Re: Boy swaps MikeRoweSoft for Xbox

2004-01-26 Thread jon hall is available for anyone looking to get a free PS2 :) -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Monday, January 26, 2004, 4:06:29 PM, you wrote: CG> I swear I thought this was a joke...and it was pretty funny until I realized CG> that it wasn't. CG> Now it's just kinda...sad. CG> - Origi

Re: How do you clean the little mouse 'feet'?

2004-01-21 Thread jon hall
I find if let it build up for a few months then scrape it off, add a little olive oil, it makes a delightful bread dip. -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Wednesday, January 21, 2004, 2:35:01 PM, you wrote: C> oi jon!! C> i  was  going to agree with this i always moisten the area with my ton

Re: How do you clean the little mouse 'feet'?

2004-01-21 Thread jon hall
Dunno about anyone else, but I use my tongue. -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Wednesday, January 21, 2004, 2:12:59 PM, you wrote: AS> Okies, AS> you know under every mouse there are the little slidy pads? Either a AS> white strip or small ovals placed at the corners? I would call it teflon

Re: Bleak future for videogamers?

2004-01-19 Thread jon hall
Yup...Everquest for example is 8 or so cd's with all the expansions, but you can go to their online store...purchase the expansion, then launch the game and it will be automatically downloaded. I got like 3 years of use out of Quake3 for $40, but I would have paid 10 times that over a period of ti

The Internet is down for emergency maintenance.

2004-01-16 Thread jon hall
The Internet emergency server maintenance is taking longer then expected. We estimate the Internet to back online no sooner then 12am PST. We apologize for this inconvenience and will do our best to resolve this as quickly as possible. Again we apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for you

Re: CF-based Forums....

2004-01-13 Thread jon hall
CF has no hobbyist angle, nor any real reward for starting such a project. It's not like you get the gratitude of knowing some school somewhere may install your software because it is free, because the platform costs money anyway...a free piece of CF software is going to leeched by some dev, stuck

Re: Car Audio

2004-01-13 Thread jon hall
There are at least 2 or 3 stations here in the Tampa area using RDS now actually, the song info just pops up on the radio. They all started fairly recently. Probably all the ClearChannel stations sharing the same broadcast equipment since they started doing it at the same time. -- jon mailto:[E

Re: RFID's intentions are as invasive and bad as the critics make them out to be.

2004-01-12 Thread jon hall
If they wanted to spend the money on vans packed with the longest range rfid's planned to be commonly used (UHF range) transmitters and receivers that are capable of transmitting and receiving the responses through all of the radio noise, then triangulating where the response is coming from, there

Re: RFID's intentions are as invasive and bad as the critics make them out to be.

2004-01-12 Thread jon hall
No links to the original emails, and from the single oddly quoted sentence in the article all it sounds like to me is a sarcastic response from the student. The article contains so many unsupported conclusions about the motives of those involved, it and the author (Mark Baard, a regular Village Voi

Re: America gone off the deep end of paranoia

2004-01-12 Thread jon hall
Original source and has a bit more info than the Register article. Unfortunately it doesn't look like a hoax...but then again, these are Staples employees we are talking about. -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sunday, January 11, 2004, 3:27:1

Re: Space Colonization -- Good or Bad Idea

2004-01-09 Thread jon hall I'm with Bush :-) -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Friday, January 9, 2004, 2:06:34 PM, you wrote: JS>  I havent seen a thread on this list about this topic in a while, and in JS> light of the upcoming Bush speech on a permanent Moon base as well as a JS> manne

Re: Madonna for Wes Clark

2004-01-09 Thread jon hall
Unless you mean a different McCain than John McCain, McCain and Clark are on the opposite side of too many issues. Besides that, McCain is a Republican in a Republican state with not that many electoral votes... I don't see it happening. -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Friday, January 9, 2004,

Re: Trillian Pro IM client

2004-01-09 Thread jon hall
I use Pro and have had some incompatibilities with some versions of MSN Messenger recently which makes me keep MSN installed, but for the rest it's the absolute best. -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Friday, January 9, 2004, 8:29:02 AM, you wrote: AS> Okies! AS> So I've been using Trillian Lit

Re: CuteHTML

2003-12-24 Thread jon hall
If you are looking for an alternate to Homesite/Studio, Topstyle Pro 3.10 with the addition of CF tagdef's supports CF very well, even supports auto-complete on the CF tags. Brings up lists of all the parameters just like Homesite. -- jon m

Re: So..what should I get? PS2 or Gamecube?

2003-12-11 Thread jon hall
I couldn't imagine playing a girl character. They would have to explain themselves to every person you met, or try and fake their way through girly conversations. Essentially role-playing the entire time. It would be tough to enjoy the actual gaming aspect of it all. I do run across couples playing

Re: So..what should I get? PS2 or Gamecube?

2003-12-11 Thread jon hall
You could try one of the MMORPG's (Everquest or FF Online)... Everquest is a free download to start and tons of couples play together. Seems like 90% of the cleric's in the game are someone's girlfriend or wife =) -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Thursday, December 11, 2003, 8:56:26 AM, you wro

Re: css, xhtml, standards, bandersnatch, etc...

2003-11-26 Thread jon hall
To be honest, I'm not exactly sure of the reasons why (I'd love for someone to tell me, I'm not up 100% on the float model myself), but Moz is collapsing the box containing the floated divs as it should, but it isn't taking into account the box made by the table and collapsing. Perhaps it is becaus

Re: Crappy Day for ColdFusion (subtitle: "Anybody need a developer?")

2003-11-26 Thread jon hall
You should implement all the cf tags you need in jsp, import them into a CF namespace, and do a find for -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Wednesday, November 26, 2003, 2:08:24 PM, you wrote: JD> I had a few conversations that just made me sick.  First 10 seconds of JD> background: JD> I'm in

Re: .net question

2003-11-25 Thread jon hall
Yup, you got it. Code behind is another term for a View-Controller framework. Breaking out the Model being optional. The beauty of it is that your average asp developer who would just give you a funny look if you asked him which design patterns he is familiar with is forced into coding within a go

Re: Network Switch

2003-11-24 Thread jon hall
inal Message - b>   From: jon hall b>   To: CF-Community b>   Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 1:22 PM b>   Subject: Re: Network Switch b>   Managed or not? Office or home? b>   -- b>   jon b>   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] b>   Monday, November 24, 2003, 2:06:33 PM, yo

Re: Network Switch

2003-11-24 Thread jon hall
Managed or not? Office or home? -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Monday, November 24, 2003, 2:06:33 PM, you wrote: b> Can anyone recommend a good one pweeze :-D b> [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: HTML & CSS only table question.

2003-11-24 Thread jon hall
When you say you want the height of the lower left box to "match the height" of the right column, I didn't think you meant literally the same height, but that you want the lower edges to line up. So I assumed further that all you really wanted was for the two fixed size boxes to stay a fixed size l

Re: Javascript

2003-11-19 Thread jon hall
Amen brother brob! :-) -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Wednesday, November 19, 2003, 2:24:15 PM, you wrote: b> I would like to proclaim my love for _javascript_.  I love it I love it I love it!  I never wanted to bother with it, tried to avoid it as much as I could, but now, after doing so man

Re: Validity of Eolas Patent To Be Reexamined

2003-11-14 Thread jon hall
c web or his opinions on WYSIWYG JD> editors (he's for them, by the way) - this is not a new stance for him. JD> Jim Davis JD> -Original Message- JD> From: jon hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] JD> Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 5:06 PM JD> To: CF-Community JD>

Re: Validity of Eolas Patent To Be Reexamined

2003-11-14 Thread jon hall
; To: CF-Community >> Subject: Re: Validity of Eolas Patent To Be Reexamined >>   >> yanno... I was just wondering about this. Instead of working around JD> the >> patent, why not just pay Eolas? Have they set an unreasonable price? >> >> genuinely curio

Re: Validity of Eolas Patent To Be Reexamined

2003-11-14 Thread jon hall
, SC> Dana SC> Jim Davis writes: >> Well, all I can say is I'm glad Berners-Lee is head of the W3C and not >> you.  ;^) >>   >> He, at least, seems to think this is an issue for the W3C to be involved >> in. and I think I'll take his word for it, if

Re: Validity of Eolas Patent To Be Reexamined

2003-11-14 Thread jon hall
> you.  ;^) JD> He, at least, seems to think this is an issue for the W3C to be involved JD> in. and I think I'll take his word for it, if nothing else. JD> Jim Davis JD> -Original Message- JD> From: jon hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] JD> Sent: Wednesday

First synthetic lifeform

2003-11-14 Thread jon hall -- jon   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: Validity of Eolas Patent To Be Reexamined

2003-11-12 Thread jon hall
lly, the consortium pointed out early HTML drafts by W3C Director SC> Tim Berners-Lee and W3C staff member Dave Raggett that it said qualified as SC> prior art in the case." SC> A copy of the letter written to the patent office may be found here. SC>

Re: Validity of Eolas Patent To Be Reexamined

2003-11-12 Thread jon hall
Oh the exactly do flash, quicktime, windows media, applets, etc, have anything to do with web standards? My letter to [EMAIL PROTECTED]: "Seeing as WASP is a pro-standards organization, why are you glad to see the reexamination of the Eolas patent? The the patent workarounds in IE cou

Re: OT : JS within my CF

2003-11-12 Thread jon hall
In the case you can not, or would prefer not to modify the body tag, window.onload is a good solution.
function NewWindow(mypage, myname, w, h, scroll) {
  var winl = (screen.width - w) / 2;
  var wint = (screen.height - h) / 2;
  winprops = 'height='+h+',width='+w+',top='+wint+',

Run multiple versions of IE

2003-11-10 Thread jon hall -- jon   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Unsubscribe] [User Settings]

Re: mp3 ripper

2003-11-06 Thread jon hall
EAC is my fav, especially for those stupid copy protected cd's. Heard good things about cdex, but haven't tried it. -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Thursday, November 6, 2003, 4:23:01 PM, you wrote: PB> I want to rip some of my CD's to mp3 so I can have them at wo

Re: Microsoft is developing a "Flash Killer"

2003-11-06 Thread jon hall
The script will be cdata just like _javascript_ is in xhtml. They apparently already have vb, c#, and jscript working. I really can't wait to get my hands on xaml...too bad it looks like it's a Longhorn only tech. -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Thursday, November 6, 2003, 2:31:06 PM, you wro

Re: css question

2003-10-30 Thread jon hall
Perhaps a list would be best in this case. Setting the margins on the li's to percentages should do the trick. I think 100/52 might give you the right percentage values if you set both left and right margins. ul { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; width:

Re: Displaying files on client PC

2003-10-27 Thread jon hall
PM, you wrote: B> Do I just cut & paste the below object into my template? B> --Original Message Text--- B> From: jon hall B> Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 13:45:30 -0500 B> B> This uses the IE webbrowser control to browse the harddrive. B> B>  B> 

Re: Displaying files on client PC

2003-10-27 Thread jon hall
This uses the IE webbrowser control to browse the harddrive. You could also use the FileSystemObject and write your own UI, or any one of a zillion other custom activex

Re: Ethiopian!

2003-10-24 Thread jon hall are really lucky. We don't get many Ethiopians down here. Don't forget...the thigh is the meatiest part of the body. -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Friday, October 24, 2003, 6:18:51 PM, you wrote: PI> woot! PI> i am eating Ethiopian tonight! PI> haven't had it in several months. P

Re: Is Safari really prime-time ready? Do we need to consider it supported in our apps?

2003-10-16 Thread jon hall
Thursday, October 16, 2003, 12:37:14 PM, you wrote: SN> Thanks for the tip.  Can you tell me how to tell what mode Mozilla is SN> running on and how to switch modes?  (quirks vs standard). Right-click/Page Info/Render Mode SN> The odd thing is that the Safari behavior is inconsistent.  Sometimes

Re: Is Safari really prime-time ready? Do we need to consider it supported in our apps?

2003-10-15 Thread jon hall
David Hyatt is one of the Safari developers, and (former?) Mozilla driver, his blog is the best sources of info I know of for Safari. I've never seen Safari in the flesh, but with him on the team it's css and dom support is bound to be more than good enough.

Re: "I'm not racist"

2003-10-15 Thread jon hall
I try not to make as many KFC jokes as I used to ;-) -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Wednesday, October 15, 2003, 1:17:40 PM, you wrote: b> What great lengths do you guys go to, if any, to make sure you're "culturally sensitive"? [Todays Threads] [This Message] [Subscription] [Fast Un

Re: Bill O'Reilly

2003-10-15 Thread jon hall
Umm, unless that wink was meant as sarcasm...anarchists are the polar opposite of libertarians. It's sorta like confusing republicans with democrats. I don't think you will find any libertarians that believe that there are any rights without law. -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Wednesday, Oct

Re: Bill O'Reilly

2003-10-15 Thread jon hall
I'm not really conservative...but I'll listen to Rush Limbaugh, then go watch Tony Snow, scorning both of them equally :). He is a conservative radio talk-show host/columnist they gave a tv show...because Fox is fair and balanced like that, reminds me of Rush Limbaugh a lot. His redeeming qualitie

Re: Somethings wrong here????

2003-10-14 Thread jon hall
Nuke the SUV driving blasphemers! What Would Jesus Drive? "IRBIL, Iraq - A suicide bomber tried to drive a TNT-laden SUV into a U.S. intelligence compound in northern Iraq..." No v

Re: The old days

2003-10-14 Thread jon hall
Ok...I'll pitch in mine, my ever so wonderful Apple II+. Booted of 5 1/4 floppies and even had an acoustic modem. I wrote awful programs with a zillion goto statements and had tons of fun doing it. First thing I bought with my first ever paycheck was a sound card for my moms old 386sx16 that she n

Re: The old days

2003-10-13 Thread jon hall
The wattage is generally printed on the bulb...if I had to guess a two footer office lamp is probably between 5-10 watts. Flourescents are generally good only for inital sprouting, as the light is usually towards the blue end (indicated by the K value of the bulb) of the spectrum, and does not emi

Re: Sorry Everyone

2003-10-13 Thread jon hall
But this is a discussion group, and the debate over right or wrong usually ends up being framed by the questions posed. With an issue that has been debated as much as this one has here, it's to be expected. -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Monday, October 13, 2003, 5:48:33 PM, you wrote: b> Ben

uptime..57 days

2003-10-10 Thread jon hall
  Well...I got a new computer at work, and I'm kinda sad, because this   workstation has been up for 57 days straight. I wanted to see how   long it would make it...oh well.   Last post from old and busted...hello new hotness :) -- jon   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] [Todays Threads] [This Messa

Re: Oh The Shame!

2003-10-09 Thread jon hall
Thursday, October 9, 2003, 5:44:34 PM, you wrote: b> That is my butt. If you tweaked it in photoshop a bit, you can probably see the stretch marks on it.  I noticed them back in high school, when i started to really grow. I think you are the first person to ever post their own butt on cf-community

Re: Oh The Shame!

2003-10-09 Thread jon hall
Oh the horror! Tell me that's not your butt... -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Thursday, October 9, 2003, 5:27:05 PM, you wrote: b> Free service, as promised.  I hope you like it.  I think it's hilarious and in good taste.  #WARNING  This short FLASH movie..ahaha.  That's a

Re: Web-based project management systems

2003-10-08 Thread jon hall
I found a secret entrance into the site!!&CFID=288 -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Wednesday, October 8, 2003, 5:16:15 PM, you w

Re: GOddamned Hackers! HL2 delayed!

2003-10-07 Thread jon hall
resending...didn't see it hit the list the first time. Steam, but with P2P :) The basis for my thoughts... -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Tuesday, October 7, 2003, 12:58:50 PM, you wrote: bcn> what is Steam P2P? bcn> -Be

Re: GOddamned Hackers! HL2 delayed!

2003-10-07 Thread jon hall
that? AS> -Gel AS> -Original Message- AS> From: jon hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] AS> Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 12:39 PM AS> To: CF-Community AS> Subject: Re: GOddamned Hackers! HL2 delayed! AS> Bad publicity of Doom3? AS> Missing Christmas and releasing at the s

Re: GOddamned Hackers! HL2 delayed!

2003-10-07 Thread jon hall
I agree four months is just an excuse to fix bugs, but I've seen the code, it didn't look like it needs 4 months. I think making Steam P2P is a more realistic reason why the 4 months. Supposedly they knew that they didn't have enough bandwidth to power Steam, and some of them wanted to have P2P in

Re: GOddamned Hackers! HL2 delayed!

2003-10-07 Thread jon hall
Bad publicity of Doom3? Missing Christmas and releasing at the same time as D3 is going to cost them tons of money...I bet ATI is pissed too, now that the HL2 gamers who were going to upgrade can now wait till after Christmas, giving Nvidia time to catch up on DX9. Not to mention that TF2 was supp

Re: New Design

2003-10-07 Thread jon hall
Looks goodbut lets not dwell on the good things :) - The dhtml nav cursor should be set to default, or pointer, whichever you like, but I'm getting the regular text cursor when I mouseover the menu items in any browser. - The client login looks all by itself sitting over there. Just seems out

Re: Clark vs. Bush

2003-10-03 Thread jon hall
Bush got us into an unnecessary war in Iraq...Clark almost got us into an unnecessary war with Russia, and was kicked out of the military for it. If it wasn't for the British...we might all be steaming piles of radioactive waste right now because of Clark. -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Frida

Re: President... Clinton?

2003-10-03 Thread jon hall
I just don't see it at this vice presidential candidates have to file this paperwork as well? btw, how did you get this ahead of the news outlets? -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Friday, October 3, 2003, 2:43:16 PM, you wrote: JC> Hillary Clinton's apparently filed paperwork to dec

Re: John Rocker comes out in defense of Rush Limbaugh

2003-10-02 Thread jon hall
Most of the controversy is politically correct crap, I think Warren Sapp said is the only one who has actually made a decent criticism of Rush's point. They are both right though. There probably are a lot more anglos being promoted beyond their talents in the NFL, and the media does want to see a b

Re: Letter to the Editor

2003-10-02 Thread jon hall
Cool! Congrats man. Make sure you link it up here when it gets to their web site. -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Thursday, October 2, 2003, 2:30:12 PM, you wrote: HM> I wrote a letter to the editor of the Washington Post about an article I HM> read this morning, and I just got a call back sa

Re: CF Salary Range

2003-10-01 Thread jon hall
Oh tree type...I've been really interested in them as of late. Definitely one of those topics where a CS education is necessary. But, if you wouldn't mind humoring me, what kinds of applications could use a balanced tree like AVL? >From this page

Re: Genetic?

2003-09-26 Thread jon hall
Could  be  an  allergy  to one of them new-fangled quantum uncertaintybased  sweeteners  like  the  High  Fructose Corn Syrup AND/OR Sucrosethat's in my Coke :)-- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Friday, September 26, 2003, 3:57:00 PM, you wrote:bcn> re: sugar - sucrose is sucrose is sucrosebcn> -Ben>>

Re: Games: was: TOD

2003-09-26 Thread jon hall
You know a real gamer when they list Radiant Silvergun for Saturn.Of left off the best game ever made...ever, PanzerDragoon Saga...pfft!-- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Friday, September 26, 2003, 2:56:38 PM, you wrote:JC> I'll boil my response down to a list of my #RandRange(1,20)# Bes

Re: Games: was: TOD

2003-09-26 Thread jon hall
Don't really get into RPG's too much, but Age of Wonder: Shadow Magicwas very fun. It's has a lot of strategy elements, and it's turnbased. I think one person called it a turn-based RPG...You might not like it (rts), but for anyone else looking at it.I just beat Homeworld 2, awesome game, way too s

Re: The hacker drug of choice?

2003-09-26 Thread jon hall
I've looked into this stuff before, it's really expensive though.Around $170 to start iirc. Should drop dramatically if it is approvedhere. My memory is a little hazy on this, but I believe the companythat the patent covering it is a weak method patent and is beingchallenged in court. So prices sho

Re: My target of the day

2003-09-23 Thread jon hall
Quite true, but really real men put two dashes on the line beforetheir sig like they are supposed to, because they read RFC's like allreal men do, so that the other real men, with their manly emailclients will automatically trim posts for them. --^^ manly dashes jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tuesday,

Re: My target of the day

2003-09-23 Thread jon hall
+5 Hilarious!Drive Roman style stop 2 SUV's indeed! lol-- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tuesday, September 23, 2003, 2:52:09 PM, you wrote:HM> Go on... you know you want to and you know you can come up withHM> something...HM> I like to use pound signs in my cfset and cfparam statements...HM> I still

Blackout Transcripts

2003-09-23 Thread jon hall
For anyone interested, I found these today...these are transcripts of the phone calls between Midwest and FirstEnergy that day. -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~~

Re: Hurricane Pic

2003-09-18 Thread jon hall
Research in progress :) -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Thursday, September 18, 2003, 5:50:44 PM, you wrote: AS> I've seen that image before... AS> Anyone check Snopes? ;-) AS> -Gel AS> -Original Message- AS> From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL

Re: Hurrican Pic

2003-09-18 Thread jon hall
Yeah, really cool shot, almost too perfect...whatever it is though, it's not a hurricane. The sea would be a lot choppier if it was. What kind of lunatic captain would be headed straight for that thing? -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Thursday, September 18, 2003, 5:12:15 PM, you wrote: KG> WOW!

Re: 2nd CFV: comp.lang.coldfusion

2003-09-17 Thread jon hall
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --_NextPart_000_1063825357_CFX_iMSMail_150214426 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Just to clarify, how exactly do we vote? Send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Wednesday, September 17, 2003, 6:37:47 PM,

Re: Boycott Verisign

2003-09-17 Thread jon hall
.807.4384 >> >> -Original Message- >> From: Kevin Graeme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >> Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 3:24 PM >> To: CF-Community >> Subject: Re: Boycott Verisign >> >> >> Bah, I've been boycotting VeriSig

Re: BREAKING NEWS: Gen. Clark to run for president

2003-09-17 Thread jon hall
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --_NextPart_000_1063821581_CFX_iMSMail_146439148 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" We can argue over the meaning of what ended up in the constitution, but there is no possible way to argue about the founders intentions. The framers intenti

Re: Boycott Verisign

2003-09-17 Thread jon hall
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --_NextPart_000_1063818220_CFX_iMSMail_143077764 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" My post was in reference to them adding a wildcard dns entry into the root .com and .net tlds that points to their sitefinder service. Type in any unregist

Boycott Verisign

2003-09-17 Thread jon hall
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --_NextPart_000_1063815278_CFX_iMSMail_140135734 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" That's all I've got to say about that. -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: BREAKING NEWS: Gen. Clark to run for president

2003-09-17 Thread jon hall
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --_NextPart_000_1063812390_CFX_iMSMail_137248082 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Speaking of hunting...and guns, got this today. I bet that hunter wished he had a bigger gun. So, you want to go bear hunting, huh? Vacation in Alaska,

Re: New Look email ( Well, duh)

2003-09-17 Thread jon hall
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --_NextPart_000_1063810333_CFX_iMSMail_135190413 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Line break issue is happening seemed like it was fixed for a bit there, but it's back. -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Wednesday, September

Re: BREAKING NEWS: Gen. Clark to run for president

2003-09-17 Thread jon hall
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --_NextPart_000_1063809425_CFX_iMSMail_134282798 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Yeah seriously...he must have his nephew working on it or something. Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01fb' An exception occurred: 'rs.Open' /faq/ind

Re: New Look email ( Well, duh)

2003-09-17 Thread jon hall
Understandable...can't have a ton of little Bat's running around causing problems. :) -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Wednesday, September 17, 2003, 1:35:29 PM, you wrote: MD> That should be fixed as well. :) >> oi jon!! >> >> wh00t the Bat >> >> ~~

Re: New Look email ( Well, duh)

2003-09-17 Thread jon hall
Looks like something is adding linebreaks? I originally sent with no line breaks between the two urls, in plain text. The text/plain part has the added line breaks, but the text/html part does not. not trying to cause stress, just trying to help :) -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Wednesday,

Re: New Look email ( Well, duh)

2003-09-17 Thread jon hall
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --_NextPart_000_1063803866_CFX_iMSMail_128723975 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" If you can not view this post in your email you can go directly to it in the archives bu clicking on this link:

Re: Needs some dating advice

2003-09-16 Thread jon hall
You need a pickup line! "Are those space pant's your wearing? Cuz you look out of this world!" :) -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Tuesday, September 16, 2003, 2:39:20 PM, you wrote: PB> So there is this girl that works in the same building as me. I've met her a PB> few times and shared some s

Re: The Mouse meets the Moustache

2003-09-12 Thread jon hall
Cool! -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Friday, September 12, 2003, 11:06:13 AM, you wrote: LCL> From Wired: LCL> Disney Reanimates Dali's Flick (DAT's Entertainment 2:00 a.m. PDT) LCL>,1412,60385,00.html/wn_ascii LCL> Salvador Dalí, the outrageou

Re: Nvidia can't compete on HalfLife 2

2003-09-11 Thread jon hall
Thursday, September 11, 2003, 4:24:04 PM, you wrote: AS> Oh. AS> So now everyone just doesn't like Nvidia. AS> Including Nvidia themselves who have admitted their first DX9 card was AS> quite short of the stellar performer they touted it to be? Obviously...they admitted it themselves. AS> I think

Re: Nvidia can't compete on HalfLife 2

2003-09-11 Thread jon hall
manufacturers and chip makers didn't make AS> their product fully DX compliant because of their poor results when AS> games that took advantage of DX were released? AS> -Angel AS> -Original Message- AS> From: jon hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] AS> The unnamed revi

Re: Nvidia can't compete on HalfLife 2

2003-09-11 Thread jon hall
ew game, Half Life AS> 2, which they've spent 5 years developing.. AS> in order to lie and bad talk Nvidia, the dominant graphics chip maker in AS> the PC gaming market. AS> ATI must be paying them a LOT of money to say these things and fudge AS> those results,eh? AS>

Re: Nvidia can't compete on HalfLife 2

2003-09-11 Thread jon hall
Exactly how did Nvidia get Microsoft to WHQL certify their drivers then? I've never heard of any of the dx9 features not being implemented in the FX. The entire issue, is, and has been the precision differences between the cards, which is not a part of the dx9 specification. When Gabe says that i

Re: what dns entry

2003-09-10 Thread jon hall
Ah, all you need to do is add a wildcard record then. Assuming www is an A record... * CNAME or...just to confuse the matter :) You could do a wildcard A record as well. * A btw, either way will match both and --

Re: Propaganda on Sept 11th?

2003-09-10 Thread jon hall
movie = footage on the news...heh -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 5:29:08 PM, you wrote: jh> I saw the movie as well on tv... jh> ~~

Re: Propaganda on Sept 11th?

2003-09-10 Thread jon hall
I saw the movie as well on tv... -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 5:17:41 PM, you wrote: IS> I can't remember, but I seem to remember early news footage that both showed IS> the low flying plane hea

Re: what dns entry

2003-09-10 Thread jon hall
CNAME or A...depending on how you want to do it. The value for the A record would be the ip, the CNAME value could just be left blank (at least with Windows DNS) and it will use the parent record's A record. -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 3:53:50 PM, you wrote:

Re: [OT] ShittyCode.Com (Launched new site last night, feedback please!)

2003-09-10 Thread jon hall
Actually...right after I sent this I realized you don't need to get fancy with the css either... a.nav { display: block; width: 100px; background-color; #ff; color: #00; } a.nav:hover { background-color; #00; color: #ff; } Exactly the same effec

Re: [OT] ShittyCode.Com (Launched new site last night, feedback please!)

2003-09-10 Thread jon hall
Is there a section on when developers use IE specific javascript when they could just use a bit of css? =) I believe the problem with the js is that top.Nav20.className should be Is the top really necessary though? I didn't see any popups... See this page on how to ach

Re: Fastest consumer (A)DSL available

2003-09-09 Thread jon hall
Verizon and by proxy the ISP's who use their lines offer 7Mbit/768kbit in most areas for about $140-$150 a month. -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Tuesday, September 9, 2003, 5:48:18 PM, you wrote: JvD> I was looking for an ISP in Belgium, and to my surprise I JvD> couldn't find an ISP that of

Re: AXIS & ALLIES RE: Switzerland and Peace & Harmony

2003-09-09 Thread jon hall
If you like Risk, Rise of Nations is a very risk-like like on top of an RTS. Between missions, the world layout looks and plays almost exactly like Risk. -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Tuesday, September 9, 2003, 5:13:40 PM, you wrote: KS> Bring it on! Chump! KS> I still have it! Although

Re: SQL Formatter

2003-09-09 Thread jon hall
If you are using SQL Server, copy and paste the sql into a new query in Enterprise will reformat it. -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Tuesday, September 9, 2003, 4:41:24 PM, you wrote: MM> Does anyone know of a tool that you can pass a sql query to and it will MM> return a nicely

Re: Study: Windows Cheaper Than Linux for App Development

2003-09-09 Thread jon hall
This section sums up the study... "Based on the study findings, the primary sources of Microsofts cost advantages are: 1. The J2EE application server and Unix-based database software used in the Linux development and deployment stack drive up product costs and development complexity relative

Re: would you work a coffee shop now?

2003-09-09 Thread jon hall
In the grand scheme of things we are still spending a smaller percent of gdp on defense than we were even during the Carter administration. It's gone up a bit since the Clinton admin, but it's still really small when you look at the charts for the 50's - 80's. -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] T

Re: would you work a coffee shop now?

2003-09-08 Thread jon hall
My standard backup plan has always been to find the closest small business to my house that is hiring, that I think doesn't suck, and sell them a web site from the inside. Make them a big internet business, and go along for the ride. You could be the biggest coffee selling web site on the net :)

Re: Using Dreamweaver MX

2003-09-08 Thread jon hall
Just use shift-enter... -- jon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Monday, September 8, 2003, 12:01:30 PM, you wrote: MS> OK, but you've given me no information on how to actually do it. Can you MS> give me some pointers? MS> First, how can I get DWMX to use rather than when I hit enter? MS> - Matt

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