Re: Migrating to Cake and Few General Questions

2006-09-12 Thread Tony
So I was on the right track with the URL params. I totally agree with you that cake makes things a lot easier. I read through pretty much the entire CakePHP manual, including the models chapter. Let me refocus my question. If I have those two role fields that aren't named according to

Re: Migrating to Cake and Few General Questions

2006-09-12 Thread John David Anderson (_psychic_)
On Sep 12, 2006, at 10:00 AM, Tony wrote: So I was on the right track with the URL params. I totally agree with you that cake makes things a lot easier. I read through pretty much the entire CakePHP manual, including the models chapter. Let me refocus my question. If I have those two

Re: Migrating to Cake and Few General Questions

2006-09-12 Thread Tony
John and AD7six, Did I do this correctly? class Level extends AppModel { var $name = Level; var $hasMany = array('Role1' = array('className' = 'Role', 'conditions' = '', 'order' =

Re: Migrating to Cake and Few General Questions

2006-09-12 Thread John David Anderson (_psychic_)
On Sep 12, 2006, at 11:40 AM, Tony wrote: John and AD7six, Did I do this correctly? class Level extends AppModel { var $name = Level; var $hasMany = array('Role1' = array('className' = 'Role', 'conditions' = '',

Re: Migrating to Cake and Few General Questions

2006-09-12 Thread Tony
DOH! Typo with the same key names. Okay that makes perfect sense. Dang now I'm really seeing how CakePHP can totally help me out here. And yes that REALLY helps out here. It's so sad I had to leave my office to chat on IRC because our IT department won't let me have access to an IRC channel,

Re: Migrating to Cake and Few General Questions

2006-09-12 Thread Tony
Okay I just thought of something John. If I'm doing a $hasMany in the Level model will I also need to do a $belongsTo in the Role model? Would I do the same thing and just use class Roles extends AppModel { var $name = 'Roles'; var $belongsTo = array('Level' = array('className' =

Re: Migrating to Cake and Few General Questions

2006-09-12 Thread John David Anderson (_psychic_)
On Sep 12, 2006, at 1:35 PM, Tony wrote: Okay I just thought of something John. If I'm doing a $hasMany in the Level model will I also need to do a $belongsTo in the Role model? Yeah, if you want to see Level data from a Role model perspective. Would I do the same thing and just use

Re: Migrating to Cake and Few General Questions

2006-09-11 Thread Tony one has been able to answer my question about the roles, having two fields (role1_id and role2_id) that relate to the roles table. I guess what I'm trying to ask is how do you over ride scaffolding in this situation. Is there documentation that shows me what I need to do?

Re: Migrating to Cake and Few General Questions

2006-09-08 Thread AD7six
Hi Tony, You can most likely use what ever url you like :). The last example below (named paramters) is native to cake 1.2 but you can do it quite easily with cake 1.1.7: Assuming controller modules and action show, you can use any of the following:

Re: Migrating to Cake and Few General Questions

2006-09-08 Thread Tony
Hey AD7six, How do I grab the params from a url using cake? Here's what my database looks like: ++ + LevelID - (Item id for conent) + ParentLevelID - (holds an ID from LevelID that will be the parent of the child level) + Level - (what level it is i.e 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Re: Migrating to Cake and Few General Questions

2006-09-08 Thread Tony
John, That would be great to join into IRC but what client should I use for IRC, is there one that is free? And yeah I know my set up sucks. It's not so much mine but one of those things that IT set up and I'm looking at it going WTF? I wanted it a much better way but they insisted that it be

Re: Migrating to Cake and Few General Questions

2006-09-08 Thread Toby (The Balloon Guy) Parent
On OSX, check out Colloquy ( - works well, free. On Windows, I'm using HydraIRC ( - works, free, not as pretty as colloquy, but I have yet to find a single Windows app that comes close in elegance to even a crappy OSX app... sigh.. I miss my Mac!

Re: Migrating to Cake and Few General Questions

2006-09-08 Thread Tony
I was just using Chatzilla and then I tried the cakephp irc page and both disconnected me to the server. It's been such a freaking long time since I have used IRC that I'm totally rusty here. Is the server done? --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message

Re: Migrating to Cake and Few General Questions

2006-09-08 Thread nate
I assume you mean down not done, and no, it shouldn't be. You're IT people don't happen to be anal about firewall security do they? Because that could cause an issue, although the Java IRC client at should still allow you to get in. One additional note on URLs: as of

Re: Migrating to Cake and Few General Questions

2006-09-08 Thread Brian French
$this-here also seems to hold the info as well. Tony wrote: Yes my IT department is COMPLETELY anal. It's so bad I can't even have a localhost. And yes I meant to say down and not done. LOL! I'm getting this error: Connection to irc:// reset. Reconnecting in 30 seconds.

Re: Migrating to Cake and Few General Questions

2006-09-08 Thread Brian French
i think you can use something like $this-params[pass] or $this-params[url] set define('DEBUG', 3); in your config/core.php and you can see them printed out when you run the script. Tony wrote: Yes my IT department is COMPLETELY anal. It's so bad I can't even have a localhost. And yes I meant

Re: Migrating to Cake and Few General Questions

2006-09-08 Thread nate
Hey Tony. Yeah, your IRC issue sounds like an anal IT thing. Here's a quick rundown of grabbing _GET and _POST data. Pretty much anything GET or POST-related that you could want to know will be in $this-params. In fact, doing an array-dump of that should give you a pretty good lay of the