended to json output

2007-07-01 Thread georgeL
My Problem is that the php json_decode() does not work when remotely calling a cake controller method which just returns a json string. The problem seems to be in the last lines of the webroot/index.php, which append the execution time to every output: if (Configure::read() 0) {

Re: Multilingual dynamic content

2007-02-17 Thread georgeL
I had the same problem in my last project, a multilanguage product katalog: My solution was like langdon proposed: a table called languages which keeps all translated strings and hold a reference to the related record: - id - object_id (foreign object) - lang

Re: Integrating with other systems

2007-01-20 Thread georgeL
I´m doing it the other way round by integrating some wordpress libraries into my current system. Yes you have to rename some functions! I don´t know what kind of integration you need, but coding a wordpress plugin which uses REST or XMLHttp request to retrieve the data from you cake app seems

Re: anything similar to acts_as_tree in Rails

2007-01-20 Thread georgeL
the upcoming behaviors, just gives you the hook to the acts_as_whatever. I liked the tree behavior in rails but cake has only limited support for it now. you can now use the function findAllThreaded which returns a nested array of a self joined table using parent_id´s. but this function needs

Re: editing a model and relational fields within a single form - is this possible?

2007-01-17 Thread georgeL
updating of the related fields is done by: 1. in you form name the fields like the related model input('Article/name') input('Topic/name') 2. when this is submitted you must save the depending model data too $this-Article-save($this-data) $this-Topic-save($this-data) if you want to check

Nested tree menu with current and parent(s) active state by css classes

2007-01-11 Thread georgeL
i´m using a getAllThreaded call to get some categories and want to build a category menu which has a highligting(css) class set for its parent(s) and itself when clicked. building a stateless menu is not that hard, but keeping track of the parent categories really beat the shxx out of me. I had

Re: Rock the vote!

2007-01-07 Thread georgeL
this post seems to rock their vote .. thanks for the hint nate. 81.4% --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Cake PHP group. To post to this group, send email to To

Re: dynamic table names in wordpress

2006-11-09 Thread georgeL
wp mu is just changeing the prefix of the tables. you can also set the table prefix inside cake somewhere. maybe this is a possible way --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Cake PHP group. To post to

Re: Need Help On ACL

2006-10-31 Thread georgeL
the available acl in cake is more like a raw toolset. this is on purpose so you can implement the acl completly free. the other side of this freedom is that you need to define your acl ARO and ACO objects yourself. i was also looking for a dummi guide :-)

Re: Can somebody baby-step me though $ajax form submission

2006-09-29 Thread georgeL
i stopped using the build in javascript / ajax functions. they can be confusing sometime and prototype is not very intuitive to write/read .. understand. Instead i´m using jQuery now, which really enlightend me. I hated JS before but with jQuery an ajax form submit can be as easy as this on line

Integrate a JS Datepicker

2006-08-18 Thread georgeL
I´m looking for a JS Datepicker to use instead of those ugly 3 datehelper fields. i found a couple of JS to acomplish that but i got none of those to work inside the cake enviroment. has anybody got a suggestion or successfully done this? --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~

Re: Integrate a JS Datepicker

2006-08-18 Thread georgeL
I finally made it .. there was another error in my code which prevented the js from executing. i had a foldername wrong which is of course casesensitive on unix. I choose this one here, because it does not need extra inline javascript: The

Re: Dynamic Links

2006-08-18 Thread georgeL
You would have to put the link in the foreach loop. This is pretty commonly used if you have a list of items and want to delete/edit one. You can use it like this: ?php foreach ($data as $post): ? tr td?php echo $post['Post']['id']?/td td?php echo $post['Post']['name']?/td

Re: simpletest how to ??

2006-08-17 Thread georgeL
Teemow pasted a nice example of a simpletest of a cake model in the german cake usergroup. see it here: --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to

Re: Cake and Traffic

2006-08-12 Thread georgeL
@rick i made exactly the same way, which was pretty good since i learned some good techniques from RoR. But you need your own server and all the knowledge around to host it. RoR also has it´s performance issues where you have to come up with clustering to load balance high traffic site´s.

Re: How can I get cake to stop parsing my queries?

2006-08-12 Thread georgeL
i´m wondering to... i have a query like this in one of my controllers: $id = $this-query('SELECT MAX(id) as id FROM '.$this-table.' WHERE user_id ='.$user_id); this get´s the highest record id from one table for the specific user. I would have expected the result to come back as $id - 34 but

date helper

2006-08-09 Thread georgeL
I´m using the date helper in one of my edit views. when having a new record the helper is correctly populated with the current date. but when i call the page with an existing record i want to edit the datefields don´t get populated. i´m only using DMY as i don´t need the time fields. my view:

Re: date helper

2006-08-09 Thread georgeL
updated my cake from 1.1.5 to 1.1.7 issue seems to be resolved --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Cake PHP group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this

Re: Using cake to serve files

2006-07-15 Thread georgeL
Other file serving php scripts do this by putting the files somewhere else on your system outside of the webroot. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Cake PHP group. To post to this group, send email to