RE: who has the longest commute?

2007-11-11 Thread William Seiter
Other gals? -- William E. Seiter Have you ever read a book that changed your life? Go to: Enter passkey: goldengrove Web Developer On 11/11/07, Larry Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >yeh.. > >if lowes/home depot where hiring i would d

RE: Speaking of Atheists ...

2007-11-10 Thread William Seiter
What? Like 'poke a christian' or 'poke a fundy' type fun? >>having WAY too much fun with this William ;) -- William E. Seiter Have you ever read a book that changed your life? Go to: Enter passkey: goldengrove Web Developer

RE: Speaking of Atheists ...

2007-11-10 Thread William Seiter
I really enjoyed reading the books. Of course, I thoroughly enjoyed the Harry Potter series as well, and we know how the Religious Right folks felt about THAT series. :) -- William E. Seiter Have you ever read a book that changed your life? Go to: Enter passkey: go


2007-10-28 Thread William Seiter
Why? Because of the number of non-conforming. The number of highly intelligent people that come from lower intelligence (appearing) parents. The number of 'seemingly' lower intelligent people coming from highly intelligent parents. So, 'Can you determine an 'intelligence level' based upon t


2007-10-28 Thread William Seiter
>I almost electrocuted myself yesterday. Bad mistake or genetic trait? > You tell me. I am going to guess it was an accident. Without a complete rundown on the situation around it, there would be no other way to know what the major contributor was to it. William -- William E. Seiter Have you


2007-10-28 Thread William Seiter
>Moreover when you use "culture-free" IQ tests, again there are no racial >differences found. Who determines that the test is culture-free? I had no idea that the SAT was culture based until someone had to demonstrate the concept to me. With that kind of 'unknowing', it would be easy for the crea


2007-10-27 Thread William Seiter
I will confer to you on this point: There is more to a work environment, and hiring, than just ability. The business culture needs to be addressed. However, NO company's business culture should include Racism. William -- William E. Seiter Have you ever read a book that changed your life? G


2007-10-27 Thread William Seiter
Different types of intelligence need to be measured in different ways. Instead of having a Non-African create the 'intelligence' test for Africans, they should have the African scientists create those tests. We have had the same type of issues in this country in regards to College entrance exams.


2007-10-26 Thread William Seiter
Gruss, I certainly hope that you are lying about being a hiring manager for your so called fortune 50 company. Racism has no place in HR. Well, if you are going to compare Indians to our National Morons, then how do you explain the American workers who think 'outside the box'? At least with 'ou

Deals and more deals

2007-10-25 Thread William Seiter
As comes to the end of their day of Yugdown deals, start a Wootoff!! -- William E. Seiter Have you ever read a book that changed your life? Go to: Enter passkey: goldengrove Web Developer ~~

RE: Javascript question

2007-10-19 Thread William Seiter
I find that onKeypress works with most browsers to give you the functionality of the radio button at the start of typing in the box. I don't see any evidence of this being a problem either, but just in case you don't already know. Each radio button in a radio group needs to have the same 'name' in

RE: If a tree falls...

2007-10-19 Thread William Seiter
Oh, jeez, I am so sorry to hear that. You got very lucky that no real damage was done to the structure. We had something similar happen about a year ago with our neighbor's tree. The 9inch diameter branch barely brushed the house. The REAL damage was done to our home and garden when they removed

RE: Stupid Congress

2007-10-17 Thread William Seiter
Where do you work? -- William E. Seiter Have you ever read a book that changed your life? Go to: Enter passkey: goldengrove Web Developer -Original Message- From: G Money [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 200

RE: while I am here

2007-10-14 Thread William Seiter
join they said. Tattoos have always been allowed, they just could not show when you were wearing the uniform. They eased up on that rule now. As long as the tattoo is not hate related or racial then they are good to go, on the neck, head, and hands. Bruce -Original Message- From: Willia

RE: while I am here

2007-10-14 Thread William Seiter
Okay, so... here is a possibly 'ignorant' question... What would have been the problem if the guardsman 'did' have 'gang' tattoos from Chicago? William -- William E. Seiter Have you ever read a book that changed your life? Go to: Enter passkey: goldengrove Web

RE: Al Gore wins the Nobel Peace Prize.

2007-10-13 Thread William Seiter
I vote texas, they like the death penalty so much, they put in an express lane (ron smith) :) -- William E. Seiter Have you ever read a book that changed your life? Go to: Enter passkey: goldengrove Web Developer -Original Message--

RE: Al Gore wins the Nobel Peace Prize.

2007-10-13 Thread William Seiter
Yes, and all of that is good for your body, mind and soul. William -- William E. Seiter Have you ever read a book that changed your life? Go to: Enter passkey: goldengrove Web Developer -Original Message- From: Gruss Gott [mai

RE: Al Gore wins the Nobel Peace Prize.

2007-10-12 Thread William Seiter
It wouldn't be so bad if we could teach our fellow Californians, New Yorkers and Floridinians to read and pay attention, rather than watch tv commercials all day long... -- William E. Seiter Have you ever read a book that changed your life? Go to: Enter passkey: gold

RE: Al Gore wins the Nobel Peace Prize.

2007-10-12 Thread William Seiter
Of course, it would be a hazard if exposed to the air, as they have no scent -- William E. Seiter Have you ever read a book that changed your life? Go to: Enter passkey: goldengrove Web Developer -Original Message- From: Rober

RE: AT&T and data plans

2007-10-10 Thread William Seiter (mobile)
I have a blackjack and am using the 'unlimited data w/ 200 text messages' this was an add-on option to the existing plan. I would suggest callinf their sales line and telling them what you want, they were really helpful to me (at least pre-iPhone, they were.) william -Original Message---

RE: Question for Mac users

2007-10-03 Thread William Seiter
Check their website for a new driver. You could be using an old/wrong driver for this mouse. Personally, I prefer the Logitech Marble Mouse. (trackball) William -- William E. Seiter Have you ever read a book that changed your life? Go to: Enter passkey: goldeng

RE: Found this story interesting

2007-10-03 Thread William Seiter
If you stand in a position where someone who is on the outside of your home can see you naked, then you are indeed breaking a law, or rule, or whatever your state/county refers to it as. Regardless of where the person is standing outside and how they are 'viewing' you. This is, apparently, a not

RE: HELP needed..... your opion about hosting problem.

2007-09-29 Thread William Seiter
I would suggest contacting them and making you case to them. However, in the end, you are responsible for your server. I am certain that you can probably negotiate a lower rate for the services rendered, but probably not completely. Please keep in mind that the concept ASAP literally means "As S

Job Alert - Pasadena California - real job lead, not fake

2007-09-26 Thread William Seiter
First off, I am NOT a recruiter. I am a programmer similar to most of the people on this list. Recently I had a contract fall through for me, but they are still hiring and looking for good candidates. If you are interested in a job in the Pasadena, California area (6 month contract, with option

RE: who's your best candidate?

2007-09-21 Thread William Seiter
Ethanol is made from corn, one of the most destructive crops to farming soil. The concern is that the increased dependence on corn will cause more clearcutting for farming fields and more soil left for longer periods unused (since it has to 'recover'). Ethanol is a huge step toward breaking our a

RE: free tuition?

2007-09-14 Thread William Seiter
I remember there was an episode of West Wing where they were dealing with the declining 'teachers' rate. The idea that was made on the show, which I really like, is offering a similar reimbursement to military education funds. In exchange for service (in this case 'years as a teacher'), the gove

RE: Recruiters (was RE: Unbelievable!)

2007-09-12 Thread William Seiter (mobile)
I used to work with an indian company that held a monthly rate per person. All the work you could send, based on 1 low rate. It's not a bad deal, but as I said previously, SISO, careful how you ask for stuff, they get paid whether they understood you correctly or not. william -Original M

RE: Why Can't We Catch UBL Again?

2007-09-09 Thread William Seiter
I am not certain about 'Bush supporter' but as far a 'tactics' go... UBL is considered to be the 'figurehead' of all terrorist activities towards America. However, this is not true, there are many factions and groups out to 'get' America for whatever reasons, good-bad-indifferent, that there migh

RE: movie question

2007-09-01 Thread William Seiter
I saw her in Peaceful Warrior. Great movie, very 'zen like'. William -Original Message- From: Casey Dougall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2007 4:06 PM To: CF-Community Subject: Re: movie question On 9/1/07, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > ok so.. you had t

RE: Psssst...woot-off tonight!

2007-08-30 Thread William Seiter
I've never purchased the bag'o crap from woot. (got burned on a purchase of a bag'o crap from Is woot's usually pretty good? William -Original Message- From: Paul Ihrig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 4:30 PM To: CF-Community Subject: Re: Ps

RE: interview tomorrow

2007-08-30 Thread William Seiter
#x27; letter. These days it can be sent by e-mail, but send a brief letter thanking them for the interview, indicating a positive experience about the interview (was the interviewer upbeat, sympathetic, encouraging, insightful), and state your interest in the position. William -Origina

RE: interview tomorrow

2007-08-30 Thread William Seiter
Have your regular : Who am I, where I am going, what I have done, what I would do if... answers ready, but not rehearsed (make the answer sound natural) Be ready to explain EVERYTHING on your resume and be able to pull up web examples of your work. (have user/pass available if you need them) Try