Re: [ccp4bb] refinement protein structure

2013-03-28 Thread Savvas Savvides
Dear Tom in addition to the very valuable input you have received already, I would like to point out that based on the fact that the I/sigma_I of your data is above 3 in the highest resolution shell, you will likely be able to push the resolution limits of your analysis to go beyond 1.4 angs

Re: [ccp4bb] delete subject

2013-03-28 Thread vellieux
Hello, I stayed away from this thread until now - the major reason being that I was fitting snugly under my quilt. However I feel compelled to react now: placing your data in a public repository (thereby proving that you did the work) also means that a colleague, friend or whatever can and

Re: [ccp4bb] delete subject

2013-03-28 Thread Anastassis Perrakis
Dear all, Let me start by apologizing for finally making this email longer than I intended - I did not have the time to make it shorter. I must say I am humbled by the amount of positive energy and constructive thinking that Bill has. That must explain also how he manages to keep up a

Re: [ccp4bb] delete subject

2013-03-28 Thread Steiner, Roberto
I fully agree that questions should keep coming. In addition it might be worth pointing out that CCP4 (and others) organise great crystallographic schools which are ideal for this sort of problem. Most of the schools ask you to bring your own data (!) and you can sit down with developers and

Re: [ccp4bb] delete subject

2013-03-28 Thread Klaus Fütterer
All, I personally would feel awkward at depositing my hard fought data before the associated paper is accepted. However, a recent paper from our institution (I was not part of that study) originated from precisely the model that has been suggested in this thread:

[ccp4bb] process data from two crystals in-house data

2013-03-28 Thread S. Thiyagarajan
Dear all I have two data sets, 75 frames each from crystals of the same protein - same cell parameters/space group (P4). I could process them seperately each yielding 90% completeness but with  poor multiplicity ( 2 ) If I merge the data sets using CAD, I loose the data reduction statistics

Re: [ccp4bb] process data from two crystals in-house data

2013-03-28 Thread Evgeny Osipov
Hello, I would recommend to you XDS package, particularly XSCALE program (link to wiki page): 28.03.2013 14:08, S. Thiyagarajan ?: Dear all I have two data sets, 75 frames each from crystals of the same protein - same cell

Re: [ccp4bb] process data from two crystals in-house data

2013-03-28 Thread vellieux
Sorry I am mentioning non-ccp4 software here: XDS processing (the 2 data sets separately); AIMLESS / TRUNCATE and checking the truncate plots to see if there are frames (Batches) that should better be discarded; if need be, XDS processing again, XSCALE, XDSCONV (option CCP4_F if you only want

Re: [ccp4bb] process data from two crystals in-house data

2013-03-28 Thread Anastassis Perrakis
Hi - You can use Xia2 or, you can use Pointless (Find or Match Laue group) to combine the two datasets after Mosflm in one MTZ with common correct origin etc, and then use SCALA to scale them together. For more info:

Re: [ccp4bb] process data from two crystals in-house data

2013-03-28 Thread Harry Powell
Hi I'd just integrate them individually with Mosflm, then merge the two MTZ files into one with Pointless(*), then scale with Aimless. (*) pointless hklin first.mtz second.mtz hklout pointless.mtz aimless hklin pointless.mtz hklout aimless.mtz should do the trick - pointless

Re: [ccp4bb] delete subject

2013-03-28 Thread Tom Van den Bergh
Dear ccp4 members, Thanks for all the help. I am now rebuilding my structure now based on all your advice (which was my intention all along). I am glad to see there are still scientists who dont only care about making and publishing their own data, but are always ready to help less experienced

Re: [ccp4bb] delete subject

2013-03-28 Thread Andrey Nascimento
I am agree with Tassos. For me it is a quite stranger to think about hide the data to nobody see until the paper be published. In my opinion, a lot of data become obsolete (or even forgotten) because that one more experiment you need to publish a great paper (it some times takes years...). For me

[ccp4bb] AW: [ccp4bb] cell disruptor / homogenizer - final summary

2013-03-28 Thread Clemens Steegborn
Since my previous summary on cell disruption equipment elicited a pretty clear response, I want to give a final update: Several methods and machines were mentioned (see below), but the Avestin Emulsiflex C5 is now the clear winner, with five happy users and no really negative comment. Thanks

Re: [ccp4bb] Strange density in solvent channel and high Rfree

2013-03-28 Thread Herman . Schreuder
Dear Andrey, Due to our company policy, I cannot view the dropbox image, but the packing you describe is exactly what Edward Barry described and what I expected. Two molecules obey the 2-fold symmetry and one molecule is lying on a 2-fold with two possible superimposed orientations. The

Re: [ccp4bb] delete subject

2013-03-28 Thread Raji Edayathumangalam
Ed, I very much agree with you. We've all had to learn that questions posted to ccp4bb and the ensuing discussions take on a life of their own. Once one posts a question on ccp4bb, there's no such thing as steering the direction of the discussion on the ccp4bb and there's no such thing as the

Re: [ccp4bb] delete subject

2013-03-28 Thread Ian Tickle
By coincidence this just landed in my Inbox: So maybe after all Tom is way ahead of the rest of us in his structure-solving strategy - though I agree with others that his tactics need to be honed somewhat!

[ccp4bb] Repository of Unsolved Datasets in Macromolecular Crystallography?

2013-03-28 Thread Eugene Valkov
Dear colleagues, I have followed (with great deal of interest) all the various expressed opinions about whether it may or may not be useful to have means whereupon challenging crystallographic data may be shared with the wider community of crystallographers in the hope that 'crowdsourcing' may

Re: [ccp4bb] off topic, BN PAGE

2013-03-28 Thread Zhijie Li
Hi Careina, Gels certainly are convenient and powerful tools when they work. For normal native gel, do not forget that if you are using the Laemmlli buffer system (ie. tris-glycine), the actual pH during running is pH 9 and the ionic strength changes over time. There are other buffer systems,

Re: [ccp4bb] Strange density in solvent channel and high Rfree

2013-03-28 Thread Andrey Nascimento
Dear Appu, I am sorry, I do not have the script file. I ran it basically from default parameters in CCP4 GUI. I just ran the sfcheck for 'check experimental data only' and I got the twin law and twin fraction from the output (post script file). So, I put these information on the detwin and ran it.

Re: [ccp4bb] Strange density in solvent channel and high Rfree

2013-03-28 Thread Andrey Nascimento
Dear Herman, I would like to mention one more information, maybe I have forgotten. When a process the data in P21212 and run the sfcheck it do not appear to have twinning (even when a ran phenix Xtriage with older process data in P21212). I will send direct to your e-mail the .pdf file with

Re: [ccp4bb] delete subject

2013-03-28 Thread William G. Scott
That last paragraph is great: Adam is the author of the book Surviving Your Stupid, Stupid Decision to Go to Grad School (Broadway Books, 2010) -- Bill On Mar 28, 2013, at 9:09 AM, Ian Tickle wrote: By coincidence this just landed in my Inbox:

Re: [ccp4bb] delete subject

2013-03-28 Thread Francisco Hernandez-Guzman
Hi all, This has indeed been a highly informative and educational thread from many view points, and it highlights the opportunities and challenges that scientists face today by having access to tools like the CCP4BB . I just wanted to touch on something that was briefly alluded to at the early

Re: [ccp4bb] delete subject

2013-03-28 Thread mjvdwoerd
No. :-) When you are a reviewer for structural papers in journals (I do this work sometimes), and when you see an article that has (in this example) Tom's structure in it, but he and/or his mentor is not an author, then you call the editor and tell them you may have a problem. I realize that

Re: [ccp4bb] delete subject

2013-03-28 Thread Nat Echols
On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 11:28 AM, wrote: Although it is hard to imagine, there could be a mechanism by which you make all your data public, immediately when you get it and this public record shows who owns it. (or international equivalent) The

[ccp4bb] fplc system

2013-03-28 Thread Alexandra Deaconescu
Dear crystallography enthusiasts: We are shopping for a new fplc system. While have pretty much decided to buy a GE Healthcare (Akta) rather than a Biorad system, we are interested in finding out your opinions about the new models that are currently on the market, such as the Akta Avant and

Re: [ccp4bb] delete subject

2013-03-28 Thread Frank von Delft
On 28/03/2013 18:50, Nat Echols wrote: (or international equivalent) The advantage (in my mind) of such a system would be that you would also make public the data that does not make sense to you (it does not fit your scientific model) and this could (and has) lead to

Re: [ccp4bb] delete subject

2013-03-28 Thread Scott Pegan
Hey everyone, Both Mark and Fred make some good points. I totally agree with Nat (beat me to the send button). Although in an ideal world with all the advancements in crowd sourcing and electronic media, one might think that posting data on a bulletin board might be considered marking one's

Re: [ccp4bb] fplc system

2013-03-28 Thread Nicolas Foos
Dear Alex, i work with Purifier. To my mind, this is a very nice system. High reliability. We are a lot of differents users and we share the same system, some of us are not very implicated in the cleaning and maintenance procedure, nonetheless the Akta works well. Akta Purifier with 3

Re: [ccp4bb] delete subject

2013-03-28 Thread Waugh, David (NIH/NCI) [E]
Ideally, one would be engaged in a collaboration wherein structure can be linked to function and published together. For most of us, that indeed would require a collaboration, since resources for most of us (at least in the US at present) are scant. Few crystallographers have the ability and

[ccp4bb] lcp crystal extraction

2013-03-28 Thread Konstantin Knoblich
Hi All, I am wondering if anyone has tried to retrieve a crystal from a Molecular Dimension LCP plate. What would you recommend as a method? The plastic is too flexible to be cut as it squashes the drop when you try it. Is there another way someone has successfully done this? Thanks in advance

Re: [ccp4bb] lcp crystal extraction

2013-03-28 Thread Jim Fairman
Hi Konstantin, I use #11 Classic Fine Point Blades from X-acto to cut through the plastic Laminex film covers without much of an issue. If you decide to use glass covers rather than plastic, Hampton sells a nice glass-cutting tool (

[ccp4bb] best transient mammalian expression systems..?

2013-03-28 Thread Tommi Kajander
Dear all, I would be interested in comments/opinions about what is your experience on which would be the best mammalian cell culture vector/cell line/medium combination for transient expression to get the best yields. Depends, of course, but anyway obviously there are differences, HEKs are

Re: [ccp4bb] Hydrophobic contacts

2013-03-28 Thread Nadir Mrabet
Hi Kavya, My guess is that you are referring to the van der Waals (vdw) contribution of the hydrophobic effect (the other being of entropic nature). If this is the case, then the most reasonable consensus is that Dij Ri + Rj + 2 R(H2O), where Dij is the distance between atoms i and j, Ri is

Re: [ccp4bb] Hydrophobic contacts

2013-03-28 Thread Jeremy Tame
The best reference by far for the hydrophobic interaction is Israelachvili's Intermolecular and Surface Forces. Anyone really interested in the topic will probably also like books by Ninham such as Hyde et al, The Language of Shape. I cannot really recommend the later book Ninham and Lo Nostro,

Re: [ccp4bb] Hydrophobic contacts

2013-03-28 Thread Nadir Mrabet
Sorry, a bit late here (2:00 AM) after a long day. I meant (for CH2/CH2 contacts!): Dij 1.8 + 1.8 + 2x1.4 = 6.4 Ang. Best, Nadir Mrabet Pr. Nadir T. Mrabet Structural Molecular Biochemistry N-gere - INSERM U-954 University of Lorraine, Nancy School of Sciences and Technologies

Re: [ccp4bb] delete subject

2013-03-28 Thread Eric Bennett
Scott, I'm not sure I understand your last paragraph. Once researchers have had their data pass peer review (which I interpret as meaning a journal has accepted it), how often do you think it happens that it does not immediately get published? Just depositing data in the PDB, or posting it on