Dear Ed,
It turns out that the format of the structure file I sent to the PDB guys is
right. I found out this when running phenix.model_vs_data. After I resent the
structrue file, sfcheck gives something OK, which is,
High_Res Low_Res Compl Num_Ref R_obs R_work R_free Corr(Fo-Fc)
Hi Ethan,
Do you know of any published or unpublished results that compare
> the R factors achieved by Babinet treatment with those obtained from the
> state-of-the-art mask models?
I afraid I don't know about published ones, and I see Sacha replied for
unpublished one.
I could spend a few h
Dear Ethan,
Just answering your last remarks,
very many years ago I've done tests (unpublished) where I tried to estimate the
magnitudes Fbulk and PHASES Pbulk for the reflections due to bulk solvent. It
came out that :
- for high-resolution reflections the magnitudes are small (everybody knows
On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 11:01 AM, Ed Pozharski wrote:
> Ethan pointed out to me that Babinet-principle based solvent correction
> is not always inferior to mask-based approach.
On Friday, October 22, 2010 11:17:53 am Pavel Afonine wrote:
> Hi Ed,
> may be "not always" (in a sense that mask-ba
Hi Ed,
may be "not always" (in a sense that mask-based one sometimes may leave a
negative footprint in areas where there is no solvent), but I still want to
remind this paper where there is some discussion about exponential vs
mask-based bulk solvent model:
Hi List,
We have a complete AKTA FPLC available. Has latest Unicorn software and
fraction collector. Please email me off-list or if you are interested.
Ethan pointed out to me that Babinet-principle based solvent correction
is not always inferior to mask-based approach. My belief was based on
some old observations which were in fact made prior to mask
implementation in refmac and thus not exactly side-by-side comparisons.
I hereby recant my prior
To all Diamond MX BAG Principal Investigators & Group Leaders,
Diamond Light Source will be holding a training day for MX BAG Users on
Wednesday 8th December 2010. Numbers are limited to twenty and places
will be allocated on request with a limit of one applicant per BAG.
The aim of the day is t
I must note that it is also interesting to know why the sfcheck produced
the R-factor that is twice as high. Of course, the R/Rfree are not
supposed to match precisely (as I recall, sfcheck uses Babinet bulk
solvent correction which is presumably inferior to the mask-based
approach), but 28.6 vers
Dear CCP4BB members,
Thank you very much for your overwhelming help and discussion about data
Kind regards,
Mohinder Pal
I am looking for coot-0.5.2-osx-universal.dmg.gz
Anybody out there that can help?
- J. -
Dear Vinson,
I would still be interested about what was the cause of the missing R-free flags
and how you resolved it (I hope I did not miss an email).
Kind regards, Tim
On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 02:33:03PM +0800, Vinson LIANG wrote:
> Dear all,
> Thank you very much for your su
12 matches
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